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  • - En beskrivelse af de steder, vi gik ind, når vi gik ud.
    af Torben Madsen
    187,95 kr.

    Årene flyver af sted … Det kan vi ikke ændre på, men har du lyst til at genopfriske nogle af minderne fra Odense, så vil du utvivlsomt finde denne bog inspirerende. Her kan du nemlig læse om de steder, hvor vi engang slog os løs, mødte nye venner og kærester, lyttede til pop, pigtråd og velkendte evergreens, svang os på dansegulvet, nød en god middag, slappede af med en fyraftensbajer eller betroede vores sorger og glæder til hvem, der gad lytte. Kort sagt: De steder, vi gik ind, når vi gik ud. I dette bind er der fokus på: Fruens Bøge - Dalum Byens ældste restauranter Zoo - Tivoli Knudsens Gaard Takt og tone på restauranter Odd Fellow Palæet Homofile i Odense I første bind gik turen fra Nordvest og Vest til Centrum, og de steder, der eksisterede mellem 1950 og 1980, blev beskrevet fra deres første åbningsdag til lukning eller nuværende status. I andet bind blev læserne guidet rundt om kanalen, havnen og Nørrebro. Dernæst Odense Nord til Centrum og Øst til Overgade, og som afslutning Sortebrødre Torv og de nærliggende gader. I tredje bind fortsatte turen fra Nørrebro til Fisketorvet med et smut hen ad Asylgade og Hans Jensens Stræde. Fremme i Centrum besøgte vi først Vestergade hen til Jernbanegade og derpå Overgade - med sidegader - hen til og med Overstræde. I dette fjerde bind følger vi to ruter fra Odense Syd mod Centrum, og til sidst besøger vi Albani Torv.

  • - En beskrivelse af de steder, vi gik ind, når vi gik ud.
    af Torben Madsen
    187,95 kr.

    Årene flyver af sted … Det kan vi ikke ændre på, men har du lyst til at genopfriske nogle af minderne fra Odense, så vil du utvivlsomt finde denne bog inspirerende. Her kan du nemlig læse om de steder, hvor vi engang slog os løs, mødte nye venner og kærester, lyttede til pop, pigtråd og velkendte evergreens, svang os på dansegulvet, nød en god middag, slappede af med en fyraftensbajer eller betroede vores sorger og glæder til hvem, der gad lytte. Kort sagt: De steder, vi gik ind, når vi gik ud. I dette bind er der især fokus på: Danserestauranten Ambassadeur i NørregadeDen nye Forsamlingsbygning i Asylgade, herunder Hansens Værtshus og Discotheque TordenskioldRestaurant Under LindetræetPrior Caféen i VestergadeBrockmann’s Hotel og H-øl-loftet I første bind gik turen fra Nordvest og Vest til Centrum, og de steder, der eksisterede mellem 1950 og 1980, blev beskrevet fra deres første åbningsdag til lukning eller nuværende status. I andet bind blev læserne guidet rundt om kanalen, havnen og Nørrebro. Dernæst Odense Nord til Centrum og Øst til Overgade, og som afslutning Sortebrødre Torv og de nærliggende gader. I dette tredje bind fortsætter turen fra Nørrebro til Fisketorvet. Fremme i Centrum besøger vi først Vestergade hen til Jernbanegade og derpå Overgade, med sidegader, hen til og med Overstræde. Resten af byen følger i bind 4, som forventes i handelen i slutningen af 2014.

  • af Anders Sørensen
    296,95 kr.

    Den første dansksprogede videnskabeligt baserede introduktion til turisme. Bidragene er leveret af førende eksperter fra dansk turismeforskning. Når vi rejser, danner vi et syn på andre mennesker og kulturer. De signalerer økonomisk frihed og råderum og indgår i vores selvforståelse og selvpræsentation. Nationalt og globalt er turisme en væsentlig samfundsmæssig og samfundsøkonomisk faktor, både i form af menneskelige aktiviteter, økonomisk omfang og beskæftigelse. Turisme er samtidig omdiskuteret verden over. Der er brug for viden om emnet, og der er et stigende behov for at kunne vurdere kvaliteten af denne viden. Bogen henvender sig både til ansatte i branchen, til uddannelsessøgende og til alment interesserede. De enkelte kapitler tilbyder indsigt og grundlag for videre fordybelse til den særligt interesserede, og antologien tilbyder i sin helhed en bredspektret gennemgang af et fascinerende emneområde, som påvirker os alle.

  • - Få succes med omtale i medierne selvom du har travlt med tusind andre ting og kun har et budget på 0,- kr
    af Mikkel Noa Klein
    151,95 kr.

    Der er vanvittigt mange gode historier at fortælle inden for turisme- og oplevelsesbranchen i Danmark.Men hvordan får du hul igennem til medierne? Hvilke historier er værd at satse på?Og hvordan kan du bruge pressearbejde i din turismevirksomhed til at få omtale og opmærksomhed fra medierne?Denne bog er en meget konkret guide til at fortælle dine historier på den rigtige måde, så journalisterne lytter. Det er ikke nogen videnskab - alle kan lære det.Pressearbejde i en verden af turisme og oplevelser henvender sig til alle iværksættere og aktører, der arbejder med at skabe fantastiske oplevelser for danske og udenlandske turister.Undertitlen på bogen er Få succes med omtale i medierne selvom du har travlt med tusind andre ting og kun har et budget på 0,- kr.Det koster nemlig ikke noget af lave pressearbejde udover din tid, energi og ihærdighed.Når det lykkes at opnå gode presseresultater, kan det gøre en kæmpe forskel for dig og din virksomhed.I bogen kommer du til at møde nogle af landets førende eksperter inden for PR i turismebranchen. Du kan også møde en række turismeiværksættere, der har forstået værdien af at prioritere pressearbejde, selvom der som turismeaktør altid er travlt med tusind andre ting.

  • - 5 Guidelines
    af Kristian Hansen
    187,95 kr.

    Bogen “Succes i oplevelsesøkonomi - fem guidelines” henvender sig til alle der arbejder med turisme, kultur, handel, gastronomi, events og oplevelsesøkonomi.Bliv skarpere på dine indsatser. Og skab en klar sammenhæng mellem dine mål og målgrupper - og din markedsføring, nye produkter og fysiske indretning.For iværksætteren, der skal etablere sig og har begrænsede ressourcer, og den store oplevelsesudbyder der vil trimme og optimere forretningen.Bogen er krydret med konkrete cases fra ind - og udland.

  • af Farnaz Bordbar
    367,95 kr.

    Farnaz Bordbar is a model with a unique sense of style...

  • af Muhammad Abrar
    2.024,95 - 2.673,95 kr.

  • af Can-Seng Ooi
    407,95 kr.

  • af Kang-Lin Peng
    1.583,95 kr.

    This book benefits those interested in space tourism for doing business, conducting research, and teaching space services. The value chain analysis approach is applied to construct the knowledge system of the space industry from suppliers, consumers, agents, and related stakeholders. Space tourism has made a breakthrough in travel boundaries beyond Kármán line and impacted human living in many aspects, especially a vision of Mars immigration. The tourism industry has extended its reach to outer space. Space education has been popular in many countries because of human capital to serve in the new field. Researchers have developed unique methodologies to study space economic behaviors. The advancements in space technology and commercialization have formed a new market to drive a new era of space economics. Individuals can now venture beyond the Kármán line and fulfill their desire for space exploration through space tourism. This form of tourism offers a unique opportunity for individuals to explore the origins and limitations of human beings. This book provides an overview of the current state of global space tourism development, including its characteristics, direct and indirect stakeholders, and existing challenges. The successful implementation of space tourism cases by private enterprises in Europe and the USA offers valuable insights into China's space tourism endeavors. Given China's leading position in global space technology, space tourism represents a promising commercial development field that can benefit the country and its citizens.

  • af Naser Ul Islam
    870,95 kr.

    Recent issues have led to a growing need for a strategic re-evaluation of the tourism industry vis-a-vis volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) in the environment. The authors identify novel solutions through an integration of knowledge from the fields of social, physical, and biological sciences.

  • af Katie Daynes
    277,95 kr.

    Mennesket har til alle tider udtrykt sin magt og status gennem tøjBliv klogere på hvornår mennesket fik behov for tøj, der senere kom til at betyde magt og status op gennem historien.LÆS OM både tøjets funktion og på nogle af de mere eller mindre skøre trends, der har præget modebilledet, lige fra hulemenneskers pelsdragter, egypternes makeup og parykker, adelens silkeklæder og fiskebensskørter til streetwear og genbrugstøj.Der gives eksempler på, hvordan mænd og kvinder udtrykte sig i moden via farverige illustrationer, og bogen afsluttes med en tidslinje, der viser de forskellige tendenser inden for moden gennem tiden.Teksten er lettilgængelig med et enkelt sprog og overskuelige sætninger.LÆS OM appellerer til børn, der foretrækker faglitteratur – også når der skal læses for sjov.Lix 30,4 - ml 9,6 - lo - 20,8

  • af Markus Pillmayer
    862,95 kr.

    Although destination management is regarded as the supreme discipline in tourism management, little attention is paid to destination development, especially from a geographical perspective. This book analyses destination development and proposes key strategies for a positive destination development in the future in regard to sustainability, accessibility and economic prosperity. International scholars from a range of disciplines explore current issues in destination development and propose solutions that can help policy-makers prepare for future challenges. This book includes case studies from all around the globe to illustrate the diversity of destination development. This book thus offers students, colleagues from the scientific community as well as practitioners and political decision-makers numerous suggestions, considerations and decision-making aids with regard to destination development.

  • af Ariana Raisa
    264,95 kr.

    Welcome to the world of style and sophistication with "Fashion Shoes Coloring Book"! This coloring book invites you to explore a variety of beautiful footwear, designed specifically to provide stress relief and relaxation for women. Each page is filled with charming shoe designs, ready to be brought to life with your favorite colors. Tailored for women, this book offers the perfect opportunity to unleash your creativity while unwinding. Whether you're a fashion enthusiast or simply seeking a pleasant and relaxing activity, "Fashion Shoes Coloring Book" promises hours of fun and creative joy. Step out of the ordinary and treat yourself to this journey into the wonderful world of elegant footwear!

  • af Mark Peter Vitale
    2.482,95 kr.

    The reverberations of an unparalleled labor shortage echo through service-based industries, leaving the hospitality, tourism, and food and beverage sectors grappling with a critical challenge. The fallout from the 2020-2021 global health crisis has laid bare a systemic flaw: the absence of sustainable career pathways for front-line workers. From airlines to cruise ships, theme parks to restaurants, and bars, the shortage of front-line workers has reached a critical level, preventing organizations from operating at full capacity even as public health restrictions are lifted. This crisis stems not only from the economic aftermath of the pandemic but also from the longstanding neglect within these industries to cultivate a resilient front-line workforce. Front-line positions, often considered transient and unskilled, lack the structured development pipelines that other professional industries utilize successfully. As organizations struggle to address these workforce challenges, Career Pathways and Professional Identities for Front-Line Workers in the Service Industries serves as a guide filled with solutions in the face of industry-wide adversity. Career Pathways and Professional Identities for Front-Line Workers in the Service Industries responds to the urgency within the hospitality, restaurant, and tourism industries, by applying the dynamics of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the Gig Economy, to propose innovative solutions to engineer sustainable career pathways and foster professional identities. Ideal for employers, educators, and researchers involved in these industries, the book aims to guide organizations in optimizing operations, implementing leadership-focused succession planning, and minimizing the impact of labor fluctuations. From an academic perspective, it harmonizes industry-focused programs, offering a distinct element for hospitality, restaurant, and tourism management curricula. Additionally, it opens avenues for research on transitioning low-pay roles into meaningful, long-term careers with a focus on continuous improvement.

  • af Thy Nguyen
    185,95 - 196,95 kr.

  • af Brent W Ritchie
    398,95 - 1.368,95 kr.

  • af Shem Wambugu Maingi
    1.357,95 kr.

    This book delves into tourist behavior and sustainable tourism, especially in the post-pandemic era. Amid the pandemic, Ukraine-Russia tensions, social shifts, geopolitical changes, and climate concerns, the tourism industry has witnessed significant shifts in travel patterns. The sector now grapples with newfound complexities driven by emerging tourism experiences, niche markets, and technology-driven services. Interestingly, these complexities have paved the way for more sustainable consumption patterns.Contributors in Volume I explore the tourism industry's enhanced resilience. The book suggests solutions across nine thematic areas aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In summary, it explores the evolving landscape of tourist behavior and its implications for tourism resilience in a rapidly changing world.

  • af Shem Wambugu Maingi
    1.357,95 kr.

    This book delves into tourist behavior and sustainable tourism, especially in the post-pandemic era. Amid the pandemic, Ukraine-Russia tensions, social shifts, geopolitical changes, and climate concerns, the tourism industry has witnessed significant shifts in travel patterns. The sector now grapples with newfound complexities driven by emerging tourism experiences, niche markets, and technology-driven services. Interestingly, these complexities have paved the way for more sustainable consumption patterns.Contributors in Volume II, explore sustainable development with topics such as environmental and economic sustainability, as well as governance and ethics covered. Taken together, these collections propose solutions in nine thematic areas that are relevant to the UN Sustainable Development G

  • af Mila Holosha
    312,95 kr.

    Have you ever thought that your restaurant could become more than just an establishment to eat out? It can become a community builder, a place that will be a part of guests' lives, where their dreams come true. This can be a reality. You will be able to increase the number of new and regular customers, stand out from competitors, and make your restaurant a special place using just one strategy. It will change everything. This book is your ultimate guide to transforming your restaurant from just a place to eat out to a thriving lifestyle brand. In today's competitive restaurant industry, serving delicious food is not enough. You need to create an emotional connection with your customers and turn them into the restaurant's fans. The trickiest aspect here is that you should not only occasionally create this connection but do so consistently and make it the basis of your restaurant's marketing. You need to establish a marketing system that will consistently achieve this, and the book contains a step-by-step algorithm that will show you how to do that.

  • af Thy Nguyen
    185,95 kr.

    If you're a fan of fashion and love to unwind with a coloring book, the Glamour Girls Coloring Book is the perfect choice for you. With dazzling and trendy designs, this sparkling coloring book is tailored for fashionable adults who want to indulge in a relaxing and creative activity.Here are some reasons why the Glamour Girls Coloring Book is a must-have for fashion lovers:The book features a wide range of fashion-related designs, including clothing items, accessories, and beauty products. You can let your creativity flow and experiment with different color combinations to bring these designs to life.The designs are intricate and detailed, making the coloring process both challenging and rewarding. You'll be able to focus on the task at hand and forget about any stress or worries you may have.Coloring has been proven to have therapeutic benefits, such as reducing anxiety and promoting mindfulness. By immersing yourself in the coloring book, you'll be able to clear your mind and feel more relaxed and centered.The Glamour Girls Coloring Book is a great way to express your personal style and preferences. You can choose the designs that resonate with you the most and use them as a way to express your fashion sense and creativity.The book makes a great gift for fashion lovers of all ages. Whether you're looking for a birthday present, a holiday gift, or a special treat for yourself, the Glamour Girls Coloring Book is a thoughtful and unique option that will be appreciated by anyone who loves fashion and coloring.

  • af Thy Nguyen
    178,95 kr.

    If you're looking for a fun and creative way to express your love for fashion, the Fashionable Outfits Coloring Book is the perfect solution. With intricate designs featuring gorgeous and stylish outfits, this coloring book is a great way to relax and unwind while exploring your artistic side.Here are some reasons why you should consider getting the Fashionable Outfits Coloring Book:It is a great stress-reliever: Coloring is known to have a calming effect on the mind, making it an excellent way to de-stress after a long day.It is a fun and creative way to express yourself: With a variety of trendy designs to choose from, you can experiment with different colors and styles to create your own unique outfits.It is suitable for all skill levels: Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, the Fashionable Outfits Coloring Book provides a fun and accessible way to explore your creativity.It makes a great gift: If you know someone who loves fashion or coloring, the Fashionable Outfits Coloring Book makes a thoughtful and unique gift that they are sure to appreciate.So why not try the Fashionable Outfits Coloring Book today and discover the joy of coloring and fashion combined?

  • af Thy Nguyen
    213,95 kr.

    If you're looking for a way to unwind and relieve some stress, coloring books can be a great option. The Handbags in Flowers Adult Coloring Book is a perfect example of a coloring book that can help you practice mindfulness and relaxation. Here are some reasons why this coloring book might be the perfect addition to your self-care routine:The beautiful handbag designs combined with flowers create a relaxing and calming atmosphere that can take your mind off of any stressors in your life.Coloring has been shown to reduce anxiety and improve mood, making it a great activity to add to your self-care routine.The intricate designs in this coloring book require focus and attention, which can help you practice mindfulness and stay present in the moment.This coloring book can be a great way to express your creativity and connect with your inner artist.Coloring is a low-pressure activity that can be done alone or with friends, making it a versatile tool for stress relief.Handbags in Flowers Adult Coloring Book is a portable and affordable option for self-care, as it can be taken with you anywhere and doesn't require any special equipment.In summary, the Handbags in Flowers Adult Coloring Book can be a great tool for anyone looking to practice mindfulness, reduce anxiety, and connect with their creativity. Its beautiful designs and low-pressure nature make it a perfect addition to any self-care routine.

  • af Thy Nguyen
    199,95 kr.

    The Futuristic Fashionistas Coloring Book is a great way to explore and express your creativity through fashion design. Whether you're a kid, teen, adult, or girl, this coloring book offers delightful fashion fun for everyone. The streetwear fashion style featured in this book is perfect for those who love urban and edgy fashion.Let's take a closer look at what this coloring book has to offer:The book contains a variety of fashion illustrations featuring futuristic streetwear designs. Each design is intricately detailed, allowing you to experiment with different colors and patterns. You can use any medium to color in the illustrations, whether it's crayons, markers, or colored pencils. The book is perfect for those who love fashion and want to explore their creative side. It's also a great way to unwind and de-stress after a long day. You can display your finished designs in your room or even frame them as unique pieces of art. Overall, the Futuristic Fashionistas Coloring Book is an excellent choice for those who love fashion and want to explore their artistic abilities. With its streetwear fashion style and intricate designs, this coloring book is sure to provide hours of delightful fashion fun for kids, teens, adults, and girls alike.

  • af Thy Nguyen
    178,95 kr.

    If you are a fashion enthusiast or a lover of art therapy, you will surely enjoy immersing yourself in the world of fashion with the Colorful Fashion Shows and Catwalks Coloring Book. Here are some reasons why:The coloring book features beautiful models that are diverse in terms of their ethnicity, body type, and style preferences. This promotes inclusivity and representation in the fashion industry.The book showcases trendy clothes and fashionable outfits that are perfect for inspiring your own wardrobe choices. You can use the book as a reference for your next shopping trip or to plan your next outfit.The fabulous fashion styles featured in the book are not limited to one particular era or trend. You can expect to see a mix of vintage, contemporary, bohemian, and other styles that will cater to different tastes and preferences.Coloring is a therapeutic activity that can help reduce stress and anxiety. It can also improve your focus and concentration, which can be beneficial for your mental health and wellbeing.The book is a great way to unleash your creativity and express yourself through art. You can experiment with different color combinations, shading techniques, and patterns to make each page unique and personalized.The book is suitable for all ages and skill levels, from beginners to advanced colorists. Whether you are a seasoned artist or just starting out, you can enjoy the benefits of coloring and the beauty of fashion.In summary, the Colorful Fashion Shows and Catwalks Coloring Book is not just a fun activity book, but also a source of inspiration, representation, and therapeutic benefits. Get your coloring pencils ready and let your creativity and imagination take the lead!

  • af Thy Nguyen
    220,95 kr.

    If you're a girl who loves fashion and coloring, then the Dresses Coloring Book is the perfect activity for you! With 44 unique designs of wedding dresses, modern dresses, and vintage dresses, you'll have hours of fun coloring your favorite styles.Here are some of the features of the Dresses Coloring Book:44 unique designs: Whether you're into modern fashion or vintage styles, you'll find plenty of options to choose from in this coloring book.High-quality paper: The pages of this coloring book are thick and durable, so you can use markers or other coloring tools without worrying about bleeding through.Large size: At 8 x 10 inches, this coloring book is bigger than most, giving you plenty of space to color and add your own creative touches.Single-sided pages: Each design is printed on its own page, so you don't have to worry about colors bleeding through or ruining the next page.Suitable for all ages: While this coloring book is designed with girls in mind, anyone who loves fashion and coloring can enjoy it.So whether you're looking for a fun activity to do on your own or with friends, the Dresses Coloring Book is a great choice. Get your copy today and start coloring your favorite dresses!

  • af Thy Nguyen
    182,95 kr.

    The Magical Masquerade Coloring Book is the perfect way to unwind after a long day. It is an activity book that can be enjoyed by both kids and adults alike. The book features intricate designs of masquerade masks and carnival scenes that will transport you to a world of fun and fantasy.Here are some of the features of the Magical Masquerade Coloring Book:The designs are printed on one side of the paper, so you don't have to worry about colors bleeding through to the other side.The designs are intricate and detailed, providing a challenge for those who enjoy coloring as a relaxing and anti-stress activity.The book is portable and lightweight, making it easy to carry with you on the go. You can enjoy coloring anytime, anywhere.The Magical Masquerade Coloring Book is a great way to spend quality time with family and friends. You can even host a coloring party and have fun together.In conclusion, the Magical Masquerade Coloring Book is a must-have for anyone who enjoys coloring and wants to de-stress and relax. It is a fun and creative way to express yourself and escape into a world of fantasy. Get your copy today and start coloring your way to happiness!

  • af Thy Nguyen
    178,95 kr.

    If you're a fan of fashion and enjoy coloring, then the Futuristic Fashionistas Coloring Book for Adults is the perfect creative outlet for you. This book features stunning illustrations of futuristic outfits and accessories that are sure to inspire and excite your inner fashionista. Here are some reasons why you should pick up a copy today:The book is designed for adults, but kids and girls will also enjoy the vibrant and playful artwork.The illustrations are intricate and detailed, allowing you to spend hours coloring and adding your own personal touch to each design.The futuristic fashion theme is unique and exciting, making this book a standout in the world of adult coloring books.Coloring has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, making this book a great way to unwind and relax after a long day.The book is the perfect way to explore your creativity and experiment with different color combinations and shading techniques.So if you're looking for a fun and creative way to indulge your love of fashion, pick up a copy of the Futuristic Fashionistas Coloring Book for Adults today and let your imagination run wild!

  • af Thy Nguyen
    189,95 kr.

    Are you a fashion enthusiast who loves to color? Look no further than the Fashion Runway Coloring Book. This book is perfect for adults who enjoy the art of coloring and appreciate stylish outfits.Here are some reasons why you should consider this coloring book:It features a variety of fashionable outfits that are perfect for coloring. From dresses to pantsuits, there is something for everyone.Each page also includes an empowering affirmation to uplift your spirits as you color. These affirmations are designed to boost your confidence and remind you of your inner strength.Coloring is a great stress-reliever and can help improve your mood. It's a fun and creative way to relax and unwind after a long day.This coloring book is also a great way to explore your creativity. You can experiment with different colors and designs to create your own unique outfits.The Fashion Runway Coloring Book is a great gift idea for anyone who loves fashion or coloring. It's a thoughtful and unique present that is sure to impress.So why not treat yourself or someone you love to the Fashion Runway Coloring Book? It's a fun and stylish way to express your creativity and practice some self-care.

  • af Javier Martínez-Falcó
    1.325,95 kr.

    Climate change has put the survival andviability of wine-growing regions at risk. Whereas the implementation of sustainableapproaches was once seen as a source of competitive advantage, it is now criticalto the survival of the industry. Winetourism should therefore aim to minimize possible cultural and environmentaldamage while improving the economic and social well-being of the wine-growingregion. Contributing to the targets of SDG 8, specifically target 8.9: ¿By 2030,devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobsand promotes local culture and products,¿ this book argues that wine tourism canbe considered as a catalyst for the environmental sustainability of wineries. Chaptershighlight the economic, socioeconomic, environmental, socio-cultural impact ofwine tourism around the world, before concluding with a look to the future trendsand challenges. Itfeatures best practices from around the world that wineriesand wine tourism companies can incorporate into their core business functionsto make their operations more sustainable and also showcases how wineries have designedtheir tourism offerings to meet sustainable tourism development objectives

  • af Richard Butler
    447,95 - 1.327,95 kr.

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