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Havearbejde: frugt og grøntsager

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  • af Yen Frydensberg Egebak
    117,95 - 269,95 kr.

    Drømmer du om en køkkenhave med friske grøntsager både forår, sommer, efterår og vinter? I Dyrk grøntsager året rundt tager Yen Frydensberg Egebak læserne med ind i sit haveunivers og fortæller, hvordan man med enkle metoder, i både baljer, højbede og landbohaver, kan dyrke og høste sine egne friske grøntsager hele året.Dyrk grøntsager året rundt er et overflødighedshorn af viden og personlige beretninger formidlet med en detaljeringsgrad, der tydeligt reflekterer Yen Frydensberg Egebaks store erfaring med økologisk havebrug.Bogen er en køkkenhavealmanak, der indeholder praktiske guides og konkrete tips til, hvordan man nemt, og med naturlige virkemidler, kan være selvforsynende med en bred variation af friske grøntsager selv i januar og februar. Desuden er der en komplet såkalender, så du som haveejer på ethvert tidspunkt af året trygt kan kaste dig ud i dine egne køkkenhaveeventyr, ligesom der også er dyrkningsvejledning til grøntsager fra mere eksotiske breddegrader.Alt i alt er Dyrk grøntsager året rundt en bog for enhver eksisterende eller kommende køkkenhaveentusiast.

  • af Maren Korsgaard
    217,95 kr.

    NY UDGAVE UNDER FORBEREDELSE, FORVENTES KLAR FORÅR 2025Sunde frugter og bær fra egen haveDenne bog giver dig inspiration og viden til at dyrke dine egne frugter og bær på økologisk, naturlig vis. Bogen beskriver over 60 arter af frugt og bær, som kan dyrkes i haven. Nogle kræver megen plads, mens andre kan gro i en krukke på altanen. Succesen bliver størst med gode, robuste sorter, og her omtales over 250 sorter, så der er noget at vælge imellem. De sygdomme og skadedyr, der kan ramme frugterne eller træerne, bliver beskrevet, og her er vejledning til, hvordan du kan undgå dem eller bekæmpe dem med økologiske metoder.Bogen er skrevet af hortonom Maren Korsgaard, der selv er økologisk frugtavler med over 30 års erfaring som rådgiver for økologiske frugtavlere. Hun har desuden 12 års erfaring med frugtforskning på Københavns Universitet, hvor hun især har arbejdet med frugt- og bærsorterne på Pometet, vores nationale genbank.Frugtsorterne er illustrereret med de smukkeste akvareller, malet af Kirsten Tind samt en række fine fotos.

  • - Grøntsager på glas – og på tallerkenen
    af Ditte Ingemann
    192,95 kr.

    Kunsten er at købe et hvidkålshoved for håndører.Give det håndkraft, salt og kærlighed. Og trylle det om til syrlig, sprød og perlende kraut. Dejlig på pizzaen, til hakkebøffen, i salatskålen – og for fordøjelsen. Ditte Ingemann er en af Danmarks fremmeste inden for KUNSTEN AT FERMENTERE. Lær at frembringe fermenterede herligheder som lynkimchi, grønne tomater, rødløg og citroner. Opskrifterne er nemme og akkompagneres af et forslag til en ret, de kan serveres til. Bogen indeholder tips & tricks, udstyr & råvarer, så du trygt kan give dig i kast med at fermentere på en sikker, sjov og smagfuld måde. Ditte Ingemann er kogebogsforfatter, madfotograf og foodstylist og driver bloggen The Food Club / @ditsen, hvor over 170.000 dagligt følger med.

  • - Skolehaver, klimatanker og fornyet jordforbindelse
    af Søren Ejlersen
    122,95 - 167,95 kr.

    DYRK LIVET handler om en simpel idé med et stort potentiale: skolehaver. Udgangspunktet er foreningen Haver til maver, der tilbyder skoleklasser et otte ugers forløb i det fri, men ideen er langt større end det. Det er visionen om, at børn fra alle landets skoler skal opleve naturen tæt på i vækstsæsonen fra forår til efterår. De skal lære at dyrke livet sammen – selve det at så, luge, høste og tilberede planter. Ja, de skal opleve utroligheden helt tæt på. Gennem 10 kapitler kommer læseren med ud i mulden, når medstifter af Haver til maver og Aarstiderne, Søren Ejlersen, udbreder sin skolehave-mission og inviterer ind i sin verden, hvor magi og nærhed regerer. Hans budskab er ligetil: Vi og vores børn skal for vores egen og jordens skyld tættere på naturen igen. Vi skal ud i haven, ned i jorden og op i træerne. Lige nu er vi amputeret fra naturen, kan man sige. Man kan også sige, at vi har mistet jordforbindelsen. Skolehaver er en del af løsningen. Den tilbyder både konkret læring og ukonkret livskvalitet.

  • - Fortællinger fra den økologiske byhave
    af Bettina Gram & Mette Esmark
    197,95 - 230,95 kr.

    Midt i en rivende byudvikling opstår nye grønne fællesskaber i haver på byens tage og på små jordstykker bag boligblokke. Drømmen om at dyrke sine egne økologiske grøntsager udleves i små og store køkkenhaver landet rundt. Denne bog fortæller hvordan og inspirerer læseren til selv at gå i gang.Nyttehaven er en bog om passionerede havefolk, der gavmildt øser af deres viden og dyrkningstips igennem de fire årstider. For eksempel høster Sebastian og hans familie rabarber, som de fremstiller saft, marmelade og rabarbergin af, og Fritz fortæller om, hvordan han forer kartoffelkulen til vinteropbevaring af grøntsager.Nyttehaven skildrer et stykke velbevaret dansk havekultur midt i storbyen med omdrejningspunkt i nyttehaveforeningen N/F Sundvænget på Amager i København med små afstikkere til byhaver i Aarhus, Aalborg og Odense.Bogen er til alle, der glædes over og finder ro ved at se noget spire, men også kender ærgrelsen, når duerne eller sneglene har spist de nye skud. Samtidig er den en opfordring til at tage vare på byens frirum og grønne oaser og viderebringe en værdifuld havekulturarv til kommende generationer.Om forfatterneMette Esmark og Bettina Gram er begge nysgerrige haveejere i N/F Sundvænget. Den idylliske stemning og det inspirerende fællesskab blandt de over 175 havefolk i nyttehaveforeningen gav dem idéen til bogen. Mette er film- og tv-klipper af dokumentarfilm. Bettina er forfatter og redaktør af fagbøger.E-bogen er lavet i fixed format

  • - Økologi og biodiversitet i din egen have
    af Camilla Plum
    347,95 kr.

    CAMILLAS KØKKENHAVE handler om Camilla Plums livsprojekter. Den handler om skønhed, farver, smag og mad, om køkkenhave grøntsager og urter, om biodiversitet og økologi. Eller med et smukkere ord, den handler om mangfoldighed. I bogen får du alle Camilla Plums erfaringer og gode råd, historien om grøntsagerne, det basale om at dyrke jorden, om glæden, om at tage det roligt derude og ikke være for ambitiøs. Du kan læse om ukrudt som ikke kun er dårligt, om sorterne, om de gamle sorter, om grøntsager, du overhovedet ikke kan købe, men kun dyrke selv. Du kan læse om alt det, Camilla Plum har brugt en god del af sit liv på at arbejde med, fordi det simpelthen er endeløst dejligt og fascinerende at dyrke sin egen mad. Bogen er grundig nok til begyndere og avanceret nok for dem, der allerede ved en masse om at dyrke.

  • af Huw Richards
    195,95 kr.

    Grow your own vegetable garden with this practical, straightforward gardening guide.There is nothing more fulfilling than growing your own home produce. You don't have to be a seasoned gardener to produce a healthy, flourishing garden - all you need is a few seeds, water, sunlight, good advice and patience!In just one raised bed, author Huw Richards, shows you exactly how to grow vegetables organically, abundantly and inexpensively so you have something to harvest every month of the year. Here's what you'll find inside:- Month-by-month guide to what to do and how to do it, including what pests to look out for, and what can be harvested. - Covers first year in detail, with the final chapter on 'Next Steps' providing suggestions of what to do in years two and three.- Illustrations show you what the bed should look like month to month.- Windowsill planting ensures early success cultivating plants before they are transferred into the bed.- Maintenance sections ensure readers know how to keep their plants (and raised bed) healthy each month.- Includes instructions on assessing your site and building a 4x10ft (1.2x3m) raised bed.- Alternative vegetables are recommended, allowing readers to tailor their bed to their taste.- Plans chart growing season for different circumstances: cool climate, low rainfall, low effort, salad bed, winter bed, herbs and edible flowers.Month by month, discover what you need to do and how to do it. Try becoming more self-sufficient in your allotment, a small garden, or even on a roof terrace. Veg In One Bed shows you that you can have a small thriving garden and still be able to maintain it, yielding fresh vegetables all year round. Learn what to do each month on your windowsill, where you'll raise seedlings, and in your raised bed, where your plants will grow to maturity. Everything is explained in clear, illustrated steps: building your bed, growing from seed, planting, feeding, and harvesting.This gardening book not only guides you through the whole process of building your raised bed through to harvesting your vegetables but also provides sustainable gardening practices, which will resonate with all gardeners committed to protecting our planet. This makes for the perfect book for new gardeners who want to grow their own produce, as well as the new generation of gardeners who are seeking a gardening guru of their own age.Veg in One Bed goes beyond the inspiring demonstrations on his YouTube channel "Huw Richards - Grow Food Organically". In this book he organises all his ideas and suggestions into a blueprint for growing your own vegetables month by month. Little growing experience? Only a small space? No matter - with Veg in One Bed, you can still eat food you have grown all through the year.

  • af Liz Zorab
    232,95 kr.

    *From Liz Zorab, Winner of the Garden Media Guild Award Vlog of the Year 2022 Dig deeper into the processes of growing your own organic food with Liz Zorab, self-sufficiency practitioner. In this personal gardening journey, she explores seasonal harvests and how the vegetable garden sits within the wider context of the gardening landscape - including weather, microclimates, water cycles, light levels, seasons and the gardener's personal tastes. Liz's salt of the earth approach to life and to the garden and her gentle humor makes The Seasoned Gardener an easily digestible read. She provides hundreds of practical tips, including how-to guides, observations and inspiration for both the beginner and practiced gardener alike. Unlike many gardening books that run from January to December, this book starts in the autumn, when harvesting is at its peak. Most of the fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers highlighted are grouped according to when we enjoy them most - at the point of harvest. The Seasoned Gardener will show you how to: Enjoy the abundance of each month of the year Decide which plants are best to grow in your garden Find pleasure in your growing space year-round Avoid the pitfalls of doing too much at once Be creative with your garden resources Make the most of your time and energy Celebrate nature's productivity as much as your own This is a journey of experimentation and learning that will inspire you to grow tastier food and savor the experience.

  • af Andri Frediansyah
    1.073,95 kr.

    Cassava is a staple crop in many nations due to its adaptability to a wide range of climates. It has expanded across tropical Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America. Cassava, noted for its high carbohydrate content, is third in carbohydrate content after rice and maize. Cassava - Recent Updates on Food, Feed, and Industry is the second edition of our previous book, Cassava - Biology, Production, and Use. This new edition has four sections. The first section discusses the perspectives of several countries on cassava, including food security and the circular economy. Due to the importance of cassava in many countries, the second section examines recent biotechnological advances as well as soil management and modifications in the improvement of cassava. The third section discusses disease management and control of cassava plants. Due to its widespread use and industrial importance, cassava has been subjected to biological and technological intervention for processing into food, feed, and other industrial matter, which is covered in the final section. We hope that this book will help readers gain advanced knowledge about cassava and learn from experts in the field with multiple perspectives.

  • af Dion Rosser
    263,95 kr.

    Discover the Secrets of Nature's Own Symphony with "Companion Planting" Are you ready to turn your garden into a thriving ecosystem where every plant performs in perfect harmony? Dive into the ancient wisdom of companion planting, a technique refined through centuries, and learn how to orchestrate a symphony of flora that naturally bolsters plant health, enriches soil structure, and harmonizes pest control, all without a single drop of chemical intervention! Embark on a journey through two comprehensive manuscripts in one transformative book:Organic Companion Planting for Beginners: An Essential Guide to Growing Vegetables, Fruit, Flowers, Herbs, and More for Maximum Yield and QualityCacti and Succulents: An In-Depth Guide to Maximizing Yield, Quality, and Beauty, Along with the Best Companion Plants for BeginnersWhy settle for a garden when you can cultivate an ecosystem? Discover the power of plants protecting and nurturing each other, banishing the need for harsh chemicals. Whether you're a budding gardener or a seasoned green thumb, this book is your gateway to a garden that's not only productive but also a haven of natural balance and beauty.In this book, you will unlock:The essence of companion planting and its historical roots Practical strategies for planning, planting, and nurturing your garden A treasure trove of insights on which plants pair like best friends and which are foes Expert tips on harnessing the benefits of each plant for its neighbors The captivating world of cacti and succulents, from selection to care An extensive directory of species for your gardening adventures And much more...This isn't just a book; it's a lifelong companion that grows with you, offering wisdom and guidance every step of your gardening journey. Don't wait for another season to transform your garden into a vibrant, organic oasis.

  • af Seyyed Mehdi Alemzadeh
    327,95 kr.

    This EASY-to-understand book is ideal for all people who are new to Fruit therapy. It's based on the use of fruits as medicine, thanks to its richness in medicinal and nutritional substances. Did you know that if we increased its consumption 1.7 million lives could be saved per year?

  • af Kelly Reed
    192,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • af Dennis Asbjørnsen
    173,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Følg årets gang i køkkenhaven – fra første spadestik til den sidste høst! Lær, hvordan du anlægger en smuk køkkenhave, og hvordan du plejer frugttræer og bærbuske, så du får masser af frugter og bær. Dennis Asbjørnsen tager fat på emner som dyrkning efter økologiske principper, skadedyrsbekæmpelse, vanding, beskæring og sammenplantning. Så kan du skabe en insektvenlig have – enkelt, billigt og bæredygtigt.Dennis Asbjørnsen fra Stavanger er norsk greenfluencer og blogger. Han står bag @spiselighage, som er en af Norges mest populære køkkenhaveprofiler på Instagram.

  • af Mitch McCulloch
    317,95 kr.

    Why grow the same dull vegetables and herbs that fill every grocery store shelf? If you're putting in the effort and growing your own, make it something sensational!There's a thrilling diversity of rare and unusual heirloom plants out there-a riot of beauty, color, and flavor that can only be experienced by growing your own. So saddle up and join the trail blazed by Mitch the Seed Hunter as he shows you how to source, grow, and enjoy the most amazing crops from around the world.The antithesis of mass-produced hybrids and genetically modified seeds, heirloom crops provide a connection to the past, seeds that have been passed down through generations, rescued from oblivion, and preserved by a dedicated community of growers.From Italian flat onions to pink broad beans, apple-sized melons beloved by Queen Anne to purple-and-white Gniff carrots from Switzerland (almost lost to extinction), and orange okra from Japan to ancient Aztec broccoli, Mitch shares his passion for growing them all and making the most of their incredible flavors.

  • af Olivia K
    277,95 kr.

    The freed world, rising up out of the shadows of Veggie Corp's severe rule, presently remains as a demonstration of flexibility and the victory of the human soul. Roads once watched by vegetable masters are presently bursting at the seams with the dynamic rushing about of a general public freed from the shackles of oppression. Commercial centers overflow with different countenances, every individual adding to the kaleidoscope of a reawakened social personality. Paintings portraying stories of the Veggie Grudge enhance city walls, filling in as visual tokens of the aggregate triumph and the penances made chasing opportunity. Notwithstanding, as the freed society takes in the outside demeanor of independence, unpretentious pressures wait underneath the surface. The scars of Veggie Corp's standard are not handily deleted, and the slip look into what's in store uncovers a general public wrestling with inward divisions. The once-bound together front of the defiance presently faces the intricacies of modifying, with philosophical conflicts taking steps to subvert the hard-won solidarity accomplished during the Veggie Feud. The roads reverberation with the murmurs of contradiction, indicating a general public exploring the fragile harmony between newly discovered opportunity and the difficulties of inner disunity. Ecological stewardship, when an encouraging sign, faces outside dangers that cast a shadow over the general public's obligation to manageability. The sneak look uncovers an existence where the fragile natural equilibrium is under attack from secretive powers trying to take advantage of the planet for their benefit. Characters, having battled to liberate the world from the environmental oppression of Veggie Corp, presently find themselves watchmen of nature in a scene where outside dangers pose a potential threat. The story alludes to a natural landmark where the freed society should guard obligation to the planet against powers try to sabotage the illustrations gained from Veggie Corp's environmental abuse. Socially, the freed society's renaissance faces difficulties from remainders of Veggie Corp's philosophy looking to penetrate the social scene. The story proposes a reality where characters, once at the front of social recovery, should now safeguard the stories they revived from outer endeavors at concealment. The roads, decorated with dynamic articulations of variety, become landmarks where the freed society shields social personality against those wish to eradicate the hard-battled triumphs of the Veggie Grudge. Relational connections, fashioned in the pot of contention, explore new intricacies in the freed world. The sneak look dives into the perplexing elements of special interactions stressed by outer tensions. Characters, when limited by a shared adversary, end up at junction where dissimilar ways might rethink partnerships and reshape the story of their entwined fates. The story proposes that relational bonds, when the paste that kept the defiance intact, face tests that might reshape the characters' directions in erratic ways.

  • af Andrew Tignor
    212,95 kr.

    Many people who could have loved to have herbs and beautiful vegetable garden to enjoy fresh vegetables and herbs at their fingertips believe they could not achieve that due to lack of large space for gardening.They think that without a large space, vegetable gardening may not be possible. I am happy to let you know that raised bed gardening has come to rescue these people. With raise bed gardening, you can maximize the usage of little space in your backyard, balcony, patio etc. Little wonder modern gardeners see the raised bed gardening method as the best for modern-day gardening. You will learn:How to build a raised bed gardeningHow to make the right compostTypes of water irrigation systemThe right vegetables month by monthHerbs, fruits and vegetablesTypes of fertilizerPests, prevention and treatmentDo you know how many people change their way of gardening by following the teachings present in this book?You'll get a basic understanding of what raised bed gardening is and all the necessary information you need to get started with raised bed gardening and not to mention, what to plant!. Our book contains step by step instructions to build your own raised bed garden. It further discusses suitable areas and climates and.explores the techniques to thrive in gardening.

  • af DK
    307,95 kr.

    "Whether you want to garden at a more accessible height, improve soil fertility, nurture plants with needs, or simply enjoy a closer sensory experience, growing in raised beds will help you reach new heights in the garden. Raised beds are possible in any-size garden, even on balconies, but it needs expert advice to create the optimum growing conditions, achieve the most practical use of space tailored to your individual needs, and ensure longevity of the raised bed structure."--

  • af Jeffrey S McLain
    157,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Dion Rosser
    287,95 kr.

    Your definitive guide to companion planting and all its benefits!Are you thinking about gardening as a hobby?Do you want to grow your food but don't know where to start?Are you concerned about how to garden without using chemicals?Then you need this book.Companion planting is an age-old gardening technique farmers and gardeners use to grow their crops organically. When you learn how companion planting works, you'll see there's no need to use chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides - the plants do it all for you. In this book, you will:Understand what companion planting isDiscover where it originatedLearn how to plan your garden and get it ready for plantingLearn about the tools you needGain insight into what plants work with others and what don'tLearn about the benefits certain plants bring to othersFind out if it's better to grow from seed or purchase starts (seedlings)Learn how to water your garden and care for itUnderstand more about how to get the soil structure rightLearn how and when to harvest your gardenFind many organic fertilizer recipes you can make in your own kitchen.This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the necessary information you might need when starting your companion planting journey.

  • af Loïc Etcheberry
    222,95 kr.

    Immerse yourself in the exciting world of energies - natural, free and inexhaustible - Nature's gift to us all. This book will allow you to understand how to work alongside this energy in harmony. It will also allow you to discover some practical applications for your garden, for agriculture or the environment. These atypical - and yet ingenious eco-friendly methods will help you to produce more abundant harvests, plants that are more resistant to hazards, and more fertile soil - using all-natural methods. Does this sound like a utopia to you? It's the truth! Loïc Etcheberry likes to stray from the beaten path, sharing with us his research on basalt, round energy towers and their many applications - striving towards a world where we have a greater respect for nature, and a more sustainable society. Dive in, and discover these paramagnetic techniques - and how to use them for the well-being of plants, crops and others. This book is here to help you out on the road towards the kind knowledge and know-how that will bring self-sufficiency and autonomy. An agricultural re-evolution without petrochemicals is possible! We are all stakeholders in the world of tomorrow and the future of sustainability is being written today!

  • af John Fleming (Gardener ).
    177,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Antoine Nicolas Duchesne
    337,95 - 497,95 kr.

  • af Linus Woolverton
    362,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Winslow Roy Maywood
    312,95 kr.

    Roy Maywood Winslow's book is a comprehensive guide to growing, cultivating, and exhibiting fruit and vegetables. He provides practical advice on everything from selecting the right seeds to presenting your produce in the most appealing manner. This book is an essential read for anyone interested in gardening or looking to improve their fruit and vegetable growing skills.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af J. M. Merrick
    322,95 kr.

    This is a comprehensive guide to the cultivation of strawberries, including detailed instructions on soil preparation, planting, and care. It also includes a catalogue of all known strawberry varieties, with descriptions of their characteristics and growing requirements.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Fruit-Gardener
    167,95 - 322,95 kr.

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