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  • af Flemming Søeborg
    269,95 kr.

  • af Asger Christiansen
    297,95 kr.

    Gennem 45 år var Gjerrildbanenen livline gennem det nordøstligeDjursland. Toget erstattede de langsommehestevogne, og indbyggernefik nye muligheder for at rejselokalt eller videre ud i landet. Manrejste til familiebesøg, på ferietur,til dyrskuer, til Grenaa for at gå ibiografen og meget mere. Tusindvisaf Grenaa-borgere kørte på udflugttil Gjerrild, hvor der var kro og afholdshotelsamt store skove. Fleregenerationer af unge rejste dagligttil Ryomgård for at få undervisningpå byens private realskole. Banensgodstrafik gav nye muligheder, ogflere byer skylder Gjerrildbanen sineksistens. Gravning af tørv ved Stenvadskabte industri og en by vedstationen. Tømmer fra de storeskove ved Meilgaard Gods ogSostrup blev sendt med banen,og et savværk blev etableret iTranehuse. Kystfiskerne ved Fjellerupog Bønnerup sendte fiskhelt til Nordtyskland. Landmændmodtog foderstoffer og gødning,mens dyr blev sendt til slagteriet.Fra Gjerrild Nordstrand blev derunder Besættelsen sendt enormemængder ral og grus til støbningaf tyske forsvarsværker i Vestjylland.og flyvepladser ved Karupog TirstrupEfter Besættelsen voksede konkurrencenfra landevejstrafikken,og banens økonomi gjorde detumuligt at fortsætte. Gjerrildbanenssidste tog kørte i juni 1956.Bogen er en grundig beskrivelseaf banens historie, hvor samspilletmellem bane og egn dokumenteres.I særskilt afsnit beskrives lokomotiver,motorvogne og vognmaterielmed fotos og tegninger.

  • af Ole Chr. Munk Plum & Lars Viinholt Nielsen
    467,95 kr.

  • af Hans Jørn Fredberg
    177,95 kr.

    Med sine 5,4 km var Asaabanen en af de korteste banestrækninger i landet. Var banen kort, var tilblivelsen til gengæld en langstrakt affære. Fra de første baneplaner til udstedelse af eneretsbevilling gik der syv år. 79 fotos og 8 kort og tegninger.

  • af Bernhard Lichtberger
    1.187,95 kr.

    As a standard reference work, The Comprehensive Manual of Track Maintenance Volume 1 describes all aspects of track maintenance in theory and practice in a clear and concise form. It reflects the current status of maintenance methods, supplemented by an outlook on foreseeable and ongoing technical developments.The Comprehensive Manual of Track Maintenance is published in two volumes. This 1st volume comprises the following chapters:¿ History of the mechanization of track construction¿ The track from a systemic perspective¿ New construction and conversion of ballasted track and slab track¿ Loading of the track - wheel-rail interaction¿ Supervision and monitoring ¿ Rail defects and rail treatment methods¿ Track geometry correction - Tamping

  • af Marco Guerrieri
    567,95 - 775,95 kr.

  • af Xiubin Zhang
    1.477,95 kr.

    This book systematically expounds on the scientific principles and technologies of Rail Transit Intelligent Technology based on the high development of artificial intelligence theory and technology. The contents include technical principles, theoretical algorithms and practical engineering technologies of intelligent monitoring of rail transit system, intelligent sensing and identification of train power system, intelligent technology in rail transit system operation, intelligent maintenance of carriage environment, etc.It can be used as a textbook or teaching reference book for related fields in universities, including rail transit system, communication, automation, intelligent equipment design and manufacturing, artificial intelligence, computer science and technology, electrical engineering and automation, etc. It is used as an academic reference for professionals in rail transit system design, operation, and maintenance.

  • af Qizhou Hu
    1.221,95 kr.

    This book explores the mechanisms behind high-speed railway (HSR) traffic accidents caused by natural disasters, employing the concept of ¿dynamic tracking, situation assessment, and early warning management¿. It establishes a natural disaster warning system for ensuring the safety of HSR operations, while providing insightful management measures and methods that address the challenges posed by natural disasters. By analyzing the current state and objective circumstances of HSR safety operations, this book distinguishes itself from similar publications both domestically and internationally. It conducts an in-depth analysis of the safe operation of high-speed railways by adopting a systems science approach that effectively merges theory with practical applications. Furthermore, the book explores the developmental trajectory of high-speed railways and investigates the determination of their safe operation. It comprehensively evaluates the safety of high-speed railway operations by employing mathematical theories of uncertainty, subsequently presenting detailed measures to effectively tackle safety concerns related to high-speed railways.

  • af Aymeric Perfrement
    317,95 kr.

    Dive into Trams of Melbourne, a journey through the world's largest tram network. Explore over 160 years of history, iconic routes, and the cultural heartbeat of the city. It's the ultimate guide for both tourists and locals.

  • af Zifeng Zhong
    1.307,95 kr.

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of various aspects of high-speed railways, such as infrastructure, communication signals, traction power supply, trainsets, and transportation organization. It delves into the basic concepts, fundamental theories, and the latest technological achievements in these areas, equipping readers with a strong foundation in the subject matter. The content is organized into eight chapters: Introduction, High-Speed Railway Lines and Infrastructure, Power Supply Systems, High-Speed Railway Trainsets, Signal and Communication Systems, Transportation Organization, Passenger Services, and Maglev Railways. Each chapter explores different facets of high-speed railway systems, focusing on the unique characteristics, design principles, and operational methodologies that set them apart from traditional railway systems. The book also highlights recent breakthroughs and innovations in the field, giving readers a glimpse of the future potential of high-speed railways.The book is tailored to meet the needs of undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in railway transportation, railway engineering, locomotive vehicles, electrical traction, signal communication, and related fields. It offers a systematic and in-depth understanding of high-speed railway systems, enabling students to grasp the subject matter and apply their knowledge to real-world situations. It can also be a training material for railway professionals looking to expand their knowledge and skills in high-speed railway systems. Furthermore, the book can be a useful reference for postgraduate students engaged in research in relevant fields. It offers a wealth of information and insights, assisting researchers in understanding the intricacies of high-speed railway systems, and exploring new avenues for innovation and improvement.

  • af Ronald Hoppe
    202,95 kr.

    Am 15. Juni 1880 wurde das neue Empfangsgebäude der Berlin-Anhalter Eisenbahn am Askanischer Platz dem Verkehr übergeben. Doch die Eröffnung des imposanten Bauwerks von Franz Schwechten war nur eine Etappe des 1871 begonnenen Umbaus des Anhalter Bahnhof in Berlin. Auf einer Länge von 5km wurden neben dem Personenbahnhof ein Güterbahnhof, Werkstätten, Aufstell- und Verschiebegleise und viele weitere Anlagen neu errichtet. In zeitgenössischen Originaltexten werden die Anfänge der Berlin-Anhalter Eisenbahn, der Umbau des Bahnhofs und die Architektur der Gebäude geschildert. Zahlreiche Fotos und Zeichnungen illustrieren dieses Zeitdokument der Berliner Verkehrs- und Architekturgeschichte.

  • af Zhigang Liu
    1.307,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the deep learning technologies and their applications in the catenary detection of high-speed railways. As the only source of power for high-speed trains, the catenary's service performance directly affects the safe operation of high-speed railways. This book systematically shows the latest research results of catenary detection in high-speed railways, especially the detection of catenary support component defect and fault. Some methods or algorithms have been adopted in practical engineering. These methods or algorithms provide important references and help the researcher, scholar, and engineer on pantograph and catenary technology in high-speed railways. Unlike traditional detection methods of catenary support component based on image processing, some advanced methods in the deep learning field, including convolutional neural network, reinforcement learning, generative adversarial network, etc., are adopted and improved in this book. The main contents include the overview of catenary detection of electrified railways, the introduction of some advance of deep learning theories, catenary support components and their characteristics in high-speed railways, the image reprocessing of catenary support components, the positioning of catenary support components, the detection of defect and fault, the detection based on 3D point cloud, etc.

  • af Igor Borisovich Shubinsky & Alexei Mikhailovitch Zamyshlaev
    547,95 kr.

  • af Reto Wilhelm
    497,95 kr.

  • af Marin Marinov & Janene Piip
    1.428,95 kr.

  • af Marc Clement
    351,95 kr.

    145,95 kr.

    Since its first issue published in 2007, The Southern Way has become the acknowledged definitive journal on the history and heritage of the Southern Railway and the Southern Region of British Railways. The quarterly periodical has now reached issue number 58, and it continues to be the ''go-to'' reference for all those interested in the UK''s Southern Railways. Each issue contains a variety of articles and photo features, each offering an in-depth exploration of an historical aspect of the railways, rolling stock, infrastructure, incidents, events and people associated with ''The Southern Way''.The 58th issue of The Southern Way continues the tradition of previous issues with articles including: - Asterix in Bradshaw- Kent Railways of the 1950s- Southern Ferrys- Impermanent Ways of Dorset- Class 2NOL EMUs- Southern coaching survivorsIllustrated throughout its 96 pages, including rare and previously unseen colour images, The Southern Way continues to be the ultimate reference source for railway modellers, historians and enthusiasts.

  • af Keith Dawe
    165,95 kr.

    The 2022 Southern Way Special Edition is the story of author Keith Dawe''s railway career which began in 1964 in the last years of Southern Region steam. Unlike many who joined the ranks of footplate crew, there was no railway tradition in his family. Keith was an academically bright student who gave up his schooling to follow the interest he always had in railways and the steam locomotive in particular. He joined the railway as a cleaner at Eastleigh shed when he was only 15, too young even to become a fireman.This memoir of those final years of steam at Eastleigh shed is packed with interesting and informative insights on those last years of SR steam, it is also an affectionate and well written recollection of a long gone era. Chapters deal with diverse topics, such as working both pick up goods trains and longer distance freight diagrams including the nightly services destined for Feltham yard in London. On the passenger side, among the topics covered are the workings through to Bournemouth and the boat trains which served Southampton Docks. The author also provides his personal assessment of the capabilities of many of the different steam classes on which he worked.Keith''s railway career was short lived as the steam railway he loved disappeared in 1967. He felt there was no future for him on the railway so in 1970 he left and returned to his studies. However, this memoir of his time at Eastleigh in those last years of steam is vivid and fascinating to read. All who are interested in SR steam and in that era of transition from steam to diesel and electric traction will thoroughly enjoy this latest Southern Way Special.

    145,95 kr.

    Since its first issue published in 2007, The Southern Way has become the acknowledged definitive journal on the history and heritage of the Southern Railway and the Southern Region of British Railways. The quarterly periodical has now reached issue number 58, and it continues to be the ''go-to'' reference for all those interested in the UK''s Southern Railways. Each issue contains a variety of articles and photo features, each offering an in-depth exploration of an historical aspect of the railways, rolling stock, infrastructure, incidents, events and people associated with ''The Southern Way''.Illustrated throughout its 96 pages, including rare and previously unseen colour images, The Southern Way continues to be the ultimate reference source for railway modellers, historians and enthusiasts.

  • af Martyn Hilbert
    185,95 kr.

  • af Jagoba Lekue
    412,95 kr.

    Pressure measurement films are an efficient tool to validate the shape and size of wheel-rail contact patches predicted by numerical simulations. However, accurate measurements are only possible if the alteration caused by the presence of the film between contact partners is considered. This work investigates the effect of several influential factors on the resulting deviation and presents a procedure to estimate the measurement error in wheel-rail contact.

  • af Junfeng (Professor and the Vice Director of the State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety Wang
    1.545,95 kr.

    Theory and Technology for Improving High-Speed Railway Transportation Capacity present solutions to problems in utilizing new technologies for signaling in high-speed rail towards increasing capacity. The book examines capacity in terms of signaling control and for a railway transport organization. Key problems covered include station intervals and resource occupation. This book provides a handbook for developing capacity through new technology and methods in signaling.  Sections focus on improving high-speed railway transportation capacity using frontier railway technologies and include the experience of the authors on high-speed railways in China to present best practices and novel solutions to railway signaling control and transportation organization. This title includes insights gained from years of work at the State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, offering readers a theoretical and systematic summary of the technology that can improve high-speed railway capacity.

  • af Fritz Eiselen
    211,95 kr.

    Mit der Eröffnung der Berliner Hoch- und Untergrundbahn am 18. Februar 1902 fanden zehn Jahre Planung und Bau der ersten deutschen U-Bahn ihren vorläufigen Abschluss. Die damaligen Redakteure der Deutschen Bauzeitung Fritz Eiselen und Albert Hofmann schildern die Arbeiten aus Sicht der Ingenieure und Architekten. Dabei gehen sie nicht nur auf die technischen Aspekte ein, sondern widmen sich auch der künstlerischen Ausgestaltung der Strecke und der Bahnhöfe. Zahlreiche Fotos und Zeichnungen illustrieren dieses Zeitdokument der Berliner Verkehrsgeschichte.

  • af Allan Støvring-Nielsen
    287,95 kr.

    Beskrivelse Otte år er gået siden den seneste bog i serien, og derfor er det blevet tid til en opdatering på især jernbanegodstrafikken i Danmark. Efter et historisk lavpunkt er godstransporten på skinner atter stigende, både hvad angår transitgods og varer til og fra destinationer i Danmark. Nye operatører er kommet til, mens andre har måttet dreje nøglen om, og i fremtiden vil signalprogrammet være en økonomisk udfordring for især de mindre selskaber. Udover godstog ser bogen også nærmere på, hvad der har rørt sig på andre områder af jernbanen, herunder lokalbanerne, veterantog og lidt nyheder fra vore nabolande. Som tidligere afrundes bogen på togkirkegården, der ikke længere er forbeholdt gammelt udtjent materiel, men også nyere fejlslagent materiel.

  • af Schwandl Robert
    222,95 kr.

    In der norddeutschen Metropole betreibt die HOCHBAHN das zweitgrößte U-Bahn-Netz des Landes. Dazu kommt wie in Berlin ein von der Deutschen Bahn betriebenes und mit seitlicher Stromschiene ausgerüstetes S-Bahn-Netz. Straßenbahnen fahren in der Hansestadt seit 1978 nicht mehr, trotzdem werfen wir auch einen Blick auf dieses Verkehrsmittel. // In the northern metropolis, the HOCHBAHN operates Germany's second largest U-Bahn system. Like in Berlin, this is complemented by an S-Bahn network run by Deutsche Bahn and equipped with a third-rail power supply. Since 1978, the hanseatic city has not had any trams, but nonetheless, we also take a look at the history of this means of urban transport.

  • af Groneck Christoph
    222,95 kr.

    Die französische Hauptstadt bietet Freunden des städtischen Schienennahverkehrs viel mehr als die weltbekannte "Métro", die derzeit übrigens im großen Stil in den Außenbezirken erweitert wird. Als "RER" verkehrt auch eine S-Bahn weit über die Stadtgrenzen hinaus und fast genauso dicht ist das übrige Netz an Vorortlinien ("Transilien"). Dazu kommen mittlerweile 11 teils voneinander getrennte Straßenbahnlinien, darunter zwei von SNCF betriebene "Tram-Train"-Strecken und zwei "Translohr"-Linien, also Straßenbahnen auf Gummireifen. Das Bild wird abgerundet durch zwei VAL-Systeme, d.h. fahrerlose Kleinprofilmetros zum Anschluss der beiden Großflughäfen. Christoph Groneck stellt in diesem zweisprachigen Buch alle Schienenverkehrsmittel vor, mit einem Überblick über die jeweilige Entstehungsgeschichte sowie den dort eingesetzten Fahrzeugen. In Atlas-Form findet der Leser am Ende des Buchs detaillierte Netzpläne des gesamten Großraums von Paris, in dem rund 10 Mio. Menschen leben. // The French capital has much more to offer to urban rail enthusiasts than the world-famous "Métro", which is currently being expanded on a large scale in the outer areas of the Paris conurbation. There is also the "RER" with frequent cross-city trains that run far beyond the city limits on a network complemented by a series of radial suburban lines classified as "Transilien". In addition, there are now 11 tram lines, some of them isolated from each other, including two "Tram-Train" routes, operated by SNCF, and two "Translohr" lines, which feature trams on rubber tyres. The transport scene is rounded off by two VAL systems, i.e. driverless small-profile metros that connect the two major airports. In this bilingual book, author Christoph Groneck presents every means of urban rail transport, giving an overview of the respective history of each system and the vehicles used. At the end of the book, the reader will find detailed maps in the form of an atlas of the entire metropolitan area of Paris, which is home to some 10 million people.

  • af Autorenteam
    697,95 kr.

    The performance of many railway networks and the quality of service offered is becoming more and more critical. The main issues to be addressed are the increasing traffic volumes and making the best use of the available capacity, at the same time resolving train scheduling and management problems.This is an updated, revised and extended edition of 'Railway Timetable & Traffic', published in 2008. It describes the state-of-the-art methods of railway timetabling and optimisation, capacity estimation, train operations analysis and modelling, simulation, rescheduling and performance assessment. The intention is to stimulate their broader application in practice and to highlight current and future research areas. It is directed at academics, Masters and PhD students, as well as professionals from the railway industry. It will also be of interest to the public authorities that tender, monitor and perhaps fund railway service provision. The overall aim is to improve the attractiveness and efficiency of the train services which can be offered to the public.The key to achieving a higher efficiency and quality of train operations is an awareness of the impact of availability, reliability and robustness of the subsystems on train processes. A deeper insight into the probability of incidents and the propagation of train delays depends on a thorough analysis of real world railway operations and the feedback obtainable. This leads to an optimisation of the timetable and a network-wide improvement in traffic management performance. This know-how should increase the efficiency of the railway system, making it more attractive for regular, occasional and new customers, and ensure that the railways continue to innovate. They will then be able to make the maximum contribution possible to the transport needs of the future.

  • af Peter Stanley
    692,95 kr.

    The contents:¿ An introduction to the European Train Control System (ETCS)¿ A description of how ETCS works and the levels at which it may be employed¿ An exploration of the sub-systems, processes and interfaces¿ The requirements for system testing, commissioning and certification¿ Engineering - the technical, organisational and operational requirements¿ The needs for maintenance, fault-finding and safety monitoring

  • af Leon Zaayman
    592,95 kr.

    SYNOPSISThis book is dedicated to the many people involved in the day to day planning and performance of track maintenance activities. Providing a practical approach to everyday challenges in mechanised track maintenance, it is not intended as a theoretical approach to the track system. RAMS and railwaysRailways aim at transporting people and freight safely, rapidly, regularly, comfortably and on time from one place to another. This book is directed to track infrastructure departments contributing to the above objective by ensuring the track infrastructure's reliability, availability, maintainability and safety - denoted by the acronym RAMS. Regular, effective and affordable track maintenance enable RAMS to be achieved.

  • af Andrew Phipps
    222,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch erzählt die Geschichte vom städtischen Schienennahverkehr im Großraum von Tokyo, von den zahlreichen U-Bahn-Linien mit ihrem durchgehenden Betrieb auf diverse Vorortbahnstrecken, über Einschienenbahnen und andere besondere Schienenverkehrsmittel bis hin zu den beiden einzigen in Tokyo verbliebenen Straßenbahnstrecken. Illustriert mit zahlreichen Farbfotos und detaillierten Netzplänen. // This book tells the story of all urban rail systems in the large Tokyo conurbation, from the numerous metro lines with their through operation onto a number of suburban railways, to several monorail and other special transit systems, to the only two tram routes left in Tokyo. The book is illustrated with many colour photos and detailed network maps.

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