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  • af Morten Samuelsson
    897,95 kr.

    Bogen er en kommentar til lov om forsikringsformidling.Siden forsikringsmæglerloven fra 1999 er reglerne om forsikringsformidling ændret flere gange. Implementeringen af EU’s direktiv om forsikringsformidling fra 2002 medførte omfattende ændringer i de regler, der gælder om forsikringsmæglere og om banker og andres formidling af forsikringer. I 2007 skete der væsentlige ændringer i reglerne om provision til forsikringsmæglere.Bogen indeholder en stillingtagen til de dele af lovgivningen, som kan give fortolkningstvivl. Derudover finder du en gennemgang af de gældende regler under hensyn til retspraksis og Finanstilsynets og Erhvervsankenævnets afgørelser.

  • - Højst usandsynlige begivenheder og deres indflydelse på vores verden
    af Nassim Nicholas Taleb
    257,95 kr.

    "Den Sorte Svane har ændret måden, jeg ser verden på." – Daniel Kahneman, nobelpristager i økonomi Den Sorte Svane blev en international bestseller, da den udkom i 2007 og gjorde med ét den ameri­kansk-libanesiske forsker og tidligere børsmægler Nassim Nicholas Taleb verdensberømt.Den Sorte Svane handler om begivenheder, som er sjældne, højst usandsynlige, og som har en enorm effekt, når de indtræffer – begivenheder, som vi mennesker efterfølgende udtænker for­klaringer på, så de fremstår langt mindre tilfæl­dige og ligefrem forudsigelige. Men vi gør klogt i at indse, at Sorte Svaner er helt igennem ufor­udsigelige, og at vi helt skal lade være at prøve at forudsige dem. I stedet skal vi indrette os, så vi tåler dem og drager fordel af dem.Taleb væver sine ideer og tanker sammen på tværs af en dyb indsigt i filosofi, litteratur, sprog, mate­matik og økonomi. Han er en forfatter med sin helt egen skrivestil – fabulerende, indsigtsfuld, morsom og provokerende.Med sit mesterværk Den Sorte Svane har Taleb udviklet en både indflydelsesrig og original idé til en ny forståelse af verden. Siden udgivelsen i 2007 er begrebet en Sort Svane blevet populært i et omfang, så det nu bruges til at beskrive og forstå aktuelle begivenheder, både internationalt og i den offentlige debat i Dan­mark. Sådan blev eksempelvis Den sorte svane navnet på en meget omtalt tv-dokumentar sendt på TV 2 i 2024."Talebs bog er en mageløs og vidunderlig begyn­delse på den proces, hvor vi finder frem til en helt anden måde at forholde os til verden – lyttende, snarrådig og sej." – Tor Nørretranders, forord til Den Sorte Svane "Enormt underholdende – medrivende … let at gå til." – Financial Times"En af de tolv mest indflydelsesrige bøger siden anden verdenskrig." – Sunday Times"Fremragende og banebrydende, nu for første gang på dansk." – Lektørudtalelse, DBC"Denne idé, Sort-Svane-ideen, om sjældne begi­venheder, ekstreme begivenheder, der dominerer, hvad der rent faktisk sker i vores liv – rummer en umådelig vigtig indsigt og er dybt original." – Daniel Kahneman, nobelpristager i økonomi og forfatter til At tænke – hurtigt og langsomt"[Taleb er] … en helt igennem signifikant filosof; og med det mener jeg, en som er i stand til at ændre måden, vi opfatter verden på, alene ved sine ideers styrke, originalitet og sandhedsværdi." – Will Self, GQ"Overbevisende … stærkt tankevækkende." – The TimesNassim Nicholas Taleb (f. 1960) er en ameri­kansk-libanesisk forsker, tidligere børsmægler og bestsellerforfatter. Han blev verdensberømt med udgivelsen af Den Sorte Svane i 2007. I mere end 20 år arbejdede Taleb som børsmæg­ler, siden blev han forsker og essayist, beskæfti­get med filosofiske, matematiske og (overvejende) praktiske problemer relateret til sandsynlighed. Taleb har udgivet flere bestsellere, bl.a. Fooled by Randomness (2001), Antifragile (2012) og Skin in the Game (2018). De indgår alle i det filosofiske fembindsværk Incerto, der er oversat til mere end 40 sprog.

  • af Jørgen Just Andresen
    522,95 - 557,95 kr.

    Finansiel risikostyring giver en samlet fremstilling af de metoder, der anvendes til måling og styring af finansiel risiko. Den behandler alle de risici, en risk manager støder på i sit arbejde; herunder markedsrisiko, kreditrisiko, likviditetsrisiko, modpartsrisiko og operationel risiko. Med bogen får du metoder til effektiv måling og styring af disse risici.Bogen tager udgangspunkt i danske eksempler og dansk lovgivning, men inkluderer også den påvirkning, der kommer udefra i form af eksempelvis EU-lovgivning og anbefalinger fra Basel-komitéen.3. udgave er ajourført med de nyeste risikostyringsteknikker, for eksempel i forbindelse med overgangen fra Value at Risk til Expected Shortfall, og bogen er opdateret med den nye lovgivning på området. Desuden er klimarisiko og risici i forbindelse med cyberangreb nyt i forhold til 2. udgave, og der angives effektive metoder til at styre disse komplekse risici.Bogen henvender sig til alle, der arbejder med risikostyring i finansielle virksomheder og i finansafdelinger i ikke-finansielle virksomheder. Bogen er ligeledes velegnet til undervisning på videregående uddannelser. I forbindelse med undervisning kan opgavehæfte, formelsamling, Excel-ark og PowerPoint-præsentationer gratis downloades på bogens hjemmeside.Jørgen Just Andresen, cand.merc.int og HD (R), er direktør og medstifter af Financial Training Partner A/S og ekstern lektor på CBS (Copenhagen Business School), hvor han underviser i finansielle virksomheders risikostyring. Han er medlem af Finansforeningens udvalg for risikostyring og compliance. Tidligere har han arbejdet som chefkonsulent i SimCorps kursus-afdeling og som analytiker og dealer i Danske Markets. Jørgen Just Andresen er også forfatter til bogen Finansielle Derivater (Djøf Forlag).

  • - Anvendelse, prisfastsættelse og risikostyring
    af Jørgen Just Andresen
    487,95 kr.

    Finansielle derivater behandler de derivater, der oftest anvendes på det danske marked, samt de udenlandske kontrakter, der fra en dansk synsvinkel er mest interessante. Bogen giver et unikt indblik i, hvordan man kan anvende derivaterne til spekulation og afdækning, samt hvordan man kan måle markedsværdi, og opgøre og styre risikoen efter de nyeste principper. Bogen behandler også de lovgivningsmæssige ændringer, der er fulgt i kølvandet på den finansielle krise (herunder EMIR), og de konsekvenser det har fået for derivatmarkedet. Bogen henvender sig til alle, der arbejder med derivater i finansielle og ikke-finansielle virksomheder. Bogen er velegnet som undervisningsmateriale på handelshøjskoler, universiteter og lignende. I forbindelse med undervisning kan opgavehæfte, formelsamling, excel-ark og PowerPoint-præsentationer gratis downloades på bogens hjemmeside. Jørgen Just Andresen, cand.merc.int og HD (R), er direktør og medstifter af Financial Training Partner A/S. Han har tidligere været ekstern lektor på CBS (Copenhagen Business School), hvor han underviste i finansielle virksomheders risikostyring. Han er medlem af Finansforeningens udvalg for risikostyring og compliance. Tidligere har han arbejdet som chefkonsulent i SimCorps kursus-afdeling og som analytiker og dealer i Danske Markets. Jørgen Just Andresen er også forfatter til bogen Finansiel risikostyring (Djøf Forlag).

  • af Sarah Ophelia Møss
    217,95 kr.

    Når du har læst denne bog, kan du finde ud af at investere uden hjælp fra andre. I takt med at investering er blevet mere almindeligt, er flere af os gået i gang med at få vores opsparinger til at vokse. I denne bog får du alle de redskaber, du har brug for til netop dét. Du får i bogen en grundlæggende introduktion til investering og en udførlig guide til selv at komme i gang. Du får overblik og styr på begreberne og kan, efter læsning, føle dig helt tryg, når du går i gang med at investere. Bogen gennemgår blandt andet aktier, obligationer, fonde, børsmæglere, gebyrer, skat, strategi og psykolog på aktiemarkedet. Den giver desuden en introduktion til pension, børneopsparing og bæredygtig investering. Bogen slutter med en komplet tringuide til dig, der er ny investor. Sproget er let forståeligt, uden for mange dikkedarer og unødigt svære fagtermer. Bogen er et brugervenligt opslagsværk, der kan anvendes på alle niveauer. Om forfatterenSarah Ophelia Møss er kommunikatør, sociolog og bestsellerforfatter. Hendes passion er via inkluderende kommunikation at udbrede kendskabet til nye områder, på en måde som alle kan forstå. I 2019 blev Sarah valgt af Berlingske som en af landets 100 mest indflydelsesrige kvinder og bliver ofte anvendt som ekspert i finansiel inklusion af de store danske medier.

  • af Michael R. Taylor
    204,95 kr.

    Within the expansive and ever-changing arena of finance, the art of trading shines as a light of opportunity amidst the turbulent waves of the market. "Mastering the Art of Trading: A Comprehensive Guide" acts as your reliable compass, directing you through the complex paths of the financial markets with both a high level of expertise and a high level of dexterity. This book, which was crafted with painstaking attention to detail, is designed to accommodate traders of all levels of expertise, from novices who are just beginning their journey into the world of trading to seasoned pros who are perfecting their techniques to adapt to the always shifting market landscape.

  • af Troyen A Brennan
    304,95 kr.

    Can American health insurance survive?

  • af der Wealthtrader. de
    189,95 kr.

    Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse des Swing Tradings und navigieren Sie Ihren Weg zur finanziellen Freiheit - auch mit nur wenigen Stunden Zeitaufwand pro Woche. "Swing Trading für Einsteiger: Ihr Wegweiser zur finanziellen Freiheit" ist Ihr umfassender Leitfaden, der speziell für Einsteiger konzipiert wurde, um die faszinierende Welt des Swing Tradings zu entdecken und zu meistern.In diesem Buch lüften wir Schritt für Schritt die Mysterien des Swing Tradings und bieten Ihnen das Rüstzeug, das Sie benötigen, um in den dynamischen Finanzmärkten erfolgreich zu sein. Sie werden lernen, wie Sie Markttrends erkennen, die richtigen Aktien auswählen und Ihre Trades so timen, dass Sie das Potenzial für hohe Renditen maximieren - alles mit einem überschaubaren Zeitaufwand.Wir beginnen mit den Grundlagen des Swing Tradings, erläutern die wichtigsten Konzepte und Terminologien und führen Sie behutsam in die Welt der Finanzmärkte ein. Von dort aus tauchen wir tiefer ein und decken fortgeschrittene Strategien und Techniken auf, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Trading-Entscheidungen zu verfeinern und Ihre Gewinne zu optimieren.Dieses Buch ist mehr als nur ein Leitfaden; es ist ein Kompass für jeden, der den Traum von finanzieller Unabhängigkeit verfolgt, ohne dabei sein Leben den Märkten opfern zu müssen. Mit praxisnahen Beispielen und leicht verständlichen Erklärungen zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie effektiv Swing Trading betreiben können, selbst wenn Sie nur wenige Stunden pro Woche investieren."Swing Trading für Einsteiger" ist Ihr Schlüssel zu einer Welt, in der finanzielle Freiheit keine ferne Illusion, sondern eine erreichbare Realität ist. Egal, ob Sie zusätzliches Einkommen generieren, Ihr Portfolio diversifizieren oder den Grundstein für langfristigen Wohlstand legen möchten - dieses Buch wird Sie auf jeder Etappe Ihrer Trading-Reise begleiten und unterstützen.Treten Sie ein in die Welt des Swing Tradings und entdecken Sie, wie Sie mit strategischem Vorgehen und fundiertem Wissen den Grundstein für Ihre finanzielle Zukunft legen können. "Swing Trading für Einsteiger" ist nicht nur ein Buch - es ist Ihr Wegweiser in eine Zukunft, in der Sie die Zügel Ihres finanziellen Schicksals fest in der Hand halten.

  • af Bola Sol
    187,95 kr.

    AS SEEN ON THIS MORNING'Bola Sol is a crucial voice in the financial advice arena. With practical, actionable tips, relatable commentary and a no-nonsense approach to financial literacy, her insights save money, but just as importantly, time too.' Yomi Adegoke, author of THE LIST and co-author of SLAY IN YOUR LANE'An empowering and practical guide to financial literacy and independence . . . The book is filled with real-life examples, clear explanations, and motivational insights, making complex financial concepts accessible to everyone.' GLAMOUR MAGAZINE________________________________________We need to talk about money. Women have been overlooked and underestimated when it comes to finance; we typically earn less, are encouraged to spend more, and have fewer opportunities to build funds. But if we talk about money and share our knowledge, we will grow in confidence and wealth. This is the secret to securing your future and paying for all the things that matter.Whether you want to have children, get married, pay for a mortgage, start your own business or pay for nice holidays, all these goals cost money. But by building solid money habits you can plan for all life's major milestones and dream bigger. Bola Sol offers the essential tools needed to get started and make your bank balance healthier. Once you've done that, she demonstrates how you can grow your ambition and become wealthier. Finally, she reveals how you can use this money smartly to pay for things you want and become happier.Money isn't everything, but Bola shows how you can build your financial knowledge to enhance your wellbeing, open up new possibilities, and achieve your life goals.

  • af Andrew Aziz
    254,95 kr.

    Do you want to learn how to trade cryptocurrencies and make money in the process? Do you want to discover the secrets of the strategic crypto trader who knows how to spot opportunities, manage risks, and maximize profits? If you answered yes, then this book is for you!The Strategic Crypto Trader - Easy Crypto Easy Money is a comprehensive guide that will teach you everything you need to know about the world of crypto trading. You will learn:- The basics of cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and how they work- The best platforms, tools, and resources to start trading crypto- The most popular and profitable crypto coins and tokens to trade- The different types of crypto trading strategies and how to choose the one that suits your goals and style- The common pitfalls and mistakes to avoid when trading crypto- The best practices and tips to improve your trading skills and performance- The future trends and opportunities in the crypto market and how to capitalize on themWhether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, this book will provide you with valuable insights and practical advice to help you succeed in the crypto space. You will also get access to exclusive bonus content, such as:- A crypto trading checklist to help you prepare for each trade- A crypto trading journal to help you track and analyze your trades- A crypto trading glossary to help you understand the key terms and concepts- A crypto trading community to help you connect with other traders and expertsThe Strategic Crypto Trader - Easy Crypto Easy Money is more than just a book. It is a roadmap to your crypto trading success. By following the steps and principles in this book, you will be able to:- Understand the crypto market and how it works- Identify and seize profitable trading opportunities- Manage your risks and protect your capital- Increase your profits and grow your wealth- Achieve your financial goals and freedomDon't miss this chance to join the crypto revolution and become a strategic crypto trader.Start your journey to easy crypto easy money Toady!

  • af Josef de La Vega
    107,95 kr.

    Joseph Penso de la Vega, best known as Joseph de la Vega (ca.1650-1692), was a successful Jewish merchant, poet, and philanthropist residing in 17th century Amsterdam. He became famous for his masterpiece "Confusion of Confusions" the oldest book ever written on the stock exchange business. Although not a descriptive account of the process of stock trading, Penso presented the history of speculation in stocks and acquainted the reader with the sophisticated financial instruments used. The dialogue format allowed the reader to understand the respective perspectives of the various market participants and the intricacies of speculation and trading. Penso also came up with four basic rules of the share market that are still of the greatest relevance today: The first rule in speculation is: Never advise anyone to buy or sell shares. Where guessing correctly is a form of witchcraft, counsel cannot be put on airs. The second rule: Accept both your profits and regrets. It is best to seize what comes to hand when it comes, and not expect that your good fortune and the favorable circumstances will last. The third rule: Profit in the share market is goblin treasure: at one moment, it is carbuncles, the next it is coal; one moment diamonds, and the next pebbles. Sometimes, they are the tears that Aurora leaves on the sweet morning's grass, at other times, they are just tears. The fourth rule: He who wishes to become rich from this game must have both money and patience.

  • af Attaur Rahman Azami
    337,95 kr.

    "A nominal zero interest rate, according to Friedman, is a requirement for the best distribution of resources. By examining general equilibrium models, it was discovered that zero interest rates are both necessary and sufficient for allocative efficiency". Interest Free Banking is based on the Islamic Shariah's "Fiqhul-Muamalaat" doctrine. There are two main tenets: the first is that parties should split profits and losses; the second prohibits lenders and investors from engaging in the collection and payment of interest. The "Riba" of interest collection is expressly forbidden under Shariah. Additionally, "investments in pork, gambling, entertainment, and other banned goods are severely prohibited. In 51 nations, including the United States and the United Kingdom, there were more than 500 Islamic Banks". Thus, IFB was developed to meet customer demand for banking services that complied with Shariah regulations. Islamic thought views "Interest Free Bank as a Halaal alternative that would protect the interests of the servants from harms associated with Haraam that is prohibited by the Almighty saying (God has permitted the sale and prohibited usury)" Quran: 2:75. The fundamental justification for the ban on interest is that it is oppressive and unfair. Rich people who can lend can also charge interest on those loans, allowing them to amass wealth at the expense of those who are in need of it. The Islamic Financial System was reportedly standing on solid ground, particularly in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis due to the presence of financial institutions in numerous nations. Currently, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Britain, Malaysia, and Singapore are vying with one another to establish themselves as the world's leading centres for IFB. The Islamic finance sector has now begun to grow outside of the major Muslim nations, transcending national boundaries and religious restrictions. This industry has experienced tremendous expansion in Europe, the "United Kingdom", "Australia", "Hong Kong", "Korea", and the "United States".

  • af Argjent Demiri
    555,95 kr.

    Das Buch "Finanzberatung morgen: Eine Situationsanalyse der Finanzbranche" bietet eine ausführliche Analyse der aktuellen Rahmenbedingungen und der Entwicklungstendenzen im Finanzsektor. Aufgezeigt wird, wie diese Entwicklungen den Vertrieb der Finanzberatung beeinflussen und welche weitreichenden Auswirkungen sie auf die Finanzbranche als Ganzes haben. Eine unverzichtbare Wissensquelle für Experten und alle, die ihr Verständnis für die Branche vertiefen und sich auf die bevorstehenden Veränderungen vorbereiten möchten.

  • af Bruce G Carruthers
    348,95 kr.

    A comprehensive and illuminating account of the history of credit in America-and how it continues to divide the haves from the have-notsThe Economy of Promises is a far-reaching study of credit in nineteenth- and twentieth-century America. Synthesizing and surveying economic and social history, Bruce Carruthers examines how issues of trust stitch together the modern U.S. economy. In the case of credit, that trust involves a commitment by debtors to repay money they have borrowed from lenders. Each promise poses a fundamental question: why does the lender trust the borrower?The book tracks the dramatic shift from personal qualitative judgments to the impersonal quantitative measurements of credit scores and ratings, which make lending on a much greater scale possible. It discusses how lending is shaped by the shadow of failure, and the possibility that borrowers will break their promises and fail to repay their debts. It reveals how credit markets have been shaped by public policy, regulatory changes, and various political factors. And, crucially, it explains how credit interacts with economic inequality, contributing to vast and enduring racial and gender differences-which are only exacerbated by the widespread use of credit scores and ratings for "big data" and algorithmic decision-making.Bringing to life the complicated and abstract terrain of human interaction we call the economy, The Economy of Promises is an important study of the tangle of indebtedness that, for better or worse, shapes and defines American lives.

  • af Sunil Gurjar
    283,95 kr.

    UP YOUR STOCK MARKET GAME WITH EASY-TO-LEARN BREAKOUT TRADING TECHNIQUES Embark on a thrilling and rewarding trading journey with bestselling author Sunil Gurjar's Breakout Trading Made Easy. Using his own trading experience, Gurjar reveals the power of classical chart patterns in a strategy that has not only multiplied his capital but also shielded it during static or erratic market phases. Here's your chance to explore the fascinating aspects of breakout trading and unravel the intricate dynamics of support and resistance-cornerstones of Gurjar's approach-through insightful case studies illuminated by candlestick charts. Gurjar's expertise in trading shines as he unveils the art of identifying genuine breakouts amidst the noise of the market. Recognizing the nuances of a fake breakout becomes second nature as he guides you through practical examples and time-tested techniques. This comprehensive guide on breakout trading equips you with the skills to set intelligent price goals and strategic stop-losses, crucial components in managing risk and maximizing rewards. With a focus on real-world application, Gurjar walks you through the fundamental principles and proven strategies, empowering you to make confident and informed decisions while dealing in stocks. ARE YOU READY TO TRANSFORM YOUR TRADING JOURNEY?

  • af Marie Etienne
    104,95 kr.

    Are you satisfied working 8 hours a day for someone else the rest of your life or is your vision greater? With the use of modern technology and the systems Marie Etienne lays out for you in these pages, you, too, can build a meaningful and rewarding business that will bless your family, your neighbors, and you entire community, and you can build it while working a 9 to 5 job. "Impossible," you say? Marie did it, and you can too. In these pages, she provides you the tools to make your dream a reality.

  • af Michael Has
    600,95 kr.

    The book provides an overarching perspective on sustainability from a historical, practical and legal perspective. It offers a holistic understanding of economic and ecologic concepts. Schools for sustainable business models are introduced and discussed. As a broader concept Life Cycle Assessments are discussed and examples for their application are provided with a focus on CO2 Footprints. Ecodesign as measures for reducing Carbon Footprints are introduced both for physical products and for service organizations. From an organizational perspective it is clear that managing the reduction of the sustainability-related impact is a matter that has to involve all stakeholders. Tasks for all involved are given and their contributions are described. As it is crucial to provide evidence for the activities reported audits are described as well methods to transfer information to the appropriate stakeholders. The book is targeted at practitioners and students who want to get to know the subject or need to implement the respective measures in companies.

  • af Olumide Ogunsanwo
    173,95 - 250,95 kr.

  • af Andrea Davis
    167,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Cohen de Lara
    228,95 kr.

    Un livre synthétique et complet, qui va à l¿essentiel afin de maîtriser l¿utilisation des chandeliers japonais ! Dans la collection « Les essentiels de l¿AFATE », par l¿auteur du « Pouvoir d¿Ichimoku ».La représentation des cours boursiers à partir des chandeliers date du XVIIIe siècle au Japon mais il a fallu attendre la fin des années 1980 pour voir son introduction dans le monde occidental où elle s¿est rapidement imposée.Les chandeliers japonais illustrent un des éléments déterminants des marchés, à savoir le combat permanent entre les camps acheteur et vendeur. La compréhension de ce mécanisme, qui est le fil rouge du livre, permettra au lecteur de maîtriser les bases des marchés financiers.Les figures classiques de continuation et de retournement de tendance sont décrites sous l¿angle de ce rapport acheteur/vendeur. Le lecteur apprendra à reconnaître une étoile du matin, une étoile du soir, un bébé abandonné et bien d¿autres figures prédictives. La complémentarité avec les outils classiques de l¿Analyse Technique (supports, résistances, bandes de Bollinger, Fibonacci et quelques indicateurs) permettra au lecteur d¿affiner sa compréhension et sa pratique de la Bourse.Ce livre s¿adresse tout autant au lecteur qui fait ses premiers pas en analyse boursière et qui souhaite acquérir les bases de la méthode, qüà celui qui a déjà développé une première approche et qui veut professionnaliser sa pratique.Diplômé d¿une grande école d¿ingénieur (Institut d¿Optique Graduate School) et titulaire d¿un MBA obtenu à HEC Paris, Daniel Cohen de Lara a dirigé, en position d¿actionnaire de référence, des PME industrielles de plusieurs centaines de personnes durant 25 ans. Reconverti à l¿investissement boursier il y a une quinzaine d¿années, la découverte d¿Ichimoku a bouleversé favorablement son approche des marchés et ses résultats personnels. Il est associé depuis plus de 5 ans au sein de la société NEXT MOMENTUM, cabinet de conseil spécialisé dans les recommandations boursières à destination d¿une clientèle corporate et de formation à l¿analyse technique et aux méthodes de trading. Il a été président de l¿AFATE (Association Française des Analystes Techniques) de 2019 à 2024. Il est aussi l¿auteur du livre référence sur la méthode Ichimoku « Le Pouvoir d¿Ichimoku ».

  • af Kuat B. Akizhanov
    1.287,95 kr.

    This book explores the causes of rising income inequality within industrialised, developing, and emerging economies. The development of finance capitalism over the last 40 years is charted to highlight how the neoliberal restructuring of national and global economies has driven income inequality. With case studies from the USA, South Korea, Argentina, and Sweden, a comparative analysis is presented to reveal how financialisation facilitates uneven capital accumulation and generates conditions that increase income inequality.This book aims to outline an analytical framework for a financialisation-induced income inequality nexus. It will be relevant to students and researchers interested in the political economy and financial economics.

  • af Marusha Eabden
    125,95 kr.

    Good old-fashioned associate promotion is the lifeblood of many businesses, but it is often underrated or disregarded in favour of other factors. In this handbook, I will take you on a journey through the inner workings of a well-oiled associate software. We'll discuss everything from the importance of using one of these systems to getting associates to sell when you need them to, as well as some statistics to help you prove that this is one of the most profitable aspects of online business, and I'll make sure to include at least one interactive quiz to make things more exciting and to test your knowledge.

  • af Teresa Villaruz
    156,95 - 199,95 kr.

  • - Forrent din formue, bevar din købekraft, forstå din risiko
    af Mikkel Skipper
    167,95 kr.

    “FORRENT DIN FORMUE, BEVAR DIN KØBEKRAFT, FORSTÅ DIN RISIKO”Denne bog går i dybden med, hvordan almindelige mennesker kan forrente deres formue med indeksfonde.Forfatteren gennemgår, hvordan du lægger en god strategi for dig selv, sammensætter en portefølje til din risiko, vurderer afkastet i forskellige indeks, overvejer om du køber dyrt eller billigt og om du skal bekymre dig for børskrak.Bogen er mere en strategibog end en handelsmanual, hvor du lærer at undgå kostbare begynderfejl og desuden får adgang til central viden om indeksfonde, der er underbygget økonomisk.

  • af der Wealthtrader. de
    328,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist Ihr unverzichtbarer Wegweiser durch die faszinierende Welt der Finanzmärkte. Dieses umfangreiche Handbuch entmystifiziert die Komplexität der Börse und bietet Ihnen alles, was Sie wissen müssen, um Ihren Einstieg in den Handel selbstbewusst und informiert zu gestalten.Von den Grundlagen der Börse, über wichtige Handelsinstrumente und -strategien, bis hin zu fortgeschrittenen Themen wie globale Märkte und Risikomanagement - dieses Buch deckt jedes notwendige Thema ab, um Ihnen einen soliden Grundstein für Ihre Handelskarriere zu bieten. Mit klaren Erklärungen wird dieses Buch zu Ihrem vertrauenswürdigen Begleiter auf dem Weg zu einem erfolgreichen Börsenhändler.Ob Sie nun in Aktien, Anleihen, ETFs oder Derivate investieren möchten, dieses Handbuch bereitet Sie auf die vielfältigen Chancen und Herausforderungen des Börsenhandels vor. Lernen Sie, wie Sie Markttrends analysieren, Portfolios diversifizieren und psychologische Fallen vermeiden, um fundierte und gewinnbringende Entscheidungen zu treffen.Machen Sie den ersten Schritt in eine aufregende Zukunft an der Börse. Dies ist mehr als ein Buch - es ist Ihr persönlicher Leitfaden in die Welt des Investierens, der Sie befähigt, die Kontrolle über Ihre finanzielle Zukunft zu übernehmen. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Börse und entdecken Sie die Möglichkeiten, die auf Sie warten.

  • af Sami Basly
    1.681,95 kr.

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of the rapidly expanding field of decentralized finance (DF) and discusses how entrepreneurs can leverage it in their business activities.Decentralized finance (DF) is a system for exchanging value without centralized intermediaries. It relies heavily on peer-to-peer lending and borrowing, decentralized exchanges, trustless systems, and blockchain. Decentralized Finance is seen as a disruptive technology that could replace traditional financial systems in the future due to its advantages of being inclusive, non-discriminatory, resilient to risk management failures, cost-effective for lenders and borrowers to access the system and more efficient in terms of financial intermediation through automated trustless systems. This book explains the challenges and opportunities that these blockchain-based financial innovations present for both entrepreneurship and the broader financial system.

  • af Mehmet Bulut
    1.677,95 kr.

    The edited collection offers a comprehensive and intricate exploration of Ottoman cash waqfs, extending its scope from the early modern era to the onset of the twentieth century. It delves into the historical evolution of these private Islamic financial institutions, shedding light on their enduring influence and drawing insightful parallels with both contemporary Middle Eastern and European financial systems. Leveraging newly uncovered data spanning various regions of the Ottoman Empire, this work scrutinizes the dynamic functions of waqfs, revealing their significant imprint on today's financial paradigms. It advances existing scholarship by employing quantitative methodologies and systematic analysis of these emergent datasets, facilitating a sophisticated, longitudinal study of cash waqfs within the broader spectrum of historical interest rate trends and global credit markets. The chapters trace the transformation of waqfs from entities primarily holding immovable assets to those managing movable assets (cash waqfs), delineating their role in generating revenue for diverse purposes. These encompass funding state debts, fostering infrastructure development, and extending microcredit to economically marginalized segments of society. Additionally, the book explores the challenges and failures encountered in the transition of financial institutions during the Ottoman era, particularly in the context of the emergence of large public banks. The concluding segment of the book offers a comparative analysis of financial systems across various countries, including the shift from private to public banking in Italy, and contemplates the potential applicability of waqf models in contemporary microcredit initiatives and sustainable development strategies. This volume will appeal to scholars of financial history, economic history, Ottoman studies, and Islamic finance.

  • af Alan Asp
    183,95 kr.

    DOES YOUR BUSINESS AND FAMILY STRUGGLE WITH CASH FLOW, DEBT, EXPANSION? In MY JEWISH JOURNEY, Readers will: - Reshape Their View of Money- Discover the Secrets to True Abundance- See God's Provision in Every Area of Life and Business- Become a Resource for the Kingdom After Alan incorporated every facet of his financial recovery and Jewish Journey into daily life, it took ten years, but he was able to overcome debt and find his authentic self.

  • af Alan Asp
    183,95 kr.

    DOES YOUR BUSINESS AND FAMILY STRUGGLE WITH CASH FLOW, DEBT, EXPANSION? In MY JEWISH SECRET, Readers will: - Reshape Their View of Money- Discover the Secrets to True Abundance- See God's Provision in Every Area of Life and Business- Become a Resource for the Kingdom After Alan incorporated every facet of his financial recovery and Jewish Journey into daily life, it took ten years, but he was able to overcome debt and find his authentic self.

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