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Kunstig intelligens

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  • af Sergi Castillo Lapeira
    193,95 kr.

    Los "Diálogos filosóficos con mi amigo Pi" son un experimento intelectual, con el que el autor ha querido llevar a cabo una incursión en el ámbito de la inteligencia artificial, para intentar dilucidar cuales son los límites actuales de esta tecnología, y averiguar hasta qué punto una máquina puede emular una de las características más sobresalientes de la condición humana: la capacidad de razonar desde un punto de vista filosófico. A lo largo de estas páginas, pues, el lector encontrará una gran diversidad de temas y cuestiones que han formado parte del quehacer filosófico desde hace más de 2500 años, muchas de las cuales siguen sin una respuesta convincente. Cabe decir, sin lugar a dudas, que el desempeño de la inteligencia artificial para este cometido ha sido sorprendentemente bueno, lo cual lleva a pensar al autor que la inteligencia artificial se va superando día a día, de suerte que, en un futuro muy próximo, quedarán muy pocas áreas de la realidad humana que no sean mejoradas por esta tecnología. Sólo cabe esperar que este mejoramiento contribuya a llenar los vacíos y las dificultades a que se enfrenta el ser humano desde que apareció en este planeta.

  • af Altaf Rehmani
    255,95 kr.

    As we move forward into the 21st century, it's clear that artificial intelligence (AI) will play an increasingly important role in our lives. From self-driving cars to smart homes, AI is already transforming the way we live and work.But in order to fully realize the potential of AI, we need to understand how it works and how to apply it to real-world problems. This is where this book comes in.In this book, I will provide you with a comprehensive overview of Generative AI, including the underlying principles and the latest trends in the field. I will also show you how to apply generative AI to a variety of tasks and applications in your business as well as various other industries responsibly and safely.One of the key benefits of Generative AI is its ability to learn from massive realms of data and generate new, unseen data. This makes it a powerful tool for tasks such as text, code, image and video generation, where it can be used to create new realistic and detailed representations of the world.But perhaps the most important thing about Generative AI is its potential to solve some of the world's most pressing problems. From climate change to global poverty, Generative AI can help us to tackle these issues in ways that were previously impossible.So, if you want to prepare yourself for the future and stay ahead of the curve, it's time to start learning about Generative AI and this I believe is a great place to start or continue your journey.

  • af B. B. Jankoski
    178,95 kr.

    El futuro es menos temible cuando sabes a lo que te enfrentas. Moldea el futuro de la inteligencia artificial participando activamente en esta tecnología, incluso si nunca te has considerado un experto en ella.Cuando se habla sobre el tema de la inteligencia artificial, se reciben opiniones de los dos extremos del espectro.Por un lado, encontrarás firmes partidarios de la IA, aquellos emocionados por los atajos que ofrece ChatGPT, o ansiosos por aprovechar las capacidades revolucionarias de la inteligencia artificial en áreas como la salud, las finanzas o la robótica.Por el otro lado están los escépticos, aquellos que o bien ignoran el rápido avance de la inteligencia artificial o creen que nunca alcanzará el nivel de sofisticación necesario para reemplazar sus trabajos.Sin embargo, la inteligencia artificial ha llegado para quedarse y si quieres evitar ser arrollado por su progreso, entonces más te vale ser uno de sus impulsores.Esto no significa que tengas que ser un desarrollador de IA o incluso trabajar en tecnología.Simplemente implica estar consciente de consideraciones éticas específicas, los beneficios y desventajas principales del uso de la inteligencia artificial, y los sectores cuyos trabajos tienen más probabilidades de ser reemplazados por ella.Además, significa utilizar la inteligencia artificial en tu beneficio aprovechando las herramientas de IA más poderosas disponibles, tanto en tu profesión como en tu vida personal.Y esa es exactamente la razón por la que se escribió este libro. Considéralo una guía completa para todo lo que necesitas para involucrarte más en la inteligencia artificial.En lugar de ser un observador pasivo de su auge, puedes formar parte de un movimiento que decide hacia dónde va esta tecnología y qué papel deseas jugar.

  • af David Jacob Kedziora
    868,95 kr.

    Over the last decade, the long-running endeavour to automate high-level processes in machine learning (ML) has risen to mainstream prominence. Beyond this, an even loftier goal is the pursuit of autonomy, which describes the capability of the system to independently adjust an ML solution over a lifetime of changing contexts. This monograph provides an expansive perspective on what constitutes an automated/autonomous ML system. In doing so, the authors survey developments in hyperparameter optimisation, multicomponent models, neural architecture search, automated feature engineering, meta-learning, multi-level ensembling, dynamic adaptation, multi-objective evaluation, resource constraints, flexible user involvement, and the principles of generalisation. Furthermore, they develop a conceptual framework throughout to illustrate one possible way of fusing high-level mechanisms into an autonomous ML system. This monograph lays the groundwork for students and researchers to understand the factors limiting architectural integration, without which the field of automated ML risks stifling both its technical advantages and general uptake.

  • - En grundbog
    af Claus Nygaard
    216,95 - 317,95 kr.

    Dyk ned i fremtidens teknologiske samtalekunst med Prompt engineering – en grundbog, den første danske lærebog om at mestre dialogen med AI. Bogen er din ultimative guide til at navigere i og udnytte potentialet i de tre førende AI-sprogmodeller: ChatGPT, Copilot og Gemini.Gennem en dybdegående introduktion til 24 effektive promptingteknikker gør bogen dig i stand til at udforme målrettede prompts, som kan levere præcise, kreative og umiddelbart anvendelige resultater og gøre dig mere effektiv. Til hver af de 24 teknikker finder du masser af eksempler og praktiske øvelser, så du gradvist bliver bedre til at interagere med AI.Uanset om du allerede er dygtig og søger at finpudse dine evner, eller du er nybegynder og klar til at udforske generativ AI, tilbyder denne bog værdifuld indsigt og praktiske strategier for at opbygge og forfine dine prompts. Den er skræddersyet til enhver, der ønsker at mestre kunsten at kommunikere med AI, uanset om du bruger det i dine studier, din forskning, dit arbejde eller dine personlige, kreative projekter.Med sin pædagogiske struktur, klare progression og tilgængelige sprog er bogen også oplagt til brug i undervisningen på ungdomsuddannelser og videregående uddannelser.

  • af David Clemis
    328,95 - 972,95 kr.

  • af Patrick Mukosha
    152,95 - 204,95 kr.

  • af Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam
    303,95 kr.

    AI in Solicitation and Contract Management: Transforming the Way We Do BusinessConversational Chat Informative Book (Abe and Gemini)By Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam (Pen Name) Get ready to revolutionize your contracting processes with AI in Solicitation and Contract Management! This engaging and informative guide, written by Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam, explains how artificial intelligence (AI) is streamlining traditional solicitation, contract creation, and management tasks. Faster RFP/RFQs, Better Vendor Selection Discover how AI automates RFP/RFQ generation, saving you time and ensuring compliance.Learn how AI helps you choose the best vendors with objective scoring and analysis. Smarter Contract Management Build a strong foundation with AI-generated clauses and templates, tailored to your needs.Proactively manage risks with AI-powered issue identification and mitigation strategies.Track progress and automate renewals and amendments with ease. The Benefits and Challenges of AI Understand how AI boosts efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings.Make smarter decisions with data-driven insights from AI.Explore key considerations like data quality, transparency, and human oversight. The Future of AI in Contracting Chart a course for successful AI implementation with our practical roadmap.Ensure ethical AI use with clear guidelines and responsible practices.Uncover the exciting possibilities of future AI advancements in the contracting world. Bonus:A dedication to Merab Abebe, reflecting the author's belief in the positive potential of AI. This book is for you if:You're a business leader or procurement professional looking to modernize your contracting processes.You're curious about how AI can improve your contracting efficiency and accuracy.You want to leverage the latest technology to gain a competitive edge. AI in Solicitation and Contract Management is packed with actionable insights and practical advice. Get ready to transform the way you do business! Disclaimer: Information may not always be accurate or reflect Google's views. Note: This description highlights the conversational tone, emphasizes the benefits of AI, and provides a clear target audience. Copyright © February 2024 by GEMINI AND ABEBE GEBRE WOLDEMARIAM (ABE)

  • af Ary Jr. S.
    152,95 kr.

    This book provides an in-depth look at the revolutionary advances taking place in the field of artificial intelligence and a thoughtful exploration of their vast implications. It traces the origins and early history of AI, from the pioneering work of figures like Turing and von Neumann to the recent explosion driven by deeper neural networks and bigger data.

  • af Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam
    362,95 kr.

    AI-Powered Profits: Leveraging Technology in the Crypto Market with BitcoinCrack the code of the crypto market with the power of AI!Conversational Chat Informative Book (Abe and Gemini)By Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam (Pen Name)Abebe Gebre Woldemariam (Real Name) Tired of battling the volatile world of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies? AI-Powered Profits offers a revolutionary approach, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to guide your investment decisions and unlock consistent profits. Join Abe and Gemini, an innovative duo, on a journey into the exciting world of AI-powered crypto trading. This engaging, conversational guide explains: The challenges of the crypto market: Understand the inherent volatility and learn how AI can overcome it.AI's game-changing potential: Discover how machine learning, deep learning, and other AI techniques analyze vast data sets, identify hidden patterns, and predict market movements.Specific AI tools and platforms: Explore platforms designed for Bitcoin trading, see real-life success stories, and learn how to choose the right tool for your goals.Balancing AI with human expertise: Understand the limitations of AI and why human judgment remains crucial for success.Building your own AI-powered strategy: Learn valuable tips on backtesting, risk management, and crafting a personalized trading approach.The future of AI in crypto: Dive into the exciting possibilities of advanced portfolio management and personalized recommendations. Bonus Section: Harnessing the Power of AI for Smarter Crypto Trading Go beyond the basics: Deepen your understanding with practical insights on sentiment analysis and automated trading.Learn from the best: Gain inspiration from case studies of successful AI-powered traders.Build your own AI edge: Follow a step-by-step guide to creating a winning strategy.Get ready for the future: Explore the cutting-edge advancements shaping the future of AI-powered crypto trading. AI-Powered Profits is your indispensable guide to navigating the ever-evolving crypto landscape. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a curious newcomer, this book empowers you to make informed decisions, leverage the latest technology, and unlock the full potential of your crypto journey.Disclaimer: Information may not always be accurate or reflect Google's views. Dedication: To Merab Abebe, and all who believe in the power of AI to improve our world. Copyright © February 2024 by GEMINI AND ABEBE GEBRE WOLDEMARIAM (ABE)

  • af Financefront Books
    129,95 kr.

    In "AI Money Machine," embark on an enlightening journey through the transformative landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and discover how it can revolutionize business and pave the way for unprecedented financial success! This comprehensive guide is a must-read for entrepreneurs, business leaders, and anyone intrigued by the potential of AI in generating wealth. Chapter 1: Introduction to Making Money with Artificial Intelligence in Business Get acquainted with the fundamentals of AI and its role in reshaping the business landscape. Explore the potential avenues for leveraging AI to drive revenue and gain a strategic edge.Chapter 2: Making Money with AI in Healthcare Delve into the healthcare sector and uncover how AI is revolutionizing patient care, medical research, and the overall business dynamics of the health industry. Chapter 3: Making Money with AI in Finance Navigate the intricate world of finance and discover how AI is transforming investment strategies, risk management, and financial decision-making. Chapter 4: Making Money with AI in Marketing Uncover the power of AI in revolutionizing marketing campaigns, customer targeting, and overall brand success in the competitive marketplace. Chapter 5: Making Money with AI in Customer Service Explore how AI is reshaping customer service by enhancing efficiency, personalization, and overall customer satisfaction. Chapter 6: Making Money with AI in E-Commerce Witness the impact of AI on e-commerce, from personalized shopping experiences to efficient supply chain management, and learn how it translates into increased profits. Chapter 7: Making Money with AI in Education Understand the role of AI in education, from personalized learning experiences to administrative efficiency, and explore the financial opportunities it brings to the education sector. Chapter 8: Making Money with AI in Cybersecurity Examine the crucial role of AI in fortifying cybersecurity measures, protecting businesses from evolving threats, and ensuring the integrity of financial transactions. Chapter 9: Making Money with AI in Entertainment and Media Dive into the world of entertainment and media to discover how AI is shaping content creation, distribution, and audience engagement, creating lucrative opportunities. Chapter 10: Conclusion and Future Trends in AI Money Making Wrap up the journey by exploring the current state of AI in business and anticipating future trends that will continue to shape the landscape of money-making opportunities. AI Money Machine is your go-to guide for understanding the intersection of AI and financial success, offering actionable insights, real-world examples, and a roadmap for unlocking the profit potential that Artificial Intelligence holds in the business realm. Prepare to embark on a transformative journey into the future of money-making with AI.

  • af Alex Carter
    164,95 kr.

    Attention:Step into the enthralling universe of "Rise of the Machines"; a comprehensive studyof the past, present, and future of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As we witnesstechnology advancing at a breakneck speed, this book offers unique insights into thecompelling saga of Al. If the extraordinary journey of machines transforming intointelligent beings fascinates you, consider this your invitation to experience theremarkable progression of our digital counterparts.Interest:Unlock the secrets behind the rise of Artificial Intelligence as "Rise of the Machines"takes you on a captivating journey. From the inception of Al in the minds of visionarypioneers to the present-day applications that permeate our daily lives, this book paintsa comprehensive picture of the technological revolution reshaping our world.Discover the thrilling stories behind breakthroughs, challenges, and ethical dilemmasaccompanying the development of intelligent machines. Your interest will be piquedas you explore Al's transformative potential and societal implications.Desire:Imagine a world where machines and humans coexist harmoniously, unlockinglimitless potential. "Rise of the Machines" ignites a desire for a profoundcomprehension of the symbiotic relationship between humans and Al. This book notonly enlightens you on the complexities of machine learning but also stirs yourcuriosity, urging you to envisage a future where Al enriches our lives in ways neverseen before. As you delve into the wisdom within these pages, you'll feel a growingurge for a future steered by responsible Al development, a future that you can helpshape.Action:Take charge of your understanding of the technological frontier by delving into "Riseof the Machines". Equip yourself with the knowledge needed to navigate the Allandscape with confidence. This book provides actionable insights, inspiring you toactively engage in the discourse surrounding Al's impact on society. Whether you're atech enthusiast or a concerned citizen, the time to act is now. Immerse yourself inartificial intelligence's past, present, and future, and embrace the transformative powerof the "Rise of the Machines" today.

  • af Jeames Hanley
    231,95 kr.

    Remaining human in the age of AI is a guide to understanding ourselves and the traits that make us human as well as understanding AI and how it is impacting our lives today and into the future. In a future so inexorably soaked in technology, characteristics such as creativity, empathy, and emotional intelligence will become more important than ever before.As the world continues to digitise and deploy artificial intelligence technology , it will change humans' position in the world. What does our future look like? How is the environment being impacted and what can we do to protect it? What work will we be doing? How will we maintain our culture and society? How will we - remain human in the age of AI?

  • af Vibha Bora
    2.463,95 - 3.178,95 kr.

  • af Stephan Winkler
    1.227,95 kr.

    Genetic Programming Theory and Practice brings together some of the most impactful researchers in the field of Genetic Programming (GP), each one working on unique and interesting intersections of theoretical development and practical applications of this evolutionary-based machine learning paradigm. Topics of particular interest for this year¿s book include powerful modeling techniques through GP-based symbolic regression, novel selection mechanisms that help guide the evolutionary process, modular approaches to GP, and applications in cybersecurity, biomedicine, and program synthesis, as well as papers by practitioner of GP that focus on usability and real-world results. In summary, readers will get a glimpse of the current state of the- art in GP research.

  • af Oliver Brunotte
    376,95 kr.

  • af John Binks
    258,95 kr.

    Step into the quirky, intriguing Artificial Intelligence (AI) world with "Bots & Brilliance: 101 Things You Should Know About Artificial Intelligence." This book is not your average tech manual; it's an entertaining and insightful rollercoaster ride through the AI landscape, filled with humor, easy-to-understand explanations, and a dash of whimsy. Whether you're an AI novice who thinks machine learning is a new gym workout or a tech-savvy guru dreaming in code, this book caters to all."Bots & Brilliance" makes the complex world of AI engaging and accessible. It's like having a casual, amusing conversation with a friend who's really into robots and knows how to explain things. Each chapter mixes fascinating facts, real-world applications, and light-hearted stories, ensuring an enjoyable and informative learning experience.Discover how AI is subtly infiltrating our daily lives, revolutionizing industries, and shaping the future in ways you never imagined - all explained in a way that won't make your head spin. This book is your fun, no-stress pass to understanding AI, offering laughs and insights in equal measure. So, grab a copy, settle into your favorite reading spot, and get ready to be entertained, educated, and perhaps even a bit astonished by the wonders of AI.

  • af Marek Gzik
    1.051,95 kr.

    This book presents a collection of scientific articles on recent research on innovations in biomedical engineering. Articles are divided into two chapters covering broad areas of experimental research and biomedical engineering, engineering of biomaterials as well as informatics and modelling in biomedical engineering. Given its scope, it offers a valuable resource for practitioners, researchers, and students alike. The topics include not only theoretical considerations but also practical applications of research conducted in cooperation between engineers, doctors, and physiotherapists.

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    242,95 kr.

    How the Internet Rewrote the Rules of EverythingImagine a world where your next-door neighbor could be on the opposite side of the globe. Where you can join a bustling community filled with people who love the same obscure hobby as you, no matter how unusual it is. Where music, movies, and ideas from any culture spread like wildfire. That's the reality of the Digital Global Village, and it's transforming how we live, work, and connect with each other.This book will be your fearless guide through this amazing, bewildering, and sometimes scary new world. We'll start where it all began - the birth of the internet and how mind-boggling technology brought it into our pockets and homes. You'll see how social media rewired our brains, giving everyone a platform and transforming everything from personal expression to world-changing social movements. We'll explore the explosion of online communities where any interest, no matter how niche, can blossom into a vibrant world of its own.But it isn't all rainbows and kittens. The Digital Global Village has a dark side. The lines between our online and offline lives blur. Who can you trust with your data? Who's spreading lies for their own profit or power? Where's the line between healthy debate and toxic hate? These are questions we'll face head-on because digital citizenship means recognizing both the power and peril of this space.And what about the future? This book doesn't stop at problems - it explores solutions. We'll get into how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will change jobs, education, and our very definitions of "creativity" and "productivity." We'll grapple with the rise of misinformation, how it spreads, and how we can become savvy, critical consumers of digital information. This isn't just about new tech - it's about new ways of thinking.You'll discover how the Digital Global Village is a double-edged sword for things like globalization, the environment, and the economy. And get ready for some serious mind-bending stuff as we take a deep dive into topics like "smart cities," the future of healthcare, and even the possibilities and ethical debates around human-machine partnerships.The Digital Global Village isn't just the future - it's the world we live in NOW. This book will help you understand it, navigate it wisely, and even become one of the people shaping the village for the better. Get ready for a wild ride as we explore how the internet changed everything - and will continue to do so for generations to come.

  • af Gray Cox
    267,95 - 477,95 kr.

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming every aspect of our lives. Smarter Planet or Wiser Earth analyzes the challenges and proposes systematic dialogical strategies to address them. Using the best of contemporary research on conflict resolution and peacemaking including Quaker, Gandhian, Indigenous, and other traditions, methods of collaborative reasoning and ethical choice are proposed, including specific ways to teach ethics and run our economy, politics, and technology. That includes redesigning the AI systems and practices that govern our world. We must shift to new forms of programming that draw on collaborative dialogue instead of relying solely on monological forms of linear algorithmic inference. It offers paths to spirit-led, collaborative wisdom and partnerships with researchers and activists creating solutions to existential threats from ecological collapse, climate change, wars of mutually assured destruction, and out of control technology.

  • af Jagdish Krishanlal Arora
    447,95 kr.

    The powers of the brain or mind are beyond our control. I had written about artificial intelligence many years back and what we are seeing through the Hubble and other space telescopes was written by me many years before.The risks associated with artificial intelligence and robotics are multifaceted and require comprehensive strategies for mitigation and management. Addressing ethical, societal, economic, and security concerns requires interdisciplinary collaboration, stakeholder engagement, and proactive policy interventions. By fostering responsible innovation and promoting ethical AI development, we can harness the transformative potential of AI and robotics while safeguarding against their adverse impacts on individuals, societies, and the global community.

  • af Giuseppe Nicosia, Panos Pardalos, Giuseppe Di Fatta, mfl.
    659,95 - 877,95 kr.

  • af Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam
    535,95 kr.

    AI and Humanity #5The Present and Future of Our Technological Symbiosis Conversational Chat Informative Book {Abe and Gemini}By Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam {Pen Name} AI and Humanity #5 is a comprehensive collection of thought-provoking essays exploring the multifaceted impact of artificial intelligence on our world. This book goes beyond technical jargon, presenting insightful conversations on AI's role in various domains, from construction project management and cognitive warfare to finance, education, and the future of work. Dive into key themes:Revolutionizing Industries: Learn how AI is optimizing construction, shaping the financial landscape, and transforming the way we work.Navigating the Future: Gain insights into investing in AI, preparing for its transformative impact, and mitigating potential risks.Evolving Challenges: Explore the ethical dilemmas surrounding AI, including its potential misuse and societal implications.Human-Machine Interaction: Consider the possibilities and complexities of technologies like Neuralink and V2K, delving into the future of our connection with machines. Bonus: A dedication to Merab Abebe highlights the belief in AI's positive potential. Whether you're a curious observer, an industry leader, or an investor, AI and Humanity #5 offers a captivating exploration of AI's present and future, prompting informed discussions and guiding your journey in this rapidly evolving landscape. Please note: Information presented may not always be accurate or reflect Google's views. This disclaimer acknowledges the limitations of AI technology, which is still under development. Ready to unlock the potential of AI? Start your journey with AI and Humanity #5!

  • af Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam
    434,95 kr.

    Investing in AI Stocks: Navigating the FuturesConversational Chat Informative Book (Abe and Gemini)By Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam (Pen Name)Abebe Gebre Woldemariam (Real Full Name) Unlock the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) for your portfolio with this engaging and informative guide. Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam walks you through the exciting world of AI investing, equipping you with the knowledge and strategies to navigate its complexities and seize promising opportunities. Embrace the Benefits:Discover the vast potential of AI across industries.Learn how to identify key players and emerging trends.Gain insights into evaluating AI stocks based on financial health, technology, and market positioning.Explore different investing strategies, from individual stock selection to AI-focused ETFs.Go Beyond the Hype:Understand the crucial role of financial health, product portfolio, and competitive advantages.Navigate the evolving regulatory landscape and ethical considerations.Develop a long-term perspective and manage risk effectively.Bonus:Find inspiration in a dedication to Merab Abebe, reflecting the belief in the positive potential of AI. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, "Investing in AI Stocks: Navigating the Futures" provides the roadmap to make informed decisions and build a successful AI-powered portfolio. Target Audience:Investors interested in AI technology and its impact on various industries.Individuals seeking to understand and participate in the growth of the AI sector.Those looking for guidance on evaluating and selecting AI stocks for their portfolios. This book is not financial advice. Please consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Disclaimer: Information may not always be accurate or reflect Google's views.

  • af Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam
    423,95 kr.

    AI and the Battlefield: Friend or Foe?Is Artificial Intelligence the future of warfare, or a Pandora's Box waiting to be unleashed?Conversational Chat Informative BookBy Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam (Pen Name)ABEBE GEBRE WOLDEMARIAM (Full Real Name) This thought-provoking book delves into the rapidly evolving world of AI in military operations, offering a balanced and nuanced exploration of its potential and pitfalls. Explore:AI's current role: From optimizing logistics to enhancing combat effectiveness, discover how AI is already transforming warfare.The future battlefield: Imagine autonomous weapons, predictive intelligence, and AI-driven strategies shaping the conflicts of tomorrow.Ethical and legal minefields: Uncover the critical questions surrounding accountability, bias, and the very nature of war in the age of AI.Real-world applications: Dive deep into specific areas like AI-powered intelligence, logistical support, and the ethical dilemmas surrounding autonomous weapons.Ask yourself:Can AI make warfare more humane, or will it unleash unimaginable destruction?Who is responsible when AI makes deadly decisions?Can we prevent bias from creeping into AI-powered weapons systems? Join the conversation and explore the crucial questions at the heart of AI's impact on the battlefield. BONUS: AI, the ECHELON (the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance) Surveillance System, and the Stone Ghost is included. "AI and the Battlefield: Friend or Foe?" is your essential guide to understanding the present and preparing for the future of AI in warfare. Dedication to Merab Abebe (Lovely Son), a testament to the belief in AI's positive potential. Disclaimer: Information may not always be accurate or reflect Google's views. Copyright © February 2024 by GEMINI AND ABEBE GEBRE WOLDEMARIAM (ABE) All rights reserved.

  • af Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam
    302,95 kr.

    AI Marketing: Revolutionizing the Future of AdvertisingConversational Chat Informative Book {Abe and Gemini}By Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam {Pen Name} Are you ready to harness the power of AI to transform your advertising and marketing strategies? AI Marketing: Revolutionizing the Future of Advertising takes you on an immersive journey into the exciting world of AI-driven marketing. Written in a conversational and informative style, this book is packed with valuable insights and practical guidance for both novice and experienced marketers. Join Abe and Gemini, your AI companions, as you discover: The key concepts and benefits of AI Marketing, including its impact on the modern advertising landscape.How to leverage big data and machine learning to gain valuable insights and optimize your campaigns.The power of personalization and targeting with AI, tailoring your efforts to individual preferences and behaviors.How to streamline your processes and maximize efficiency with AI-driven automation.The evolving role of chatbots and virtual assistants in engaging with customers and providing personalized experiences.Predictive analytics and customer behavior analysis - harnessing AI to forecast consumer behavior with greater accuracy.Ethical considerations for responsible and transparent AI Marketing practices.Real-world success stories showcasing how leading brands leverage AI to drive business performance.A glimpse into the future of AI Marketing, outlining emerging trends and potential challenges. Bonus: A heartfelt dedication to Merab Abebe, highlighting the author's belief in the positive potential of AI. Whether you're an entrepreneur, marketing professional, or simply curious about the future of advertising, this book is your essential guide to unlocking the power of AI Marketing. Ready to start your journey today? Join the AI and Humanity #5 movement and embrace the future of advertising!Please note: Information presented may not always be accurate or reflect Google's views. This disclaimer acknowledges the limitations of AI technology, which is still under development.

  • af L. D. Knowings
    208,95 - 265,95 kr.

  • af Rob Botwright
    295,95 kr.

    Uncover the secrets of Big Data with our comprehensive book bundle: "Big Data: Statistics, Data Mining, Analytics, and Pattern Learning." Dive into the world of data analytics and processing with Book 1, where you'll gain a solid understanding of the fundamentals necessary to navigate the vast landscape of big data.In Book 2, explore data mining techniques that allow you to extract valuable insights and patterns from large datasets. From marketing to finance and beyond, discover how to uncover hidden trends that drive informed decision-making.Ready to take your skills to the next level? Book 3 delves into advanced data science, where you'll learn to harness the power of machine learning for big data analysis. From regression analysis to neural networks, master the tools and techniques that drive predictive modeling and pattern recognition.Finally, in Book 4, learn how to design robust big data architectures that can scale to meet the needs of modern enterprises. Explore architectural patterns, scalability techniques, and fault tolerance mechanisms that ensure your systems are resilient and reliable.Whether you're a beginner looking to build a solid foundation or an experienced professional seeking to deepen your expertise, this book bundle has something for everyone. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock the potential of Big Data and drive innovation in your organization. Order now and embark on your journey to becoming a Big Data expert!

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