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  • af Britta Hørdam & Nausheen Christoffersen
    228,95 kr.

    SYGEPLEJE TIL IMMOBILE PATIENTERSelv et kortvarigt sengeleje kan medføre alvorlige komplikationer for patienter og borgere, hvorfor viden om korrekt lejring, mobilisering og opfyldelse af fundamentale behov er af afgørende betydning for at kunne forebygge komplikationer.Med udgangspunkt i huskereglen TOPSKUD beskriver de enkelte kapitler i HÅNDBOG I SYGEPLEJE: IMMOBILITET de hyppigste komplikationer med fokus på definition, anatomi og fysiologi, den sygeplejefaglige problemstilling, relevante observationer og interventioner, evt. parakliniske undersøgelser, behandling, prognose og profylakse.TOPSKUD står for:TromboseObstipationPneumoniSpidsfod/smerterKontrakturerUrinvejsinfektionDecubitusBogen er målrettet sygeplejestuderende, nyuddannede og nyansatte sygeple­jersker, der til daglig arbejder med immobile patienter og borgere i det danske sundhedsvæsen, og forfatterne er forskere og sundhedsprofessionelle, kliniske vejledere og undervisere på tværs af landet.

  • af Mads Hjortdal Grønhøj, Heidi Have & Jette Wensien
    173,95 - 597,95 kr.

    Medicinske og kirurgiske cases i sygepleje er ikke som de gængse, teoretiske lærebøger i sygepleje. Formålet her er ikke at udfolde sygeplejen i hele sit væsen eller at beskrive kompleksiteten i professionen, men derimod at tilbyde en supplerende læringsform med fokus på klinisk sygepleje i helt konkrete, praksisnære patientforløb.Simplificering af sygeplejen er valgt ud fra et pædagogisk didaktisk hensyn, da caseformen støtter den kliniske beslutningstagen med fokus på den refleksive tankeproces, der fører frem til handlingen og viser overvejelserne bag. En kundskab, som for eksperten er lige så vanskelig at lære fra sig, som den er at tilegne sig for novicen, de studerende og de nyuddannede.Caseformen støtter læseren i at omsætte sin teoretiske viden til praksis. Gennem 115 cases på tværs af 17 medicinske og kirurgiske specialer kan læseren med sig selv som hovedperson øve sig i, hvordan sygepleje til en patient i en lignende problemstilling kan se ud – i både akutte og kroniske forløb. Formen giver fagligt råderum, da den understøtter det faktum, at sygepleje altid er personcentreret og tager udgangspunkt i den konkrete patientens særlige situation – de mange patientindividuelle forhold skal altid afspejle sig i den konkrete sygepleje.Medicinske og kirurgiske cases i sygepleje er skrevet af erfarne kliniske sygeplejersker og repræsenterer anerkendt og aktuel dansk sygeplejefaglig praksis inden for de valgte specialer. Casebogen henvender sig særligt til sygeplejestuderende som forberedelse til den kliniske del af sygeplejeuddannelsen og til nyuddannede og nyansatte som introduktion til deres nye kliniske speciale.

  • af Tiko (Cape Peninsula University of Technology Iyamu
    479,95 - 1.464,95 kr.

  • af John Abramson
    215,95 - 274,95 kr.

    The inside story of how Big Pharma's relentless pursuit of ever-higher profits corrupts medical knowledge?misleading doctors, misdirecting American health care, and harming our health.The United States spends an excess $1.5 trillion annually on health care compared to other wealthy countries?yet the amount of time that Americans live in good health ranks a lowly 68th in the world. At the heart of the problem is Big Pharma, which funds most clinical trials and therefore controls the research agenda, withholds the real data from those trials as corporate secrets, and shapes most of the information relied upon by health care professionals.In this no-holds-barred exposé, Dr. John Abramson?one of the foremost experts on the drug industry's deceptive tactics?combines patient stories with what he learned during many years of serving as an expert in national drug litigation to reveal the tangled web of financial interests at the heart of the dysfunction in our health-care system. For example, one of pharma's best-kept secrets is that the peer reviewers charged with ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the clinical trial reports published in medical journals do not even have access to complete data and must rely on manufacturer-influenced summaries. Likewise for the experts who write the clinical practice guidelines that define our standards of care.The result of years of research and privileged access to the inner workings of the U.S. medical-industrial complex, Sickening shines a light on the dark underbelly of American health care?and presents a path toward genuine reform.

  • af Linda Villarosa
    187,95 kr.

    "The first book to tell the full story of race and health in America today, showing the toll racism takes on individuals and the health of our nation, by a groundbreaking journalist at the New York Times Magazine"--

  • af L. H. Kuhrau
    172,95 kr.

    In the second book of the "One last..." series, Lusie will try to figure out what love really means¿and if it even is conected to erotica. Deen wants her, but will he accept sharing the girl of his dreams? Will the coming holidays bring them closer or separate them forever, as the choice is: being together forever or alone, their story forever unknown? What they shouldn't forget is the pharmacists; may they be able to hurt them across the borders too?

  • af Reiner Bartl
    213,95 kr.

    Mit Einführung der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) als bildgebende Methode für die klinische Routine in den 80er Jahren kann erstmals das Knochenmarködem (KMÖ) eindeutig diagnostiziert werden. Der lokale Nachweis eines KMÖ im Rahmen von orthopädischen, sportmedizinischen und unfallchirurgischen Erkrankungen führte zum Begriff des ¿Knochenmarködem-Syndroms¿ (KMÖS). Diese radiologisch-klinische Entität ist mit massiven Schmerzen und Bewegungseinschränkung verbunden. Während früher eine Anbohrung des ödematösen Bezirks als ¿Mittel der Wahl¿ galt, stehen heute effektive Medikamente, biophysikalische Verfahren und Kombinationstherapien zur Verfügung, die zu einer Ausheilung des Ödems führen.

  • af Hussam Asker
    189,95 kr.

    "Beyond the Drill" is a guide for dentists and dental students, aiming to inspire their entrepreneurial spirit. It explores how entrepreneurship can transform dentistry, encouraging readers to adapt to changes with resilience and creativity. Through practical advice, it offers a step-by-step journey to starting a dental practice from scratch, providing insights on dental startup references and management strategies for success as a small business. Emphasizing patient care and ethical standards, the book motivates dentists to embrace challenges, lead confidently, and find fulfillment in their careers while carving their own path towards professional success.

  • af Frank Oemig
    213,95 kr.

    Dieses essential bietet einen Einstieg in die Fragestellung, was mit dem Begriff ¿Interoperabilität¿ gemeint ist, der nicht nur den Datenaustausch zwischen IT-Systemen im Gesundheitswesen beschreibt. Dazu werden die in diesem Kontext häufig gebrauchten Begriffe wie Kompatibilität oder Konformität erläutert und in einen Zusammenhang gebracht. Weiterhin wird aufgezeigt, dass Interoperabilität das Ergebnis eines längeren Arbeits- und Austauschprozesses ist und wie ¿Interoperabilität¿ für den erfolgreichen und reibungslosen Einsatz im Gesundheitssystem gemeinsam mit allen Stakeholdern weiterentwickelt werden kann.

  • af Manuel B. Garcia
    3.277,95 kr.

    Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice unveils a transformative revolution brought about by emerging technologies, setting the stage for a paradigmatic shift from reactive medical interventions to proactive preventive measures. This transition has not only redefined the doctor-patient relationship but has also placed patients at the helm of their health management, actively engaged in informed decision-making. The book, a collective effort by experts across diverse disciplines, stands as an authoritative compendium delving into the profound implications of cutting-edge technologies in healthcare. From the tantalizing realm of artificial intelligence powering diagnostics and treatments to the tangible impact of wearable health devices and telemedicine on accessibility, each chapter delves into the nuanced interplay between technology and medical practice. This book spotlights the capabilities of these technologies, as well as dissecting the ethical, social, and regulatory tapestry they unravel. This book, thoughtfully tailored for a spectrum of stakeholders, epitomizes a synergy between knowledge dissemination and empowerment. From healthcare practitioners seeking to optimize medical practices to policymakers navigating the labyrinth of ethical considerations, from educators enriching health literacy to patients empowered to navigate their health journey, the book unearths its relevance across the healthcare spectrum.

  • af Henrike Knacke
    213,95 kr.

    Dieses essential klärt darüber auf, wie von der Parkinson-Krankheit Betroffene bereits vor der klinischen Diagnose, in der Prodromalphase, identifiziert werden können und welche ethischen Aspekte dabei zu beachten sind. Bereits vor Manifestation der typischen motorischen Kardinalsymptome breitet sich die ¿-Synucleinopathie schon einige Jahre im Körper aus und eine Reihe von Symptomen kann auftreten, insbesondere die isolierte REM-Schlaf-Verhaltensstörung. Das Buch für Neurologen in Weiterbildung, Klinik und Praxis beschreibt die jüngsten Fortschritte insbesondere auf dem Gebiet der Biomarker und zeigt die besondere Relevanz eines frühzeitigen individuellen symptomatischen Therapieangebots sowie die Bedeutung präventiver nicht-medikamentöser Maßnahmen auf.

  • af Pronaya Bhattacharya
    3.750,95 kr.

    The Healthcare sector is experiencing a mindset change with the advent of Healthcare 5.0, bringing forth improved patient care and system efficiency. However, this transformation poses significant challenges. The growing digitization of healthcare systems raises concerns about the security and privacy of patient data, making seamless data sharing and collaboration increasingly complex tasks. Additionally, as the volume of healthcare data expands exponentially, efficient handling and analysis become vital for optimizing healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. Addressing these multifaceted issues is crucial for healthcare professionals, IT experts, data scientists, and researchers seeking to fully harness the potential of Healthcare 5.0. Pioneering Smart Healthcare 5.0 with IoT, Federated Learning, and Cloud Security presents a comprehensive solution to the pressing challenges in the digitalized healthcare industry. This research book dives into the principles of Healthcare 5.0 and explores practical implementation through cloud computing, data analytics, and federated learning. Readers will gain profound insights into the role of cloud computing in managing vast amounts of healthcare data, such as electronic health records and real-time analytics. Cloud-based frameworks, architectures, and relevant use cases are explored to optimize healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes.

  • af Charlotte Grauslund
    187,95 kr.

    MIAS STEMME er en skildring af livet med en multihandicappet datter. Forfatteren fortæller indlevende og åbenhjertigt om sorgen, håbet, afmagten og ikke mindst vreden. Fortællingen beskriver den kronisk dårlige samvittighed og ikke mindst den uovervindelige kærlighed, som kendetegner forholdet mellem mor og datter.Bogen tager udgangspunkt i den fatale fødsel og fører læseren igennem klagesag, erstatning, kontakten med offentlige myndigheder, sønderrivende sygehusindlæggelser, uendelige mængder medicin og endelig den frygtede, men uundgåelige institutionsanbringelse. Læseren inviteres til et indblik i et liv, hvor stillingtagen til livsforlængende behandling for et seksårigt barn er påkrævet, hvor døden i årevis er en forventelig daglig gæst, og hvor det at samle på gode oplevelser bliver et essentielt holdepunkt i tilværelsen.MIAS STEMME er en fortælling om dét at tage sin skæbne på sig, og den udfordrer de almenkendte værdier og sætter fundamentale etiske dilemmaer på dagsordenen.

  • af Adrian Cavalcanti Kußmaul
    213,95 kr.

    ¿Frakturen von Fingern und Mittelhand stellen gemeinsam die häufigsten Frakturen dar. Klinisch kann es neben Schwellungen, Hämatomen und Schmerzen auch zu Funktionseinschränkungen kommen. Die Diagnostik umfasst neben klinischer Untersuchung auch bildgebende Verfahren, insbesondere röntgenologische Untersuchungen. Therapeutisch sollte neben dem Funktionserhalt insbesondere der individuelle Anspruch im Vordergrund stehen.

  • af Hannah Haworth
    77,95 kr.

    This book delves into the complex world of psychiatric illnesses that continue to evade full medical comprehension. Through poignant case histories, it puts a human face on mental afflictions that all too often defy satisfactory treatment. The author presents compelling narratives of patients wrestling with disorders ranging from depression to schizophrenia, capturing both the uniqueness of each individual's experience as well as the common threads of chaos and suffering that bind them. Interwoven with these intimate portraits is an accessible examination of leading theories on the biochemical basis of mental illness. Though significant knowledge gaps remain, the book brings to light important scientific insights into the genes, pathways, and neurotransmitters that may lie at the root of so much torment. Written with equal parts sensitivity, curiosity and rigor, this work illuminates the lingering mystery of the mind while paying tribute to those who struggle daily with its most devastating failures.

  • af Aleenash
    138,95 kr.

    A Holistic View on Human Developmental Foundations andCardiovascular HealthPhysical, mental, emotional, and social aspects all come together in the delicate journey that is human growth. The rich tapestry is held together at its core by the beating heart, an organ that not only keeps us alive but also has a significant impact on how we grow as individuals. Improving people's health requires an appreciation of the relationship between basic human development and cardiovascular wellness.Growing Strong: A Heart-Healthy Plan for Physical DevelopmentAn delicate dance of genetic material prepares the groundwork for the formation of organs, including the heart, in the womb, where human development starts. Establishing a solid framework for a robust cardiovascular system begins during the prenatal period. Heart development can be greatly affected by factors like genetic predispositions, maternal diet, and exposure to pollutants.A child's nutritional intake, level of physical activity, and general way of life all play a role in their evolving physical development as they enter the world. For optimal heart health, it is vital to eat a diet rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. The formation of a strong cardiovascular system is aided by these nutrients, which impact things like cholesterol levels, the health of blood vessels, and the overall function of the heart.

  • af Vladimir Friedman
    524,95 kr.

    The Complete Guide to Holistic Health: Unlocking the Secrets of Biopsychosocial Wellness for Lasting Well-being is purposed towards readers' self-help and self-supervision, with practical knowledge and applicable tools that all people can work with to promote wellness, and to repair, develop, and maintain their multifaceted well-being. In this book you'll find enduring lessons, accessible explanations, and reliable instructions from 14 degreed and certified doctors, massage and physical therapists, and fitness trainers whose evolved and ever-evolving strategies for wellness have enlightened them as holistic thinkers beyond the pale of reductive specialization. Each of the writers' chapters emphasizes biopsychosocial perspectives-the comprehensive integrations of physical, mental, and social influences-that view the larger medical, anatomical, spiritual, and practical pictures from which complete health is drawn. Biopsychosocial holism seeks to complement specialization by recognizing-and then converging-added pieces to the puzzle of wellness or added colors to the full spectrum of health. Resulting in innovations created synergistically, our writers' holism takes on new dimensionality, a deeper and broader understanding of what makes humans tick best. As with all ethically concerned healers, this book's authors recommend that readers seek specialist help whenever a situation warrants special attention beyond what they, the readers, can do on their own. This self-help book offers verified preventive, curative, and maintenance guidelines that will save readers time, money, and needless physical and psychological aggravations and that will provide the proper building blocks to structure their future wellness and health program, whatever a reader's current state of wellness may be. This book's accessible outlook, with best-practice lessons from the West and the East, and informed by wellness holists writing about their holistic practices, is further unified by the "Recurring Subject Index" at its end.

  • af Bob Dent
    537,95 kr.

    In the aftermath of the pandemic, preexisting challenges in healthcare organizations have intensified. Stress, burnout, staffing shortages, and even the erosion of trust in organizational leadership are pressing issues that need solutions.Using construction as their metaphor, authors Joe Tye and Bob Dent make a compelling case that a healthcare organization's Invisible Architecture-a foundation of core values, a superstructure of organizational culture, and the interior finish of workplace attitude-is no less important than its visible architecture.In this third edition of Building a Culture of Ownership in Healthcare, readers will learn how investing in their organization and their people can enable a significant, successful change in productivity; employee engagement; nurse satisfaction, recruitment, and retention; quality of care; patient satisfaction; and positive financial outcomes.

  • af Anupam B Jena
    187,95 kr.

    "Why do kids born in the summer get diagnosed more often with A.D.H.D.? How are marathons harmful for your health, even when you're not running? What do surgeons and salesmen have in common? Which annual event made people 30 percent more likely to contract COVID-19? As a University of Chicago-trained economist and Harvard medical school professor and doctor, Anupam Jena is uniquely equipped to answer these questions. And as a critical care doctor at Massachusetts General who researches health care policy, Christopher Worsham confronts its impact on the hospital's sickest patients. In this singular work of science and medicine, Jena and Worsham work together to reveal the hidden side of medicine, and its effect on everyone that touches the health care system. Relying on ingeniously devised natural experiments-random events that unknowingly turn us into experimental subjects-Jena and Worsham do more than offer readers colorful stories. They help us see the way our health is shaped by forces invisible to the untrained eye. Do you choose the veteran doctor or the rookie? Do you take the appointment on Monday or on Friday? Do you get the procedure now or wait a week? These questions are rife with significance; their impact can be life changing. In a style that's animated and enlightening, this book empowers you to see past the white coat and find out what really makes medicine work-and how it could work better"--

  • af Laura Ferrero
    388,95 kr.

    Based on extensive field research, the essays in this volume illuminate the experiences of migrants from their own point of view, providing a critical understanding of the complex social reality in which each experience is grounded. Access to medical care for migrants is a fundamental right which is often ignored. The book provides a critical understanding of the social reality in which social inequalities are grounded and offers the opportunity to show that right to health does not correspond uniquely with access to healthcare.

  • af Peter Canning
    87,95 kr.

  • af Colleen R. Greer
    3.862,95 kr.

    The COVID-19 pandemic functioned as a stark illuminator, exposing the deep-seated cracks in social and material support for those in caregiving roles. Despite the resilience of care workers and essential personnel, the lack of robust connections and infrastructure became apparent, impacting these individuals but resonating across the broader public. The pandemic laid bare the lengths people must go to care for others and the urgent need for interconnectedness and support within caregiving realms. Perspectives on Social and Material Fractures in Care offers a multi-disciplinary exploration of care, drawing on existing theoretical frameworks, empirical research, and personal stories. By navigating the complexities of care at various levels, the book aims to provide a profound understanding of the current state of affairs. Moreover, it does not stop at diagnosis; it seeks to propel the conversation forward by delving into ethical, intersectional, and life-sustaining approaches to enhance the very fabric of caregiving. As we confront the pressing issues surrounding who receives care, who is expected to care, and the seemingly off-limits aspects of societal concern, the book becomes a vital resource for academics, higher education professionals, and students eager to grasp the intricate dynamics of care in the contemporary United States.

    977,95 kr.

    The collection is comprised of 40 reprinted articles grouped into six sections. Section 1 is concerned with the interface between climate change, water resources and public health. The water-related impacts of climate change on agriculture and, subsequently, on public health are also assessed. Agricultural water management is covered in Section 2. Novel water retention and nutrient management technologies and strategies are introduced. Some articles deal with the water-energy-food nexus: (a) the nexus accessibility and tracking progress towards achieving the sustainable development goals; (b) the interplay of the water-energy security and food consumption patterns towards achieving nutrition security; and (c) gender and other vulnerabilities to water-energy accessibility in rural households. Sustainable flood retention basins and other drainage systems are analyzed and assessed in the third section. Methods to evaluate the risk of dam failure are proposed. The prediction of multiple functions of sustainable flood retention basins under uncertainty via multi-instance, multi-label learning is covered. Section 4 deals with water quality challenges and treatment technologies. The response of eutrophication on nutrients and hydrological regimes is assessed. The collection also deals with activated carbon, pyrolysis and graphene practices in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 covers topical water system modeling challenges such as water pipe leakage control topics.

    1.237,95 kr.

    The collection is comprised of 40 reprinted articles grouped into six sections. Section 1 is concerned with the interface between climate change, water resources and public health. The water-related impacts of climate change on agriculture and, subsequently, on public health are also assessed. Agricultural water management is covered in Section 2. Novel water retention and nutrient management technologies and strategies are introduced. Some articles deal with the water-energy-food nexus: (a) the nexus accessibility and tracking progress towards achieving the sustainable development goals; (b) the interplay of the water-energy security and food consumption patterns towards achieving nutrition security; and (c) gender and other vulnerabilities to water-energy accessibility in rural households. Sustainable flood retention basins and other drainage systems are analyzed and assessed in the third section. Methods to evaluate the risk of dam failure are proposed. The prediction of multiple functions of sustainable flood retention basins under uncertainty via multi-instance, multi-label learning is covered. Section 4 deals with water quality challenges and treatment technologies. The response of eutrophication on nutrients and hydrological regimes is assessed. The collection also deals with activated carbon, pyrolysis and graphene practices in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 covers topical water system modeling challenges such as water pipe leakage control topics.

  • af Alex Khang
    7.172,95 kr.

    Within the healthcare sector, a pressing need for transformative changes is growing. From chronic diseases to complex diagnostic procedures, the industry stands at the crossroads of technological innovation and a burgeoning demand for more efficient, precise interventions. Patient expectations are soaring, and the deluge of medical data is overwhelming traditional healthcare systems. It is within this challenging environment that AI-Driven Innovations in Digital Healthcare: Emerging Trends, Challenges, and Applications emerges as a beacon of insight and practical solutions. The traditional healthcare framework is struggling to keep pace with the diverse demands of patients and the ever-expanding volume of medical data. As diseases become more intricate, attempts to provide timely identification and precise treatment of ailments become increasingly elusive. The urgency for a paradigm shift in healthcare delivery is emphasized by the critical need for early interventions, particularly in disease prediction. This challenge necessitates a holistic approach that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and innovative technologies to steer healthcare toward a more responsive and patient-centric future.

  • af Matthias Fischer
    213,95 kr.

    Das Thema Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement gewinnt auch im Gesundheitssektor stark an Bedeutung. Nicht zuletzt, da auf Bundes- und europäischer Ebene neue rechtliche Anforderungen gestellt werden, die auch für viele Organisationen des Gesundheitswesens aktives Handeln in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit und Wahrnehmung der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung erfordern.Dieses essential bietet Ihnen eine praxisnahe Einführung, durch die Sie sich eine Orientierung im Thema - eben mit spezifischem Fokus auf den Gesundheitsbereich - erarbeiten können. Es möchte bestehende Werke in diesem rasant wachsenden Feld nicht ersetzen, sondern um eine schnelle Orientierungshilfe ergänzen. Sie werden sowohl grundlegende Begrifflichkeiten und theoretische Hintergründe rund um das Thema Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement kennenlernen als auch Hilfestellungen zur Formulierung einer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie oder zur Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung erhalten. Innerhalb kurzer Zeit können Sie sich so zunächst einen grundlegenden Überblick verschaffen und im Anschluss zum Aufbau eines Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements in Ihrer Organisation des Gesundheitswesens beitragen.

  • af Lizzie Black
    272,95 kr.

    Whether you are of African descent or simply a seeker of holistic health practices, this book offers a unique and enriching experience that will inspire you to incorporate these time-honored secrets into your daily self-care routine.

  • af Thanthullu Vasu
    219,95 kr.

    Back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide; the World Health Organization regards back pain as a condition for which the greatest number of people may benefit from rehabilitation. It is estimated that low back pain alone affects 619 million people globally and this is estimated to rise to 843 million people by 2050. Up to 60% of the adult population will have low back pain at some point in their lifetime; 5-7% of adults over 45 years of age are estimated to have >Healthcare professionals see people with back pain routinely in their clinical practice and so education and awareness of back pain and the various treatment options are vital for an effective outcome in these situations. Research has shown that healthcare professionals have a considerable and enduring influence upon the attitudes and beliefs of people with back pain. This book will help clinicians to positively influence the outcome of people suffering from>This book discusses back pain in great detail and is written in an easy-to-understand style, while keeping an evidence-based approach. Doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, medical students, and other healthcare professionals will find this book informative. People who suffer with back pain will also find the information useful to expand their knowledge in order to successfully >This book is of immense use to candidates preparing for examinations conducted by the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anaesthetists, UK (FFPMRCA), American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA), Royal College of General Practitioners, UK (MRCGP), College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland (FFPMCAI), American Board of Pain Medicine (ABPM), European Pain Federation (EFIC) (European Diploma in Pain Medicine [EDPM]), Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FPM), and the >The authors are both senior consultants in pain medicine practising in the United Kingdom and are consulted by thousands of patients every year. They have lectured at many international, national and regional meetings and are invited lecturers to public and patient groups on various health topics. They have organised workshops, meetings and seminars for the national anaesthetic and pain societies. They have published many articles, research and textbooks on pain medicine. Their aim is to create an awareness of chronic pain conditions among other healthcare professionals and the public.

  • af Ilana Jacqueline
    166,95 kr.

    "With expert advice and stories from women across the medical spectrum who fought medical gaslighting and lived to tell their stories, patient advocate (and rare disease patient), Ilana Jacqueline provides a combat guide for increasing your confidence-and success-when advocating for your health"--

  • af Nicholas Rosenlicht
    188,95 kr.

    A leading psychiatrist seeks to transform our understanding of mental health care and how it fits into larger social and economic forces—and proposes an effective and compassionate new framework for healing.

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