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Håndtering af despression og andre sindslidelser

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  • af Tracilyn George
    222,95 kr.

    Har du eller någon närstående en psykisk sjukdom? Har du någonsin undrat vad du kan göra för att hjälpa? Den här boken är ditt svar! För att förstå depression till fullo måste du lyssna uppmärksamt och uppmärksamt på de av oss som lider.Det är viktigt för alla med psykisk ohälsa att bli behandlade med vänlighet, respekt och värdighet, inte med stigmatisering, partiskhet och hån, för vi utkämpar en kamp bortom ens vision och förståelse. Bara för att vi inte ser sjuka ut betyder det inte att vi inte är det. Syftet med den här boken är att se på psykisk ohälsa inifrån och ut ur en överlevandes synvinkel.

  • af Tracilyn George
    222,95 kr.

    Ert þú eða ástvinur með geðsjúkdóm? Hefur þú einhvern tíma velt því fyrir þér hvað þú getur gert til að hjálpa? Þessi bók er svarið þitt! Til að skilja þunglyndi til fulls verður þú að hlusta af athygli og athygli á okkur sem þjást.Það er mikilvægt fyrir alla sem eru með geðsjúkdóma að vera meðhöndlaðir af góðvild, virðingu og reisn, ekki með fordómum, hlutdrægni og fyrirlitningu, því við erum að berjast umfram sýn og skilning. Bara vegna þess að við lítum ekki út fyrir að vera veik þýðir það ekki að við séum það ekki. Tilgangur þessarar bókar er að skoða geðsjúkdóma innan frá og út frá sjónarhóli eins eftirlifenda.

  • af Tracilyn George
    222,95 kr.

    Vous ou un de vos proches souffrez d'une maladie mentale ? Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce que vous pouviez faire pour aider ? Ce livre est votre réponse ! Pour bien comprendre la dépression, vous devez écouter attentivement ceux d'entre nous qui en souffrent.Il est important que toute personne atteinte de maladie mentale soit traitée avec gentillesse, respect et dignité, et non avec stigmatisation, préjugés et mépris, car nous menons une bataille qui dépasse la vision et la compréhension de chacun. Ce n'est pas parce que nous n'avons pas l'air malade que nous ne le sommes pas. Le but de ce livre est d'examiner la maladie mentale de l'intérieur, du point de vue d'un survivant.

  • af Shalom Knotts
    222,95 - 342,95 kr.

  • af Tracilyn George
    222,95 kr.

    Tu o una persona cara avete una malattia mentale? Ti sei mai chiesto cosa puoi fare per aiutare? Questo libro è la tua risposta! Per comprendere appieno la depressione, devi ascoltare intensamente e attentamente quelli di noi che ne sono afflitti.È importante che chiunque soffra di una malattia mentale sia trattato con gentilezza, rispetto e dignità, non con stigmatizzazione, pregiudizi e disprezzo, perché stiamo combattendo una battaglia che va oltre la nostra visione e comprensione. Solo perché non sembriamo malati, non significa che non lo siamo. Lo scopo di questo libro è guardare la malattia mentale dall'interno verso l'esterno, dal punto di vista di un sopravvissuto.

  • af Mark Sloan
    222,95 kr.

    Exploitez le pouvoir du bleu de méthylène pour révolutionner votre santé et votre vie! Les percées scientifiques du XXe siècle ont révélé que pratiquement toutes les maladies existantes sont d'origine métabolique et que l'amélioration de la fonction mitochondriale cellulaire est le moyen le plus rapide de rétablir la santé. Développé à l'origine pour la teinture des tissus par l'industrie textile, vous allez apprendre pourquoi le bleu de méthylène est l'un des médicaments métaboliques les plus puissants jamais découverts. Your Complete Guide to Methylene Blue vous montrera les secrets de la thérapie par teinture, et comment l'utiliser pour améliorer la fonction mitochondriale et renforcer puissamment le métabolisme de votre corps. Mark Sloan, auteur de best-sellers, est le créateur du blog populaire Endalldisease, qui fournit des informations sur la santé fondées sur des preuves et a aidé des dizaines de milliers de personnes à retrouver la santé. Après avoir perdu sa mère d'un cancer à l'âge de 12 ans, Mark a consacré sa vie à trouver des thérapies plus sûres et plus efficaces pour les maladies de toutes sortes. Dans ce livre, vous apprendrez comment :Augmenter radicalement votre niveau d'énergie et passer à l'action dans votre vie.Booster vos fonctions cérébrales, votre mémoire et votre créativitéSoulager les douleurs et accélérer la réparation des blessures et des plaiesAméliorer la fonction sexuelle, les performances et la fertilitéÉliminer les pensées dépressives et se sentir mieux dans sa vieLe bleu de méthylène est votre guide ultime pour comprendre ce qu'est la maladie, ce qu'elle n'est pas, et comment utiliser le bleu de méthylène pour améliorer considérablement votre santé et votre qualité de vie. Commencez immédiatement ! Procurez-vous votre exemplaire dès maintenant en cliquant sur le bouton ACHETER MAINTENANT en haut de cette page!

  • af Johann Hari
    237,95 - 277,95 kr.

    Vi står over for en sundhedsmæssig global katastrofe. Aldrig har så mange mennesker været deprimerede eller oplevet angst: WHO forudsiger, at depression i 2030 vil udgøre den største sundhedsfaglige byrde globalt set – og det er blandt alle sygdomme.Videnskabsjournalist Johann Hari har selv kæmpet med depression og været på antidepressiva. Bogen her er en personligt drevet, grundresearchet, indigneret og velskrevet undersøgelse af, hvad vi tror, vi ved om depression og behandlingen af den, og hvorfor det er så fejlbehæftet. Vi har vænnet os til at betragte depression som en kemisk ubalance i den enkelte hjerne, der behandles bedst med medicin – men når vi ser på de egentlige resultater af de studier, der findes af medicinens effekt, er den påfaldende lille, og når vi ser nærmere på, hvordan depression udvikler sig i vores samfund i dag, forekommer det dybt usandsynligt, at det udelukkende kan forklares som afvigelser i individers hjerner. I bogen rejser Hari verden rundt og taler med de forskere, der ved mest – og han kommer frem til ni årsager til depression. Nogle er biologiske, resten samfundsmæssige. Ni årsager, der samtidig kan være svaret på, hvordan vi redder vores samfund fra at blive fuldt ud defineret af depression i det 21. århundrede.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    132,95 kr.

    In "The Depression Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint For Complete Depression Management," author [Your Name] provides a comprehensive guide to understanding, managing, and ultimately overcoming depression. This enlightening book delves into the intricacies of depression, exploring its various types and symptoms. From the neurochemical imbalances affecting mood to the psychosocial factors influencing mental health, readers gain a profound understanding of this complex condition. The author goes beyond traditional approaches, advocating for holistic strategies such as diet, exercise, mindfulness, and art therapy.Readers are taken on a journey through medical interventions, including antidepressant medications and innovative treatments like Ketamine Infusion Therapy. The book emphasizes personalized depression management plans, guiding readers in assessing symptoms, setting realistic goals, and creating robust support networks. Practical advice on overcoming challenges, dealing with stigma, and managing relapses is provided, fostering resilience and growth. The author also addresses the crucial role of loved ones in supporting individuals with depression, offering insights into effective communication, crisis recognition, and caregiver self-care.As readers progress through the book, they are equipped with tools to thrive beyond depression. The guide explores cultivating meaning and purpose, rediscovering joy, building resilience, and fostering healthy relationships. With a focus on mindset shifts, embracing change, and celebrating successes, this book is a roadmap to long-term wellness and a life beyond the shadows of depression.

  • af Jordan Welsh
    142,95 kr.

    Gifts For Teens"Life Skills for Teen Boys & Girls: Teen Survival Guide - Must-Have Skills for Modern Life"As our world becomes increasingly complex, the journey from childhood to adulthood is filled with more challenges than ever. "Life Skills for Teen Boys & Girls: Teen Survival Guide - Must-Have Skills for Modern Life" is an essential compass for navigating this journey, offering practical wisdom and valuable insights tailored for today's young adults.This comprehensive guide is more than just a book; it's a roadmap to thriving in the modern world. It's crafted to empower teens with the tools and knowledge they need to face the diverse challenges of contemporary life with confidence and competence.What This Book Offers:Essential Life Skills: From managing finances to understanding emotional intelligence, this book covers crucial areas that are often overlooked in traditional education.Real-World Readiness: Whether it's preparing for a job interview, learning to live independently, or handling social media responsibly, this guide ensures teens are well-equipped for the real world.Health and Well-being: It delves into topics like mental health, physical fitness, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle - essential aspects for any teen in the modern age.Practical Advice for Everyday Situations: From navigating relationships to making responsible decisions, this book offers practical strategies and thoughtful advice.Written specifically for teenagers, both boys and girls, this guide speaks directly to the challenges and opportunities they face. Each chapter is filled with engaging content, practical tips, and relatable scenarios, making it a highly readable and indispensable resource.Why Every Teen Needs This Book: In a time where life can seem overwhelming, "Life Skills for Teen Boys & Girls" shines as a beacon of guidance. It's an invaluable resource for teens stepping into adulthood and for parents and educators who wish to support them in this critical phase of life.Whether you're a teen looking to navigate the complexities of modern life or a parent seeking to equip your child with essential life skills, this book is your go-to guide.Embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Get your copy of "Life Skills for Teen Boys & Girls: Teen Survival Guide" today and take the first step towards a successful and fulfilling adult life!

  • af Tracilyn George
    162,95 kr.

    Har du eller en pårørende en psykisk sygdom? Har du nogensinde spekuleret på, hvad du kan gøre for at hjælpe? Denne bog er dit svar! For fuldt ud at forstå depression skal du lytte opmærksomt og opmærksomt til dem af os, der er ramt.Det er vigtigt for alle med psykisk sygdom at blive behandlet med venlighed, respekt og værdighed, ikke med stigmatisering, partiskhed og hån, for vi kæmper en kamp ud over ens vision og fatteevne. Bare fordi vi ikke ser syge ud, betyder det ikke, at vi ikke er det. Formålet med denne bog er at se på psykisk sygdom indefra og ud fra én overlevendes synspunkt.

  • af Tracilyn George
    222,95 kr.

    Vostè o un ésser estimat té una malaltia mental? Alguna vegada t'has preguntat què pots fer per ajudar? Aquest llibre és la teva resposta! Per entendre completament la depressió, cal escoltar amb atenció i atenció als que estem afectats.És important que qualsevol persona amb malaltia mental sigui tractada amb amabilitat, respecte i dignitat, no amb estigma, prejudicis i menyspreu, perquè estem lluitant en una batalla més enllà de la visió i la comprensió d'un mateix. El fet que no semblim malalts no vol dir que no estiguem. L'objectiu d'aquest llibre és mirar la malaltia mental des de dins cap a fora des del punt de vista d'un supervivent.

  • af Ben Stevenson
    162,95 kr.

    This engaging and comprehensive guide is a must-have for children aged 8 to 12, offering a deep dive into the world of mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and self-control. Designed to captivate young minds, the book is filled with interactive exercises, thought-provoking stories, and practical tips that make learning about self-regulation fun and accessible. The content is tailored specifically for preteens, helping them understand and manage their emotions, develop empathy, and build resilience. Through relatable examples and age-appropriate language, it teaches critical life skills that foster mental well-being and social success. Whether it's navigating friendships, dealing with school stress, or simply learning to be more present and mindful in everyday activities, this book provides the tools and strategies necessary for young readers to thrive emotionally and socially. It's an invaluable resource for parents and educators looking to empower children with the skills they need for a balanced, happy life.

  • af Oscar Orlov
    272,95 kr.

    Fear, an innate human emotion, can often hinder our ability to communicate effectively. In the realm of public speaking, fear can be particularly crippling, preventing individuals from expressing themselves with confidence and clarity. Understanding the link between fear and communication is essential for anyone looking to overcome their anxieties and become a powerful speaker.When we experience fear, our bodies enter a state of fight or flight, triggered by the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline. This physiological response can have a profound impact on our ability to communicate. In moments of fear, our heart rate increases, our breathing becomes shallow, and our muscles tense up. These physical manifestations can make it challenging to speak coherently, leading to stammering, stuttering, or even complete silence.Fear also affects our mental state, causing us to lose focus and become overwhelmed with self-doubt. Negative thoughts and beliefs about our abilities can creep in, further exacerbating our communication difficulties. We may worry about being judged or ridiculed, leading to a fear of public humiliation. These fears can create a vicious cycle, as our anxiety increases with each negative experience, making future speeches even more daunting.To conquer fear and improve our communication skills, it is crucial to develop strategies that address both the physical and mental aspects of fear. Deep breathing exercises, for instance, can help regulate our heart rate and induce a sense of calmness. By consciously taking slow, deep breaths, we can counteract the physical symptoms of fear and regain control over our bodies.Another effective technique is positive visualization. By visualizing successful speeches and positive outcomes, we can reprogram our minds to focus on success rather than failure. Affirmations and self-talk can also be powerful tools in combating fear. Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones can help boost our confidence and shift our mindset towards a more optimistic outlook.Additionally, seeking support from others can be invaluable in overcoming fear. Joining public speaking groups or seeking the guidance of a speaking coach can provide a safe and supportive environment for practicing and refining our communication skills. Surrounding ourselves with individuals who understand our fears and can provide constructive feedback can greatly improve our confidence and ability to speak with conviction

  • af Fususu
    197,95 kr.

    S¿ ra sao n¿u nh¿ng c¿m xúc khó ch¿u, l¿i là chìa khóa giúp b¿n ¿¿t ¿¿¿c h¿nh phúc th¿t s¿?¿ã bao gi¿ b¿n tr¿n ch¿y n¿i bün nào ¿ó, mà v¿t s¿o quá kh¿ c¿ mãi không nguôi? Hay b¿n c¿ g¿ng xua tan n¿i s¿ nào ¿ó, nh¿ng nó v¿n c¿ ngoan c¿ xüt hi¿n?Nh¿ng c¿m xúc tiêu c¿c gi¿ng nh¿ gánh n¿ng trong tâm h¿n, khi¿n b¿n ngày càng m¿t m¿i, và ngh¿ r¿ng không th¿ có con ¿¿¿ng nào khác.¿i¿u gì x¿y ra n¿u th¿t s¿ có m¿t con ¿¿¿ng khác?N¿i ¿au b¿n ch¿u ¿¿ng b¿y lâu nay, th¿t ra l¿i có th¿ hóa gi¿i d¿ dàng h¿n b¿n ngh¿. H¿nh phúc xa xôi mà b¿n khao khát b¿y lâu nay, th¿c ra l¿i ¿ g¿n b¿n h¿n bao gi¿ h¿t.V¿¿t qua nh¿ng n¿i ¿au không c¿a riêng ai, hai tác gi¿ Fususu và H¿ng T¿¿i hi¿n ¿ang s¿ng h¿nh phúc v¿i ¿am mê c¿a mình.+ Dù t¿t nghi¿p 4 ¿i¿m V¿n, nh¿ng Fususu ¿ã tr¿ thành tác gi¿ h¿n 9 cün sách, và ¿ang giúp nhi¿u tác gi¿ khác th¿c hi¿n ¿¿c m¿ c¿a h¿. Dù h¿¿ng n¿i, nh¿ng anh là ng¿¿i Vi¿t Nam ¿¿u tiên ¿¿t ch¿c vô ¿¿ch thuy¿t trình hài h¿¿c khu v¿c 5 n¿¿c ¿ông Nam Á. Vi¿c làm b¿n c¿m xúc ¿ã giúp anh v¿¿t qua m¿i n¿i s¿, trì hoãn, và chinh ph¿c nh¿ng m¿c tiêu không t¿¿ng.+ Xüt phát t¿ m¿t k¿ s¿ môi tr¿¿ng t¿ ti, nhút nhát, nh¿ng H¿ng T¿¿i ¿ã không ch¿ th¿c hi¿n ¿¿c m¿ tr¿ thành th¿y giáo, và hi¿n là m¿t chuyên gia ¿ào t¿o ¿¿¿c tin t¿¿ng b¿i hàng ch¿c ngàn h¿c sinh và ph¿ huynh, và là khách m¿i th¿¿ng xuyên c¿a VTV1. Vi¿c làm b¿n c¿m xúc ¿ã giúp anh không ch¿ có m¿t gia ¿ình h¿nh phúc, mà còn s¿ng ¿úng v¿i ti¿m n¿ng c¿a mình.H¿ ¿ã t¿p h¿p nh¿ng bí quy¿t ¿¿n gi¿n mà sâu s¿c, trong cün sách Làm B¿n C¿m Xúc, Làm Ch¿ H¿nh Phúc, ¿¿ giúp b¿n:+ Khám phá 1 hi¿u l¿m l¿n v¿ h¿nh phúc, ¿ã khi¿n nhi¿u ng¿¿i lãng phí nhi¿u n¿m lang thang vô ¿¿nh, mà không sao hóa gi¿i ¿¿¿c n¿i ¿au c¿a mình.+ N¿m 2 chìa khóa làm b¿n c¿m xúc, ¿¿ chuy¿n hóa nh¿ng c¿m xúc tiêu c¿c, thành nh¿ng ng¿¿i b¿n t¿t, nh¿ng "¿¿ng minh" cùng b¿n chinh ph¿c m¿c tiêu.+ Th¿c hành 3 b¿¿c ¿¿nh - Bình Phát, xây d¿ng h¿nh phúc t¿ tâm, b¿o v¿ b¿n kh¿i nh¿ng c¿n l¿ c¿m xúc m¿nh m¿, ¿ang cün trôi h¿nh phúc c¿a h¿u h¿t m¿i ng¿¿i.Fususu và H¿ng T¿¿i tin r¿ng:"M¿i c¿m xúc dù t¿t x¿u th¿ nào, c¿ng ¿¿u có th¿ tr¿ thành nh¿ng ng¿¿i b¿n t¿t trên con ¿¿¿ng h¿nh phúc c¿a b¿n."Hãy nhanh tay m¿ sách, và s¿n sàng h¿c cách "ch¿m sóc" c¿m xúc, và gia nh¿p nhóm H¿nh Phúc T¿ Tâm ngay t¿ hôm nay!

  • af Nadia Neruda
    267,95 kr.

    Kindness is a powerful force that has the ability to transform not only the lives of others but also our own. In a world that often seems filled with negativity and cruelty, embracing kindness can be a life-changing decision. In this subchapter, we will explore the essence of kindness, its impact on individuals and society, and how we can cultivate kindness in our everyday lives.At its core, kindness is the act of extending compassion, understanding, and care towards others. It is the ability to put ourselves in someone else's shoes and respond with empathy and generosity. Kindness is not limited to grand gestures or extravagant acts of charity; it can be as simple as a smile, a kind word, or a small act of assistance. It is the recognition of our shared humanity and the desire to make a positive difference in the lives of others.The power of kindness extends far beyond the immediate impact it has on individuals. When we practice kindness, we create a ripple effect that spreads throughout our communities and beyond. Kindness breeds kindness, and the more we engage in acts of compassion, the more likely it is for others to follow suit. Research has shown that acts of kindness can elevate mood, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. By cultivating kindness, we not only contribute to the well-being of others but also enhance our own happiness and fulfillment.Understanding kindness requires us to acknowledge the interconnectedness of all beings. It reminds us that we are not alone in this world and that our actions have consequences. Kindness challenges us to step outside our own concerns and extend a helping hand to those in need. It encourages us to engage in acts of service, volunteerism, and social activism to address the injustices and inequalities that exist in society.To incorporate kindness into our daily lives, we must first cultivate self-compassion. By nurturing a deep sense of kindness towards ourselves, we can then extend that same compassion to others. We can start by practicing simple acts of kindness towards ourselves, such as self-care, self-forgiveness, and self-acceptance.

  • af Gaurav Garg
    167,95 kr.

    In the intricate tapestry of life, relationships form the threads that weave our experiences together. They are the bonds that connect us to others, shaping our sense of belonging, love, and support. We thrive on the joy of shared moments, the comfort of companionship, and the strength of having people who truly understand us.But, in the course of our journeys, many of us have encountered relationships that feel more like weights than wings. These are the one-sided relationships that we find ourselves trapped in-friendships where your support is a given but never reciprocated, romantic entanglements that leave you feeling drained, and family connections that seem to take more than they give. They burden us, dim our inner light, and undermine our self-worth.As we embark on this journey together, let me ask you: Have you ever felt like you were the one putting in all the effort, while the other side barely lifted a finger? Have you ever yearned for a connection that was truly mutual, where your needs were met as well as those of the other person? Have you ever wondered why you held on to relationships that caused you pain and disappointment?If you nodded in agreement or felt a tug of recognition, you're not alone. This book is for you." Break the Chains: Letting Go of One-Sided Relationships" is your guide to recognizing, understanding, and ultimately releasing the weight of one-sided relationships that have held you back. In these pages, we will explore the various facets of one-sided connections-friendships, romantic relationships, family bonds, work dynamics, and more.Through each chapter, we'll delve into the heart of the matter, unveiling the signs of one-sided relationships, and uncovering why we often choose to stay despite the pain. You'll learn how to set healthy boundaries, rebuild your self-esteem, and find the courage to let go when necessary.But this isn't just a book about what to let go of; it's about what to hold onto. You'll discover how to nurture meaningful, reciprocal relationships that bring joy, support, and growth into your life. It's about reclaiming your independence, rediscovering your passions, and celebrating your unique individuality.As you read, remember that your journey is personal, and each chapter is a stepping stone toward a more fulfilled, balanced life. It's about gaining the tools to redefine your own success in relationships, communicate your needs, and navigate all kinds of connections with newfound wisdom and resilience.This book is a testament to the power of self-awareness, personal growth, and transformation. It's a source of inspiration for those seeking to unburden themselves from the shackles of one-sided relationships and for those who aspire to embrace relationships filled with reciprocity and fulfillment.Join me as we explore the intricacies of relationships, untangle the web of one-sided bonds, and find our way to healthier, more meaningful connections. Your journey begins here. Welcome to "Breaking Free."

  • af Patrick Joe
    287,95 kr.

    Understanding Self-CareIn today's fast-paced and demanding world, taking care of ourselves often takes a backseat to our numerous responsibilities and commitments. We find ourselves caught up in the never-ending cycle of work, family, and social obligations, neglecting the most important person in our lives - ourselves. This subchapter aims to shed light on the significance of self-care and its impact on our overall well-being. Self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity. It involves deliberately taking the time to prioritize our physical, mental, and emotional health. It encompasses activities that rejuvenate and replenish our energy, allowing us to function at our best. However, self-care goes beyond indulging in occasional pampering sessions; it is a holistic approach to nurturing oneself on a regular basis.One of the primary reasons why self-care is essential is its effect on our mental health. Neglecting self-care can lead to increased stress levels, anxiety, and even burnout. By engaging in activities that promote relaxation and stress reduction, such as meditation, exercise, or pursuing hobbies, we can improve our mental well-being, enhance our resilience, and better cope with life's challenges.Furthermore, self-care plays a crucial role in maintaining physical health. It involves adopting healthy lifestyle choices such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and sufficient sleep. By prioritizing our physical well-being, we can prevent chronic diseases and boost our immune system, enabling us to lead a more fulfilling and active life.Self-care is also closely linked to our emotional well-being. It involves acknowledging and addressing our emotions, establishing healthy boundaries, and seeking support when needed. By practicing self-compassion and self-acceptance, we can foster a positive self-image and improve our relationships with others.Understanding the importance of self-care is the first step towards incorporating it into our daily lives. It is not a selfish act but an act of self-love and self-preservation. By taking care of ourselves, we become better equipped to care for others and fulfill our responsibilities effectively. It allows us to recharge and refuel, preventing feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion.

  • - Skyggesiden - En dagbog om fødselsdepression
    af Saara Herne
    217,95 kr.

    Glæden ved familieforøgelse kender de fleste, men når glæden bliver til en fødselsdepression, taler vi ikke så meget om det. I denne hudløst ærlige dagbog bliver der sat ord på alle tanker og følelser. Alt det vi kan være flove over, alt det grimme, frustrationer, magtesløshed og selvhad. Selv uden at have haft fødselsdepression kan man genkende de tanker og magtesløsheden, der kan komme, når vi bliver forældre. Saara Herne fandt vejen igennem det med god hjælp af både de nære og fra professionelle. Bogen er prydet med Saraas egne fantastisk ærlige kunstværker, som blev til i den periode, fødselsdepressionen havde fat i hende.

  • af Bill Vincent
    177,95 - 262,95 kr.

  • af Richard Manuel Noguera
    242,95 kr.

    Anxiety disorder. It can cause considerable harm to an individual. It is a potentially permanent condition. Individuals experiencing mild, moderate, or severe anxiety attacks experience an outpouring of emotions that the average person could never fathom. Anxiety is amenable to a variety of treatments and medications that are readily available for use. Nevertheless, there are individuals who are opposed to the notion of medication and treatment.Are you seeking an all-natural approach to managing the stresses of life, alleviating depression, controlling anxiety, and improving hyperactivity so that you can lead a more tranquil and satisfying existence, while minimising your dependence on pharmaceutical medications?We strive to assist you in attaining happiness and satisfaction in your life. By providing you with astute advice and actionable tactics, we will enable you to regain authority over the grasp of anxiety and forge a future filled with happiness and meaning.The detrimental impact of overthinking extends beyond interpersonal relationships and affects one's mental well-being. It is capable of inducing anxiety, melancholy, and self-doubt. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to allow a single negative habit to dictate your entire existence. This book, in contrast to the majority of them, which offer overnight solutions and quick fixes for problems, emphasises the self-imposed adjustments that are necessary.

  • af Tracilyn George
    222,95 kr.

    Het jy of 'n geliefde 'n geestesongesteldheid? Het jy al ooit gewonder wat jy kan doen om te help? Hierdie boek is jou antwoord! Om depressie ten volle te verstaan, moet jy aandagtig en aandagtig luister na dié van ons wat geteister word.Dit is belangrik vir enigiemand met geestesongesteldheid om met vriendelikheid, respek en waardigheid behandel te word, nie met stigma, vooroordeel en veragting nie, want ons veg 'n stryd bo 'n mens se visie en begrip. Net omdat ons nie siek lyk nie, beteken dit nie ons is nie. Die doel van hierdie boek is om geestesongesteldheid van binne na buite te kyk vanuit een oorlewende se oogpunt.

  • af Camryn Kelley
    117,95 - 232,95 kr.

  • af Deepa Vanjare
    387,95 kr.

    When we look at it, today the word "depression" is used by people of all ages, from young children to the elderly. Has depression really become a fad?Due to small reasons, why do people attribute depression to their diet? How do people experience depression on various aspects of their lives (physical nature, relationships, career, money)? Why don't they understand this? Is it too late for them to "improve their mental health"?If you encounter people who are in depression, do you worsen their depression? What should be done with people with depression? What should not be done?Answers to all these questions have come to you in this book on science.

  • af Patricia Calten
    212,95 kr.

    Te retrouves-tu à trop réfléchir sur chaque décision que tu prends ? Es-tu paralysé par les possibilités infinies de ton esprit ? Tes pensées tournent-elles en rond, te laissant épuisé et incapable de décider ? Ayant vécu cela moi-même, je sais combien les chaînes de la sur-réflexion peuvent être oppressantes. Le poids de l'analyse constante peut te clouer dans le doute et t'empêcher de profiter de la vie que tu mérites. Dans ce livre, j'aborde les tendances tourmentées de l'esprit et te propose une échappatoire vers la clarté et la liberté. Briser les chaînes de la paralysie par analyse : apprends des tactiques éprouvées pour prendre des décisions avec clarté et assurance, te permettant d'agir sans la peur constante du "et si".Liberer ta créativité : débarrasse ton esprit des contraintes de la sur-réflexion et permets-lui d'explorer, d'imaginer et de poursuivre tes véritables passions sans limite.Développer des habitudes mentales résilientes : protège-toi de la spirale descendante de la sur-réflexion en reconnaissant les déclencheurs, en te dotant de techniques de coping et en cultivant la résilience mentale.Renforcer l'intelligence émotionnelle : navigue dans les eaux tumultueuses des émotions avec habileté, comprends et gère tes émotions, et établis des relations significatives avec les autres.Mène une vie épanouissante : apprends à te concentrer sur le moment présent, relâche le poids du passé et laisse derrière toi les inquiétudes pour l'avenir. Embrasse le moment présent et crée une vie que tu aimes.Imagine une vie où tes pensées ne te contrôlent plus. Ressens la libération en prenant des décisions rapidement et avec assurance. Visualise l'utilisation de la puissance de tes pensées pour te propulser en avant et créer la vie dont tu as toujours rêvé. "Comment arrêter de trop penser" est ton guide vers la liberté mentale. Libère-toi des limites de ton esprit et embarque pour un voyage vers d'infinies possibilités. Ne laisse plus la sur-réflexion diriger ta vie. Clique sur "Acheter Maintenant" pour faire le premier pas vers une vie plus déterminée et épanouissante.

  • af Yolanda Dian
    182,95 kr.

    In this book, we will cover the following subjects. We will also have terms, definitions, and true-life example stories to help you to understand it, prevent it, and even heal from it.Characteristics and traits of narcissistsNarcissistic abuse and its effectsCoping with narcissistic partners or family membersStrategies for dealing with narcissistic behavior.How to recognize and protect yourself from narcissistic manipulationHealing and recovering from narcissistic relationships.Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and its impact on relationshipsUnderstanding the narcissistic supply and attention-seeking behaviorRed flags and warning signs of narcissistic individualsParenting and co-parenting with a narcissistic ex-partner or co-parent.

  • af Otha Humphrey
    272,95 kr.

    A Source of Solace for Attaining Inner Serenity."Anger Management Mastery" surpassed my expectations in all aspects. The author goes beyond superficial analysis and thoroughly explores the psychological aspects of anger, providing a comprehensive set of strategies to effectively manage it. What distinguishes this eBook is its comprehensive methodology, as it goes beyond offering mere temporary solutions and instead leads you on a profound path towards emotional wellness. The step-by-step exercisesIn a serene residential community, Sarah and David, an affectionate couple, encountered a substantial hurdle in their journey as parents. In spite of their utmost intentions, their anger had begun to wield influence, leading to frequent clashes and strained familial bonds. Alex and Lily, their offspring, found themselves inadvertently caught amidst the turbulent chaos, bearing witness to the deleterious influence wielded by unbridled rage.

  • af Ruben Crawford
    272,95 kr.

    A Remarkable Emotional Metamorphosis! This electronic book has proven to be an authentic enlightenment in my pursuit of anger management. The author adopts a remarkably pragmatic approach, offering a range of methodologies that are both accessible and readily applicable. I found the focus on mindfulness and self-awareness to be especially valuable in cultivating emotional mastery.Within the intellectually stimulating contents of "Beyond Anger Management," you will encounter a groundbreaking perspective that aims to delve into and effectively confront the fundamental origins of anger. In contrast to the prevailing array of resources presently accessible, which primarily provide strategies for anger management after it arises, this revolutionary book delves profoundly into the underlying causes of anger, presenting a transcendent remedy that surpasses mere regulation.In this informative manual grounded in scientific principles, readers will discover practical strategies that enable them to effectively transform instances of parental anger into valuable teaching moments devoid of unnecessary discord. When you master the art of effective communication and active listening with your child, you are fostering the growth of their cognitive abilities and initiating the process of equipping them with the necessary emotional resilience to thrive in adulthood.

  • af Marco Antonio Gamboa
    177,95 kr.

    This gripping collection of stories tells the story of Marco, a young man diagnosed with multiple sclerosis who must confront the harsh reality of his prognosis. Set against the backdrop of a life being slowly taken away from him, the reader is taken on a journey of strength, courage, and resilience as Marco learns to appreciate the beauty of life. With his relationships pushed to the limit, Marco must find the courage to face his illness and discover the weight of hope.

  • af Tracilyn George
    247,95 kr.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    142,95 kr.

    A vida moderna é como uma estrada sinuosa, repleta de encruzilhadas e curvas apertadas. À medida que avançamos em nossas carreiras, buscamos transformar nossos sonhos em realidade e nutrir relacionamentos significativos, corremos o risco de nos deparar com uma ameaça silenciosa, um abismo chamado burnout. "Derrotando o Burnout" é uma experiência profundamente humana, uma travessia pelas complexidades dessa condição cada vez mais presente, que não faz distinção de raça, classe social ou profissão. Este livro é um farol compassivo, projetado para iluminar o caminho, para entender, prevenir e emergir do burnout. Em suas páginas, você encontrará um manual para a autodescoberta. Começamos nossa caminhada com uma imersão profunda no burnout, um mergulho nas águas turbulentas do entendimento. Desvendaremos os segredos dos sinais precoces que frequentemente passam despercebidos, capacitando-o a identificá-los em sua própria jornada. Juntos, aprenderemos a usar as ferramentas essenciais para a prevenção, o estabelecimento de limites saudáveis, a gestão sábia do estresse e o fortalecimento de nosso bem-estar emocional. Prepare-se para uma viagem de autodescoberta e transformação. O burnout pode ser superado, e estou aqui para ajudá-lo a trilhar esse caminho tortuoso.

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