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  • af Anette Stadler Bang
    227,95 kr.

    ”Jeg har op til flere gange præsteret at skylle matadormix-stykker fri for sulfo, for herefter at spise hele posen på ganske få minutter. Det føles som om en del af én står udenfor og betragter det hele, men kan ingenting stille op. Den del både væmmes og skammer sig helt enormt, men er samtidig også fuldstændig prisgivet.”Sådan beskriver Anette Stadler Bang èn af sine utallige tvangsoverspisnings-episoder. Hudløst ærligt beretter hun om vejen ind og ud af 30 års aktiv tvangsoverspisning. Læs om selvhad, løgn, ensomhed og stigmatisering, når 17 tvangsoverspisere deler hjerteskærende historier fra et liv i spiseforstyrrelsens jerngreb. Speciallæge i psykiatri Maria Mercedes Guala præsenterer den faglige viden på området, og eksperter fortæller om behandling, der virker. Tvangsoverspisning er den spiseforstyrrelse, der rummer flest patienter. Ca. 40.000 lider heraf. Det er til gengæld også den mest oversete. Bogen henvender sig til tvangs­overspisere, deres pårørende og alle, som ønsker at få et helt særligt indblik i denne tabuiserede psykiske sygdom.

  • af Keith E Williams
    209,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Steven Bratman
    222,95 kr.

    The first book to identify the eating disorder orthorexia nervosa-an obsession with eating healthfully-and offer expert advice on how to treat it.As Americans become better informed about health, more and more people have turned to diet as a way to lose weight and keep themselves in peak condition. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa-disorders in which the sufferer focuses on the quantity of food eaten-have been highly documented over the past decade. But as Dr. Steven Bratman asserts in this breakthrough book, for many people, eating "correctly” has become an equally harmful obsession, one that causes them to adopt progressively more rigid diets that not only eliminate crucial nutrients and food groups, but ultimately cost them their overall health, personal relationships, and emotional well-being.Health Food Junkies is the first book to identify this new eating disorder, orthorexia nervosa, and to offer detailed, practical advice on how to cope with and overcome it. Orthorexia nervosa occurs when the victim becomes obsessed, not with the quantity of food eaten, but the quality of the food. What starts as a devotion to healthy eating can evolve into a pattern of incredibly strict diets; victims become so focused on eating a "pure” diet (usually raw vegetables and grains) that the planning and preparation of food come to play the dominant role in their lives. Health Food Junkies provides an expert analysis of some of today's most popular diets-from The Zone to macrobiotics, raw-foodism to food allergy elimination-and shows not only how they can lead to orthorexia, but how they are often built on faulty logic rather than sound medical advice. Offering expert insight gleaned from his work with orthorexia patients, Dr. Bratman outlines the symptoms of orthorexia, describes its progression, and shows readers how to diagnose the condition. Finally, Dr. Bratman offers practical suggestions for intervention and treatment, giving readers the tools they need to conquer this painful disorder, rediscover the joys of eating, and reclaim their lives.

  • af Marion Holt
    297,95 kr.

    WHAT IF losing weight isn't about what you eat? You already know how to eat healthfully but struggle to stick to the food plan of your choice.You are not weak. Despite your best intentions, those healthy greens you bought are now rotting in the bottom of your refrigerator (again).You don't lack willpower. You repeatedly lose weight only to gain it all back again (and sometimes more).Nothing is wrong with you. Is eating how you cope when you get bored, anxious, or stressed? All the weight loss tips, eating habits, meal plans, and exercise routines in the world won't help you overcome a coping mechanism that controls your cravings. ¿ Step Out of ObesityIn this second workbook of the Never Eat Your Emotions Again series, certified professional coach Marion Holt shares her behavioral expertise for recovering from emotional eating. She also shares her own struggles with emotional eating and obesity to show you how to heal the pain you silence with food. If you are an emotional eater and you want to change your relationship with food, this workbook will help you find:¿ expert guidance to understand what you are experiencing when cravings hit;¿ the root causes of unhealthy eating;¿ a new relationship with food that isn't an emotional coping mechanism;¿ proven techniques and activities for engaging in active emotional eating recovery; and¿ real-life situations you can relate to. Target the underlying reasons for eating your emotions and build a life where you don't need the comfort of food anymore. Never eat your emotions again! Break Free from Emotional Eating Break Free from Emotional EatingBeat Food AddictionOvercome Your CravingsStop Overeating and Binge EatingStick to the Healthy Diet of Your ChoiceAchieve a Sustainable Weight LossStep Out of Obesity

  • af Serena Newmann
    152,95 kr.

    It can be quite pleasurable and helpful to show care and concern for the Brotherhood of the Elderly, whether it is your own family or a stranger. This gives me a lot of satisfaction. However, for other people, it can be extremely frustrating. You wouldn't know if you hadn't been involved in such issues early in your life. It can make you quite negative and set you on a path to burnout.

  • af Nia Patterson
    297,95 kr.

    ABOUT THE BOOKThis body liberation journal includes [almost] everything I have learned in my journey about diet culture, fatphobia, and anti-fat bias-both internally and within the systemic systems around you. It also includes several of the steps and activities I have found and implemented to improve my own body image over the last seven years. I highly recommend not waiting and, instead, keeping this journal around as a consistent tool for discovery and learning in your own self-help work and recovery from a diet-cultured society. Working through your internalized and externalized anti-fatness will help you not only lessen its impact but become much more aware of any behaviors you're currently engaging in that aren't serving you. This journal gives you an easy-to-read story accompanied by hands-on journal-style pages and several activities/exercises, journaling prompts, and more. Go along with me and other readers on this journey toward body neutrality and self-love while holding yourself accountable for learning and lessening the impact your personal implicit bias has on yourself and others.WHAT'S INSIDE THE BOOKStories of Nia's Life and Their First-Hand Experience with Anti-Fat BiasInteractive Activities and ExercisesJournaling Prompts and Questions to Work ThroughHow to Take an Inventory of Your Own Internalized FatphobiaThe "Authentically You Avatar" ActivityFree, Blank Journaling Pages---DISCLAIMER: This journal is a self-paced self-reflection tool. I do not consider it a substitute or equivalent to therapy. This is much more akin to body image coaching practices. If you are facing emotional or psychological struggles more akin to therapy practices, please consult a licensed therapist or mental health professional.

  • af Amanda Garant Rd
    497,95 - 552,95 kr.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    387,95 kr.

    Book Description: "The Muscle Manifesto: Your Roadmap to a Powerful Physique"Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, resilience, and unparalleled strength with "The Muscle Manifesto: Your Roadmap to a Powerful Physique." This comprehensive guide is not just a book; it's a roadmap-an invaluable companion for individuals seeking not only to sculpt their bodies but to master the art and science of building and maintaining a powerful physique throughout a lifetime.Dive into the pages of "The Muscle Manifesto" and unlock the secrets to a holistic approach to muscle building. This book transcends the superficial allure of aesthetics, offering a profound exploration of the physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions of strength. From foundational principles to advanced strategies, each chapter is meticulously crafted to provide actionable insights, expert advice, and a roadmap tailored to your unique fitness journey.Key Features:Comprehensive Guidance: "The Muscle Manifesto" is your go-to resource for understanding the principles of muscle building, from anatomy and nutrition to strategic training techniques and recovery rituals. No stone is left unturned as you navigate through the intricacies of cultivating a powerful physique.Engaging Chapter Structure: Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of knowledge with thoughtfully crafted chapters. Explore topics ranging from the fundamentals of muscle anatomy to the nuanced psychology of overcoming challenges and sustaining success.Practical Applications: This book is not just about theory-it's about application. Discover practical, real-world strategies that you can seamlessly integrate into your lifestyle. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, find actionable steps to propel your journey forward.Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: "The Muscle Manifesto" recognizes that true strength goes beyond the physical. Uncover the profound connection between mind, body, and spirit, and learn how this holistic approach can elevate your fitness journey to unprecedented heights.Long-Term Success Strategies: Beyond the pursuit of short-term goals, this book equips you with the tools and insights needed for sustained success. Navigate the evolving nature of fitness goals, adapt your approach, and cultivate a mindset that ensures a lifelong commitment to strength.Expert Contributors: Benefit from the collective wisdom of experienced fitness professionals and experts who contribute their insights throughout the book. From nutritionists to trainers, each expert brings a unique perspective to enrich your understanding of muscle building.Inspiring Stories: Immerse yourself in the stories of individuals who have embraced "The Muscle Manifesto" and witnessed transformative changes in their lives. Be inspired by their journeys, challenges, and triumphs as they share their experiences of building powerful physiques.Whether you're a fitness novice or a seasoned enthusiast, "The Muscle Manifesto: Your Roadmap to a Powerful Physique" is your compass for navigating the exhilarating terrain of muscle building. Begin your journey today, and let this book be your guide to unlocking the extraordinary potential within you.

  • af Victoria Schapiro
    267,95 kr.

    19-year-old Victoria Schapiro takes us behind the scenes of a life with an eating disorder and her Generation Z struggles in this honest, raw, scary, yet hilarious memoir-slash-self-help book. F*CK RESTRICTIONS – AND YOUR MOM TOO is a story about sex, exercise, addiction, independence, and hope; about how she was taken prisoner in her own life, and how she – finally – managed to escape. "I was 14 years old when I developed an eating disorder. Toxic relationships, hormonal overload, fake boobs on social media, and my mom's Botox obsession riddled me with anxiety, low self-esteem, and distress, which manifested into an eating disorder. This book reveals my journey – and the importance of speaking up about your struggles. I will take you from the first restriction to the years beyond, vividly portraying my battle with addiction and disordered eating." Written with candor and humor, Victoria's story is a heartfelt attack on one of the major problems in modern society: diet culture. Her wish is to ignite a belief in you, that you can do the same. The book is published in an English and a Danish version, since Victoria wrote the original manuscript in English. "En stærkt personlig, velskrevet, gribende, underholdende og klog bog ... En af den slags udgivelser, man ikke vidste, at man savnede ... Et lille fuldendt værk." ★★★★★ Berlingske

  • af Julia Leonardo
    272,95 kr.

    In our modern society, there is an increasing awareness of the impact our dietary choices have on our overall well-being and the environment. One such lifestyle choice gaining popularity is vegetarianism. But what exactly is a vegetarian diet?A vegetarian diet primarily consists of plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. It excludes the consumption of meat, poultry, and seafood. However, there are different types of vegetarian diets, varying in the level of strictness or flexibility.The most common type is lacto-ovo vegetarianism, which allows for the consumption of dairy products and eggs. On the other hand, lacto-vegetarians consume dairy but avoid eggs. Vegans take it a step further by excluding all animal products and by-products from their diets, including dairy, eggs, and even honey.Why do people choose to adopt a vegetarian diet? There are several reasons, and the benefits extend beyond personal health. Firstly, a vegetarian diet tends to be lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, making it a heart-healthy option. It is also rich in fiber, essential vitamins, and minerals, providing all the necessary nutrients for a well-balanced diet.Moreover, vegetarianism has a positive impact on the environment. The production of meat and other animal products is resource-intensive and contributes to deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. By choosing a vegetarian diet, individuals can reduce their carbon footprint and help preserve our planet for future generations.Another significant benefit of a vegetarian diet is its potential to prevent and manage various chronic diseases. Studies have shown that vegetarians have a lower risk of developing conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer. Additionally, adopting a plant-based diet has been associated with improved digestion, increased energy levels, and enhanced weight management

  • - Dansk version
    af Victoria Schapiro
    242,95 kr.

    19-årige Victoria Schapiro fortæller råt for usødet om livet med en spiseforstyrrelse som ung dansk generation Z'er i denne ærlige, skræmmende, men også morsomme selvbiografi-møder-selvhjælpsbog. F*CK RESTRICTIONS – AND YOUR MOM TOO er en fortælling om kærester, sex, trænings-narkomani, afhængighed, frihed og håb. Det er historien om, hvordan Victoria blev fanget i sit eget liv, og hvordan hun – omsider – slap ud igen. "Jeg var fjorten, da jeg udviklede en spiseforstyrrelse. Dårlige relationer, hormonel overload, min mors Botox-besættelse og kunstige bryster på sociale medier fuckede mit hoved op og gav mig angst, lavt selvværd og stress. Det resulterede i, at jeg begyndte at kontrollere min mad. Denne bog fortæller om min rejse – fra den første uskyldige slankekur til nonstop sult, selvpineri og sammenbrud – og vejen tilbage igen takket være professional hjælp." Fortalt med vid, bid og selvudleverende humor, er det Victorias håb, at hendes historie kan være et wakeupcall i forhold til diætkulturen, som med sociale medier er blevet et ræs mod afgrunden, der koster liv. Bogen udkommer både i en dansk og engelsk version, idet Victoria skrev det oprindelige manuskript på engelsk. "En stærkt personlig, velskrevet, gribende, underholdende og klog bog ... En af den slags udgivelser, man ikke vidste, at man savnede ... Et lille fuldendt værk." ★★★★★ Berlingske

  • af Ryan Sheldon
    200,95 kr.

    “A bold book that’s part memoir, manifesto, and dating guide all rolled into one. It speaks with honesty and insight, while challenging toxic dating trends and offering a better journey through it.” -DR. CHRIS DONAHUE, CSW, author of Rebel Love and Host of “LoveLine”This salacious, heartbreaking, and hilarious book follows Ryan Sheldon, a gay man, brawn model (featured on billboards in Times Square, NYC), and eating disorder advocate (interviewed on the Today Show), as he shares his wild dating stories. In F*ckboys Are Boring, Sheldon offers a new way of rating dates with a compatibility scale, the first of its kind, and invites readers to create their own scale so they can make relationship choices based on their values (not just raw attraction). But it's more than love and romance, FAB is also an exploration into self-destructive behaviors (eating disorder, OCD, addiction to chaos, mental health for LGBTQIA+ people), self-worth (body image as a gay man in a larger body), and self-elevation (listening to your intuition and healing from attachment wounds) in a world that seems determined to dehumanize and diminish us. And it offers an elixir for the weary soul who wants to feel worthy of love. Because we all are. F*ckboys Are Boring is THE guide to surviving the digital hellscape that is modern dating (for anyone who has ever dated a's brutal out here!). Who's your favorite f*ckboy? Have you drooled over a spiritual guru boy who wants to do questionable things with crystals? Did you find a fetishizer who had an obsession with your feet or watching you eat? Are you chasing the knight in shining armor so he can save you from yourself (when all he'll really do is string you along and then ghost you)? These are just a few of the f*ckboys listed in this book on the F*ckboy Wall of Shame. Yes, there are enough for an entire wall. And no, you're not alone if you've fallen for one of these gorgeous disasters. Or...maybe you are the f*ckboy. Maybe you’re the problem. It’s you (Girl, it’s all of us). Motivational speaker, brawn model, and eating disorder advocate, Ryan Sheldon offers a path to healing while looking for love. F*ckboys Are Boring is for anyone who has struggled with self-esteem and feeling unlovable while searching for connection in this disconnected world. Whether you’re gay, straight, bi-sexual, pansexual, or queer, this book offers reprieve from swipe culture and offers a new approach to dating. Instead of concepts like the 5 Love Languages, it's got a F*ckboy Decoder (so you know what they really mean when they say, "I've never met anyone like you before"). Sheldon draws on Pia Mellody's work about love avoidance, limerence, love addiction, and codependence while sharing his own experiences with healing trauma so he can date as a whole, emotionally regulated, confident human being. But it’s so much more than a book about love and romance. Sheldon gets vulnerable about his struggles with mental illness, including obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), abandonment wounds, and his addiction to chaos. He shares the truth about his eating disorder recovery and what it was like to walk away from an abusive relationship. He shares openly about what it's like to date in a larger-size body in the LGBTQ community and finding love and acceptance for himself at any size. And he doesn’t hold back when he shares the wild stories from dating as a gay man in New York and West Hollywood, and the lessons he learned from those experiences. Readers will come away with their own list of dating deal-breakers, a dating scale for rating dates, guides on how to maintain boundaries and self-respect, ways to recognize red flags (like gaslighting and love-bombing), and a toolbox of resources that Sheldon has picked up through decades of therapy. If you’re frustrated with the dehumanizing digital hellscape that is modern dating, F*ckboys Are Boring provides solace and support for the love-weary. Sheldon is like your gay best friend, dishing on all his outrageous dating stories and spicy sexual encounters, offering guidance and wisdom, and crying with you as one heartbroken survivor to another. F*ckboys Are Boring offers compassionate hope to everyone (including f*ckboys) who is tired of the games and ready to find real love, both for themselves, and with a truly worthy partner.

  • af Pouria Moradi
    317,95 kr.

    Are you a parent who has a daughter who is suffering from body image issues? You might be that girl, wondering what 'NORMAL' is, and why you don't look like that? Sadly, girls are often judged harshly. As studies clearly show, teens with low self-esteem are more likely to engage in high-risk behaviours such as excessive dieting and disordered eating. AlI these things are covered in the book.NORMAL will empower young women to reclaim their self-esteem, to know that how they look is not their fault, that beauty is about confidence, not perfection. It provides parents, family and friends a tool to help raise body-positive girls.NORMAL will help you on this journey, whatever part you are in it.

  • af Eating Disorders Anonymous (EDA)
    257,95 kr.

    Eating Disorders Anonymous: The Story of How We Recovered from Our Eating Disorders presents the accumulated experience, strength, and hope of many who have followed a Twelve-Step approach to recover from their eating disorders. Eating Disorders Anonymous (EDA), founded by sober members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), have produced a work that emulates the "Big Book" in style and substance. EDA respects the pioneering work of AA while expanding its Twelve-Step message of hope to include those who are religious or seek a spiritual solution, and for those who are not and may be more comfortable substituting "higher purpose" for the traditional "Higher Power." Further, the EDA approach embraces the development and maintenance of balance and perspective, rather than abstinence, as the goal of recovery.Initial chapters provide clear directions on how to establish a foothold in recovery by offering one of the founder's story of hope, and collective voices tell why EDA is suitable for readers with any type of problem eating, including: anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge eating, emotional eating, and orthorexia. The text then explains how to use the Twelve Steps to develop a durable and resilient way of thinking and acting that is free of eating disordered thoughts and behaviors, including how to pay it forward so that others might have hope of recovery.In the second half of the text, individual contributors share their experiences, describing what it was like to have an eating disorder, what happened that enabled them to make a start in recovery, and what it is like to be in recovery. Like the "Big Book," these stories are in three sections: Pioneers of EDA, They Stopped in Time, and They Lost Nearly All.Readers using the Twelve Steps to recover from other issues will find the process consistent and reinforcing of their experiences, yet the EDA approach offers novel ideas and specific guidance for those struggling with food, weight and body image issues. Letters of support from three, highly-regarded medical professionals and two, well-known recovery advocates offer reassurance that EDA's approach is consistent with that supported by medical research and standards in the field of eating disorders treatment.Intended as standard reading for members who participate in EDA groups throughout the world, this book is accessible and appropriate for anyone who wants to recover from an eating disorder or from issues related to food, weight, and body image.

  • af Heather Lind
    197,95 kr.

    Have you ever felt like a hot mess? Like everyone else has it all together while you're struggling to just make it through the day? You are not alone!Happiness isn't limited to an exclusive club of people. In From Hot Mess to Happiness, Heather Lind chronicles her shift from rock bottom to fulfillment by outlining the small and simple steps she took to overcome the daily self-hatred she once felt. Through candid, personal lessons, Heather shares how you, too, can experience a bigger, better, and happier life-in both mind and body.Heather Lind, a competitive bodybuilder, believes that a healthy mind and healthy body go hand in hand. As a personal trainer and fitness instructor, Heather teaches that everyone can achieve health, happiness, and a life they are excited about. She resides in beautiful British Columbia, where she was born and raised.

  • af Ian Karmel
    287,95 kr.

    "Part memoir, part support group, comedian Ian Karmel--with help from his sister Alisa, a clinical psychologist--opens up about the daily humiliations of being fat and traces the way that fat--gaining it, losing it, worrying about it, trying to hide it--dictates the way so many of us live"--

  • af Talitha Fosh
    172,95 kr.

    "You don't need to be an "addict" to engage in destructive addictive behaviours. Do you use social media to distract yourself from difficult emotions, or find yourself seeking a boost through shopping, relationships or drinking? Do you feel that you have habits that are holding you back, but you can't seem to break them? You are not alone. This book is for anyone who struggles with addictive behaviour. In it, psychotherapist Tally Fosh sheds light on the true meaning of addiction and the subtle ways it can manifest itself without our awareness. She explores why we often seek external factors to change the way we feel internally, and provides practical tips and tools to help readers break any self-destructive cycle they may find themselves in using easy steps. Hooked breaks down the journey of addiction into four key pillars: discovery, types of addiction, lows and denial, and recovery. It includes practical tools, from expressive therapy to talking therapy, and case studies from real people. With applications of Tally's principles to scenarios applicable to our modern lives and an inspirational foreword from model and mental health advocate Adwoa Aboah, this book is the perfect companion for your journey toward freedom from addictive habits."--

  • af Hope Virgo
    139,95 kr.

    The inspiring account of how Hope Virgo fought against anorexia to build a healthy life and use her story to create real change for others suffering from the same devastating condition.

  • af Pamela Macdonald
    137,95 kr.

    Psychologist and eating disorder specialist Dr Pamela Macdonald has been working with carers for over a decade. Here, she uses the established New Maudsley Approach, an evidence-based therapy toolkit which equips carers with the communication skills they need to best help their loved one.

  • af Anita F. Wilson
    187,95 kr.

    "As a child I would stand in the mirror and do something that I didn't realize was the driving force behind my survival from rejection. I affirmed myself and spoke many of my accomplishments into existence. But, at that time, I had not dealt with negative words planting weeds in my thoughts that over time started would choke out the good thoughts." Author Anita Wilson says she penned this body work to help women and men flush out negative words, thoughts and limiting beliefs and move from brokenness to wholeness. Wilson is on a mission who believe they have a unique calling in their life to strive to reach their full potential to fulfill their purpose. Wilson says, "You can use all of your trials and tribulations as stepping stones to rise above them."

  • af Kari Anderson
    267,95 kr.

    This workbook is a companion to Dr. Kari Anderson's memoir-Food, Body, & Love, but the greatest of these is love-which has helped thousands of people struggling with disordered eating to feel understood for the first time.

  • af Michelle Schmidt
    182,95 kr.

    Told with the compassion and reality that can only come from personal experience, Honest Scales is a story of faith, hope, and ultimately freedom.

  • af Serenity Tanner
    142,95 kr.

    Are you tired of feeling constantly rundown and unwell, despite trying to live a healthy lifestyle? Have you ever stopped to consider the impact of the harmful substances that surround us every day? From air pollution to toxic chemicals in our food and personal care products, it can be difficult to avoid exposure to these harmful substances. But what if we told you that it's possible to drastically reduce your exposure to toxins and improve your overall health?Introducing "Avoiding for Health: Strategies to Live a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle," a comprehensive guide to reducing your exposure to harmful substances. Written by experts in the field of environmental health, this book provides practical strategies and tips for living a toxin-free life.Learn about the most common sources of toxins in your environment and how they impact your health. Discover the latest technology and products designed to help you reduce your exposure to harmful substances, including air purifiers, water filters, and EMF shields.But the book doesn't stop at just providing information about products and technology. You'll also learn about DIY and homemade solutions that are both effective and affordable. Whether you're looking to make your own natural cleaning products or want to try your hand at growing your own food, this book has you covered.One of the unique features of "Avoiding for Health" is its emphasis on a holistic approach to reducing your exposure to toxins. You'll learn about the importance of healthy eating and how to make informed choices when it comes to your diet. The book also covers the importance of exercise, stress management, and sleep, all of which play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and toxin-free lifestyle.Throughout the book, you'll find detailed pros and cons of various methods and products, as well as recommendations for different needs and budgets. With this information, you'll be able to make informed decisions about what strategies will work best for you.So, whether you're a busy professional looking to improve your health or a concerned parent looking to protect your family, "Avoiding for Health" is the guide you need to reduce your exposure to harmful substances and live a clean and healthy lifestyle. Order your copy today and start taking control of your health and well-being!

  • af Maya Faro
    177,95 kr.

    ¿Estás harto del estrés, de la alimentación emocional, de comer en exceso y de las dietas que no funcionan?Si la respuesta es sí, ¡has llegado al lugar adecuado!¡Y estás a punto de descubrir cómo transformar tu cuerpo de una forma saludable, consciente y sostenible que te encantará!Verás, no se trata de torturarte con dietas restrictivas ni de obligarte a seguir un plan de desintoxicación que este de moda...Se trata de aprovechar tu paz interior, tu intuición y tu amor propio para que puedas centrarte en lo que realmente te sirve a ti y a tu cuerpo...La verdad es que en el fondo, tu cuerpo y tu mente saben exactamente lo que es bueno para ti y tu salud.Es solo que el marketing basado en el miedo y la programación social quieren que pienses que no eres lo suficientemente bueno y que no eres capaz de usar tus verdaderos poderes conscientes...Es hora de volver a tu sabiduría interior, abrazar la alimentación consciente y cambiar tus relaciones con la comida, porque con la alimentación consciente, puedes crear tu propia dieta y un estilo de vida saludable que te guste...Esto es exactamente lo que descubrirás en este libro:-Qué es exactamente el estado de consciencia plena y la alimentación consciente y cómo puedes aplicarlo hoy mismo para empezar a experimentar sus increíbles beneficios en tu mente y cuerpo.-Los mayores secretos de la pérdida de peso y la alimentación saludable (y por qué la mayoría de los "gurús" de las dietas no quieren que los conozcas).-¿Tiendes a comer en exceso o a ingerir alimentos poco saludables cuando estás estresado o triste? Descubre una forma mejor y aprende a hacer que tus emociones trabajen a tu favor, no en tu contra...-¿Estás demasiado ocupado para meditaciones complicadas y protocolos de superación personal? Descubre la forma más sencilla de practicar la alimentación consciente, sin importar dónde estés y lo ocupado que estés.-Cómo la práctica de la alimentación consciente puede potenciar todas las áreas de tu salud y tu vida, si aplicas este secreto.-Técnicas de relajación holística que puedes dominar rápidamente (y que te servirán para el resto de tu vida).-Consejos sencillos para convertir tus comidas en rituales inolvidables con unos simples trucos de atención plena (la mayoría de la gente se lo pierde).¿Estás preparado para abrazar el poder de la atención plena, la vida sana y el amor propio para empezar un nuevo capítulo de tu vida, equilibrado y sin estrés?Regálate la libertad interior, la autoaceptación y la verdadera salud.Compra tu copia ahora mismo y libera el poder curativo de la alimentación consciente.

  • af Cathrine Kowal
    197,95 kr.

    Binge eating disorder represents the most common eating disorder on our planet today. Since its formal listing in the DSM V, research has continued to show just how destructive and potentially harmful it is to general health and well-being. Sufferers lose control over their emotions and turn towards food to fill a growing mental and emotional gap.This book, "BINGE-EATING; A Beginner Comprehensive Guide to Permanently Ending Overeating, Maintain Mindful Eating and Weight Loss Therapy" profiles and completely demystifies the disorder. Getting rid of Binge-Eating Disorder requires a thorough knowledge of the disorder, its triggers, potential dangers, symptoms, and the biology of the condition. All these features in this book alongside therapy options and useful, practical tips for dealing with emotional eating.In addition, this book;Defines binge-eating disorder in the simplest of termsClarifies between hunger, appetite, and cravingDifferentiates between physical and emotional hungerDiscusses the binge Cycle including the roles of emotionsExplains the underlying and precipitating factors of binge-eatingProfiles the signs of binge-eatingClearly defines the diagnosis of binge-eatingClarifies the link between poor mental health and binge-eatingExplains how binge-eating leads to weight gainProposes a weight-loss therapy for binge-eatingContains chapters on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapies for professionalsAdvice for managing a Binge-Eating Disorder patientProvides practical tips for getting rid of the disorder permanently and,Avoiding a relapseYou should always retain control over what and how you eat. Food should never become a double-edged sword for you. Eating should definitely not be a source of shame or guilt either. Dull the edges of overeating and get rid of binge-eating now!!!

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