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  • af Anders Sørensen
    296,95 kr.

    Den første dansksprogede videnskabeligt baserede introduktion til turisme. Bidragene er leveret af førende eksperter fra dansk turismeforskning.Når vi rejser, danner vi et syn på andre mennesker og kulturer. De signalerer økonomisk frihed og råderum og indgår i vores selvforståelse og selvpræsentation. Nationalt og globalt er turisme en væsentlig samfundsmæssig og samfundsøkonomisk faktor, både i form af menneskelige aktiviteter, økonomisk omfang og beskæftigelse. Turisme er samtidig omdiskuteret verden over. Der er brug for viden om emnet, og der er et stigende behov for at kunne vurdere kvaliteten af denne viden.Bogen henvender sig både til ansatte i branchen, til uddannelsessøgende og til alment interesserede. De enkelte kapitler tilbyder indsigt og grundlag for videre fordybelse til den særligt interesserede, og antologien tilbyder i sin helhed en bredspektret gennemgang af et fascinerende emneområde, som påvirker os alle.

  • - Samtaler om den tredje alder
    af Anne Knudsen & Søren Knudsen
    297,95 kr.

    Samtaler om livets sidste kapitel – En guide til et meningsfuldt og berigende seniorlivEkspertviden – skrevet af en psykolog og en læge og sociologSkaber et rum for de vigtige samtaler, der ofte bliver udskudtBaseret på forskning, erfaring og juridisk rådgivningHar du nogensinde tænkt over, hvad du ønsker for din sidste tid, eller hvordan du gerne vil dele din livshistorie med dem, du holder af? Livet det er livet værd af Anne og Søren Knudsen tager fat i disse vigtige spørgsmål.Med udgangspunkt i deres professionelle erfaringer som psykolog og læge og sociologudforsker Anne og Søren Knudsen livet som senior fra forskellige vinkler – både de fysiske, psykiske, sociale og eksistentielle. Bogen tilbyder refleksioner og inspiration til meningsfulde samtaler mellem seniorer, deres familier og venner og i sociale fællesskaber.Livet det er livet værd er bygget op omkring ti temaer, der alle kredser om tilværelsen som senior. Hvert kapitel indledes med en sangtekst, som åbner for dybe samtalerom de emner, der kan være svære at tale om. Bogens indhold er baseret på forfatternes forskningsbaserede viden om seniorlivet og den sene alderdom, suppleret med journalistiske artikler samt deres faglige og personlige erfaringer. For emner, der omhandler jura og rettigheder, er der også rådgivning at hente for læseren.Livet det er livet værd er ikke blot en bog, men en opfordring til at tage ansvar for sit eget liv og sine relationer. En bog, der kan læses alene eller deles i fællesskab – altid med plads til egne tanker og noter undervejs. Til læseren, som ønsker en mulighed for at fordybe sig i, hvad det vil sige at leve et berigende liv som senior.ANNE KNUDSEN, født 1956, erfaren psykolog, forfatter og foredragsholder. Privatpraktiserende psykolog og krisepsykolog. Har skrevet flere psykologiske og pædagogiske fagbøger. Kendt for sit omfattende arbejde med eksistentielle emner og seniorlivets psykologi.SØREN KNUDSEN, født 1984. Læge ved Aalborg Universitetshospital, sociolog og ph.d. Forsker i lighed, patientsikkerhed og kvalitetsudvikling i sundhedsvæsenet. Forperson for Dansk Selskab for Kvalitet i Sundhedssektoren (DSKS). Har bidraget til flere fagbøger. Regionsrådspolitiker i Nordjylland.

  • af Signe Klitgaard
    208,95 kr.

    Astrid har taget springet ud i et liv som selvstændig og sat sig bag rattet i sin egen, hvide rustvogn. Hun møder de sorgramte, de døde, portørerne, retsmedicinerne, sygeplejerskerne. Døden kan ingen vælge fra, men vi kan vælge vores afsked. Askeland er en stilfærdigt insisterende roman om en svær branche, et dybt ønske og et stort hjerte.Askeland er Signe Klitgaards debutroman. Hun er uddannet indenfor læring og didaktik, materiel kultur og familie-terapi, og har i en stor del af sit arbejdsliv beskæftiget sig med facilitering af lærings- og forandringsprocesser. I dag arbejder hun som begravelsesrådgiver.

  • - Få succes med omtale i medierne selvom du har travlt med tusind andre ting og kun har et budget på 0,- kr
    af Mikkel Noa Klein
    157,95 kr.

    Der er vanvittigt mange gode historier at fortælle inden for turisme- og oplevelsesbranchen i Danmark.Men hvordan får du hul igennem til medierne? Hvilke historier er værd at satse på?Og hvordan kan du bruge pressearbejde i din turismevirksomhed til at få omtale og opmærksomhed fra medierne?Denne bog er en meget konkret guide til at fortælle dine historier på den rigtige måde, så journalisterne lytter. Det er ikke nogen videnskab - alle kan lære det.Pressearbejde i en verden af turisme og oplevelser henvender sig til alle iværksættere og aktører, der arbejder med at skabe fantastiske oplevelser for danske og udenlandske turister.Undertitlen på bogen er Få succes med omtale i medierne selvom du har travlt med tusind andre ting og kun har et budget på 0,- kr.Det koster nemlig ikke noget af lave pressearbejde udover din tid, energi og ihærdighed.Når det lykkes at opnå gode presseresultater, kan det gøre en kæmpe forskel for dig og din virksomhed.I bogen kommer du til at møde nogle af landets førende eksperter inden for PR i turismebranchen. Du kan også møde en række turismeiværksættere, der har forstået værdien af at prioritere pressearbejde, selvom der som turismeaktør altid er travlt med tusind andre ting.

  • - 5 Guidelines
    af Kristian Hansen
    187,95 kr.

    Bogen “Succes i oplevelsesøkonomi - fem guidelines” henvender sig til alle der arbejder med turisme, kultur, handel, gastronomi, events og oplevelsesøkonomi.Bliv skarpere på dine indsatser. Og skab en klar sammenhæng mellem dine mål og målgrupper - og din markedsføring, nye produkter og fysiske indretning.For iværksætteren, der skal etablere sig og har begrænsede ressourcer, og den store oplevelsesudbyder der vil trimme og optimere forretningen.Bogen er krydret med konkrete cases fra ind - og udland.

  • af Farnaz Bordbar
    364,95 kr.

    Farnaz Bordbar is a model with a unique sense of style...

  • af Naser Ul Islam
    1.163,95 kr.

    Recent issues have led to a growing need for a strategic re-evaluation of the tourism industry vis-a-vis volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) in the environment. The authors identify novel solutions through an integration of knowledge from the fields of social, physical, and biological sciences.

  • af Katie Daynes
    287,95 kr.

    Mennesket har til alle tider udtrykt sin magt og status gennem tøjBliv klogere på hvornår mennesket fik behov for tøj, der senere kom til at betyde magt og status op gennem historien.LÆS OM både tøjets funktion og på nogle af de mere eller mindre skøre trends, der har præget modebilledet, lige fra hulemenneskers pelsdragter, egypternes makeup og parykker, adelens silkeklæder og fiskebensskørter til streetwear og genbrugstøj.Der gives eksempler på, hvordan mænd og kvinder udtrykte sig i moden via farverige illustrationer, og bogen afsluttes med en tidslinje, der viser de forskellige tendenser inden for moden gennem tiden.Teksten er lettilgængelig med et enkelt sprog og overskuelige sætninger.LÆS OM appellerer til børn, der foretrækker faglitteratur – også når der skal læses for sjov.Lix 30,4 - ml 9,6 - lo - 20,8

  • af Markus Pillmayer
    1.305,95 kr.

    Although destination management is regarded as the supreme discipline in tourism management, little attention is paid to destination development, especially from a geographical perspective. This book analyses destination development and proposes key strategies for a positive destination development in the future in regard to sustainability, accessibility and economic prosperity. International scholars from a range of disciplines explore current issues in destination development and propose solutions that can help policy-makers prepare for future challenges. This book includes case studies from all around the globe to illustrate the diversity of destination development. This book thus offers students, colleagues from the scientific community as well as practitioners and political decision-makers numerous suggestions, considerations and decision-making aids with regard to destination development.

  • af Mark Peter Vitale
    2.207,95 kr.

    The reverberations of an unparalleled labor shortage echo through service-based industries, leaving the hospitality, tourism, and food and beverage sectors grappling with a critical challenge. The fallout from the 2020-2021 global health crisis has laid bare a systemic flaw: the absence of sustainable career pathways for front-line workers. From airlines to cruise ships, theme parks to restaurants, and bars, the shortage of front-line workers has reached a critical level, preventing organizations from operating at full capacity even as public health restrictions are lifted. This crisis stems not only from the economic aftermath of the pandemic but also from the longstanding neglect within these industries to cultivate a resilient front-line workforce. Front-line positions, often considered transient and unskilled, lack the structured development pipelines that other professional industries utilize successfully. As organizations struggle to address these workforce challenges, Career Pathways and Professional Identities for Front-Line Workers in the Service Industries serves as a guide filled with solutions in the face of industry-wide adversity. Career Pathways and Professional Identities for Front-Line Workers in the Service Industries responds to the urgency within the hospitality, restaurant, and tourism industries, by applying the dynamics of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the Gig Economy, to propose innovative solutions to engineer sustainable career pathways and foster professional identities. Ideal for employers, educators, and researchers involved in these industries, the book aims to guide organizations in optimizing operations, implementing leadership-focused succession planning, and minimizing the impact of labor fluctuations. From an academic perspective, it harmonizes industry-focused programs, offering a distinct element for hospitality, restaurant, and tourism management curricula. Additionally, it opens avenues for research on transitioning low-pay roles into meaningful, long-term careers with a focus on continuous improvement.

  • af Randall K Wilson
    277,95 kr.

    "It has been called Wonderland, America's Serengeti, the crown jewel of the National Park System, and America's best idea. But how did this faraway landscape evolve into one of the most recognizable places in the world? As the birthplace of the national park system, Yellowstone witnessed the first-ever attempt to protect wildlife, to restore endangered species, and to develop a new industry centered on nature tourism. Yellowstone remains a national icon, one of the few entities capable of bridging ideological divides in the United States. Yet the park's history is also filled with episodes of conflict and exclusion, setting precedents for Native American land dispossession, land rights disputes, and prolonged tensions between commercialism and environmental conservation. Yellowstone's legacies are both celebratory and problematic. A Place Called Yellowstone tells the comprehensive story of Yellowstone as the story of the nation itself"--

  • af Javier Martínez-Falcó
    1.679,95 kr.

    Climate change has put the survival andviability of wine-growing regions at risk. Whereas the implementation of sustainableapproaches was once seen as a source of competitive advantage, it is now criticalto the survival of the industry. Winetourism should therefore aim to minimize possible cultural and environmentaldamage while improving the economic and social well-being of the wine-growingregion. Contributing to the targets of SDG 8, specifically target 8.9: ¿By 2030,devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobsand promotes local culture and products,¿ this book argues that wine tourism canbe considered as a catalyst for the environmental sustainability of wineries. Chaptershighlight the economic, socioeconomic, environmental, socio-cultural impact ofwine tourism around the world, before concluding with a look to the future trendsand challenges. Itfeatures best practices from around the world that wineriesand wine tourism companies can incorporate into their core business functionsto make their operations more sustainable and also showcases how wineries have designedtheir tourism offerings to meet sustainable tourism development objectives

  • af Richard Butler
    653,95 - 1.671,95 kr.

  • af Alhamzah Alnoor
    1.213,95 kr.

    This volume takes the reader through the origins of regenerative tourism and how artificial intelligence can be utilised to develop and maintain green tourism. Chapters examine everything from marketing, data mapping, employment opportunities, cultural issues as well as what the future holds for tourism to give back to countries.

  • af Onur Akbulut
    1.112,95 kr.

    Introducing real-world case studies from across the globe, Battlefield Tourism contributes to the growing fields of dark tourism, destination and risk management, and tourism security.

  • af Noel Scott
    1.620,95 kr.

    Compiled from 10 years of research, with chapters contributed by experts in the field, we demonstrate how tourism will benefit from applying a new paradigm found in mainstream psychology, termed here the 'Cognitive Wave'.

  • af Aristea Kontogianni
    1.680,95 kr.

    ¿This book offers a fresh perspective on smart tourism, introducing unique frameworks and insights with the potential to shape the industry's future. It explores the convergence of technology, tourism, and smart cities, emphasizing the use of smartphones, social media data, AI, blockchain, crowdsourcing, and crowdsensing to enhance tourism experiences.What sets it apart is its focus on practical solutions that require minimal infrastructure investments, making it accessible to a wide range of stakeholders. This book addresses knowledge gaps and proposes cutting-edge frameworks for smart tourism development. It is intended for researchers, academics, and professionals in tourism, technology, and urban planning.Key uses of this book include providing a comprehensive overview of the evolving smart tourism landscape and serving as a valuable resource for researchers and educators in this dynamic field.

  • af Mario A. Pfannstiel
    924,95 - 1.222,95 kr.

  • af Stephen Morrow
    1.676,95 kr.

    The beautiful game is big business. Football leagues worldwide are being dominated by clubs which are becoming richer and more powerful. Since the first edition of this book was published in 2003, much has changed in the industry. However the central challenge remains how best football, its leagues and clubs can navigate a path between the logic of the market and the logic of community (social), while also remaining focused on a sporting logic.In this second edition, author Stephen Morrow offers a critique of football¿s economic structure, prevalent models of club ownership and governance, and new approaches to regulation that have emerged. The book also reflects on the Covid-19 pandemic and on ways in which it has illuminated many of the structural weaknesses inherent in football. It also offers an insight into the woman¿s game and its financial development in some countries, as well discussing issues such as football¿s response to environmental challenges.Drawing on theory and new literature from across relevant academic disciplines, this book seeks to make sense of the current challenges while also putting forward solutions as to how football can continue to harness and build on its social and community significance.

  • af Vaclav Smil
    165,95 kr.

    'There is no author whose books I look forward to more' BILL GATESIn this ambitious, myth-busting book, leading scientist and internationally bestselling author Vaclav Smil investigates many of the burning questions facing the world today:Why are some of the world's biggest food producers also the countries with the most undernourished populations?Why is food waste a colossal 1,000kcal per person daily, and how can we solve that?Could we all go vegan and be healthy? Should we?How will we feed the ballooning population without killing the planet?How Food Really Works shows how we misunderstand the essentials of where our food really comes from, how our dietary requirements shape us, and why this impacts our planet in drastic ways. Ultimately, this data-based, rigorously researched guide explains how we will survive and thrive long into the future.'There is perhaps no other academic who paints pictures with numbers like Smil' GUARDIAN

  • af Karl Heinz Hänssler
    557,95 kr.

    In diesem Werk wird betriebswirtschaftliches Wissen für die erfolgreiche Führung von Hotel- und Gastronomiebetrieben praxisnah und an vielen Beispielen aufgezeigt. Dazu gehören Überlegungen zu grundlegenden Themen - wie Standort, Marktkonzept, organisatorische Gestaltung - als auch ausführliche Beiträge zur Leistungserstellung (Operations), zu HR, Marketing und zum wirtschaftlichen Teil des Hotel- und Gaststättenrechts. In den Kapiteln zum Rechnungswesen werden u. a. branchenspezifische Umsatz- und Kostenstrukturen und deren Einflussgrößen, Möglichkeiten der Kalkulation und Preisfindung sowie Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Gewinns dargestellt. Die Neuauflage enthält umfangreiche Aktualisierungen, insbesondere mit Fokus auf Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit.

  • af Elizabeth L Block
    317,95 kr.

    "Establishes the cultural power of hair in the 19th century through critical interpretation of the significant space and time devoted to it as an important sociocultural symbol"--

  • af Sabine Fließ
    429,95 kr.

    ¿Dieses Buch behandelt die Grundlagen des Managements von Dienstleistungsprozessen. Da der Kunde immer am Dienstleistungsprozess mitwirkt, bringt er seine eigene Perspektive in den Prozess ein. Für Anbieter, die Dienstleistungsprozesse gestalten und steuern, ist es daher unabdingbar, die Sicht des Kunden zu verstehen (Co-Creation). Dies beinhaltet nicht nur die Sicht auf den Dienstleistungsprozess, sondern auch ein Verständnis dafür, wie der Kunde Dienstleistungsprozesse in sein Leben integriert. Dabei sind für den Kunden der Wert der Dienstleistung (Service Value) und seine Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse während des Dienstleistungsprozesses (Service Experience) zentral. Wie Dienstleistungsprozesse im Hinblick auf Service Value und Service Experience (Kundenperspektive) sowie Wettbewerbsvorteile, Effektivität und Effizienz (Anbieterperspektive) gestaltet und gesteuert werden können, ist Gegenstand dieses Werkes. Um die Kunden- und Anbieterperspektive gemeinsam zu verfolgen,haben die Autoren das Analyse-, Gestaltungs- und Steuerungsinstrument des ServiceBlueprint adaptiert, das auch gleichzeitig die Struktur des Buches bildet. In zeitlicher Hinsicht wird dabei der Dienstleistungsprozess in die Pre-Service-, die Service- und die Post-Service-Phase unterteilt. Auf der horizontalen Ebene werden die Kundensphäre, die gemeinsame Sphäre von Anbieter und Kunden sowie die Anbietersphäre differenziert. In den einzelnen Kapiteln werden die Sphären mit der zeitlichen Perspektive verknüpft, aus Kunden- und Anbietersicht beleuchtet und aufgezeigt, wie der Anbieter im Sinne eines erfolgreichen Managements den Dienstleistungsprozess gestalten und steuern kann. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei Konsumenten, aber viele Erkenntnisse lassen sich auch auf Unternehmen als Kunden übertragen.

  • af Monica Maria Coro¿
    2.163,95 - 2.267,95 kr.

  • af James Turner
    167,95 kr.

    Are you tired of working long hours and barely making ends meet as a waiter in the service industry? Do you dream of finally achieving financial freedom and stability? Look no further! Double Your Tips or Your Money Back is the ultimate guide to transforming your serving skills and boosting your income.In this book, you'll discover proven strategies and techniques that will help you increase your tips and take home more money. From mastering the art of upselling to providing exceptional customer service, we cover it all. With our practical advice and insider tips, you'll learn how to:Create memorable dining experiencesBuild rapport with customersUnderstand appropriate table etiquetteHandle difficult situations with graceDevelop a winning mindsetBut here's the best part: We're so confident that this book will revolutionize your career and your financial outlook that we are offering a money-back guarantee. If you follow the principles outlined in this book and don't see a significant increase in your tips, we'll refund your purchase. See Appendix for refund policy and procedure.¿¿Don't settle for meager tips any longer. With Double Your Tips or Your Money Back, you'll have the tools and strategies to elevate your service game and start earning the income you deserve. Your journey to financial success starts here!

  • af Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey
    212,95 kr.

    "All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which is high, one which sometimes seemed impossible..." Orison Swett Marden Tired of sitting through ineffective, ill prepared, poorly led, and BORING meetings? Perhaps you find yourself taking the lead in a meeting or conference. Maximize your meetings and personal effectiveness by pre-planning and streamlining agendas. In this book, we will take the time to discuss what makes a good meeting, training session or conference, and what characteristics you need to be an effective meeting planner or chairman. We will touch on some of the basics of good planning and parliamentary procedure. Further we will explore how to set up and conduct productive meetings by pre-planning and asking the right questions. "Nothing gives a person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances." Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson might have been writing about how to be an effective chairman. With his hand in the drafting and signing of the document that has defined our neighbor to the south he certainly understood what it took to wade through the differences of opinion, style, and personal agendas to get the job done. And so will you after you have completed this book. I have drawn from personal and professional experience in attending, participating; and leading business, association board meetings and AGMs, as well as conducting, planning, and leading conferences and convention planning teams across North America. I have used my platform experience of working with meeting planners on 6 continents as a speaker, facilitator, emcee, panel host and panelist, and as corporate and association trainer and breakout seminar leader. I share with you some of the fruits and lessons of those labors, in hopes, that I may give you a foundation upon which to see SUCCESSFUL, MAXIMIZED MEETINGS, because of yours. There are many factors that influence and impact the success of any venture. Hosting a successful meeting, training session, or conference takes planning, people, and performance. If you invest the time in reading and applying what I have shared here, your event will be more successful. You may not meet 100% Satisfaction (few meetings do so), but you will go a long way in creating and delivering an event that meets or exceeds the needs of those who attend. This publication is derived from nearly 30 years in the meetings industry as a speaker, presenter, board member, conference chair, organizing or committee chair roles. I've kept it simple, so it is relatively easy to understand and apply.

  • af Vitor Joao Pereira Domingues Martinho
    2.717,95 kr.

    Pilgrimage routes face challenges such as fragmented experiences, inadequate infrastructure, and limited knowledge, hindering their full potential and economic benefits. Esteemed academic scholars Vítor João Pereira Domingues Martinho, João Augusto Guerra da Rocha Nunes, Maria Jesus Pato, and Liliana Castilho offer a compelling solution in their book, Experiences, Advantages, and Economic Dimensions of Pilgrimage Routes . Through meticulous research, the book provides valuable insights to enhance the pilgrimage experience and unlock the economic potential of these routes. It presents alternative paths to harmonize pilgrims' journeys and addresses the issue of fragmented experiences. This essential resource serves students, researchers, local authorities, municipalities, and policymakers, creating a platform for engaging in discussions and fostering improvements in pilgrimage routes. Covering a wide range of topics, including heritage, culture, spirituality, tourism, regional development, and rural planning, the book offers a comprehensive understanding of the complex relationship between pilgrimage routes and societal aspects. Experiences, Advantages, and Economic Dimensions of Pilgrimage Routes empowers readers to contribute to the transformation and revitalization of these sacred paths, allowing for their continued significance and economic prosperity.

  • af Lulu and Bell
    222,95 - 242,95 kr.

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