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  • - Et stærkt brand skabes ikke af det, en virksomhed siger, men af det, den gør
    af Søren Bechmann
    247,95 kr.

    Det danske serviceniveau er mange steder elendigt. Vi affinder os med, at der er ansat ungarbejdere uden det mest basale kendskab til ydelse og produkt, kunde og virksomhed. Men service spiller en uhyre central rolle for en kundes opfattelse og vurdering af en virksomhed. Markedsføringkan ikke konkurrere med en kundes konkrete oplevelse af betjening, af et opkald eller af den måde, en virksomhed håndterer reklamationer på.Denne bog giver konkrete forslag til, hvordan man kan arbejde med at forbedre eksisterende serviceydelser og udvikle nye. Hvordan man kan tilrettelægge og designe attraktive kundeoplevelser?  Hvordan kan man arbejde med servicebevis og på den måde håndgribeliggøre serviceydelser og give kunden en bedre kvalitetsoplevelse?I bogen kan du finde inspiration og metoder til, hvordan man kommer videre og seriøst kan arbejde med at forbedre sin virksomheds serviceniveau.Læs blandt andet om: • Tilrettelæggelse af den attraktive kunderejse• Servicebeviset• Reklamationsstrategier som vender utilfredse kunder til loyale kunder• Identifikation, prioritering og kvalitetssikring af touchpoints• Drift og implementering af serviceydelser

  • - Guide til effektiv kommunikation
    af Malene Bjerre
    43,94 - 167,95 kr.

    Mød din kunde handler om at sætte kunden i centrum i sin kommunikation. Vi ved jo godt, at det er kunderne, det hele handler om, men glemmer bare at kommunikere det til dem.Alt for tit er virksomhederne mest optaget af sig selv: Det nye, spændende tiltag, der lige er gennemført eller den lange, indviklede proces, det har været at nå til et bestemt punkt.Med et hav af eksempler viser Mød din kunde, hvordan kommunikationen bliver meget mere effektiv, hvis kunden tænkes med hele vejen: i budskabet, indholdet, opbygningen og sproget.Og den demonstrerer, hvordan man skaber et mere reelt og nærværende møde mellem afsender og modtager.Det er den tredje bog i serien af små, anvendelsesorienterede bøger om kommunikation.Læs mere om forfatteren, Malene Bjerre:

  • af Will Guidara
    197,95 kr.

    THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER AS SEEN ON THE HIT TV SHOW 'THE BEAR'Essential lessons in hospitality for every business, from the former co-owner of legendary restaurant Eleven Madison Park.Will Guidara was twenty-six when he took the helm of Eleven Madison Park, a struggling New York City two-star brasserie that had never quite lived up to its majestic room. Eleven years later, EMP was named the best restaurant in the world.How did Guidara pull off this unprecedented transformation? Radical reinvention, a true partnership between the kitchen and the dining room-and memorable, over-the-top, bespoke hospitality. Guidara's team surprised a family who had never seen snow with a magical sledding trip to Central Park after their dinner; they filled a private dining room with sand, complete with mai-tais and beach chairs, to console a couple with a cancelled vacation. And his hospitality extended beyond those dining at the restaurant to his own team, who learned to deliver praise and criticism with intention; why the answer to some of the most pernicious business dilemmas is to give more-not less; and the magic that can happen when a busser starts thinking like an owner.Today, every business can choose to be a hospitality business-and we can all transform ordinary transactions into extraordinary experiences. Featuring sparkling stories of his journey through restaurants, with the industry's most famous players like Daniel Boulud and Danny Meyer, Guidara urges us all to find the magic in what we do-for ourselves, the people we work with, and the people we serve.

  • - Sådan slår du konkurrenterne på kundetilfredshed
    af Mogens Bjerre, Christian Sørensen & Lars Dessau
    237,95 - 487,95 kr.

    At kunder oplever succes er et væsentligt parameter for en virksomheds langsigtede fremgang og overlevelse. Det gælder, uanset hvilken branche der er tale om. Det ved langt de fleste virksomheder, og netop derfor har de fleste virksomheder også et ønske om at opnå høj kundetilfredshed! Men når alt kommer til alt, er det faktisk kun ganske få, der lykkedes med dette. Dem har vi døbt kundeheltene. Spørgsmålet – eller rettere spørgsmålene – er derfor – Hvad gør de? Hvordan gør de? Og hvad kræver det for at blive bedst til kunder? De svar gemmer sig i denne bog i form af en ny model, som understøttes af en masse konkrete eksempler fra kundeheltenes hverdag samt forslag til aktive handlinger, så du, kære læser, kan følge i deres fodspor.---"Selv om vi er med i bogen, er der stadig masser. vi kan lære af de andre. Derfor kommer denne bog ikke til at stå på hylden. når jeg har læst den. Det er en håndbog. jeg kommer til at bruge aktivt sammen med mit lederteam."Peder Madsen, CEO Hotel Koldingfjord

  • - En lille bog om kundeoplevelser.
    af Tomas Lykke
    128,94 kr.

    Hvad skal der til for at holde på mine kunder? – Gode kundeoplevelser! Og hvordan skaber man så dem? Når hverken medarbejdere eller ledelse mister kunden af syne, er grobunden for en kundeorienteret forretning skabt. Det handler denne lille bog om, som er skrevet af Tomas Lykke, partner hos H&B og ekspert inden for kundeorientering. Bogen præsenterer dig for et simplificeret, men relaterbart univers, i form af kaffebaren ALBERTS. Den loyale medarbejder Benny er historiens fortæller, og gennem hans øjne får du inspiration og ideer til, hvordan du og dine kolleger, ledere og medarbejdere i fællesskab kan arbejde med kundeorientering i jeres virksomhed.Bogen henvender sig til alle medarbejdere og ledere i virksomheder, hvor kunden er central for virksomhedens fortsatte vækst. Bogen er letlæst, og kan anvendes til inspiration og provokation, når virksomheden vil videre i arbejdet med forbedring af kundeoplevelsen.

  • - en håndbog om at arbejde med kundeservice i kulturbranchen
    af Maria Christensen
    347,95 kr.

    Hvordan sørger I for, at publikum er tilfreds med den totale oplevelse af jeres kultursted – og ikke kun med det, der sker på scenen?PUBLIKUMSSERVICE – en håndbog om at arbejde med kundeservice i kulturbranchen er en praktisk håndbog om at arbejde med publikumsservice hos kulturinstitutioner. Her får du svarene på, hvordan I kan arbejde med og forbedre jeres serviceniveau over for publikum på flere måder alt efter tid og ressourcer – eller på trods af mangel på samme.Bogen henvender sig til dig, der er foyermedarbejder, teamleder eller chef på et kultursted med udøvende scenekunst – men det kan også sagtens være på et museum eller i en biograf. Ligegyldigt på hvilken kulturinstitution og hvor i hierarkiet du er, er bogen først og fremmest til dig, der gerne vil gøre noget ved jeres publikumsservice, men som mangler værktøjer og inspiration.Bogen er skrevet af Maria Christensen, som er en af Danmarks største fortalere for, at publikum skal have en serviceminded totaloplevelse til koncerter, i teatret og til andre kulturelle arrangementer – en mission, hun har været på næsten hele livet. Allerede fra barnsben forstod Maria Christensen, hvordan en koncert kunne løfte livsglæden, og da hun senere selv begyndte at arbejde i kulturbranchen, blev det hurtigt hendes passion at optimere publikums glæde ved at forstå, at det ikke kun handler om det, der foregår oppe på scenen, men i lige så høj grad om de rammer, der er før og efter en koncert eller en forestilling.I Publikumsservice – en håndbog om at arbejde med kundeservice i kulturbranchen deler hun ud af al sin viden til glæde for dig og det kultursted, du arbejder på.

  • af Jyotsana Shukla
    172,95 - 214,95 kr.

    Unlock unlimited growth potential for your business using your biggest advocates: your customers. Being a truly customer-centric organization goes beyond just having a customer success function. This book talks about some strategies that will help you adopt a company-wide customer-first mindset to fuel your growth.

  • af Brittany Hodak
    215,95 kr.

    Superfans aren't just for pop stars and NBA teams.What if your customers loved your brand the way Swifties love Taylor or Drake loves the Raptors? What if they came back again and again...and told their friends to do the same?In Creating Superfans, award-winning entrepreneur and keynote speaker Brittany Hodak shares a powerful framework for transforming your business from a commodity into a category of one.Brittany has helmed fan-engagement campaigns for brands including Walmart, Disney, Amazon, and dozens of other global brands. Creating Superfans combines sharp business insights with entertaining stories from work with stars like Taylor Swift, Dolly Parton, and Mötley Crüe.Memorable case studies from businesses of all sizes illustrate that customer experience, or CX, is the battlefield for wining - and keeping - customers. Brittany's game-changing CX system, the SUPER Model, is simple to learn, deploy, and measure across every organization. Whether you're launching a new business or running a hundred-year-old brand, Creating Superfans gives entire team a shared playbook for tapping into the unmatched power of superfandom.

  • af Peter Fader
    192,95 kr.

  • - Sådan opbygger og håndterer du virksomhedens kundeanmeldelser online
    af William Atak
    228,99 - 247,95 kr.

    GLAD KUNDE SUR KUNDEDu kan vinde ALT med positive kundeanmeldelser, mens du omvendt kan tabe ALT med negative kundeanmeldelser. Mere præcist kan det ikke siges. GLAD KUNDE SUR KUNDE er en uundværlig grundbog i review management med konkrete værktøjer til dig, der ønsker succes med at opbygge positive og håndtere negative kundeanmeldelser. GLAD KUNDE SUR KUNDE er tænkt som et opslagsværk, hvor du kan finde svar på en række konkrete problemstillinger. Bogen indeholder desuden en række cases baseret på virkelige hændelser og giver dig brugbare tips og teknikker, som klæder dig på til effektivt at tage hånd om din virksomheds digitale omdømme.

  • af Rohit Bansal
    2.069,95 - 2.997,95 kr.

    Academic scholars find themselves confronted with a formidable challenge: staying abreast of the ever-evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence(AI). The intricate interplay between AI and its profound impact on various facets of society, including customer engagement, remains an enigma for many. This knowledge gap not only hampers their ability to contribute meaningfully to their fields but also leaves them trailing behind the dynamic developments taking place in industries worldwide. As AI continues to reshape the business environment, it becomes imperative for academia to bridge this chasm between theory and practice. Leveraging ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence for Effective Customer Engagement is an effective solution to the pressing problem at hand. With meticulous clarity, it unravels the complexities of ChatGPT, an innovative AI technology, and its revolutionary potential in the realm of customer engagement. It offers a lifeline to academic scholars seeking to navigate the uncharted territory of AI, providing them with an in-depth understanding of how ChatGPT can reshape customer interactions.

  • af V. Kumar
    252,95 kr.

    In recent years, the concept of customer engagement has evolved as a powerful tool in the managerial toolkit of firms to incorporate a profitable approach to customer management. There is a pressing need for an authoritative book that communicates the fundamentals of profitable customer engagement by proposing a customer engagement value framework. This book, Valuing Customer Engagement, is first of its kind on customer engagement that outlines the theory and methods of engaging customers profitably in business-to-consumer and business-to-business settings.Written by world-renowned scholar and thought leader V. Kumar, this seminal work book explains the definitions of the metrics within the CEV framework and analyzes ways to measure and maximize these metrics that can help in engaging customers profitably. Dr. Kumar also reveals the interrelationships between these metrics, i.e. how each metric impacts the other, with examples from all over the world.This updated edition introduces of Customer Valuation Theory as a way of quantifying direct and indirect engagement value while presenting newer applications and case studies. With practical examples of companies that have benefited by implementing these strategies, this guide is a must have for business executives who want to maximize companies profitability as well as students wanting to learn how to engage customers and build loyalty.

  • af John Boccuzzi
    272,95 kr.

    Differentiate yourself from the competition by seducing your customersIn a world where there's always a cheaper, faster product or service, how do you stand out against the competition?In The Art of Seducing Your Customers, John Boccuzzi Jr. introduces the S.E.D.U.C.E. framework, which teaches you how to build teams, rise above the competition, and deliver exceptional customer experiences that drive revenue and profitability.Step up and pay attentionEmpower your employeesDesign experience for acquisition and retentionUncover frictionConnect the dots between intention and expectationExpect competitors and the environment to changeJohn utilizes engaging storytelling, real-life examples, and expert interviews to teach you how to create memorable moments that will turn your customer into a raving fan of your brand.Key takeaways include:The importance of avoiding complacency and knowing when to pivotHow to be a friction hunter to continually create a smoother experience for employees and customersTraits you need to look for when hiring team membersHow to scale your team without losing passion for the customerEnsuring your team focuses on not just customer acquisition but also long-term retention and growthHow to ensure you stay aligned with your customer's needsHow Gen AI and technology will impact Customer and Employee experience and what you and your team can do to stay current and relevant

  • af Scott Orth
    232,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af Rainer Glaap
    429,95 kr.

    Durch den teils massiven Publikumsschwund nach der Pandemie stellt sich die Frage, ob diese als Brandbeschleuniger gewirkt hat für bereits vorhandene Trends. Der Autor geht dem nach anhand der Besuchszahlen bis zur letzten vollständigen vorpandemischen Spielzeit 2018/19. Er zeigt historische Zeitreihen zu Sparten- und Personalentwicklung, Vertriebskanälen und den Einnahmen. Die Theaterstatistik des Bühnenvereins dient vielen Entscheidungsträgern als Grundlage für z.B. kulturpolitische Steuerungen, obwohl sie nicht die komplette deutsche Theaterlandschaft abbildet. Deshalb beleuchtet der Autor weitere Anbieter. Da die Theaterstatistik große kulturpolitische Bedeutung hat, gibt es zum Schluss einige Vorschläge für die Zukunft.

  • af Scott Orth
    232,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af Odette de Beer
    497,95 kr.

    Step onto the dance floor of business with this riveting guide that waltzes you through the art of customer experience. In a world where products and prices are increasingly similar, this book reveals how to gain a competitive edge by mastering the intricate steps of customer-centric strategy. From the first impression to the final bow, "From Heart to Bottom Line" choreographs your journey to business success. The book opens with a captivating look at foundations necessary for successful customer experiences in todays business landscape. It then twirls through the importance of employees as brand ambassadors, setting the stage for a harmonious performance. As you glide through the chapters, you'll explore the role of technology in enhancing customer experience, delve into the psychology of the customer, and learn how to align your business goals with customer needs. With a focus on clarity, accountability, and consistency, this guide teaches you how to build trust and loyalty among your customer base. It offers practical steps for achieving alignment in your business, ensuring that your company's purpose, customer experience, and business goals move in harmony. The book also provides real-world examples from industry giants like Apple, Patagonia, and Airbnb, demonstrating how these principles translate into commercial success and societal impact. But what sets this book apart is its future-forward approach. It peeks into the crystal ball to explore emerging trends like hyper-personalization, customer empowerment, and sustainability. It shows you how to adapt to these trends while staying true to your core business values. The book culminates in a grand finale that brings all these elements together, preparing you for the entrepreneurial journey ahead. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or a budding entrepreneur, this book equips you with the tools to deliver a show-stopping performance in customer experience. It's not just about the steps; it's about the dance-the magical interplay between you and your customers that turns business transactions into memorable experiences. So, lace up your dancing shoes and get ready to dazzle your audience. "From Heart to Bottom Line" you're not just a business owner; you're an innovator, a change-maker, a dancer. And the stage is all yours. Here's to your dance, dear entrepreneur, and the many encores to come!

  • af A. Perna
    1.085,95 kr.

    CRM Systems in Industrial Companies contributes new knowledge on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the field of industrial marketing. Based on an in-depth case study, this book highlights the complexity and challenges in the development, implementation and use of CRM, revealing how truly challenging it is to extract value from CRM systems.

  • af Cooper T. James
    247,95 kr.

    It's essential to take a moment to pause, think, and ask ourselves whether or not we've lost sight of what matters in terms of the connections we have with other people in a world where screens rule our lives and artificial relationships are frequently prioritized above real ones.We welcome you to an in-depth investigation into regaining the life we have been searching for-a life abundant in meaningful connections, profound insight, and genuine relationships. In this book, we will go on an exciting adventure across the intricate geography of modern relationships, navigating the problems and opportunities given by a technology world that is constantly growing.We are at a crucial crossroads when the number of likes, shares, and followers we have on social media platforms has become the standard by which our social value is measured. In many ways, the technology that was supposed to bring us together has left us with a sense of disconnection and a desire for something more.But there is no need to be concerned because the path to relearning the fundamentals of human connection may be found right here on these pages. We will set sail on a journey that will take us far beyond the superficial world of online interactions, plunging us headfirst into the oceans of genuine intimacy, authenticity, and vulnerability.Throughout this journey, we will question accepted social conventions and investigate how technology has changed how we interact with one another. We will work together to decipher the intricacies of communication in the digital age and find techniques to restore genuine human connection despite the din of algorithms and notifications.However, this is not a journey to give up on technology or deny the advantages it offers. Instead, we will acquire the skills necessary to employ them conscientiously, with the awareness that it can amplify and improve our connections rather than supplant them. We will discover a life filled with deeper purpose and fulfillment if we move our focus from quantity to quality in our relationships and from virtual popularity to real connection. This will allow us to redefine success in relationships.We will investigate the power of presence, active listening, and empathy in our efforts to cultivate genuine connections with one another. We will gain the ability to manage the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds, allowing us to use the positive aspects of both while maintaining a firm footing in the actual experiences that form the foundation of our existence.Join me as we embark on this mission to rethink what it means to be successful in relationships in this era of rapid technological advancement. Get ready to have your attention captivated, your mind blown, and your life irrevocably altered. Because contained within these pages is the promise of a life filled to the brim with meaningful connections, a life in which the genuine splendor of relationships is rediscovered and enjoyed once more.

  • af Sanjay Ranganathan
    337,95 kr.

    What is Public Relations (PR)?Public relations (PR) is the communication process used to build, maintain, and improve the public image of an organization or individual. PR is used by celebrities, businesses, governments, and other organizations.The goal of PR is to gain the support and understanding of audiences. PR professionals use a variety of ways to communicate with people, including:· Press releases· Public speaking· Websites and social media· News releases· Events and programsPR is a broad discipline that encompasses communication, marketing, and human relations. PR professionals must be skilled in these different disciplines.The Importance of Public RelationsPublic relations can benefit organizations in the following ways:· Building and improving public image: PR can help organizations create a positive image for audiences.· Raising awareness: PR can help organizations raise awareness of their products or services.· Building relationships: PR can help organizations build relationships with key stakeholders.· Managing crises: PR can help organizations manage crises and protect their reputations.

  • af Joe Mangiaracina
    217,95 kr.

    Revive the Heart of Business: Cherished Lessons from the Aisles of TraditionStep through the quaint bell-clad door of memory lane and into the bustling aisles of a time-honored corner grocery store, where the scent of fresh produce and the warmth of genuine customer care lingered in the air. 'Corner Grocery Store Principles' is not just a book; it's a treasure chest of timeless wisdom, woven from the very fabric of family legacy and entrepreneurial spirit that powered the quintessential family-owned business.In the pages of this inspiring journey, the author unravels the yarn of their family's corner store, artfully stitching the vibrant tapestry of customer service philosophies and the enduring 'Family Business Mindset'. Each chapter is a principle; a tried-and-tested maxim that champions the power of presence, the merit of adaptability, and the charm of personalized service, holding paramount the humane touch in a world racing towards digital impersonality.Witness firsthand how principles like "Leaders Must Be Present and Accounted For" and "Do Whatever It Takes to Deliver the Goods" are not just pithy sayings, but cornerstone practices that transform businesses and forge indelible relationships. Embrace the profound simplicity behind statements like "Treat Your Customer Like a Fruit or Vegetable" as you learn to discern the nuanced needs of those you serve. Realize that the crux of crisis management lies in keeping "the Aisles Clear and the Doors Open", guaranteeing resilience and recovery in the face of adversity. For entrepreneurs who aspire to cultivate a thriving business without sacrificing soul for scale, this book serves as a beacon. For leaders yearning to craft an organization where every hand is valued, every role is pivotal, and every customer feels at home, let these grounds of proven values be your guide. Embark on a transformative voyage from a cozy corner store to grand corporate avenues, as you carry forward a legacy of love, dedication, and community connection that never goes out of style.'Corner Grocery Store Principles' is more than a book - it's your invitation to weave the warmth of yesteryear into the fabric of a future where exceptional customer care remains the star by which businesses navigate.

  • af Natalie Dent
    192,95 kr.

    What if you could fill your business with dream clients that naturally set you up for success? Enriched Marketing reverse-engineers ideal clients into the fabric of your business through innovative sales psychology and easy brand storytelling.

  • af Ava Lumina
    172,95 kr.

    In a world where the first impression matters, and guest well-being takes center stage, this book, "Lavylites - The Future of Hotel Cosmetics," presents a revolutionary perspective on the significance and application of cosmetic products in the hotel industry. It is an exploration into the heart of hospitality, enriched with innovative ideas and forward-thinking concepts aimed at making every guest's stay an unforgettable experience.Within these pages, we unveil the latest trends and developments in hotel cosmetics, examining how Lavylites, an avant-garde cosmetic brand, is poised to transform the standards of the hospitality industry. From eco-friendly practices to personalized beauty solutions, this book sheds light on how Lavylites contributes to enhancing the hospitality experience while promoting sustainable practices.

  • af Jan-Paul Lüdtke
    476,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch zeigt kompakt auf, warum es für Unternehmen jeder Größe unumgänglich geworden ist, direkte Beziehungen zu ihren Kunden aufzubauen ¿ nicht zuletzt, weil Plattformen wie Amazon, Google und Meta den Zugang zu Konsumenten oligopolisiert haben. Mit der richtigen Direct-to-Consumer-Strategie (D2C) und einer strukturierten Herangehensweise kann jedes Unternehmen im direkten Kundengeschäft erfolgreich sein, und so wertvolle und nachhaltige Beziehungen zu seiner Zielgruppe aufbauen. Die Autoren führen in die Hintergründe, Strategien und Prozesse ein und beschreiben, wie Unternehmen D2C-Geschäftsmodelle zielführend aufbauen können. Sie erläutern das wichtige Zusammenspiel von Kundenbeziehungen und -daten und geben konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen, welche Hausaufgaben Unternehmen erledigen müssen, um langfristig unabhängig von großen Plattformen zu werden.

  • af Emanuela Stagno
    465,95 kr.

    The development of several AI solutions has revolutionized the way in which consumers behave. Serving as a guide to the role that AI plays on different aspects of consumers¿ life, this book provides a comprehensive understanding of the main artificial intelligence (AI) solutions available in the market. In particular, the authors adopt a customer experience approach to investigate how different AI technologies play a role at different stages of the customer journey (e.g., from pre-purchase to post-purchase decisions). Covering a range of technologies, such as augmented reality, voice assistants, chatbots and robots, readers will be able to learn which strategies and AI solutions are more effective at different stages of the customer journey.

  • af Sebastian Levine
    372,95 kr.

    "Make Millions: How to Win and Retain Customers" by Sebastian Levine is an insightful guide for businesses seeking growth through effective customer acquisition and retention strategies. It offers comprehensive insights into understanding customer psychology, developing targeted marketing strategies, and leveraging digital tools for customer engagement. This book is an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs and marketers looking to elevate their customer acquisition skills and drive sustainable business growth in a competitive digital landscape.

  • af Thomas Gresham
    217,95 kr.

    In the thrilling pages of "Burn Their Boats: Igniting Unbreakable Customer Loyalty," we embark on a captivating exploration of how businesses can create a customer base so devoted and committed that customers willingly destroy their bridges and forsake all alternatives, leaving them with no choice but to seek refuge in your brand. The author uncovers the essential elements that ignite unbreakable customer loyalty. From personalized experiences that make customers feel seen and understood to exclusive offerings that create a sense of belonging, the book provides a roadmap for businesses to inspire customer devotion and obliterate any desire to seek alternatives. "Thomas Gresham's insights in customer loyalty are like a spark that ignites a fire within your customer base. This book is a must-read for any entrepreneur or marketer who wants to build unbreakable connections with their customers."John Anderson, CEO of LoyalTech Baseball Inc. "Prepare to be inspired and equipped with the knowledge to transform your business into a customer-centric powerhouse. Thomas Gresham's expertise shines through in providing actionable advice for fostering deep connections with customers."Emily Roberts, Director of Customer Experience at Cocalium Powerhouse "This book is a game-changer for businesses that want to cultivate fiercely loyal customers who will stand by them through thick and thin. Thomas Gresham delivers a masterclass on customer loyalty."Michael Watson, VP of Marketing at Cognitec Maxxell "Thomas Gresham's insights into the psychology of loyalty will empower you to build meaningful connections with your customers and foster a tribe of loyal brand advocates. This book is a must-have resource for anyone who believes in the power of customer loyalty."Jessica Roberts, Chief Customer Officer at Power BOXXX "If you're ready to take your business to new heights by cultivating unwavering customer loyalty, this book is your roadmap to success. Thomas Gresham's groundbreaking exploration of loyalty reveals powerful strategies and techniques."David Evans, Founder of Loyalty X Institute

  • af Pierre Stern
    810,95 kr.

    Co-Creation ist eine gemeinsame Wertschaffung von Unternehmen und Kunden, bei der Kunden personalisierte Experiences (Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse) mitgestalten können. Dabei stellt die Integration von Kundenressourcen die Basis der Wertschaffung dar. Co-Creation bei Kunden erfordert eine echte Mitwirkung seitens der Kunden und sollte über die reine Produktebene hinausgehen. Kunden in unternehmerischen Entscheidungen einzubeziehen bedeutet, sie direkt in Partizipations- und Entscheidungsprozessen mitwirken zu lassen. In dieser Forschungsarbeit wird ein Co-Creation Modell entwickelt, um die Themen erlebnisreicher zu gestalten und die Kunden in der Lösungsfindung einzubinden. Letztendlich beruht Kernansatz der Co-Creation darauf, dass Kunden eine höhere Verbundenheit und Identifikation entwickeln, wenn sie an der Entwicklung und Verbesserungen von Lösungen aktiv integriert werden.

  • - Fra teori til praksis
    af Nicolai Simon Worsøe
    297,95 kr.

    Klager er uundgåelige for enhver servicevirksomhed. Men de færreste bryder sig om at modtage klager! Fordi det er ubehageligt. Fordi det er svært. Fordi det involverer så mange aspekter af virksomheden, fra produkt over kommunikation til strategi og ledelse. Knækker man koden til at håndtere klager ordentligt, gemmer klagehåndtering til gengæld på et kæmpe potentiale. Klagehåndtering – fra teori til praksis er en lærebog og guide til at håndtere klager i en servicevirksomhed. Bogen er bygget op omkring fire temaer: klagehåndteringspsykologi, klagehåndtering i praksis, strategisk klagehåndtering samt online klagehåndtering og omdømme. Klagehåndtering – fra teori til praksis henvender sig til ledere og medarbejdere i servicebranchen. Den kan bl.a. benyttes som lærebog på serviceøkonom- og receptionistuddannelserne og på masteruddannelsen Hospitality Management.

  • af Valerie Russell
    177,95 kr.

    With insight gained from over 35 years in customer service, author Valerie Russell shares how a company can create success and loyalty by focusing on the customer's experience from the parking lot to the exit.Great customer service can often separate the struggling companies from the prosperous ones. By focusing on the customer experience, companies can build lasting trust and loyalty. However, since the pandemic and with the rise of our electronic, antisocial world, the quality of customer service across industries has been on the decline. Customer service is becoming a lost art.From Entrance to Exit aims to reverse this downward trend by helping readers learn how to create an environment of customer care. After over 35 years of working in customer service, author Valerie Russell shares her tips and tools for producing great customer service from the moment the customer enters the parking lot to their exit and beyond. Russell goes through customer service with a fine-toothed comb-sharing the good, the bad, and the downright ugly parts of making a company great at taking care of its customers. Equipped with conversation starters, special reflections, and practice exercises for readers, From Entrance To Exit is a great practical tool for anyone who works in customer service or runs a business.

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