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  • af Leif Bøgh-Sørensen & Peter Zeuthen
    478,95 kr.

    Konserveringsteknik 2 omhandler de forskellige konserveringsmetoder, der bruges i industriel levnedsmiddelproduktion. For hver konserveringsmetode gennemgås principperne, den anvendte teknologi, samt eksempler på levnedsmidler, hvortil metoden anvendes.Bogen anvendes som både lærebog og opslagsværk.Konserveringsteknik 1 indeholder kapitel 1-5:Kvalitet og holdbarhed (bl.a. en omtale af forskellige råvarer og deres forbehandling)EmballageKuldeteknologiKølingFrysningKonserveringsteknik 2 indeholder kapitlerne 6-13:TørringRøgningSaltningKemisk konserveringFermenteringVarmekonserveringStrålingskonserveringTab i næringsværdiDesuden er der et meget omfattende stikordsrgister.

  • af Olivia K
    280,95 kr.

    In the complicated trap of present day dietary decisions, handled food sources have turned into an omnipresent presence, filling general store retires and tracking down their direction onto our plates with disturbing consistency. As our reliance on these helpful, pre-bundled feasts grows, an unsettling join has arisen - the likely relationship between handled food varieties and going bald. Diving into the mind boggling interchange of nourishment, way of life, and hair wellbeing, specialists are starting to disentangle the complex association between what we consume and the condition of our locks. Handled food varieties, described by their elevated degrees of refined sugars, undesirable fats, and fake added substances, are infamous for their adverse consequence on by and large wellbeing. While the inconvenient impacts on weight, cardiovascular wellbeing, and metabolic problems have for quite some time been perceived, the cost for hair wellbeing is a generally late disclosure. The unnecessary utilization of handled food varieties can upset the fragile equilibrium of supplements fundamental for keeping up areas of strength for with dynamic hair. One vital participant in this complicated relationship is the job of nourishing lacks actuated by handled food sources. Exceptionally handled feasts frequently come up short on fundamental nutrients and minerals essential for sound hair development. Supplements like nutrients A, C, D, and E, as well as biotin, iron, and zinc, assume urgent parts in keeping up with the respectability of hair follicles and the development of keratin, the protein that is most of our hair structure. The nonattendance or lacking levels of these supplements in a handled food-weighty eating regimen can prompt debilitated hair, expanded helplessness to breakage, and, eventually, going bald. Past wholesome lacks and aggravation, handled food varieties may likewise impact chemical guideline, one more basic figure hair wellbeing. The high glycemic file of many handled food varieties can prompt spikes in glucose levels, provoking the arrival of insulin. This insulin flood may, thus, influence the equilibrium of chemicals, for example, androgens, which assume a part in hair development. Disturbances in chemical levels can add to conditions like androgenetic alopecia, a typical type of going bald that influences all kinds of people.Understanding the association between handled food sources and balding highlights the significance of a decent and supplement rich eating regimen in keeping up with ideal hair wellbeing. While partaking in the comfort of handled food sources sometimes may not represent a prompt danger, a supported dependence on these healthfully lacking choices can steadily appear as hair diminishing and misfortune. As we explore the cutting edge culinary scene, it becomes basic to focus on entire, natural food varieties, wealthy in the different cluster of supplements fundamental for supporting our general prosperity as well as the essentialness of our delegated brilliance - our hair.

  • af Mack Rafeal
    328,95 kr.

    "Fizz To Quench Soft Drink Secrets " is a dazzling investigation into the intriguing universe of sodas, unwinding the mysteries behind the foam that has pleased taste buds for a really long time. This captivating excursion goes past the recognizable flavors and bubbly air pockets, diving into the painstakingly monitored plans and cycles that make each taste an invigorating and liberal experience. At its center, the book fills in as an in the background manual for the making of soda pops, lifting the shroud on the carefully created recipes that have become notorious across the globe. From the exemplary cola to colorful natural product mixes, perusers are blessed to receive an insider's point of view on the mix of flavors, sugars, and carbonation that gives each soda pop its particular taste profile. The account not just investigates the creativity of soda creation yet additionally dives into the science behind the bubble. The course of carbonation, a central quality of sodas, is uncovered, revealing insight into how air pockets are acquainted and kept up with cause that bubbly situation on the sense of taste. Perusers gain a recently discovered appreciation for the accuracy and resourcefulness expected to work out some kind of harmony of bubble in each container. Besides, "Fizz To Quench Soft Drink Secrets takes perusers on a verifiable excursion, following the starting points of sodas and their development into the different and broad industry we know today. From the early soft drink wellsprings to the ascent of global refreshment goliaths, the book catches the social and financial effect of soda pops on social orders around the world. The story is enhanced with tales and in the background stories from industry insiders, offering a brief look into the difficulties and developments that have molded the soda pop scene. Perusers are welcome to find the stories behind famous brands, the snapshots of luck that prompted notable details, and the showcasing methodologies that impelled specific sodas to worldwide fame. The book isn't simply a gathering of realities yet a festival of the tactile experience that sodas give. Distinctive depictions of flavor profiles, the dance of air pockets on the tongue, and the wistfulness related with specific drinks inspire a tangible excursion for perusers. The composing style is drawing in and open, making the complexities of soda pop creation both useful and charming. Fundamentally, "Fizz To Quench Soft Drink Secrets is a brilliant and enlightening read for anybody fascinated by the universe of refreshments. Whether you're a relaxed purchaser or an expert, this book vows to extinguish your interest and leave you with a recently discovered appreciation for the craftsmanship behind each taste of your #1 soda.

  • af Jose Pérez-Castiñeira
    1.040,95 kr.

    This book provides an excellent platform for understanding the chemical processes involved in food transformation. Starting with the examination of major food components, such as water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and minerals, the author further introduces the biochemistry of digestion and energy metabolism of food ingredients. The last section of the book is devoted to modern food technologies and their future perspectives.

  • af Austin Mardon
    318,95 kr.

    This book explores the potential link between the consumption of highly processed foods and the deterioration of cognitive function. The book begins by establishing an understanding of cognitive function and how it is impacted at a physiological level by ultra-processed foods, which are characterized by extensive manipulation and the addition of preservatives, colours, and other artificial ingredients. To provide a deeper understanding of the relationship between ultra-processed foods and cognitive decline, the authors delve into the historical, economic, and political factors which have shaped the modern food industry. A compelling and informative read for anyone interested in the link between diet and brain health, the book offers a nuanced look at the potential dangers of ultra-processed foods and encourages readers to be more mindful of their diet and lifestyle choices. The book ends by helping readers better understand the risk factors of cognitive decline and laying out practical steps that can be taken to preserve cognitive function and support overall health and well-being.

  • af Ana Elizabeth Duarte Hernandez
    278,95 kr.

    La producción y distribucion agrícola, como fuente de materia prima que se obtiene mediante el cultivo de la tierra, está sujeta a una condición altamente riesgosa, porque su productividad depende del clima, de los métodos utilizados para su producción, exportacion, la accesibilidad al uso de riego, entre otros, además, demandan la conjunción de esa multitud de factores que deberán combinarse de forma efectiva a la hora de lograr óptimos manejos para hacer llegar los productos en optimo estado.

  • af Ming Miao
    1.998,95 kr.

    There is growing interest in the food, supplements, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries in improving the healthiness of their products by incorporating lipophilic bioactive substances like oil-soluble vitamins (A, D and E), omega-3 fatty acids, and nutraceuticals (carotenoids, curcuminoids and flavonoids). However, there are many challenges that need to be overcome due to their poor water-solubility, chemical stability, and bioavailability. For this reason, there is interest in the development of effective encapsulation technologies to increase the efficacy of lipophilic bioactives. This book reviews the encapsulation systems currently available for delivering lipophilic bioactives, including their preparation, functionality, and application range, including nanoemulsions, emulsions, Pickering emulsions, HIPEs, microgels, organogels and liposomes. Chapters 1-2 review the biological activity of delivery systems and lipophilic bioactives. Chapters 3-5 describe the materials and preparation methods used to assemble delivery systems. Chapters 6-17 focus on the formation and application of different kinds of delivery systems. Chapter 18 discusses future trends in the development of bioactive delivery systems. Edited and authored by world renowned scholars, the book provides a state-of-the-art overview of the design, fabrication, and utilization of delivery systems for bioactives that will be useful for academic, government, and industrial scientists in fields such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, agriculture, chemical engineering, nutrition, and foods.

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