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Mad og drikke: drikke

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  • af Allan Mylius Thomsen
    267,95 kr.

    "Hvornår og hvor opstår øllet? Historikerne er ikke helt sikre. Men med nogenlunde sikkerhed kan det fastslås, at så længe mennesket har dyrket korn, har de også kendt til ølbrygning. Historisk set opereres der med to årstal. Det ene går på, hvornår vi regner med at den første ølbrygning fandt sted. Det andet er det fysiske bevis på, at nu var den i gang. Hvordan opstår så øllet? Sandsynligvis ved et tilfælde."Øl har i hundredvis af år været en stor del af den danske kultur. I vikingetiden var det gudinden Freja, der vågede over øllet, og i den danske kirkes første officielle salmebog fra 1569 takkede man for øllet før det daglige brød. Ølentusiast og forfatter Allan Mylius Thomsen tager os med gennem det danske øls historie og viser os, hvor stor en rolle øllet har spillet for danskerne igennem århundrederne.Allan Mylius Thomsen (f. 1948) er dansk forfatter og byhistoriker og har udgivet en lang række bøger om Københavns historie. Oprindeligt er Allan Mylius Thomsen uddannet manuskriptforfatter fra Filmskolen, og han har siden hen lavet radio- og tv-udsendelser samt været guide på Dyrehavsbakken og på byvandringer i det historiske København.

  • af Christopher Stage Rasmussen, Stephanie Straube Alemanno & Njord
    447,95 kr.

    Denne bog indeholder originale gincocktail- og madopskrifter, der matcher hinanden. Hver opskrift tager udgangspunkt i en urt, et bær eller en blomst fra den vilde danske natur. Naturen er indsamlet af forfatterne løbende igennem hver af årets 12 måneder, og hver plante spiller en nøglerolle i både cocktail- og madopskrifterne, som er tilpasset hinanden. Disse benspænd i udviklingen af opskrifterne bidrager til et univers af nye og fascinerende smagsoplevelser, hvor du som læser kan opdage det samme stykke af naturen smage forskelligt i cocktailen sammenlignet med maden - men stadig med et overraskende sublimt match. I alt indeholder bogen 16 naturbeskrivelser, 16 madopskrifter og 16 cocktailopskrifter samt grundopskrifter til cocktailfremstillingen. Bogen er skrevet af chefmixolog Christopher Stage Rasmussen, madskribent & naturformidler Stephanie Straube Alemanno i samarbejde med det danske destilleri Njord. Bogen er skrevet på dansk.Hardback med kapitælbånd og bogmærke i stof.Trykt i Danmark på svanemærket papir. Indbundet i Danmark. Forlag: LowDown Publishing.

  • - A Gazetteer of Scotch Whisky
    af Charles MacLean
    182,95 kr.

    New edition of the essential handbook for all whisky lovers

  • af Lonely Planet
    197,95 kr.

    Visit Europe's most exciting and up-and-coming winemaking destinations, plus familiar favourites and secret gems. Features 40 trails, from Vienna's urban vienyards to Portugal's Alentejo region. Contributors include Masters of Wine Caroline Gilby and Anne Krebiehl, and wine writers Sarah Ahmed, John Brunton and Tara Q Thomas.- In-the-know, regional wine experts introduce each destination- Discover the best wineries to tour, with insights into which wines to taste and buy- Features detailed itineraries and the best places to stay and eat

  • af Christian Wendelboe
    317,95 kr.

    Dansk gin gør både gin og Danmark større og kendt – ude i verden. Flere danske gin har vundet internationale medaljer og det skyldes ikke smagen af gran med en snert af terpentin, men fordi mange danske ginmagere har knækket koden til, hvordan en gin smager meget bedre end du vidste den kunne smage. I denne bog afslører jeg nogle af hemmelighederne. Fortæller om passionen. Løfter en flig af ginnens historie. Krydrer tilværelsen med nye, spændende cocktails. Er du nysgerrig, videbegærlig og tørstig efter mere viden om de 33 udvalgte danske gin brands? Så læs den her bog.

  • - Delicious Dishes From Belgium's Finest Brewers
    af Erik Verdonck
    294,95 kr.

    Beerstronomy brings together the best pub and bar recipes to accompany Belgian beers. The masters of taste are given the floor in this book: brewers talk about their passion for beer, and chefs about their love for food and ale. Each chef presents a menu and recommends a beer that enhances or contrasts with the aromas and flavours of the dish.

  • - Supersund plan til vægttab, udrensning, skønhed mm. ved hjælp af naturprodukter
    af Christine Bailey
    147,95 kr.

    Savner du en enkel måde til at få mere energi i dit liv? Til at forbedre dit helbred, tabe dig og generelt føle dig bedre tilpas? Så er “Energifyldte Juicer og Smoothies” lige noget for dig. Det er en nøje udvalgt samling af opskrifter på lækre drikkevarer, der vil give dit helbred et boost!Forfatteren Christine Bailey – kendt for bestselleren “Juicekuren” – tager juicing til det næste niveau. Hun præsenterer dig for nye “superfoods”, der tilfører lige nøjagtig den næring og energi, din krop skriger efter i en travl dagligdag.Du får også et stikordsregister, så du nemt kan finde de opskrifter, der passer lige netop til dig: vægttab, energi-boost, styrkelse af dit immunforsvar osv.

  • - og øvede
    af René Langdahl & Jonas Landin
    253,95 kr.

    Nu kommer bogen til alle, der elsker boblende og perlende vin, og som gerne vil vide mere om, hvad forskellen er på champagne, crémant, cava, prosecco og de andre typer af mousserende vin, der findes på verdensplan.Rejs med ind i en verden af bobler, når de to værter fra den populære podcast Vin for begyndere – og øvede Jonas Landin og René Langdahl tager på cava-jagt i Catalonien, får sitrende fornemmelser i Mosel i Tyskland og nørder champagne i Frankrig. Bliv klogere på boblernes anvendelsesmuligheder og sensoriske egenskaber og lær, hvordan de forskellige typer af mousserende vin smager. Jonas Landin er TV- og podcastvært på DR samt journalist og ejer af Radioteket.René Langdahl er vinkender, forfatter til flere vinbøger samt skribent for magasinet Gastro.Sammen står Jonas og René bag den populære podcast VIN FOR BEGYNDERE med over 4 millioner lytninger samt bag bestseller-bogen af samme navn.

    140,95 kr.

    Dansk vinproduktion har de seneste år gennemgået en stor udvikling og markeret sig stærkere og stærkere også internationalt. Vi ønsker med VINRUTEN at gøre afstanden mellem vinproducenter og turister, vinelskere og vinentusiaster mindre. Med VINRUTEN i hånden, kan du besøge over 100 vinproducenter. Vinbønder, mjødbryggere, frugt- og bærproducenter byder jer indenfor. I VINRUTEN har vi ligeledes med få ord overskueliggjort den danske vinhistorie og vinproduktion.

  • af Tja¿a Kos
    323,95 kr.

    Stopite v öarljiv svet, kjer se najbolj sve¿a zeli¿¿a, sadje in botani¿ni ¿ude¿i zdrüijo, da ustvarijo simfonijo okusov v "NAJBOLJ¿I VODNIK ZA BOTANI¿NE KOKTAJLE". Ta vodnik je vä potni list v kraljestvo me¿anic vrta v kozarec, kjer vas vabimo, da razi¿¿ete 100 hitrih in enostavnih receptov, ki väe najljub¿e ¿gane pijäe spremenijo v öarljive me¿anice.V tej botani¿ni pustolov¿¿ini slavimo ¿ivahno sti¿i¿¿e narave in me¿anice ter prikazujemo, kako lahko zeli¿¿a iz väega vrta povzdignejo väo koktajl igro na nove vi¿ine. Predstavljajte si s soncem obsijane popoldneve, ne¿en vetri¿, ki nosi vonj po cvetöih röah, in ¿venketanje kock ledu v kozarcu, napolnjenem z vrtno sve¿im eliksirjem. To je ¿utna izkünja, ki presega obi¿ajno in vas vabi, da v vsakem pöirku zajamete lepoto botani¿nih rastlin.Ne glede na to, ali ste izküen me¿anec ali domäi natakar, ki ¿eli svojemu repertoarju dodati pridih botani¿ne briljantnosti, je ta vodnik zasnovan tako, da navdihuje in navdüuje. Od klasi¿nih kombinacij do inovativnih preobratov, vsak recept je dokaz umetnosti botani¿nih koktajlov, zaradi ¿esar so dostopni tako novincem kot navdüencem.Torej, zgrabite svoj muddler, izberite svoja najljub¿a zeli¿¿a in se podajte na potovanje okusa, arome in vizualnega üitka, ko se potopimo v "Najbolj¿i botani¿ni vodnik po koktajlih".

  • af Jonny Garrett
    161,95 kr.

    A humorous and informative history of one of our most popular drinks - beer.What's the most consumed alcoholic beverage on earth? Beer, of course. It's something Jonny Garrett knows a thing or two about, having spent most of his adult life working as a beer writer (disappointing many a family member along the way). In The Meaning of Beer he shows how beer has been fundamental to the way human civilisation has evolved.Since its invention around 13,000 years ago our love of beer has shaped everything from religious ceremonies and politics to TV advertising and technology - the people who built the pyramids were paid in ale, the first ever fridge was built for beer not food, bacteria was discovered while investigating sour beer, beer halls hosted Hitler's rise to power, brewery advertising still funds most professional sports, and brewer's yeast may yet be the answer to climate change.The Meaning of Beer tells the human stories of these historic moments and inventions, taking the reader to some of the best-known beer destinations in the world - Munich's Oktoberfest, Denmark's Carlsberg Brewery and its famous laboratories, St Louis and the home of Budweiser - as well as those lesser known, from an epic 5,000 year-old brewery in Egypt, to the brewery making beer slushies in a church in Stockholm.

  • af John Dias Smith
    221,95 kr.

    Are you ready to elevate your cocktail game and impress your friends with a touch of timeless elegance? Introducing the "Classic Cocktail Recipe Book" your passport to the world of refined libations and sophisticated indulgence.Step into a world where each turn of the page unveils the secrets behind 40 delicious recipes of classic drinks from around the globe. From the iconic Manhattan to the exotic Mojito, each recipe is meticulously crafted to capture the essence of its origin and delight your senses with its unique blend of flavors.Whether you're a seasoned mixologist or a curious novice, this book offers something for everyone. Picture yourself savoring the smoky depths of an Old Fashioned, or indulging in the tropical vibrancy of a Piña Colada. With each recipe, you'll unlock the artistry and tradition of cocktail craftsmanship, inspiring you to create your own signature drinks with confidence and flair.Structure:Brief explanation of the origin of the coktailPreparation Time: To help you plan your coktail efficiently.Ingredient List: Ingredients are listed in the order of use, with clear measurements and possible substitutions.Step-by-Step Instructions: The recipe directions are written in a straightforward, easy-to-follow manner. Each step is concise, guiding you through the process.Nutritional Information: For those who are health-conscious or have specific dietary requirements, each recipe includes a nutritional breakdown.Chef Tips: Where applicable, recipes are followed by additional tips, serving suggestions, or variations.Features:Full-ColorPaperback coverPhoto/illustration of each recipeAll the steps of the recipe separated by topics so you don't forget anything.Chef's Special Tip.Now the success of your coktail depends only on you, take this book it will be your best kitchen tool.

  • af Aurora Thistlewood
    139,95 kr.

    Embark on a culinary journey like no other with The Enchanted Cauldron: A Kitchen Witch's Guide to Magical Cooking. Authored by the renowned kitchen witch Aurora Thistlewood, this spellbinding cookbook intertwines the art of cooking with the ancient practices of witchcraft, bringing magic into your kitchen and warmth into your heart.In this beautifully illustrated book, you'll discover a collection of recipes infused with the mystical energies of the natural world. From the rejuvenating Whispering Winds Tea Blend, perfect for a peaceful night under the stars, to the hearty Enchanted Moonlit Mushroom Stew, crafted for grounding and introspection, each recipe is a potion in its own right, designed to nourish both body and spirit.Aurora takes you beyond mere cooking, teaching you how to harness the energies of the earth, moon, and stars into your culinary creations. Learn how to use herbs not just for flavor, but for their magical properties, how to cook with intention and focus, and how to turn every meal into a ritual of gratitude and enchantment.The Enchanted Cauldron is more than a cookbook-it's a guide to living a life more magical. It's an invitation to those who believe in the power of nature, the joy of cooking, and the magic that happens when they blend together. Whether you're a novice in the kitchen, an experienced chef, or a practitioner of the craft, these recipes are accessible to all who seek to add a dash of magic to their daily lives.So, open this book, don your apron, and prepare to be whisked away into a world where the kitchen is your altar, the ingredients are your tools, and every dish is a loving spell cast for you and those you hold dear. Welcome to the magical world of kitchen witchery-welcome to The Enchanted Cauldron.

  • af James A. Wiley
    101,95 kr.

    2024 Reprint of the 1932 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition software. "THE ART OF MIXING is the result of much research in many locations. It contains 235 recipes, arranged alphabetically for easy reference, and spiced with humor. In most of the recipes the ingredients have been proportioned in fractional quantities, making the use of a standard measuring unit unnecessary and allowing any number of drinks to be prepared at the same time. The recipes not so proportioned are either of the "'mixed in a glass" or punch bowl variety. A careful perusal of THE ART OF MIXING will prove a boon companion to those now suffering the status of amateurs and will bring a fragrant breath of memory to the hardened veteran in the gentle art of mixing." From the original jacket

  • af Inga Zink
    227,95 - 339,95 kr.

  • af Peter Pekárek
    323,95 kr.

    Vstupte do okouzlujícího sv¿ta, kde se spojují nej¿erstv¿j¿í bylinky, ovoce a botanické zázraky, aby vytvo¿ily symfonii chutí v ¿NEJLEP¿Í PR¿VODCE BOTANICKÝMI KOKTEJLY". Tento pr¿vodce je väím pasem do ¿í¿e mixologie ze zahrady do skla, kde vás zveme k prozkoumání 100 rychlých a jednoduchých recept¿, které p¿em¿ní väe oblíbené lihoviny na podmanivé sm¿si.V tomto botanickém dobrodru¿ství oslavujeme pulzující pr¿nik p¿írody a mixologie a p¿edvádíme, jak bylinky z väí zahrady mohou pozvednout väi koktejlovou hru do nových vý¿in. P¿edstavte si sluncem zalitá odpoledne, jemný vánek nesoucí v¿ni rozkvetlých kv¿tin a cinkání kostek ledu ve sklenici napln¿né elixírem sv¿¿ím ze zahrady. Je to smyslový zá¿itek, který se vymyká b¿¿nosti a zve vás, abyste v kädém dou¿ku p¿ijali krásu rostlin.A¿ u¿ jste ost¿ílený mixolog nebo domácí barman, který chcete p¿idat do svého repertoáru botanický lesk, tento pr¿vodce je navr¿en tak, aby inspiroval a pot¿¿il. Od klasických kombinací po inovativní zvraty, kädý recept je sv¿dectvím o um¿ní botanických koktejl¿, díky ¿emu¿ jsou dostupné jak pro nová¿ky, tak pro nad¿ence.Tak¿e popadn¿te svého muddlera, nasbírejte své oblíbené bylinky a vydejme se na cestu chutí, v¿ní a vizuálního pot¿¿ení, kdy¿ se pono¿íme do ¿NEJLEP¿Í PR¿VODCE BOTANICKÝMI KOKTEJLY".

  • af Helena Valová
    324,95 kr.

    Vydejte se na kuliná¿skou cestu, kde st¿edem pozornosti bude pulzující sv¿t poupat a kv¿t¿. "Kompletní Kuchäka Poupäky A Kv¿ty" vás zve k prozkoumání ¿í¿e jedlých kv¿tin, kde se chu¿ snoubí s estetikou v harmonické oslav¿ ¿t¿drosti p¿írody. Tato sbírka 100 lahodných a krásných recept¿ povy¿uje kv¿tinové chut¿ z pouhých ozdob na úst¿ední bod nádherných jídel a nabízí smyslový zá¿itek, který p¿esahuje v¿ednost.Jedlé kv¿tiny jsou podmanivým prvkem v kuliná¿ských tradicích po celém sv¿t¿ a jejich zälen¿ní dodává pokrm¿m nádech elegance a rozmaru. V této kuchäce se pono¿íme do um¿ní zäle¿ovat kv¿ty do näich jídel a p¿em¿¿ovat je z pouhých ingrediencí na kulinární mistrovská díla. Kädý recept je d¿kazem rozmanitosti chutí, které nabízí p¿írodní paleta, od jemné sladkosti fialek ä po pep¿ové tóny licho¿e¿i¿nice.Kuchäka oslavuje jedlou krajinu, kde okv¿tní lístky a kv¿ty nejsou jen pro vizuální p¿itälivost, ale p¿ispívají svou jedine¿nou podstatou k symfonii chutí. A¿ u¿ jste zku¿ený kuchä nebo dobrodru¿ný domácí kuchä, tyto recepty vás inspirují k tomu, abyste ve svých kuliná¿ských výtvorech p¿ijali krásu a chut¿ jedlých kv¿tin.¿Kompletní Kuchäka Poupäky A Kv¿ty" jde za hranice oby¿ejnosti a p¿edstavuje recepty, které jsou nejen chutné, ale i vizuáln¿ ohromující. Od salát¿ zdobených mace¿kami ä po dezerty kvetoucí okv¿tními lístky r¿¿í, kädé jídlo je plátnem, kde o¿ívají barvy a tvary jedlých kv¿tin. Prost¿ednictvím podrobných pokyn¿ a inspirativních fotografií vás tato kuchäka vybízí, abyste v kuchyni popustili uzdu své kreativit¿ a prom¿nili kädé jídlo v um¿lecké dílo.

  • af Kelly Johnson
    186,95 kr.

    "85 Non-Alcoholic Recipes for Home" is a delightful cookbook offering a diverse collection of refreshing and flavorful drink recipes suitable for every occasion. From morning energizers to evening coolers, this cookbook presents a wide array of non-alcoholic beverages that cater to various tastes and preferences.Inside this cookbook, you'll discover a treasure trove of enticing recipes, including classics like Green Goddess Smoothie, Raspberry Coconut Dream, and Peach Basil Cooler, as well as innovative creations such as Virgin Pina Colada, Apple Cider Punch, and Berry Blast Smoothie.Each recipe is thoughtfully crafted with easy-to-follow instructions, making it accessible for both beginners and seasoned home cooks. The cookbook emphasizes using simple, wholesome ingredients to create drinks that are not only delicious but also nourishing.Whether you're hosting a brunch, celebrating a special occasion, or simply looking for a daily dose of hydration, "85 Non-Alcoholic Recipes for Home" provides a wide range of options to suit every palate. Say goodbye to monotony and explore the world of non-alcoholic beverages with this delightful collection. Cheers to flavorful sips and memorable moments!

  • af Xavier Martin
    320,95 kr.

    Mientras el invierno cubre el mundo con una prístina capa de nieve, los esquiadores ávidos y los entusiastas de la nieve anticipan ansiosamente la emoción de llegar a las pistas. Sin embargo, para muchos, la verdadera magia de los deportes de invierno se extiende más allá de las emocionantes carreras y los descensos llenos de adrenalina: es el encantador mundo del après ski. El ambiente acogedor de un albergue en la ladera de la montaña, la chimenea crepitante y la alegre camaradería de amigos y compañeros esquiadores crean el escenario perfecto para una celebración post-esquí.En el corazón de este paraíso invernal, presentamos "El libro de cocina definitivo para después de esquiar", una deliciosa colección de 100 bebidas acogedoras meticulosamente seleccionadas para calentar tu alma después de un día de aventuras en la nieve. Ya sea que haya conquistado desafiantes senderos de diamantes negros o haya pasado el día deslizándose con gracia por suaves pendientes, nuestras recetas están diseñadas para elevar su experiencia après ski a nuevas alturas.Embárcate en un viaje a través de las páginas de este libro de cocina, donde cada receta es un testimonio del rico tapiz de sabores que el invierno tiene para ofrecer. Desde chocolates calientes clásicos que evocan recuerdos de la infancia hasta brebajes innovadores que combinan ingredientes de temporada con un toque de sofisticación, estas bebidas son más que simples bebidas: son una parte integral del ritual après ski.Así que reúnete alrededor del fuego, envuélvete en una acogedora manta y deja que el calor de estas bebidas descongele el frío invernal. "El libro de cocina definitivo para después de esquiar" es su compañero para crear momentos inolvidables, ya sea que esté organizando una reunión después de esquiar, disfrutando de una velada tranquila junto al fuego o simplemente saboreando la alegría del invierno en el interior.

  • af Kelly Johnson
    166,95 kr.

    Indulge your senses and elevate your coffee experience with "50 Coffee Recipes for Home," a captivating coffee cookbook that explores the art and science of crafting the perfect cup. This beautifully curated collection of recipes is a celebration of all things coffee, offering a diverse range of delightful beverages and delectable treats that cater to every coffee enthusiast's palate.Dive into the world of aromatic blends and rich flavors as "50 Coffee Recipes for Home" takes you on a journey through the history and origin of coffee, providing fascinating insights into the various brewing methods and techniques. From the classic espresso to innovative cold brew concoctions, this cookbook is your comprehensive guide to mastering the craft of coffee making.Discover tantalizing recipes that go beyond the ordinary, featuring specialty coffee beverages such as Vanilla Latte, Caramel Iced Coffee, and Eggnog Latte. Whether you're a seasoned barista or a homebrewing novice, "50 Coffee Recipes for Home" offers step-by-step instructions and expert tips to help you perfect each recipe.But "50 Coffee Recipes for Home" isn't just about sipping; it's about savoring the harmonious marriage of coffee with delectable treats. Indulge your sweet tooth with mouthwatering coffee-infused desserts like Coconut Cold Brew, Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino, and Iced Americano. Each recipe is crafted with precision, ensuring that every bite complements the rich, bold flavors of your favorite brew.Uncover the secrets of creating artisanal coffee blends at home, experiment with unique flavor pairings, and elevate your coffee ritual with "50 Coffee Recipes for Home." Whether you're hosting a coffee gathering with friends or simply seeking to elevate your daily caffeine fix, this cookbook is your passport to a world of aromatic bliss and caffeinated perfection. Immerse yourself in the magical realm of "50 Coffee Recipes for Home" and transform your coffee moments into extraordinary experiences.

  • af Kelly Johnson
    181,95 kr.

    Indulge your taste buds in a symphony of dairy-inspired culinary creations with "45 Milk Recipes for Home." This beautifully crafted cookbook invites you on a gastronomic journey, showcasing the versatility and richness of milk as a key ingredient.Inside, you'll discover a delectable array of recipes that celebrate the goodness of milk in various forms. From luscious desserts like velvety custards and dreamy ice creams to savory delights like creamy pasta dishes and comforting soups, each recipe is a testament to the unparalleled magic that milk brings to the kitchen.Whether you're a seasoned chef or an aspiring home cook, "45 Milk Recipes for Home" provides a perfect blend of accessible recipes and culinary inspiration. Explore the art of crafting artisanal cheeses, perfecting the art of a frothy latte, or creating show-stopping desserts that will leave your guests in awe.With its visually stunning design, this cookbook is not just a collection of recipes; it's an ode to the timeless elegance of milk in the world of gastronomy. "45 Milk Recipes for Home" is not just a cookbook; it's an invitation to savor the richness and beauty that milk brings to your kitchen.Embrace the joy of cooking with milk and elevate your culinary skills with "45 Milk Recipes for Home" - the ultimate guide to transforming everyday ingredients into extraordinary, creamy masterpieces. Perfect for food enthusiasts, dairy lovers, and anyone seeking culinary inspiration, this cookbook is a delightful addition to your kitchen library.

  • af Kelly Johnson
    207,95 kr.

    Embark on a culinary journey that elevates your dining experience with the exquisite marriage of fine wines and delectable dishes. "40 Wine Recipes for Home" invites you to explore the world of gastronomy, where each recipe is thoughtfully crafted to complement and enhance the unique characteristics of various wines.Inside this captivating cookbook, you'll discover a curated collection of recipes that showcase the harmonious fusion of flavors, textures, and aromas that make wine and food pairing an art form. From elegant appetizers to indulgent mains and decadent desserts, each dish is designed to bring out the best in your favorite vintages, creating a symphony of taste sensations that will delight your palate.Whether you're a seasoned wine enthusiast or a novice eager to explore the wonders of pairing, "40 Wine Recipes for Home" provides a guide to understanding the nuances of wine and food combinations. With expert tips on choosing the right varietals for each dish, you'll learn to elevate your dining experiences and impress your guests with sophisticated, restaurant-quality meals.

  • af Derek Sandhaus
    197,95 kr.

    Baijiu, China's national drink, is the world's most consumed alcohol--discover the final frontier of great world alcohols in this comprehensive and practical guide Drawing on interviews with baijiu aficionados, distillers, and key players in the alcoholic beverage industry, Sandhaus introduces the history and development of alcohol in China--the birthplace of grain-based alcohol. Distillation and production processes, the landscape of the industry today, and a page-by-page guide to the major varieties, distilleries and brands all feature in Baijiu: The Essential Guide to Chinese Spirits.

  • af Kelly Johnson
    212,95 kr.

    Embark on a journey into the world of craft beer with "40 Beer Recipes for Home." This unique and flavorful collection brings the art of brewing and the joy of cooking together, offering an enticing array of recipes that celebrate the rich diversity of beer styles.From classic ales to innovative IPAs and decadent stouts, "40 Beer Recipes for Home" introduces you to 40 mouthwatering recipes that elevate your culinary experience with the bold and distinct flavors of craft beer. Each recipe is thoughtfully crafted to pair perfectly with specific beer styles, enhancing both the food and drink.Discover the secrets of incorporating beer into your kitchen with expertly curated recipes such as the hearty "Pumpkin Ale," the refreshing "Baltic Porter," or the indulgent "Coconut Cream Ale." Whether you're a seasoned homebrewer, a beer enthusiast, or a novice in the kitchen, this cookbook provides step-by-step instructions, expert tips, and beer pairing suggestions that will inspire and delight."Crafted Brews" is not just a cookbook; it's a celebration of the passion and creativity that go into both brewing and cooking. Whether you're planning a beer-themed dinner party or simply seeking to elevate your everyday meals, this cookbook is your go-to guide for flavorful and unforgettable creations.Indulge your taste buds, unleash your inner chef, and raise a glass to the art of craft brewing with "40 Beer Recipes for Home."

  • af Luis Navia
    327,95 kr.

    There are several human diseases in which oxidative stress has been well documented, including cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Huntington's diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and lung, renal, and liver diseases. The recipes of the smoothies in this book are specially designed by applying bioenergetic engineering to provide a large number of nutrients and phytochemicals such as polyphenols and flavonoids that act as antioxidants, neutralizing free radicals that eventually damage the vital organs, but also collaborate in the control of obesity, the absorption of glucose in the body to control diabetes and neutralize the symptoms of getting older (age). Hence its great relevance and importance today. We also emphasize the properties of each ingredient used so that the reader can design their smoothies according to each convenience and full acknowledgment of the nutrients provided by each particular ingredient.*** ESPAÑOL ***Hay varias enfermedades humanas en las que se ha documentado bien el estrés oxidativo, incluidos el cáncer, la diabetes, la artritis reumatoide, la aterosclerosis, la enfermedad cardiovascular, los trastornos neurodegenerativos como Las enfermedades de Parkinson, Alzheimer y Huntington, esclerosis lateral amiotrófica y enfermedades pulmonares, renales y hepáticas. Precisamente las recetas de los batidos en este libro son especialmente diseñadas con criterio bioenergético para aportar una gran cantidad de nutrientes y fitoquímicos como los polifenoles y flavonoides que actúan como antioxidantes, neutralizando los radicales libres que eventualmente dañan los órganos, pero también colaboran en el control de la obesidad, la absorción de glucosa en el organismo y neutralizan los síntomas de la vejez. De ahí su gran relevancia e importancia al día de hoy. También hacemos énfasis en las propiedades de cada uno de los ingredientes para que el lector pueda diseñar sus propios jugos a su conveniencia y a conciencia de los nutrientes que aportan.

  • af Michael Turback
    206,95 kr.

    The Finger Lakes Beverage Guide is a comprehensive guidebook to every major winery, brewery, cidery, and distillery in New York State's Finger Lakes region - a world-class wine destination and rising star in beers, ciders, and spirits alike.

  • af Alden Spooner
    204,95 - 357,95 kr.

    The Cultivation Of American Grape Vines And Making Of Wine is a comprehensive guide to growing and making wine from American grape vines. Written by Alden Spooner, an experienced viticulturist and winemaker, this book covers everything from selecting the right grape varieties to planting, pruning, and harvesting. The book begins with an overview of the history of American grape cultivation and winemaking, including the challenges faced by early growers and the development of new hybrid varieties. It then delves into the practical aspects of grape growing, including soil preparation, pest and disease control, and irrigation.The second half of the book focuses on winemaking, covering topics such as grape pressing, fermentation, aging, and bottling. Spooner provides detailed instructions for making a range of different wines, from dry reds to sweet whites, as well as tips for blending and aging wines to achieve the desired flavor profile.Throughout the book, Spooner emphasizes the importance of careful attention to detail and the need for patience and persistence in both grape growing and winemaking. He also offers advice on troubleshooting common problems and adapting techniques to local conditions.Overall, The Cultivation Of American Grape Vines And Making Of Wine is an essential resource for anyone interested in growing grapes or making wine, whether as a hobby or a commercial venture.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - Unlock the Captivating World of Italian Sparkling Wines
    af Steen Asmussen
    247,95 - 269,95 kr.

    Embark on a journey through the effervescent world of Italian sparkling wines with “Sparkling Wines of Italy”. This captivating handbook invites you to explore the Alpine-influenced region of Italy, where bubbles come to life in a symphony of flavors and traditions. Discover the secrets of Italy’s most renowned sparkling wines as you delve into the diverse grape varieties, uncovering the stories behind each bottle. Immerse yourself in the worlds of quality-seeking and quality-conscious wineries that strive to create extraordinary sparkling creations. From the prestigious Franciacorta to the iconic Prosecco, and lesser-known gems like Arcole and Lessini Durello, every sip tells a tale deeply rooted in history, climate, terroir, and the unique topography of each wine region. Uncover the rich tapestry of flavors and aromas that define Italian sparkling wines, as you learn to appreciate the distinct characteristics that make them truly exceptional. About the author Steen Asmussen holds a Master of Science degree in Economics and a huge passion for Italian wine, which has spanned more than 25 years. Steen’s dedication to Italian wine has led him to achieve a Level 3 sommelier certification from the Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) and a sommelier degree from the Italian organization Il Santuccio. In 2019, he published his first wine book titled Italiens hemmelige vine, followed by his second book, Italiens fantastiske hvidvine, in 2021. Steen has also contributed as an expert on a Danish wine podcast series, discussing Italian wines, and has written articles for wine magazines and newspapers. Steen’s dedication, expertise, and ability to impart his profound understanding of Italian wines make him an invaluable guide for readers seeking to uncover the hidden treasures of Italian sparkling wines.

  • af Faith Hingey
    192,95 kr.

    Perfect your home-bartending game and learn to mix 75 classic cocktails with ease and confidence.You don’t need an overpriced and overstuffed home bar to make timeless and delicious cocktails. Classic Cocktails Done Well equips you with the tools and techniques you need to build a streamlined bar and mix well-balanced drinks—all from the comfort of your own home! Cocktail aficionado Faith Hingey provides you with recipes for 75 historic, iconic, and easy-to-make cocktails, complete with photos and handy advice that ensure you’ll make them perfectly. With this essential cocktail recipe book, you’ll be shaking and stirring up the classics from negronis and Manhattans to mint juleps and French 75s—and impressing your guests—in no time. Simple ingredients, 75 classic cocktails. Master the martini, fine-tune your old fashioned, and perfect your paloma with just a few carefully curated core spirits, liqueurs, and everyday ingredients.Master core bartending techniques. Learn to shake, muddle, and prepare garnishes like a pro with tried-and-true bartending tips and tricks. Curate your home bar. Set yourself up for cocktail success with helpful advice on selecting the proper glassware, which bottles to stock, and the perfect drink to serve for any occasion.Beautiful color photos for every recipe. So you’ll know exactly what your drink should look like.

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