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Gendyrk er genbrug, grøn omstilling, gratis mad, haveterapi og ikke mindst sjovt, hyggeligt og nemt. Det kan foregå hjemme i køkkenet, nede i baggården eller ude i køkkenhaven. Bogen her er til dig, der vil give dig i kast med at gendyrke rester fra frø og grøntsager og ønsker de bedste tips til, hvodan du kommer i gang.Persille Ingerslev, der er Danmarks ukronede dronning af gendyrk, fortæller, hvad der skal til, for at du selv kan gå i gang med at gendyrke, uanset om du vil prøve kræfter med ananas og chiagræs eller blot vil forsøge dig med mere konventionelle afgrøder som karse, tomater og forårsløg.I alt 47 afgrøder er beskrevet i bogen, herunder den storslåede porre, der ifølge Persille indkapsler alt det, der gør gendyrkning magisk og vidunderligt.Persille Ingerslev har mere end 16.000 følgere på Facebook-siden ’Persilles hjemmedyrk’, hvor hun deler sine erfaringer. Derudover holder hun foredrag landet over om at gendyrke. Hun begyndte selv på at dyrke frugt og grønt, da hun en overgang var på kontanthjælp og ikke havde råd til supermarkedernes friske varer. Hun opdagede undervejs, at gendyrkning også hjalp på hendes stress, depression og angst.
Grønne planter er tilbage i vores vindueskarme, også selv om det ikke altid er lige nemt at finde ud af, hvad der skal til for at få dem til at trives indendørs. Denne håndbog er spækket med praktiske plantetip og fortæller om alt det, du behøver at vide for at holde din bolig grøn. Den tager højde for lange vintre og nordiske lysforhold, og du får basal viden om pasning, pleje og formering. Desuden indeholder bogen inspirerende portrætter af en række populære planter med konkret information om, hvad de kræver af lys, vand, jord og gødning – året rundt. Bogens forfattere er Jenny Leite-Vikra, Kathrine Winther Løkke og Marte Espevik, som blandt andet skriver og designer plantemagasinet GRO, et skandinavisk netmagasin om stueplanter.
Løgvækster, sommerblomster, stauder, slyngplanter og roser - alt kan plantes i krukker og give blomstrende frodighed. Denne bog viser, hvordan man ved at lade det ene afløse det andet kan få blomstring i afstemte farveharmonier fra marts til oktober. I bogens første del forklares blandt andet om såning, stiklingeformering, beholdere, jord og gødning. Og derefter fortælles om de forskellige planter.
Pileflet er en smuk og æstetisk bog med over 20 projekter – blandt andet brødkurve, bakker, hegn, kurve og forskellige pyntegenstande.Naturlige materialer bliver den dag i dag stadig brugt til at skabe smukke brugsting i hjemmet, og pileflet er ingen undtagelse. Pilefletter Jenny Crisp fortæller dig her nogle af de vigtigste ting, man bør vide, hvis man ønsker at prøve pileflet, og viser mange smukke projekter, der passer til både nybegynderen og den øvede pilefletter.Pileflet er nemt at gå til og kræver ikke avancerede redskaber. Teknikkerne er nemme at følge med de enkle trin for trin-instruktioner, og man får tilmed viden om, hvordan man selv dyrker pil.
Rebel Gardening is a captivating read by the renowned author, Alessandro Vitale. Published in 2023 by Penguin LCC US, this book delves into the world of unconventional gardening practices. Vitale, known for his unique perspective on traditional subjects, takes the reader on a journey through the rebellious side of horticulture. The book falls under the non-fiction genre, providing readers with a fresh look at gardening. Vitale's Rebel Gardening is not just a book; it's a movement, a call to action for gardeners to break free from the constraints of traditional gardening norms. Published by Penguin LCC US, this book is a must-read for those who dare to garden differently.
Orkidéernes verden er en fascinerende bog skrevet af den talentfulde forfatter Henrik Ærenlund Pedersen. Udgivet i 2023, denne bog tager læseren på en utrolig rejse gennem den farverige og mystiske verden af orkidéer. Denne bog tilhører genren af naturvidenskab og er perfekt for dem, der er nysgerrige efter at lære mere om disse smukke planter. Henrik Ærenlund Pedersen's dygtige skrivning gør læsningen både informativ og underholdende. Udgivet af Gyldendal, en af de mest respekterede udgivere i Danmark, er Orkidéernes verden et must-read for enhver natur elsker.
Venture into the tiny worlds of terrariums and discover how to create a universe of your own. Like an artist, you'll learn how to use planting and hardscaping to make stunning terrarium compositions. Plus, master the fundamentals of successful growing - soil, water, and light - so your plants thrive.Put theory into practice with step-by-step projects of 13 terrariums:- Repurpose a spice jar to create a stunning yet small terrarium on a budget- Replicate natural environments in your home with planting and hardscaping choices, such as the fallen branch terrarium- Express yourself by including playful figurines to create fun imaginary worlds- Try a bioactive terrarium, adding custodians to thrive in these mini ecosystemsWith a combination of projects and deep dives into plant groups and care advice, you'll be well on your way to curating your own terrarium wonderland with Hello Tiny World.
Hvordan får du succes med dine dahliaer? Hvordan kan du skabe et vidunderligt blomsterflor i din have, og hvordan kan du få dahliaer til at holde længere i buketter?Alt dette og meget mere får du viden om i Dahlia: 222 sorter, dyrkning, gødning & inspiration. Du kan læse om dahliaens historie og botanik, dyrkning, formering og vinteropbevaring. Du finder forslag til, hvilke dahliasorter der er smukke at plante sammen i forskellige farvekombinationer, og ideer til, hvilke andre blomster der kan være gode naboplanter til dine dahliaer. I bogen kommer du også på besøg hos tre svenske dahliadyrkere, der deler ud af deres bedste tips.Både nye og erfarne dahliadyrkere vil elske at bladre i denne havebog, som er fuld af smukke billeder af farvestrålende dahliaer på deres voksesteder og nærbilleder af over 200 sorter med information om højde, blomsterstørrelse og gruppe.Ulrika Grönlund arbejder til daglig som skribent og fotograf inden for havedyrkning og indretning. Derudover laver hun haveskitser og arbejder som indretningsstylist. Ulrika Grönlund har en stor forkærlighed for dahliaer og er grundlægger af Dahliafarmen i Österlen i Skåne. Dahlia: 222 sorter, dyrkning, gødning & inspiration er hendes femte bog.
Vil du gerne vide, hvordan du får held med dine stueplanter? Hvordan du bruger dem i indretningen, og hvordan du virkelig får dem til at stortrives?Anders Røyneberg, også kendt som @arcticgardener, har over 100 grønne planter i sin lejlighed i Oslo. I denne bog kommer han med sine bedste råd om, hvilke planter der passer til dig, og hvordan du skal passe dem med jord, gødning, vand og lys for at få mest ud af dem. Du lærer, hvordan du kan tage aflæggere og stiklinger, og hvordan du skal gøre, hvis du skal ud at rejse, så dine planter stadig har det fint, når du kommer hjem igen.Anders Røyneberg viser, hvordan du kan indrette og style dit hjem med planter som rumdelere, og viser eksempler på gode måder at gruppere dem på, samt hvordan du bruger spejle, krukker og potter. Hvilke planter er gode i stuen eller på badeværelset, hvilke planter renser luften på kontoret eller er robuste nok til at kunne tåle et åbent soveværelsesvindue? Hvilke planter passer godt til husets forskellige rum? Alt dette giver bogen dig svar på.
Interior decorating just got a green thumb!Harness the beauty of plants, leaves and foliagegreen decorin this unique collection of 40 nature projects that are fun, easy and inexpensive to make. Six of Japan's leading floral and plant designers offer a range of ideas to turn found and foraged materials into stunning arrangements and displays.With these visionary stylists as your guides, a few materials you already have at home and easy-to-obtain tools, you'll be able to:Create charming glass-encased air plants and spoon-based succulentsWeave, bend and stack palm fronds into eye-catching arrangementsStyle your own one-of-a-kind leaf fashion accessories, from corsages to braceletsCreate living jewelry and one-of-a-kind plant handbagsMake a signature leaf tapestry and leaf wrapping paperAnd much, much more!This book features over 250 gorgeous photographs and straightforward, step-by-step instructions that show you how to turn your surroundings into a verdant showcase for nature's beauty.
This immersive coloring book features intricate illustrations of 50 popular houseplants in gorgeous home settings, plus a sprinkling of plant care tips for houseplant lovers.The Happy Houseplant Coloring Book is artist Caitlin Keegan's deep dive into the wild world of houseplants. Dare to dream about your own indoor jungle as you color cozy scenes featuring fifty common plants, from a spiky cactus and luscious anthurium to a majestic dragon tree and trailing pothos.Each of the fifty intricate illustrations display a houseplant in a unique habitat of its own—on an apartment windowsill, in a greenhouse, or prominently featured in a luxe lounge. Color each plant and then flip to the backside of your artwork to learn names of the most common species, read about the plant's natural environment, and study how to care for them with tips on water, soil, sunlight, and whether or not the plant is safe for pets.The sturdy, perforated pages can handle colored pencils, crayons, or markers. Tear out to share with friends or feature as art in the home. Perfect for green thumbs of all hues, this coloring book is a delightful introduction to the world of houseplants.
The Kew Gardener's Guide to Growing Cacti and Succulents is the latest title from the Kew Experts series, giving you everything you need to master the art of growing cacti and succulents.
Pothåndbogen – en brugerguide er en underholdende og oplysende guide til, hvordan man får de bedste oplevelser med pot og cannabis. Bogen forholder sig til fup og fakta, skrøner og myter, og fremlægger den nyeste forskning og viden om emnet.Du får hele historien om pot og alt fra opskrifter og metoder til sikkerhedsforanstaltninger og sundhedsoplysninger. Sproget er humoristisk og lettilgængeligt, og bogen egner sig derfor godt som en sjov lille gaveide.”En sjov guide fyldt med historie, opskrifter og helbredsmæssig information.” Publishers Weekly”Pothåndbogen er elegant skrevet og fuldstændig gennemtænkt.” Booklist”Marihuanabrugere fra nybegynderen til den erfarne ryger vil sætte pris på de farverige anekdoter, opskrifter og sikkerhedstips.” Business Insider”Betragt bogen som den moderne mands vejledningsmanual til marihuana.” Men’s Journal
Are you captivated by the exotic beauty of orchids?Have you ever dreamed of cultivating these enchanting plants at home, but felt intimidated by their exotic reputation?Do you wish to delve into the world of orchid gardening but don't know where to start? "Growing Orchids for Beginners" is the guide you need. This comprehensive book transforms the complex world of orchids into a fun, accessible hobby. Its easy-to-follow structure and language make the process of learning about and growing orchids an absolute joy. Inside the pages of "Growing Orchids for Beginners," you'll discover: -A thorough introduction to orchids, their origin, history, and types, paving the way for a deep understanding of these fascinating plants.-An insightful overview of orchid anatomy, demystifying terms like pseudobulbs and providing a closer look at orchid flowers.-A detailed guide to getting started with orchids, including how to choose your first orchid, understanding the ideal location for your plant, and the essential tools and supplies you'll need.-Expert advice on planting and repotting orchids, understanding orchid potting mixes, and learning when and how to repot.-Comprehensive guidance on caring for orchids, such as how much water and light your plants need, how to feed them, and recognizing nutrient deficiencies.-Tips for troubleshooting common orchid problems, spotting diseases and pests, addressing physical damage, and reviving a sick orchid.-An introduction to orchid propagation, including different methods like using keikis and division.-Suggestions on how to incorporate orchids into your home decor and how to choose the right orchid as a gift. "Growing Orchids for Beginners" is more than just a book; it's a journey that takes you from a novice to a seasoned home orchid gardener. Whether you're a gardening enthusiast looking to broaden your plant collection or someone seeking a new hobby, this book will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to successfully grow and care for your own collection of orchids.
Découvrez les secrets de la conservation des semences et créez un jardin prospère et autonome grâce à ce guide ultime !Vous êtes un jardinier en herbe ou vous avez déjà la main verte et vous cherchez à améliorer la diversité génétique de vos plantes, à économiser de l'argent et à promouvoir le développement durable ?Vous avez envie d'autosuffisance et d'être prêt à protéger votre famille pendant les périodes imprévisibles ? Vous n'êtes pas seul. Nous avons tous compris l'importance de la conservation des aliments comme filet de sécurité, mais qu'en est-il du besoin indéniable de fruits, de légumes et d'herbes fraîches et riches en nutriments ? La réponse n'est-elle pas claire comme de l'eau de roche, surtout lorsqu'il s'agit de nos enfants ? Imaginez que vous deveniez le maître de votre propre approvisionnement alimentaire.Imaginez la tranquillité d'esprit que cela vous apporte. Avec ce guide, vous n'achetez pas seulement un livre, mais vous vous ouvrez à un nouveau mode de vie durable. Si c'est le cas, ce guide complet contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour vous lancer dans l'aventure de la conservation des semences et libérer tout le potentiel de votre jardin. Voici un aperçu de ce que vous découvrirez à l'intérieur :Le monde des semences et leur importance : Découvrez l'importance de la conservation des semences, en explorant la génétique et la sélection des plantes.Devenir un pro de la sélection et de la collecte des semences : Maîtrisez la sélection et la collecte des semences grâce à des techniques d'experts.Le nettoyage, la récolte et le stockage des graines en toute simplicité : Apprenez des méthodes efficaces pour le nettoyage, la récolte et le stockage des graines.Techniques de germination et de culture : De la graine à la splendeur : Assurer une germination et une culture réussies pour des plantes florissantes.Naviguer dans le monde des semences traditionnelles, hybrides, biologiques et OGM : Comprendre les différents types de semences et soutenir les initiatives locales de conservation des semences.Que vous soyez débutant ou jardinier chevronné, ce guide complet vous fournit des instructions étape par étape, des conseils d'experts et des solutions pratiques pour vous aider à conserver les graines d'une large gamme de plantes, y compris les légumes, les herbes, les fleurs et les plantes ornementales. Ne manquez pas votre chance de libérer tout le potentiel de votre jardin et de contribuer à un avenir plus vert et plus durable.
The Importance of Studying Plant GeneticsSubchapter: The Importance of Studying Plant GeneticsIntroduction:In today's world, where environmental concerns and food security are at the forefront, understanding plant genetics has become more crucial than ever before. From improving crop yields to developing disease-resistant plants, the study of plant genetics holds immense significance. This subchapter aims to shed light on the importance of studying plant genetics and its implications for everyone, particularly those interested in the fields of genetics and genomics.1. Unveiling the Secrets of Evolution:Studying plant genetics allows us to unravel the mysteries of evolution. By examining the genetic makeup of plants, scientists can trace their ancestry, discover their evolutionary history, and gain insights into how they have adapted to various environmental conditions over time. This knowledge not only helps us understand the past but also provides valuable information for predicting future changes in plant species.2. Boosting Crop Yields:As the world's population continues to grow, the demand for food is increasing exponentially. Studying plant genetics enables scientists to develop crops with higher yields, enhanced nutritional value, and improved resistance against pests, diseases, and environmental stresses. By manipulating plant genes, researchers can create varieties that are more productive, efficient, and sustainable, ultimately contributing to global food security.3. Conservation and Biodiversity:Plant genetics plays a vital role in the conservation of endangered plant species and the preservation of biodiversity. By studying the genetic diversity within plant populations, scientists can identify rare genes and traits that may be crucial for the survival of certain species. This knowledge helps in developing conservation strategies, ensuring that unique plant varieties are protected for future generations.4. Medicinal and Industrial Applications:Plants have been a source of medicines, fibers, and biofuels for centuries. Understanding plant genetics allows scientists to identify and manipulate genes responsible for producing valuable compounds, opening doors to new medical treatments, sustainable materials, and renewable energy sources. Studying plant genetics also helps in optimizing cultivation practices, leading to increased production and quality of plant-based products
Delve into the world of orchids with this comprehensive guide to orchid care. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced orchid enthusiast, this book has something for everyone. From understanding the different types of orchids and their specific needs to mastering watering techniques, lighting, fertilization, and more, you'll have all the tools you need to keep your orchids thriving. With step-by-step instructions, practical tips, and actionable advice, you'll learn how to repot orchids, prevent and treat diseases, and create the optimal growing environment. Discover the joy of watching your orchids bloom year after year as you gain confidence in your abilities as an orchid caregiver. Packed with beautiful photographs, this guide will inspire and educate, making it an essential resource for any orchid lover. Enhance your knowledge, cultivate your green thumb, and find success in orchid care with this must-have book.
In "Scientific Advancements in Tribal Farming Knowledge," Ravish Kumar embarks on a captivating journey through the heartland of traditional agricultural practices, shedding light on the ingenious wisdom of indigenous tribes and their remarkable ability to coexist harmoniously with nature. Kumar's work is a profound exploration of the symbiotic relationship between modern science and age-old tribal farming techniques.Drawing on years of research and firsthand experiences, Kumar highlights the invaluable contributions of tribal communities to sustainable agriculture. He underscores how their profound understanding of local ecosystems, traditional crop management, and organic farming methods can inform and enrich contemporary agricultural practices. This book serves as a bridge, connecting the wisdom of tribal farmers with the tools of modern science, enabling the creation of innovative and sustainable farming solutions.Readers will be captivated by the compelling stories of tribal communities, their agricultural rituals, and the indigenous knowledge that has been passed down through generations. Kumar masterfully intertwines storytelling with scientific insight, making this book accessible to both scholars and the general public."Scientific Advancements in Tribal Farming Knowledge" is a testament to the resilience, wisdom, and resourcefulness of indigenous tribes and a call to action for society to embrace their valuable contributions to modern farming. Ravish Kumar's thought-provoking work serves as a beacon, guiding us toward a more sustainable and harmonious future in agriculture.
Mushroom growing for the new generation: de-mystifying mushroom cultivation one project at a time.
Become a green thumb in no time with this fun plant care deck. Looking for tips on how to care for your plants? Look no further than this deck of 50 cards! Featuring a wide variety of indoor plants, from the African Milk Tree to the Zebra Cactus, each card is packed with helpful tips and tricks for keeping your plants happy and healthy. Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or a newbie to the world of plant care, this deck has something for everyone. You'll learn about the unique needs of each plant, including how much light, water, fertilizer and grooming they require, and even some fun facts about their history and origins. Each card is brought to life with vibrant color illustrations of the plant, making it easy to identify and care for them. And with 50 different plants to choose from, you're sure to find something that fits your environment and lifestyle. Whether you're looking to add some greenery to your home or office, or just want to learn more about the world of plants, this deck of 50 cards is the perfect way to get started.
"A friendly journey through the captivating world of terrariums-from the creator of one of the most famous terrariums ever. Hello Tiny World will inspire a wide readership to discover the tiny wonder of a different kind of container gardening in their own homes-no outdoor space needed. How can terrariums teach us about the environment? Can working with plants improve our mental health and well-being? How do we learn to express ourselves and our creativity through these wondrous mini ecosystems? ..."--
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