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Litteraturstudier: generelt

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  • - Perceptions, Connections, Receptions
    af Jane Beal
    486,95 - 1.289,95 kr.

    Who is the Pearl-poet? How do ideas about his life and interpretations of his poems shape our understanding of his work in late-medieval England--and beyond? In Becoming the Pearl-Poet: Perceptions, Connections, Receptions, readers can explore the world of this extraordinary, fourteenth-century writer. In Part I, "Perceptions," five scholars give insightful literary analyses of the narrative poems attributed to the poet: Pearl, Cleanness, Patience, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and St. Erkenwald. In Part II, "Connections," six scholars examine connections between these diverse poems, focusing on authorship, ecology, material culture, sartorial adornment, shields, and the poet's pastoral theology. In Part III, "Receptions," scholars consider the illustrations of the Pearl Manuscript (British Library MS Cotton Nero A.x), the poet's cultural situatedness in the Northwest Midlands and Ricardian court, his religious contexts, later translations and paraphrases of his work, and his medieval and modern audiences. Intended for students and scholars alike, this book encourages readers to gain a deeper understanding of the Pearl-poet and his world, learning many new things and enjoying old things in a new way.

  • - Alternative Worlds in the Middle Ages
    af Albrecht Classen
    454,95 - 1.288,95 kr.

    The Secret in Medieval Literature: Alternative Worlds in the Middle Ages explores the many strange phenomena, both in the Middle Ages and today, that do not find any good rational explanations. Those do not pertain to magic or to religion in the traditional sense of the word; they are secrets of an epistemological kind and tend to defy human rationality, without being marginal or irrelevant. At first sight, we might believe that we face elements from fairy tales, but the medieval cases discussed here go far beyond such a simplistic approach to the mysterious dimension of secrets. In fact, as this book argues, medieval poets commonly engaged with alternative forces and described their workings within the human context (both in the Latin West and in the East), without being able to come to terms with them critically. Those mysteries appear both in heroic epics and courtly romances, among other genres, and they figure more frequently than we might have assumed. On the one hand, we could conceive of those secrets as the product of literary liberties and imagination; on the other, those secrets prove to be rather serious agents intervening in the lives of the fictional protagonists. By the same token, our modern world is not all rationality and material conditions either. The study of secrets in the Middle Ages thus opens the pathway toward a new epistemology both for the people in the pre-modern age and us today.

  • - Literary Shapeshifter of the Belle Époque
    af Sharon Larson
    377,95 - 1.074,95 kr.

    This engrossing narrative recounts the story of Jane de La Vaudère (née Jeanne Scrive), a prolific and celebrated writer of France's Belle Époque. Interweaving biography and literary analysis, Sharon Larson examines the ways in which La Vaudère adapted her persona to shifting literary trends and readership demands--and how she created and profited from controversy.Relatively unknown today, La Vaudère published more than forty novels, poetry collections, and dramatic works as well as hundreds of shorter pieces. A controversial figure who was known as a plagiarist, La Vaudère attracted the attention of the public and of her peers, who caricatured her in literary periodicals and romans à clef. Most notably, La Vaudère claimed to have written the Rêve d'Egypte pantomime, whose 1907 production at the Moulin Rouge featured a kiss between Missy and Colette that led to riots and the suspension of future performances. Larson scrutinizes the ensemble of these various media constructions, privileging La Vaudère's self-representation in interviews and advertisements, and brings to light her agency in creating an image that captivated public attention and boosted sales of her writings.An engrossing examination of La Vaudère's life and work, this volume probes the quandaries of scholarship seeking to responsibly recover lost female voices and makes a long-overdue contribution to nineteenth-century French literary studies.

  • af Corinna Roider
    988,95 kr.

    Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit einem in der Literaturwissenschaft nahezu vergessenen Autor des Expressionismus: Heinrich Schaefer. Der Band will die Biografie und literarische Entwicklung Heinrich Schaefers über den lückenhaft vorliegenden Faktenbefund hinaus erweitern. Er tut dies primär, um das literarische Werk Schaefers auf ein Motiv hin zu untersuchen, das in seinen Texten einen zentralen Stellenwert einnimmt ¿ das Motiv des Ekels. Dieses Ekelmotiv ist für Figurendarstellung, Dramaturgie und explizite Drastik in Schaefers Texten nicht nur Zentralmotiv, sondern in der Auslotung seiner anthropologischen und physiologischen Befunde die thematisch interessanteste Deutungslinie. Sie wird exemplarisch am Hauptwerk Heinrich Schaefers, dem zwischen 1911¿1913 entstandenen Roman Gefangenschaft, vorgestellt.

  • af Philipp Löffler
    462,95 kr.

    Participation is a core value of the U.S.-American concept of the nation. The promise of participation encompasses full and equal access to participate in political, social, cultural, religious, and economic activities. At the same time, exclusion from social participation has been salient in the history of the U.S., and recently even a decline in participation alongside growing polarization can be observed. The notion of participation, however, is more comprehensive than such a narrow political perspective may suggest. Forms of literary production and reception can likewise be understood as social practices of participation. This volume sheds light on how participation has been debated in contemporary Americanist scholarship. The papers included explore the idea of participation beyond its function as a political principle in a democratic nation-state, which will help to understand in more detail the diverse relationships between the literary, the cultural, and the political.

  • af Bernhard Huss
    493,95 kr.

    Der vorliegende Band präsentiert die Ergebnisse der Abschlusstagung ,Von Neuem', die die DFG-Forschungsgruppe 2305 ,Diskursivierungen von Neuem. Tradition und Novation in Texten und Bildern des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit' im Juni 2022 an der Freien Universität abgehalten hat. Die Gruppe hat seit 2016 Artefakte innerhalb der genannten Epochengrenzen auf das komplexe Verhältnis hin untersucht, das ,alte' und ,neue' Elemente und Dimensionen in ihnen einnehmen, und in einer dynamischen Relation solcher Elemente die Spezifik literarischer und künstlerischer Praxis und Produktion ausgemacht. Zur Abschlusstagung waren ausgewiesene Expert:innen aus der germanistischen Mediävistik und Frühneuzeitforschung, aus der Romanistik, der Neueren Geschichte und Kunstgeschichte eingeladen, einschlägige Forschungsfragen ,von Neuem' zu debattieren und eigene Perspektiven aus aktueller Arbeit einzubringen. Der Band bietet ein breites Panorama grundlegender Untersuchungen zu literarischen, philosophischen und bildkünstlerischen Novationsdynamiken zwischen dem 13. und dem 18. Jahrhundert.

  • af Carel Gabriel Cobet
    417,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Will Kanyusik
    308,95 - 844,95 kr.

  • af Inmaculada Delgado Jara
    1.014,95 kr.

    This volume studies concrete examples of how female monastic spirituality acquires allegorical-symbolic connotations when representing itself, the world or life in the monasteries of the Hispanic area. Biographies, autobiographies, poems, iconographic and theatrical representations paint a symbolic picture of virtues and sins, of exemplary conduct and expiatory experiences.

  • af Chris Kempshall
    195,95 kr.

    A history of the dark times"So this is how liberty dies-with thunderous applause."-Senator Padmé AmidalaWhen Palpatine declared the birth of his new Empire, he expected it would stand for millennia. Instead, it lasted only 24 years. This is the story of how a tyrannical regime rose from the ashes of democracy, ruled the galaxy with an iron fist, and then collapsed into dust.It is a story of war and heroes, of the power of propaganda and the dangers of complacency. But most of all, it is a story of normal people trying to live their lives in the face of a brutal dictatorship.From the ruthlessness of Darth Vader's campaigns to the horrors of the Tarkin Initiative, this book offers fresh new insights into the dark entity at the core of Star Wars.(c) AND (TM) 2024 LUCASFILM LTD.

    205,95 kr.

    The first book in the series, Hi! Korean 1A, introduces the consonants and vowels of the Korean language to learners who are new to Korean, and presents the basic grammar and vocabulary necessary for learners to use conversational expressions that they may encounter in real life, such as introductions, dates and times, and purchases.The Hi! Korean series is an integrated Korean coursebook designed for foreign learners who love Korean culture and want to learn Korean. The textbooks incorporate the latest trends in Korean culture and provide a variety of activities to help learners master the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.While maintaining a consistent organization from beginner to advanced, it organically presents the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and separates listening and reading by section to enhance learning by section. In particular, in the step-up course, students are encouraged to develop their communication skills by expanding their learning through speaking and writing activities.The overall composition of Hi! Korean Series includes 10 student books (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced), which include 'Grammar and Vocabulary Book' as a separate book, and 10 workbooks (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced) sold separately.

    205,95 kr.

    The first book in the series, Hi! Korean 1A, introduces the consonants and vowels of the Korean language to learners who are new to Korean, and presents the basic grammar and vocabulary necessary for learners to use conversational expressions that they may encounter in real life, such as introductions, dates and times, and purchases.The Hi! Korean series is an integrated Korean coursebook designed for foreign learners who love Korean culture and want to learn Korean. The textbooks incorporate the latest trends in Korean culture and provide a variety of activities to help learners master the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.While maintaining a consistent organization from beginner to advanced, it organically presents the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and separates listening and reading by section to enhance learning by section. In particular, in the step-up course, students are encouraged to develop their communication skills by expanding their learning through speaking and writing activities.The overall composition of Hi! Korean Series includes 10 student books (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced), which include 'Grammar and Vocabulary Book' as a separate book, and 10 workbooks (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced) sold separately.

    337,95 kr.

    The first book in the series, Hi! Korean 1A, introduces the consonants and vowels of the Korean language to learners who are new to Korean, and presents the basic grammar and vocabulary necessary for learners to use conversational expressions that they may encounter in real life, such as introductions, dates and times, and purchases.The Hi! Korean series is an integrated Korean coursebook designed for foreign learners who love Korean culture and want to learn Korean. The textbooks incorporate the latest trends in Korean culture and provide a variety of activities to help learners master the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.While maintaining a consistent organization from beginner to advanced, it organically presents the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and separates listening and reading by section to enhance learning by section. In particular, in the step-up course, students are encouraged to develop their communication skills by expanding their learning through speaking and writing activities.The overall composition of Hi! Korean Series includes 10 student books (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced), which include 'Grammar and Vocabulary Book' as a separate book, and 10 workbooks (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced) sold separately.

    337,95 kr.

    The first book in the series, Hi! Korean 1A, introduces the consonants and vowels of the Korean language to learners who are new to Korean, and presents the basic grammar and vocabulary necessary for learners to use conversational expressions that they may encounter in real life, such as introductions, dates and times, and purchases.The Hi! Korean series is an integrated Korean coursebook designed for foreign learners who love Korean culture and want to learn Korean. The textbooks incorporate the latest trends in Korean culture and provide a variety of activities to help learners master the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.While maintaining a consistent organization from beginner to advanced, it organically presents the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and separates listening and reading by section to enhance learning by section. In particular, in the step-up course, students are encouraged to develop their communication skills by expanding their learning through speaking and writing activities.The overall composition of Hi! Korean Series includes 10 student books (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced), which include 'Grammar and Vocabulary Book' as a separate book, and 10 workbooks (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced) sold separately.

    205,95 kr.

    The first book in the series, Hi! Korean 1A, introduces the consonants and vowels of the Korean language to learners who are new to Korean, and presents the basic grammar and vocabulary necessary for learners to use conversational expressions that they may encounter in real life, such as introductions, dates and times, and purchases.The Hi! Korean series is an integrated Korean coursebook designed for foreign learners who love Korean culture and want to learn Korean. The textbooks incorporate the latest trends in Korean culture and provide a variety of activities to help learners master the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.While maintaining a consistent organization from beginner to advanced, it organically presents the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and separates listening and reading by section to enhance learning by section. In particular, in the step-up course, students are encouraged to develop their communication skills by expanding their learning through speaking and writing activities.The overall composition of Hi! Korean Series includes 10 student books (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced), which include 'Grammar and Vocabulary Book' as a separate book, and 10 workbooks (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced) sold separately.

    205,95 kr.

    The first book in the series, Hi! Korean 1A, introduces the consonants and vowels of the Korean language to learners who are new to Korean, and presents the basic grammar and vocabulary necessary for learners to use conversational expressions that they may encounter in real life, such as introductions, dates and times, and purchases.The Hi! Korean series is an integrated Korean coursebook designed for foreign learners who love Korean culture and want to learn Korean. The textbooks incorporate the latest trends in Korean culture and provide a variety of activities to help learners master the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.While maintaining a consistent organization from beginner to advanced, it organically presents the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and separates listening and reading by section to enhance learning by section. In particular, in the step-up course, students are encouraged to develop their communication skills by expanding their learning through speaking and writing activities.The overall composition of Hi! Korean Series includes 10 student books (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced), which include 'Grammar and Vocabulary Book' as a separate book, and 10 workbooks (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced) sold separately.

    337,95 kr.

    The first book in the series, Hi! Korean 1A, introduces the consonants and vowels of the Korean language to learners who are new to Korean, and presents the basic grammar and vocabulary necessary for learners to use conversational expressions that they may encounter in real life, such as introductions, dates and times, and purchases.The Hi! Korean series is an integrated Korean coursebook designed for foreign learners who love Korean culture and want to learn Korean. The textbooks incorporate the latest trends in Korean culture and provide a variety of activities to help learners master the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.While maintaining a consistent organization from beginner to advanced, it organically presents the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and separates listening and reading by section to enhance learning by section. In particular, in the step-up course, students are encouraged to develop their communication skills by expanding their learning through speaking and writing activities.The overall composition of Hi! Korean Series includes 10 student books (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced), which include 'Grammar and Vocabulary Book' as a separate book, and 10 workbooks (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced) sold separately.

    337,95 kr.

    The first book in the series, Hi! Korean 1A, introduces the consonants and vowels of the Korean language to learners who are new to Korean, and presents the basic grammar and vocabulary necessary for learners to use conversational expressions that they may encounter in real life, such as introductions, dates and times, and purchases.The Hi! Korean series is an integrated Korean coursebook designed for foreign learners who love Korean culture and want to learn Korean. The textbooks incorporate the latest trends in Korean culture and provide a variety of activities to help learners master the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.While maintaining a consistent organization from beginner to advanced, it organically presents the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and separates listening and reading by section to enhance learning by section. In particular, in the step-up course, students are encouraged to develop their communication skills by expanding their learning through speaking and writing activities.The overall composition of Hi! Korean Series includes 10 student books (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced), which include 'Grammar and Vocabulary Book' as a separate book, and 10 workbooks (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced) sold separately.

  • af Helena Kelly
    114,95 - 245,95 kr.

  • af Hans Walter Gabler
    479,95 - 627,95 kr.

  • af Oliver Goldsmith
    1.833,95 kr.

    This book "uses the letters written home by an imaginary Chinese philosopher, Lien Chi Altangi, to provide an estranged perspective--both naèive and critical--on the imperial metropolis and the transformation of British society across the eighteenth century"--

  • af Irad Malkin
    265,95 - 1.008,95 kr.

  • af Stephen Orgel
    230,95 - 780,95 kr.

  • af Gisela Teistler
    1.226,95 kr.

    Zwischen 1949 und 1989 nahmen Kunstabbildungen in Lesebüchern einen gewichtigen Raum ein. Die Studie untersucht erstmals umfassend, welche Intentionen die Verantwortlichen mit den Abbildungen verfolgten, ob diese ausschließlich zur optischen Aufwertung der Bände dienten oder auch didaktische Zwecke hatten. Es wird u.a. der Frage nachgegangen, ob sich die Abbildungen im Laufe von vierzig Jahren veränderten und wie lange es dauerte, bis nach der NS-Diktatur verfemte Künstler in den Lesebüchern abgebildet wurden. Die Untersuchung zeigt, wie stark die sog. Lesebuchmacher damals noch von einem literatur- und kunstgeschichtlich verbundenen Bewusstsein geprägt waren. Erst in den 1980er Jahren erfolgte eine Neuausrichtung der Bildwahrnehmungen und des Deutschunterrichts.

  • af Joy Maracke
    722,95 kr.

    Eine intensive wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit den Familiendarstellungen in den Angestelltenromanen der Weimarer Republik ist bislang nicht erfolgt. Es ist die Motivation der vorliegenden Untersuchung, einen Beitrag zum Schließen dieser Forschungslücke zu leisten. Die Leitfrage lautet, wie und mit welcher Intention die Familien und andere persönliche Beziehungen in den Romanen dargestellt werden. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass diese Darstellungen wesentliche Funktionen innerhalb der Romane übernehmen, da die Autorinnen und Autoren mit ihrer Hilfe die prekäre Situation der Familie und der Angestellten offenlegen, beide kritisch hinterfragen und auch Zusammenhänge herstellen. Dem soziologischen bzw. literatursoziologischen Interesse der Arbeit folgend dienen kontextorientierte Methodenansätze dabei als Grundlage.

  • af H. Rider Haggard
    236,95 - 309,95 kr.

  • af Randy Rosenthal
    257,95 - 270,95 kr.

  • af Snorri Sturluson
    152,95 - 232,95 kr.

    Discover the world of Viking mythology with Snorri Sturluson's 13th-century masterpiece, the Eddas. Unearth ancient narratives passed down through generations!

  • af Carsten Gansel
    1.228,95 kr.

    Die Beiträge des Bandes folgen der Spur einer ¿Rhetorik der Erinnerung" im Spannungsfeld von Kanonisierung und Dekanonisierung sowie von Aufstörung und Stabilisierung. Die untersuchten Texte setzen sich thematisch mit den erinnerten Traumata des Ersten und Zweiten Weltkriegs sowie mit generationsspezifischen Erfahrungen vor allem an die DDR und die Wende- und Nachwendezeit sowie Migrationserfahrungen im Allgemeinen auseinander.

  • af Thomas Wegmann
    1.121,95 kr.

    Wie erweitern und entwickeln sich im deutschsprachigen Raum seit der Jahrtausendwende Formen und Funktionen auktorialer Epitexte in einem professionalisierten literarischen Feld mit veränderten medialen Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten hinsichtlich der Inszenierung und Rolle von Autor*innenschaft sowie der Korrelation von Autor*in und Werk? Dieser Frage widmen sich die im Band versammelten Beiträge mit Blick auf das dynamische Verhältnis zwischen (Gesamt-)Werk, Autor:innenschaft und Paratext, wie es sich insbesondere in Epitexten artikuliert. Dabei werden Bedeutung und Facetten des Epitextualitätsbegriffs im Allgemeinen sowie entlang der spezifischen Erscheinungsformen fingierter, performativer, ritualisierter und digitaler Epitexte beleuchtet. Ziel des Bandes ist es, das vielseitige Potenzial von Epitexten in ihrer Heterogenität zu erfassen, auf unterschiedliche Fragestellungen hin zu fokussieren und ihre Bedeutung für literaturwissenschaftliche Forschung herauszuarbeiten.

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