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Udenomsfaglige aktiviteter

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  • af Olga Dysthe m.fl.
    184,95 kr.

  • af Frede Bräuner
    247,95 kr.

    Danske børn og unge er blandt de mest usunde i Europa, og et stigende antal får brug for psykologhjælp og specialtilbud. Stadig flere børn med adfærdsmæssige og indlæringsmæssige problemer får diagnoser som ADHD og autisme, og alarmerende mange unge bliver tabere i uddannelsessystemet og på arbejdsmarkedet.årsagerne er mange, men en væsentlig og overset grund handler om børn og unges livsstil, hvor forbruget af sukker, sodavand, junkfood, alkohol og rusmidler er stort.Via cases og konkrete eksempler fra hverdagen gennemgår Frede Bräuner symptomer på forkert kost, herunder vitamin- og mineralmangel, ustabilt blodsukker og overfølsomhed.

  • - Perspektiver på unge, hverdagsliv og fællesskaber
    af Søren Østergaard & Simon Haugegaard
    322,95 kr.

    I denne bog søger vi at nærme os en forståelse f, hvilken betydning de ændrede rammer har for elevernes søgen efter svar på de universelle ungdomsspørgsmål: "Hvem er jeg?", "hvad skal jeg?", og "hvem skal jeg det sammen med?". Hvad betyder det, at svarene skal findes sammen med jævnaldrende venner, der er lige så kloge/"dumme" som en selv, og forældre, der i nogen grad selv går og tumler med de samme spørgsmål? Hvilken rolle spiller den organiserede fritidsarena? Bliver man her til nogen, mens man går til noget, og kan den siges at være den del af svaret i unges jagt på frirum?

  • - - et sundhedspædagogisk udviklingsprojekt i Randers kommune
    247,95 kr.

    Inden for skolesundhedsplejen er der stigende interesse for at arbejde ud fra en deltagerorienteret sundhedspædagogisk tilgang. Men hvordan gør man? I Randers Kommune har en gruppe sundhedsplejersker genenmført et udviklingsprojekt i samarbejde med forskere fra Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole. Resultatet er blevet en række nytænkende arbejdsredskaber, der kan anvendes direkte i det sundhedsfremmende arbejde.I denne bog præsenterer sundhedsplejerskerne deres fælles arbejde med at udvikle og afprøve nye metoder - og de faglige og personlige udfordringer, de har mødt undervejs. For udviklingsprojektet har krævet brud med vante arbejdsgange og tænkemåder. Hvad sker der mon, hvis eleverne sætter dagsordnen i sundhedssamtalen i 8. klasse? - eller hvis man på mellemtrinnet ikke fokuserer på et enkelt barns sundhedsproblemer, men laver gruppeforløb med henblik på at styrke børnenes selvværd og handlekompetencer? Hvad gør man konkret, når man skal snakke om pubertet og kroppens udvikling med børn på 2.-3.-klassetrin? Og hvad nu, hvis vægt og målebånd bliver til rekvisitter i et 'Sundhedscirkus', hvor folkeskolens mindste klasser lærer om sundhed gennem leg?Bogen indledes med en introduktion til sundhedspædagogisk udviklingsarbejde og afrundes med et kapitel om betydningen af sundhedsplejerskernes kollegiale sparring. I hjertet af skolesundhedsplejen lægger således op til forankring og videreudvikling af en pædagogisk tilgang til børn og unges sundhed.

  • - og om livet på Aarhus Universitet og DPU
    af Thomas Aastrup Rømer
    277,95 kr.

    Thomas Aastrup Rømer diskuterer i denne bog universitetets idegrundlag. Med udgangspunkt i en række af de filosofiske diskussioner, som universitetet er skabt ved, udarbejdes en skitse til en videnskabelig republik, der er karakteriseret ved nysgerrighed, sandhedskærlighed, politisk uafhængighed, intellektuelt engagement og ansvarlighed.Dernæst diskuteres en række af de universitetsreformer, som har fundet sted i de seneste 50 år. Der argumenteres for, at især reformen i 2003 markerer et opgør med det skitserede idegrundlag.Endelig undersøges i en række kritiske analyser, hvordan denne splittelse mellem ide og politik har materialiseret sig på Aarhus Universitet og på DPU, både generelt og i en række konkrete sager.

    227,95 kr.

    Talentudvikling i Danmark er under forandring: Den begynder tidligere, henvender sig til flere og foregår mere målrettet. Både uddannelsespolitisk og i sportens verden anses talentudvikling mere end nogensinde som en forudsætning for at kunne konkurrere internationalt. Samtidig skal den foregå på en socialt og samfundsmæssigt ansvarlig måde. Derfor er flere folkeskoler begyndt at udbyde tematiske linjer for elever, der viser særlig interesse i eller talent for en bestemt aktivitet. Det mest vidtrækkende eksempel er samarbejdet mellem eliteidræt og skoler om idrætsklasser i udskolingen, hvor unge idrætsudøvere indgår i et dobbelt karriereforløb, der kombinerer sport og uddannelse.Talentudvikling og elitesport i skolen er skrevet på baggrund af et fireårigt forskningsprojekt om idrætsklasser i folkeskolens udskoling. Bogens forfattere argumenterer for, at vi skal forstå talent og talentudvikling som processuelle og relationelle fænomener, der finder sted i samspillet mellem elitesport og uddannelse. Gennem samtaler med unge idrætsudøvere viser forfatterne også, hvordan det dobbelte karriereforløb både styrker og udfordrer de unge talenter.

  • - Jagten på kontrol, tryghed og frikvarter
    af Søren Østergaard & Kirsten Grube Juul
    127,95 kr.

    Hvilke strategier anvender unge i forhold til at håndtere samfundet mange krav? Hvad betyder det for de unges livskvalitet, at de konstant skal præstere? Hvad betyder folkeskolereformen for fritidslivet? Hvad bruger unge voksne til, og hvilke forventninger har unge til de voksne, de møder i skolen, i fritidslivet og hjemme omkring spisebordet? Det er nogle af de spørgsmål, der sættes fokus på i denne bog, som baserer sig på 46 interviews og en spørgeskemaundersøgelse blandt 1012 elever i 7.- 9. klasse. I bogen er der fokus på følgende fem temaer: * Unges fritidsliv, herunder i hvilket omfang ændringer i de ydre rammer, f.eks. folkeskolereformen, har betydning for, hvordan unge anvender den såkaldte ’frie’ tid. * Unge og faste fritidsaktiviteter, herunder hvad der er vigtigt og knapt så vigtigt, når man går til en fritidsaktivitet. * Unge og trivsel, herunder et særligt fokus på stress, ensomhed og krop. * Unge og deres relationer til voksne, herunder de voksne, de møder i foreningslivet. * Unges forventninger til den nære og mere fjerne fremtid. En central pointe er, at det organiserede fritidsliv også fremadrettet har en vigtig funktion i ungdomslivet – nemlig som et frikvarter, hvor man med afsæt i sin interesse og sammen med nogle voksne, der skaber nogle rammer, kan opleve at være en del af et forpligtende fællesskab, hvor man fordyber sig, og hvor man som oftest er off-line. Dermed kan man holde et fysisk og mentalt frikvarter fra kravet om hele tiden at skulle præstere!

  • af Samuel Da Silva Carvalho
    417,95 kr.

    In the context of teaching and learning, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play an important role as pedagogical support to help improve the educational structure. The aim of this work was to diagnose students' prior knowledge of botanical content. A bibliographical survey was carried out and, from this stage, photos of plant structures were obtained for making the didactic slides. At the end of making and preparing the slides, the content was divided into the following three units: I. Development and Morphology of Angiosperms, II. Plant Diversity and Reproduction and III. Physiology of Angiosperms. This led to the need to produce this book as an incentive to demonstrate that the teaching of botany can be carried out in a beneficial way, both for students through the acquisition of knowledge and for teachers through the use of the Microsoft office PowerPoint program, an easily accessible ICT, as a teaching resource in discursive classes, improving knowledge and making teaching and learning more effective.

  • af Magdalena Parrillo de Betancourt
    816,95 kr.

    The purpose of the research was to generate a linking model of geometry teaching in Primary Education from a developmental didactic approach, which contributes to the efficient development of Geometric Thinking, with the interest of offering a didactic way for the pedagogical treatment of geometry contents at this level. The critical rationalist approach is assumed, with support in the deductive method to derive the Model, which seeks to explain which variables define the relationship between the development of geometric thinking in Primary Education, from Van Hiele, and the developmental teaching-learning process. The methodological sequence was structured in deductive phases: from the facts to the problem, from the problem to the hypothesis, from the hypothesis to the theories, from the theories to the model. The research generated the thesis that postulates the efficient formation of Geometric Thinking through the linking of the Van Hiele Model with the didactic posture of learning development, being validated through criteria of the rationalist approach, represented in aspects of consistency, universality, completeness, systematisation and relevance.

  • af André Ferdinand Takounjou Ngueho
    417,95 kr.

    A foreign language class is above all a network of intersecting cultural patterns. Cultural images constantly circulate in both directions: Language 1¿Language 2. In this context, the teacher and students must be sensitive to this cultural translation without falling into the trap of iconoclasm. This book borrows from the visual arts and literature to shed light on this cultural aspect of a language lesson. Grouped around the theme of the family, trainers and trainees will find an interesting model for raising awareness of intercultural competence. Reading the imagery present in the texts and paintings that this book proposes as a "déclencheur" document offers a clue to negotiating intercultural competence that prepares students to become citizens of the world. Once defined, this global citizenship goes beyond the classroom and extends to the reception structures of the various displaced people in today's large migratory flow. Reading this book can be very useful for foreign language teachers and students, and for public and private managers of the world's geo-migratory areas.

  • af Samuel Da Silva Carvalho
    418,95 kr.

    Dans le contexte de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage, les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) jouent un rôle important en tant que support pédagogique pour aider à améliorer la structure de l'enseignement. L'objectif du travail réalisé était de diagnostiquer les connaissances préalables des étudiants en matière de botanique. Une étude bibliographique a été réalisée et, à partir de là, des photos de structures végétales ont été obtenues pour réaliser les diapositives didactiques. À la fin de la réalisation et de la préparation des diapositives, le contenu a été divisé en trois unités : I. Développement et morphologie des Angiospermes, II. Diversité et reproduction des plantes et III. Physiologie des Angiospermes. Cela a conduit à la nécessité de produire ce livre comme une incitation à démontrer que l'enseignement de la botanique peut être réalisé d'une manière bénéfique, à la fois pour les étudiants par l'acquisition de connaissances et pour les enseignants par l'utilisation du programme Microsoft Office PowerPoint, une TIC facilement accessible, comme ressource pédagogique dans les classes discursives, améliorant les connaissances et rendant l'enseignement et l'apprentissage plus efficaces.

  • af Juliana Yporti de Sena
    457,95 kr.

    The following educational product is the result of research aimed at investigating the teaching and learning process in the formation of scientific concepts based on Vygotskian perceptions. This material serves as support for science and health professionals to address important issues of persistent diseases in society. The activities presented in this book are the most varied and can be used sequentially as presented in the product, or individually according to the teacher's planning.

  • af Raymundo Pérez Romero
    705,95 kr.

    In our daily teaching work we are faced with the dilemma of how to transmit and bring to life the history in our textbooks. Here you will find a simple way in which students can learn about the past from where they live, make their locality meaningful and learn from the history of their homeland to national history with a constructivist approach.

  • af Patricia Correa Junqueira
    570,95 kr.

    This research aims to investigate the processes of reading, interpretation and creative writing within the specific space of a public school. The guiding objective is to identify in the textual productions of the participating students how the processes of interaction between reading and writing, creative processes and the production of texts take place in the classroom. It is in this sense that this research is justified, since it recognises the importance of the communicative, educational and social functions that literacy practices can offer students, enabling them to read, interact with reading and writing, and produce texts. The research falls within the interpretivist paradigm and consists of a case study, using non-participant observation and content analysis of the students' productions as research techniques. To this end, a number of Portuguese language classes were observed, with classes corresponding to the 5th year of primary school. This observation, based on the theoretical framework discussed, allowed us to analyse the data we collected in order to investigate how written production was taking place in the classroom and also the role of creativity in this process.

  • af Patricia Correa Junqueira
    570,95 kr.

    Cette recherche vise à étudier les processus de lecture, d'interprétation et d'écriture créative dans l'espace spécifique d'une école publique. L'objectif principal est d'identifier dans les productions textuelles des élèves participants comment les processus d'interaction entre la lecture et l'écriture, les processus créatifs et la production de textes se déroulent dans la salle de classe. C'est en ce sens que cette recherche se justifie, puisqu'elle reconnaît l'importance des fonctions communicatives, éducatives et sociales que les pratiques d'alphabétisation peuvent offrir aux élèves, en leur permettant de lire, d'interagir avec la lecture et l'écriture, et de produire des textes. La recherche s'inscrit dans le paradigme interprétativiste et consiste en une étude de cas, utilisant l'observation non participante et l'analyse de contenu des productions des élèves comme techniques de recherche. À cette fin, un certain nombre de classes de portugais ont été observées, les classes correspondant à la cinquième année de l'école primaire. Cette observation, basée sur le cadre théorique discuté, nous a permis d'analyser les données recueillies afin d'étudier la façon dont la production écrite se déroulait en classe et le rôle de la créativité dans ce processus.

  • af Marisa Garbellini Sensato
    572,95 kr.

    The idea behind the book is to analyze the potential of in-service training, carried out through the special action project, in line with the school's political pedagogical project, in the collective hours provided for in the special full day of training. We present categories of analysis based on Freire's concept of permanent education. The constitution of the group as well as the construction of knowledge, adult teacher learning and the construction of autonomy towards authorship are all present in this work.

  • af André Dias Pires
    319,95 kr.

    New contexts influence the debates and practices of art education in Brazil and open up new fields of enquiry for decolonial critique. By demanding consideration of the role of artistic representations in the production and reproduction of the "colonial difference", various studies have been initiated that question artistic disciplines and the regime of the gaze from the concepts proposed by decolonial criticism. In this way, the debates proposed to rethink art/education in contemporary times, including decolonial thinking, are called upon to reintroduce and represent the geographical and epistemological discontinuity regarding art and aesthetic expressions. This work was produced from these questions, seeking to investigate alternatives towards other educational narratives in the context of art education in everyday school life.

  • af Hayal Köksal
    471,95 kr.

    Catch Your Kids in Time for Educating! A Practical Guide to Quality Education for Future Generations aims to educate individuals on the importance of quality education and becoming a lifelong learner. The author emphasizes the role of parents, teachers, and the community in this process and provides practical advice on how to attain this goal. The book uses simple language and up-to-date examples to make the content accessible to readers of all ages and education levels. Reading this book can help you gain a deeper understanding of the philosophy of Total Quality Management in Education and how it can be applied in practice. Overall, the book presents a valuable perspective on education and personal development.

  • af Zaqueu Santos
    497,95 kr.

    In the book we explore in detail the results and conclusions of research analyzing the contributions of the Khan Academy platform to science teaching. Investigating the profile of students and the skills needed by teachers to meet current educational demands. The case study carried out in a state school in Espírito Santo during the first quarter of 2023 shows that the Khan Academy platform not only increases student motivation, but also encourages the creation of study routines outside of school. In a scenario of social change and technological advances, Khan Academy is emerging as a promising tool for improving the quality of science teaching, with the potential to boost digital inclusion in public schools. The results presented in the book indicate that the use of this platform can play a significant role in student progress, effectively contributing to the improvement of science teaching.

  • af Zaqueu Santos
    498,95 kr.

    Dans ce livre, nous explorons en détail les résultats et les conclusions de la recherche analysant les contributions de la plateforme Khan Academy à l'enseignement des sciences. L'étude du profil des élèves et des compétences nécessaires aux enseignants pour répondre aux exigences actuelles en matière d'éducation. L'étude de cas menée dans une école publique d'Espírito Santo au cours du premier trimestre 2023 montre que la plateforme Khan Academy augmente non seulement la motivation des élèves, mais encourage également la création de routines d'étude en dehors de l'école. Dans un scénario de changement social et d'avancées technologiques, la Khan Academy apparaît comme un outil prometteur pour améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement des sciences, avec le potentiel de stimuler l'inclusion numérique dans les écoles publiques. Les résultats présentés dans ce livre indiquent que l'utilisation de cette plateforme peut jouer un rôle significatif dans les progrès des élèves, contribuant ainsi efficacement à l'amélioration de l'enseignement des sciences.

  • af Lília Maria Mendes Bernardi
    682,95 kr.

    Didactics plays a fundamental role in teacher training. According to previous studies by Libâneo (2010), Longarezi and Puentes (2010) and Sguarezzi (2010), Didactics is experiencing a decline in its theoretical and scientific field. The general objective of this study is to analyze the state of research and intellectual production in the area of Didactics, from 2004 to 2010, in three Postgraduate Programs in Education in the southern region of Brazil. We opted for a quantitative-qualitative approach and used the multiple case study methodology. We carried out an interpretative analysis of the CAPES forms used to evaluate the three programs and the Lattes CVs of their professors. We used the programs' websites as a source of research and collected information on the research projects the professors are involved in and their intellectual output from their Lattes. We built a database for the project, at a national level, with the name of each program, their lines of research in Didactics, their projects, the professors responsible and their publications.

  • af Nelson Urbaneja
    837,95 kr.

    The "MODEL OF DIDACTIC QUADRANTS (MCD)" is an orientation guide for undergraduate and graduate students who need to develop their thesis in order to graduate. There are many students who find themselves in this situation, who in spite of having taken research methodology courses or thesis seminars, do not know what to do or how to do their thesis. Because of this situation, the MCD is proposed as a guide to organize the research process in the light of the conditions required by the regulations of Higher Education Institutions. Doing a thesis in a fast, fun and effective way with little experience is possible with the use of this didactic quadrant model created under the Design Thinking methodology. Doing a thesis researching - playing - learning without stress in 4 months, if it is possible you should only be guided by the DCM. It is not necessary for a university thesis student to be an expert methodologist to do a degree thesis in the time required by the University. PLAY....

  • af Miguel Ángel Méndez Herrera
    752,95 kr.

    Problem solving fosters the development of heuristics in students, where the problem is understood, solution strategies are designed and implemented and finally a verification phase of the solution is executed; where if necessary the student rethinks his strategy. When the student faces a mathematical problem, he/she must structure his/her thinking according to the mathematical syntax and the rules of conformation of the geometric representations of the Cabri 3D software in order to solve it.

  • af Alberto Domingos Jacinto Quitembo
    667,95 kr.

    A proper understanding of the concept of teacher training leads us to assume the responsibilities that the trainer has, not only in the process of preparing the future teacher but, above all, that their development is focused on change, which should be at the centre of the whole teacher training process. However, the concern to understand teachers' conceptions, practices and professional knowledge should be the permanent guide for teacher training institutions, through which they ensure the development of the training curriculum.

  • af Samantha Paucar
    742,95 kr.

    The creation of educational videos serves as a reinforcement to the learning of multiplication for children. Due to the lack of educational videos on this topic, videos were designed with the stop motion technique, in order to have didactic material to support the classes given by teachers. The results obtained allow us to determine that the use of educational videos with the stop motion technique serve as a support to the teacher's work, since students can reinforce their learning in a more dynamic way, on the other hand, teachers consider that the implementation of ICT in the educational field is necessary to improve the quality of education in the country.

  • af Inty Nikov Rodriguez Paez
    752,95 kr.

    This book describes an investigative experience based on physical activity, coordination, traditional games and young sixth graders between the ages of 11 and 14 years old. Approached through a work based on traditional play and games, for the development of some aspects of motor coordination, the subject is based on playful pedagogical practices and group interaction, mediated and supervised by the researcher teacher. This experience is also based on the application of a test already established that allows the proper analysis of the results obtained, from the quantitative and qualitative point of view.

  • af Anna Karoline Arraes Sousa
    442,95 kr.

    THE WINGS OF CREATION. Creativity, according to the Cultural-Historical perspective, can no longer be seen as something supernatural It is not a privilege granted to a few It is not even something that characterises crazy people It is not present in everyone as something innate But anyone can develop it, that is a fact It depends on interactions with the cultural environment throughout life A creative individual finds a way out of everything It is a question of elements of the imagination that are combined and result in new things, A being who creates is able to see beyond what has already been seen by someone else A being who creates is not limited by what is imposed on him But modifies his environment and does so with gusto If it weren't for the ability to create, we would still be living in caves We wouldn't evolve, we would continue in eternal sameness. (Anna Karoline Arraes Sousa).

  • af Stephanie Elimercy Rodríguez Soberanis
    622,95 kr.

    The objective of the research is to demonstrate the importance and relevance of the Montessori philosophy in working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (TEA), to share the experience of implementation and to serve as a reference for future studies on autism and the Montessori philosophy. Through a qualitative method, the feasibility of working with this pedagogy to achieve the educational inclusion of autistic children is identified, serving as a reference for future research and applications.Key words: Montessori, autism, autism spectrum disorder.

  • af Raúl Arias Sánchez
    927,95 kr.

    Due to the great changes produced by science and technological development nowadays, our society needs to adapt to them in order to use them for the benefit and progress of Education, and in particular for Regular Basic Education. In order to make possible the formation of citizens committed to their culture, society, scientific knowledge and immediate reality. With this premise, learning in the area of Social Sciences and especially our History is not a foreign area, since we understand it as a science whose object of study is considered as a very useful element that has given human beings not only the quality of knowing the cultural heritage of the different societies and civilisations that have passed through time and space, but also for allowing us to build our own identity, seeking and identifying facts and events of past times that facilitate the elaboration of our own idiosyncrasy.

  • af Yajaira Santafé
    927,95 kr.

    The present research is entitled "Teaching strategies to strengthen scientific competencies in the subject of Physics. This study is approached under Action Research as a method with a qualitative approach, where the research process was developed in three phases: diagnosis, design and implementation and evaluation. An analysis was made of the pedagogical strategies used from the study of natural sciences and the effectiveness was determined, indicating the relevance in the pedagogical process, the development of scientific skills and the appropriation of knowledge. Likewise, the current state of scientific competences in the subject of physics was diagnosed: comprehensive use of scientific knowledge, explanation of phenomena and inquiry; pedagogical strategies were designed to strengthen them, activities were implemented and their effectiveness was evaluated. The results obtained show changes in the students, since when they perform scientific experiments, they understand their processes and their conceptual basis and, in the same way, they explain what happens and relate it to facts present in their daily lives.

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