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Medier, underholdning, informationsbranchen og kommunikationserhverv

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  • af O¿uz Göksu
    236,95 kr.

    Asr¿n insan¿n¿ her yönüyle küatan; hatta onu arafta kalmaya zorlayan, yeni sosyal ekosistemin, bir ön ad¿ "yeni gerçeklik". Döru bilgilendirme ile manipülasyonlar¿n; "Biz" ile "Öteki" aras¿nda kalman¿n; dijital olan ile insani olan aras¿nda kalman¿n ad¿ da 'yeni gerçeklik'. Siyaset dünyas¿nda ise 'yeni gerçekli¿in' tasviri post-truth (hakikat sonras¿) zamanlar ¿eklinde dile getiriliyor. ¿leti¿im bilimci O¿uz Göksu'nun editörlü¿ünde, birbirinden de¿erli genç yazarlar¿n metinleriyle ortaya ç¿kan bu kitap, be¿eri bilimlerin disiplinleraras¿l¿¿¿yla, yeni gerçekli¿in nas¿l in¿a edildi¿ini ya da alg¿ yönetimlerinin farkl¿ alanlarda, 'nas¿l' harekete geçti¿ini bizlere sunuyor: Kamuoy/u/lar¿ ve gündem/ler olüturmak, seçmen davran¿¿lar¿n¿ yönlendirmek, tüketici yönelimlerini belirlemek, dijital ortamlarda eylemler gerçekle¿tirmek, film endüstrileri ya da sosyal medya alanlar¿nda, savä propagandalar¿n¿ aratmayacak yeni zihinsel metaforlar ortaya koymak, uluslararas¿ diplomasiler geli¿tirmek gibi konular¿yla kitap, yeni gerçekli¿i genç kalemlerin yorumlar¿yla okurlar¿na sunuyor.Prof. Dr. Edibe SözenCumhurbäkanl¿¿¿ Sosyal Politikalar Kurulu ÜyesiTek kutuplu dünya düzeninin kimyas¿n¿n bozulmas¿ ve bölgesel geli¿melerde yeni aktörlerin ön plana ç¿kmas¿yla birlikte uluslararas¿ sistemde çe¿itli alanlarda paradigma de¿i¿iklikleri söz konusu oluyor. Dünyan¿n farkl¿ bölgelerinde güç parçalanmalar¿n¿ ve parçal¿ ittifaklar¿ beraberinde getiren yeni uluslararas¿ sistemde alg¿ yönetimi, hem sivil hem de kamu diplomasisi aç¿s¿ndan mühim hale geliyor. Günümüz küresel siyasetinde kimi ülkeler yaln¿zca askeri boyuttaki tehditlerle de¿il psikolojik savälar¿ ve alg¿ operasyonlar¿n¿ da içeren meydan okumalarla kar¿¿ kar¿¿ya kal¿yor. Bu çerçevede alg¿ yönetimi, döru bilginin ivedi ¿ekilde uluslararas¿ alana tä¿nmas¿, yalan haber ve dezenformasyonla mücadele edilmesi noktas¿nda vazgeçilmez bir mücadele alan¿ oluyor. Eserde kaleme al¿nan siyasal ve dijital ileti¿im merkezli çal¿¿malar ile AB'nin dezenformasyonla mücadele politikalar¿ bu anlamda büyük önem arz ediyor. Fikirlerin ve duygular¿n anlam haritalar¿n¿ ileti¿im argümanlar¿yla çerçeveleyen tüm yazarlar¿ tebrik ediyorum.Dr. Çäatay ÖzdemirTürkiye Cumhuriyeti ¿leti¿im Bäkan Yard¿mc¿s¿Alg¿ yönetimi, dünyada oldüu gibi Türkiye'de de çokça tart¿¿¿lan konular¿n bä¿nda geliyor. 19 makaleden olüan bu eser, alg¿ yönetiminin farkl¿ boyutlar¿n¿ güncel örneklerle ve kavramsal düzeyde ele al¿yor. Sinema ve fotöraftan dijital ileti¿ime, sosyal medyadan siyasal liderli¿e kadar birçok alanla alg¿ yönetimi ili¿kisi kapsaml¿ biçimde de¿erlendiriliyor. Güvenlik alg¿s¿n¿n yan¿ s¿ra, sinemada ötekile¿tirilen Türkler ve Türkiye alg¿s¿ zihninizde yeni çär¿¿¿mlara yol açacak. Kitab¿n, alana farkl¿ bir soluk ve vizyon getirece¿ini söyleyebilirim.Prof. Dr. Zakir Av¿arAnkara Hac¿ Bayram Veli Üniversitesi ¿leti¿im Fakültesi Dekan¿

  • af Val McDermid
    137,95 kr.

    1989. Verden er på randen af en revolution, og journalisten Allie Burns er tilbage. Ældre og måske lidt klogere, leder hun nu nyhedsafdelingen på The Sunday Globe i Glasgow. Hun er ikke længere graverjournalist, men nyhedsredaktør og stadig skrækslagen for at ende i rendestenen sammen med de brutale britiske tabloidmedier. Og hun får travlt. Året begynder med en mindegudstjeneste for ofrene fra Lockerbie-bombningen, og Allie har knap nok leveret den historie, før hun falder over en chokerende historie om aids-patienter. Den avisverden hun opererer i er under stærk forandring, og den kolde krig præger tiden. Da et mord sker, bliver Allie tvunget til at sætte spørgsmålstegn ved flere af sine gamle overbevisninger.1989 er anden bog i en planlagt serie på fem bind om Allie Burns. Vi følger hende fra 1979 og frem gennem fem årtier, på rejsen fra ung journalist til garvet ekspert, gennem mordsager og op- og nedture i karrieren, med Storbritanniens historie som medrivende bagtæppe. Allie Burns er baseret på Val McDermids egne erfaringer som ung journalist i 1970’ernes Glasgow.

  • af Chelle Honiker
    162,95 kr.

  • af Bitchin' Indie
    947,95 kr.

    "SubmitHub: Submit to SubmitHub in a Desperate World" by Bitchin' Indie" is a riveting exploration of the trials and tribulations faced by independent musicians as they navigate the unpredictable landscape of SubmitHub, delving deep into the challenges and successes of the platform while offering practical tips and inspiring stories of redemption. From the relentless pursuit for attention to the enigmatic curators and the power of community, this book is a must-read for any artist seeking to make their mark in the digital music industry.

  • af Herkimer Throckmorton
    962,95 kr.

    "Creative Exploitation: The Unethical Practices of Austin Macauley Publishing, Dorrance Publishers, and other Vanity Presses" is a powerful exposé that uncovers the dark side of the publishing industry, revealing the exploitative practices of vanity publishers and the need for ethical standards. With a strong focus on advocating for writers' rights and the importance of author empowerment, Herkimer Throckmorton shares personal experiences and sheds light on the vulnerabilities faced by aspiring authors. Through meticulous research and analysis, this book challenges the current publishing paradigm and offers practical strategies for authors to take control of their publishing journey. Discover the truth behind vanity publishing, learn the keys to ethical publishing practices, and join the movement for a fair and transparent literary landscape.

  • af Zamanzima Mazibuko-Makena
    572,95 kr.

    A vision for South Africa's National System of Innovation (NSI) was articulated some three decades ago in the White Paper on Science and Technology (1996). The idealism that inspired a nation in rebirth also found expression in policy for the science and innovation sector. Since then, the NSI has been moulded and re-moulded in light of domestic and global experiences. This volume, Why Innovations Live or Die: South Africa's innovation system, interrogates the systems and the issues surrounding them. Contributing authors argue that the fundamental question is about the relevance of innovations to the country's citizens, and whether the system promotes economic growth, social inclusion and initiative across all sectors of the population. The authors examine lessons from some highly promising research endeavours that fell by the wayside. Importantly, the book interrogates the successes of South African innovations that have impacted positively on people's lives. Various chapters trace the journeys of undertakings such as the Joule electric car; the Square Kilometre Array, the Pebble-bed Modular Reactor and transdisciplinary efforts on HIV and Covid-19.The contributors argue that the philosophical outlook that informs innovation policy, the attitude of mind in both the public and private sectors, and the content and timeframes attached to national development planning, among other factors, are as important as technical issues related to scientific expertise, training pipelines and resource allocation. In other words, the authors make a case for a system of innovation that functions as a holistic domain, straddling a variety of disciplines and spatial issues. The book also underlines the importance of broadening the vistas of research and avoiding path dependency. The volume proffers policy recommendations aimed at stimulating reflection and practical actions on a matter that is fundamental to South Africa's socioeconomic progress.

  • af Kevin Goldsmith
    207,95 kr.

    It Depends: Writing on Technology Leadership 2012-2022, a collection of essays and articles by technology executive Kevin Goldsmith, is a must-read for current or aspiring engineering managers, directors, and senior technology executives. With over thirty years of experience in leadership roles at industry-leading technology companies like IBM, Silicon Graphics, Microsoft, and Adobe, as well as early-stage startups and unicorns like Spotify, Avvo, Anaconda, and DistroKid, Goldsmith shares his knowledge about leading technology teams and larger organizations in this book.The book covers a range of topics, including creating a culture of experimentation and innovation, managing day-to-day, career development as a technology leader, team building, and practical advice for handling the requirements of the engineering manager role. Goldsmith acknowledges that the context is different in every company and for every person, and he shares his wisdom to help leaders form solutions that make sense for their company, team, and themselves.What sets Goldsmith's writing apart is his ability to provide practical advice and insights that few companies adequately train their managers on. He also offers guidance on how to move from managing a single team to managing managers, organization structure, building career development frameworks, diversity and inclusion, and hiring. By reading It Depends, you'll gain valuable insights into becoming a more effective leader in the technology industry.

  • af Chelle Honiker
    162,95 kr.

    Indie Author Magazine Featuring Mal and Jill Cooper ¿ Welcome to the 34th issue of Indie Author Magazine, where we continue to navigate the dynamic and ever-evolving terrain of indie publishing. This month's edition is brimming with insightful articles, expert advice, and motivational stories designed to inspire and empower indie authors at every stage of their journey. ¿Inside, you'll discover:Martelle's Motivation: Staying Excited as an Author: Craig Martelle's motivating guidance on maintaining excitement and passion in your writing journey.ALLi Exclusive: Give the Readers What They Want: Expert advice on catering to your readers' desires.Dear Indie Annie: Solutions and tips for your most pressing publishing queries.10 Tips for Batch-Creating Content: Strategies to efficiently create engaging content for your audience.Dive into the Wives' Tale, where Malorie and Jill Cooper unveil how they make marketing success accessible.Explore pricing strategies across different genres in Name Your Price: Do Authors' Ideal Pricing Strategies Vary by the Genre They Write?Demystify tax season with our guide, Tax Prep for Indie Authors-It's Not as Scary as You Think!Learn about the importance of cybersecurity in Gone Phishing: Cybersecurity Tips to Avoid Scams Targeting Your Author Business.It's a Numbers Game: Discover how K-lytics aids authors in understanding the industry with data-driven insights.Understand how Fanfiction Can Reignite an Author's Passion.Prosperity: Strategies to visualize and achieve your goals beyond the murky middle of your projects.Creative Couplings: A look into how three author-partner duos balance a writing career and their relationship.Corner the Market: Master the art of writing compelling book descriptions that capture reader interest.Prepare to be inspired, educated, and propelled toward success with our 34th issue. Indie Author Magazine is your companion in turning your authorial aspirations into achievements. Join us on this exciting journey!

  • af Bill Thompson
    277,95 kr.

    There's nothing especially unusual in the enterprise of taking stock of one's life. As the late Barry Lopez wrote in Horizons, his exquisite 2019 memoir, "We, all of us, look back over our lives, trying to make sense of what happened, to see what enduring threads might be there." For my part, I am not sure how many coherent threads I have found, or if things make any more sense to me than they did when I began the writing.For all my 32 years as a book review editor, I grumbled about how unseemly and presumptuous it was for callow pop stars and otherentertainers to be penning "memoirs" while they were still wet behind the ears. My only excuse for writing one now is that I am, astonishingly, 75, with a tenuous grasp of detail, and just egotistical enough to think four or five people other than me might want to read a book about my life so far.Full disclosure: My life is based on a true story.- excerpted from the Preface

  • af Bitchin' Indie
    942,95 kr.

    "SubmitHub: Submit to SubmitHub in a Desperate World" by Bitchin' Indie" is a riveting exploration of the trials and tribulations faced by independent musicians as they navigate the unpredictable landscape of SubmitHub, delving deep into the challenges and successes of the platform while offering practical tips and inspiring stories of redemption. From the relentless pursuit for attention to the enigmatic curators and the power of community, this book is a must-read for any artist seeking to make their mark in the digital music industry.

  • af Oliver Haustein-Teßmer
    284,95 kr.

    ¿Dieses Buch hilft Führungskräften und Mitarbeitenden in Redaktionen, digitale Werkzeuge erfolgreich anzuwenden. Es richtet sich an erfahrene und neu einsteigende Journalistinnen und Journalisten. Im Fokus stehen dringende Fragen der digitalen Transformation: Wie erreichen lokale Medien mehr und jüngere Menschen? Wie gewinnen und halten regionale Verlage Abonnentinnen und Abonnenten online?Die Leserinnen und Leser lernen, welche Strategien eine digitale Arbeitsweise befördern. Der Leitfaden erläutert datenorientiertes Planen und Produzieren sowie die Arbeit mit Zielgruppen und deren Bedürfnissen (User Needs). Checklisten, Grafiken und Tabellen sorgen für Übersicht. Es gibt viele Praxisbeispiele; Interviews mit Fachleuten bieten zusätzliche Einblicke. Der Autor geht auf Trends wie konstruktiven Journalismus ein und zeigt, wie journalistische Qualität mit dem Einsatz generativer Künstlicher Intelligenz vereinbar ist.Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf Karrierechancen und Ausbildung. Dabei berücksichtigt der Autor sowohl die Perspektive journalistischer Talente als auch die veränderten Anforderungen an Volontariate und ausbildende Medienunternehmen. Ziel ist es zu zeigen, wie vielfältig Journalismus als Beruf in der digitalisierten Gesellschaft wirken kann.Per App: einfach die SN More Media App kostenfrei herunterladen, ein Bild oder einen Link mit dem Play-Button scannen und sofort die Videos auf Smartphone oder Tablet ausspielen.

  • af Peng Duan
    1.037,95 - 1.299,95 kr.

  • af Christoph Links
    2.170,95 kr.

    Nachdem sich Teil 1 und 2 von Band 5 der Geschichte des deutschen Buchhandels im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert mit den kulturellen Rahmenbedingungen in der SBZ/DDR und den Verlagen beschäftigt haben, werden im abschließenden Teil 3 die nichtlizenzierten, gleichwohl zugelassenen Verlage, die inoffizielle Literaturszene, die literarischen und werbenden Zeitschriften, Buchherstellung, Buchkunst, der verbreitende Buchhandel mit seinen Sparten Zwischen-, Sortiments- und Antiquariatsbuchhandel, die Buchgemeinschaften, der Postzeitungsvertrieb, die Leipziger Buchmesse und der Außenhandel sowie die Transformationsprozesse nach dem revolutionären Umbruch von 1989 und der deutschen Einheit dargestellt. Insgesamt geben im dreigliedrigen DDR-Band 52 Autoren auf rund 2.000 Seiten einen vielschichtigen Überblick zur ostdeutschen Buchlandschaft zwischen 1945 und Mitte der 1990er Jahre. Jeder Teil enthält zahlreiche historische Abbildungen und ein Register zu Personen, Verlagen, Buchhandlungen, Druckereien und Buchinstitutionen. Das umfangreiche Werk, das auch als Handbuch genutzt werden kann, gehört zu den größten Kompendien für einen Teilbereich der DDR-Geschichte und bietet die Grundlage für weitere Forschungen.

  • af Gabriele Hooffacker
    766,95 kr.

    Das diesjährige Motto ¿ Gender, Sex, Diversity ¿ der vierten Ausgabe der Reihe Science MashUp greift aktuelle politische und gesellschaftliche Debatten ebenso auf wie inhaltliche und technische Entwicklungen im Games-Bereich. Der Band fasst die Tagung im Rahmen der 17. Langen Nacht der Computerspiele sowie weitere Abschlussarbeiten an der Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig (HTWK Leipzig) zusammen. Themen sind die Darstellung und das Identifikationspotenzial von Held*innen in Games, feministisches und barrierearmes Design von Games, inhaltliche und konzeptionelle Analysen von Geschlechter- und Beziehungsrollen in Games, Intersektionalität in Games sowie Grenzüberschreitungen von und mit Games.

  • af Charos Uralova
    257,95 kr.

    A developed society is realized with the help of science and technology discoveries invented by the mature representatives and scientists of that society, or at least in the current globalization process. We know that the potential of information and communication technologies opens fundamentally new forms and possibilities of interaction and information exchange, helps to build and strengthen civil society, and accelerates the processes of economic reforms and democratic development of the country.The advancement of science was seen to be the most significant undertaking ever. Scientific publications written by scientists are essential to the advancement of science. An independent scientific study that presents a viewpoint on a pressing scientific issue is called a scientific article. A scientific paper plays a crucial role for those with lofty ambitions. This book explains how to conduct in-depth research before writing an article on any subject.

  • af Fanny Fern
    1.027,95 kr.

    The most complete collection of works by the nineteenth century's most famous and groundbreaking woman journalist.

  • af Kevin Arceneaux
    262,95 - 783,95 kr.

  • af Ben Smith
    197,95 kr.

    “Engrossing and suspenseful." —The New York Times“Expertly pulls readers in.” —The Guardian   “Smith sharply chronicles the revolutionary moment.” — Financial TimesThe origin story of the post-truth age: the candid inside tale of two online media rivals, Nick Denton of Gawker Media and Jonah Peretti of HuffPost and BuzzFeed, whose delirious pursuit of attention at scale helped release the dark forces that would overtake the internet and American societyIf attention is the new oil, Traffic is the story of the time between the first gusher and the perceptible impact of climate change. The curtain opens in Soho in the early 2000s, after the first dot-com crash but before Google, Apple, and Facebook exploded, when it seemed that New York City, rather than Silicon Valley, might become tech’s center of gravity. There, Nick Denton’s merry band of nihilists at his growing Gawker empire and Jonah Peretti’s sunnier team at HuffPost and BuzzFeed were building the foundations of viral internet media. Ben Smith, who would go on to earn a controversial reputation as BuzzFeed News’s editor in chief, was there to see it, and he chronicles it all with marvelous lucidity underscored by dark wit.  Traffic explores one of the great ironies of our time: The internet, which was going to help the left remake the world in its image, has become the motive force of right populism. People like Steve Bannon and Andrew Breitbart initially seemed like minor characters in the narrative in which Nick and Jonah were the stars. But today, anyone might wonder if the op­posite wasn’t the case. To understand how we got here, Traffic is essential and enthralling reading.

  • af Ulrike Rohn
    1.681,95 kr.

    The handbook presents key contributions from scholars worldwide, providing a comprehensive exploration of current trends in media industries from diverse perspectives. Within the framework of understanding contemporary and future trajectories in media markets and industries, the volume delves into their influence on media organization and delivery, along with broader societal and market implications. Encompassing research at the crossroads of economics, management, political economy, and production studies, the handbook emphasizes the necessity for a robust interdisciplinary dialogue. Beyond scrutinizing present and forthcoming industry developments, the handbook addresses pivotal issues pertaining to media economics research methods and pedagogy. It serves as a valuable resource for scholars, students, and media professionals, providing insights into media economics as an academic field and delving into the multifaceted dynamics that shape the media landscape. Doing this, it contributes to the ongoing discourse on the evolving nature of media markets and their profound impact on society.

  • af Sven Jockel
    333,95 kr.

    Dieser Band gibt einen Überblick darüber, wie Computerspiele sich zu einem populären Massenmedium entwickeln konnten und welche Mythen über ihre individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Nutzungsweisen und Wirkungen tatsächlich von der Forschung belegt werden können (und welche nicht). Von PacMan, Space Invaders über Super Mario, Tomb Raider bis hin zu den Blockbustern Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty oder Fortnite, aber auch zu Candy Crush und Roblox haben sich Computerspiele in den letzten gut vierzig Jahren zu einem populären und erfolgreichen Unterhaltungsmedium entwickelt. Sie sind dabei, ähnlich wie Filme oder Musik, mittlerweile zum Kulturgut geworden. Für die zweite Auflage wurde der Band überarbeitet und aktualisiert.

  • af J. Paul Duplantis
    167,95 kr.

    Delve into "The Emergence", a thought provoking book that interweaves a rich collection of essays and podcast episodes, revealing the untapped potential of human agency in the digital era. This book transcends traditional boundaries, offering insights into how communication technology, often mired in commercial interests, can be reimagined to prioritize individual needs and abilities.At the heart of "The Emergence" is a deep belief in the human spirit, exploring the idea that every individual, irrespective of their societal status, holds unique wisdom. The book challenges the status quo of knowledge sharing, currently restricted by profit-driven silos, and proposes a shift towards a more inclusive and empowering digital landscape.Spanning a timeline from the early 1960s to the revolutionary developments in AI and digital communication in 2023, "The Emergence" is a journey through evolving technologies.It documents the internet's transformation and critiques its current state of opacity and control by a few dominant forces.A key focus of the book is the potential of Generative AI, like OpenAI's ChatGPT, in reshaping communication technology. The author, drawing from personal experiences and the evolving narrative around AI, envisions a future where AI acts as a collaborative tool, enhancing human creativity and problem-solving, rather than overshadowing it."The Emergence" boldly addresses critical questions about the role of AI in society, the potential of decentralized technologies like Blockchain, and the power of community-driven solutions over corporate monopolies. It's an urgent call to rethink how we use technology to empower individuals, particularly in areas such as healthcare, education, news, entertainment, and social welfare.This book is more than just a collection of thoughts; it's a manifesto for a new era of digital independence and user-driven innovation. It's an essential read for anyone interested in the future of technology, societal progress, and the harnessing of collective human potential.Discover more about this enlightening journey at www.TheEmergence.io.

  • af Giannis Andreou
    177,95 kr.

    If you want to know the hottest trend of the decade in the economy, you must read The Ultimate Guide to Cryptocurrency.This book was written to provide a basic, yet comprehensive understanding of Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, WEB 3.0, NFTs and DeFi. In this book, you will see the opportunities that exist in this industry, as well as the problems, pitfalls, risks and every essential element that a person needs to know in order to have a comprehensive understanding of this promising new technology.This information has been carefully collected and compiled after tens of thousands of hours of research over the last 10 years. It will help you understand how these new technologies work, what their capabilities are and how you can use them to your advantage.

  • af Patricia Bartell
    207,95 - 287,95 kr.

  • af Sunil Khandbahale
    87,95 kr.

    Just imagine that your home is not just on land but also in the sea and in the sky. Self-driving cars, without driver are not only move on roads but also fly in the sky. Your personal, intimate space is not just on the computer screen but projected on any material or even on empty space, and it may not be so far-fetched that you can expect a healthy life for thousands of years. Does it sound like exaggeration? But when it comes directly in the near future, it shouldn't be surprising. Because all over the world, scientists are constantly achieving success in one or more experiments. The current era is different from the era of information. The production of 2.5 quintillion bytes of data occurs every day. The data being generated every day is so vast that 90% of the data in the world has been created only in the past decade. Thanks to the impact of big data, research has accelerated, helping us get closer to the goal in no time. Under the Meta Connectivity program, solar-powered internet planes, followed by instant 3D-printed medicine capsules placed on the tongue to stop bleeding within just 12 seconds during a serious accident or warfare, are now a reality. In addition, 3D-printed medicine capsules, placed on the tongue, instantly dissolve, preventing blood flow of 3,000 liters in 1 minute during flood conditions, cement that absorbs human urine to produce clean water and energy generation, and research to change the necessary genes in DNA have been successful, allowing new codes to be created in place of codes that do not exist in the genome. The development of Ebola disease prevention vaccines, disease prevention drugs, and planes that will change in the car are now the subject of everyone's discussion, with research on computer manufacturing at just ¿500.

  • - Store hits og populære kunstnere
    af Jens Ove Friis
    137,95 - 237,95 kr.

    At rose sine kunstnere er rart og nemt, men det bliver svært, når kunstnersjæle modtager kreativ kritik.Han har været manden bag store navne som Allan Olsen, Lis Sørensen, Gnags, Runrig, Flemming ”Bamse” Jørgensen, Johnny Madsen, Danser med Drenge og Lars Lilholt.Han har bidraget til album, der tilsammen har solgt mere end ti millioner eksemplarer, hvilket gør ham til en af de mest succesrige musikbagmænd i Danmark gennem tiderne.Nu fortæller Jens Ove Friis, bedre kendt som JOF, alt om arbejdet i kulissen med nogle af de største pladesuccesser fra slutningen af 80èrne frem til i dag. Både i medgang og modgang. JOF var den første til at modtage den ærefulde Danish Music Awards’ branchepris, men nu har den jyske musikdirektør trukket sig tilbage på grund af en uhelbredelig kræftsygdom.Det har aldrig været vigtigt for JOF at være populær. Som han siger: ”Jeg skal ikke være populær og kendt, den slags har jeg kunstnere til.”

  • af Alliance of Independent Authors
    122,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Alliance of Independent Authors
    127,95 - 177,95 kr.

  • af Agathe Daae-Qvale
    257,95 kr.

    The principles of human evolution and change apply to technology as much as they do to our inner and outer worlds. Digitized Product Management examines the masculine milieu of tech innovation through a feminine lens, offering insights gleaned over 25 years. Agathe Daae-Qvale wishes that every one of her consulting clients had read this insight before commencing their work together in digital product and service development. This book represents a subjective overview of the technological dimensions that individuals, businesses, and organizations alike need to pay attention to in order to succeed in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.Each section offers the keys to unlocking the barriers to disruptive innovation, helping to maneuver through the shifting marketplace. It serves as the ultimate guide to reinventing your business through navigating the evolution of use cases and tech distribution. Here you will learn how to become the director of innovation as opposed to reacting to its fast-paced evolution-analyzing the more frequent blind spots encountered when creating something truly new. Choose this book as your companion as you step into the digital future. Don't let your business get left behind in this fast-changing digital world!

  • af Gary Shapiro
    214,95 kr.

    "From Gary Shapiro, New York Times bestselling author and head of CES and the Consumer Technology Association, a manifesto for today's top executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders: pivot or die"--

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