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Litteraturstudier: generelt

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  • - Tendenser i dansk prosalitteratur 1990-2010
    af Erik Svendsen
    90,95 kr.

    En dansk litteraturhistorie én miniature og fortæller i seks kapitler om nogle af de vigtigste kampe, der har præget dansk kultur i nyere tid. Erik Svendsen viser, hvordan litteraturen er i tæt samspil med den samfundsmæssige udvikling, og hvordan den kan udvide vores virkelighedsforståelse.Nogle kampe har primært udspillet sig i den kunstneriske arena, mens andre viser hvordan samfundsproblemer får litterær form. Der er kapitler om, hvordan biopolitik og eksklusion af marginaleksistenser praktiseres af selv intellektuelle, om hvordan middelklassetilværelsen rummer sine skyggesider, og om hvordan autofiktiv biografisme kan være mere end selvpromovering. Der er kapitler, som afliver myten om henholdsvis den litterære minimalisme i starten af 90 erne og hjemstavnsdigtningen i udgangen af 00 erne, og der er et kapitel om den sammensatte realisme, som vandt frem i anden halvdel af 00 erne. Kampe om virkeligheden. Tendenser i dansk prosa 1990-2010 rummer blandt andet analyser af værker af Helle Helle, Christina Hesselholdt, Bent Vinn Nielsen, Jan Sonnergaard, Kim Leine, Kristian Ditlev Jensen, Morten Sabroe, Jens Chr. Grøndahl, Jens Smærup Sørensen, Solvej Balle, Carsten Jensen og Naja Marie Aidt.

  • - Litteraturpædagogiske positioner og potentialer
    af Johannes Fibiger, Stefan Kjerkegaard, Ayoe Quist Henkel & mfl.
    314,96 kr.

    Når verden ændrer sig, gør litteraturen det også. Og når teoridannelserne om den ændrer sig, må litteraturpædagogikken følge trop. I dag er litteraturen vendt mod verden og optaget af at deltage i virkeligheden og forhandlingen af den. Det udgør et didaktisk potentiale, og det er dét, denne bog er optaget af.Bogen behandler i tre dele en række relationer mellem tekst og verden:Det nødvendige og basale: litteraturpædagogik, tekstlæsning, historisk læsning og litteratursamtaler.Det personbårne og lokale: affektiv læsning, postkritik, stedsteori og kreativ skrivning.Det værdibårne og globale: intermedial litteratur, økokritik, køn, kultur og klasse.Undervejs illustrerer cases, hvordan kapitlernes problemstillinger kan omsættes til undervisning, og i bogen giver forfatterne desuden en lang række konkrete eksempler på arbejdet med dansk litteratur af nyere og ældre dato.Litteraturen i verden – verden i litteraturen er skrevet af et kompetent hold af undervisere og forskere og henvender sig til lærerstuderende, studerende ved efter- og videreuddannelser og universiteter – samt lærere i grundskole og gymnasium.

  • af Darakwon Korean Language Lab
    314,95 kr.

    The most authentic preparation book for the TOPIK exam!This preparation book for the TOPIK test (Basic) of foreigners' Korean ability provides effective exam strategies and translations with friendly explanations that mimic learning in a classroom. Questions that have recently appeared on the TOPIK exam are presented and analyzed through methods of approach and study strategies for each question type. This useful tool offers various question types spread over ten simulated exams, allowing the user to thoroughly and effectively prepare for the TOPIK exam.

  • af King Sejong Institute Foundation
    197,95 kr.

    This textbook replaces the former "Sejong Korean Conversation 2". It is divided into 3 chapters or 'Parts'.'Part 1' and 'Part 2' of this book aim to teach language knowledge, allowing the learning of one vocabulary and one expression item per part. In addition, even when learning language knowledge, we included various conversation activities so that learners can internalize language knowledge through meaningful activities beyond the teacher's one-sided explanation and presentation. 'Part 3' is divided into 'Practice', 'Talk', and 'Listen and speak'. 'Practice' is a review stage for language knowledge, 'Tell me a story' is a communication task for constructing a target discourse, and 'Listen and speak' is a stage for performing listening and speaking tasks.The booklet contains helpful vocabulary, expressions and word families.

  • af Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig
    242,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af David Van Reybrouck
    165,95 kr.

    **Longlisted for the Baillie Gifford Prize 2024**A story of staggering scope and drama, Revolusi is the masterful and definitive account of the epic revolution that sparked the decolonisation of the modern world.'Astounding . . . history at its best' Yuval Noah Harari'Utterly compelling . . . masterful' Financial Times *Summer Reads 2024*'Superb' Guardian*SHORTLISTED FOR THE CUNDILL HISTORY PRIZE 2024*On a sunny Friday morning in August 1945, a handful of tired people raised a homemade cotton flag and on behalf of 68 million compatriots announced the birth of a new nation: Indonesia.Four million civilians had died during the Japanese wartime occupation that ousted its Dutch colonial regime. Another 200,000 people would lose their lives in the astonishingly brutal conflict that ensued - as the Dutch used savage violence to reassert their control, and as Britain and America became embroiled in pacifying Indonesia's guerrilla war of resistance: the 'Revolusi'. It was not until December 1949 that the newly created United Nations finally brought the conflict an end - and with it, 350 years of colonial rule - setting a precedent that would reshape the world.Drawing on hundreds of interviews and eye-witness testimonies, David Van Reybrouck turns this vast and complex story into an utterly gripping narrative that is alive with human detail at every turn. A landmark publication, Revolusi shows Indonesia's struggle for independence to be one of the defining dramas of the twentieth century.'A magnificent fusion of oral history, sparkling analysis, and historical wisdom. Revolusi has it all: a masterpiece' SEBASTIAN MALLABY'One of the most unlikely and astonishing sagas ... a towering achievement' THOMAS MEANEY'A magisterial but gripping account of events of urgent importance to us now' JASON BURKE'At once vast and intimate, a history in colour' LAKSMI PAMUNTJAK'A masterly display of the historian's craft' J M COETZEE'A wonderful and important book' PETER FRANKOPAN

  • af Charles Taylor
    292,95 kr.

    Charles Taylor delves into the poetry of the Romantics and their heirs, a foundation of his distinctive philosophy of language. Taylor holds that Romantic poetry responded to disenchantment: with old cosmic orders depleted, artists groped to articulate new meanings by bringing connections to life rather than merely reasoning abstractly about life.

  • af Jens Smærup Sørensen, Johannes Riis & Lasse Horne Kjældgaard
    347,95 kr.

    Det begyndte vel egentlig med Blicher, så kom J.P. Jacobsen, ”Den Jyske Bevægelse” med Johannes V. Jensen, Jeppe Aakjær, Marie Bregendahl og Thøger Larsen. Senere kom mange flere til, og en påfaldende stor og varieret gruppe forfattere fra Nordjylland har sat deres præg på dansk litteratur. I dag forholder det sig ikke meget anderledes: I årene 2001-11 tilfaldt De Gyldne Laurbær syv ud af elleve gange en forfatter med tilknytning til Nordjylland. I antologien går en lang række spillevende danske forfattere på opdagelse i Nordjylland som litterært fænomen gennem selvbiografiske tekster, forfatterportrætter, beskrivelser af landskaber og byer, analyser af enkeltværker og af forfatterskaber. Alle er de vidt forskellige tekster, der til sammen former et lysende billede af det litterære liv på toppen af Danmark. Blandt bidragsyderne er Hanne-Vibeke Holst, Kim Blæsbjerg, Mette Moestrup og Thomas Korsgaard.Johannes Riis (f. 1950) er tidligere forlægger og litterær direktør på Gyldendal. Han er i litteraturhistorie og har oversat bøger af bl.a. Raymond Carver og George Orwell. Johannes Riis er vokset op på Mors. Jens Smærup Sørensen (f. 1946) er forfatter og cand.phil. i dansk. Han har udgivet en lang række anmelderroste romaner og fik i 2007 sit folkelige gennembrud med romanen Mærkedage. Jens Smærup Sørensen er vokset op i Staun ved Nibe. Lasse Horne Kjældgaard (f. 1974) er direktør for Carlsbergfondet og professor, dr.phil. i dansk litteratur. Lasse Horne Kjældgaard er født og vokset op i Hjørring.

  • af Roderick Dale
    544,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

  • - Kvindernes litteraturkanon
    af Erik Skyum-Nielsen
    147,95 - 207,95 kr.

    "Ud af skyggerne" er en rejse gennem det 19. og 20. århundrede fra Thomasine Gyllembourg over Marie Bregendahl og Karen Blixen frem til Inger Christensen. Gennem tolv litterære portrætter vender Erik Skyum-Nielsen læserens blik mod en række kvindelige forfattere, der for langt de flestes vedkommende – og aldeles uretfærdigt – ikke har fået plads i den danske litteraturkanon. Bogen er et bud på en historieskrivning, der fremviser den indflydelse, forfatterne har haft og bør have på den danske litteratur og vores kulturliv. Erik Skyum-Nielsen (1952) er lektor emeritus ved Københavns Universitet og litteraturkritiker på Dagbladet Information siden 1978. Udkom senest i 2021 med "En særlig del af naturen. Læsninger af 20 danske digte" og var i 2020 medforfatter til "20 før 20. Begivenheder i dansk litteratur 2000-2019". Er desuden oversætter fra islandsk og færøsk og forfatter til bl.a. "Islands litterære mirakel" (2019). Modtager af Modersmål-Prisen 2022.

  • af J. R. R. Tolkien
    292,95 kr.

    The comprehensive collection of letters spanning the adult life of one of the world¿s greatest storytellers, now revised and expanded to include more than 150 previously unseen letters, with revealing new insights into The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion.

  • af Louise Mønster, Jacob Bøggild, Isak Winkel Holm, mfl.
    197,95 - 297,95 kr.

    ”Jeg har en Angst som aldrig før”, hedder det hos H.C. Andersen. For Tom Kristensen er angsten ”asiatisk i Vælde”, mens Tove Ditlevsen oplever ”Verdenshave af Angst”. I de sidste 200 år har angst været et centralt tema i dansk litteratur – helt frem til bekymringen for teknologiske og klimamæssige forandringer hos en samtidsforfatter som Jonas Eika.Romaner, noveller og digte forvandler oplevelser af angst til litterær form. Litteraturhistorien er dermed et emotionelt arkiv, der opsamler fortolkninger af angst og forandringer i angstens udtryksformer. Ved at undersøge, hvordan angsten er skildret hos forskellige forfattere på tværs af tid, får vi et dybere indblik i angstens rolle i den menneskelige tilværelse. I bogen analyserer 13 forskere repræsentationer af angst i dansk litteratur fra H.C. Andersen og Søren Kierkegaard over blandt andre det moderne gennembruds kvindelige forfattere, Henrik Pontoppidan og Inger Christensen frem til de nyeste tendenser inden for spekulativ fiktion.

  • af Seung Eun Oh
    372,95 kr.

    This book is a part of the Korean Made Easy series, a bestseller in self-study Korean language books. This volume helps beginner and intermediate students learn Korean through examples of real-life situations. Part 1 deals with 50 expressions which are very often used in everyday situations, and readers may even practice conversations skills with these expressions. Part 2 introduces 24 conversational examples visitors are likely to experience in Korea, along with vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and cultural content that are useful in real-life situations.*Developing conversational skills by practicing real-life situations!**The book allows beginning to intermediate students (A2~B1) who have knowledge of Hangul, tense and basic elements to learn practical conversational Korean. The "grammar rehearsal" and "conversation rehearsal" parts provide practice for vocabulary and grammar, ultimately resulting in increased communication skills.*Conversations are provided in both slow pace and regular pace for enhanced listening skills!**Part 2 offers two versions of conversations; once slow and then at regular speed so students may understand the audio better. Students may also repeatedly listen to the pronunciation of native speakers using the QR code, for enhanced listening skills.*A fun way to understand the cultural background of the Korean language!**In the final part of each chapter in part 2, various information about Korean life and culture is provided in Spanish to help students better understand Korea and Koreans in general. A fun way to self-study!

  • af National Institute of Korean Language
    297,95 kr.

    This is the completely renewed Sejong Korean Series edited by the King Sejong Institute and first published in 2022.The series consists of levels 1A to 4B, each divided into sublevels A and B.The centerpiece of the textbook series is the Student Book with audio files are available for download via QR codes printed in the books. The books contain an awnser Key and transcripts of the audiofiles.The Workbook contains exercises following the contents of the Student BookThe Extension Activity Book is an additional workbook with speaking and listening activities.The Vocabulary and Grammar Book provides additional explanations for grammar issues and list vocabulary translated into English.The Teacher's Guide is a companion for lecturers.Please note: Levels 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B of the Student Book and the Extension Activity Book are available as a Korean-only version and a Korean-English version.

  • af National Institute of Korean Language
    132,95 kr.

    This is the completely renewed Sejong Korean Series edited by the King Sejong Institute and first published in 2022.The series consists of levels 1A to 4B, each divided into sublevels A and B.The centerpiece of the textbook series is the Student Book with audio files are available for download via QR codes printed in the books. The books contain an awnser Key and transcripts of the audiofiles.The Workbook contains exercises following the contents of the Student BookThe Extension Activity Book is an additional workbook with speaking and listening activities.The Vocabulary and Grammar Book provides additional explanations for grammar issues and list vocabulary translated into English.The Teacher's Guide is a companion for lecturers.Please note: Levels 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B of the Student Book and the Extension Activity Book are available as a Korean-only version and a Korean-English version.

  • af Talk To Me In Korean
    312,95 kr.

    Simply follow the guidelines and simple missions in this book and you will find yourself writing in Korean much better and much more confidently! Great for all levels!Here's why you are going to love this book!You can learn commonly used day-to-day Korean expressions.You can turn everyday moments into learning opportunities.Your social media feed will become more interesting!Daily writing practices will give you a confidence boost in your Korean skills.What was your day like today? What is on your mind right now? What are you celebrating? These are not only good questions to answer on social media, but also great topics to write about for improving your Korean! Improve your Korean writing skills by sticking to a regular schedule with the 30-day challenge in this book.Made Specifically for Effective Daily Writing PracticesWriting practices are a crucial part of learning to "speak" Korean well. You can slow down and construct sentences at your own pace before you use them. It is not always easy, however, to decide what to write about. The TTMIK team designed this book so that even learners with no writing experience can start making realistic and natural sentences in Korean!Share Your Day on Social Media in Korean!Just follow the friendly guidelines in this book and fill in the blanks with words about your own daily life. You will find yourself writing very natural and interesting captions for your social media posts in Korean! Every time you take a photo with your phone, you can easily find a phrase or sentence structure you can use to make a really cool Korean caption.You can listen to the audio tracks for this book at

  • af Ewha University Press
    77,95 kr.

    Ewha Korean is a comprehensive textbook covering the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing with related content throughout all levels. While fostering balanced development of the four language skills, the new textbook is designed with an emphasis on speaking ability. The "Try it" section in each chapter is designed to encourage students to improve their conversation skills without memorization by creating their own dialogue according to a given situation and explanation of the flow of the dialogue and vocabulary. In addition, taking into consideration the demands and preferences expressed by students, levels 1 to 3 consist of two books each, and in levels 1 and 2 the instructions and explanations are given in English. Ewha Korean 1-1 covers Units 1~7 and Ewha Korean 1-2 covers Units 8~15.Unit 1 "The Korean Language and Hangeul" gives a basic introduction to Korean alphabet and the structure of Korean sentences.From Unit 2, each chapter is divided into four parts : Parts 1,2,3, and "Culture & Literature". Parts 1,2, and 3 cover grammar, speaking, listening, reading and writing, while "Culture & Literature" explores Korean culture and gives students an introduction to literary works.

  • af J. R. R. Tolkien
    173,95 - 742,95 kr.

  • af Colin Salter
    215,95 kr.

    A look at 100 inspiring novels that have left a significant mark on the world of literature and popular culture.

  • af DK
    227,95 kr.

    The perfect introduction to poetry, The Poetry Book offers a fascinating exploration of more than 90 of the world's greatest poetic works.Discover poems in all their many guises, from the epics of the ancient world through Renaissance sonnets to modernist masterpieces such as The Waste Land, and the key works of the last 50 years, including And Still I Rise by Maya Angelou and Derek Walcott's Omeros.Using the Big Ideas series' trademark combination of clear explanation, witty infographics, and inspirational quotes, The Poetry Book unlocks the key ideas, themes, imagery, and structural techniques behind even the most complex of poems, in clear and simple terms, setting each work in its historical, social, cultural, and literary context. Dive into the passionate world of poetry to discover:COMPREHENSIVE: Brings together a curated selection of the most celebrated and important poems ever written, majoring on English-language poetryANALYTICAL: Provides critical analysis of form, structure, and style, exploring the trademark themes and subjects of the poets who wrote them, and using each poem as a route into wider literary trends, poetic movements and schools, and related poetsGRAPHIC APPROACH: Combines creative typography, graphics, and clear text to explore the world's most famous and important poems, and the people behind them, in a unique wayEYE-CATCHING: Thought-provoking graphics and flow-charts explore form and structure, and the central concepts behind each work QUOTATIONS: Features insightful and inspiring quotes from the featured poems, the poets behind them, and leading writers and criticsREFERENCE: Features a glossary section of poetic termsDelve into the works of Dante, Baudelaire, Rumi, Dickinson, Eliot, and Li Bai with in-depth literary analysis and fascinating biographies. Find out what odes, ballads, and allegories are. Trace recurring motifs, explore imagery, and discover how rhyme and rhythm work. From Homer's Odyssey to Seamus Heaney's Casualty, The Poetry Book is essential reading for lovers of poetry and aspiring poets alike.

  • af Philippa Gregory
    102,95 - 245,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Marlowe
    165,95 kr.

  • af Hannah Dawson
    145,95 kr.

  • - A Life in Legend
    af Richard Stoneman
    154,95 kr.

    Alexander the Great (356-323 B C E) precipitated immense historical change in the Mediterranean and Near Eastern worlds. This title traces Alexander's influence in ancient literature and folklore and in later literatures of east and west.

  • af Donna Ashworth
    95,95 kr.

    *Donna Ashworth's new book Wild Hope is out September 2023*FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF I WISH I KNEWFor those looking for inspiration, peace and acceptance on the bumpy road that is life, Donna Ashworth's poems give insight into the enigmas of ageing, body image, family and the rapidly changing world around us.For every twist, turn and roadblock the journey has to offer, this collection provides relief to busy minds and dares us to live with a reckless abundance of joy.Readers are embracing Life- 'One of today's best poets.' ***** NetGalley- 'Donna's writing conveys so beautifully what it is to be human' ***** Amazon- 'Each time I read a poem and decide that is my favourite I turn the page and find another beautifully written, eloquent piece that resonates, comforts, and that makes you stop and reflect.' ***** Amazon- 'They are wonderful books to dip in and out of when you need inspiration, some advice, a hug, a friendly word.' ***** Amazon

  • - Efter Albert Camus' roman
    af Jacques Ferrandez
    206,95 kr.

    Meursault lever et passionsløst liv i Algeriet. Hans mor dør, men hun er gammel og på plejehjem, så det rører ham ikke videre. Han registrerer kvarterets beboere, passer sit job, bliver tilfældigt ven med den småkriminelle Raymond, og da den smukke Marie spørger, om han elsker ham, svarer han ”det betyder ikke noget, men det tror jeg ikke …”Tilsyneladende uden grund skyder og dræber Meursault en mand, han aldrig har mødt før, og da retssagen mod hans udåd indledes, angrer han ikke eller søger tilgivelse.Med temaer som tilværelsens meningsløshed og jegets fremmedgørelse er Albert Camus’ (1913-1960) litterære gennembrud fra 1942 en af den moderne romans mest berømte værker. Overført til tegneseriemediet af landsmanden Jacques Ferrandez, der i lighed med Camus er født op opvokset i Algeriet, gengives her en af det tyvende århundredes vigtigste fortællinger om menneskets vilkår.

  • af Kirsty Loehr
    107,95 kr.

    Dispensing with the patriarchal bullshit, Kirsty Loehr exposes centuries of outrageous straightwashing

  • af Ben Miles
    195,95 kr.

    A photography book that is a vital accompaniment to the many fans of Hilary Mantel's bestselling Wolf Hall Trilogy, now a major TV series

  • af Annie Ernaux
    130,95 kr.

    A Frozen Woman charts Ernaux's teenage awakening, and then the parallel progression of her desire to be desirable and her ambition to fulfill herself in her chosen profession - with the inevitable conflict between the two. And then she is thirty years old, a teacher married to an executive, mother of two infant sons. She looks after their nice apartment, raises her children. And yet, like millions of other women, she has felt her enthusiasm and curiosity, her strength and her happiness, slowly ebb under the weight of her daily routine. The very condition that everyone around her seems to consider normal and admirable for a woman is killing her. While each of Ernaux's books contain an autobiographical element, A Frozen Woman, one of Ernaux's early works, concentrates the spotlight piercingly on Annie herself. Mixing affection, rage and bitterness, A Frozen Woman shows us Ernaux's developing art when she still relied on traditional narrative, before the shortened form emerged that has since become her trademark.

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