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Bådebygning og vedligeholdelse

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  • af Anupam Roy
    347,95 kr.

    "A Comprehensive Guide to Yacht Maintenance" is a definitive guide tailored for yacht enthusiasts, seasoned sailors, and aspiring yacht owners alike. This meticulously crafted manual offers an extensive exploration of the multifaceted world of yacht maintenance, incorporating practical insights, expert advice, and a deep appreciation for the intricate craftsmanship and intricate engineering that define these elegant vessels.With an unwavering commitment to providing a holistic understanding of yacht care, the book's comprehensive structure is divided into seven distinct parts, each meticulously crafted to address the diverse facets of maintaining a yacht. Part I, "The Joy of Yachting," sets the stage for the reader, immersing them in the captivating allure of yachting, highlighting its history, traditions, and the unparalleled sense of freedom it offers.Parts II to IV focus on the essential systems and components of a yacht, including hull and exterior maintenance, engine and propulsion systems, electrical systems, plumbing, and water systems, interior comfort, and safety measures. These sections delve into the intricate workings of each system, offering in-depth guidance on inspection, troubleshooting, and comprehensive maintenance practices, ensuring that yacht owners are equipped with the necessary knowledge to keep their vessels in prime condition.Part V and VI extend the narrative by exploring avenues for enhancing yachting experiences through upgrades, renovations, and sustainable practices. Readers are guided through strategies to modernize their yachts, upgrade amenities for increased comfort and luxury, and implement eco-friendly practices to minimize their environmental footprint. These sections highlight the importance of responsible yachting and underscore the significance of preserving the natural beauty of our oceans and waterways.The final section, Part VII, serves as a valuable troubleshooting and repair manual, equipping readers with a comprehensive guide to identifying and addressing common yacht problems. From engine and electrical issues to plumbing, hull damage, and rigging complications, the book offers step-by-step solutions and preventive measures to ensure that yacht owners are well-prepared to manage any challenges that may arise during their voyages."A Comprehensive Guide to Yacht Maintenance" is more than just a technical handbook; it is a celebration of the profound connection between yacht owners and their vessels, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between responsible maintenance, environmental consciousness, and the timeless allure of yachting. Through its insightful narrative, the book fosters a deep appreciation for the artistry and craftsmanship involved in yacht design and inspires a sense of stewardship toward the preservation of our marine ecosystems. By embracing the principles outlined in this book, readers can embark on a transformative journey, navigating the seas with confidence, respect, and an unwavering commitment to the preservation of our oceans for generations to come.

  • af Herb Benavent
    325,95 kr.

    From YouTube's popular Rigging Doctor channel, The Rigging Handbook is an introductory to mid-level book intended for boat owners, sailors, and cruisers who want to better understand how the mast and sails work.

  • af Dennison Berwick
    211,95 - 219,95 kr.

  • af Michael Ruby
    252,95 kr.

    Træskibsforeningen Faaborg har gennemført et skibsbevaringsprojekt med frivillige foreningsmedlemmer lige fra kvalificering af et egnet, bevaringsværdigt træskib til opkøb, renovering, fundraising, godkendelse af Søfartsstyrelsen, uddannelse af besætning, certificeringer, forsikring, sikring af samarbejdspartnere, sponsorprogram tildaglig drift med vedligeholdelse og produktudvikling.I denne bog kommer du tættere på søulke, skippere, bedstekvinder og -mænd, gaster og gæster og får lidt mere at vide om samarbejder, markedsføring, faglighed, charterture, events og alt det der skal til for at få det hele til at hænge sammen med dejlige, maritime oplevelser.Det er vores ønske at dette arbejde, viden og erfaring skal formidles til alle som måtte have gavn og glæde af at se, høre og måske lære mere af vores arbejde.Vi har udgivet denne bog, for at den kan fungere som læring og inspiration gennem gode historier, personfortællinger og som et faktuelt opslagsværk.Bogen er også en fortælling om en forening, der drives som et fint fællesskab og hvordan der skabes plads til de mange forskelligheder, der altid vil være og hvordan forskellighed gør stærk og forenes i et fælles projekt, som alle brænder for.Vi kalder bogen for “Troen, Haabet og Kærligheden”.Først kommer troen på projektet.Så kommer håbet på, at det lykkes.Og så rykker kærligheden ind og driver væ

  • af Captain Emil Muccin
    407,95 kr.

    The most current and up-to-date handbook on the equipment, procedures, and techniques to fight maritime fires on any size of vessel

  • af Dennison Berwick
    282,95 kr.

    Manter o Diário de Bordo de Manutenção de seu sistema duplo de motor diesel marítimo nunca foi tão fácil. Este Diário de Bordo de Manutenção foi desenvolvido especialmente para instalações com dois motores em embarcações pequenas de lazer - veleiros, lanchas e similares. Este é um Diário de Bordo com valor agregado - com diversos extras para tornar a manutenção simples e economizar seu dinheiro:- 290 páginas, incluindo 100 páginas para entrada de dados- mais de 50 desenhos claros indicando o que visualizar na inspeção de componentes etc.- planejamento de checklists para todas as partes do sistema diesel marítimo- inventário detalhado - nunca mais perca os números de série e modelos para todas as partes do sistema- resumos - mantenha as informações importantes de modo claro, ex. trocas de rotor, trocas de óleo etc.- medidas - tabelas fáceis de usar para peso do diesel, volumes, pressões etc.- guias laterais para indicação de cada seção- índice completoEste Diário de Bordo de Manutenção é um acompanhamento do Marine Diesel Basics 1- veja o que fazer antes de iniciar qualquer trabalho - mais de 300 desenhos- explicações fáceis de seguir de todos os componentes - como eles funcionam, por que são importantes, o que pode dar errado- ilustrações claras mostrando como escolher, instalar e fazer a manutenção de todos os componentes- acompanhe rapidamente a curva de aprendizado com esses guias práticos e detalhados- recomendado para possíveis proprietários de barcos, estudantes, tripulantes, marinheiros experientes e mecânicos marítimos- por enquanto, disponível apenas em inglês, com uma lista detalhada de palavras técnicas inglês-português disponíveis gratuitamente no site

  • af Dennison Berwick
    282,95 kr.

    Tenere un Diario del vostro sistema propulsivo bi-motore non è mai stato così facile!Questo diario è stato concepito specificamente per le propulsioni bi-motore di imbarcazioni da diporto - imbarcazioni a vela e a motore, barche per canali, barche da lavoro di minori dimensioni. È un diario con un grande valore aggiunto - pieno di contenuti che rendono la manutenzione più semplice e più economica:¿ 288 pagine, incluse 144 per i vostri appunti nel diario¿ oltre 50 illustrazioni su cosa aspettarsi quando si controlla un componente, ecc.¿ controlli programmati per ogni parte del vostro sistema di propulsione¿ un inventario preciso - non capiterà mai più di usare un codice di una parte o il nome di un modello sbagliati, per ogni componente del vostro sistema¿ i sommari - avere le informazioni importanti sempre sottomano: cambi della girante, dell'olio, dei filtri...¿ misure - facili tabelle di conversione per il peso del carburante, per il volume, per le pressioni¿ linguette laterali che evidenziano ogni sezione¿ inventario e liste di controllo affiancate per il motore di sinistra e quello di dritta¿ indice completoQuesto Diario si accompagna a Marine Diesel Basic 1:¿ vedere cosa fare prima di intraprendere qualunque lavoro - oltre 350 disegni¿ spiegazioni facilmente comprensibili di tutti i componenti - come funzionano, perché sono importanti, cosa potrebbe andare storto¿ illustrazioni chiare mostrano come scegliere, montare e manutenere ogni componente¿ oltre 9000 copie vendute¿ un Dizionario Tecnico Inglese - Italiano disponibile gratuitamente per gli oltre 280 termini di questo libroLa curva di apprendimento è resa più veloce con queste guide pratiche ma approfondite adatte per futuri armatori, studenti, membri dell'equipaggio, navigatori esperti e meccanici navali

  • af Dennison Berwick
    217,95 - 307,95 kr.

    Keeping a Logbook for your twin marine diesel enginesystem has never been easier. This logbook has been specifically designed for twin engine installations in recreational and smaller vessels - sailboats, motorboats, canal boats and smaller workboats. This is a value-added Logbook - loaded with extras to make maintenance simple and save you money:288 pages, including 144 pages for logbook entries50+ clear drawings of what to look for when inspecting components etc.checklist schedules for all parts of the marine diesel systemdetailed inventory - never misplace a serial number or model name ever again for all parts of the systemsummaries - keep important information in clear view, eg. impeller changes, oil changes etc.measurements - easy-to-use tables for diesel fuel weights, volumes, pressures etc.side tabs indicate each sectionside-by-side Port and Starboard inventory and checklistsfull indexThis Logbook is the companion to Marine Diesel Basics 1:see what to do before tackling any job - 300+ drawingseasy-to-follow explanations of all components - how they work, why they are important, what can do wrongclear illustrations showing how to choose, install and service all componentsfast track up the learning curve with these practical, in-depth guidessuitable would-be boatowners, students, crew, experienced sailors and marine mechanics

  • af Charles Lanman
    216,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Lin Pardey & Larry Pardey
    267,95 kr.

  • af Jim Anderson
    367,95 kr.

    This book explains everything there is to know about making a fiberglass runabout into a showpiece for a fraction of the cost of a new model. Jim Anderson leads readers through the whole renovation process.

  • af Christopher B. Lee
    667,95 kr.

  • af Mohammed Khamis Mohammed
    237,95 kr.

  • af Scott Wilson
    92,95 kr.

    "A Haulout Shouldn't Lead to a Heart Attack! If you own a boat, sooner or later it's going to have to come out of the water for repairs or regular maintenance. Haulouts can be scary, but this book can help you prepare for a smooth and fast trip to the boatyard."--Publisher's description.

  • af Ed Sherman
    562,95 kr.

    "Troubleshoot potential problems before they take you down ... marine technology expert Edwin Sherman helps owners make sense of modern boats' increasingly sophisticated installations and networked electronics."--Back cover

  • af Matthias Gretzschel
    422,95 kr.

    Am 3. Juli 1872 wurde eine für die damalige Zeit neuartige Firma ins Leben gerufen. Sie gründeten die Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft, mit dem Ziel, »eiserne Segel- und Dampfschiffe« zu bauen. Pünktlich zum Jubiläum zeichnet der Hamburger Journalist und Autor Matthias Gretzschel die Entwicklung der FSG nach.

  • af Peter Berman
    212,95 kr.

    Several books have been offered on buying used sailboats for the purpose of long distance voyaging including John Vigor's 20 Small Sailboats and Gregg Nestor's Twenty Affordable Sailboats. The used boats reviewed in these books are all available to those on a modest budget, and there are plenty other used fiberglass production boats out there which are solid candidates for the would-be cruiser.In Outfitting the Offshore Sailboat, Peter Berman reviews the criteria for selecting a used fiberglass hull sailboat, but picks up where Vigor and Nestor leave off. Berman shares his 40+ years' experience of overhauling and refitting a myriad of different sailboats in preparation for offshore voyaging. Follow the information offered in Outfitting the Offshore Sailboat and you can buy and refit a cruising sailboat for a fraction of the cost of buying a new boat.

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