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    477,95 kr.

    Die handliche Ausgabe mit griechisch-englischem Wörterbuch (von Barclay M. Newman) ist eine wertvolle Hilfe für alle, die mit dem Vokabular des griechischen Neuen Testaments noch nicht vollständig vertraut sind. Das griechisch-englische Wörterbuch deckt den kompletten Wortschatz des Neuen Testaments ab.

  • af Serhii Plokhy
    125,95 - 245,95 kr.

    'Absolutely stunning. . . a formidable achievement. A six-part historical thriller that is essential reading for both our politicians and the ordinary citizen' Kai BirdBest-selling historian Serhii Plokhy returns with an illuminating exploration of the atomic age through the history of six nuclear disasters In 2011, a 43-foot-high tsunami crashed into a nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan. In the following days, explosions would rip buildings apart, three reactors would go into nuclear meltdown, and the surrounding area would be swamped in radioactive water. It is now considered one of the costliest nuclear disasters ever. But Fukushima was not the first, and it was not the worst. . . In Atoms and Ashes, acclaimed historian Serhii Plokhy tells the tale of the six nuclear disasters that shook the world: Bikini Atoll, Kyshtym, Windscale, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima. Based on wide-ranging research and witness testimony, Plokhy traces the arc of each crisis, exploring in depth the confused decision-making on the ground and the panicked responses of governments to contain the crises and often cover up the scale of the catastrophe. As the world increasingly looks to renewable and alternative sources of energy, Plokhy lucidly argues that the atomic risk must be understood in explicit terms, but also that these calamities reveal a fundamental truth about our relationship with nuclear technology: that the thirst for power and energy has always trumped safety and the cost for future generations.

    392,95 kr.

    Informationen zum Titel:Das einsprachige Wörterbuch für fortgeschrittene Englisch-LernendeBesonders für den Einsatz in Prüfungen und im Abitur geeignet.Die neuen Extras im ÜberblickÜber 1000 neue Wörter und BedeutungenOxford 5000 zur Erweiterung des WortschatzesOxford Phrasal Academic Lexicon (OPAL) für wissenschaftliche StichwörterBewährtes bleibtOxford 3000 - die wichtigsten englischen Wörter überarbeitet, aktualisiert und in Stufen sortiertVisual Vocabulary Builder mit neuen Illustrationen

  • af Innocent Himbaza
    557,95 kr.

    Biblia Hebraica Quinta: Leviticus Die Biblia Hebraica Quinta ist die neue, weltweit maßgebliche Ausgabe des hebräischen Alten Testaments. Sie ist ein zukunftweisendes Standardwerk für die Bibelwissenschaft. Textgrundlage der Neuausgabe ist die älteste vollständig erhaltene Handschrift der hebräischen Bibel, der "Kodex Leningradensis". Alles Besonderheiten werden im Druck so exakt wie möglich dargestellt, auch die antiken Randnotizen der kleinen und großen Masora. Der textkritische Apparat ist in dieser Edition vollkommen neu konzipiert und das dargebotene Material stark erweitert. Alle bedeutsamen Varianten aus den Qumran-Texten sind nun vollständig aufgeführt. Erstmals enthält die Ausgabe auch einen ausführlichen Kommentarteil, der auch eine Übersetzung der großen Masora sowie Erläuterungen zur kleinen Masora beinhaltet. Sowohl der Kommentarteil als auch der textkritische Apparat sind in englischer Sprache verfasst. Bereits erschienen:- Band 5: Deuteronomy (ISBN 978-3-438-05265-0)- Band 7: Judges (ISBN 978-3-438-05267-4)- Band 13: The Twelve Minor Prophets (ISBN 978-3-438-05273-5)- Band 17: Proverbs (ISBN 978-3-438-05277-3)- Band 18: General Introduction and Megilloth (ISBN 978-3-438-05278-0)- Band 20: Ezra and Nehemia (ISBN 978-3-438-5280-3)

    572,95 kr.

    Das seit vielen Jahren bewährte Spezial-Lexikon zur griechischen Ausgabe des Alten Testaments (Septuaginta), erscheint in einer erneut durchgesehenen, korrigierten und erweiterten Ausgabe. Das Nachschlagewerk ist speziell auf das Griechisch der Septuaginta-Ausgabe von Rahlfs-Hanhart zugeschnitten. Es verzeichnet die besonderen Bedeutungsnuancen, kennzeichnet neue griechische Wortschöpfungen und erörtert speziell und ausführlich das Verhältnis der griechischen Übersetzung zu ihrer hebräischen Vorlage, insbesondere in Fällen, in denen die Septuaginta vom masoretischen Text abweicht oder abzuweichen scheint. Außerdem sind jedem Eintrag Angaben zur Wortstatistik und ggf. weiterführende Literaturhinweise auf Spezialuntersuchungen beigefügt.

  • - 3. udgave
    af Michael Brorsen, Torben Larsen, John Olsen, mfl.
    582,95 kr.

    Pumper indgår i mange sammenhænge og mange teknikere arbejder med pumper, det være sig inden for projektering, drift eller vedligehold af pumpeanlæg. Pumpe Ståbi henvender sig netop til dem.I Pumpe Ståbi kan man læse om de basale emner, f.eks. væskestrømning, pumpetyper mv., og man kan bruge bogen når man skal dimensionere rør og tætninger. Beslægtede emner, f.eks. el-motorer, måleteknik og korrosion, behandles indgående. Indhold:Matematik, statistik og økonomiEnhederVæskers fysiske egenskaberVæskestrømningCentrifugalpumperFortrængningspumper (positive pumper)Andre pumpetyperAkseltætningerTrykstød i rørledningerArmaturerPumpestationerRørledningerEl-motorer og styringMåleteknikKorrosion og materialerVedligehold af pumpesystemerKøb af pumperInstallation af pumperEksempler på anvendelse af centrifugalpumperOversigt over normer for centrifugalpumperGrafiske symboler for pumper og ventiler

  • af Hanne Lehrskov, Rie Øhlenschlæger, Karin Kappel, mfl.
    217,95 kr.

    En bog om dansk byggeri (nybyggeri og renovering) med fokus på energi og arkitektur. Bogen præsenterer det bedste i ny dansk energiorienteret arkitektur, med fokus på de arkitektoniske - og energimæssige virkemidler i den integrerede designproces, der tilsammen resulterer i arkitektonisk kvalitet. Bogen er opbygget i to dele, bestående af først en indføring i problemstillinger og løsningsmuligheder eksemplificeret ved udvalgte projekter, og derefter et katalog som gennemgår en lang række projekter indenfor kategorierne boliger, erhverv, uddannelse, institutioner, idræt og kultur. Projekter er eksempelvis Århus Kommunes nye kontorbyggeri (C.F.Møller), børneinstitutionen Solhuset i Hørsholm (Christensen & Co.), Wides erhvervsbygger (White), Energimidts nye domicil (Årstiderne) og renovering af Hyldespjældet i Albertlund (Rubow Arkitekter m.fl.) Bogen er rigt illustreret med fotos. Ved udvalgte projekter tillige med energidiagrammer.

  • af Soufi Hadjer
    346,95 kr.

    Perovskite solar cells represent a promising and rapidly evolving technology in the field of photovoltaics. These cells utilize materials with a perovskite crystal structure to convert sunlight into electricity. Known for their low-cost production and high efficiency, cesium tin iodide based perovskite solar cells have gained widespread attention in research and development. Their unique properties enable flexibility in design and application, making them a potential game-changer for renewable energy. We have the ability to use improved solar cells within a hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) solar collector to produce electricity and heat simultaneously.

  • af Justus Nwaoga
    268,95 kr.

    Le projet d'énergie verte du Mimosa a été conçu à la suite d'un phénomène observé sur une plante vivante, le Mimosa. Cette plante possède des caractéristiques physiques qui lui permettent de fermer ses feuilles la nuit ou lorsqu'elle est touchée, et de les ouvrir à la lumière du jour. Mimosa pudica est une plante médicinale d'origine africaine. Elle est communément appelée Mimosa ou plante sensible. Cette activité a encouragé la recherche de la substance responsable de l'impulsion. Les procédures de laboratoire ont permis d'identifier la substance comme étant du silicium noir. Ce composé a été utilisé pour fabriquer des cellules solaires qui ont été utilisées pour construire le panneau solaire du Mimosa qui produit de l'électricité lorsqu'il est exposé à la lumière du jour. C'est une réminiscence de ce qui se passe dans la plante vivante. L'énergie électrique est renouvelable dans les cellules après épuisement. Le dispositif est stable et abordable. Le processus est cependant écologique car l'eau est utilisée pour l'extraction du silicium noir qui a des propriétés semi-conductrices. Il n'émet pas de gaz à effet de serre et est désormais considéré comme une source d'énergie verte. En outre, le panneau est assemblé à un coût très faible par rapport à d'autres formes de construction de cellules photovoltaïques, ce qui constitue la marque de fabrique de l'innovation.

  • af Jeff Guenther
    178,95 kr.

    Big Dating Energy is the must-have, straight talking guide to the wild world of dating, from TikTok's favourite therapist, Jeff Guenther. If you are equipped with the tools and the mindset to do it right, dating is so much more than a joyless trudge from one bad date to the next. In fact, it's an excellent way to learn more about your needs, your desires, and what you're really looking for in a partner - so that when you find the exact right person who ticks all your boxes, you are ready to snap that gem right up. And in the meantime? Think of the hilarious stories with which you can delight your friends, family, and therapist.Covering everything from first dates to red flags, ideal partner checklists and knowing when and how to end things, this book harnesses the charm and easy-to-follow advice that nearly four million followers come to the @therapyjeff platform for daily. Big Dating Energy will set you up to not only succeed at dating, but maybe even enjoy it and learn something about yourself along the way.

  • af Erhard Lanzerath
    196,95 kr.

    Test of a very new rotor technic to gain a multiple power of wind energy, so that the subpressure behind the rotor can converted into electric power too.

  • af Shreesha Chokkadi
    1.904,95 kr.

    This book comprises the proceedings of the select peer-reviewed papers presented during the 18th Control Instrumentation System Conference (CISCON 2021). This book highlights the latest trends in instrumentation, sensors and systems, industrial automation and control, image and signal processing, robotics, renewable energy, power systems, and power drives. The research works covered in the book are of high quality and contributed by experts in academia and industry to provide meaningful direction for prolific growth. The book also features a few chapters contributed by the leading policymakers, technologists, farmers, and doctors who help outline the roadmap from the need for technology to policy-making to effect and implement technological advancements for the nation-building process. The book will serve as a valuable reference resource for academics and researchers across the globe.

  • af Kusuma Midathana
    353,95 kr.

    The process industry has an uphill task of innovating new processes and technologies in order to meet the Sustainable Development Goals of United Nation's Envision 2030. Adopting green processes and technologies would obviously help in accomplishing these goals. Thus, the focus is mainly on conservation of energy and the environment. The propionates, that are formed from small chain aliphatic alcohols are suitable as additives to high-speed diesel and motor spirit. This in turn reduces the consumption of fossil fuels. Further, polyesters are the only biodegradable polymers, because of which the polyesters are useful in many domestic, industrial and commercial applications. Therefore, the use of esters as insecticides and polyesters in the production of plastics is highly encouraged because of their biodegradable nature. The esters are also found to have wide applications in organic synthesis as intermediates and as well as finished products. As intermediates, the esters are important constituents in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and fine organic chemicals. Many end products such as aspirin are also used as medicines. The esters as end products are useful as essential oils, fuel additives, medicines, and feed materials for a large number of industrial products.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    346,95 kr.

    Shaping a future that aligns with eco-consciousness, this book delves into the remarkable advancements in industrial infrastructure, highlighting manufacturing plants, refineries, power plants, and water and sewage treatment facilities that have transitioned to operating exclusively with transformative and renewable energy sources. Witness the resolute efforts to forge a sustainable world while ensuring uninterrupted productivity, and explore how these innovative solutions pave the way for a cleaner and greener tomorrow.

  • af Mohammadali Ahmadi
    1.514,95 kr.

    Artificial Intelligence for a More Sustainable Oil and Gas Industry and the Energy Transition: Case Studies and Code Examples presents a package for academic researchers and industries working on water resources and carbon capture and storage. This book contains fundamental knowledge on artificial intelligence related to oil and gas sustainability and the industry’s pivot to support the energy transition and provides practical applications through case studies and coding flowcharts, addressing gaps and questions raised by academic and industrial partners, including energy engineers, geologists, and environmental scientists. This timely publication provides fundamental and extensive information on advanced AI applications geared to support sustainability and the energy transition for the oil and gas industry.

  • af Klaus Brun
    1.356,95 kr.

    Energy Transport Infrastructure for a Decarbonized Economy evaluates the transportation of fluids required in the decarbonized energy economy. The book will help researchers, design manufacturers, and those within government and academia to understand challenges and guide the design and development of systems, machinery, and infrastructure needed for a decarbonized energy economy. The book provides comprehensive insights on the implications of the energy transition for a critical aspect of commerce: the infrastructure central to energy transportation and the economy. This practical book highlights the unique systems central to the efficient transport of various forms of energy. After outlining the need for transporting energy, types of fluids used to transport energy, and various means of transportation, the book covers the importance of understanding the energy marketplace, global perspectives, and then moves into the transport of natural gas, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. The work concludes with coverage of technology gaps, research and development, future trends, and solutions. Led by professionals with decades of experience and collecting insights from expert contributors, this book begins with the essentials of energy transport, provides detailed coverage of modes of transport, considers critical questions of energy supply and economics, and looks at long-term environmentally sensitive, sustainable options for the transport thereof. A powerful tool for the energy transition, Energy Transport Infrastructure for a Decarbonized Economy offers expert analysis on sustainable energy transport and its impact on our future.

  • af Gerald Joey
    248,95 kr.

    Diesel Replacement 50% with Eco-Friendly Fuels" embarks on a journey towards sustainable transportation, addressing the environmental constraints posed by fossil fuels. In response to the urgent need for cleaner alternatives, the book delves into biodiesel, vegetable oil, and alcohol as promising alternatives, each renowned for their renewable nature and energy content. Fueled by the National Biofuel Policy of the Government of India, which advocates blending alcohol and biodiesel in the transportation sector, the book aligns with global efforts to reduce emissions. The research presented focuses on a pragmatic approach-50% replacement of mineral diesel with a blend of biodiesel, vegetable oil, and pentanol. This strategic blend aims to strike a balance between minimal engine alterations and efficient performance, ensuring a seamless transition toward greener energy. Unlike complete diesel replacement, this approach minimizes the need for extensive engine component modifications, making it a viable and cost-effective solution for the automotive industry. "Diesel Replacement 50% with Eco-Friendly Fuels" is an invaluable resource for researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals seeking practical strategies to mitigate the environmental impact of transportation. It offers insights into a balanced and sustainable approach to fuel blending, contributing to the global initiative for cleaner and more eco-friendly mobility solutions.

  • af Danna Heller
    353,95 kr.

    Call Me Lola is a moving photo essay by the acclaimed Israeli/American artist and documentarian Loli Kantor. For over twenty years, she combed through the family archives of her Polish-born father, a doctor and political activist. The focus is on her mother, Lola, who died in childbirth: a woman who manifests herself principally through images and stories rather than direct memories. The family documents and photographs that retrace the artist's personal history are shown in combination with new camera-based works, making the project a profoundly subjective reflection on the most significant upheavals of the twentieth century, on war and displacement, love and loss, trauma and grief. LOLI KANTOR (*1952) is an Israeli-American photographer whose work centers on personal and cultural memory. She lives and works in Fort Worth, Texas.

  • af Divya S
    253,95 kr.

    As the world increasingly turns to renewable energy sources to combat climate change, "Power Quality in Renewable Systems" emerges as an essential guide to understanding and optimizing the performance of these sustainable energy solutions. This comprehensive book explores the intricate dynamics of power quality in the context of renewable systems, shedding light on the challenges and innovative solutions that underpin the successful integration of solar, wind, and other green technologies into the global power grid.Authored by experts in the fields of electrical engineering and renewable energy, this book takes readers on a journey through the essential concepts, technologies, and practices required to ensure the seamless integration of renewable energy sources. From voltage stability and frequency control to harmonics mitigation and grid interaction, the book provides a comprehensive overview of power quality considerations unique to renewable systems."Power Quality in Renewable Systems" transcends theory by offering practical insights and real-world case studies, empowering professionals, researchers, and students with the knowledge and tools needed to address power quality challenges. This book is essential for anyone involved in renewable energy projects, electrical grid management, or the study of sustainable power solutions.In a world where environmental sustainability is of paramount importance, this book equips readers with the expertise to harness the full potential of renewable energy sources while maintaining a high standard of power quality. Join us on a transformative journey into the realm of "Power Quality in Renewable Systems" and become a driving force in the green energy revolution, ensuring that our sustainable future is both efficient and reliable.

  • af Henrik Lund
    1.028,95 kr.

    Renewable Energy Systems: A Smart Energy Systems Approach to the Choice and Modeling of Fully Decarbonized Societies Third Edition includes updates from globally recognized renewable energy researcher and professor, Henrik Lund, who sets forth a comprehensive methodology for comparing different energy systems' abilities to integrate fluctuating and intermittent renewable energy sources to achieve a fully decarbonized society. The book presents an energy system analysis methodology, providing the results of more than 15 comprehensive studies, examining the large-scale integration of renewable energy and presenting concrete design examples derived from a dozen renewable energy systems around the globe. The book also undertakes the socio-political realities governing the implementation of renewable energy systems by introducing a theoretical framework approach aimed at understanding how major technological changes, such as renewable energy, can be implemented at both the national and international levels. This is a valuable resource for researchers, scientists, engineers, project managers, policymakers, consultants, and graduate students with an interest in planning, modelling, and implementation of renewable energy systems.

  • af Swapan Basu
    1.306,95 kr.

    Plant Intelligent Automation and Digital Transformation: Volume II: Control and Monitoring Hardware and Software is an expansive four volume collection that reviews every major aspect of the intelligent automation and digital transformation of power, process and manufacturing plants, including specific control and automation systems pertinent to various power process plants using manufacturing and factory automation systems. The book reviews the key role of management Information systems (MIS), HMI and alarm systems in plant automation in systemic digitalization, covering hardware and software implementations for embedded microcontrollers, FPGA and operator and engineering stations. Chapters address plant lifecycle considerations, inclusive of plant hazards and risk analysis. Finally, the book discusses industry 4.0 factory automation as a component of digitalization strategies as well as digital transformation of power plants, process plants and manufacturing industries.

  • af Asian Development Bank
    346,95 kr.

    This road map shows how Bangladesh can swap diesel irrigation pumps for solar powered systems to reduce fuel imports, increase farmers' incomes, and support the country's clean energy transition.

  • af Edgar Allan
    297,95 kr.

    "Next Gen Inverters: Pioneering Efficiency in Renewable Energy" by Edgar Allan delves into the revolutionary advancements of power inverters, shedding light on their pivotal role in renewable energy systems. In this comprehensive exploration, Allan, a distinguished authority in the field of sustainable energy, navigates the intricate landscape of next-generation inverters with expertise and clarity.The book traverses the evolution of inverters, elucidating their transformation from conventional models to cutting-edge technologies that optimize energy conversion. Allan deftly examines how these new-age inverters enhance the efficiency of solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources, fostering a sustainable future. By dissecting their functionalities and the integration into smart grids, he showcases their critical contribution to mitigating environmental impact and meeting escalating energy demands.Allan's meticulous analysis and lucid explanations make this book accessible to both seasoned professionals and enthusiasts keen on understanding the forefront of renewable energy technologies. Through insightful case studies and real-world examples, he illustrates the practical applications and potential ramifications of these innovative inverters, illuminating pathways toward a more eco-conscious energy infrastructure."Next Gen Inverters: Pioneering Efficiency in Renewable Energy" stands as an indispensable guide, offering a comprehensive understanding of these transformative devices, ultimately heralding a greener and more sustainable energy landscape.

  • af Manswet Banka
    350,95 kr.

    Diese Arbeit adressiert die Unterstützung der Netzführung nach Störungen und während des Netzwiederaufbaus durch aktive Verteilnetze. Die herkömmlichen Strategien des Netzwiederaufbaus nutzen bisher das steigende Potential der auf Verteilerebene installierten Erzeuger nicht aus. Dies wird jedoch mit einer fortschreitenden Dezentralisierung der Erzeugung notwendig werden.

  • af Heiner Früh
    352,95 kr.

    In dieser Arbeit wird ein praxistaugliches Konzept für einen aktiven Verteilnetzbetrieb vorgestellt sowie dessen Implementierung in einem realen deutschen Niederspannungsnetz beschrieben. Gegenstand der Untersuchungen ist dabei die komplette Prozesskette eines automatisierten Niederspannungsnetzbetriebs, angefangen bei der Kommunikationsanbindung, über die Bestimmung des aktuellen Netzzustands in Echtzeit, als Basis für einen sicheren Betrieb, bis hin zur letztlichen Flexibilitätsnutzung. Durch eine abschließende Demonstration der entwickelten Konzepte und Methoden im Rahmen von Feldversuchen während des regulären Niederspannungsnetzbetriebs, werden diese unter Realbedingungen validiert. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass eine großflächige Umsetzung des beschriebenen Konzepts praktikabel ist, wodurch perspektivisch eine Spannungsebenen übergreifende Bereitstellung von Flexibilität aus den Verteilnetzen ermöglicht werden kann, wenngleich der Investitionsbedarf dem gegenübersteht.

  • af Soufiane Haddout
    1.989,95 - 2.199,95 kr.

  • af Nicola Bellini
    312,95 kr.

    Le applicazioni dell'elettricità sono parte integrante della vita quotidiana di ciascuno di noi, tanto che nessuna parte dell'ingegneria che si occupi di progetto, realizzazione o manutenzione di qualsiasi manufatto può pensare di farne a meno. Il fine di questo libro è di integrare la formazione elettrica di base all'interno di un curriculum ingegneristico a carattere civile o industriale presentando i principi del metodo circuitale, le sue caratteristiche ed i vantaggi nella trattazione dei fenomeni elettrici.

  • af Michael Tanzer
    137,95 - 992,95 kr.

  • af Ayat-Allah Bouramdane
    679,95 kr.

    Este estudo avalia a adequação das nações com problemas climáticos à energia solar fotovoltaica, orientando os decisores políticos e os investidores para a sustentabilidade global. Duas questões-chave: 1) identificar factores-chave para a instalação de energia solar fotovoltaica; 2) avaliar o potencial em países criticamente insuficientes do Acordo de Paris. Os resultados indicam que o clima e a orografia têm um impacto significativo na localização dos parques solares fotovoltaicos, enquanto a acessibilidade dos terrenos e os factores ambientais têm a menor influência. A radiação solar contribui em 26% para a adequação das centrais fotovoltaicas devido ao seu impacto direto na produção de eletricidade. Outros factores vitais incluem a inclinação do terreno, a temperatura, o aspeto, a proximidade de linhas eléctricas e a elevação do terreno. Os países "criticamente insuficientes" (por exemplo, Irão, México, Tailândia) têm um potencial elevado, enquanto os países "altamente insuficientes" (por exemplo, Índia, Arábia Saudita, Egipto) variam. Os países "insuficientes" (por exemplo, África do Sul, Peru) têm áreas mistas. Os países "quase suficientes" (por exemplo, Marrocos, Nigéria) oferecem potencial com desafios.

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