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S poqwleniem portatiwnyh älektronnyh i mobil'nyh sistem swqzi wse bol'shee znachenie priobretaet proektirowanie nizkowol'tnyh i malomoschnyh shem smeshannogo rezhima. Dlq raboty takih sistem, kak sluhowye apparaty, implantiruemye kardiostimulqtory, sotowye telefony, ruchnye mul'timedijnye terminaly i t.d., osnownym istochnikom pitaniq qwlqetsq akkumulqtor. Oni trebuüt nizkogo urownq rasseiwaemoj moschnosti, chtoby obespechit' priemlemoe wremq awtonomnoj raboty i wes. Proektirowanie wysokoäffektiwnyh analogowyh shem stanowitsq wse bolee slozhnoj zadachej w swqzi s ustojchiwoj tendenciej k snizheniü naprqzheniq pitaniq. Topologiq nizkowol'tnogo KMOP tokowogo zerkala so sdwigom urownq byla wybrana i optimizirowana dlq polucheniq zhelaemyh rezul'tatow putem izmeneniq razmerow tranzistorow i naprqzhenij smescheniq. Dinamicheskij diapazon uluchshilsq w 800 mkA raz, a polosa propuskaniq - bolee chem na 189 MGc po srawneniü s ätalonnoj rabotoj. Rasseiwaemaq moschnost' uluchshilas' bolee chem na 40 %.
This book, drawing on fresh scholarship, investigates electrification in new places and across different time periods. While much of our understanding of electrification as a historical process is based on the seminal work done by Thomas P. Hughes in Networks of Power (1983), the scholars in this volume expand and revise Hughes¿ systems approach to suggest that electrification is a heterogeneous and contingent process. Moreover, the contributors suggest that the conquest of the world by electricity remains incomplete despite more than a century elapsing. Above all, though, this book provides context for thinking about what lies ahead as humans continue their conquest of the earth through electricity. As we become increasingly dependent on electricity to power our lights, heat and cool our homes, turn the wheels of industry, and keep our information systems humming, so we are ever more vulnerable when the grid runs into trouble.Chapter "Surveying the Landscape: The Oil Industry and Alternative Energy in the 1970s" is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
Mobile money in Africa" is a book celebrating the revolutionary invention of mobile money in Kenya in 2007. This simple but powerful tool has promoted financial inclusion and improved the standard of living of the African population. The book explores the many issues surrounding mobile money, such as its potential as a monetary standard, the use of mobile phones as mobile banks, secure transactions, interoperability and the emergence of a digital financial ecosystem. The author also examines the mobile money development strategies implemented by the various stakeholders, such as the population, public authorities, banks, insurance companies, ICT players and the private commercial sector. A collaborative approach is proposed, involving banks and mobile operators, to maximise the benefits of mobile money. Finally, the book presents a case study on Côte d'Ivoire, a regional leader in mobile money in West Africa.
Mobile money in Africa" é um livro que celebra a invenção revolucionária do dinheiro móvel no Quénia em 2007. Esta ferramenta simples mas poderosa promoveu a inclusão financeira e melhorou o nível de vida da população africana. O livro explora as muitas questões que envolvem o dinheiro móvel, tais como o seu potencial como padrão monetário, a utilização de telemóveis como bancos móveis, transacções seguras, interoperabilidade e a emergência de um ecossistema financeiro digital. O autor examina também as estratégias de desenvolvimento do dinheiro móvel implementadas pelas várias partes interessadas, como a população, as autoridades públicas, os bancos, as companhias de seguros, os intervenientes nas TIC e o sector comercial privado. É proposta uma abordagem colaborativa, envolvendo bancos e operadores móveis, para maximizar os benefícios do dinheiro móvel. Finalmente, o livro apresenta um estudo de caso sobre a Costa do Marfim, um líder regional em dinheiro móvel na África Ocidental.
Les biocapteurs photoniques sont largement utilisés pour mesurer les composants biologiques tels que le sang, l'urine, le glucose, les contaminants de l'eau et bien d'autres analytes. Le principal avantage des biocapteurs photoniques est leur sensibilité, leur réponse, leur fiabilité et leur stabilité. De nombreuses études théoriques et expérimentales ont récemment été menées sur les cristaux photoniques bidimensionnels, car il est beaucoup plus difficile de fabriquer des cristaux photoniques tridimensionnels. La plupart des structures bidimensionnelles sont constituées de tiges diélectriques dans l'air, ou de trous d'air dans une matrice diélectrique. L'intersection de ces tiges avec un plan perpendiculaire forme un réseau bidimensionnel. Diverses structures ont été étudiées, telles que le réseau carré [9], le réseau triangulaire [10] et la structure en graphite [11].
Os biossensores fotónicos são amplamente utilizados para medir componentes biológicos como o sangue, a urina, a glicose, os contaminantes da água e muitos outros analitos. O importante mérito da utilização de biossensores fotónicos é a sua sensibilidade, resposta, fiabilidade e estabilidade. Recentemente, foram realizados muitos estudos teóricos e experimentais sobre cristais fotónicos bidimensionais, uma vez que é muito mais difícil fabricar cristais fotónicos tridimensionais. A maioria das estruturas bidimensionais é feita de varetas dieléctricas no ar, ou de orifícios de ar numa matriz dieléctrica. A intersecção destas barras com um plano perpendicular forma uma rede bidimensional. Foram estudadas várias estruturas, tais como a rede quadrada [9], a rede triangular [10] e a estrutura de grafite [11].
Fotonnye biosensory shiroko ispol'zuütsq dlq izmereniq biologicheskih komponentow, takih kak krow', mocha, glükoza, zagrqznqüschie weschestwa w wode i mnogie drugie anality. Vazhnym dostoinstwom ispol'zowaniq fotonnyh biosensorow qwlqetsq ih chuwstwitel'nost', otklik, nadezhnost' i stabil'nost'. V poslednee wremq bylo prowedeno mnozhestwo teoreticheskih i äxperimental'nyh issledowanij dwumernyh fotonnyh kristallow, poskol'ku sozdanie trehmernyh fotonnyh kristallow znachitel'no slozhnee. Bol'shinstwo dwumernyh struktur izgotawliwaütsq iz diälektricheskih sterzhnej w wozduhe ili wozdushnyh otwerstij w diälektricheskoj matrice. Peresechenie ätih sterzhnej s perpendikulqrnoj ploskost'ü obrazuet dwumernuü reshetku. Byli izucheny razlichnye struktury, takie kak kwadratnaq reshetka [9], treugol'naq reshetka [10] i grafitowaq struktura [11].
Mobil'nye den'gi w Afrike - äto kniga, poswqschennaq rewolücionnomu izobreteniü mobil'nyh deneg w Kenii w 2007 godu. Jetot prostoj, no moschnyj instrument sposobstwowal rasshireniü dostupa k finansowym uslugam i powysheniü urownq zhizni afrikanskogo naseleniq. V knige rassmatriwaetsq mnozhestwo woprosow, swqzannyh s mobil'nymi den'gami, takih kak ih potencial w kachestwe denezhnogo standarta, ispol'zowanie mobil'nyh telefonow w kachestwe mobil'nyh bankow, bezopasnye tranzakcii, sowmestimost' i wozniknowenie cifrowoj finansowoj äkosistemy. Awtor takzhe rassmatriwaet strategii razwitiq mobil'nyh deneg, realizuemye razlichnymi zainteresowannymi storonami, takimi kak naselenie, gosudarstwennye organy, banki, strahowye kompanii, igroki IKT i chastnyj kommercheskij sektor. Predlagaetsq sowmestnyj podhod s uchastiem bankow i operatorow mobil'noj swqzi dlq polucheniq maximal'nyh wygod ot ispol'zowaniq mobil'nyh deneg. Nakonec, w knige predstawleno tematicheskoe issledowanie Kot-d'Iwuara, regional'nogo lidera w oblasti mobil'nyh deneg w Zapadnoj Afrike.
I biosensori fotonici sono ampiamente utilizzati per misurare componenti biologici come sangue, urina, glucosio, contaminanti dell'acqua e molti altri analiti. L'importante merito dell'uso dei biosensori fotonici è la sensibilità, la risposta, l'affidabilità e la stabilità. Recentemente sono stati condotti molti studi teorici e sperimentali sui cristalli fotonici bidimensionali, poiché è molto più difficile realizzare cristalli fotonici tridimensionali. La maggior parte delle strutture bidimensionali è costituita da aste dielettriche in aria o da fori d'aria in una matrice dielettrica. L'intersezione di queste barre con un piano perpendicolare forma un reticolo bidimensionale. Sono state studiate diverse strutture come il reticolo quadrato [9], il reticolo triangolare [10] e la struttura di grafite [11].
Mobiles Geld in Afrika" ist ein Buch, das die revolutionäre Erfindung des mobilen Geldes in Kenia im Jahr 2007 feiert. Dieses einfache, aber leistungsstarke Instrument hat die finanzielle Inklusion gefördert und den Lebensstandard der afrikanischen Bevölkerung verbessert. Das Buch untersucht die zahlreichen Herausforderungen des mobilen Geldes, wie sein Potenzial als Währungsstandard, die Nutzung von Mobiltelefonen als mobile Banken, die Sicherung von Transaktionen, Interoperabilität und die Entstehung eines digitalen Finanzökosystems. Der Autor untersucht auch die Strategien zur Entwicklung des mobilen Geldes, die von den verschiedenen Akteuren wie der Bevölkerung, den Behörden, Banken, Versicherungen, IKT-Akteuren und dem privaten Marktsektor umgesetzt werden. Es wird ein kollaborativer Ansatz vorgeschlagen, der Banken und Mobilfunkbetreiber einbezieht, um die Vorteile des mobilen Geldes zu maximieren. Schließlich enthält das Buch eine Fallstudie über die Elfenbeinküste, die im Bereich des mobilen Geldes in Westafrika regional führend ist.
Mobile money in Africa" è un libro che celebra la rivoluzionaria invenzione della moneta mobile in Kenya nel 2007. Questo semplice ma potente strumento ha promosso l'inclusione finanziaria e migliorato il tenore di vita della popolazione africana. Il libro esplora le numerose questioni che circondano la moneta mobile, come il suo potenziale come standard monetario, l'uso dei telefoni cellulari come banche mobili, le transazioni sicure, l'interoperabilità e l'emergere di un ecosistema finanziario digitale. L'autore esamina anche le strategie di sviluppo della moneta mobile messe in atto dalle varie parti interessate, come la popolazione, le autorità pubbliche, le banche, le compagnie di assicurazione, gli operatori ICT e il settore commerciale privato. Viene proposto un approccio collaborativo, che coinvolge banche e operatori di telefonia mobile, per massimizzare i benefici della moneta mobile. Infine, il libro presenta un caso di studio sulla Costa d'Avorio, leader regionale della moneta mobile in Africa occidentale.
Photonische Biosensoren werden häufig zur Messung von biologischen Komponenten wie Blut, Urin, Glukose, Wasserverunreinigungen und vielen anderen Analyten verwendet. Ein wichtiger Vorteil des photonischen Biosensors ist seine Empfindlichkeit, sein Ansprechverhalten, seine Zuverlässigkeit und seine Stabilität. In letzter Zeit wurden viele theoretische und experimentelle Studien über zweidimensionale photonische Kristalle durchgeführt, da es viel schwieriger ist, dreidimensionale photonische Kristalle herzustellen. Die meisten zweidimensionalen Strukturen werden aus dielektrischen Stäben in Luft oder aus Luftlöchern in einer dielektrischen Matrix hergestellt. Der Schnittpunkt dieser Stäbe mit einer senkrechten Ebene bildet ein zweidimensionales Gitter. Es wurden verschiedene Strukturen untersucht, wie das quadratische Gitter [9], das dreieckige Gitter [10] und die Graphitstruktur [11].
Pressure Transient Analysis: Pressure Derivative provides focuses on applications of pressure and derivative data for interpretation of pressure transient tests, offering alternatives to costly commercial software. Building from basics, this practical text spans: wells near single and multi-boundary systems, hydraulically fractured wells, naturally fractured reservoirs, interpretation of interference and pulse tests, gas well test analysis (including sources of emissions and decarbonizing strategies, geological sequestration, CCS risks and stress on CCS), multiphase flow, injectivity and falloff tests, rate transient and multi-rate tests, partially penetrated / perforated vertical and slanted wells, and horizontal wells in conventional and unconventional reservoirs.Many techniques and equations presented in this book can be found in the black box of commercial well-test analysis software packages - this practical text unlocks, unpacks, and makes critical, analytical tools accessible to core users.
With the first appointment of the outstanding performance artist Marina Abramovic to the Pina Bausch Professorship at the Folkwang University of the Arts, the focus in the 2023-23 academic year was placed on transdisciplinarity, artistic daring and social awareness.The project supervised by Abramovic, entitled "Free Interdisciplinary Performance Laboratory (FIPL)", was realised in a class put together by her, in which she brought together over 20 students from the fields of music (classical and jazz, instrumental, vocal and composition), dance, design, photography, (physical) theatre and directing. The students developed individual or collective concepts for performances and learnt how to develop a long-term performative work form in an experience-based process. In a workshop entitled "Cleaning the House", which was organised according to a method developed by Marina Abramovicmethod developed by Marina Abramovic, the students developed a sense of the presence required in performances, including the exploration of their individual physical and mental limits. The outstanding performance artist Marina Abramovic was the first holder of the new Pina Bausch Professorship at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen in 2022/23. She focused on transdisciplinarity, artistic daring and social awareness. In her Free Interdisciplinary Performance Laboratory (FIPL), Abramovic brought together over twenty students from the fields of music, dance, design, photography, (physical) theater and directing. Over two semesters, they realized artistic-performative projects that dealt with agency, resilience and body awareness and explored physical and mental boundaries.
Industrial Electronics is a branch of electronics, which is used for industrial applications. It plays a crucial role in the efficient and smooth operation of manufacturing facilities and industrial processes. This book introduces the commonly used building blocks in industrial electronics. The reader learns which circuit can be used for which application. It is suitable as a laboratory manual for courses like: industrial electronics or power electronics.
1930 hatte im Großen Schauspielhaus in Berlin, dem von Max Reinhardt als "Theater der Fünftausend" konzipierten Bau, ein Stück Premiere, das nicht nur bei Kritikern und Publikum größten Zuspruch fand, sondern dem auch eine beispiellose Nachkriegskarriere in der deutschsprachigen Theaterlandschaft beschieden war: "Im weißen Rößl", ein von dem Regisseur Erik Charell und dem Autor Hans Müller umgearbeitetes Lustspiel von Oscar Blumenthal und Gustav Kadelburg, das im Stil der Charell-Revue mit Musik von Ralph Benatzky, Robert Stolz, Robert Gilbert u. a. den Berlinerinnen und Berlinern eine ländlich-exotische (und erotische) Alpenidylle in die Hauptstadt zauberte. Durch die Kette an Aufführungen, die seit 1930 bis in die Gegenwart hinein nicht abreißt, erfuhr das Werk eine Vielzahl an Neufassungen, die mit ihren Zugängen nicht nur Plot, Musik und Ästhetik immer wieder aktualisierten, sondern, zumal in Produktionen wie in der "Bar jeder Vernunft" in Berlin (1994) oder der Verfilmung von Christian Theede (2013), auch die Rezeptionsgeschichte des Stückes mitreflektieren. Dieser Band thematisiert neben Deutungen, Figuren und der Aufführungsgeschichte des Werkes auch Aspekte der Verfilmungen.
The Sun, Energy, and Climate Change conveys one central idea ¿ that we can utilize energy without continuing to harm the planet by increasing our reliance on energy from the sun. This accessible guide stresses the sun¿s importance as our ultimate energy source by focusing on climate change from an energy perspective and explains the naturally balanced energy transfer from the sun to the earth and society¿s consumption of this energy. This book is for anyone worried about environmental damage from our reliance on fossil fuels and the global fight against climate change. The key message being we do not have to accept the inevitable and can work to prevent the worst.
Analoge Schaltungen waren und sind die Grundlage von Funkkommunikationssystemen; einige von ihnen haben sich jedoch zu digitalen Schaltungen entwickelt, die in Software entwickelt wurden, und zwar aufgrund des Aufkommens von eingebetteten Prozessoren und der Notwendigkeit, ihre Größe und ihren Stromverbrauch zu minimieren und ihre Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit zu maximieren. Dieses Buch beschreibt die Software Defined Radio (SDR)-Technologie und präsentiert einige Laborerfahrungen mit dem HackRF One und RTL-SDR-Modulen. Das Ziel dieser Forschung ist es, die SDR-Technologie zu erforschen, um neue Möglichkeiten für Laborübungen in Hochfrequenzelektronikkursen zu schaffen. SDR-Anwendungen mit mobilen Endgeräten können für Ingenieurstudenten nützlich sein, wenn sie ihre HF-Praktika durchführen und gesendete oder empfangene Signale messen.
Analog circuits were and are the basis of radio communications systems; however, some of them have evolved towards digital circuits developed in software, due to the emergence of embedded processors, and the need to minimize their size, power consumption, and maximize their security and reliability. This book describes the SDR (Software Defined Radio) technology and presents some laboratory experiences, in which HackRF One and RTL-SDR modules were used. The aim of this research is to explore SDR technology in order to offer new options for laboratory practices in radio frequency electronics courses. SDR applications with mobile terminal display can be useful for engineering students when implementing their RF practices and measuring transmitted or received signals.
Les circuits analogiques étaient et sont toujours à la base des systèmes de radiocommunication ; cependant, certains d'entre eux ont évolué vers des circuits numériques développés en logiciel, en raison de l'émergence des processeurs embarqués et de la nécessité de minimiser leur taille et leur consommation d'énergie, et de maximiser leur sécurité et leur fiabilité. Ce livre décrit la technologie SDR (Software Defined Radio) et présente quelques expériences de laboratoire, dans lesquelles les modules HackRF One et RTL-SDR ont été utilisés. L'objectif de cette recherche est d'explorer la technologie SDR afin d'offrir de nouvelles options pour la pratique en laboratoire dans les cours d'électronique des radiofréquences. Les applications SDR avec affichage sur terminal mobile peuvent être utiles aux étudiants en ingénierie lorsqu'ils mettent en ¿uvre leurs pratiques RF et mesurent les signaux transmis ou reçus.
Os circuitos analógicos foram e são a base dos sistemas de radiocomunicações; no entanto, alguns deles evoluíram para circuitos digitais desenvolvidos em software, devido ao aparecimento de processadores embebidos e à necessidade de minimizar o seu tamanho, consumo de energia e maximizar a sua segurança e fiabilidade. Este livro descreve a tecnologia SDR (Software Defined Radio) e apresenta algumas experiências laboratoriais, nas quais foram utilizados os módulos HackRF One e RTL-SDR. O objetivo desta investigação é explorar a tecnologia SDR de modo a oferecer novas opções para a prática laboratorial nos cursos de eletrónica de radiofrequência. As aplicações SDR com ecrã de terminal móvel podem ser úteis para os estudantes de engenharia quando implementam as suas práticas de RF e medem sinais transmitidos ou recebidos.
I circuiti analogici erano e sono alla base dei sistemi di comunicazione radio; tuttavia, alcuni di essi si sono evoluti in circuiti digitali sviluppati in software, a causa dell'emergere di processori embedded e della necessità di ridurre al minimo le dimensioni e il consumo di energia e di massimizzare la sicurezza e l'affidabilità. Questo libro descrive la tecnologia SDR (Software Defined Radio) e presenta alcune esperienze di laboratorio, in cui sono stati utilizzati i moduli HackRF One e RTL-SDR. Lo scopo di questa ricerca è quello di esplorare la tecnologia SDR per offrire nuove opzioni per la pratica di laboratorio nei corsi di elettronica a radiofrequenza. Le applicazioni SDR con display per terminali mobili possono essere utili per gli studenti di ingegneria durante l'implementazione delle pratiche RF e la misurazione dei segnali trasmessi o ricevuti.
Analogowye shemy byli i ostaütsq osnowoj sistem radioswqzi, odnako nekotorye iz nih äwolücionirowali w cifrowye shemy, razrabotannye na programmnom urowne, w swqzi s poqwleniem wstraiwaemyh processorow i neobhodimost'ü minimizirowat' ih razmery, änergopotreblenie, a takzhe powysit' bezopasnost' i nadezhnost'. V ätoj knige opisywaetsq tehnologiq SDR (Software Defined Radio) i predstawleny nekotorye laboratornye opyty, w kotoryh ispol'zowalis' moduli HackRF One i RTL-SDR. Cel' dannogo issledowaniq - izuchit' tehnologiü SDR, chtoby predlozhit' nowye wozmozhnosti dlq laboratornogo praktikuma na kursah radiochastotnoj älektroniki. Prilozheniq SDR s displeem mobil'nogo terminala mogut byt' polezny studentam inzhenernyh special'nostej pri wypolnenii prakticheskih rabot po radiochastotnoj älektronike i izmerenii peredannyh ili prinqtyh signalow.
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