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Saving you hundreds of hours and preventing the loss of untold business opportunities, Play the Room will teach you how to make network meetings work for you. You will learn about improving your communication skills and public speaking by making yourself memorable and creating a dynamic pitch.Whether you are a quiet introvert, an extrovert, a rookie, or a longtime networker, the tactics in Play the Room help develop authentic connections. You will learn to develop your customer avatar, ascertain your ideal referral partner, adopt an approach of intentionality, and understand your fellow networkers from the perspective of psychology, demographics, and occupations.As a small-business owner or professional, Play the Room also gives you vital tips for improving presentations of various types, which can help you achieve greater ROIs in the networking world. You will feel more prepared and confident with this book in your business arsenal.
A compelling look at the challenges facing professionals in the LGBTQ+ community, as they navigate their careers - with advice from many senior figures who have smashed their own rainbow ceilings.Currently, in the Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 combined, there are only four out LGBTQ+ CEOs; fewer than 0.8% of the Fortune 500 companies' board positions are filled by LGBTQ+ people; and in the UK, the numbers in the public sector are not dissimilar. This gives us insight into some of the hidden differences in, and challenges to, professional opportunity that continue to play out for LGBTQ+ people around the world.Breaking the Rainbow Ceiling explores why this community remains underrepresented at the most senior levels of professional life, and how all of us - from companies, boards, and HR professionals, through to individuals navigating their career paths - can address these barriers to help everyone thrive and succeed.The book shares insights from interviews with high-profile LGBTQ+ leaders to identify common problems and areas where opportunities exist. It also provides strategies to overcome those challenges and empower people to reach their full professional potential.
This book examines transitions from law school to the legal profession, and their impact on wellbeing. There is a significant body of evidence that suggests law student wellbeing is particularly problematic, partially due to the distinctive nature of law as a discipline. Similarly, there is a growing body of international evidence demonstrating poor levels of wellbeing within the legal profession, with lawyers suffering higher levels of stress, anxiety and depression than the general population. To date there has been no detailed consideration of the impact of these transitions on wellbeing, or discussion of the best ways to ameliorate any negative effects. This edited collection will explore a range of transitions, from entry into law school through to progression to managerial roles within the legal profession. Rather than focusing on discrete areas or chunks of time, this book focuses on the process of transitioning holistically.
Dieses Buch widmet sich dem hochaktuellen Thema der Unternehmenskultur aus der Perspektive von Führungskräften. Es legt den Fokus auf die Management- und Leadership-Perspektive, denn Führungskräfte sind dafür verantwortlich, entsprechende Konzepte zu initiieren und umzusetzen. Die herausragende Bedeutung der Unternehmenskultur für den Unternehmenserfolg ist mittlerweile unstrittig. Doch oft fehlen erprobte Methoden und Vorgehensweisen, um einen nachhaltigen Kulturwandel zu ermöglichen. Genau hier setzt das Buch an. Das Buch präsentiert neue Konzepte und Methoden, die sich in der Praxis bewährt haben und den Culture Change unmittelbar bewirken können. Es bietet Führungskräften das notwendige Wissen, um gezielt Projekte zur Gestaltung der Unternehmenskultur anzugehen. Es ist ein wertvoller Leitfaden für Führungskräfte, die eine erfolgreiche Veränderung der Unternehmenskultur anstreben und so den langfristigen Erfolg ihres Unternehmens sicherstellen wollen.
Activitiy based working wird immer häufiger in Unternehmen umgesetzt. Der Grundgedanke von aktivitätsbasierten Arbeiten ist es, dass für die täglich variierenden Tätigkeiten der Mitarbeitenden vielfältige Arbeitsumgebungen benötigt werden. In Abhängigkeit von der anstehenden Tätigkeit, aber auch den persönlichen Vorlieben des Mitarbeitenden wählt dieser eine für sich passende Arbeitsumgebungen aus. Die vorliegende Arbeit legt den Schwerpunkt darauf, die Auswirkungen von activity based working auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit der Nutzer*innen zu identifizieren.
¿Dieses essential dient der theoretischen und zugleich der anwendungsorientierten Einführung und dem Training zur Gesprächsführung in der neuen Arbeitswelt 4.0.In der neuen Arbeitswelt 4.0 ist wertschätzende Gesprächsführung wichtiger denn je. Wertschätzende Gesprächsführung ist eine Sprache, die verbindet, die Beziehungen so gestaltet, dass jeder davon profitiert ¿ ob live oder remote, ob in einem Unternehmen, einem Krankenhaus, einer Bildungseinrichtung, einer Behörde oder einer Familie. Es geht um ein respektvolles Miteinander auf Augenhöhe, Zufriedenheit und Sinnerfüllung.
Das Zeitalter, in dem nach Schul- und Universitätsabschlüssen Entscheidungen für ein ganzes Berufsleben getroffen wurden, liegt hinter uns. Die heutige Arbeitswelt erfordert ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität, Selbstmanagement und eine permanente Überprüfung und Anpassung, um die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit zu erhalten. Berufsentscheidungen haben einen temporären Charakter und Erwerbstätige sind gefordert, sich mit Veränderungen im beruflichen Kontext nahezu permanent auseinanderzusetzen.Oliver Heun-Lechner beschreibt in diesem essential die wesentlichen Elemente, die in einer beruflichen Neuorientierung zur Sinnerfüllung, dem Purpose, führen. Purpose ist ein zentraler Faktor, um im eigenen Tun und Handeln langfristig leistungsfähig zu sein. Im Fokus stehen Treibermodelle und die inneren Bausteine für eine präzise Standortbestimmung, Kompetenzen, Motive sowie praxisnahe Empfehlungen, um eine berufliche Vision zu entwickeln und z. B. mit der Methode des Prototyping zu evaluieren.
Unsere Gesellschaft befindet sich in einem ständigen Wandel und das betrifft auch die Arbeitswelt. Wir erleben derzeit einen Generationswechsel, der sich auch auf die Zusammenarbeit der verschiedenen Generationen auswirkt. Die ältere Generation bevorzugt traditionelle Arbeitsmethoden, während die jüngere Generation eher auf moderne Technologien und agile Arbeitsmethoden setzt. Dies führt oft zu Konflikten in der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den verschiedenen Generationen. Doch wie können wir diesen Konflikten entgegenwirken und eine produktive Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Generationen ermöglichen? In diesem Buch beschäftigen wir uns mit dem Konzept des ¿Generational Leadership¿ und zeigen auf, wie mit agilen Arbeitsmethoden die Stärken aller Generationen genutzt werden können.
Dieses Buch bietet unverzichtbares Know-how zu Theorie und Praxis des Vertriebs, dem wichtigsten Umsatz- und Werttreiber eines jeden Unternehmens. Im Vertrieb als ¿Frontlinie¿ werden wichtige Geschäftserfolge vorbereitet und umgesetzt. Vertriebsleiter und Vertriebsmitarbeiter, aber auch Fachleute aus Produktion, Technik und Marketing profitieren von der prägnanten Darstellung der relevanten Themen in diesem Buch. Nach der Lektüre sollten Sie die wichtigsten Phasen des Verkaufsprozesses bei der Neukundengewinnung und beim Verkauf an Bestandskunden bis zum Geschäftsabschluss verstehen und mit den hier beschriebenen typischen Problemen der Verkaufsleistung vertraut sein. Um ein starkes Vertriebsumfeld zu schaffen, wissen Sie außerdem, welche Qualitäten sowohl die Vertriebsleiter als auch die idealen Verkäufer benötigen und wie Sie ein erfolgreiches Vertriebsteam und eine hochwertige Vertriebsorganisation aufbauen können. Schließlich werden Sie durch die Anwendung der Prinzipien der vertriebsorientierten Unternehmensführung in die Lage versetzt, sofortige und dauerhafte Verkaufserfolge zu erzielen.
Dieses Werk zeigt Ihnen, wie es zu Entscheidungsfehlern bei der Personalauswahl kommt und wie diese präventiv verhindert werden können. Denn: Fast ein Viertel der getroffenen Personalentscheidungen werden innerhalb der ersten zwei Jahre entweder durch das Unternehmen oder den Mitarbeitenden korrigiert. Hinzukommen Personaleinstellungen, die aus Gründen der Kontinuität beibehalten werden, sich jedoch als unbefriedigend erweisen. Im Extremfall werden damit fast 40 Prozent aller Vakanzen mit einer Person besetzt, die für die zu erfüllende Aufgabe nicht oder nicht optimal geeignet ist ¿ mit entsprechenden Konsequenzen für Teams und Unternehmen. Wenn Sie derartige Entscheidungsfehler verstehen und vermeiden möchten, ist dieses Werk eine ideale Lektüre.
The authors examine Department of Defense (DoD) policy that governs how much time service members must spend at home relative to time spent deployed or mobilized. They suggest policy changes to inform and optimize DoD's force utilization decisions.
Formerly published by Chicago Business Press, now published by SageEffective Training: Systems, Strategies, and Practices is unique in its integration of theory with effective and practical training applications. Authors P. Nick Blanchard and James W. Thacker examine the relationship between change management and training, introduce the ADDIE model as an overarching framework for the training process, and consider perspectives relevant to small businesses. Additionally, this text provides a step-by-step process for developing learning objectives and highlights the importance of integrating both learning and design theories in creating successful training programs.The Sixth Edition adds new material while enhancing the ease of reading and understanding. The end of each relevant chapter (needs analysis, design, development and implementation, and evaluation) features an example of the process of developing an actual training program (Fabrics, Inc.). At the end of each chapter are discussion questions, cases, and exercises to enhance understanding.
Change the strategy of your brain and create more time.Do you know how to work with your unpredictable brain? To be able to perform, you need a strong and fast brain. Overheated brains work slowly and many of us are pushing our brains so much that we slow down our pace without even realising it.The Brain Fable shows you the difference between healthy and unhealthy pressure and it opens your eyes to the great potential hiding inside your brain.You receive scientifically based facts served with a warm fable language which activates your engine of recollection making your new knowledge automatically be stored in your long-term memory while you read. The book also introduces you to a secret which reveals how you can create more time.Meet Hippocampus, Amygdala, and your Frontal Lobes.Let them show you your memory, your concentration, your concerns, and learn how you manage your brain under pressure.–"Witty and fascinating! Mirja has created a story to draw you in and forget you're learning powerful secrets of the brain. Filled with humor and poignant facts, The Brain Fable will lead you into a world where the tricks of efficiency, focus, and calmness are unlocked. A must read!”Marshall Goldsmith#1 Leadership Thinker in the world (Thinkers 50)New York Times #1 bestselling author of The Earned Life, Triggers, Mojo, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There–“I have not seen brain research conveyed this way before. This form makes research applicable in people's everyday lives - and that is important.”Rune W. BergNeuroscientist, Department of Neuroscience, University of Copenhagen–“In her fascinating new book, The Brain Fable, Mirja Bang demonstrates through the creative power of storytelling how, by better understanding the inner workings of our brains, we can become more efficient and more effective in our decision-making and in our lives.”Todd CherchesCEO, BigBlueGumball, Author of VisuaLeadership: Leveraging the Power of Visual Thinking in Leadership and in Life–“The finest and most difficult thing to do in this world is to take something which is extremely complex and important and then make it simple, fun, and useful. Mirja Bang Hansen does just that which the future is very happy about."Anne Skare NielsenFuturist, Universal Futurist
Vi har brug for alle kompetente medarbejdere på nutidens arbejdsmarked. Med generationsbevidst ledelse og fokus på medarbejdernes diversitet kan du som leder eller HR-professionel bygge bro mellem generationerne og forløse det store potentiale, der ligger i at skabe synergi på tværs.'Ledelse på tværs' hjælper dig og din virksomhed med at slippe arbejdsglæden og innovationskraften fri i samskabende processer, hvor generationerne spiller hinanden stærkere.'Ledelse på tværs' handler om generationsledelse og diversitet på arbejdspladsen. Om de loyale slidere i babyboomer-generationen, X’erne, der i dag sidder på ledelsesgangene, og de mange fra Generation Y og Z, der kendetegnes ved deres drive og innovative tilgang til opgaverne, men også ved deres utålmodighed og vægt på personlige værdier.Bogens forfatter, ledelseskonsulent Karen Christina Spuur, giver dig de nødvendige værktøjer til at udvise lydhørhed og tilpasse din ledelse til den enkelte medarbejder, således at alle medarbejdere – på tværs af generationer, personprofiler og livsfaser – føler sig motiverede og værdsatte.Bogen bygger på både aktuel forskning og erfaringer fra praksis. Den er fyldt med baggrundsviden, cases, anvendelige greb og inspiration fra ledere, der allerede arbejder generationsbevidst.
Ved du, hvad forskellen på at bruge tid og skabe tid er?Det er nøglen til at få mere tid og ro i en travl hverdag – uden at gå på kompromis med dine resultater. Hvis du arbejder på en travl arbejdsplads, er der flere opgaver i din opgavetank, end der er timer til at udføre dem. Du kan ikke nå alle de opgaver, der ligger foran dig. Forsøger du det, vokser bunken sig bare endnu større – og du bliver endnu mere frustreret. Skab Tid handler om, hvorfor din hjerne både er din bedste ven og din værste fjende, når du forsøger at styre din hverdag. Du lærer at læne dig ind i travlheden med tillid til, at din hjerne hjælper dig med at skabe den tid, du har brug for.Bogens metoder er baseret på hjerne- og emotionsforskning, og de er udviklet gennem mere end 1.000 timers sparring om tiden med travle ledere, der har lært at få mere tid, ro og bedre resultater ved at bruge deres hjerne anderledes i hverdagen.Du skal ikke bruge ekstra tid på at implementere metoderne. Du skal bare gøre noget andet end, du plejer. Velkommen til fremtiden.
The book shows you how you can effectively integrate the latest findings of neuroscience into your everyday work or leadership. Brain-adapted leadership shows you how applied psychology from the perspective of neuroscience works both in leadership work and in everyday professional life as a whole. Based on a neuropsychological behavioral model, you will learn about the plausible connections between perceptions, needs, emotions, thinking and acting. These insights form a valuable basis for leading yourself, teams and corporate units. In addition, you will receive numerous exercise instructions and examples for illustration and practical implementation. The subject of this work is of particular importance to you if you want to better understand your own feelings and behavior and those of your fellow human beings in order to achieve valuable interactions and fulfilling work activities. Target Audience:This reference bookis aimed at managers and coaches, as well as people in the world of work who are willing to work on themselves to achieve greater satisfaction, serenity and balance: and neuroscience knows that we can do this, even into old age. About the author: Christoph Hoffmann is a graduate psychologist FH, graduate engineer HTL; studied psychology with a focus on Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Zurich. He has leadership experience in various adult education institutions and works at the IAP at the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences as a consultant and lecturer in the Centre for Leadership, Coaching and Change Management.
Dieses Buch liefert übersichtlich, kompakt und unterhaltsam die entscheidenden Erfolgsschlüssel, um in Verhandlungen, Präsentationen, Meetings sowie Gesprächen jeder Art gewinnend und professionell aufzutreten. Denn souveränes, sympathisches Auftreten ist im Business immer erfolgsentscheidend ¿ egal in welcher Branche oder auf welchem Karrierelevel.Praxisnah und anschaulich lernen Sie die wichtigsten Kommunikationsregeln, Verhandlungstaktiken, Rhetorikgrundsätze sowie Besprechungsmethoden kennen und erhalten einen Überblick über die wertvollsten Dos und Don¿ts.Mit diesem Know-how sind Sie bestens gerüstet für jede Herausforderung, die in der modernen Businesskommunikation auftauchen kann.Die 2. Auflage wurde um einen fünften Teil zum Thema «Führungskommunikation» erweitert.
Nurturing Equanimity: Building A Caring Culture provides a much-needed blueprint for organizations looking to create a calm, balanced, and focused environment inviting people to thrive in both their personal and professional lives.This blueprint of nurturing equanimity to build a culture that cares is a necessity for any organization concerned about identifying, recruiting, and retaining the human capital required to create a sustainable future in today's post-COVID marketplace. Securing the right people for any organization is difficult in most markets; doing so as the economy emerges from the pandemic induced global recession challenges even the most satisfied workplace cultures. The pandemic's disruption and residue created an unstable and imbalanced culture across organizations of all sizes and in each industry that exposed numerous negative workplace characteristics many either knew, or never stopped to consider.Examples included low wages, long and unnecessary commutes, bad management, and unfulfilling work. These characteristics were symbolic of organizational cultures outdated, toxic, and imbalanced created by incompetence, inertia, and ineptitude. The pandemic allowed employees to pause, consider their life situation, and realize their lives had been imbalanced for far too long.Required reading for individuals from small-to-medium sized businesses, large corporations, non-profit organizations, and government offices, Nurturing Equanimity: Building A Culture That Cares offers employers and employees alike a valuable resource to use as they chart a course forward in a post-pandemic marketplace.
"Start building bridges instead of barriers! This essential guide offers a simple 4-part framework that will help you have honest and enlightening conversations despite deep and fundamental disagreements. Divisions are on the rise around the world, and 2024 may well be a peak year. We're losing the ability to disagree without demonizing. There is a deep need for this practical and accessible guide to having challenging conversations in any situation, from the workplace to the classroom to the dinner table. It's not about saying the right words at the right time but something vastly deeper. In this book, you'll discover the 4 pillars of respectfully disagreeing: Focus on learning not lecturing; Fill in the gaps with curiosity not conclusions; Find the grey, not the black and white; Formulate your plan to humanize and not harm. But this is not a weighty tome. Each chapter features a cartoon, and Justin Jones-Fosu tackles this serious subject with a playful and compassionate tone. For example, he writes "I have become more and more intentional in my desire to respectfully disagree with others (except those who think putting ketchup on eggs is wrong...there is no hope for respect there)." With a wide range of examples and exercises throughout, this is a timely and reader-friendly handbook to disagreeing with someone's ideology while passionately pursuing their humanity"--
Counselling is an ever-expanding universe. Since we live in a world characterized as volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA World), pressures are building on our multi-faceted roles. The need for counselling is experienced for parents, teachers, administrators, and service-providers. A prominent sector of counselling service is the organizational context. With an increasing influx of women into our work force, the employees' population presents a formidable challenge. The multi-dimensionality of problems and multi-cultural context of working population the scenarios become further complicated. Fortunately, the growth of knowledge and multiplication of techniques has offered immense possibilities. The advance of neuroscience has added insights to our remediation process. Counselling principles customized to employees' needs constitute a valuable tool box in our immediate surroundings. With the hope of helping management students, I have attempted the introductory text. However, general readers would also have the benefit of understanding their roles as informal counsellors.
Leaderly acts and practices from unexpected places are often overlooked and yet have remarkable power. These spontaneous acts are in sharp contrast to those of formal leaders in governments and leading corporations. Global events like the Covid-19 pandemic and the climate crisis light up these differences. This book delves deeper, exploring these leaderly acts and practices more fully and beyond extraordinary events. The authors describe these as "unleadership", a term defined in this book as a set of acts and practices that are undertaken in a spirit of spontaneity and generosity for social good. Four dimensions of unleadership are identified in this book: paying it forward; living with the unknown; catching the wave; and confident connecting and collaborating. Unleadership exposes the potential that is unleashed when members of the community discover their own power to act and reclaim what they have delegated to their leaders. Based on extensive research, the authors highlight the flourishing of alternative forms of leading that encourage rethinking ideas of leadership and followership. They provide practical guidance to organisations and practitioners for enriching their leaderly capacity and cultivating unleadership practices to co-exist with and complement leadership practices. Unleadership is an invaluable resource for leaders and managers in public and private organisations as well students of leadership and organisational development.
This book follows the credo "Don't work hard - work smart". Smart in the sense of cleverness, systematic organization of work and time as well as farsightedness to open up business perspectives. In alphabetical order, the book presents the success factors, methods and strategies that help strengthen market positions and realign strategies. The clear chapters are also very suitable for reference.The book is aimed at managers, executives and self-employed people who want to use their most valuable resources sustainably and consciously to develop products and services that customers really want. Over 100 national and international case studies provide a high utility value. For the 2nd edition, numerous text passages have been revised, new case studies have been integrated and up-to-date data material has been made accessible. With valuable practical tips at the end of each chapter. The electronic usage of the German-language edition of the book has so far led to more than 1.6 million accesses.
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