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The gripping inside story of Paypal, the company that created the digital age as we know it.
This isn't a book for people who want to fix Big Tech. It's a detailed disassembly manual for people who want to dismantle it.
Ready to master Python? Learn to write effective code, whether you're a beginner or a professional programmer. Review core Python concepts, including functions, modularization, and object orientation and walk through the available data types. Then dive into more advanced topics, such as using Django and working with GUIs. With plenty of code examples throughout, this hands-on reference guide has everything you need to become proficient in Python!Highlights include:1) Functions2) Methods3) Attributes4) Data types5) GUIs6) Debugging7) Network communication8) Modularization9) Object orientation10) Iterators11) Generators12) Exception handling
Capture your next adventureThe GoPro Hero is arguably the best action camera that money can buy. If you have dreams of recording your journeys, action shots, or more, then you will be dazzled by the quality of video that it produces. On paper, the spec sheet looks impressive. In practice, there's a lot to learn to get the most out of those features.This book will walk you through all the features that you need to know and get you on your way to a cinematic adventure! It is based on the Hero10, but if you have a Hero9 or Hero8, most of the features will still apply.It covers: - Recording Videos and Photos- Gestures- Power Tools- Protune- Looping- HiLight- Transferring Media- Custom Presets- Mounting- Software- Mods- And MoreThis book is not endorsed by GoPro, Inc. and should be considered unofficial.
9front is a fork of the Plan 9 from Bell Labs operating system. This publication is a print edition of the 9front Dash 1 manual. It is very likely outdated.
Prepare for Microsoft Exam AZ-305 and help demonstrate your real-world expertise in designing cloud and hybrid solutions that run on Microsoft Azure, including identity, governance, monitoring, data storage, business continuity, and infrastructure. Designed for modern IT professionals, this Exam Ref focuses on the critical thinking and decision-...
Smartphonen styrer vores hverdag. Den presser virkeligheden ind i sine platforme, så det, du ikke får i en app, ikke findes. Til gengæld får du adgang til et uendeligt univers af viden, kommunikationskanaler, tjenester og distraktioner. På bare få år har smartphonen gjort verden mindre og større, morsommere og kedeligere – mere nær og mere fjern. Livet er blevet friere og mere kontrolleret, mere socialt og mere asocialt, mens vi bliver både smartere og dummere. Det er en global, digital kulturrevolution, som savner sidestykke.I Appernes planet tager Thomas Hylland Eriksen os med på en rejse rundt i smartphonens verden. Hvis vi ikke skal blive slaver af mobilen, er det nødvendigt at forstå den for at kunne tage livet, kontrollen og ikke mindst tiden tilbage.
Startups og humanitære organisationer eksperimenterer verden over med ny, radikal teknologi i forsøget på at forbedre livsvilkårene for fattige og fordrevne. Håbet er, at nye digitale løsninger kan hjælpe folk til en bedre fremtid; at man med droner og biometriske registre kan levere mere effektiv nødhjælp, og at man med innovation kan understøtte den demokratiske udvikling og sikre menneskerettighederne.Men dataficerede tilgange til problemløsning er ikke garanti for fair eller objektiv behandling af hverken data eller mennesker. Når teknologien udvikles tusindvis af kilometer fra der, hvor den skal hjælpe mennesker i nød, har den ofte form af lappeløsninger, ligesom der sker læk med uoverskuelige konsekvenser for de mest udsatte.Vi har brug for en mere lige og kollektiv teknologiudvikling, der vender eksisterende hierarkier på hovedet og tænker i bredere forandring. Kun sådan kan vi sikre, at interventioner båret af ny teknologi er så relevante, effektive og bæredygtige som muligt.Adam Moe Fejerskov (f. 1987) er seniorforsker ved DIIS, hvor han beskæftiger sig med globale uligheders konsekvenser rundt om i verden, og hvordan uligheder formes af forhold som ny radikal teknologi.
Den teknologiske udvikling har længe handlet om at overvinde, udnytte og frigøre os fra naturen. Fremtiden handler om at forstå biologien og økosystemerne og om en økonomi, der fungerer i samarbejde og sammenhæng med naturen. For ét er sikkert: Vi kan ikke fortsætte, som vi plejer. Denne bog argumenterer for, at vi står overfor tre store omstillinger, som sker samtidig og indenfor de næste par årtier. Alle tre skal lykkes:- Vores forhold til naturen og de økosystemer, vi er del af, skal redefineres – og det skal gå stærkt.- Vi er på vej ud af industrisamfundet og ind i en ny tids logik, så måden vi organiserer arbejdet og deler goderne på trænger til en opdatering.- I takt med at teknologien bliver mere intelligent, liv-agtig og kompetent, skal vi gentænke menneskers og maskiners roller i forhold til hinanden for at bevare styringen. Omstilling til fremtiden ser på, hvad vi kan gøre for at sikre, at de enorme kræfter, der er på spil i de kommende års omstilling, vil bringe os fremgang frem for katastrofe. Bogen viser en fremtid, der er grundlæggende forandret – men til det bedre. Bogen er blandt andet baseret på interviews med en lang række af verdens førende forskere, økonomer og ledere i erhvervslivet og analyser for Ugebrevet Mandag Morgen.
Barry C. Lynn, en af Amerikas mest fremtrædende samtidstænkere, giver os en tydelig illustration af, hvor grelt det står til med friheden, efter den er blevet overtaget af Amerikas nye giga-monopoler.Amerikanere tørster efter frihed, og diskussioner om hvor meget frihed der skal til for at købe et våben, få en abort, gifte sig af kærlighed eller skifte køn fylder meget i medierne. Kampen for frisættelse fra statens reguleringer og oprør mod regeltyranni er et ideal for mange.Alligevel begynder amerikanerne først nu at indse det, som måske er den største trussel mod frihed i flere århundreder: Den ekstreme og hurtigvoksende koncentration af økonomisk magt. Store monopoler kontrollerer i dag næsten alle hjørner af den amerikanske økonomi. Konsekvensen er ikke kun lavere lønninger og højere priser, hvilket er et naturligt resultat af magtens og velstandens koncentration på meget få hænder. Også arbejdskraftens mobilitet, muligheden for at starte små virksomheder og se dem blomstre er udfordret. Kombineret med de store onlinemonopoler som Google og Amazons fremgang, skabes der grobund for en verden, hvor få, store konglomerater dels forringer den almindelige borgers generelle livskvalitet gennem dårligere lønninger og vilkår på arbejdspladsen, dels dikterer hvordan borgerne tænker, hvem de kommer i forbindelse med, og hvilket billede af omverdenen de præsenteres for. Hvordan stemmer det overens med USA’s fremherskende frihedsideal? Det undersøger Barry C. Lynn i Fri os fra alle herskere.
Inden for de senere år er skolen blevet gradvis meredigitaliseret. Digitaliseringen inviterer til nye læreprocesser, men udfordrerogså didaktik og dannelsessyn. Et nyt fag er under udvikling:Teknologiforståelse. Temanummeret giver bud på, hvor skolen står i forhold til dendigitale udvikling og belyser, hvilke muligheder og udfordringer der ligger i det nye fag.
PC- og onlinesikkerhed er i stigende grad blevet vigtigt for pc-brugere over hele verden. Der er en lang række trusler, der kan ramme dig, når du er på Internettet. Du har måske hørt om en række former for skadelige programmer, der under ét kaldes for malware, og som kan ramme den intetanende pc- og smartphonebruger. Der kan være tale om: Virus – programmer, der smitter og inficerer ens egen og andre pc’er på netværket. Trojanske heste – programmer, som har en skadelig ladning af malware med sig. Spyware – programmer, der udspionerer din gøren og laden på pc’en, og som f.eks. sender dine indtastede kreditkortoplysninger videre til en bagmand. Keyloggere – programmer der registrerer alt, hvad du taster på tastaturet, og sender det til en bagmand. Zombier – din pc kan blive overtaget af en bagmand og skjult indlemmet i et netværk (botnet) af andre zombie-computere, som sammen angriber hjemmesider eller sender store mængder spam ud i verden. Adware – programmer, der viser reklamer på din pc og på hjemmesider, og som er meget irriterende. Ransomware – du kan blive afkrævet en løsesum for at slippe din pc fri for malware, der krypterer dine filer, så du ikke kan læse dem igen. Du lærer om: Identitetstyveri – pas på ikke at få stjålet dine personlige oplysninger, som kriminelle så kan misbruge. Fupbutikker – lær at spotte falske netbutikker, som sælger kopivarer under dække af at være ægte eller sælger dine kreditkortoplysninger. Digitalt selvforsvar – hvordan sikrer du din anonymitet på nettet? Lær om browseranonymitet og andre værktøjer såsom TOR-netværket, der øger din grad af anonymitet på både pc og smartphone. Dine børns onlinesikkerhed – Windows stiller en række værktøjer til rådighed for forældres styring af deres børns brug af pc’en. Læs også hvordan du sikrer dine børns smartphones og tablets. Adgangskoder – hvordan gør man dem sikre? Hvor mange skal man have? Lær også om farerne ved uopfordret tilsendte e-mails: At der kan følge malware med i en vedhæftet fil (bilag) i en e-mail. At du har vundet millioner i et lotteri, uden at du har deltaget i det. At en person har arvet en millionsum, men har brug for en udlænding (dig) til at overføre pengene til sig – mod betaling af en procentdel af arven. At blive mellemmand (muldyr) med en bankkonto til at modtage penge og sende dem videre for et udenlandsk firma – mod at beholde nogle få procent af beløbet. At dit NemID er midlertidigt suspenderet – indtil du oplyser dit NemID-log-ind og uploader et billede af dit nøglekort. Læs om farerne for og hvordan du sikrer dit NemID og netbank. At din PayPal-konto er blevet kompromitteret, og at du derfor skal bekræfte dit log-ind. At du skal sende din Verified-by-Visa-SMS-kode videre per SMS til en bagmand. At en person, du har fået kontakt med via en dating-hjemmeside, akut har brug for mange penge. Heldigvis kan man med oplysning og uddannelse og de rette sikkerhedsprogrammer gardere sig mod disse farer og færdes ret sikkert på nettet alligevel. Denne bog med mange illustrationer beskriver disse farer indgående og oplyser om, hvilke faresignaler du skal være agtpågivende overfor. Der er sammenligninger af antivirusprogrammer med firewall, så du kan se hvilke programmer, der er gode lige nu. Hvis du skulle være blevet ramt af malware, er der også beskrevet nogle fremgangsmåder, hvormed du kan fjerne den igen. Desuden lærer du om sikkerhedskopiering, så du ikke behøver at miste dine filer, hvis du rammes af ransomware.
Excel til andet end forretningsprocesser og andre seriøse - og mere almindelige - anvendelser Om at gøre regnearket til et værktøj der kan meget mere Om nye ideer, sjove indfald og at gøre det umulige muligt I denne omgang gælder det alt andet end noget seriøst, for ja, Excel kan sagtens benyttes til en masse underholdning og ikke kun anvendes forretningsmæssigt. Man skal nok være lidt ekstra vild med - eller skør med - Excel, kodning og at fordybe sig i denne tekniske og måske nok lidt smånørdede verden. Men når det er på plads, er der masser af sjove muligheder lige ved hånden. Formålet er stadig - ligesom de tidligere hæfter - at tænke alternativt, kigge udover hvad der i dag er muligt eller tænkeligt, og overgå det.
Mode- og tekstilindustrien står over for en række forandringer, som følge af klimakrisen. Vi skal sætte ind over for den overproduktion af tøj, der i dag finder sted, og tekstiler skal i højere grad genanvendes. Udviklingen kommer ikke til at ske over en nat. Men det positive er, at vi med nye digitale teknologier som AI, Blockchain, Virtual-, Augmented-, og Mixed Reality, samt 3D konstruktionssoftware til tøj, har fået en værktøjskasse, som i meget høj grad kan hjælpe både ledelse og medarbejdere til at løfte denne opgave. Med 3D software til tøj kan du f.eks. visualisere og sælge kollektioner inden de fysisk er fremstillet, og du kan reducere opsyning af prøvemodeller og fittings til et minimum. Vælger du også at inddrage AI i din designproces får du pludselig et redskab til hurtigt at skabe nye tekstilprints, eller billedmateriale til markedsføringen af din kollektion. I seks kapitler præsenteres en lang række eksempler på, hvordan du kan anvende Metaversets nye teknologier i dit daglige arbejde som designer eller leder. Bogen retter sig ikke kun mod modeindustrien, men kan også indtænkes i andre former for design-, markedsførings-, kommunikations- og produktudviklingsopgaver.
I "Maskinerne kommer indefra" forklarer Anders Søgaard, hvordan kunstig intelligens lærer at se, tale og tænke – men han spørger også, hvorvidt kunstig intelligens lærer at se, tale og tænke på samme måde som os? Er der noget, mennesker kan, som kunstig intelligens aldrig vil blive i stand til? Og i hvilket omfang vil kunstig intelligens ændre, hvem vi er? Kunstig intelligens er blevet mere og mere intelligent, men er vi også langsomt ved at blive mere og mere kunstige?Om forfatteren:Anders Søgaard (f. 1981) er forfatter og professor på Datalogisk Institut, Københavns Universitet, og er en af landets førende eksperter i maskinlæring og kunstig intelligens. Han er uddannet fra Forfatterskolen i 2002 og har udgivet seks skønlitterære bøger. Senest er udkommet "Iliaden" (2023).
Machine Learning (ML)-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms have the capability to learn from known examples, creating various abstract representations and models. When applied to unfamiliar examples, these algorithms can perform a range of tasks, including classification, regression, and forecasting, to name a few.Frequently, these highly effective ML representations are challenging to comprehend, especially in the case of Deep Learning models, which may involve millions of parameters. However, in many applications, it is crucial for stakeholders to grasp the reasoning behind the system's decisions to utilize them more effectively. This necessity has prompted extensive research efforts aimed at enhancing the transparency and interpretability of ML algorithms, forming the field of explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI).The objectives of XAI encompass: introducing transparency to ML models by offering comprehensive insights into the rationale behind specific decisions; designing ML models that are both more interpretable and transparent, while maintaining high levels of performance;, and establishing methods for assessing the overall interpretability and transparency of models, quantifying their effectiveness for various stakeholders.This Special Issue gathers contributions on recent advancements and techniques within the domain of XAI.
Explore practical LaTeX examples across various fields like mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science, and learn to quickly create tables, diagrams, and plots for your thesis, presentations, and articlesKey Features:- Work with ready-to-use document templates to write articles, books, a thesis, and more- Refine text, fonts, formulas, and tables, and optimize PDF properties- Create captivating graphics directly within LaTeX in 2D and 3D- Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:The second edition of LaTeX Cookbook offers improved and additional examples especially for users in science and academia, with a focus on new packages for creating graphics with LaTeX. This edition also features an additional chapter on ChatGPT use to improve content, streamline code, and automate tasks, thereby saving time. This book is a practical guide to utilizing the capabilities of modern document classes and exploring the functionalities of the newest LaTeX packages. Starting with familiar document types like articles, books, letters, posters, leaflets, and presentations, it contains detailed tutorials for refining text design, adjusting fonts, managing images, creating tables, and optimizing PDFs. It also covers elements such as the bibliography, glossary, and index. You'll learn to create graphics directly within LaTeX, including diagrams and plots, and explore LaTeX's application across various fields like mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science. The book's website offers online compilable code, an example gallery, and supplementary information related to the book, including the author's LaTeX forum, where you can get personal support. By the end of this book, you'll have the skills to optimize productivity through practical demonstrations of effective LaTeX usage in diverse scenarios.What You Will Learn:- Utilize various document classes and incorporate bibliography, glossary, and index sections- Handle arranging and annotating images with ease- Create visually appealing tables and learn how to manage fonts efficiently- Generate diverse and colorful graphics, including diagrams, flow charts, bar charts, trees, and both 2D and 3D plots- Solve writing and drawing tasks across various scientific disciplines- Optimize PDF output, enhancing it with metadata, annotations, popups, animations, and fill-in fields- Leverage ChatGPT to improve content and codeWho this book is for:If you're a LaTeX user in school, academia, or industry with a foundational understanding of LaTeX basics, this book offers efficient solutions to expedite your tasks. Tailored to students, teachers, authors, and engineers, its example-driven format enables quick access to solutions. Familiarity with basic LaTeX syntax and using LaTeX with your preferred editor for compiling is recommended to make the most of this book.Table of Contents- Exploring Various Document Classes- Tuning the Text- Adjusting Fonts- Creating Tables- Working with Images- Creating Graphics- Creating Beautiful Designs- Producing Contents, Indexes, and Bibliographies- Optimizing PDF Files- Writing Advanced Mathematics- Using LaTeX in Science and Technology- Getting Support on the Internet- Using Artificial Intelligence with LaTeX
Decision-making is a key factor to achieve success in any discipline, especially in a field like civil engineering, which is based on calculations and requires large amounts of information being taken into account. Most processes and procedures are a compendium of many different tasks and requirements specific to each project under development, and making decisions in such environments can often be an arduous endeavor. That is why the need for analytical criteria capable of assisting with untangling complex scenarios has arisen preponderantly. As an all-encompassing resource, Multicriteria Decision-Making Analysis for Civil Engineering Applications facilitates civil engineers by outlining state-of-the-art techniques for quantitative decision-making to optimally select the appropriate approach when faced with operational issues or to prioritize among multiple options. Authored by recognized experts in the field, this book proves to be a balanced reference volume that is essential not just for civil engineers, but also for a wide variety of audiences in interconnected disciplines.
How surveillance perpetuates long-standing injustices woven into the fabric of higher education.
Learn Jakarta EE by building real-world microservices with code examples, practical exercises, and the latest Jakarta EE featuresKey FeaturesCraft microservices using standard Jakarta EE technologies such as Jakarta RESTful Web Services, JSON Processing, and JSON BindingDesign web-based applications with Jakarta FacesHarness Jakarta EE technologies such as Jakarta Enterprise Beans and Jakarta Messaging to build enterprise applicationsPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionJakarta EE stands as a robust standard with multiple implementations, presenting developers with a versatile toolkit for building enterprise applications. However, despite the advantages of enterprise application development, vendor lock-in remains a concern for many developers, limiting flexibility and interoperability across diverse environments.This Jakarta EE application development guide addresses the challenge of vendor lock-in by offering comprehensive coverage of the major Jakarta EE APIs and goes beyond the basics to help you develop applications deployable on any Jakarta EE compliant runtime. This book introduces you to JSON Processing and JSON Binding and shows you how the Model API and the Streaming API are used to process JSON data. You'll then explore additional Jakarta EE APIs, such as WebSocket and Messaging, for loosely coupled, asynchronous communication and discover ways to secure applications with the Jakarta EE Security API. Finally, you'll learn about Jakarta RESTful web service development and techniques to develop cloud-ready microservices in Jakarta EE.By the end of this book, you'll have developed the skills to craft secure, scalable, and cloud-native microservices that solve modern enterprise challenges.What you will learnDesign microservices architectures with a clear separation of concernsUnderstand the contexts and dependency injection (CDI) specification to develop Java EE applicationsUse Jakarta Faces to create interactive web applications using component-based developmentUnderstand the steps involved in handling JSON data with Jakarta JSON Processing and BindingDesign secure RESTful web services using server-sent events (SSE) for real-time data updatesSecure your applications with the Jakarta Security APIBuild message-driven applications with Jakarta MessagingWho this book is forThis book is for Java developers looking to learn Jakarta EE and expand their skill set. You'll also find this book useful if you are familiar with Java EE and want to stay abreast of the latest version of the Jakarta EE specification. Knowledge of core Java concepts such as OOP, data types, control flow, and basic collections will be beneficial.Table of ContentsIntroduction to Jakarta EEContexts and Dependency InjectionJakarta RESTful Web ServicesJSON Processing and JSON BindingMicroservices Development with Jakarta EEJakarta FacesAdditional Jakarta Faces FeaturesObject Relational Mapping with Jakarta PersistenceWebSocketsSecuring Jakarta EE ApplicationsServlet Development and DeploymentJakarta Enterprise BeansJakarta MessagingWeb Services with Jakarta XML Web ServicesPutting it All Together
Das vorliegende Buch bietet eine Übersicht an quell-offenen Software-Programmen und -Projekten zur Verschlüsselung. Sie sind zentral, um Bürger:innen einen Schutz vor Überwachung sowie eine Perspektive zur Absicherung des Briefgeheimnisses und ihrer Privatheit zu ermöglichen. Mit diesem Band "Open-Source Verschlüsselung - Quell-offene Software zur Demokratisierung von Kryptographie: Schutz vor Überwachung" legt der Verein Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V. (Freedom not Fear), Mitglied im Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung (AK Vorrat), die Publikation von Theo Tenzer über den kryptographischen Wandel "Super Secreto - Die dritte Epoche der Kryptographie" als eine Re-Print-Sonderausgabe des dritten Bandes seiner dreibändigen Ausgabe mit einem Vorwort des Vereins vor: Ein Übersichts-Taschen-Buch eben zu den wichtigen digitalen Verschlüsselungs-Apps und Privacy-Tools: Beginnend mit der Festplatten-Verschlüsselungs-Software VeraCrypt, weiterhin der Verschlüsselungs-Suite Spot-On, sowie Werkzeugen zur Verschlüsselung von Dateien und deren Transfer bis hin zu einem Überblick an quell-offenen Messengern mit Verschlüsselung und eigenen Chat-Servern, dem Quantum-Computing-sicheren McEliece-Messaging, dem anonymen Websurfen mit dem Tor-Browser - oder einem VPN oder Proxy ... etc. Die weiteren Bände CRYPTO-WARS und QUANTEN-COMPUTER zu dieser Drei-Bände-Reihe sind ebenso erhältlich.
Silent Signals: Unlocking Communication with EchoNose," readers embark on a journey into the fascinating realm of silent speech recognition (SSR) and the groundbreaking technology known as EchoNose. Authored by leading experts in the field, this book delves deep into the innovative approach of EchoNose, which harnesses the interconnectedness of the upper respiratory tract to decipher silent speech through active acoustic sensing via the nose. Exploring the dual purpose of SSR, the book elucidates how SSR systems not only aid individuals grappling with speech disorders but also pave the way for futuristic human-computer interfaces. With the rise of wearable devices in the SSR domain, EchoNose emerges as a beacon of hope, promising enhanced performance without intrusive sensors or heavy instrumentation. Through meticulous research and user studies, the book showcases EchoNose's capability to track speech articulators and classify intricate speech activities, surpassing the limitations of conventional systems. As readers delve into the feasibility and potential applications of EchoNose, they are confronted with a compelling vision of a future where silent signals are seamlessly translated into meaningful communication, revolutionizing the way we interact with technology and each other. "Silent Signals" is a testament to the power of innovation and its transformative impact on communication and accessibility.
Beginnend mit der Überwindung der Angst vor dem Feuer und dem Begreifen, wie man es zum Daseinserhalt weiter verwenden kann, wurde daraus die digitale Informationstechnik.Diese lange Entwicklung wird hier sachlich erzählend beschrieben.
In the bustling landscape of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as both an enigma and a guiding force. The realm of AI, once confined to the pages of science fiction, now permeates our daily lives, shaping industries, revolutionizing healthcare, transforming transportation, and redefining how we perceive intelligence itself. "Artificial Intelligence: Beginner's Guide" aims to demystify this complex domain, offering a comprehensive yet accessible entry point for enthusiasts, students, and curious minds eager to comprehend the fundamental principles and applications of AI. This book endeavors to traverse the labyrinth of AI, unveiling its intricacies while illuminating its profound impact on society, bridging the gap between theoretical concepts and real-world implementations.Through this beginner's guide, readers will embark on an enlightening journey, navigating the multifaceted facets of AI, from its historical origins to its current evolution and future trajectories. Embracing a lucid and engaging approach, this book seeks not only to elucidate the underlying theories and algorithms but also to foster a deeper understanding of AI's ethical considerations, societal implications, and the symbiotic relationship between human intelligence and artificial minds. As technology hurtles forward, this guide serves as a beacon, empowering readers to comprehend the essence of AI and envision its limitless potential while navigating the ethical and moral dimensions that accompany this transformative era.
Tackle advanced platform security challenges with this practical Moodle guide complete with expert tips and techniquesKey Features:Demonstrate the security of your Moodle architecture for compliance purposesAssess and strengthen the security of your Moodle platform proactivelyExplore Moodle's baked-in security framework and discover ways to enhance it with pluginsPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:Online learning platforms have revolutionized the teaching landscape, but with this comes the imperative of securing your students' private data in the digital realm. Have you taken every measure to ensure their data's security? Are you aligned with your organization's cybersecurity standards? What about your insurer and your country's data protection regulations?This book offers practical insights through real-world examples to ensure compliance. Equipping you with tools, techniques, and approaches, Moodle 4 Security guides you in mitigating potential threats to your Moodle platform. Dedicated chapters on understanding vulnerabilities familiarize you with the threat landscape so that you can manage your server effectively, keeping bad actors at bay and configuring Moodle for optimal user and data protection.By the end of the book, you'll have gained a comprehensive understanding of Moodle's security issues and how to address them. You'll also be able to demonstrate the safety of your Moodle platform, assuring stakeholders that their data is measurably safer.What You Will Learn:Measure a tutoring company's security risk profile and build a threat modelExplore data regulation frameworks and apply them to your organization's needsImplement the CIS Critical Security Controls effectivelyCreate JMeter test scripts to simulate server load scenariosAnalyze and enhance web server logs to identify rogue agentsInvestigate real-time application DOS protection using ModEvasiveIncorporate ModSecurity and the OWASP Core Rule Set WAF rules into your server defensesBuild custom infrastructure monitoring dashboards with GrafanaWho this book is for:If you're already familiar with Moodle, have experience in Linux systems administration, and want to expand your knowledge of protecting Moodle against data loss and malicious attacks, this book is for you. A basic understanding of user management, software installation and maintenance, Linux security controls, and network configuration will help you get the most out of this book.
There was a time before the Internet. It was a time of point-to-point connections via dial-up telephone lines. Computer users used modems to connect to bulletin board systems (BBS) worldwide. The BBS was the hub for early online communities, for games, friendships and file-sharing among computer enthusiasts. Looking back, many aspects of what used to be common knowledge is slowly fading. What is a Terminal? What is Telnet? How would you connect a modem via RS-232? ASCII Art, Baud and Handshakes? Getting started with the subject can be difficult: terms are unknown, concepts are only vaguely familiar, or technical abbreviations difficult to decipher. Do I still need a dial-up modem, today?This Micropolis Handbook is a collection of short articles, meant as a quick-start guide on bulletin board systems (BBS) and dial-up networking. A practical guide for anyone who wants to connect a modem to a computer and learn about the fascination world of old-school analog data transmission. A glimpse into computer history of the 1980s and 1990s. Learn how users went on-line, back then and today! The retro computing scene is going strong and users can still "call" a BBS like in the olden days. This basic reference book is a first primer on how dial-up works and what it needs to connect with a time when bits were analog.
Computer data storage is a diverse field, complex and constantly changing - and yet of utmost relevance in everyday IT. Getting started with the subject can be difficult: terms are unknown, concepts are only vaguely familiar, or technical abbreviations are difficult to decipher. What is NAS, what a SAN? Is there a difference between iSCSI and Fibre Channel? What is a file-system and how does it relate to Block Storage or Hybrid cloud storage?This Micropolis Handbooks publication is mainly written in the form of a technical terms glossary, meant as a quick-start guide on computer data storage. Short paragraphs per term summarize often complex matter to provide you with an overview of the field. Selected terms receive broader discussion in short articles. Several concepts are visualized in black and white illustrations. Organized like an encyclopedia, this basic reference book is a first primer on a fascinating and highly relevant topic of System Administration and Information Technology.
The definitive guide to Heathkit computers, from the analog computers of the 1950s to the IBM PC compatibles of the 1990s. Includes coverage of calculators, the HERO line of robots, microprocessor trainers and peripherals as well as software and tips on restoration and repair.
Take your business processes to the next level! With this transformation guide, you'll learn the ins and outs of the SAP Signavio portfolio. Explore solutions for process insights, intelligence, management, modeling, collaboration, governance, and automation. As you dive into core features, you'll follow practical examples that demonstrate how SAP Signavio enables your business process transformation. See how redesigned processes simplify your SAP S/4HANA implementation project from end to end! In this book, you'll learn about: a. Transformation Suite Unpack your transformation toolkit. Improve performance with SAP Signavio Process Insights, detect bottlenecks with SAP Signavio Process Intelligence, automate repetitive tasks with SAP Build Process Automation, and more. b. Transition to SAP S/4HANA Implement business process transformation as part of your SAP S/4HANA journey. Follow best practices and expert tips to analyze your processes and design, build, test, and deploy solutions that transform your way of working. c. Transformation in Action Follow the lead of practical application examples. Step-by-step scenarios demonstrate how SAP Signavio solutions work together to help your organization reduce costs, improve efficiency, and achieve process excellence. Highlights include: 1) IT and business transformation 2) Process insights 3) Process management 4) Process collaboration 5) Process governance 6) Journey modeling 7) RISE with SAP 8) SAP S/4HANA 9) SAP Build Process Automation 10) Application examples
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