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Findes der en opskrift på, hvordan man får et godt parforhold? Hvordan er det overhovedet muligt at holde liv i kærligheden på den lange bane, og hvad er det, som ægteskabet kan, hvis man giver det plads? Tolv kendte og modige danskere tager i denne bog udgangspunkt i et bibelvers, når de deler ud af egne erfaringer og fortæller om deres syn på kærlighed i både lyst og nød og i medgang og modgang. Mød Jacob Mark, Bertel Haarder, Line Gertsen, Farshad Kholghi, Mette Bock, Sørine Gotfredsen, Helene Reingaard Neumann, Paula Larrain, Poul Joachim Stender, Margrete Auken, Jonas H. Petersen og Thure Lindhardt i en ærlig og inspirerende samtale om det største og det vigtigste, nemlig kærligheden, troen og Bibelen.
What is the true dance between the Universal energies of the Masculine & Feminine? How can we embrace these energies to experience inner happiness, true connection with others, and a feeling like we truly belong?First, we heal the divide within ourselves, between each other, and all around us. We create a new foundation for how we understand the world. We understand how connection actually happens - through the magnetism of the masculine and feminine. We soon see how these dynamics have been completely confused in the past generations living within a patriarchal and domination paradigm. We see the power struggles, the separation, and why we've felt so alone.The Divine Union of the Masculine & Feminine redefines masculine, feminine, and the foundations of true connection so that we can experience the kind of happiness and joy that is truly possible.
Han er her ikkeHan er her altidForfatter og illustrator Pernille mistede for nogle år siden sit tredje barn sent i graviditeten.Hun har bearbejdet det ufattelige tab i sorgbogen BROR, der sætter ord og stemninger på den sorg vordende forældre oplever, når barnet ikke overlever.Pernille Egetoft (f.1987) er billedkunstner, illustrator og forfatter.Pernilles værker på papiret er iagttagelser af det levede liv. Hun kombinerer simple streger med gennemarbejdede og realistiske detaljer. Hendes hverdagssituationer skildres ærligt, melankolsk og humoristisk.Pernille arbejder med personlige projekter og bogudgivelser, samt større kommissionsopgaver og keramisk formgivning.Med sine værker, ønsker hun at inspirere og berøre. At give stof til eftertanke og at nedbryde tabuer. Hendes håb er, at hun, ved at vise sin egen sårbarhed, kan give modtageren et spejl. En følelse af ikke at være alene.Pernille bor og arbejder i Nordjylland, hvor hun har kombineret værksted og kunstbutik.
Do you ever feel like you're on a rollercoaster in your relationship?Do you have a deep desire for connection and intimacy, but also a fear of being hurt or abandoned?Do you sometimes find yourself pushing your partner away when they get too close, or clinging to them desperately?Attachment styles are the way we connect with other people. They are formed in early childhood and can have a significant impact on our adult relationships.People with disorganized attachment styles often experience fear and anxiety in intimate relationships. They may have a negative self-image and engage in harmful self-talk. They may also feel intensely lonely, but the stress and fear associated with intimacy can cause them to act erratically and push others away.You're always walking on eggshells, trying to avoid saying or doing anything that will upset your partner. You're constantly worried that you'll do something to trigger their abandonment fears.These experiences can teach you that the world is an unsafe place and that people are not trustworthy. This can make it difficult to form secure attachments in adulthood.I recommend reading this book if:You feel like you're always walking on eggshells, trying to avoid saying or doing anything that will upset your partner. You're constantly worried that you'll do something to trigger their abandonment fears.You push your partner away when they get too close, even though you desperately want them to stay. You're afraid that if you let them in, they'll see the real you and reject you.You experience intense emotions, such as love, anger, and jealousy, and it can be difficult for you to regulate them. This can lead to conflict and volatility in your relationship.You have a negative self-image and believe that you are unlovable or unworthy of love. This makes it difficult for you to trust and open up to your partner.You struggle to communicate your needs and feelings to your partner. You may also be more likely to misinterpret your partner's words and actions.You have a history of negative childhood experiences. These experiences taught you that the world is an unpredictable place and that people are not always reliable. This can make it difficult for you to form secure attachments in adulthood.These emotional states and behaviors can have a significant impact on your romantic relationships. You may find yourself in a cycle of pushing your partner away and then pulling them back in, which can be very confusing and painful for both of you.Instead, the partner who loves someone with disorganized attachment might feel:Confusion and frustration due to erratic and unpredictable behavior.Hurt and loneliness due to difficulty trusting and opening up.Insecurity and anxiety due to fear of abandonment.Resentment and hopelessness due to the challenges of the relationship.It is normal and understandable for the partner to feel this way, but it is important to take steps before the situation becomes irreversible.If you or your loved one has disorganized attachment, this manual can help you move towards secure attachment and build stronger, more loving relationships. With its advice and support, you can learn to create a more secure and fulfilling future for yourselves and your family.
Whether you love the drama or avoid it like the plague, this is a book for you - a modern manual for acing all social interactions that will teach you how to handle the trickiest of people and situations. A major green flag.- Thomas Erikson, bestselling author of 'Surrounded by Idiots'Pre-order now and discover the tools to identify healthy and toxic behaviours in all areas of life and separate the red flags from the green, from TikTok psychologist Dr Ali Fenwick @moderndaypsychologist__________In an increasingly fast-paced world, equally fast decision-making skills are seen as a strength. When we are constantly presented with so many options to choose from, a quick and dirty decision doesn't always seem like a bad thing.When it comes to things we don't like in friends, family, work, or relationships we are often fast to judge and label them as red flags.What we don't realise, however, is that this mindset is causing us to lose our ability to manage difficult situations. Decisions taken in the heat of the moment can also prevent us from achieving a greater understanding of ourselves.Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Innovation Dr Ali Fenwick is here to guide you through critical life situations, providing you with the knowledge to unpack the psychology behind each one and ultimately make the best and healthiest decisions about dating, relationships, friends, family, work, wellbeing, and success.Red Flags, Green Flags is here to help you break this cycle of unhealthy behaviour by equipping you with the tools to identify the good and the bad signs in your life, show you what these signals say about people and, more importantly, what they say about you.__________
In the early 1960s scientists at the University of California, Berkeley set out to establish the key factors effecting health and longevity. Their results, known as the ?Alameda 7', you already know: don't smoke, drink in moderation, sleep seven to eight hours a night, exercise, eat regular meals, maintain a moderate weight, eat breakfast. Years later, however, the same team discovered an eighth factor, one that proved more important than all the others: social connection.When we form meaningful bonds with others, our wounds heal faster, we shake off infections more quickly and our blood pressure drops. We are less likely to have Alzheimer's, heart attacks or strokes. When people feel that they have strong social support, they perform better on tests of mental focus, memory and problem solving. Greater connection can fuel creativity, increase our financial stability and enhance our work productivity. But making friends can also be daunting.In The Laws of Connection, David Robson does two important things: he takes us through the fascinating science behind the effects of social connection and he unpacks the research that shows that we are all better at being social than we might think. We will meet ideas such as ?the liking gap' and ?the gratitude gap', learn to recognise ?frenemies' and discover a powerful conversational strategy known as the ?fast-friends procedure' that promotes instant rapport. Being social doesn't have to mean having dozens of friends, it can also mean having one true, deep connection with another person. As Robson shows, we can all benefit from the laws of connection.
"Ayurveda, India's ancient and holistic system of health, offers timeless wisdom on the sacred process of bringing life into this world. Ayurveda Mama offers ways to prepare your body, mind, and life before conception, and ways to nourish your little one throughout pregnancy including tips on diet, lifestyle, herbs, and oils so that you experience vibrancy and vitality, growing your little one with love. You will feel prepared for your unique birthing experience, equipped with Ayurvedic techniques to invoke auspiciousness, balance, and ease. You will have the tools needed to assure that your Sacred Window, or postpartum period, is one of the most profound and memorable experiences of your life; assuring that you are deeply nourished and cared for so that you can care for your little one"--
"Have you ever been badgered by an annoying pick-up artist at the bar? Ever felt a burning desire to emotionally torture a friend's boyfriend in an act of revenge? Have you ever endured just talking to a man before? If so, then this book is for you. With more than 100 phrases, questions, and comebacks, How to Piss Off Men is your essential guide to sending even the most relentless mansplainer into an existential crisis. Whether it's referring to his expensive NFL jersey as "cosplay" or letting him know he has the confidence of a much taller man, this handbook will ensure you're equipped to combat toxic masculinity in any situation.* * The advice in this book has been thoroughly tested for effectiveness. Even on the author, bless his heart"--
Inspirationsbog og et opslagsværk, hvor du får gode værktøjer til at håndtere hverdagens udfordringer i en sammenbragt familie.Forbudte følelser, tabuer og svære udfordringer er hverdag i sammenbragte familier, men der er håb og gode løsninger forude!Livet er superkomplekst i sammenbragte familier – både praktisk og følelsesmæssigt. Nogle elsker hinanden, andre gør ikke. Nogle bor ét sted, andre bor flere steder. Nogle taler meget sammen, andre kommunikerer mindst muligt. Det er et svært puslespil at få til at gå op. Måske skal det ikke nødvendigvis gå op. Men det kræver ressourcer og rummelighed, når der er uklare roller og tvivl om, hvem der må hvad. Alle elsker ikke hinanden fra begyndelsen.FØRSTEHJÆLP TIL SAMMENBRAGTE FAMILIER er en inspirationsbog og et opslagsværk, hvor du får gode værktøjer til at håndtere frustrationer, udfordringer og følelser som jalousi, dårlig samvittighed, skyld og sorg. Det handler om at tage ansvar for de valg, der er truffet. Og om at rumme og udtrykke egne følelser, grænser og behov.Bogen giver dig også færdige køreplaner til fødselsdage, ferier, jul og andre højtider. Du får gode råd til at håndtere flytning, familieforøgelse og besværlige ekser – og balancegangen mellem dine, mine og vores børn. Bogen bygger på mange års rådgivning af ekstramødre og par – og på forfatterens egne erfaringer med at leve i en sammenbragt familie.
A dazzling story of modern Nigeria and two families caught in the riptides of wealth, power, romantic obsession and political corruption.Eniola is tall for his age, a boy who looks like a man. His father has lost his job, so Eniola spends his days running errands for the local tailor and begging, dreaming of a big future.Wuraola is a golden girl, the perfect child of a wealthy family. Now an exhausted young doctor in her first year of practice, she is beloved by Kunle, the volatile son of family friends.When a local politician takes an interest in Eniola and sudden violence shatters a family party, Wuraola and Eniola's lives become unexpectedly intertwined. In this breathtaking novel, Ayobami Adebayo shines her light on Nigeria, the gaping divides in its society, and the shared humanity that lives in between.
"From the author of Hold On, But Don't Hold Still, the emotionally charged and eye-opening account of a mother who navigates the cacophony of best practices and urgent advice from parenting authorities in search of a way to support her teen as he maps his own path to mental health"--
"In her debut book, [Mountjoy] tells razor-sharp stories and shares never-before-seen illustrations that walk us through the twistiest parts of growing up, from encountering creepy old men and dealing with grief to getting really drunk and existential. Filthyratbag is at once a primal scream, a shrug, and a PSA declaring that even though growing up is brutal, there are always more beautiful things to come"--
Du er på vej på pension. Eller du kender en, der er. Du er måske allerede gået på pension eller efterløn og har brug for inspiration til at redefinere dit liv. Du og jeg og alle andre pensionister har glæde af inspiration til vores nye tilværelse. Vi er nødt til at finde eller genfinde en måde at leve vores liv på ny. Vi får foræret en eventuelt lang periode, livets sensommer, hvor vi har mulighed for at nyde høsten af alt, hvad vi har plantet og sået gennem livet.En periode, hvor vi også har pligten til at deltage og bidrage til fællesskabet med det, vi har lyst til, interesserer os for og er gode til, så vi får et meningsfyldt liv. Forskellen mellem før og nu ligger i, at bidraget ikke længere nødvendigvis består af et lønnet arbejde, men i højere grad af nærvær, kærlighed, visdom og erfaringer.Måske blev livet ikke lige det, vi havde forventet. Vi kan vælge at læne os tilbage og tale om vores krops dårligdomme og forfald - og alle de muligheder, vi gik og går glip af. Men hvor sjovt er det lige?Denne bog handler om at vælge noget andet: At byde livets sensommer velkommen. At gribe livet og forsone sig med det, der er nu, og det, der var. At lægge nogle planer for, hvad vi gerne vil bruge al den frie tid, vi nu får foræret. Vi kan få mulighed for at følge nogle passioner, knytte nye bånd til andre eller styrke dem, der allerede er. Læs mere om hvordan.
With more than 170,000 copies sold, Wired for Love is the complete "insider's guide" to understanding your partner's brain and enjoying a romantic relationship built on love and trust. Synthesizing new research drawn from neuroscience, attachment theory, and emotion regulation, this highly anticipated second edition presents the ten guiding principles that can improve any relationship. This fully revised and updated edition includes new guidance on how to manage disagreements, as well as new exercises to help readers create safety and security, establish healthy conflict ground rules, and deal with the threat of the third--any outside source which threatens the harmony in a relationship, including in-laws, alcohol, children, and affairs.
I DERMA-VENEROLOGISKE RIM – EN SYGDOMS-ABC bliver du gennem rim og remser bekendt med en række sygdommes særlige kendetegn.Samlingen består af 29 rim, der beskriver dermatologiske og venerologiske sygdomme med begyndelsesbogstaver fra A til Å. Hvert rim er konstrueret som en gåde, der røber en række af sygdommens karakteristika – og til slut giver sygdommen sit navn til kende. Ved du f.eks., hvilken sygdom der kan få huden til at ”drysse i mængder som aske fra bål”, eller hvad man fejler, hvis ens hud ”den gløder/med knopper, der kradses så hårdt, at det bløder”?Rimsamlingen beskriver både udbredte og sjældne dermato-venerologiske sygdomme. Samlingen har et edukativt sigte, i og med hvert rim med finurlige detaljer, brug af medicinske fagtermer og rimskemaer fremstår som huskeremser.Rimsamlingen kan læses og bruges af både studerende, sundhedsfaglige og patienter, som ønsker at udbrede deres kendskab til de dermatologiske og venerologiske sygdommes udtryk på en legende, rytmisk og humoristisk måde.
Good leaders are hard to raise. Learn from this poignant parenting memoir the path to let go and let grow.Parenting a strong-willed child is a constant uphill battle-until you learn how to shift from control to connection using the help of a parent who guided her difficult child into a resilient leader.Positive Parenting founder, Conscious Discipline specialist, and single mom Ginny Luther, MS, struggled with her young son Bart, who was defiant and had a violent temper. The more she tried to control him, the worse his behavior got. Overwhelmed with the challenges and guilt, Ginny realized she had to stop reacting in fear and anger and learn to connect with Bart or they'd never make it.Blue Star Grit is the emotional journey of a parent and her defiant child embracing the struggle that allowed them to shift from pain to peace-and after tragedy struck with Bart's death, from grief to gratitude. Whether you're struggling to discipline a kid, heal family relationships, or grieving for a loved one, Ginny and Bart's story will prove the struggle is the catalyst for powerful growth.You'll discover...How Ginny cultivated Bart's natural tendencies, so he was able to grow into a respected, resourceful, and self-aware military leader-and how to do the same with your own child.The difference between guiding the discipline and controlling the child-one works, the other doesn't.Five examples of embracing conflicts and mastering growth through tough challenges.How to build a relationship with your child that motivates them to be resilient and take responsibility for their choices.How to reclaim your own behavior and gain peace in your relationships.The journey to peace starts with connection and letting go of guilt. This powerful memoir will change the way you see yourself as a parent and guide your child to become the strong individual you know they can be.
A family is an important unit in our life. In building this institution, marriage becomes a susceptible foundation that holds the family together. This comes with rights and responsibilities that we often neglect and take for granted.In Our Family Our Legacy, Dr Yasir Qadhi analyses the topic of a family institution by dissecting it into two dichotomous parts, which are spouses and children. In today's world where family and marriage institutions are becoming less and less favourable, the author highlights the significance of keeping them steady, by suggesting tips and ways in understanding your spouses and children, as a way to make them understand you as well. He also reiterates the rights and responsibilities that we all should take note of and adhere to for a sakinah, mawaddah and raḥmah marriage in which children will bloom.
An accessible and easy-to-use men's devotional offering a year of scripture, prayers and wisdom.As a main supporter of their families, dads are pillars of strength. But sometimes they can get overwhelmed and stressed and require self-care. Men’s Devotional for Dads by authors and renowned Christian counselors Chris and Jamie Bailey, helps all dads lean on God for strength and wisdom for the journey of fatherhood and beyond.Men’s Devotional for Dads features:52 WEEKS OF PRAYERS AND DEVOTION: A selection of powerful scripture and God’s truths makes sure that dad is spiritually covered for the whole year. Anecdotes and cases of real dads provide guidance on refocusing on God. Each devotion offers a prayer for God’s strength, wisdom, and healing for all seasons of fatherhood.UPLIFTING AND INSPIRATIONAL AFFIRMATIONS: Each devotion starts with an affirmation that also serves as the devotional theme that reflects God’s truth PROFESSIONAL CHRISTIAN COUNSELORS: Chris and Jamie Bailey have been married for more than 28 years and are renowned in their community for helping Christian marriages thrive. Their clients include fathers, and they have helped many dads find their best selves through the grace of God. They both have their Master’s in Professional Counseling.
From Dr. Nicole LePera, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller How to Do the Work comes a groundbreaking guide to strengthening relationships, beginning with the one you have with yourself.
A practical toolkit for building secure attachments in polyamorous relationships, including two books and a poster.
Alliancer, intriger og mord i den italienske Villa Aestas. Som børn var Emily og Chess uadskillelige, men deres forhold er blevet belastetaf de krav, som stilles af voksenlivet. Da Chess foreslår en tur til Italien, takkerEmily ja for at genoprette forbindelsen til sin bedste veninde. De skal bo iVilla Aestas i Orvieto, som i 1974 blev lejet af den berygtede rockstjerne NoelGordon. Han havde inviteret den kommende musiker Pierce Sheldon, Pierceskæreste Mari og hendes stedsøster Lara med og under deres besøg blev dersat gang i en kæde af begivenheder, som fører til et brutalt mord på Pierce.Emily graver i villaens komplicerede historie, og hun begynder at tro, at mordetpå Pierce er mere end en fortælling om sex, stoffer og rock’n’roll, som endtegalt. Jo tættere Emily kommer på sandheden, jo større spænding udvikler dersig mellem hende og Chess. Efterhånden som hemmelighederne fra fortidendukker op kommer flere af nutidens hemmeligheder op til overfladen. Alt tyderpå, at villaen kræver endnu et offer, inden sommeren er ovre...
Foundations of Rope Bondage is the ultimate guide to rope bondage that is perfect for curious beginners who are searching for a friendly and fun introduction to this creative and beautiful art form.Don't know where to start? That's okay! This book introduces readers to rope bondage by explaining the basics of rope itself and details fun ties in clear and easy to understand language. With Lazarus's jargon-free and judgement-free descriptions, as well as step-by-step photographs, he has created a fun and informative introduction to this enticing form of play. One of Lazarus's main concerns is making sure all participants are able to give informed consent and understand everything they need to know before they begin to explore rope bondage; which is why he spends two full chapters detailing the safety and medical considerations. Anyone and everyone who is interested can join in on this intimate and wildly fun adventure! Starting with four fundamental knots, Lazarus builds from core concepts to teach readers how to create a staggering number of rope scenes. With detailed step-by-step instructions and photographs, this book breaks down 16 essential rope bondage techniques into simple concepts that everyone can learn. The essence of all rope bondage is in the fundamentals, and this is what Foundations of Rope Bondage delivers. Once you have mastered the techniques in this book, you will have the foundations on which to build your library of knots and ties. Lazarus uses easy-to-learn beginner knots like the Lark's Head and the Half Hitch to create key ties like the Lark's Head Single Column and Chest & Hip Harnesses. With the basic knots and ties down pat, readers will have everything they need to move on to more advanced knots and ties.While rope bondage can be an erotic art, this book's purpose is education, not titillation. All of the models are covered in a white suit to make each knot and the steps to creating them easy to see. Combined with Lazarus's classic blue gloves, it makes following each step straightforward. Lazarus's distinct teaching style and phenomenal step-by-step photographs make learning these amazing ties fun and easy.Foundations of Rope Bondage will set you up for a future of rope-filled adventures.
The first step-by-step guide to the techniques of Kaula Tantra, the practical yogini path to enlightenment
An ordinary day. The end of ordinary life. 'Very moving but never sentimental, tough but never cynical . . . gripping, funny and always honest' DAVID NICHOLLS
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