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  • - Del 2 Brugsbog til patienten
    af Melanie Fennell
    137,95 kr.

    Kognitiv-adfærdsterapeutisk depressionsbehandling er en introduktion til kognitiv adfærdsterapi samt et konkret arbejdsredskab til behandling af depression. Kognitiv adfærdsterapi retter sig mod menneskets tænkning - den mening og betydning, vi tillægger ting, der sker i vores liv. Metoden bygger på et åbent og direkte samarbejde mellem patient og behandler, så patienten selv lærer at bruge de terapeutiske metoder i sin dagligdag. Del II: Brugsbog til patienten forklarer depressionsmodellen i et enkelt og forståeligt sprog. Kan bruges som et praktisk arbejdsredskab i det åbne samarbejde mellem terapeut og patient, så patienten selv lærer at undersøge og udfordre egne reaktionsmønstre og dermed blive sin egen terapeut.Melanie Fennell er psykolog og en respekteret forsker med mange års praktisk erfaring med depressive patienter.

  • - Del 1 Brugsbog til terapeuten
    af Melanie Fennell
    188,94 kr.

    Kognitiv-adfærdsterapeutisk depressionsbehandling er en introduktion til kognitiv adfærdsterapi samt et konkret arbejdsredskab til behandling af depression. Kognitiv adfærdsterapi retter sig mod menneskets tænkning - den mening og betydning, vi tillægger ting, der sker i vores liv. Metoden bygger på et åbent og direkte samarbejde mellem patient og behandler, så patienten selv lærer at bruge de terapeutiske metoder i sin dagligdag. Del I: Brugsbog til terapeuten giver klare og praktiske anvisninger på, hvordan kognitiv adfærdsterapeutisk depressionsbehandling gribes an. Behandlingens faser gennemgås trin for trin, og der gives retningslinjer for, hvilke teknikker terapeuten kan gøre brug af undervejs. Melanie Fennell er psykolog og en respekteret forsker med mange års praktisk erfaring med depressive patienter.

  • - klassiske og nye gestalt-terapeutiske tekster
    af Jørgen Lumbye
    227,95 kr.

    Her & Nu Her & Nu er et koncentreret kompendium med klassiske gestaltterapeutiske tekster - udgivet i et samarbejde med Gestalt International Study Center. En grundbog for gestaltpraktikere, -terapeuter og coaches med gestaltfilosofien som basis. Bogen vil givetvis inspirere til mange faglige overvejelser og drøftelser, hvad angår gestaltterapiens teori og praksis, men henvender sig også til almindelige mennesker, der ønsker at holde sig orienteret om en af de mest vellykkede og effektive psykoterapier i vor tid. Bogen indeholder ikke blot en række klassiske tekster, hvorfra centrale gestaltterapeuter som Frederick Perls, Claudio Naranjo, Walter Kampler, m.fl. fremlægger deres syn på væsentlige problemstillinger indenfor gestaltterapiens teori og praksis. Den giver også læseren et indblik indenfor nyere gestaltterapi, herunder behandling af emnet skam – og det at leve i nuet - ved vor tids førende gestaltterapeutiske praktikere og teoretikere såsom Joseph Melnick, Deborah Plummer, Leslie Greenber.og Fredericks S. Perle. Her & NU er genudgivet i 2019 på opfordring af flere gestaltinstitutter i DK samt Gestaltakademiet AS i Norge, hvor den indgår i undervisningen.

  • - Hvad er en kritisk kunstpraksis?
    af Signe Frederiksen, Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Agathe Boulanger, mfl.
    197,95 kr.

    Denne eklektiske samling af tekster, redigeret af billedkunstnerne Anne-Mette Schultz og Signe Frederiksen, kredser om kunstnerisk uddannelse og pædagogik, med en særlig interesse for vekselvirkningen mellem institutionerne og det kunstneriske arbejde.Det centrale element er interviewet Det som Laurence Rassel får os til at gøre, der portrætterer den belgiske kurator og pædagog Laurence Rassels institutionelle arbejde, blandt andet som rektor på kunstakademiet École de recherche graphique i Bruxelles.Omkring denne samtale danner fire originale bidrag af billedkunstnerne Felis Dos, Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Pia Rönicke og Stefan Pedersen en subjektiv og lokal kartografi over en form for moduddannelse, der undersøger: Hvordan kan en kunstner gøre? Hvordan kan en kunstner undervise? Hvordan kan institutionen fungere kritisk og tage konsekvensen af det arbejde som produceres inden for dens egne rammer?Bogen er et oplæg til samtale, diskussion og undervisning og er en invitation til alle, der har en interesse i at tænke kritisk over kunstens institutioner.

  • af Jo Brand
    161,95 - 192,95 kr.

    Kan man lære at holde sit liv ud? ET ÅR I SELVHJÆLPSGRUPPE er en bittersød fortælling om nødvendigheden af at gøre forsøget.Mette fra Østerbro havde altid forestillet sig, at når hun mødte den rigtige mand, fik bil og flyttede ind i det rigtige hus, ville hun være tilfreds. Men hun spiser og drikker for meget, griner for lidt og går tidligt i seng for at slippe for sex med sin kæreste.Den lille stemme siger, at hun skal tage sig sammen. Så Mette går til psykolog og begynder at dyrke yoga i håbet om, at det hjælper. Det gør det ikke.Og så melder Mette sig ind i en selvhjælpsgruppe for at finde ud af, hvad der er galt med hende. Her smider hun tøjet, danser, uden at være fuld, og finder ud af, at en ung troldmand med plantemedicin og frøsekret måske er bedre end en psykolog med gråt hår og gode råd.Men lærer hun også at holde sit liv ud?JO BRAND (f. 1974) er journalist og bor i København. ET ÅR I SELVHJÆLPSGRUPPE er den fritstående efterfølger til ET ÅR I FRIT FALD: forfatterens romandebut og den første bog om den nogle og 40-årige Mette fra Østerbro, nu tidligere single.

  • - Støtte til forandring og vækst
    af Stephen Rollnick & William R. Miller
    497,95 kr.

    Dette er grundbogen, når det kommer til at lære den motiverende samtale (MI), og hjælpe mennesker til at forandre sig og vokse. Den ny 3. udgave (som svarer til den amerikanske 4. udgave) er blevet gennemskrevet for at være endnu mere brugervenlig som en guide til praktikere og studerende.Grundlæggerne William R. Miller og Stephen Rollnick uddyber de fire kerneopgaver inden for MI - engagering, fokusering, fremkaldelse og planlægning - og demonstrerer levende, hvordan disse ser ud i praksis. En stor mængde cases og interviews illustrerer de bedste fremgangsmåder og faldgruber i brugen af MI i forskellige kontekster. Bogen gennemgår også evidensgrundlaget for tilgangen og beskriver forskellige metoder til at vurdere kvaliteten af MI.Nye elementer i denne udgave er:•    Størstedelen af bogens indhold er nyt•    Udførlig beskrivelse af MI's anvendelser ikke kun inden for rådgivning og psykoterapi, men også inden for sundhedsvæsen, uddannelse, coaching, ledelse og andre sammenhænge.•    Øget fokus på at integrere MI gennem hele klientens forandrings- og vækstproces, ikke kun i forberedelsesfasenBogen indeholder en række nye pædagogiske funktioner, bl.a.: •    Nye eller opdaterede cases•    Sammenfatning af nøglepunkter og hovebegreber ved afslutningen af hvert kapitel.•    Bokse med "Personligt perspektiv" og "Til terapeuter" i hvert kapitel•    En udførlig ordliste til sidst

  • - Vejen til menneskelig trivsel
    af Elliott S. Dacher
    213,95 kr.

    I dag er alle enige om, at forbindelsen mellem krop og sind har afgørende betydning for vores trivsel og velvære - såvel fysisk som psykisk. Men hvordan aktiverer man den forbindelse? Dr. Elliott S. Dachers budskab i denne bog er, at vi skal flytte vores opmærksomhed fra det ydre til det indre.Som speciallæge gennem 21 år var Dacher i stand til at lindre sine patienters fysiske lidelser, men han blev i stigende grad frustreret over, at han ikke kunne afhjælpe de underliggende problemer som invaliderende træthed, generel ængstelse eller simrende depressioner. Det bragte ham til Østen, hvor han tog endnu en medicinsk uddannelse og lærte om visdom, medfølelse, lindring af unødige lidelser, og hvordan man generelt fremmer en vedvarende sundhed, en autentisk lykkefølelse og følelsen af ægte helhed.Denne bog viser, hvordan man kan opnå integral sundhed og få glæde af dens mange frugter. Den er bygget på Ken Wilbers integrale teori og er både holistisk, evolutionær, intentionel, personcentreret og dynamisk orienteret i sit syn på menneskelivets fire aspekter. Undervejs lærer vi, hvordan vi skal håndtere og gå frem i forhold til hvert af aspekterne, hvordan vi vurderer samtlige fire aspekter integralt, og hvordan vi tilrettelægger et program for vores personlige integrale praksis, så vi kan gøre fremskridt på lykke-, sundheds- og trivselsfronten.ELLIOT S. DACHER blev uddannet læge i 1970 og arbejdede på fuld tid som speciallæge i intern medicin i 21 år. Han er også forfatter til Whole Healing og Intentional Healing. Dr. Dacher studerer, praktiserer og underviser i dag i principperne for integral sundhed og healing. Han vejleder desuden enkeltpersoner, hvis ambition er at bruge sygdom, lidelse og livet selv som en vej til integral sundhed.

  • af David Deida
    222,95 kr.

    Denne bog præsenterer dig for en revolutionerende ny måde at elske på. For når det kommer til sex, vil de fleste af os gerne have mere. Det store spørgsmål er bare: mere af hvad? David Deidas svar til de af jer, der dybde ønsker mere dybde i jeres sexliv, og som går rundt med en følelse af, at sex burde bestå af mere end bare kortvarig fysisk tilfredsstillelse, er, at tiden er inde til at udforske ens unikke spirituelle seksualitet. Bogen er lavet ud fra målet om, at kærligheden forstørres og bliver til noget hinsides det, to mennesker deler. At sex bliver en total forsvinden ind i kærlighedens fylde, noget, der går ud over den tilfredsstillelse, det giver, når to kroppe gnubber sig mod hinanden, og man nærer følelser for hinanden. Hvert kapitel indledes med en kort erotisk tekst, der belyser en særlig stemning af elskov, og efterfølges af direkte instruktioner, der taler klart og ligefremt til den drivkraft, de to køn hver især besidder, og som er et resultat af, at den feminine del af os længes efter en dybere kærlighed, og den maskuline del kæmper for større frihed. David Deida bringer 30 års erfaring og arbejde med tusindvis af par i spil for at illustrere de veje, vi – som mænd og kvinder – med sindsro kan begive os hen ad i vores bestræbelser på at nå frem til en mere utæmmet lidenskab, samhørighed og spirituel vækst, der rækker ud over nuet og os selv.DAVID DEIDA er internationalt anerkendt som en af de mest indsigtsfulde og provokerende spirituelle lærere i vor tid. Hans mål er at revolutionere den måde, mænd og kvinder vokser spirituelt og seksuelt på. Hans bøger bliver blandt andet betragtet som nogle af de mest originale og autentiske bidrag til personlig og spirituel vækst. Den maskuline mand og Min elskede af ham er allerede udkommet på dansk.

  • af Linda Burlan Sørensen
    166,95 - 338,95 kr.

    Stress has become a fact of life for far too many people today.Until now, the treatment of stress has mostly focused on behavioral changes, combined with talking about and noticing every thought, feeling, and sensation. But according to the metacognitive approach, this excessive focus on the self is what actually creates the problem. Worrying and ruminating are not simply a symptom of stress, but the causes of stress, preventing stress sufferers from fostering real change. Real change can only occur when the metacognitive management systems underlying behaviour are addressed by focusing not on what, but on how stress sufferers respond to their thinking. The thought is not important, but how they react to it, makes the difference."Treating Stress with Metacognitive Therapy" provides therapists, practitioners and others who work with treating stress, an introduction to metacognitive therapy, showing how this approach can be applied effectively to treat stress-related problems. This book comprises concrete examples of how a course of metacognitive therapy can be planned. The reader is invited into the therapy room to learn: how to apply the exercises of this method; what to remember during the therapy process; and which questions are important to ask the client.

  • - - til børn med mange bekymringer
    af Gitte Winter Graugaard & Stine Hæk
    277,95 kr.

    Angst og bekymring hos børn er almindelige og sunde følelser. Men for mere end hvert tiende barn udvikler den naturlige angst sig til en overdreven tilstand, der rammer barnets trivsel og resten af familien. Monstermanualen henvender sig til familier med overbekymrede, ængstelige eller angste børn i alderen 7 – 12 år. For nogle børn kan denne bog betyde, at de overvinder angsten og får langt bedre trivsel. Der er mange grunde til, at et stigende antal børn bliver overbekymrede, og alt for mange forældre føler sig rådvilde og magtesløse over for denne usynlige lidelse. I en novelle møder I pigen Simone på ti år, som har angst, og hører, hvordan hun øver sig i at være mere modig. Derefter sender vi forældrene i Monsterskole, så I bedre kan forstå den lidelse, der plager jeres barn og får gode råd til, hvordan I kan hjælpe. I Monsterskolen for børn laver dit barn sin helt egen monstermanual, som bliver en slags skjold i kampene mod monsteret. Og gennem børnemeditation og mindfulness styrker vi dit barns tro på, at han eller hun har den indre styrke, der skal til for at bekæmpe sit mørke. Vi giver børnene poweren tilbage. Men husk på, at monstre skal bekæmpes i fællesskab!Bogen er skrevet af forfatter Gitte Winter Graugaard, som er kendt for sine bøger med børnemeditation, der får børn til at sove, herunder bestselleren Børnemeditationerne I mit hjerte, der sælger i tyve lande og psykolog Stine Hæk, som hver dag behandler børn med angst og overbekymring i sin klinik i Silkeborg. Bogen er opdateret til nyeste viden og erfaring i 2024.

  • af Jeff Guenther
    166,95 kr.

    Big Dating Energy is the must-have, straight talking guide to the wild world of dating, from TikTok's favourite therapist, Jeff Guenther. If you are equipped with the tools and the mindset to do it right, dating is so much more than a joyless trudge from one bad date to the next. In fact, it's an excellent way to learn more about your needs, your desires, and what you're really looking for in a partner - so that when you find the exact right person who ticks all your boxes, you are ready to snap that gem right up. And in the meantime? Think of the hilarious stories with which you can delight your friends, family, and therapist.Covering everything from first dates to red flags, ideal partner checklists and knowing when and how to end things, this book harnesses the charm and easy-to-follow advice that nearly four million followers come to the @therapyjeff platform for daily. Big Dating Energy will set you up to not only succeed at dating, but maybe even enjoy it and learn something about yourself along the way.

  • af Viruti Satyan Shivan
    269,95 kr.

    Mastering Mental Health Through Self-Transformation Dive into the transformative power of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - The Comprehensive Guide," a groundbreaking resource designed to empower readers on their journey towards mental wellness. This book stands as a beacon for those seeking to understand and apply CBT principles to overcome challenges such as anxiety, depression, and stress. It meticulously unfolds the therapy's core practices, equipping readers with the tools for self-reflection, behavioral modification, and emotional regulation. By focusing on practical strategies and real-world applications, this guide is an indispensable ally in pursuing mental resilience and personal growth. In an era where mental health is paramount, this book offers a lifeline, presenting CBT in a clear, relatable, and actionable format. Without relying on images or illustrations, which are omitted for copyright reasons, the narrative is richly woven with engaging explanations, compelling personal anecdotes, and hypothetical scenarios that bring CBT principles to life. Whether you're a mental health professional seeking to enrich your practice or an individual on a quest for self-improvement, this guide provides a unique blend of scientific insight and personal empowerment, making it an essential addition to your mental health toolkit.

  • af Owen Mark Artisan
    141,95 kr.

    Somatic Exercises for Beginners: Transform Your Life in 30 Days with Personalized Exercises for Body and MindEmbark on a transformative journey that bridges the gap between body and mind with "Somatic Exercises for Beginners." This guide is your first step towards a more connected, grounded, and harmonious life. Designed for individuals at the beginning of their somatic wellness path, this book offers a simple yet profound program that can be personalized to suit your unique needs and lifestyle.Over the course of 30 days, you will be gently guided through a series of exercises and practices aimed at enhancing your awareness of the body's sensations, movements, and potential for healing. From the foundational principles of somatic practice to easy-to-follow routines, each chapter unfolds new insights and techniques that promise to awaken your body's innate wisdom.Discover how to:Tune into your body's subtle cues for health and well-being.Release tension and stress through mindful movement and breathwork.Cultivate a sense of presence and calm in your daily life.Improve flexibility, strength, and overall physical health.Navigate and soothe emotional turbulence with grace.Deepen the connection between your physical body and your emotional landscape."Somatic Exercises for Beginners" not only equips you with the tools to start your somatic journey but also inspires you to integrate these practices into your daily routine, ensuring lasting change. Each exercise is carefully crafted to be accessible, with variations and modifications to accommodate different abilities and preferences.With personal anecdotes, scientific insights, and practical advice, this book demystifies the concept of somatic wellness, making it approachable for anyone seeking to enrich their relationship with their body and mind. Whether you're looking to alleviate physical pain, manage stress, or simply enhance your overall well-being, this book offers a gentle yet powerful pathway to achieving balance and vitality.Join the countless others who have transformed their lives through somatic practices. With "Somatic Exercises for Beginners," you're not just changing habits; you're nurturing a deeper, more meaningful connection with yourself. Start your 30-day journey today and step into a life where body and mind work in harmony, empowering you to live more fully and authentically.

  • af Remco Van Der Wijngaart
    508,95 kr.

    Dit boek helpt therapeuten om schematherapie toe te passen bij cliënten met afhankelijke, vermijdende of dwangmatige persoonlijkheidsstoornissen, ook wel cluster C-persoonlijkheidsstoornissen genoemd. Schematherapie is een zeer effectieve behandelmethode voor cluster C-stoornissen. De meeste literatuur en trainingen op het gebied van schematherapie richten zich echter op de behandeling van de borderline persoonlijkheidsstoornis of andere vormen van externaliserende problematiek. Dit boek laat zien hoe schematherapie effectief toepasbaar is bij internaliserende persoonlijkheidsproblematiek. Schematherapie voor cluster C-persoonlijkheidsstoornissen - Behandeling van afhankelijke, vermijdende en dwangmatige cliënten beschrijft hoe cluster C-stoornissen begrepen kunnen worden in termen van basisbehoeften, schema's en modi. Daarnaast wordt ook beschreven hoe limited reparenting op een andere manier vormgegeven wordt in deze behandeling dan bij meer externaliserende problematiek. Ten slotte worden specifieke knelpunten, varianten en toepassingen van methoden en technieken beschreven die nog niet terug te vinden zijn in andere literatuur over schematherapie. Het boek begint met een beschrijving van onder meer geschiedenis en onderzoek. Daarna gaat het in op casusconceptualisatie en de stap van conceptualisatie naar behandeling. Vervolgens behandelt het de verschillende persoonlijkheidsstoornissen waarbij steeds beschreven wordt hoe methoden en technieken anders toegepast worden in de verschillende behandelfasen. Ten slotte gaat het in op methoden om de gezonde volwassene te versterken en de therapieresultaten in de toekomst te behouden. Het boek bevat veel aansprekende casuïstiek. De auteurs zijn psychotherapeut en gz-psycholoog Remco van der Wijngaart, en klinisch psycholoog Hannie van Genderen.

  • af Jac Andrews
    1.189,95 kr.

    Clinical Reasoning and Decision Making Process: Child and Adolescent Assessment and Intervention explains the clinical decision-making process, both to improve clinical decision-making and to allow clinicians to better explain and defend those decisions. Chapters describe broad classes of disorders and include a description of disorder characteristics, a clinical reasoning model for assessment and intervention, and a case study illustrating the clinical reasoning model in action. Case studies cover initial intake to intervention, including case conceptualization. Clinical insight is also presented regarding justification (reasons) for the decisions about assessment and treatment.In addition, information is provided about the theoretical, empirical, and clinical support for the diagnostic decision and intervention plan. Each chapter ends with a summary of the most salient assessment and intervention findings and their associated clinical judgments and insights.

  • af Simmone Boothe
    197,95 kr.

    An age-old approach has quietly been addressing the issues confronting the human condition. An approach that in our science-driven world we have almost forgotten, the heart of the Gospel message. It can no longer be ignored. Our mental and emotional health and well being are being constantly challenged and even under threat, accelerated by the rapid changes to our daily lives brought on by the recent 2020 global pandemic. Times are uncertain. The future is no longer as clear. Therapy has gained rapid traction, promoted as the best evidence-based alternative to medication for addressing the increasing mood and anxiety disorders we are experiencing. While therapeutic approaches have merits in helping to modify or adapt our ways of thinking and behaving, therapy alone cannot fully address the root issues that affect us all. The purpose of this book is two-fold. The first is to explain why therapeutic approaches tend to fall short of effecting lasting change. The second is an attempt to share fresh insights into why the Gospel message is more relevant to us today, the only true therapy for the human soul.

  • af David Tacey
    968,95 kr.

    Examining his own and other men's experiences, David Tacey discusses the nature of masculinity. He takes the unique approach of looking at masculinity from both a psychological and social perspective.

  • af Paul Bishop
    436,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

    The Descent of the Soul and the Archaic explores the motif of kátabasis (a "descent" into an imaginal underworld) and the importance it held for writers from antiquity to the present, with an emphasis on its place in psychoanalytic theory.

  • af Sacha Mardou
    210,95 kr.

    A brave and captivating graphic memoir about the power of therapy to heal anxiety and generational traumaWhen Sacha Mardou turned forty-years-old, she was leading a life that looked perfect on the outside: happily married to the love of her life, enjoying motherhood and her six-year-old daughter, and her first book had just been published. But for reasons she couldn’t explain, the anxiety that had always plagued her only seemed to be getting worse and then, without warning, she began breaking out in terrible acne.The product of a stoic, working-class British family, Sacha had a deeply seeded distrust of mental health treatment, but now, living the life she’d built in the US and desperate for relief, she finds herself in a therapist’s office for the first time. There she begins the real work of growing up: learning to understand her family of origin and the childhood trauma she thought she’d left hidden in the past but is still entangled in her present life.Past Tense takes us inside Sacha’s therapy sessions, which over time become life-changing: She begins to come to terms with her turbulent and complicated upbringing, which centered around her now estranged father, who had a violent relationship with her mother and would later go to prison for sexually abusing her stepsister. With her therapist’s guidance, she sees how these wounds and other generational trauma has been passed through her family as far back as her grandmother’s experiences during The Blitz of World War Two. And she discovers modalities that powerfully shape her healing along the way, including the work of Bessel Van der Kolk and Richard Schwartz (Internal Family Systems).As Sacha’s emotional life begins to unfreeze and she lets go of the shame she’s long held, she realizes that the work she’s doing and her love for her family can ripple outward too, changing her relationships now, and creating a new legacy for her daughter.Bravely told, visceral, and profoundly moving, Past Tense is a story about our power to break free of the past--once and for all--and find hope.

  • af Peter Stimpfle
    388,95 - 501,95 kr.

  • af Luana Marques
    296,95 kr.

    ?My team and I have featured Dr. Luana Marques prominently both on our podcast and our app. Each time, the audience has loved it. Luana knows anxiety from the inside and can smoothly and compassionately guide you out of it. I'm quite confident this book will engage readers and help them.??Dan Harris, bestselling author of 10% HappierTurn your anxiety into strength with Harvard-based psychotherapist Dr. Luana Marques' 3-step method to living boldly?her clinically-proven approach that inspires patients from CEOs to at-risk teens and echoes lessons learned growing up in poverty in Brazil.Bold Move is Harvard-based psychotherapist Dr. Luana Marques' unique, tried and tested method to get you out of your rut and find the courage to create a more confident and meaningful life. Dr. Luana pinpoints the anxiety at the root of avoidance and shows how you can overcome it and achieve your goals.Dr. Luana understands anxiety. After decades of research, teaching, and clinical practice, she realized that the coping techniques she learned from her mother and grandmother while growing up in poverty in Brazil mimicked science-based CBT therapy. Now, she has synthesized that knowledge, developing a 3-step path that works for everyone?from teens in crisis to executives experiencing burnout.Bold Move includes concrete examples and exercises backed by the most recent clinical and scientific research. Dr. Luana's 3-step plan:Helps you recognize thinking patterns that leave you feeling tense, anxious, and worriedOutlines the many forms that avoidance can take, including seeking comfort from othersExplains the importance of being your own ?thought lawyer? Shows you why ?just do it? doesn't get it done.Strategizes how you can build on your values to establish boundaries and make room for your dreams.A blend of Unwinding Anxiety, Don't Believe Everything You Think, and Do Hard Things, Bold Move is a groundbreaking, transformative program that works for everyone?for practitioners, and most notably, those dealing with mental health challenges from underserved communities who have been overlooked and neglected for too long.

  • af Lewis M. Andrews
    157,95 kr.

  • - Finland Idyls For Children (1881)
    af Zacharias Topelius
    285,95 - 287,95 kr.

    Whisperings In The Wood: Finland Idyls For Children is a book written by Zacharias Topelius and originally published in 1881. The book is a collection of short stories that are set in the idyllic landscapes of Finland and are aimed at children. The stories are filled with magical creatures, talking animals, and adventures that are sure to capture the imagination of young readers.The book is divided into several sections, each of which contains a different story. The stories are all interconnected, and they follow the adventures of a group of children who live in the Finnish countryside. The children encounter a variety of magical creatures, including trolls, gnomes, and fairies, as they explore the woods and fields around their homes.The stories in Whisperings In The Wood are written in a lyrical and poetic style, with vivid descriptions of the natural world and the creatures that inhabit it. The book also contains beautiful illustrations that bring the stories to life.Overall, Whisperings In The Wood: Finland Idyls For Children is a charming and enchanting book that is sure to delight young readers. It is a classic of Finnish children's literature and is still beloved by readers today.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Florence Converse
    305,95 - 372,95 kr.

    The Children of Light is a novel written by Florence Converse and published in 1912. The story is set in the early 1900s in a small New England town called Lydford. The plot centers around two families, the Hapgoods and the Wetherells, who have been neighbors for generations. The Hapgoods are a wealthy family who have always been respected in the community, while the Wetherells are struggling to make ends meet.The novel explores the themes of love, family, and social class. The main character, Alice Hapgood, falls in love with John Wetherell, the son of her family's long-time neighbors. Their love is forbidden due to the social class difference between them, and they must navigate the disapproval of their families and the town's gossip.As the story unfolds, secrets are revealed, and the characters must confront the consequences of their actions. The novel also touches on the topic of women's suffrage, as Alice becomes involved in the movement and fights for the right to vote.Overall, The Children of Light is a compelling story of love and social class in early 20th century America.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Le Grand Kerr
    266,95 - 268,95 kr.

    The Care and Training of Children is a book written by Le Grand Kerr and originally published in 1910. It is a comprehensive guide to child-rearing, covering topics such as the physical care of infants, the importance of play, discipline, and education. The book is written in a straightforward, practical style, and is intended to be a useful resource for parents and caregivers. It includes advice on everything from feeding and clothing babies to dealing with temper tantrums and encouraging good behavior. The book also emphasizes the importance of creating a nurturing and supportive environment for children, and stresses the role of parents in shaping their children's characters and values. Overall, The Care and Training of Children is a timeless resource for anyone looking to raise happy, healthy, and well-adjusted children.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - Suggestions For Efficient Cooperation With The Public Schools (1912)
    af Elsa Denison
    353,95 - 356,95 kr.

    Helping School Children: Suggestions For Efficient Cooperation With The Public Schools (1912) is a book written by Elsa Denison. It is a comprehensive guide that provides valuable insights into how parents and other members of the community can effectively work with public schools to enhance the educational experiences of school children. The book covers a wide range of topics, including the role of parents in education, the importance of teacher-parent communication, and ways to support and encourage children's learning. It also provides practical advice on how to deal with common issues such as discipline, homework, and academic progress. The author draws on her extensive experience as a teacher and school administrator to offer practical and actionable advice. The book is written in a clear and concise style, making it accessible to a wide range of readers. Overall, Helping School Children is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in improving the educational experiences of children in public schools.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - Second Series, Eight To Sixteen Years Of Age (1909)
    af Mary Wood-Allen
    295,95 - 297,95 kr.

    Making The Best Of Our Children: Second Series, Eight To Sixteen Years Of Age (1909) is a parenting guide written by Mary Wood-Allen. The book is intended for parents of children between the ages of eight and sixteen, and provides advice on how to raise well-adjusted and successful children. The book covers a wide range of topics, including physical health, mental health, education, discipline, and morality. Wood-Allen draws on her experience as a physician and educator to offer practical advice and strategies for parents. The book is written in a clear and accessible style, making it easy for parents to understand and apply the advice. Overall, Making The Best Of Our Children: Second Series, Eight To Sixteen Years Of Age (1909) is a valuable resource for parents who want to help their children thrive during these important years of development.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - An Experimental Study Of Observations And Reports In School Children (1914)
    af William Henry Winch
    285,95 - 287,95 kr.

    ""Children's Perceptions"" is a book written by William Henry Winch in 1914. The book is an experimental study that focuses on the observations and reports made by school children. The author aims to understand how children perceive the world around them and how they communicate their observations to others. The study is conducted on a group of children, and various experiments are carried out to understand their perceptions. The book explores the different factors that influence children's perceptions, including age, gender, and social background. The author also discusses the importance of understanding children's perceptions in education and how it can help teachers to design effective teaching strategies. Overall, ""Children's Perceptions"" is a valuable resource for educators, psychologists, and anyone interested in understanding how children perceive the world around them.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Isabel Constance Clarke
    362,95 - 365,95 kr.

    ""Children of Eve"" is a novel written by Isabel Constance Clarke and published in 1918. The story revolves around the life of a young girl named Eve, who is born into a wealthy family but is forced to leave her comfortable life behind when her father dies and her mother remarries a man who is cruel and abusive. Eve is sent to live with her aunt in a small village, where she experiences a different way of life and learns to appreciate the simple joys of nature and the company of good people.As she grows up, Eve falls in love with a young man named Dick, who is also struggling to find his place in the world. Together, they face many challenges and obstacles, including the disapproval of their families and the pressures of society. But they are determined to stay true to themselves and their love for each other, no matter what.Throughout the novel, Clarke explores themes of love, family, class, and the struggle for independence and self-discovery. She paints a vivid picture of life in early 20th century England, with its social hierarchies, cultural norms, and changing attitudes towards women's rights and freedoms. ""Children of Eve"" is a timeless tale of love and resilience that still resonates with readers today.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - Or The Children Of Rosemont Plantation
    af Daisy Ella Nirdlinger
    266,95 - 269,95 kr.

    ""Althea: Or The Children Of Rosemont Plantation"" is a novel written by Daisy Ella Nirdlinger. The story is set in the southern United States during the Civil War era and follows the life of a young girl named Althea, who is the daughter of a wealthy plantation owner. Althea's life changes drastically when her father dies, and she is forced to leave her comfortable life behind and move to a small cottage on the plantation. There, she meets the children of the former slaves who worked on the plantation, and they become her closest friends. Together, they navigate the challenges of the war and the social upheaval that follows. The book explores themes of friendship, race, and class, and offers a unique perspective on the Civil War era from the viewpoint of children.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

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