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Havearbejde: Planter og dyrkningsvejledninger

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  • af Catherine Balaam
    180,95 kr.

    A unique cookbook, packed with recipes for seasonal vegetables as well as tips on how to grow them, using Charles Dowding's fantastic and time-saving no dig methods. It explains and develops the strong links you can achieve between garden and kitchen, which keep changing according to the season. The garden decides your menu! The recipes are by Catherine Balaam, who cooks for day and weekend courses at Charles' Homeacres no dig garden. Catherine has created and tested over 60 delicious plant-based recipes, inspired by those lunches which see the participants salivating, after an intense morning of learning in the garden. They are simple dishes bursting with flavor, from seasonal vegetables and herbs. To complement them, Charles has written 'Advice on growing your own' sections throughout the book. He outlines some key growing tips for many of the vegetables in the recipes. He also includes his own recipe for no-knead bread, another great timesaver. You can also find ideas on how to adapt recipes to your own harvests, using different vegetables which are similar to cook with. Some of the recipes are how to ferment and store vegetables so that you can use any gluts and enjoy them later. Recipes are categorized as follows: - Pestos, dips and sauces - Ferments and vinegars - Salads - Cooked salads - Roasties - Stews and hot dishes - Sweet treats There are beautiful photos of the cooked dishes, a few including preparation, and of Charles Dowding's garden at Homeacres.

  • af Liz Zorab
    233,95 kr.

    *From Liz Zorab, Winner of the Garden Media Guild Award Vlog of the Year 2022 Dig deeper into the processes of growing your own organic food with Liz Zorab, self-sufficiency practitioner. In this personal gardening journey, she explores seasonal harvests and how the vegetable garden sits within the wider context of the gardening landscape - including weather, microclimates, water cycles, light levels, seasons and the gardener's personal tastes. Liz's salt of the earth approach to life and to the garden and her gentle humor makes The Seasoned Gardener an easily digestible read. She provides hundreds of practical tips, including how-to guides, observations and inspiration for both the beginner and practiced gardener alike. Unlike many gardening books that run from January to December, this book starts in the autumn, when harvesting is at its peak. Most of the fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers highlighted are grouped according to when we enjoy them most - at the point of harvest. The Seasoned Gardener will show you how to: Enjoy the abundance of each month of the year Decide which plants are best to grow in your garden Find pleasure in your growing space year-round Avoid the pitfalls of doing too much at once Be creative with your garden resources Make the most of your time and energy Celebrate nature's productivity as much as your own This is a journey of experimentation and learning that will inspire you to grow tastier food and savor the experience.

  • af Lene Tvedegaard
    73,95 - 93,95 kr.

    SMAGEN OM CHILI er ikke en gentagelse af Lene Tvedgaards DEN LILLE STÆRKE OM CHILI, der især er en dyrkningsvejledning, men et selvstændigt værk, der lægger hovedvægten på den mange forskellige chilli´ers anvendelse i madlavningen, SMAGEN AF CHILI er en inspirationsbog til alle, der vil vide mere om sorter, aroma og styrke og dermed blive i stand til at anvende de forskellige chilisorter endnu bedre i madlavningen. Det nye oplag anvender de internationale chili-styrkebetegnelser Chili gør en delikat gastronomisk forskel og er en fantastisk smagsforstærker. Men de mange chilisorter har meget forskellige aromaer og styrker, og det er en stor fordel at vide rigtig meget om dem, når du står ved køkkenbordet og skal trylle. Hvordan finder jeg ud af hvor stærk chilifrugten er? Hvilke chilisorter bruges bedst i denne ret, og hvordan doserer jeg? Osv. Når du har lært dig at afstemme styrke og aroma, giver der uendelig mange flere spændende og overraskende muligheder for at bruge chili i en lang række forretter, hovedretter, desserter og hotte og mindre hotte chilisaucer. Samtidig får du selv og dine gæster et væld af nye smagsoplevelser. Her beskrives ca. 42 udvalgte chilisorter af forskellig styrke og smag. Opskrifterne dækker alt fra gourmet-hovedretter til salsaer, tørring og konservering af chilifrugter efter høst. Opskrifterne er komponeret af kokken Jimmy Weber, sylteeksperten Vivi Nordestgaard madhistorikeren Gunvor Juul samt forfatteren selv, chiligartner Lene Tvedegaard. Lene er bl.a. kendt for klassikeren DEN LILLE STÆRKE OM CHILI. Lene Tvedegaard har tidligere udgivet DEN NYE RØDE OM TOMATER - og det enestående storværk KRYDDERURTER - Bogen for urteelskere. Koustrup & Co. 2013. Lækre madbilleder af Bjarni Jacobsen, Detaljerede tegninger af alle sorter ved Anne Hviid Nicolaisen. Stort format (21x 26 cm).

  • af Andrew Perry
    146,95 kr.

    "The Herb Gardening Handbook gives you the know-how of what herbs to buy, what to plant them with, how to use them and even how to make herbs look good, no matter the space available. Beginning with a simple guide of how to get started and the best growing conditions for herbs, The Herb Gardening Handbook is a stylish guide to 12 herb projects that will suit everything from indoor window ledges to balconies and gardens. Using widely accessible herbs as well as suggestions for more interesting varieties and including stunning photography, this book is perfect for gardening beginners, as well as seasoned pros looking to learn some new tips and tricks on how to make the most of herbs"--

  • af Paul Rees
    146,95 kr.

    The Kew Gardener's Guide to Growing Cacti and Succulents is the latest title from the Kew Experts series, giving you everything you need to master the art of growing cacti and succulents.

  • af DK
    295,95 kr.

    Immerse yourself in stories and pictures of these useful plants, from herb gardens to remote wildernesses. Herbs have been used by humans throughout history - for cooking, medicine, rituals, and more. They are also a huge part of the modern world, from gardening, food, and cosmetics to medicines fighting diseases such as malaria. With vibrant illustrations and expert knowledge, The Herb Book takes a close-up look at a wide range of herbs from around the world, showcasing their botanical characteristics, medicinal, cosmetic, and culinary properties and uses, and cultural impact on the lives of humans. Dive deep into the pages of this horticultural handbook to discover: - Detailed original photography combines with historical and contemporary images to create a compelling visual mix.- Provides a global view of herbs and their culinary, medicinal, and cosmetic uses around the world.- Contains in-depth coverage of over 80 herb species.- Continues the warm visual aesthetic of The Tree BookFeaturing key scientific facts along with historical and mythological stories, this book provides a rich blend of information on these extraordinary plants and their role in our world. Proving a must-have volume for gardeners, horticulturalists, and amateur herbalists alike, as well as anyone interested in natural remedies, cookes and foodies too!

  • af Dan Michaels
    325,95 kr.

    "Higher is a mind-blowing visual journey through the legends, legacy, and lore of cannabis. After significant research and conversation within the cannabis community, author Dan Michaels profiles 100 of the most important marijuana strains of yesterday and today with spectacularly detailed, whole-plant portraits by cannabis photographer Erik Christiansen. Whether profiling classic strains like Chem Dog, Hindu Kush, or Maui Wowie or recent luminaries like Wedding Cake, Zkittlez, or Blueberry Muffin, Higher features intel on lineage, taste, THC content, and common effects-as well as a mouth-watering portrait of each strain. A visually rich introductory section details everything you need to know about cannabis today, from a brief history of cannabis, to breeding secrets, to all the ways humans have consumed it throughout the ages. Packed with stories about the misfits, visionaries, hijinks, and happenings that make cannabis so entertaining, Higher offers the eye candy and sound information today's diverse and discerning cannabis enthusiast craves"--

  • af Sophie Hodorowicz Knab
    263,95 kr.

    "You'll find legends, cautionary tales, and love potions, as well as a chapter devoted to wedding plants and herbs. There are home remedies for everything that ailed the people of Poland, from acne to arthritis, relaxants to rejuvenators, and heartache to heartburn. Gleaned from old Polish herbals, Knab provides recipes for balms to treat ailments such as stress, insomnia, slow metabolism, perspiring feet, limp hair and oily skin. Also included are recipes for homemade herbal vinegars, soups, syrups, and liqueurs, including elderberry syrup, homemade Benedictine, and a healing vodka drink from Gdansk."

  • af Hilton Carter
    433,95 kr.

    In Living Wild, bestselling plant stylist, author, designer and family man Hilton Carter explores multiple ways to style your home with plants - and cultivate happiness along the way.

  • af Arin Murphy-Hiscock
    126,95 kr.

    Building on the success of The Green Witch’s Garden, bestselling author Arin Murphy-Hiscock is back with a lovely companion journal that will help readers catalog and track the various herbs, flowers, and plants they’re growing in their magical spaces and how they intend to use them in their witchcraft practice.

  • - 20 evighedsbuketter, du selv kan lave
    af Angela Maynard
    223,95 kr.

    Lær at beherske det gamle håndværk at tørre og sammensætte tørrede blomster, planter og græsser, og skab dine egne moderne evighedsbuketter. Følg de enkle vejledninger for at skabe bogens betagende buketter, eller tilpas dem efter egne ønsker.Uanset om du vil nytænke uanselige blomsterstande til en korsagebuket, du kan gemme, eller friske dit interiør op med overdådige blomsterarrangementer, kan du ved hjælp af denne bog nyde dine yndlingsblomster året rundt og opdage skønheden ved holdbare og bæredygtige buketter.ANGELA MAYNARD har elsket planter, lige siden hun som lille pige udforskede Londons parker. Hun afholder workshops for brands som Toastand the Crafts Council, hvor formålet er at lære deltagerne at anvende mindfulness i hverdagen og styrke forbindelsen til naturen ved at lave buketter og kranse af tørrede blomster eller dyrke byhaver. Hun laver også guidede ture i naturen året rundt. Derudover har Angela Maynard skrevet artikler for The Financial Times, The Telegraph, Living etc, Homes & Gardens med flere.

  • - Året rundt
    af Christine Granild
    238,95 kr.

    Hverdagshaven – året rundt tager gennem personlige fortællinger læseren med i haven og forklarer på en lettilgængelig måde, hvordan den dyrkes året rundt. Bogen egner sig til alle niveauer og giver den nye og erfarne haveejer et grundlæggende indblik i, hvordan haver anlægges, dyrkes og vedligeholdes med vægt på biodiversitet og økologiske dyrkningsprincipper.Bogen henvender sig til læsere med store og små haver, så her kan både landbohaveejeren, drivhusdyrkeren og børnefamilien med krukker på altanen finde ny viden og inspiration uanset ambitionsniveauet.Forfatteren folder havens udfordringer ud og giver konkrete svar på, hvordan de løses. Gennem praktiske tiltag gennemgås havearbejdet med blomster, grøntsager og frugt året rundt. Fra forspiring, såning, høst og vinteropbevaring til afsnit om beskæring, kompost, gødning og efterafgrøder formidles et dybdegående indblik i havelivets mange aspekter på en simpel måde.Læseren guides til valg af haveredskaber og får DIY-forslag til, hvordan man på bæredygtig vis kan lave sine egne eller bruge haven til hygge, når arbejdsredskaberne stilles i skuret.Christine Granild har formidlet sin store praktiske og teoretiske viden i landsdækkende medier og driver havemagasinet HVERDAGSHAVEN.dkCHRISTINE GRANILD fik sin første have lang tid før, hun begyndte i skole. Den var fyldt med farvestrålende sommerblomster, og senere voksede rækker med ærter, gulerødder og radiser frem. Det blev begyndelsen på et liv med hverdagshaver og jord under neglene.Fra sit landsted dyrker hun i dag en selvforsynende køkkenhave på 400 m2, har to drivhuse og alt det løse, hvor blomster, træer og buske folder sig ud. Året rundt er haven et levende sted med sommerblomster, grøntsager, stauder, frugttræer, bærbuske, ukrudt mellem rækkerne og skræppende høns, ænder, bier, insekter og sommerfugle.

  • af Nina Ferlov
    206,95 kr.

    I denne smukke bog fortæller Nina Ferlov om sit personlige forhold til planterne i sin lille frodige byhave, og hun portrætterer dem i ord og akvarel, en for en, gennem et kalenderår. En kærlighedserklæring til haven og naturen og en poetisk havevandring gennem årstiderne. Nina Ferlov er akvarellens mester, stoftrykker, tekstildesigner og billedkunstner. Hun har boet i sit byhus med en lille have i Middelfarts gamle købstads-kerne siden 1972.

  • af Anemette Olesen
    258,95 kr.

    Krydderurter har altid haft en central placering i husholdningen og i folkemedicinen. Og i køkkenet. Det gælder såvel i Europa som i de gamle kulturlande i Mellemøsten. I dag har krydderurterne erobret en central plads i vores madkultur, ligesom der er en stigende interesse for at bruge dem til helse-formål. Og til kosmetik. I England har der været en lang tradition for at dyrke krydderurterne, og det er den tradition, som Anemette Olesen har været den fornemste eksponent for herhjemme med flere bøger. I Krydderurter – i have og køkken deler hun gavmildt ud af sin viden. Bogen er gennemillustreret og bl.a. forsynet med Anemette Olesens egne fotos.

  • Spar 20%
    af Lars Klemme & Hans Møller
    199,95 kr.

    “50 byggeprojekter til din have” er den ultimative guide for selvbyggere, haveejere og hobbyentusiaster. Bogen giver inspiration og detaljerede vejledninger til 55 projekter, der spænder fra små til store konstruktioner, alle med træ som hovedmateriale. Med et lille håndværkerkursus og en værktøjsoversigt kan alle lære at udføre projekterne. Forfatterne, erfarne byggevejledere, sikrer en praktisk og letforståelig tilgang. Perfekt som gave og en uundværlig ressource for enhver haveejer.

  • af Andri Frediansyah
    1.074,95 kr.

    Cassava is a staple crop in many nations due to its adaptability to a wide range of climates. It has expanded across tropical Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America. Cassava, noted for its high carbohydrate content, is third in carbohydrate content after rice and maize. Cassava - Recent Updates on Food, Feed, and Industry is the second edition of our previous book, Cassava - Biology, Production, and Use. This new edition has four sections. The first section discusses the perspectives of several countries on cassava, including food security and the circular economy. Due to the importance of cassava in many countries, the second section examines recent biotechnological advances as well as soil management and modifications in the improvement of cassava. The third section discusses disease management and control of cassava plants. Due to its widespread use and industrial importance, cassava has been subjected to biological and technological intervention for processing into food, feed, and other industrial matter, which is covered in the final section. We hope that this book will help readers gain advanced knowledge about cassava and learn from experts in the field with multiple perspectives.

  • af Dion Rosser
    267,95 kr.

    Discover the Secrets of Nature's Own Symphony with "Companion Planting" Are you ready to turn your garden into a thriving ecosystem where every plant performs in perfect harmony? Dive into the ancient wisdom of companion planting, a technique refined through centuries, and learn how to orchestrate a symphony of flora that naturally bolsters plant health, enriches soil structure, and harmonizes pest control, all without a single drop of chemical intervention! Embark on a journey through two comprehensive manuscripts in one transformative book:Organic Companion Planting for Beginners: An Essential Guide to Growing Vegetables, Fruit, Flowers, Herbs, and More for Maximum Yield and QualityCacti and Succulents: An In-Depth Guide to Maximizing Yield, Quality, and Beauty, Along with the Best Companion Plants for BeginnersWhy settle for a garden when you can cultivate an ecosystem? Discover the power of plants protecting and nurturing each other, banishing the need for harsh chemicals. Whether you're a budding gardener or a seasoned green thumb, this book is your gateway to a garden that's not only productive but also a haven of natural balance and beauty.In this book, you will unlock:The essence of companion planting and its historical roots Practical strategies for planning, planting, and nurturing your garden A treasure trove of insights on which plants pair like best friends and which are foes Expert tips on harnessing the benefits of each plant for its neighbors The captivating world of cacti and succulents, from selection to care An extensive directory of species for your gardening adventures And much more...This isn't just a book; it's a lifelong companion that grows with you, offering wisdom and guidance every step of your gardening journey. Don't wait for another season to transform your garden into a vibrant, organic oasis.

  • af Seyyed Mehdi Alemzadeh
    328,95 kr.

    This EASY-to-understand book is ideal for all people who are new to Fruit therapy. It's based on the use of fruits as medicine, thanks to its richness in medicinal and nutritional substances. Did you know that if we increased its consumption 1.7 million lives could be saved per year?

  • af Kelly Reed
    193,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af S. L Dakin
    498,95 kr.

    Embark on a captivating journey with the world's most celebrated flower-the rose. From its ancient historical roots to its significance in today's modern world, 'Roses: History and Uses' offers readers an insightful and comprehensive exploration into the myriad ways this iconic bloom has touched our lives. Discover the rose's role in romance, its therapeutic wonders, its influence on economies, and its place within nature's delicate web. Dive deep into its vibrant hues, its seasonal dances, and its fragrant secrets.Expertly crafted with meticulous detail and filled with enchanting anecdotes, this book isn't just about a flower; it's a reflection of human history, passion, and our enduring bond with nature. Whether you're a seasoned gardener, a history enthusiast, or simply someone who admires beauty, this tome is a testament to the timeless allure of the rose.Step into a world where petals tell stories and thorns sing of resilience.

  • af Thomas Hibbert
    208,95 kr.

    The American Flower Garden Directory is a comprehensive guide to gardening written by Thomas Hibbert in the mid 1800s. The book is known for its detailed descriptions of various flowers, including their cultivation, propagation, and uses in landscape design.It covers both annuals and perennials, as well as shrubs and trees, and provides information on their history and origins.The book also includes advice on garden design, soil preparation, and pest control, making it a valuable resource for both amateur and professional gardeners alike. With beautiful illustrations and a wealth of information, The American Flower Garden Directory remains a classic and essential guide to gardening in America.

  • af Dennis Asbjørnsen
    174,95 - 248,95 kr.

    Følg årets gang i køkkenhaven – fra første spadestik til den sidste høst! Lær, hvordan du anlægger en smuk køkkenhave, og hvordan du plejer frugttræer og bærbuske, så du får masser af frugter og bær. Dennis Asbjørnsen tager fat på emner som dyrkning efter økologiske principper, skadedyrsbekæmpelse, vanding, beskæring og sammenplantning. Så kan du skabe en insektvenlig have – enkelt, billigt og bæredygtigt.Dennis Asbjørnsen fra Stavanger er norsk greenfluencer og blogger. Han står bag @spiselighage, som er en af Norges mest populære køkkenhaveprofiler på Instagram.

  • af May Theilgaard Watts
    100,95 kr.

    "Identify deciduous trees in eastern North America with this pocket-size guide. You can appreciate and enjoy nature's beautiful trees-even during late fall and winter! If you're curious about the deciduous trees that you see, then Winter Tree Finder by May Theilgaard Watts is just what you need. With the handy, easy-to-use booklet, you can identify trees throughout much of the eastern United States and eastern Canada"--

  • af Mitch McCulloch
    322,95 kr.

    "Why grow the same dull vegetables and herbs filling every supermarket shelf? If you're putting in the effort and growing your own, better make it something sensational! There's a thrilling diversity of rare and unusual heirloom plants out there: a riot of beauty, color, and flavor that can only be experienced by growing your own."--

  • af Dave Njogu
    128,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey into the world of herbs and natural spices with "Herbs and Spices: Nature's Remedies for Health and Wellness." This comprehensive guide unveils the rich tapestry of herbal wisdom, exploring the medicinal, culinary, and holistic facets of these botanical wonders.Dive into the origins and cultural significance of herbs, discovering their time-honored roles in promoting well-being. From the basics of cultivation to the art of harvesting, this book equips you with the knowledge to create your herbal sanctuary, fostering sustainability and ethical sourcing.Explore the nutritional content and medicinal properties of popular herbs and spices, supported by scientific research. Uncover the healing touch of nature as you navigate through chapters highlighting the diverse profiles and uses of these botanical allies.Delve into the culinary applications of herbs and spices across global cuisines, from the intricate spice blends of Indian dishes to the aromatic herbs of Mediterranean and Mexican cuisines. Discover how these natural wonders not only tantalize your taste buds but also address common health issues, offering a holistic approach to well-being.The journey doesn't end in the kitchen-unlock the secrets of herbal medicine and explore emerging trends that bridge tradition and modernity. From sustainable practices to ethical consumption, this guide empowers you to integrate herbs into your daily life, enhancing both your culinary experiences and your health.Whether you're a seasoned herbal enthusiast or a curious beginner, "Herbs and Spices" invites you to cultivate a deeper connection with nature's pharmacy. With practical insights, simple recipes, and a wealth of information, this book is your companion on the path to holistic wellness. Immerse yourself in the flavors, aromas, and healing potential of herbs and spices, and let the transformative journey begin.

  • af Amanda Watson
    128,95 kr.

    The Urban Herb: Cultivating Health and Harmony in Urban Gardens Innovative Techniques and Tips for Flourishing Herbal Gardens in an Urban EnvironmentIn the heart of the concrete jungle, a new kind of garden is blossoming. "The Urban Herb" is your guide to transforming your urban space into a thriving herbal haven. Whether you have a small balcony, a rooftop, or just a windowsill, this book shows you how to make the most of what you have. What's Inside:Urban Gardening Basics: Learn everything from selecting suitable soil to understanding your herbs' sunlight and water needs.Herbal Variety: Discover a range of herbs that thrive in urban environments, from classic choices like basil and mint to exotic varieties.Innovative Techniques: Explore vertical gardening, hydroponics, and other space-saving methods tailored for urban settings.Health and Wellness: Understand the health benefits of growing your own herbs and how to incorporate them into your daily life.Eco-Friendly Practices: Embrace sustainable gardening practices that contribute to a healthier planet. Bonus Features:Step-by-step guides for creating your urban garden.Tips on how to harvest and preserve your herbs.Delicious, herb-based recipes to try at home.Practical advice on dealing with common urban gardening challenges. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a complete novice, "The Urban Herb" offers inspiration and practical advice for cultivating your own piece of nature in the city. It's more than a gardening book; it's a blueprint for a healthier, more harmonious way of living. Embrace the green revolution and bring a touch of nature to your urban life!

  • af Olivia K
    278,95 kr.

    The freed world, rising up out of the shadows of Veggie Corp's severe rule, presently remains as a demonstration of flexibility and the victory of the human soul. Roads once watched by vegetable masters are presently bursting at the seams with the dynamic rushing about of a general public freed from the shackles of oppression. Commercial centers overflow with different countenances, every individual adding to the kaleidoscope of a reawakened social personality. Paintings portraying stories of the Veggie Grudge enhance city walls, filling in as visual tokens of the aggregate triumph and the penances made chasing opportunity. Notwithstanding, as the freed society takes in the outside demeanor of independence, unpretentious pressures wait underneath the surface. The scars of Veggie Corp's standard are not handily deleted, and the slip look into what's in store uncovers a general public wrestling with inward divisions. The once-bound together front of the defiance presently faces the intricacies of modifying, with philosophical conflicts taking steps to subvert the hard-won solidarity accomplished during the Veggie Feud. The roads reverberation with the murmurs of contradiction, indicating a general public exploring the fragile harmony between newly discovered opportunity and the difficulties of inner disunity. Ecological stewardship, when an encouraging sign, faces outside dangers that cast a shadow over the general public's obligation to manageability. The sneak look uncovers an existence where the fragile natural equilibrium is under attack from secretive powers trying to take advantage of the planet for their benefit. Characters, having battled to liberate the world from the environmental oppression of Veggie Corp, presently find themselves watchmen of nature in a scene where outside dangers pose a potential threat. The story alludes to a natural landmark where the freed society should guard obligation to the planet against powers try to sabotage the illustrations gained from Veggie Corp's environmental abuse. Socially, the freed society's renaissance faces difficulties from remainders of Veggie Corp's philosophy looking to penetrate the social scene. The story proposes a reality where characters, once at the front of social recovery, should now safeguard the stories they revived from outer endeavors at concealment. The roads, decorated with dynamic articulations of variety, become landmarks where the freed society shields social personality against those wish to eradicate the hard-battled triumphs of the Veggie Grudge. Relational connections, fashioned in the pot of contention, explore new intricacies in the freed world. The sneak look dives into the perplexing elements of special interactions stressed by outer tensions. Characters, when limited by a shared adversary, end up at junction where dissimilar ways might rethink partnerships and reshape the story of their entwined fates. The story proposes that relational bonds, when the paste that kept the defiance intact, face tests that might reshape the characters' directions in erratic ways.

  • af Nora Bowers
    193,95 kr.

    "Identify Arizona wildflowers with this easy-to-use field guide, organized by color and featuring full-color photographs and helpful information. With this famous field guide by Nora Bowers, Rick Bowers, and Stan Tekiela, you can make wildflower identification simple, informative, and productive. There's no need to look through dozens of photos of wildflowers that don't grow in Arizona. Learn about 200 of the most common and important species found in the state. They're organized in the field guide by color and then by size for ease of use. Fact-filled information contains the particulars that you want to know, while full-page photographs provide the visual detail needed for accurate identification"--

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