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This accessible book provides an overview of fluency disorders. Written by a team of speech-language pathology researchers and practitioners in India, it examines the concepts of fluency and disfluency with illustrative examples in English and Indian languages.Understanding and Managing Fluency Disorders gives an overview of current research and evidence-based practice in the context of a theoretical background. Clinical aspects of each fluency disorder are described, and the book outlines assessment protocols and intervention methods. Maruthy and Kelkar address key concepts related to different fluency disorders, including cluttering and acquired neurogenic stuttering. One of the highlights of the book is the chapter dedicated to typical disfluency, which could be of immense use to beginning clinicians who wish to increase the specificity and accuracy of their assessment. Other salient features include case vignettes, activity examples, easy steps to carry out intervention approaches and the added advantage of an ICF perspective, making this a practitioner's guide to management of fluency disorders.Offering a comprehensive overview of theoretical and clinical aspects of stuttering, cluttering and fluency disorders, this volume will be highly relevant reading for students of fluency disorders and speech and language therapy. It will also provide clinicians and trainees working in the field with up-to-date theoretical and clinical information about assessment and intervention.
This accessible book provides an overview of fluency disorders. Written by a team of speech-language pathology researchers and practitioners in India, it examines the concepts of fluency and disfluency with illustrative examples in English and Indian languages.Understanding and Managing Fluency Disorders gives an overview of current research and evidence-based practice in the context of a theoretical background. Clinical aspects of each fluency disorder are described, and the book outlines assessment protocols and intervention methods. Maruthy and Kelkar address key concepts related to different fluency disorders, including cluttering and acquired neurogenic stuttering. One of the highlights of the book is the chapter dedicated to typical disfluency, which could be of immense use to beginning clinicians who wish to increase the specificity and accuracy of their assessment. Other salient features include case vignettes, activity examples, easy steps to carry out intervention approaches and the added advantage of an ICF perspective, making this a practitioner's guide to management of fluency disorders.Offering a comprehensive overview of theoretical and clinical aspects of stuttering, cluttering and fluency disorders, this volume will be highly relevant reading for students of fluency disorders and speech and language therapy. It will also provide clinicians and trainees working in the field with up-to-date theoretical and clinical information about assessment and intervention.
Putting Critical Language Pedagogy into Practice explores the practice of language teaching through the lens of critical pedagogy, reflexivity, and the importance of reflexivity for teacher development. It also shows how these reflexive practices can contribute to more inclusivity and decolonization of the curriculum.A range of experts argue persuasively for epistemological reflexivity in practice and demonstrate how to implement this critical thinking into daily instructional practice. Each chapter is structured around three themes in order to help readers connect challenging theoretical ideas into day to day teaching practice: Reflection - the author's story and issue of concern; Epistemic Reflexivity - personal epistemologies reflecting on the social conditions influencing the theory underpinning that author's practices; Resolved action - how the epistemic reflexivity leads to purposeful decision-making enacted in classroom contexts.Original, thoughtful and challenging, this text is fascinating and instructional reading for language education advanced students, researchers and practitioners.The idea for this book emerged during the Fulbright scholarship at Texas Woman's University out of the mutual research interests of the editors.
Putting Critical Language Pedagogy into Practice explores the practice of language teaching through the lens of critical pedagogy, reflexivity, and the importance of reflexivity for teacher development. It also shows how these reflexive practices can contribute to more inclusivity and decolonization of the curriculum.
Parent's Quick Start Guide to Dyslexia provides parents and caregivers with an immediate overview of dyslexia and steps they can take to support and encourage their child.
Alongside the accompanying storybook, Maya's ACE Adventures!, this guide provides adults with much-needed resources to talk to children about their traumatic experiences in ways that are non-threatening, safe, and can build a child's confidence in speaking about their fears with a trusted adult.
Maya knows that her life can be tough sometimes - really tough, but with the help of those she trusts (especially her pet hamster, Harry) Maya discovers her own strength and bravery to overcome the problems she faces.
This book studies the various dimensions of gender inequality that persist in higher education and employment in India. It presents an in-depth analysis of the complex challenges women face in higher education participation and in translating higher education opportunities into labour market success and into leadership positions, including in academia. It argues that despite substantial progress towards gender equality in enrolment, these inequalities act as barriers to realising the transformative role that higher education can have for women's well-being and for the nation's development. The volume looks at the issues that keep women from accessing the areas of their choice, and the challenges they face in leadership positions in higher education.An important critique of higher education policy and planning, the volume will be of interest to teachers, students and researchers of education, public policy, political science and international relations, economics, feminism, women's studies, gender studies, law and sociology. It will also be useful for academicians, policymakers and anyone interested in the study of gender in Indian Higher Education.
This book discusses the issues of equity-based education in India and advocates for providing fair and inclusive system of education. It focuses on the practice of democratic education to promote critical thinking and develop problem-solving attitudes among learners in learner-centric classrooms.
Uno de los grandes retos a los que se enfrenta la educación actual es garantizar la inclusión y el acceso igualitario de todas las personas a las distintas oportunidades de aprendizaje de calidad. Este libro toma como eje vertebrador la investigación educativa como medio para lograr una educación equitativa y de calidad. Recoge las contribuciones de diversos autores y autoras que abordan esta temática desde diferentes perspectivas y enfoques, ofreciendo aportaciones tanto teóricas como empíricas fruto del análisis, la reflexión y la investigación sobre la equidad y la calidad en educación.
What's the best way for children to relate to the world around them? Play! In this book, you'll find a collection of joyful activities that allow parents of children ages 3 to 9 to unlock the therapeutic benefits of play.From strengthening your bond to decreasing their screen dependency, Play Therapy Activities offers a variety of simple exercises that can help improve your child's behavior, impulse control, self-awareness, and more. New to the idea of play therapy? What makes this a standout among therapy books for kids:Exploration of common issues-Use this book to address a range of challenges facing kids today, including anxiety, bullying, self-esteem, and grief. Fun for everyone-Discover 100 exciting games that feature an array of physical, imaginative, and artsy activities, guaranteeing you'll find something that appeal to every child.Productive play-Keep kids engaged with tips that ensure successful game play as well as discussion questions that emphasize the aim of each exercise.Step-by-step instructions show you how to guide them as they practice everything from labeling their own emotions to creative ways of venting frustration, with techniques that incorporate mindfulness and self-reflection. Give teens the tools to navigate life's challenges effectively, so they can grow up into confident, self-aware adults.
Bogen rummer fire litterære fortællinger om Oswald og Nabiha, som er ængstelige børn på hver deres måde. Historierne lægger op til dialog med børn i alderen 7-11 år om det at have ængstelige eller bekymrende tanker, som fx kan handle om at være bange for at prøve nye ting, bange for at blive afvist eller holdt udenfor – eller bange for nogle helt bestemte ting i livet. Bogen rummer også forklaringer på, hvad der sker i ens hoved og krop, når man bliver bange, og hvordan man kan lære at blive bedre til at klare de angstfremkaldende situationer.Både børn og voksne får viden og konkrete redskaber til at snakke om, forstå og anerkende de følelser, der er forbundet med at være ængstelig og usikker.Bagerst i bogen giver et kapitel gode råd og vejledning til voksne, der gerne vil have mere psykologisk og pædagogisk viden om, hvordan de bedst kan agere og snakke med børnene. Dette kapitel rummer også forslag og inspiration til konkrete øvelser.Til brug i skolen kan der tilkøbes et hæfte med opgaver til historierne inkl. vejledning til læreren. Dette kan kun købes på forlagets hjemmeside: www.fagogkultur.dk
Time is being converted into money and personal priorities take back seats ascorporate interests and personal ambitions take center stage, only when ourbody starts showing signs of fatigue and inability, we look at our daily routineand think how the same impacts our daily lives. In a country like India, a largepopulation suffers from under nutrition and is forced into long hours of backbreaking physical lab our and the situation is quite alarming. The diseaseprofile is changing rapidly. According to World Health Organization (WHO)report, "India as one of the nations that is going to have most of the lifestyledisorders in the near future. Recent world health organization (WHO)documents states that 388 million people globally, will die from nonecommunicable diseases (NCDs) like diabetes, blood pressure and heart diseasesin the next decade. It also estimated that approximately 246 million people inthe age group of 30 to 80 have diabetes and blood pressure worldwide in 2008of which 70% would be living in developing countries. Today's, India isalready home to over 40 million people with diabetes, blood pressure and thisnumber is expected to increase 70 million by 2025. This report further statedthat elevated blood pressure alone would contribute to 50 % of cardiovasculardiseases (CVD) worldwide. In the management of NCDs like diabetes orhypertension, life style measures are of paramount importance for therapy to besuccessful. These non drugs measurer includes regular physical activity,healthy diet, stress management, avoidance of tobacco products, moderation inalcohol intake and most importantly increased awareness about the condition.
I 1-2-3 Differentiering – MATEMATIK er der differentierede forløb om chance og sandsynlighed, konstruktion og kommunikation om polygoner og økonomi og budgetlægning. 1-2-3 bøgerne giver læreren mulighed for at gennemføre differentieret undervisning, der udfordrer alle elever i klassen gennem tre fagspecifikke forløb med tilhørende opgaver uden at skulle planlægge det hele selv.Der er højtbegavede børn på alle skoler og i alle klasser. De har altid været der, de er i vores klasser i dag, og det skal de forhåbentlig blive ved med at være. Det er ikke et særligt storbyfænomen, en fiks idé eller noget der går over. Alligevel er der på de fleste skoler begrænset viden om, hvad det vil sige at være højt begavet, hvordan eleverne identificeres, og hvad man som fagprofessionel med fordel kan være opmærksom på, så også de højtbegavede elever trives og udvikler deres talent i skolen.Fra 2024 skal højtbegavede elever identificeres, og undervisningen differentieres ud fra elevens muligheder og mestringsniveau. Med 1-2-3 differentieret undervisning får alle elever, også de højt begavede, mulighed for at arbejde med opgaver, der matcher deres faglige niveau.I 1-2-3 Differentiering – MATEMATIK er der differentierede forløb om chance og sandsynlighed, konstruktion og kommunikation om polygoner og økonomi og budgetlægning.Bøgerne 1-2-3 Differentiering er målrettet til læreren, og forløbene er målrettet mellemtrinnet og fagene dansk, matematik og engelsk. Der er tre konkrete forløb med tilhørende opgaver klar til brug. Til hvert af de tre forløb i hvert hæfte er det en skematisk oversigt for, hvad klassen samlet skal lære undervejs og mestre til sidst – en slags læringsbuffet med synlige mål for alle elevers læring.Alle 1-2-3 bøger indledes med en introduktion til, hvad et vil sige at være højt begavet, og hvordan begavelsen kan vise sig i skolen. Alle børn er unikke og har brug for at blive mødt, som de er. Alligevel er der forhold, man som lærer med fordel kan være opmærksom på, når det kommer til højtbegavede børn. Både i forhold til at forstå deres tænkning og i forhold til planlægning, organisering og gennemførelse af undervisning.
I 1-2-3 Differentiering – ENGELSK er der differentierede forløb om fantasy island, early og økonomi og inventions. 1-2-3 bøgerne giver læreren mulighed for at gennemføre differentieret undervisning, der udfordrer alle elever i klassen gennem tre fagspecifikke forløb med tilhørende opgaver uden at skulle planlægge det hele selv.Der er højtbegavede børn på alle skoler og i alle klasser. De har altid været der, de er i vores klasser i dag, og det skal de forhåbentlig blive ved med at være. Det er ikke et særligt storbyfænomen, en fiks idé eller noget der går over. Alligevel er der på de fleste skoler begrænset viden om, hvad det vil sige at være højt begavet, hvordan eleverne identificeres, og hvad man som fagprofessionel med fordel kan være opmærksom på, så også de højtbegavede elever trives og udvikler deres talent i skolen.Fra 2024 skal højtbegavede elever identificeres, og undervisningen differentieres ud fra elevens muligheder og mestringsniveau. Med 1-2-3 differentieret undervisning får alle elever, også de højt begavede, mulighed for at arbejde med opgaver, der matcher deres faglige niveau.I 1-2-3 Differentiering – ENGELSK er der differentierede forløb om fantasy island, early og økonomi og inventions.Bøgerne 1-2-3 Differentiering er målrettet til læreren, og forløbene er målrettet mellemtrinnet og fagene dansk, matematik og engelsk. Der er tre konkrete forløb med tilhørende opgaver klar til brug. Til hvert af de tre forløb i hvert hæfte er det en skematisk oversigt for, hvad klassen samlet skal lære undervejs og mestre til sidst – en slags læringsbuffet med synlige mål for alle elevers læring.Alle 1-2-3 bøger indledes med en introduktion til, hvad et vil sige at være højt begavet, og hvordan begavelsen kan vise sig i skolen. Alle børn er unikke og har brug for at blive mødt, som de er. Alligevel er der forhold, man som lærer med fordel kan være opmærksom på, når det kommer til højtbegavede børn. Både i forhold til at forstå deres tænkning og i forhold til planlægning, organisering og gennemførelse af undervisning.
I 1-2-3 Differentiering – DANSK er der differentierede forløb om Gys og gru, kortfilm og et escape-room-forløb. 1-2-3 bøgerne giver læreren mulighed for at gennemføre differentieret undervisning, der udfordrer alle elever i klassen gennem tre fagspecifikke forløb med tilhørende opgaver uden at skulle planlægge det hele selv.Der er højtbegavede børn på alle skoler og i alle klasser. De har altid været der, de er i vores klasser i dag, og det skal de forhåbentlig blive ved med at være. Det er ikke et særligt storbyfænomen, en fiks idé eller noget der går over. Alligevel er der på de fleste skoler begrænset viden om, hvad det vil sige at være højt begavet, hvordan eleverne identificeres, og hvad man som fagprofessionel med fordel kan være opmærksom på, så også de højtbegavede elever trives og udvikler deres talent i skolen.Fra 2024 skal højtbegavede elever identificeres, og undervisningen differentieres ud fra elevens muligheder og mestringsniveau. Med 1-2-3 differentieret undervisning får alle elever, også de højt begavede, mulighed for at arbejde med opgaver, der matcher deres faglige niveau.I 1-2-3 Differentiering – DANSK er der differentierede forløb om Gys og gru, kortfilm og et escape-room-forløb.Bøgerne 1-2-3 Differentiering er målrettet til læreren, og forløbene er målrettet mellemtrinnet og fagene dansk, matematik og engelsk. Der er tre konkrete forløb med tilhørende opgaver klar til brug. Til hvert af de tre forløb i hvert hæfte er det en skematisk oversigt for, hvad klassen samlet skal lære undervejs og mestre til sidst – en slags læringsbuffet med synlige mål for alle elevers læring.Alle 1-2-3 bøger indledes med en introduktion til, hvad et vil sige at være højt begavet, og hvordan begavelsen kan vise sig i skolen. Alle børn er unikke og har brug for at blive mødt, som de er. Alligevel er der forhold, man som lærer med fordel kan være opmærksom på, når det kommer til højtbegavede børn. Både i forhold til at forstå deres tænkning og i forhold til planlægning, organisering og gennemførelse af undervisning.
Cerebral palsy is the most common physically disabling condition affecting school-age students. Why, then, are so many educators and parents confounded by the multiple and often interrelated aspects of this group of disorders? Using easy-to-follow, demystifying language, Educating Students with Cerebral Palsy details how the physical, medical, sensory, cognitive, and social-emotional elements of cerebral palsy impact learning-and therefore teaching-both at school and at home. Author Adine R. Usher, EdD, and her contributors emphasize the need for collaboration between educators and families, and they spotlight the voices of students and parents living with the hopes and challenges of cerebral palsy each day.
Radical, accepting and kind. This is the neurodiversity paradigm. This guide challenges your assumptions of who is and isn't neurodivergent with own voice narratives reflecting on intersections of race, gender and sexuality and directly opposes the pathology paradigm. At its heart, it is a rallying cry to be a neurodiversity affirming society.
"Although teaching Arabic as a foreign language (TAFL) has grown inexorably in recent decades, there is a dearth of empirical research on the TAFL classroom experience. In this insightful volume, Dalal Abo El Seoud brings together up-to-date practice-based research and conceptual contributions by eighteen professionals in the field. These address a wide range of challenges in teaching Arabic as a foreign language and ways of overcoming them with a clear eye to twenty-first-century language-learning skills, which advocate communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. The chapters address curriculum design, teaching Arabic to non-English speakers, trends in the use of technology, motivating students, teaching Arabic language varieties, and teaching language skills. This volume will be an invaluable resource for teachers and teachers in training of TAFL and for scholars and researchers in the field."--
This timely and innovative roadmap for parents, educators, and administrators highlights the importance of effective communication methodology, appropriate correspondence, and data collection recommendations. Effective communication is often missing from the IEP team's conversation.
"This book, co-authored by long time practitioners, brilliantly demonstrates that an inequitable, illiberal education system can be changed to become inclusive and equitable. With one part examining the system over the decades since the Warnock report, and a second part presenting policy and practice for a fairer system with an end to a SEND industry, it presents a state-maintained education system desperately in need of radical reform that can be renewed to serve all children and young people."Professor Sally Tomlinson, Emeritus Professor Goldsmiths at the University of London, UK, Honorary Fellow at the Department of Education, University of Oxford, UK"This book is a wake-up call to us all to the 'liberation' of our current system... it invit[es] active engagement in change through review and reflection... I would recommend this book to my teachers."Dr Stella Scharinger, Primary School Executive Head Teacher, The Stour Academy Trust, UK "This is an important and imaginative book written by two experts whose writing is always both clear and engaging. It is both theoretically sound but also very practical. It deals with extremely important issues and deserves a wide readership."Professor Adrian Furnham, Professor of Psychology, Norwegian Business School, Norway"Dr Sue Soan and Prof Jeremy J Monsen have written what is undoubtedly one of the most thought-provoking books on inclusive education of our time. They have captured perfectly the evolution of the education system in England to date demonstrating how good intentions have too often failed to deliver good outcomes... No stone is left unturned by Sue and Jeremy. From teacher education and technology to teacher retention and the curriculum, excellent insights and ideas are provided in abundance. It is a book that is itself built on inclusive principles designed for a broad readership extending beyond educators and into the general public.This is a book that everybody should read at least once, and probably more than once."Professor Adam Boddison, Chief Executive of the Association for Project Management, UKThis book provides a critical overview of the development of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) 'industry' within the English state education system. It connects the work of earlier educational thinkers with the challenges faced by school leaders, teachers, parents, carers and policy makers today. Moving from separate systems towards a truly integrated and inclusive educational system, the authors explore which areas have been undervalued and why. Instead they encourage debate and the chance to explore new ideas away from the constant cycle of reforms without improvements. The book: . Proposes how to move beyond inclusion vs. exclusion . Provides guiding principles to create true equity within education . Analyses past and present issues in the sector across policy and practiceInclusive Education Theory and Policy is essential reading for anyone interested in building an education system that is for every child. It provides an incisive analysis of how to make SEND truly equitable and is relevant across all career stages.Sue Soan is Senior Lecturer at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK and the facilitator of the research group Action for Collaborative Transformation (ACT), which is working to improve collaborative practice across the statutory professions. Previously, Sue worked as a teacher and SENCo for over 25 years.Jeremy Monsen is Executive Principal Educational and Child Psychologist for the London boroughs of Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea. He is also Visiting Professor at the University of Strathclyde, UK, Lecturer (Honorary) to University College Lon
This book addresses a wide range of issues situated in the core of theoreticians¿ and clinicians¿ work in the field of giftedness. It gathers practical issues, relevant for the lives of many gifted children, adolescents and adults, from a neuropsychological point of view. By studying the basic questions in gifted education through a neuropsychological lens, this book aims to establish a uniform new way for the treatment of gifted children with social or emotional difficulties, learning disabilities, physical limitations, or psychological and psychiatric disorders. This book helps educators and mental-health professionals to obtain a deeper understanding of the neurological system and its role in learning. This includes memory, knowledge-processing, making connections, and the implications on the cognitive, emotional, and physical aspects ¿ all of which play major roles in the life of each gifted child and adolescent. By acquiring this new knowledge, more teachers, counsellors, psychologists and psychiatrists will be able to help individuals materialize their giftedness, while preserving their mental health and productivity.
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