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Neurale net og fuzzy systemer

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  • af Ben Auffarth
    597,95 kr.

    Get to grips with the LangChain framework from theory to deployment and develop production-ready applications.Code examples regularly updated on GitHub to keep you abreast of the latest LangChain developments.Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook.Key Features:Learn how to leverage LLMs' capabilities and work around their inherent weaknessesDelve into the realm of LLMs with LangChain and go on an in-depth exploration of their fundamentals, ethical dimensions, and application challengesGet better at using ChatGPT and GPT models, from heuristics and training to scalable deployment, empowering you to transform ideas into realityBook Description:The ChatGPT and the GPT models by OpenAI have brought about a revolution in the way we think about the world - and not only in how we write and research, but in how we can process information.This book discusses the functioning, capabilities, and limitations of LLMs including ChatGPT and Bard. It also demonstrates how to use the LangChain framework to implement production-ready applications based on these models, such as agents and personal assistants, and integrate with other tools such as web searches and code execution.As you progress through the chapters, you'll use transformer models and diverse attention mechanisms, refining the intricate process of training and fine-tuning. You'll get to grips with data-driven decision-making with automated analysis and visualization using pandas and Python. You'll also take a closer look at the heuristics of how to use these models, prompting, training and fine-tuning, and deploying at scale.By the time you've finished this book, you'll have a deep understanding of what makes LLMs tick and how to make the most of them.What You Will Learn:Gain an understanding of LLMs and their legal implicationsUnderstand transformer models and different attention mechanismsTrain and fine-tune LLMs and get to know the tools for using themBuild applications with LangChain like question-answering systems and chatbotsImplement automated data analysis and visualization with pandas and PythonGrasp prompt engineering to improve prompts and evaluation strategiesDeploy LLMs as a service with LangChainInteract privately with your documents without data leaks using ChatGPTWho this book is for:The book is for developers, researchers, and anyone interested in learning more about LLMs. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this book will be a valuable resource if you want to get the most out of LLMs and are looking to stay ahead of the curve in the LLMs and LangChain arena.Basic knowledge of Python is a prerequisite, while some prior exposure to machine learning will help you follow along more easily.

  • af Ronald T. Kneusel
    284,95 kr.

    "An accessible, straightforward guide that demystifies Artificial Intelligence for a general audience without the use of complex math or technical jargon. Covers the fundamentals, from classical models and neural networks to the large language models leading today's AI revolution"--

  • af Chi Wang
    524,95 kr.

    Engineering Deep Learning Systems teaches you to design and implement an automated platform to support creating, training, and maintaining deep learning models. In it, you'll learn just enough about deep learning to understand the needs of the data scientists who will be using your system. You'll learn to gather requirements, translate them into system component design choices, and integrate those components into a cohesive whole. A complete example system and insightful exercises help you build an intuitive understanding of DL system design.

  • af Keiko Nakamura
    572,95 kr.

    In this stimulating journey of Rust, you'll learn how to use the Rust programming language in conjunction with machine learning. It's not a full guide to learning machine learning with Rust. Instead, it's more of a journey that shows you what's possible when you use Rust to solve machine learning problems. Some people like Rust because it is quick and safe. This book shows how those qualities can help machine learning a lot.To begin, we will show you what Rust is and how it works. This is so that everyone, even those who are new to Rust, can follow along. Then, we look at some basic machine learning concepts, such as linear and logistic regression, and show how to use Rust's tools and libraries to make these ideas work.You will learn more complex techniques like decision trees, support vector machines, and how to work with data as we go along. It goes all the way up to neural networks and image recognition, and we show you how to use Rust for these types of tasks step by step. We use real-world examples, such as COVID data and the CIFAR-10 image set, to show how Rust works with issues that come up in the real world.This book is all about discovery and experimentation. To see what you can do with them, we use various Rust tools for machine learning. It's a fun way to see how Rust can be used in machine learning, and it will make you want to try new things and learn more on your own. This is only the beginning; there is so much more to uncover as you continue to explore machine learning with Rust. Key LearningsExploit Rust's efficiency and safety to construct fast machine learning models.Use Rust's ndarray crate for numerical computations to manipulate complex machine learning data.Find out how Rust's extensible machine learning framework, linfa, works across algorithms.Use Rust's precision and speed to construct linear and logistic regression.See how Rust crates simplify decision trees and random forests for prediction and categorization.Learn to implement and optimize probabilistic classifiers, SVMs and closest neighbor methods in Rust.Use Rust's computing power to study neural networks and CNNs for picture recognition and processing.Apply learnt strategies to COVID and CIFAR-10 datasets to address realistic problems and obtain insights. Table of ContentRust Basics for Machine LearningData Wrangling with RustLinear Regression by ExampleLogistic Regression for ClassificationDecision Trees in ActionMastering Random ForestsSupport Vector Machines in ActionSimplifying Naive Bayes and k-NNCrafting Neural Networks with Rust

  • af L. D. Knowings
    211,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • af Clark Barrett
    692,95 kr.

    This monograph reports the findings of a workshop held at Google (co-organized by Stanford University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison) on the dual-use dilemma posed by GenAI.

  • af D. Jas
    352,95 kr.

    The Optimized Neural Network Controller, is a cutting-edge solution designed for wind energy conversion systems employing Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIGs). This advanced controller model integrates the power of neural networks with optimization techniques to enhance the performance and efficiency of wind turbines. Traditionally, DFIGs have been controlled using conventional control methods, which often struggle to adapt to varying wind conditions and optimize power generation. The Optimized Neural Network Controller aims to overcome these limitations by leveraging the capabilities of neural networks, which are adept at learning complex patterns and making accurate predictions. The key advantage of the Optimized Neural Network Controller is its ability to adapt to changing wind conditions in real-time. By continuously analyzing and processing input data from sensors, the controller optimizes the generator's operation, ensuring maximum power generation while maintaining system stability. Moreover, Authors contribution brings additional expertise to the development process. This book Author, a renowned in the field of wind energy systems, has contributed valuable insights and domain knowledge, enabling the controller to address specific challenges faced by DFIGs. With the Optimized Neural Network Controller and author's expertise, wind energy conversion systems equipped with DFIGs can achieve higher efficiency, increased power output, and improved grid integration. This innovative solution paves the way for a more sustainable and reliable wind energy generation, contributing to the global efforts towards a greener future.

  • - 17 vinkler til forståelse og anvendelse
    af Mads-Bjørn Hjelmar & Adam Hjelmar
    247,95 kr.

    'Generativ AI: 17 vinkler til forståelse og anvendelse' er en lærerig bog, der åbner døren til en spændende verden af generativ kunstig intelligens. Skrevet af to brødre med passion for AI, tager denne bog dig med på en rejse fra teori til praksis, og fra nysgerrighed til forståelse af generativ AI.Med et særligt fokus på populære sprogmodeller som ChatGPT og tekst-til-billede værktøjer, giver bogen dig indblik i, hvordan generativ AI kan påvirke vores måde at tænke, skabe og interagere med teknologi på. Struktureret i 17 uafhængige 'vinkler', dækker bogen et bredt spektrum af emner - fra grundlæggende principper til diverse anvendelsesmetoder.Ud over at give dig en teoretisk forståelse, baseret på den nyeste forskning på området, får du også en praktisk håndbog, der kan tage din brug af AI til et højere niveau. Uanset om du er nybegynder eller erfaren bruger, giver bogen dig værktøjerne og viden til selv at udforske og anvende generativ AI, hvor end du ønsker.Du kan læse mere om bogen på hjemmesiden:

  • af Pradeep Kumar
    382,95 kr.

    At present, network and computer advances are rapidly changing. As an organization of networks with heterogeneous machine, the Internet has acquired boundless acknowledgment as a basic channel for a data transmission. The application of World Wide Web (or Web) with circulating registering expanding dramatically. The Internet gives a wide scope of administrations, including electronic mail and electronic document trade. The Web is unquestionably the most popular Internet service. Though the Web was once solely used to circulate data on supposed Web destinations, we presently see the Web being utilized to disperse progressive application. Initially distributing computing based on the client server computing architecture. In the client server computing, all the task is executed on large sever (service provider) on the bases of client request. Different rounds of trades between the customer and server may be necessary to fulfil the request, depending on the types of services sought. Client server model is less flexible and places undue burden on network infrastructure. Distributed computing is a type of computing in which the components are distributed among multiple networked computers that communicate and coordinate with one another in order to reach a common purpose. Three important technologies, Message passing interface, Remote procedure call (RPC) and Distributed object system, emerged as distributed computing progressed. Message passing interface is simple and literal. In this scheme, programs are located on the two ends and communicate by using message passing over network. Many Internet applications rely on basic message passing, such as FTP, the Web, and email.Mobile Agent (MA) is unique in relation to the overall cycle movement. As a rule, the overall interaction movement doesn't permit cycle to pick relocation time and moving objective itself. Anyway, Mobile Agent can be relocated whenever, and move to any place that it needs to go. Mobile agents are a code fragment that can move uninhibitedly among nodes in network, and can convey their own state and code from a host PC to target PC to execute relating task.

  • af Yvonne Kraus
    204,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch zeigt die Grundlagen des KI-Tools ChatGPT und viele einfache Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, mit denen die Künstliche Intelligenz die Arbeit leichter macht.

  • af Maria Han Veiga
    597,95 kr.

    This book is an introduction to machine learning, with a strong focus on the mathematics behind the standard algorithms and techniques in the field, aimed at senior undergraduates and early graduate students of Mathematics. There is a focus on well-known supervised machine learning algorithms, detailing the existing theory to provide some theoretical guarantees, featuring intuitive proofs and exposition of the material in a concise and precise manner. A broad set of topics is covered, giving an overview of the field. A summary of the topics covered is: statistical learning theory, approximation theory, linear models, kernel methods, Gaussian processes, deep neural networks, ensemble methods and unsupervised learning techniques, such as clustering and dimensionality reduction. This book is suited for students who are interested in entering the field, by preparing them to master the standard tools in Machine Learning. The reader will be equipped to understand the main theoretical questions of the current research and to engage with the field.

  • af Andrés P. Torres
    597,95 kr.

    Gain practical, recipe-based insights into the world of deep learning using Apache MXNet for flexible and efficient research prototyping, training, and deployment to production.Key Features:A step-by-step tutorial towards using MXNet products to create scalable deep learning applicationsImplement tasks such as transfer learning, transformers, and more with the required speed and scalabilityAnalyze the performance of models and fine-tune them for accuracy, scalability, and speedBook Description:MXNet is an open-source deep learning framework that allows you to train and deploy neural network models and implement state-of-the-art (SOTA) architectures in CV, NLP, and more. With this cookbook, you will be able to construct fast, scalable deep learning solutions using Apache MXNet.This book will start by showing you the different versions of MXNet and what version to choose before installing your library. You will learn to start using MXNet/Gluon libraries to solve classification and regression problems and get an idea on the inner workings of these libraries. This book will also show how to use MXNet to analyze toy datasets in the areas of numerical regression, data classification, picture classification, and text classification. You'll also learn to build and train deep-learning neural network architectures from scratch, before moving on to complex concepts like transfer learning. You'll learn to construct and deploy neural network architectures including CNN, RNN, LSTMs, Transformers, and integrate these models into your applications.By the end of the book, you will be able to utilize the MXNet and Gluon libraries to create and train deep learning networks using GPUs and learn how to deploy them efficiently in different environments.What You Will Learn:Understand MXNet and Gluon libraries and their advantagesBuild and train network models from scratch using MXNetApply transfer learning for more complex, fine-tuned network architecturesSolve modern Computer Vision and NLP problems using neural network techniquesTrain and evaluate models using GPUs and learn how to deploy themExplore state-of-the-art models with GPUs and leveraging modern optimization techniquesImprove inference run-times and deploy models in production Who this book is for:This book is ideal for Data scientists, machine learning engineers, and developers who want to work with Apache MXNet for building fast, scalable deep learning solutions. The reader is expected to have a good understanding of Python programming and a working environment with Python 3.6+. A good theoretical understanding of mathematics for deep learning will be beneficial.

  • af Ivan Vasilev
    597,95 kr.

    Master effective navigation of neural networks, including convolutions and transformers, to tackle computer vision and NLP tasks using PythonKey FeaturesUnderstand the theory, mathematical foundations and the structure of deep neural networksBecome familiar with transformers, large language models, and convolutional networksLearn how to apply them on various computer vision and natural language processing problems Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionThe field of deep learning has developed rapidly in the past years and today covers broad range of applications. This makes it challenging to navigate and hard to understand without solid foundations. This book will guide you from the basics of neural networks to the state-of-the-art large language models in use today.The first part of the book introduces the main machine learning concepts and paradigms. It covers the mathematical foundations, the structure, and the training algorithms of neural networks and dives into the essence of deep learning.The second part of the book introduces convolutional networks for computer vision. We'll learn how to solve image classification, object detection, instance segmentation, and image generation tasks. The third part focuses on the attention mechanism and transformers - the core network architecture of large language models. We'll discuss new types of advanced tasks, they can solve, such as chat bots and text-to-image generation.By the end of this book, you'll have a thorough understanding of the inner workings of deep neural networks. You'll have the ability to develop new models or adapt existing ones to solve your tasks. You'll also have sufficient understanding to continue your research and stay up to date with the latest advancements in the field.What you will learnEstablish theoretical foundations of deep neural networksUnderstand convolutional networks and apply them in computer vision applicationsBecome well versed with natural language processing and recurrent networksExplore the attention mechanism and transformersApply transformers and large language models for natural language and computer visionImplement coding examples with PyTorch, Keras, and Hugging Face TransformersUse MLOps to develop and deploy neural network modelsWho this book is forThis book is for software developers/engineers, students, data scientists, data analysts, machine learning engineers, statisticians, and anyone interested in deep learning. Prior experience with Python programming is a prerequisite.Table of ContentsMachine Learning - an IntroductionNeural NetworksDeep Learning FundamentalsComputer Vision with Convolutional NetworksAdvanced Computer Vision ApplicationsNatural Language Processing and Recurrent Neural NetworksThe Attention Mechanism and TransformersExploring Large Language Models in DepthAdvanced Applications of Large Language ModelsMachine Learning Operations (ML Ops)

  • af Matthew Rosch
    612,95 kr.

    Starting a PyTorch Developer and Deep Learning Engineer career? Check out this 'PyTorch Cookbook,' a comprehensive guide with essential recipes and solutions for PyTorch and the ecosystem. The book covers PyTorch deep learning development from beginner to expert in well-written chapters.The book simplifies neural networks, training, optimization, and deployment strategies chapter by chapter. The first part covers PyTorch basics, data preprocessing, tokenization, and vocabulary. Next, it builds CNN, RNN, Attentional Layers, and Graph Neural Networks. The book emphasizes distributed training, scalability, and multi-GPU training for real-world scenarios. Practical embedded systems, mobile development, and model compression solutions illuminate on-device AI applications. However, the book goes beyond code and algorithms. It also offers hands-on troubleshooting and debugging for end-to-end deep learning development. 'PyTorch Cookbook' covers data collection to deployment errors and provides detailed solutions to overcome them.This book integrates PyTorch with ONNX Runtime, PySyft, Pyro, Deep Graph Library (DGL), Fastai, and Ignite, showing you how to use them for your projects. This book covers real-time inferencing, cluster training, model serving, and cross-platform compatibility. You'll learn to code deep learning architectures, work with neural networks, and manage deep learning development stages. 'PyTorch Cookbook' is a complete manual that will help you become a confident PyTorch developer and a smart Deep Learning engineer. Its clear examples and practical advice make it a must-read for anyone looking to use PyTorch and advance in deep learning.Key LearningsComprehensive introduction to PyTorch, equipping readers with foundational skills for deep learning.Practical demonstrations of various neural networks, enhancing understanding through hands-on practice.Exploration of Graph Neural Networks (GNN), opening doors to cutting-edge research fields.In-depth insight into PyTorch tools and libraries, expanding capabilities beyond core functions.Step-by-step guidance on distributed training, enabling scalable deep learning and AI projects.Real-world application insights, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical execution.Focus on mobile and embedded development with PyTorch, leading to on-device AI.Emphasis on error handling and troubleshooting, preparing readers for real-world challenges.Advanced topics like real-time inferencing and model compression, providing future ready skill.Table of ContentIntroduction to PyTorch 2.0Deep Learning Building BlocksConvolutional Neural NetworksRecurrent Neural NetworksNatural Language ProcessingGraph Neural Networks (GNNs)Working with Popular PyTorch ToolsDistributed Training and ScalabilityMobile and Embedded Development

  • af Priya Desai
    219,95 kr.

    A unified theory of neural network learning is a comprehensive framework that can explain how all types of neural networks learn, from the simplest perceptrons to the most complex deep learning models. It would provide a unified understanding of the different learning algorithms used in neural networks, as well as the different types of data that neural networks can learn from.Such a theory would have a number of benefits. First, it would help us to design better neural networks. By understanding how neural networks learn, we can develop more efficient and effective training algorithms. Second, a unified theory of neural network learning would help us to better understand the human brain. The human brain is essentially a neural network, and by understanding how neural networks learn, we can gain insights into how the brain learns and processes information.There are a number of challenges that need to be addressed in order to develop a unified theory of neural network learning. One challenge is the diversity of neural networks. There are many different types of neural networks, each with its own unique architecture and learning algorithm. It is not clear how to develop a single theory that can account for all of these different types of neural networks.

  • af Leonidas Deligiannidis
    2.052,95 kr.

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolves around creating and utilizing intelligent machines through science and engineering. This book delves into the theory and practical applications of computer science methods that incorporate AI across many domains. It covers techniques such as Machine Learning (ML), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Deep Learning (DL), and Large Language Models (LLM) to tackle complex issues and overcome various challenges.

  • af Crazy Science
    1.012,95 kr.

    ���� Are you ready to embark on an exhilarating journey through the captivating realm of data science? Look no further! ����In today's data-driven world, mastering the art of data science is not just an advantage; it's essential. Whether you're an aspiring data wizard or a seasoned professional, this Practitioner's Guide to Data Science is your key to unlocking the limitless potential hidden within data.

  • af Koji Koyamada
    872,95 kr.

    This book serves as a comprehensive step-by-step guide on data analysis and statistical analysis. It covers fundamental operations in Excel, such as table components, formula bar, and ribbon, and introduces visualization techniques and PDE derivation using Excel. It also provides an overview of Google Colab, including code and text cells, and explores visualization and deep learning applications.Key features of the book include topics like statistical analysis, regression analysis, optimization, correlation analysis, and neural networks. It adopts a practical approach by providing examples and step-by-step instructions for learners to apply the techniques to real-world problems.The book also highlights the strengths and features of both Excel and Google Colab, allowing learners to leverage the capabilities of each platform. The clear explanations of concepts, visual aids, and code snippets aid comprehension help learners understand the principles of data analysis and statistical analysis. Overall, this book serves as a valuable resource for professionals, researchers, and students seeking to develop skills in data analysis, regression statistics, optimization, and advanced modeling techniques using Excel, Colab, and neural networks.

  • af Patrick J
    697,95 kr.

    Designed with both beginners and professionals in mind, the book is meticulously structured to cover a broad spectrum of concepts, applications, and hands-on practices that form the core of the TensorFlow Developer Certificate exam. Starting with foundational concepts, the book guides you through the fundamental aspects of TensorFlow, Machine Learning algorithms, and Deep Learning models.The initial chapters focus on data preprocessing, exploratory analysis, and essential tools required for building robust models. The book then delves into Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs), and advanced neural network techniques such as GANs and Transformer Architecture. Emphasizing practical application, each chapter is peppered with detailed explanations, code snippets, and real-world examples, allowing you to apply the concepts in various domains such as text classification, sentiment analysis, object detection, and more.A distinctive feature of the book is its focus on various optimization and regularization techniques that enhance model performance. As the book progresses, it navigates through the complexities of deploying TensorFlow models into production. It includes exhaustive sections on TensorFlow Serving, Kubernetes Cluster, and edge computing with TensorFlow Lite. The book provides practical insights into monitoring, updating, and handling possible errors in production, ensuring a smooth transition from development to deployment.The final chapters are devoted to preparing you for the TensorFlow Developer Certificate exam. From strategies, tips, and coding challenges to a summary of the entire learning journey, these sections serve as a robust toolkit for exam readiness. With hints and solutions provided for challenges, you can assess your knowledge and fine-tune your problem solving skills. In essence, this book is more than a mere certification guide; it's a complete roadmap to mastering TensorFlow. It aligns perfectly with the objectives of the TensorFlow Developer Certificate exam, ensuring that you are not only well-versed in the theoretical aspects but are also skilled in practical applications.Key LearningsComprehensive guide to TensorFlow, covering fundamentals to advanced topics, aiding seamless learning.Alignment with TensorFlow Developer Certificate exam, providing targeted preparation and confidence.In-depth exploration of neural networks, enhancing understanding of model architecture and function.Hands-on examples throughout, ensuring practical understanding and immediate applicability of concepts.Detailed insights into model optimization, including regularization, boosting model performance.Extensive focus on deployment, from TensorFlow Serving to Kubernetes, for real-world applications.Exploration of innovative technologies like BiLSTM, attention mechanisms, Transformers, fostering creativity.Step-by-step coding challenges, enhancing problem-solving skills, mirroring real-world scenarios.Coverage of potential errors in deployment, offering practical solutions, ensuring robust applications.Continual emphasis on practical, applicable knowledge, making it suitable for all levelsTable of ContentsIntroduction to Machine Learning and TensorFlow 2.xUp and Running with Neural NetworksBuilding Basic Machine Learning ModelsImage Recognition with CNNObject Detection AlgorithmsText Recognition and Natural Language ProcessingStrategies to Prevent Overfitting & UnderfittingAdvanced Neural Networks for NLPProductionizing TensorFlow ModelsPreparing for TensorFlow Developer Certificate Exam

  • af Mehdi Ghayoumi
    914,95 kr.

    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in Practice is an all-inclusive resource that provides a solid foundation on GAN methodologies, their application to real-world projects, and their underlying mathematical and theoretical concepts.

  • af Priya Shanmuga
    317,95 kr.

    This focuses on the security and privacy preservation of medical big data using soft computing techniques. As the volume of medical data continues to grow, ensuring its security and protecting patient privacy become paramount. The research aims to employ soft computing techniques to address these challenges effectively.Soft computing methods, such as fuzzy logic, neural networks, and genetic algorithms, will be explored for their potential in securing medical big data and preserving patient privacy. These techniques can aid in data encryption, anonymization, access control, and anomaly detection, safeguarding sensitive medical information from unauthorized access and potential cyber-attacks.This will evaluate the performance of different soft computing approaches in terms of data protection, computation efficiency, and scalability. Special emphasis will be placed on adhering to privacy regulations and ethical considerations concerning medical data.The outcomes of this research have the potential to significantly impact the healthcare industry. By effectively implementing soft computing techniques, the security and privacy of medical big data can be enhanced, instilling confidence in patients, healthcare providers, and stakeholders regarding data confidentiality. Furthermore, the findings may contribute to the development of robust and privacy-preserving systems that promote data sharing and collaboration in medical research while upholding the highest standards of data protection.By employing these methods, the study seeks to address data protection challenges and pave the way for safer and more reliable data management practices within the healthcare domain.

  • af Matt Benatan
    662,95 kr.

    Develop Bayesian Deep Learning models to help make your own applications more robust.Key Features:Gain insights into the limitations of typical neural networksAcquire the skill to cultivate neural networks capable of estimating uncertaintyDiscover how to leverage uncertainty to develop more robust machine learning systemsBook Description:Deep learning is revolutionizing our lives, impacting content recommendations and playing a key role in mission- and safety-critical applications. Yet, typical deep learning methods lack awareness about uncertainty. Bayesian deep learning offers solutions based on approximate Bayesian inference, enhancing the robustness of deep learning systems by indicating how confident they are in their predictions. This book will guide you in incorporating model predictions within your applications with care.Starting with an introduction to the rapidly growing field of uncertainty-aware deep learning, you'll discover the importance of uncertainty estimation in robust machine learning systems. You'll then explore a variety of popular Bayesian deep learning methods and understand how to implement them through practical Python examples covering a range of application scenarios.By the end of this book, you'll embrace the power of Bayesian deep learning and unlock a new level of confidence in your models for safer, more robust deep learning systems.What You Will Learn:Discern the advantages and disadvantages of Bayesian inference and deep learningBecome well-versed with the fundamentals of Bayesian Neural NetworksUnderstand the differences between key BNN implementations and approximationsRecognize the merits of probabilistic DNNs in production contextsMaster the implementation of a variety of BDL methods in Python codeApply BDL methods to real-world problemsEvaluate BDL methods and choose the most suitable approach for a given taskDevelop proficiency in dealing with unexpected data in deep learning applicationsWho this book is for:This book will cater to researchers and developers looking for ways to develop more robust deep learning models through probabilistic deep learning. You're expected to have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of machine learning and probability, along with prior experience working with machine learning and deep learning models.

  • af Wesley Duggan
    217,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af George Musser
    245,95 kr.

    One of the most unfathomable mysteries of quantum physics... could the answer be much closer than ever we thought?

  • af Rajvardhan Oak
    597,95 kr.

    Work on 10 practical projects, each with a blueprint for a different machine learning technique, and apply them in the real world to fight against cybercrimePurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookKey Features:Learn how to frame a cyber security problem as a machine learning problemExamine your model for robustness against adversarial machine learningBuild your portfolio, enhance your resume, and ace interviews to become a cybersecurity data scientistBook Description:Machine learning in security is harder than other domains because of the changing nature and abilities of adversaries, high stakes, and a lack of ground-truth data. This book will prepare machine learning practitioners to effectively handle tasks in the challenging yet exciting cybersecurity space.The book begins by helping you understand how advanced ML algorithms work and shows you practical examples of how they can be applied to security-specific problems with Python - by using open source datasets or instructing you to create your own. In one exercise, you'll also use GPT 3.5, the secret sauce behind ChatGPT, to generate an artificial dataset of fabricated news. Later, you'll find out how to apply the expert knowledge and human-in-the-loop decision-making that is necessary in the cybersecurity space. This book is designed to address the lack of proper resources available for individuals interested in transitioning into a data scientist role in cybersecurity. It concludes with case studies, interview questions, and blueprints for four projects that you can use to enhance your portfolio.By the end of this book, you'll be able to apply machine learning algorithms to detect malware, fake news, deep fakes, and more, along with implementing privacy-preserving machine learning techniques such as differentially private ML.What You Will Learn:Use GNNs to build feature-rich graphs for bot detection and engineer graph-powered embeddings and featuresDiscover how to apply ML techniques in the cybersecurity domainApply state-of-the-art algorithms such as transformers and GNNs to solve security-related issuesLeverage ML to solve modern security issues such as deep fake detection, machine-generated text identification, and stylometric analysisApply privacy-preserving ML techniques and use differential privacy to protect user data while training ML modelsBuild your own portfolio with end-to-end ML projects for cybersecurityWho this book is for:This book is for machine learning practitioners interested in applying their skills to solve cybersecurity issues. Cybersecurity workers looking to leverage ML methods will also find this book useful. An understanding of the fundamental machine learning concepts and beginner-level knowledge of Python programming are needed to grasp the concepts in this book. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, this book offers a unique and valuable learning experience that'll help you develop the skills needed to protect your network and data against the ever-evolving threat landscape.

  • af Diego Garrido Cerpa
    122,95 kr.

  • af Vinod Kumar & Dharmendra Singh Rajput
    2.562,95 - 3.372,95 kr.

  • af Duc Haba
    537,95 kr.

    Boost your AI and generative AI accuracy using real-world datasets with over 150 functional object-oriented methods and open source librariesPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookKey Features:Explore beautiful, customized charts and infographics in full colorWork with fully functional OO code using open source libraries in the Python Notebook for each chapterUnleash the potential of real-world datasets with practical data augmentation techniquesBook Description:Data is paramount in AI projects, especially for deep learning and generative AI, as forecasting accuracy relies on input datasets being robust. Acquiring additional data through traditional methods can be challenging, expensive, and impractical, and data augmentation offers an economical option to extend the dataset.The book teaches you over 20 geometric, photometric, and random erasing augmentation methods using seven real-world datasets for image classification and segmentation. You'll also review eight image augmentation open source libraries, write object-oriented programming (OOP) wrapper functions in Python Notebooks, view color image augmentation effects, analyze safe levels and biases, as well as explore fun facts and take on fun challenges. As you advance, you'll discover over 20 character and word techniques for text augmentation using two real-world datasets and excerpts from four classic books. The chapter on advanced text augmentation uses machine learning to extend the text dataset, such as Transformer, Word2vec, BERT, GPT-2, and others. While chapters on audio and tabular data have real-world data, open source libraries, amazing custom plots, and Python Notebook, along with fun facts and challenges.By the end of this book, you will be proficient in image, text, audio, and tabular data augmentation techniques.What You Will Learn:Write OOP Python code for image, text, audio, and tabular dataAccess over 150,000 real-world datasets from the Kaggle websiteAnalyze biases and safe parameters for each augmentation methodVisualize data using standard and exotic plots in colorDiscover 32 advanced open source augmentation librariesExplore machine learning models, such as BERT and TransformerMeet Pluto, an imaginary digital coding companionExtend your learning with fun facts and fun challengesWho this book is for:This book is for data scientists and students interested in the AI discipline. Advanced AI or deep learning skills are not required; however, knowledge of Python programming and familiarity with Jupyter Notebooks are essential to understanding the topics covered in this book.

  • af Michael Ferguson
    222,95 kr.

    "Get ready to unlock your full potential with ChatGPT! In this comprehensive guide, you'll discover the power of prompt engineering to boost your creativity, productivity, and effectiveness in various niches such as writing, music, business, health, and even fun. With well-researched content, practical strategies, real-world examples, and 100 carefully crafted prompts, you'll learn how to harness the full capabilities of ChatGPT to empower yourself for effective interactions. From generating compelling content to crafting persuasive sales pitches, creating captivating stories, composing motivational speeches, and more, you'll have the tools and techniques to excel in your chosen domain. Along the way, you'll also explore ethical considerations and engage in self-reflection exercises, ensuring a well-rounded and responsible approach to using ChatGPT. Whether you're a writer, entrepreneur, marketer, musician, or health enthusiast, this book offers actionable takeaways, personal stories, and engaging content that will ignite your imagination and drive success. Don't miss out on this transformative journey with ChatGPT. Get started now and unleash your limitless potential!"

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