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  • Spar 17%
    af Søren Vadstrup
    497,95 kr.

    En flot illustreret bog om landhuset, skrevet af landets vel nok mest vidende mand på området. Om hvordan man istandsætter og ombygger landhuse på en måde, som er i overensstemmelse med husets oprindelige arkitektur og brug af materialer. Bogen er relevant for alle, der bor på landet, eller bare drømmer om at flytte ud. Vi får her en spændende gennemgang af både landsbyens og landhusenes udvikling fra de ældste tider til i dag, herunder de ændrede funktioner, de arkitektoniske stilarter og materialer. Der er kapitler om de forskellige typer af boliger, deres baggrund, karakteristika og indretning. Endelig giver bogen konkret rådgivning og vejledning om istandsættelse, ombygning, bygningsbevaring og reetablering, hvor de forskellige bygningsdele gennemgås systematisk, lige fra bindingsværkshuse med stråtag til murede huse, træhuse, sommerhuse osv.Søren Vadstrup er restaureringsarkitekt, tidl. leder af Raadvad-Centeret og forskningslektor på Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole i København. Udgav i 2004 bogen Huse med sjæl og i 2014 Byhuset.

  • Spar 12%
    af Peter Olesen
    114,95 kr.

    København er en ægte broby. Her er alle de gamle broer, en lang række nye fra 2000’erne, og flere er på vej. Derfor er det på tide med en status. Broerne i København viser rundt til mere end 25 af hovedstadens utallige broer – over havneløbet og de forskellige kanaler og til en lang række broer inde på land. Både de gamle og de nye. Vi skal over mange steder på gåben, på cykel, i bil eller bus, over vand og over land eller jernbane. Peter Olesen er ikke bange for at sige sin mening: Han roser de nye broer for at lege med lyset, når mørket bryder frem. Og han efterlyser samtidig en bedre skiltning ved den enkelte bro med navn og byggeår. Peter Olesen fortæller med lune og entusiasme om broerne og deres historie. Her er historier og fakta for alle, der elsker at opleve hovedstaden fra nye sider. Bogen er illustreret med Henrik Bjerregravs smukke fotos, der lader os opleve hovedstaden og dens mange broer på kryds og tværs og på alle timer af døgnet.

  • - 2. Udgave
    af Kim Kjærsgaard
    218,95 kr.

    Kan det holde? Hvis din nye og dyre kontorstol går i stykker efter, at du har siddet i den få gange, ville du så købe den samme stol igen, og endda anbefale den til andre? Ved at anvende statik, styrke- og materialelære, når man konstruerer eller ombygger en konstruktion, kan man dimensionere den, så den kan holde til de forventede belastninger, der opstår når produktet anvendes.Dette er den anden bog i trilogien Grundlæggende konstruktion. Trilogien blev udviklet til forfatterens undervisning på Produktionteknolog uddannelse på Københavns Erhvervsakademi. Trilogien er udviklet, så den henvender sig til både ingeniører, arkitekter, maskinmestre, produktudviklere, konstruktører, designere, håndværkere, HTX-studerende og andre, der ønsker at lære eller få genopfrisket, hvordan man beregner styrken i ens konstruktioner.Bogen gennemgår teorien for den grundlæggende styrkelære og er opdelt over fire kapitler: Dimensionering, Profiler, Indre kræfter og Samlinger. Bogen gennemgår gode råd om konstruktion, bevidst svageste led, tyngdepunkt, inertimoment, modstandsmoment, fra kraft til spænding, de forskellige spændingstyper, samt nedbøjning, forskydnings- og momentkurver for simple bjælkekonstruktioner. Bogen afsluttes med bolte- og svejsesamlinger samt ti cases, hvor teorierne i bogen kan anvendes. Om forfatterenKim Kjærsgaard er uddannet håndværker i Flyvevåbnet og ingeniør fra Aalborg Universitet i Esbjerg.Har siden 2015 arbejdet som underviser på Produktionsteknologuddannelsen på KEA - Københavns Erhvervsakademi.Samt er CEO hos VAXA Consulting.Læs mere om styrkelærebogen påæreLæs mere om trilogien påøger

  • - Ny udgave 10. juni
    af Bent Bonnerup, Carsten Munk Plum & Bjarne Chr. Jensen
    461,95 kr.

    Stålkonstruktioner efter DS/EN 1993 Konstruktionsbog til Eurocode 3 Stålkonstruktioner efter DS/EN 1993 giver en grundig indføring i beregning af stålkonstruktioner, både baggrunden for beregningsmetoderne og den praktiske brug af stålnormen. Bogen er rettet til rådgivende ingeniører og andre, der beskæftiger sig med projektering af stålkonstruktioner. Specielt bogens mange detaljeret gennemregnede eksempler kan bruges som inspiration i det daglige arbejde. Stålkonstruktioner efter DS/EN 1993 er baseret på det nye fælles europæiske normsystem, Eurocodes og tilføjet de danske annekser. Desuden er der flere steder anført almindeligt accepterede, tilnærmede beregningsmetoder, som forfatterne har vurderet nyttige for de projekterende. Endelig er der medtaget en række praktiske udførelsesdetaljer med tilhørende beregninger. Stålnormens anvendelse er overalt i bogen illustreret med eksempler.

  • Spar 13%
    - en introduktion
    af Lars Fredensborg Matthiesen & Jørgen Ullvit
    172,95 kr.

    Er en indføring i landmåling, og er primært tiltænkt studerende på uddannelserne til bygningskonstruktør, byggetekniker og kort- og landmålingstekniker. Bogen vil uden tvivl også kunne finde anvendelse på andre uddannelser, hvor kendskab til land måling er påkrævet. Bogen gennemgår de grundlæggende landmålingsprincipper ved kortlægning af mindre områder. Der er lagt vægt på de praktiske metoder og med formidling af god landmålingsskik for øje. For at give en grundig indføring i principperne, vises hvordan kort kan tegnes direkte på et stykke papir og af samme årsag beskrives teodolitten, selv om denne for længst er afløst af totalstationen i det daglige praktiske arbejde.Et appendiks viser hvordan bygningsafsætninger udføres, og hvordan 3D-terrænmodeller opbygges.

  • af Mohamed Thariq
    2.360,95 kr.

    In the continuous pursuit of optimizing performance, development of advanced materials with highly specific properties has consistently been a critical component of aerospace engineering’s research. Aerospace Materials: Novel Technologies and Practical Applications puts strong emphasis on updating existing knowledge of a wide range of functional and structural materials and contextualizing it for industrial practice.The volume not only comprehensively covers different classes of materials, while providing an overview of each material’s mechanical and physical properties, as well as processing and testing, but also offers state-of-the-art guidance on their commercial use in the sector. Furthermore, it looks ahead to clarify what’s still needed to adapt traditional and novel materials to ever-changing aerospace technologies and related pressing sustainability challenges.The breadth of technical expertise that this international group of researchers provides proves to be an invaluable asset for users in academia and established professionals alike.

  • af Babu T Jose
    2.060,95 kr.

    This book comprises the select proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC) 2022. The contents focus on recent developments in geotechnical engineering for a sustainable world. The book covers behavior of soils and soil¿structure interaction, soil stabilization, ground improvement, and land reclamation, shallow and deep foundations, geotechnical, geological and geophysical investigation, rock engineering, tunneling and underground structures, slope stability, landslides and liquefaction, earth retaining structures and deep excavations, geosynthetics engineering, geo-environmental engineering, sustainable geotechnics, and landfill design, geo-hydrology, dam and embankment engineering, earthquake geotechnical engineering, transportation geotechnics, forensic geotechnical engineering and retrofitting of geotechnical structures, offshore geotechnics, marine geology and sub-sea site investigation, computational, analytical and numerical modeling, and reliability in geotechnical engineering. The contents of this book are useful to researchers and professionals alike.

  • af Babu T Jose
    1.413,95 kr.

    This book comprises the select proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC) 2022. The contents focus on recent developments in geotechnical engineering for a sustainable world. The book covers behavior of soils and soil¿structure interaction, soil stabilization, ground improvement, and land reclamation, shallow and deep foundations, geotechnical, geological and geophysical investigation, rock engineering, tunneling and underground structures, slope stability, landslides and liquefaction, earth retaining structures and deep excavations, geosynthetics engineering, geo-environmental engineering, sustainable geotechnics, and landfill design, geo-hydrology, dam and embankment engineering, earthquake geotechnical engineering, transportation geotechnics, forensic geotechnical engineering and retrofitting of geotechnical structures, offshore geotechnics, marine geology and sub-sea site investigation, computational, analytical and numerical modeling, and reliability in geotechnical engineering. The contents of this book are useful to researchers and professionals alike.

  • af John Townsend
    154,95 - 267,95 kr.

  • af John Clarke
    728,95 kr.

    During the 1980's, research was being carried out to instrument and monitor the piled foundation beneath one leg of the BP Magnus platform in order to determine the actual loads imposed on the piles and seabed by the structural and environmental forces. This volume brings together the findings and discussions resulting from this research.

  • af Domenico Gallipoli
    1.494,95 kr.

    This book brings together all the Symposium papers from leading international researchers, published in Geotechnique, the keynote speeches presented at the Symposium, at the Institution of Civil Engineers on 20 June 2011, and a selection of questions posed by delegates during the Symposium, together with answers from presenters.

  • af C. Marni
    308,95 kr.

    Numerical Bridge Deck Aerodynamics Investigation" is a comprehensive and insightful book that focuses on the study of aerodynamics specifically related to bridge decks through numerical analysis. Written by experts in the field, this book presents an in-depth exploration of the complex interactions between bridge decks and the surrounding wind flow, utilizing advanced computational techniques.The book begins by establishing a strong foundation in the fundamental principles of aerodynamics and bridge engineering. It then delves into the numerical methods and simulation models employed to accurately predict and analyze the aerodynamic behavior of bridge decks under various wind conditions. The authors present in detailed with simulations, providing practical insights into the flow patterns, wind pressures, and structural responses experienced by bridge decks.Throughout the book, the authors highlight the significance of accurate aerodynamic analysis in the design and maintenance of bridges, emphasizing the importance of considering aerodynamic loads to ensure structural safety and serviceability. They discuss various factors influencing the aerodynamic performance of bridge decks, such as bridge geometry, wind direction, wind turbulence, and wind-induced vibrations.This book serves as an invaluable resource for researchers, engineers, and professionals involved in bridge design, construction, and maintenance. By employing numerical techniques, the book offers a systematic approach to evaluating and optimizing the aerodynamic performance of bridge decks, leading to more efficient and reliable bridge designs. It bridges the gap between theory and practice, offering practical guidance and solutions for mitigating the potential risks associated with wind effects on bridges.

  • af Kasinathan Muthukkumaran
    2.398,95 - 2.537,95 kr.

  • af Al&
    2.640,95 kr.

    Statistical Analysis for Civil Engineers: Mathematical Theory and Applied Experiment Design is a well-researched and topically organized reference book that guides its readers, both in academia and industry, to recognize how to describe unpredictable events in a quantitative way and to learn how these events can be incorporated into practical engineering analysis that facilitates data-driven problem solving and optimization-based decision-making.Written by experts in the field with a proven track record as educators and practicing consultancy specialists, this book has been developed in such a manner that it advances understanding of the mathematical theory underlying analytical methodology gradually. It also supports practical application through relevant worked examples in a variety of civil engineering branches, notably structural, materials, transportation, and geotechnical engineering. Through all stages of data analysis, numerical modeling and simulation, and implementation, the volume emphasizes the need to change the current perception with respect to the use of modern statistical techniques in the scientific as well as practical spheres of civil engineering.

  • af Kemal Onder Cetin
    1.413,95 kr.

    Capturing the mechanical behaviour of engineered soils requires new constitutive models tailored for stabilising materials (biogenic, polymeric, etc.) and methods for their inclusion in soil. In this book and to accommodate such an integrated approach, a range of non-conventional materials are first discussed from physio-chemo-mechanical, circularity, and socioeconomic perspectives. Contributions continue with tailored methods for the determination of advanced mechanical properties and methods to capture the response of grand systems constituting such materials. The book concludes with contributions about how materials and methods should and are combined to develop new soil models. The integrated approach followed in this book makes it of interest to geotechnical researchers, as well as design engineers, policymakers, and planners¿hence the broad spectrum of built environment stakeholders.

  • af Longjun Dong
    1.690,95 kr.

    In this book, we proposed velocity-free localization methods for acoustic and microseismic sources. This method does not require predetermination of wave velocity, which is a dynamically adjusted free real-time parameter. These methods solve the problem of large localization error caused by the difference between measured wave velocity and actual wave velocity in the source area and greatly improve the positioning accuracy.They are suitable for complex structures where the wave velocity changes dynamically in time and space, such as mines, bridges, buildings, pavements, loaded mechanical structures, dams, geothermal mining, oil extraction, and other engineering fields. This book includes progress in the development of localization methods, factors affecting the accuracy of source localization, analytical methods without the pre-measured wave velocity, velocity-free numerical methods for localizing acoustic sources, combined optimal velocity-free localization methods, velocity-free source localization considering complex paths of spatial structures, and theories as well as some cases of engineering applications of these methods.

  • af Feng Fu
    1.029,95 - 1.034,95 kr.

  • af British Drilling Association
    540,95 kr.

    Safe Intrusive Activities on Land Potentially Impacted by Contamination provides health, safety and environmental information and good practice recommendations for professionals engaged with intrusive activities on land potentially impacted by contamination. The book is relevant to all intrusive activities, including ground investigations, piling, land drilling, earthworks and ground remediation. This publication aims to promote safe working practices, and to improve awareness of health, safety and environmental matters. Land potentially affected by contamination contains particular hazards that require the employment of specialist geoenvironmental services with appropriately trained and experienced office and site personnel, suitable plant and equipment, and high levels of supervision and response. The guidance has been structured to be read as a whole in the order presented. Coverage reflects recent developments in health, safety and environmental legislation, and changes to working practices, equipment and methods, and also the greater prominence given continuous risk assessment.Safe Intrusive Activities on Land Potentially Impacted by Contamination is relevant to all professionals working in this area, including individuals and organisations involved in specification, procurement, execution or supervision."

  • af Alok Chintamani Vyas
    328,95 kr.

    Structural biological studies of antioxidants and anticancer compounds involve the examination and analysis of the three-dimensional structures of these molecules at the molecular and atomic levels. This field is crucial for understanding the mechanisms through which these compounds exert their beneficial effects on human health

  • af Kasinathan Muthukkumaran
    2.798,95 - 3.041,95 kr.

  • af Sudhakar M. Rao
    1.135,95 kr.

    Increased environmental and energy concerns have renewed global interest in raw earth as a building material. Low-energy requirements, low-cost, high availability at construction sites, and favorable engineering properties make (EBMs) an attractive alternative to conventional cement-based construction materials. Though the use of native binders to improve soil properties has garnered attention in recent literature, the available knowledge has not been covered in a single document. This book highlights the key soil properties that determine the mechanical performance of earthen building materials, importance of unsaturated soil mechanics in the engineering behavior of earthen building materials, the different types of stabilizers used to improve the engineering performance of earthen building materials including the use of select native binders, the characteristics of compressed earth blocks stabilized with cement and cement + wood ash additives and the improvement in the engineering properties of adobes stabilized with plant fibers and cow dung.

  • af Khadija Baba
    1.413,95 kr.

    The industrial acceleration intensifies the negative environmental impacts, mainly in some very sensitive geographical areas. Environmental problems like water stress, deadly floods, scarcity of building materials, and prolonged periods of drought affect southern countries, including African nations. This book comprises the peer-reviewed proceedings of the fourth scientific conference on geosciences and environmental management (GeoME'4), held in Salé, Morocco, on June 22¿24, 2023. The book interests all researchers, practitioners, and students in geosciences, the environment, and water management.The book delivers a comprehensive overview of the latest research covering the following aspects of green technologies for sustainable water and wastewater management: nature-based solutions in the water cycle and advanced technologies in geosciences, geotechnics, and the environment. Additionally, it features six keynote speakers by international experts, providing valuable insights and further enhancing its value as a comprehensive resource on the following topics: Water management Environmental engineeringGeosciences and geotechnical engineering

  • af Peter I. Kattan
    233,95 kr.

    This book is written for people who wish to learn MATLAB for the first time. The book is really designed for beginners and students. In addition, the book is suitable for students and researchers in various disciplines ranging from engineers and scientists to biologists and environmental scientists. One of the objectives of writing this book is to introduce MATLAB and its powerful and simple computational abilities to students in high schools. The material presented is very easy and simple to understand - written in a gentle manner. The topics covered in the book include arithmetic operations, variables, mathematical functions, complex numbers, vectors, matrices, programming, graphs, solving equations, and an introduction to calculus. In addition, the MATLAB Symbolic Math Toolbox is emphasized in this book. There are also over 230 exercises at the ends of chapters for students to practice. Detailed solutions to all the exercises are provided in the second half of the book.

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