Bag om Bevitized!: You-niqueness: The Celebration Continues
From the very moment of our birth, comparisons begin. It takes a while but we eventually realize we all enter into this world destined to create our unique existence that some will cherish, some will dismiss and some will celebrate. We share similarities but our perceptions differ. We share experiences but our results are varied. We mimic each other but remain unique. If you enjoy strolls sifting through memories with someone you feel you've known your entire life you'll enjoy being Bevitized. You'll experience a rather delightful journey of short stories that will extrude emotions you may have had tucked away in that hypothetical suitcase you tend to hang on to for reasons beyond your realm of understanding. Perhaps they're emotions that might need a bit of dusting off. I know I've had some that did and I am sharing some of them with you. Bevitized is about me but it's also about you. It's about feeling and experiencing and realizing we are all unique....Y-o-u-nique. We are all here for a reason and everyone's reason is worth celebrating!
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