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This book presents a design research on the basalt fiber, a natural mineral material with important characteristics, and investigates the material's properties, production techniques, and most common uses, while also delving into aspects yet to be improved. The work presents a part of original research in between art and design, in which concepts, prototypes, and ideas are proposed, aimed at the enhancement of basalt fiber also from an esthetic point of view and not only from a performance one. By working on its perceived qualities and creative and formal potential, it is possible to support and extend the use of this material in many areas of design, including product, exhibit, cultural industries, and fashion. Considering that environmental regulations are increasingly stringent, the use of basalt fiber may in some cases be more advantageous than other popular technical fibers, both because of its own performance characteristics and specifically because of its inherent sustainability.
This book provides the most up-to-date, advanced methods and tools for risk assessment of onshore pipelines. These methods and tools are based primarily on information collected from ILI measurements and additional information about the soil surrounding the pipeline. The book provides a better understanding how the defects grow and interact (repulsion or attraction) and their spatial variability. In addition, the authors contemplate new defects that evolve between inspections and how they could affect the pipeline's reliability. A real-world case is presented to reinforce the concepts presented in the book. The book is structured into three parts: i) an introduction to onshore pipelines and the problem of corrosion, ii) a framework that deals with uncertainty for integrity programs for corroded pipelines, and iii) the applications of the methods presented in the book. The book is ideal for researchers and field engineers in oil and gas transportation and graduate and undergraduate engineering students interested in pipeline reliability assessments, spatial variability, and risk-based inspections.
These proceedings address the latest developments in the broad area of intelligent construction integrated in the mission of the International Society for Intelligent Construction (ISIC) which aims to promote intelligent construction technologies applications from the survey, design, construction, operation, and maintenance/rehabilitation by adapting to changes of environments and minimizing risks. Its goals are to improve the quality of construction, cost-saving, and safety, exploring fundamental issues related to the application and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning techniques and technology.ISIC 2022 is the 3rd ISIC international conference, held in Guimares, Portugal on September 6-9, 2022, and follows the previous successful instalments of the conference series in China (2019) and USA (2017). It took a holistic approach to integrate civil engineering, construction machinery, electronic sensor technology, survey/testing technologies, information technology/computing, and other related fields in the broad area of intelligent construction. The respective contributions cover the following topics: Artificial Intelligence for Design and the Built Environment, Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Construction Automation and Robotics, Intelligent Construction, Sustainable Construction, and Sustainable and Smart Infrastructures.Given its broad range of coverage, the book will benefit students, educators, researchers and professionals practitioners alike, encouraging these readers to help the intelligent construction community into the digital era and with a vision on societal issues.
This textbook aimed at upper-level undergraduate and graduate engineering students who need to describe the large deformation of elastic materials like soft plastics, rubber, and biological materials. The classical approaches to finite deformations of elastic materials describe a dozen or more measures of stress and strain. These classical approaches require an in-depth knowledge of tensor analysis and provide little instruction as to how to relate the derived equations to the materials to be described. This text, by contrast, introduces only one strain measure and one stress measure. No tensor analysis is required. The theory is applied by showing how to measure material properties and to perform computer simulations for both isotropic and anisotropic materials. The theory can be covered in one chapter for students familiar with Euler-Lagrange techniques, but is also introduced more slowly in several chapters for students not familiar with these techniques. The connection to linear elasticity is provided along with a comparison of this approach to classical elasticity.
In diesem Buch wird eine thermoplastische und hochorientierte kurzglasfaserverstärkte Prüfplatte konzeptioniert und vorgestellt. Ebenso wird der Einfluss der fräsinduzierten Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften während der Probenpräparation umfassend beleuchtet. Bisher existieren keine adäquaten Methoden zur Herstellung von spritzgegossenen Prüfplatten mit hoher und homogener Faserorientierung, die eine hinreichende Breite besitzen, um Proben in beliebigem Extraktionswinkel für die mechanische Prüfung herzustellen. Eine solche hochorientierte Prüfplatte wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit konzeptioniert und in einem Spritzgusswerkzeug realisiert. Mikrocomputertomographische Analysen der neuartigen Prüfplatte zeigen einen Faserorientierungsgrad von durchschnittlich 85.1 %. Um ein detailliertes Verständnis der Einflussfaktoren der Probenpräparation auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften zu gewinnen, werden Probekörper mit unterschiedlichen Fräsparametersätzen aus diesenhochorientierten Prüfplatten heraus gefräst. Es resultieren unterschiedliche Oberflächenrauigkeiten. Die Proben mit verschiedenen Faserorientierungen werden unter einachsiger Zugbelastung bei 23 °C (Raumtemperatur) und -10 °C untersucht. Für beide Temperaturen zeigt die systematische Analyse keinen signifikanten Einfluss der Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die mechanischen Kennwerte.
Most of the embodied energy can be saved in the load-bearing structure! Conceptual Design of Structures is working at the interface between structural engineering, architecture, and art. The book seeks to answer the complex question of what needs to be considered when conceiving a building structure. What influences the process of conceptual thinking? How do space and structure interact? In what ways do architects and engineers work together? The book thus sheds light on the topic of multidisciplinary interrelationships in design, showing numerous different perspectives. Renowned practitioners and researchers from architecture and engineering share their insights, as do artists and historians who cross the disciplinary boundaries. Furthermore, this book also provides an outlook on possible future developments and aspects of sustainable design and construction. Bridging practice, academic, and research Holistic perspectives through contributors from different disciplines Numerous essays, interviews and project reviews provide direct insights Selected works from engineering, architecture, and art
After its careful renovation by David Chipperfield Architects, the ballroom Hasenheide 13 will serve as an exhibition venue for the Sammlung Wemhöner from 2025 onwards. Reason enough to review the eventful and lively history of the place in order to respectfully continue its history as a meeting place: a history that already began before the construction of the ballroom at the end of the nineteenth century, and in a certain way also exemplarily reflects the development of Berlin over the past 150 years. This publication invites you to follow Lothar Uebel's research and embark on a voyage of discovery that tells of fascinating episodes of an institution that deserves to continue to be a witness to Berlin's constantly changing face. Monograph on a famous Berlin ballroom soon to be remodeled by David Chipperfield Architects and turned into an arts venue Extensive historic images, contemporary book design
Wie kann Stadtplanung im Sinne der Bauwende das Bestehende weiterdenken, statt fortwährend nach Neuem zu fragen? Welche Planungskulturen braucht eine offene Gesellschaft? Welche Schnittstellen fehlen zwischen der Verwaltung und den Handelnden vor Ort? Perspektivischer Ausgangspunkt für die Bearbeitung dieser Fragen ist Mannheim-Käfertal - ein Stadtteil, der aufgrund der Konversion ehemaliger Militärflächen gegenwärtig einer außergewöhnlich dynamischen Transformation unterliegt. In einem experimentellen Prozess arbeiten hier unterschiedliche Akteur*innen wie etwa eine evangelische und eine katholische Gemeinde, ein Sportverein und Nachbarschaftsgruppen gemeinsam mit der Stadtverwaltung daran, ein soziales und grünes Zentrum zu schaffen, das Alt und Neu verbindet. Zwischen institutionsübergreifenden Verhandlungen, Stadtentwicklung, dem Schaffen von Öffentlichkeit und Interventionen im Maßstab 1:1 entsteht eine kooperative Methodik zum Umgang mit baulichen Beständen. Piazza Spinelli zeigt auf, wie sich komplexe städtische Situationen lokal verankert weiterdenken und -entwickeln lassen.
Der 1898 gebaute Kornversuchsspeicher war zunächst ein konzeptionell ambitioniertes Experimental- und Musterbauwerk für die Lagerung von Getreide zur Versorgung der Millionenstadt Berlin. Nach verschiedenen Zwischennutzungen durch Speditionen und nach Leerstand ist der denkmalgeschützte Speicher seit 2023 nun eine Attraktion im Entwicklungsgebiet Europacity gegenüber des Berliner Hauptbahnhofs: Der spektakuläre Umbau von AFF Architekten, prämiert mit dem "Architekturpreis Beton", öffnet die Industriearchitektur für eine Mischnutzung aus Büros, Galerie und Gastronomie.Der Berliner Fotograf Harf Zimmermann, Mitbegründer der international bekannten Agentur Ostkreuz, hat das Umbauprojekt über einen Zeitraum von fünf Jahren mit seiner analogen Großformatkamera begleitet. Die von ihm prägnant dokumentierten Bauzustände lassen die Baustelle mal wie eine archäologische Ausgrabungsstätte erscheinen, dann wieder wie einen kompletten Neubau. Der Fotoessay wird von einem aufwendig recherchierten, reich bebilderten Essay von Hans Georg Hiller von Gaertringen zur Geschichte des Baus begleitet.
Towards Net Zero in the Building Industry looks at the contributions that the building and construction industry can (and must) make to help achieve net zero carbon emissions. The building industry accounts for close to 40% of global emissions and this book brings together a global group of contributors from 15 countries to examine ways in which the industry can help with overall CO2 reduction. Coverage includes factors such as building design strategy, materials selection, use of local materials with a low carbon imprint, renewable energy use, energy conservation, greenery and appropriate aesthetics, building size and scale, climate suitability, building functionality and comfort, material recycling, and adoption of green policies. Chapter 6 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
This concise text provides the concepts, methods, and application examples for integrating sustainability into engineering design and production. It discusses the role of sustainability in the value creation processes of various enterprises and different tools and methods for systematic incorporation of social and environmental aspects into the product's life cycle. The following topics are covered: sustainable development in engineering systems and the life cycle concept, norms and standards in the sustainable development and integration of socio-economic assessment into technical valuation, production systems, management of the production systems based on circular economy principles, ecodesign practices, and value creation and innovative design in the circular economy.Provides a concise guide for engineering students for applying circular economy practicesPresents examples and short case studies for understanding the methods and toolsFacilitates understanding and application of the life cycle perspective in product manufacturing and green engineering
This book provides the foundational aspects of malware attack vectors and appropriate defense mechanisms against malware. The book equips readers with the necessary knowledge and techniques to successfully lower the risk against emergent malware attacks. Topics cover protections against malware using machine learning algorithms, Blockchain and AI technologies, smart AI-based applications, automated detection-based AI tools, forensics tools, and much more. The authors discuss theoretical, technical, and practical issues related to cyber malware attacks and defense, making it ideal reading material for students, researchers, and developers.
This book introduces a maintenance model that will assist decision-makers in their choice of building maintenance policies. The model is stochastic and condition-based that analyses the impact of different maintenance strategies on the durability and performance of different buildings envelope elements (facades, windows, and roofs). As non-structural elements, the maintenance of buildings envelope can be disregarded stakeholders. However, as first barrier to the external environment, these elements are critical to buildings' overall performance and are expected to meet aesthetic, comfort, safety, and durability requirements. The methodology presented is innovative. The maintenance model is based on a Petri net formalism and includes degradation, inspection, maintenance, and renewal processes. The model provides key information, such as: i) the impact of different maintenance strategies on the service life and durability of the building components; ii) the impact of maintenance on their performance over time; iii) the life cycle costs; and iv) the impact of maintenance on the buildings' use. The book will be of use to a variety of professionals in the construction sector.
This book focuses on the Heritage Conservation of Architecture, Historic Districts of a City and Conservation strategies with specific case studies from India, in order to highlight the need for conserving the rich piece of history through research, education, advocacy, and practice. The historic significance and the condition mapping of the subjects are carried out through primary field studies by the authors at School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada, India. The cases are analysed, and appropriate solutions and sustainable strategies are evolved for the conservation of the buildings facing contemporary challenges. The contents align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 11), Target 11.4 which aims to ¿strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world's cultural and natural heritage'. This would ensure that a rich piece of history is documented and analysed to ensure that it is not erased and forgotten. This book serves as a bountiful data base of literature as well as conservation strategies for heritage conservationists, students of architectural conservation and researchers.
This book provides information on characterizing the microstructure and mechanical properties of cementitious materials at microscale. Specifically, with the intention to provide the methods of preparing the samples for the micro-scale mechanical testing, to address the techniques for measuring and analyzing the elastic modulus, the stiffness, and the fracture toughness of cementitious materials at micro scale by instrumented indentation, to describe a method for measuring and interpreting creep behavior of cementitious materials at micro scale, and to demonstrate the homogenization method for obtaining the mechanical properties of cementitious materials across scales. The information in this book is helpful to a wide readership in the field of civil engineering and materials science working with cementitious materials and other composite materials.
This book examines the issues of ensuring anti-terrorist security of an aviation enterprise, provides a history of terrorism in the aviation sector, and analyzes the legal regulations. This book provides mathematical and mathematical-psychological models for reducing the risk of terrorist threats, which makes it possible to objectively increase the safety of air transport facilities, reduce the likelihood of terrorist attacks, save human lives and prevent significant material losses. The solutions of general humanistic problems proposed in the book-preventing accidents and preserving the world-are an original feature of the book, which allows one to treat it with the necessary attention and interest for the reader. The concept of anti-terrorist security of an aviation enterprise presented in this book has been widely tested and introduced into the activities of leading aviation enterprises, including the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC), and has been used in the investigation of aviation accidents.This book is written for a wide range of audience associated with ensuring aviation transport security and for the end users of airlines-passengers, in order to expand their knowledge about the reliability of using air transport.
A stunning visual memorial to Buffalo's architectural and industrial history.
This indispensable reference work provides architects and engineers with the information they need to design reinforced concrete structures. The authors provide detailed tables and charts covering a range of topics including allowable stresses, slabs, beams, and columns.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
The book presents formulations and examples of three-dimensional non-axisymmetric stability in viscoelastic anisotropic cylindrical shells. The most critical stability loss modes are determined by minimizing the critical loads and critical times with respect to the number of half-waves in radial as well as transverse directions.Currently, there is no literature available on three-dimensional local buckling analysis (or localized warpage) that considers non-axisymmetric stability loss in viscoelastic cylindrical shells. The contents of this book provide the formulation for such a stability loss analysis through the framework of the three-dimensional linearized theory of stability. Additionally, as this book addresses the problem by modeling the material as a viscoelastic fibrous composite, it can be applied to carry out buckling analysis in both elastic and viscoelastic cases.Guide to modelling composite viscoelastic shell elements for buckling analysisProvides a framework for defining the failure criterion for viscoelastic materialsCourse material for teaching shell buckling and viscoelastic composites
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