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Håndtering af alzheimers og demens

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  • - pårørendes liv med sygdommen frontotemporal demens
    af Ingrid Lauridsen & Charlotte Helsted
    287,95 kr.

    »Man mister Emma Gad!« Det er et af de første og mest synlige tegn på, at man lider af frontotemporal demens. Når hjernen visner er den første dansksprogede bog om pårørendes liv med ægtefæller eller forældre, der lider af frontotemporal demens.Denne demenstype (også kaldet frontallapsdemens) er især kendetegnet ved, at de ramte mister ’deres gode opdragelse’ og deres naturlige empati. De kan bl.a.:blive verbalt ubehagelige, hvor de kalder deres ægtefæller voldsomt grimme tingsmide tøjet i offentlighedenkomme med upassende, seksuelle tilbud til både fremmede, gamle venner eller egne børnbegynde at smårapse i butikkerne, når de er på indkøb.De første symptomer opstår som regel, når patienten er i 50’erne, men ofte tager det mange år, før diagnosen ligger klar. Det giver et yderligere pres på de pårørende, der kan mærke, at noget ikke er, som det plejer, mens læger og psykologer har svært ved at finde årsagen.Når hjernen visner indeholder historier fra 11 ægtefæller og seks børn om, hvad demensen har betydet for deres mand, kone, far eller mor og forholdet til dem. Bogen er en hjælp til andre pårørende, der har brug for at vide, at de ikke er alene, og den er en øjenåbner til læger, psykologer og andet sundhedspersonale, der her får en unik indsigt i, hvad man kæmper med som pårørende, og hvordan man bedst kan hjælpe som fagperson.Når hjernen visner er redigeret af Charlotte Helsted, enke efter en mand med frototemporal demens, og Ingrid Lauridsen, cand.psych. med speciale i gerontopsykologi.

  • af Georgi Gospodinov
    117,95 kr.

  • - lær at forstå mennesker med demens
    af Dorthe Boss Kyhn & Anneke Dapper-Skaaning
    267,95 kr.

    Demenssprog sætter fokus på, hvordan vi, der er raske, bliver bedre til at 'oversætte' demenssprog og selv blive i stand til at 'tale' sproget, så vi kan skabe bedre rammer for mennesker, der har demens.Bogen giver både råd og værktøjer til, hvordan vi kan sætte os bedre ind i mennesker, der har demens. Bogen tager udgangspunkt i modellen 'isbjerget', der kan forklare den adfærd, som mennesker med demens viser os: Over vandet er adfærden, vi kan se med det blotte øje, men under vandet er de følelser og psykologiske behov, der ikke opfyldes.Vi er nødt til at blive bedre til at sætte os ind i de ønsker og behov, som mennesker med demens har, og bogen her giver endelig de redskaber, som vi så ofte mangler til dette.Demenssprog henvender sig til alt plejepersonale i hjemmeplejen og på plejecentre samt pårørende for og mennesker med demens.

  • af Betina Birkjær
    237,95 kr.

    "Min bedstefar hedder Kaj og min bedstemor hedder Gerda. Jeg besøger dem tit. Min bedstefar har 123 forskellige blomster i sin udestue og han kan alle 123 navne udenad. På latin. Mig kalder han Stump."Stump har stribevis af gode stunder hos sin bedstefar og bedstemor, med blomster, puslespil, kryds-og-tværs og kærlighed. En dag opdager Stump, at bedstefar er begyndt at tabe ord; helt bogstaveligt drysser de efter ham og han kan ikke mere huske, hvad forskellige ting hedder. Bedstemor opdager det først den nat, han er gået ud i snevejr, og ordene ligger og lyser i sneen. Men hun kan sine tricks og sammen med Stump lykkes det hende at få tilrettelagt en stribe gode stunder for bedstefar. En smuk og ærlig billedbog, der vil hjælpe børn med at forstå, hvad der sker, når nogen bliver ramt af demens eller alzheimers. Bogen er blevet til i samarbejde med Erindringscenter Bornholm og indeholder et efterord til den voksne læser, skrevet af Ove Dahl, historiker og leder af Dansk Center for Reminiscens – om hvordan man bl.a. ved hjælp af genstande kan etablere et meningsfuldt samvær, selv i fremskredne stadier af sygdommen.”Lille, gribende, fortælling” Carsten G. Johansen, Helse ”Det er nogle år, siden jeg har læst H. C. Andersens Snedronningen, men jeg mindes, at jeg som barn syntes, det var uhyggeligt, hvordan Kaj kunne forandre sig så drastisk, og hvor modig og stærk Gerda var i sin vedholdende kærlighed. Symbolikken passer rigtigt fint i denne bog, der mest af alt handler om kærligheden og livets foranderlighed” Katrine Colmorn, ”Det kan ikke gøres smukkere” ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Steffen Larsen, Politiken

  • - Kognitiv stimulation, samtalestøtte og kompenserende strategier til personer med demens
    af Kim Michael Alberg & Helle Kousgaard
    227,95 kr.

    I Danmark lever næsten 90.000 mennesker med en demenssygdom, og hvert år registreres cirka 8.000 nye tilfælde af demens. Samtidig stilles diagnosen tidligere i sygdomsforløbet, hvorfor der i stigende grad er brug for kvalificerede tilbud til mennesker med demens i et tidligt stadie. Tilbud, der giver mening for personen med demens - og er rettet mod at stimulere personens hjerne.Kompenserende undervisning til personer med demens tager udgangspunkt i personens færdigheder og potentiale. Undervisningen sigter mod at styrke personens selvværd og tro på egne evner - og har til formål at bevare personens interesse for det omgivende samfundsamt forbedre dennes mulighed for aktiv deltagelse i eget liv. Denne bog er en inspirations- og metodebog til ansatte i kommuner, som ønsker at tilbydekompenserende undervisning til borgere med demens, fagpersoner på dagtilbud, aktivitetscentre og lignende, som søger idéer til kognitiv stimulation og samtalestøtte, der kan styrke den demensramte personstænkning og sociale færdigheder, og pårørende kan hente inspiration i bogen til meningsfuldt samvær med deres demens syge ægtefælle, ven eller familiemedlem.

  • - Opdagelser i et demensforløb
    af Marianne Iben Hansen
    157,95 - 198,95 kr.

    Gennem sprækkerne er en bog om kærlighed. Marianne Iben Hansen skriver smukt og rørende om sin fars demensforløb. Om de mange svære følelser, modstanden, sorgen, de uløselige dilemmaer og forsøgene på at håndtere det uforudsigelige. Men også om den gradvise overgivelse, der munder ud i en uventet inderlig kontakt – ikke på trods af demensen, men i kraft af den.”Kærlighed blev noget, vi hvilede i, ikke noget den ene følte for den anden. At give fik en ny betydning, og at fortjene mistede sin relevans. Det har medført et jordskred i det fundament, min personlighed hviler på”.Skildringen er levende og præcis, og refleksionerne er båret af forfatterens oprigtige ønske om at møde og udforske det nye, der åbner sig, i stedet for at se bagud mod det, der er mistet. De opdagelser, hun gør undervejs, om sig selv, om sin far og om nærværet mellem dem, er ikke kun vedkommende, hvis man har demens tæt inde på livet. Det handler om at være menneske og om at finde ind til hinanden, også når livet er præget af alder eller sygdom, og når tab og forandringer er et vilkår.

  • - En brugsbog for pårørende
    af Nina Harboe
    88,95 - 117,95 kr.

    "I morgen er en ny dag" er en bog om at være pårørende til en demensramt ægtefælle. Det er ikke kun en bog, der skal læses, det er også en bog, som pårørende selv kan skrive i. Med udgangspunkt i sine egne oplevelser fortæller Nina Harboe indlevende om sine tanker og erfaringer i alle faserne i forløbet: Om de første sygdomstegn, om det gradvise tab af fællesskab, om tiden på plejehjem og om vigtigheden af at dele sin sorg, sin tvivl og sine tanker med andre. I bogen deles også erfaringer med, hvordan man får taget en værdig afsked, og hvordan man kommer på benene igen som efterladt. Frem for alt er I morgen er en ny dag en brugsbog, der indbyder til refleksion og eftertanke. Læs mere på

  • af Karin Erlandsson
    144,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Danias bedstemor bor i en gammel stationsbygning, hvor hele familien hvert år holder julefest. Men bedstemor er ikke længere sig selv og har svært ved at huske, og en aften forsvinder hun på mystisk vis. Samme aften opdager Dania et nattog foran den ellers nedlagte station. Hun stiger på, og et magisk eventyr begynder. For på nattoget kan passagererne møde mennesker, man har mistet. Natekspressen er en smuk og prisvindende kalenderhistorie i 24 kapitler. Bogen er skrevet af den svensk forfatter Karin Erlandsson og illustreret af den anerkendte illustrator Peter Bergting.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    303,95 kr.

    "In the Shadow of Forgetfulness: A Journey Through Alzheimer's Disease" is a poignant and heartfelt exploration of the impact of Alzheimer's disease on individuals, families, and caregivers. Through a series of chapters that delve into different aspects of the Alzheimer's experience, this book offers a raw and honest portrayal of the challenges, joys, and sorrows that accompany caring for someone with Alzheimer's.From the early signs and symptoms of the disease to the challenges of diagnosis and the complexities of caregiving, "In the Shadow of Forgetfulness" provides a comprehensive look at the Alzheimer's journey. Each chapter is filled with personal stories, reflections, and insights from caregivers and loved ones, offering a deeply human perspective on this devastating disease.But amidst the darkness of Alzheimer's, there are also moments of light and grace. The book explores the unexpected blessings and moments of joy that can still be found, even in the midst of the disease. It also highlights the importance of support networks and self-care for caregivers, providing practical advice and guidance for those facing similar challenges."In the Shadow of Forgetfulness" is a tribute to the strength, resilience, and love of those affected by Alzheimer's disease. It is a reminder that, even in the face of adversity, there is hope, there is beauty, and there is the enduring power of the human spirit to overcome.

  • af Bettina Dennison
    236,95 kr.

    Die in diesem Band versammelten Geschichten sind alle unterschiedlich und doch haben sie einen gemeinsamen Kern: eine Liebe für die Gegensätzlichkeit der Existenz. Eine, die alles umhüllt. Eine, die uns einlädt, genauer hinzuschauen, genauer hinzufühlen. Denn Kreativität und Struktur schließen sich nicht aus, sie sind Geschwister. Beide haben ihre Berechtigung, beide halten uns am Leben. Wir brauchen beide und diese Texte zeigen auf, wie wir sie in Einklang bringen können, indem wir den Widerspruch erkennen und ihn in der Akzeptanz überwinden.

  • af Harris Phillip
    377,95 kr.

    "Reclaim Your Health: Alzheimer's Disease" is a valuable handbook on this key medical topic by award-winning author, Dr. Harris Phillip. Alzheimer's affects seniors and makes their lives awful. They face dementia and reduced mental activity, greatly impacting the quality of life. The book describes various symptoms, precautions, and steps to manage this lifelong condition. Readers can keep this book handy and reference it whenever they require credible information about Alzheimer's Disease.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    362,95 kr.

    "Lost Memories: Navigating the Maze of Alzheimer's" by Sreekumar V T is a compassionate and comprehensive guide that serves as a beacon of understanding and support for those navigating the intricate challenges posed by Alzheimer's disease. This insightful book delves into the complex landscape of Alzheimer's, offering a roadmap for individuals, caregivers, and families as they journey through the maze of forgetfulness.In this poignant exploration, Sreekumar V T combines expertise with empathy, providing a nuanced understanding of Alzheimer's disease from various perspectives. The book begins by unravelling the intricate tapestry of memory loss, shedding light on the early signs and diagnostic labyrinth of Alzheimer's. Each chapter unfolds seamlessly, addressing crucial topics such as emotional impact on families, strategies for mindful care, and the resilient spirit that persists in the face of profound loss.With a wealth of knowledge and sensitivity, the author delves into the emotional and practical aspects of Alzheimer's, offering guidance on coping with change after a diagnosis, building a supportive network, and creating meaningful experiences for individuals affected by the disease. The inclusion of real-life stories and experiences adds a personal touch, making the book relatable and encouraging a sense of shared understanding.The narrative skilfully navigates the emotional journey of caregivers, acknowledging the challenges they face and providing insights into fostering resilience. It addresses legal and financial considerations, end-of-life conversations, and the latest medical breakthroughs, offering a holistic view of Alzheimer's care.One of the distinctive features of "Lost Memories" is its empathetic exploration of the emotional impact of Alzheimer's, recognizing the nuanced experiences of individuals and their loved ones. The book emphasizes the importance of reflection and resilience, celebrating the enduring strength found in shared memories, even as the maze of Alzheimer's attempts to obscure them.Sreekumar V T's writing style is both informative and compassionate, making complex medical information accessible while maintaining a deep sense of empathy. Whether you are seeking practical advice, emotional support, or a greater understanding of Alzheimer's, this book serves as a valuable companion throughout the Alzheimer's journey."Lost Memories: Navigating the Maze of Alzheimer's" stands out as an indispensable guide that goes beyond the clinical aspects of the disease, delving into the emotional and relational dimensions with grace and sensitivity. Sreekumar V T invites readers to navigate the maze of Alzheimer's with courage, compassion, and the unwavering belief that every individual affected by Alzheimer's deserves dignity and peace on their journey.

  • af Sandi K. Wilson
    107,95 kr.

    In "My Way: A Daughter's Journey into the World of Dementia," Sandi and her family are thrust into a whirlwind of unexpected challenges when her father's life takes a shocking turn. From the bewildering arrest, impounding of his car, and the impending court proceedings, their lives are forever altered.As they embark on a poignant and emotionally charged journey, Sandi takes you on an intimate exploration of their family's experience with dementia. From the initial diagnosis to the heart-wrenching decision to commit her father to a dementia care facility, every step of this profound and deeply personal odyssey is unveiled.Join Sandi as she navigates the labyrinthine world of dementia, offering readers a touching, insightful, and ultimately uplifting account of the trials, tribulations, and enduring love that shape her extraordinary story. "My Way" is a heartfelt and honest tribute to the strength of family bonds in the face of life's most challenging trials.

  • af Abubakar Wani
    367,95 kr.

    In Autophagy-Induced Beta Amyloid Clearance in Alzheimer's Disease, Abubakar Wani provides a comprehensive overview of the role of autophagy in the clearance of beta-amyloid, a key pathological hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. The book presents the latest research and experimental evidence supporting the use of autophagy as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.The book begins with an overview of the cellular mechanisms of autophagy and its role in protein degradation, followed by a discussion of the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease and the role of beta-amyloid in disease progression. Wani then explores the molecular mechanisms by which autophagy can promote the clearance of beta-amyloid, including the regulation of autophagy by different signaling pathways and the role of autophagy in mediating the turnover of different protein aggregates.The author also discusses the potential use of autophagy-inducing drugs as a therapeutic strategy for Alzheimer's disease, highlighting the current progress and challenges in the development of autophagy-targeting drugs. Additionally, the book covers the latest research on the role of autophagy in the clearance of other protein aggregates implicated in neurodegenerative diseases.Overall, Autophagy-Induced Beta Amyloid Clearance in Alzheimer's Disease is a valuable resource for researchers, clinicians, and students interested in the molecular mechanisms underlying Alzheimer's disease and the potential therapeutic applications of autophagy induction. The book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the latest research in the field, making it an essential reference for anyone working in this area.

  • af Vr Peterson
    187,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Tina Shelton
    232,95 kr.

    Imagine waking up every morning with a clear mind, boundless energy, and a sharp memory. Picture yourself effortlessly navigating through tasks, soaking up knowledge like a sponge, and feeling a profound sense of mental clarity. This may seem like an unattainable dream, but it can be your reality with the power of fasting.In the hustle and bustle of modern life, our brains can easily become overwhelmed. Anxiety, depression, memory loss, and brain fog are becoming all too common, robbing us of our vitality and joy. But what if there was a natural, accessible solution to rejuvenate your brain and take back control of your mental well-being?Introducing Brain Health and Fasting for Men and Women Aged 40 and Over, a groundbreaking guide that will revolutionize the way you approach brain health. Written by esteemed educator and fasting advocate Tina Shelton, this book unveils the untapped potential of fasting as a lifestyle to prevent and reverse brain-related concerns. Are you ready to learn how?Within these pages, you'll discover:A comprehensive introduction to brain health including how it works, its connection to mental health, and unhealthy red flags you should never ignoreCommon fasting side effects you should know of and how you can manage them safely and effectivelyVarious fasting models you can incorporate immediately to boost your overall well-being, even if you've struggled with fasting beforeNutritious fasting and diet plans for mental detox and restoration of your brain powerA step-by-step guide to building a fasting lifestyle through simple and enjoyable activities and exercisesThis book is backed by scientific research and studies that showcase the undeniable benefits of fasting for brain health. Every chapter contains clear explanations and practical techniques that will take you a step closer to reclaiming power over your mental health, becoming happier, and improving your overall well-being! Whether you're experiencing brain-related malfunctions or seeking to prevent them, this book is your roadmap to a vibrant, thriving brain.Unlock the true potential of your brain and reclaim your mental well-being. Dive into the world of fasting and transform your life today!

  • af Pauli Pedersen
    162,95 kr.

    As the butcher knife flew from Dad's hand through the air, I visualized it slicing into the back of the retreating social worker. Like a Banty rooster, my dad stood on the back stoop, preening with power.What happened to the kind, lighthearted gentleman whose strong faith had grounded him for eighty years? When I was growing up, Dad was a playful, happy man who enjoyed bringing pleasure to his loved ones. Constructing a skating rink in the barnyard, planning trailer trips to Disneyland or Montana, building a wakeboard to tow us behind his boat were gifts. Hard-working and ingenious, his whimsy disguised the changes taking place. Dad's mission to protect and care for others, while seeking his childhood dream of owning a farm, triggered a slow slide into the current of dementia.Our family survived an experience so outlandish that I hope sharing it will comfort those who have rafted the same tempestuous river or are now undergoing a similar voyage. A tapestry spun from a treasure trove of family stories, this memoir lovingly accompanies his last journey.The lesson of our odyssey? Mental illness affects billions of us and needs to be released from the darkness of disgrace into the light of love, care, and research.

  • af Christian Stahl
    297,95 kr.

    Some say laughter is the best medicine against ageism. Many elderlies tend to view nursing homes as a boring and stressful environment. Laughter has proven itself to be a natural form of medicine that is available to everyone. Humorous stories and anecdotes can help you relax and manage stress while boosting your immune system and releasing endorphins!How this book can help you. These 100 humorous tales, essays and anecdotes include a grand variety of feel-good subjects, like humorous short novels based on a true story, wedding anniversary humor, humorous anecdotes after decades in the bedroom, and a whole collection of essays and good-hearted jokes about the elderly. This collection of short stories, anecdotes and jokes aim to make you happy and laugh out loud!All 100 humorous stories and essays are told in a simple, humorous style, they are fun and engaging at the same time, making this book the perfect present for a beloved senior in your life.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    117,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey with "The Dementia Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint For Complete Dementia Management," a comprehensive guide that unravels the intricacies of dementia. In Chapter 1, readers delve into the fundamental understanding of dementia-its types, causes, and impact on daily life. Moving beyond, Chapter 2 navigates the medical management landscape, exploring medications, non-pharmacological interventions, and future directions in dementia research. Holistic approaches in Chapter 3 offer a spectrum from mindfulness to environmental modifications, providing a well-rounded foundation. "Customizable Plans and Self-Help Techniques" in Chapter 4 empower caregivers with personalized care plans and practical strategies for emotional regulation, communication, and memory enhancement. Chapter 5 explores evidence-based insights, promising therapies, and the evolving landscape of technology in dementia management, blending the latest research with ethical considerations and advocacy.This masterful blueprint not only equips caregivers with knowledge and tools but also empowers individuals with dementia. It addresses changing needs, promotes self-care for caregivers, and envisions a future shaped by compassionate care and cutting-edge research. A must-read for those navigating the challenges of dementia, offering hope and guidance on the journey to mastery.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    142,95 kr.

    Delve into the comprehensive guide, "The Alzheimer's Disease Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint For Complete Alzheimer's Disease Management," where each chapter unfolds a wealth of knowledge aimed at empowering individuals facing Alzheimer's and those caring for them. Beginning with an in-depth exploration of the disease's biology, genetic factors, and early signs, this book navigates through the stages, risk factors, and preventative measures. Moving beyond traditional medical approaches, it provides insights into current medications, clinical trials, and non-pharmacological interventions, touching on nutritional recommendations and sleep hygiene. Holistic methods are explored in-depth, from mindfulness and art therapy to acupuncture and personalized plans, creating a holistic foundation for effective management.In "Customizable Plans for Alzheimer's Disease Management," readers discover practical strategies like cognitive stimulation plans and fitness routines. The book extends into strategies for living well with Alzheimer's, emphasizing meaning, communication, joy, and independence. A robust guide is dedicated to resources and support, including national organizations, online communities, caregiver resources, and legal planning. The exploration of the future of Alzheimer's disease management encompasses emerging therapies, AI's role in research, lifestyle interventions, and global collaborations.This masterful guide culminates in a vision for a world without Alzheimer's, infusing hope and empowerment into the journey. For anyone seeking a blueprint for Alzheimer's disease mastery, this book is an invaluable resource, offering both practical strategies and a holistic approach to navigating the challenges and embracing the future with optimism.

  • af Jamie TenNapel Tyrone
    197,95 kr.

    La enfermera retirada Jamie Tyrone, luego de recibir un diagnóstico de un 91% de riesgo de desarrollar Mal de Alzheimer debido a sus genes, se asocia con el Dr. Marwan Sabbagh, un destacado neurólogo, y crean una guía sencilla y útil para explorar los riesgos de las pruebas genéticas y vivir una vida productiva a la sombra del Alzheimer.

  • af Anette Vinther Mortensen
    227,95 kr.

    Det er ret overraskende, at der ikke findes særlig meget viden eller udgivet litteratur om mennesker med udviklingshæmning, ifølge forfatteren Anette Vinther Mortensen. Hun har udviklet en demensmodel, hvor hun præsenterer otte demenssymptomer, der kan opstå, når mennesker med udviklingshæmning rammes af demens. Den tager afsæt i mennesker med udviklingshæmning og demens - med særligt fokus på Downs syndrom. Demenssymptomerne er dog almengyldige, og bogens indhold er derfor også brugbart i den brede befolkning. Bogen klæder professionelle medarbejdere såvel som pårørende på til at være en aktiv del af den tidlige og essentielle opsporing af demens. En rettidig diagnose er central for, at mennesker med demens kan modtage den rette indsats, det rette sted. Bogen formidler viden og bidrager til kvalificeringen af såvel den aktuelle som den fremtidige pædagogiske faglige indsats. Bogens målgruppe er pædagoger, pårørende, medarbejdere inden for ældreområdet og diverse uddannelsesinstitutioner, der uddanner personale, der kommer i berøring med mennesker med demens – uanset deres kognitive funktionsniveau. Anette Vinther Mortensen er uddannet pædagog og har i de seneste ca 20 år arbejdet som socialpædagog indenfor specialområdet i forhold til borgere med udviklingshæmning og demens.

  • af Benjamin Drath
    187,95 kr.

    Unlocking The Dementia Care Solution Handbook: Your Path to Mastery.Are you facing the intricate and emotionally charged journey of caring for a loved one with dementia? If you seek guidance, understanding, and effective strategies to navigate this challenging path, "The Dementia Care Solution Handbook" is your invaluable companion.What Makes This Book Essential:A Compassionate Guide: This book is your beacon of light, offering unwavering support and compassion. It's written by experts who understand the complex world of dementia caregiving.11 Steps to Mastery: We break down the caregiving process into 11 manageable steps, providing you with a clear roadmap for tackling financial, emotional, and patient challenges.Real-Life Stories: Walk in the shoes of caregivers who have journeyed this road before you. Their stories are a testament to resilience, empathy, and the human spirit's capacity to endure and thrive.Your Journey to Mastery Begins:Step 1: Gain a holistic understanding of dementia and its various forms.Step 2: Navigate the financial complexities of caregiving with confidence.Step 3: Decode the emotional struggles, both yours and your loved one's.Step 4: Cultivate empathy and connect with your loved one's emotions.Step 5: Build a robust support network, your caregiving dream team.Step 6: Create a sustainable budget for financial stability.Step 7: Prioritize self-care to safeguard your well-being.Step 8: Implement effective communication techniques.Step 9: Learn to manage patient agitation with proven strategies.Step 10: Discover the power of meaningful activities for your loved one.Step 11: Access supportive community resources and secure your future.Why This Book Matters:"The Dementia Care Solution Handbook" is not just a book; it's your partner in caregiving, your source of wisdom, and your guide through the labyrinth of dementia care. It's the difference between feeling overwhelmed and mastering your role as a caregiver.

  • af Melodie Anderson
    172,95 kr.

    Caregivers are crucial in supporting vulnerable individuals, including the elderly, people with disabilities, and those with chronic illnesses. They ensure these individuals can maintain their quality of life and independence to the best extent possible. Caregivers who offer daily personal care do so compassionately and respectfully. With the aging population in many parts of the world, the role of caregivers becomes increasingly crucial in supporting older adults to age with dignity and grace. In summary, caregiving is essential because of the need for care and compassion. It helps individuals in their times of vulnerability, fosters a sense of community and family, and contributes to the well-being of society. If it's informal caregiving by family members or professional caregiving in healthcare settings, the role of caregivers is indispensable.Whether it's Alzheimer's, Parkinson's', Dementia, or Eldercare, caregivers play a vital role in our lives.This book covers all your options in hiring a caregiver or being a caregiver. Look inside for real caregiver stories. How and why they chose to care for those they love.

  • af Joy Kinnest
    132,95 kr.

    Enjoy a light and fun experience with a loved one who has dementia or cognitive decline due to another illness.In this extra simple picture book for adults, the focus is on items and activities that bring joy to elderly seniors. Examples include:Sweet treatsTelevisionA NapPuppies & DogsA Nice ViewThe book is dementia-friendly with simple text and lovely, bright images.It is perfect as a read-together book, and includes simple questions that encourage a happy conversation.Give the gift of focusing on joy and gratitude!Great features of this book include:Full-color images with high-quality paperExtra-large print and very simple textOnly 32 pages, so finishing is easy and relaxingNo mention of dementia or cognitive decline on or inside the book

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