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  • af Pasquale Villari
    488,95 kr.

  • af Hendrik Jan Nassau
    378,95 kr.

  • af N. George Junior Republic (Freeville
    418,95 kr.

  • af James Franklin Chamberlain
    348,95 kr.

  • af George Frederick H. Sykes
    323,95 kr.

  • af Jessica Heybach, Dini Metro-Roland & Sheron Fraser-Burgess
    786,95 - 2.117,95 kr.

  • af Ben Hubbard & Who Hq
    73,95 kr.

  • af Aziz Rana
    368,95 kr.

    "Americans today are increasingly uneasy about the democratic weaknesses of their Federal Constitution. But for most of living memory that very Constitution has been idealized as near perfect. How could it be that this flawed system came to enjoy such intense veneration? In a striking reinterpretation of the American constitutional past, Aziz Rana connects the spread of a distinctive twentieth century American relationship to its founding document to another development rarely treated alongside it: the rise of the U.S. to global dominance. In the process, he highlights the role of constitutional veneration in shaping the terms of American power abroad, with ultimately transformative effects at home for narratives of nation and ideas of reform. In the process, Rana also explores the remarkably diverse array of movement activists-in Black, Indigenous, feminist, labor, and immigrant politics-that struggled to imagine a very different constitutional horizon, one grounded in equal and effective freedom for all and able to overcome the basic limitations of the consolidating legal-political system. These voices of opposition, including to the Constitution itself, have overwhelmingly been excised from constitutional memory. And yet they offer essential insights for making sense of our present difficulties, in which Americans find themselves bereft of the constitutional sureties that have long shaped collective life"--

  • af Kendrick Fernandez
    263,95 - 388,95 kr.

  • af Azieb Debrezion
    98,95 kr.

    This fun coloring book is for children to learn about nature and some of the things God created according to Genesis chapter one. In this activity book, children would be able to learn about the science of colors, animals, plants, etc at the same time developing their fine motor skills.

  • af Anthony D Andrews
    178,95 kr.

    In a community plagued by violence, one young boy decides to take action. Witnessing daily conflicts and shootings, they meet Mr. D, who shares his own story of being involved in violence. Inspired by his words, the young boy rallies friends to start a student-led group called "Stop the Violence." Together, they advocate for safe parks and programs through letters to the mayor. As hope grows, violence decreases in their community. This inspiring children's book shows that anyone can make a difference by speaking up against injustice and taking action for change.

  • af Rick Watson
    213,95 kr.

    Advice-giving professionals, such as accountants, attorneys, financial advisors, and insurance agents share a common challenge in running their businesses. They prioritize practicing their specialty over their responsibility to run the business well. With no formal business education, the result is limited or chaotic growth and unnecessary personal stress. This book can unlock your firm's potential, opening new possibilities for growth and personal freedom.

  • af Travis Holmes
    168,95 kr.

  • af Patricia Geis
    318,95 kr.

    Packed with pop-ups, flaps, and 3-D interactive elements, Volcano covers types of volcanoes, how they form, plate tectonics, the part of a volcano, layers of the Earth, and much more!

  • af Martin Carnoy
    542,95 - 1.383,95 kr.

  • af Tomas Lagermand Lundme
    308,95 kr.

    Man kan tro på meget:Guder, politikere, fodboldklubber.Olivia tror ret meget på, at hun kan vinde MGP.Hvad tror du på?Historien om Olivia er skrevet af Tomas Lagermand Lundme og illustreret af Lea Hebsgaard Andersen, der nysgerrigt følger den musikglade piges undrende spørgsmål til venner og familie (og skildpadden Helge Rasmussen), om hvad de egentlig tror på?(Og den gode iagttager vil kunne finde flere hints i billederne, til hvad folk går og tror på :)

  • - Seks forsøg på at gøre en forskel
    af Andreas Lloyd
    248,95 kr.

    Hvornår har du sidst oplevet, at demokrati føltes godt?Der var engang, hvor Andreas ikke troede på, at demokrati overhovedet kunne føles godt. Det føltes som en tilskuersport, hvor han stod på sidelinjen uden at kunne overskue, hvordan han selv kunne deltage. Uden tro på, at der var plads til ham og hans engagement.Men demokrati er en deltagersport. Det er ligesom at cykle, svømme eller spille fodbold. Det skal føles med hele kroppen. Og ligesom at dyrke sport, så kan demokrati faktisk føles godt – og ikke bare fordi man vinder eller får sin vilje. Men fordi dét at være i et demokratisk fællesskab fyldt med samhørighed, stolthed, magt og håb kan være noget af det stærkeste, vi kan opleve som mennesker. Alt dette har Andreas oplevet på sin egen krop. Og i denne bog fortæller han om sin egen dannelsesrejse – fra at være demokratisk nybegynder, der egentlig allerede havde givet op, til at blive sådan én, der skriver en bog om som sine demokratiske erfaringer.Bogen er en samling personlige essays, der fortæller om seks forskellige fællesskaber og udforsker forskellige sider af demokratiets følelsesliv – fra at kæmpe med at finde sin egen stemme og føle sig berettiget til at bruge den, til at overvinde følelsen af magtesløshed ved at finde sammen med andre og skabe forandring.Andreas Lloyd har gennem de sidste 15 år været en drivkraft i en række nyskabende danske borgerinitiativer, så som Københavns Fødevarefællesskab, Borgerlyst, Samtalesaloner, Medborgerne og den danske klimabevægelse.

  • af Voice of Witness
    127,95 kr.

    The Voice of Witness Student Workbook: Oral Histories of Displacement and Determination highlights two narratives from the Voice of Witness book series in an immersive, student-centered format. Themes of identity and community, migration and displacement, systems of power and oppression, and action and resistance can be found in their words. Hear directly from Soledad, who crossed borders as a young teenager to pursue an education; and Mike, who experienced incarceration and immigration detention while trying to care for family. Reflection activities are included within the pages of this workbook, as well as free curricula and more oral history resources at

  • af Erik D. Reichle & Lili Yu
    352,95 - 1.134,95 kr.

  • af Amanda Jenkins
    143,95 kr.

    Get Used to Different is a nine-week devotional Bible study for students who long to know more about who they are in Christ, how to follow Him in light of that knowledge, and how to let Jesus lead them in their interactions with those around them.

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