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  • af Leonidas Israel Viejó Mora
    548,95 kr.

    La presente ricerca sulla cultura giornalistica si concentra sulla decifrazione qualitativa del trattamento e della costruzione delle notizie in diversi mezzi di stampa presi come campione nella regione 5 dell'Ecuador (Province: Santa Elena, Guayas, Los Ríos, Bolívar e Galápagos). I parametri utilizzati sono quelli critici del lavoro quotidiano del giornalista: la selezione degli eventi di cronaca, il trattamento, il livello ideologico e l'etica nel momento in cui si costruisce l'informazione da diffondere.

  • af Leonid Izrail' V'eho Mora
    278,95 kr.

    Nastoqschee issledowanie zhurnalistskoj kul'tury poswqscheno kachestwennoj rasshifrowke traktowki i postroeniq nowostej w razlichnyh pechatnyh izdaniqh, wzqtyh w kachestwe wyborki w pqtom regione Jekwadora (prowincii Santa-Elena, Guaqs, Los-Rios, Boliwar i Galapagos). Pri ätom ispol'zowalis' kriticheskie parametry powsednewnoj raboty zhurnalista: otbor nowostnyh sobytij, obrabotka, ideologicheskij urowen' i ätika w moment konstruirowaniq rasprostranqemoj informacii.

  • af Leonidas Israel Viejó Mora
    548,95 kr.

    Die vorliegende Untersuchung zur journalistischen Kultur konzentriert sich auf die qualitative Entschlüsselung der Verarbeitung und Konstruktion von Nachrichten in verschiedenen Printmedien, die in der Region 5 von Ecuador (Provinzen: Santa Elena, Guayas, Los Ríos, Bolívar und Galápagos) als Stichprobe genommen wurden. Die dabei verwendeten Parameter sind kritisch für die tägliche Arbeit des Journalisten: Auswahl der Nachrichtenereignisse, Bearbeitung, ideologisches Niveau und Ethik im Moment der Erstellung der zu verbreitenden Informationen.

  • af Gunter Reus
    150,95 kr.

    Medien bestimmen unseren Alltag in jeder Lebenslage. Viele Menschen empfinden ihre Macht aber als gefährlich für die gesellschaftliche Kultur. Gunter Reus zeigt dagegen, wie sehr ein Gemeinwesen auf der kulturellen Leistung der Massenmedien auf­baut. Der Autor be­dient sich dabei eines weiten Kulturbegriffs und zeichnet nach, wie sie Errun­genschaften der Menschheit historisch ausgeformt haben. Ohne Medien gäbe es keine einheitliche Sprache und keinen Austausch von Information und Wissen, wie wir ihn kennen. Es gäbe keine Ausbalancierung sozialer Interessen, keine Kontrolle von Macht, keine Orientierung auf das Gemeinwohl, kein Kunst­leben. Auch im Internet­zeit­alter blei­ben Massenmedien, bei aller notwendigen Kritik an ihren Schattenseiten, unver­zichtbar als Kul­turträger. Sie sorgen für die Transparenz politischen Han­delns ebenso wie für die (potentielle) Teilhabe aller am Kunstgeschehen. Damit prä­gen sie die Kultur der De­mokratie wie auch die Kultur in der Demokratie entscheidend mit.¿

  • af Brunella Longo
    298,95 kr.

    "Book Publishing and the Internet?" is the English version of the second edition of a cult classic for editors and publishers, writers, literary agents, booksellers, scholars and students of digital humanities and history of the book and everybody interested in the fascinating recent history of publishing and digital media. With the first edition of this "impossible handbook" in 2001 Brunella Longo explained risks and opportunities of ecommerce, ebooks and print on demand. This new edition includes an introduction and five new chapters rich of insight and comparisons, plus historical data for surprising discoveries of data, forecasts and case histories spanning over two decades.==================EXTRACTS FROM THE INTRODUCTION: Book Publishing and the Internet is the English edition of La nuova editoria vent'anni dopo (2022). It offers a reflective tool for decision making and for the strategic review of the organisational changes, the investments and the policies needed to remain relevant in the digital age and reinvent products and processes. The book aims at reaching also a wider audience of people interested in the history of the digital, offering a source of documentation and research. Chapters two, three and four cover e-commerce and other industrial aspects, ebooks and the challenges of reading on screens in the digital social environments and the art of printing in the so called postprint age, respectively. The focus is on the huge transformations the book publishing sector has been going through over the last two or three decades due to the development of the Internet economy and its digital infrastructure: technical frameworks and standards but also legislation, governance and policies and of course professional skills and social behaviours that have been having terrific consequences on production and consumptions of all forms and genres of books. This work would not exist if in 2000 I had not written La nuova editoria, published in 2001 [...] that went out of print after few years. Chapter one, "A book returning to life", recounts my personal journey following the publication of La nuova editoria, explains the creative context of the first generation of Internet endeavours and the complexity of stakeholders management after 2001.[...]Finally, one year has passed since the publication of the Italian edition on this book. Between then and now the hype about generative artificial intelligence has possibly reached its peak with marketing rumours and important initiatives about the impact AI will have for authors, media and publishers of any size. I am quite relieved to conclude that nothing I wrote for the Italian edition required adjustments or revisions for the English one, against the backdrop of such great excitement, news and concerns: on the contrary, the public debates about the matter will possibly help the reader to engage deeper with my text that some insiders have had access to and have anticipated for public consultations, seminars and debates in recent months. However, something has indeed increased considerably over the last year and it is the public attention to problems of information security, accessibility and preservation of ebooks and digital contents. It will become clear from the first and the last chapters of Book Publishing and the Internet that the very purpose of making a contribution to digital preservation and history of the digital motivated me to write and publish this book.

  • af Erik Skyum-Nielsen & Nils D. Lund
    248,95 kr.

    Læselyst og skrivekløe søger med i alt 24 bidrag at tage temperaturen på litteraturfaget i dag. Her byder en række forskere – de fleste med mange års erfaring bag sig – ind med skarpe punktanalyser og debatoplæg eller små udviklingshistorier inden for forskellige litteraturfelter: forfatterskaber, genrer, kritik og kritikhistorie. Ikke mindst litteraturkritikken og dens udfordrede position må påkalde sig aktuel interesse.Læselyst er en god ting, når man har med litteratur at gøre. Skrivekløe kan tilsvarende være det, især for de professionelle; ikke alle har det i samme grad, og nogle for meget, men i fagkyndig og tøjlet form er det som oftest gavnligt for andres læse- og litteraturlyst.Universitetsdocent og litteraturkritiker John Chr. Jørgensen er en af de danske fagpersoner, der i særlig grad har udlevet disse lyster med sin kyndige og tøjlede kløe og dermed inspireret andre til at gøre det samme. Denne brede og facetterede indsats gennem mere end 50 år, som har sat sine klare spor inden for litteraturhistorie og kulturjournalistik, fortjener en markering og anerkendelse. Bogen er derfor tilegnet hans samlede faglige virke.

  • af Gump Jamesblood
    368,95 kr.

    Harnessing Technology for Inclusive GovernanceUncover the Power of Open Space PreservationDiscover a compelling exploration of open space preservation in "Harnessing Technology for Inclusive Governance." This groundbreaking work delves into the intricate tapestry of land preservation, shedding light on the vital role technology plays in fostering inclusive governance.Preface: A Gratitude-filled JourneyAcknowledgmentsIn the heartfelt preface, the author extends gratitude to individuals and organizations pivotal to the creation of this insightful work.Masters Research Project CommitteeDr. Howard H. Foster, Jr. and Dr. Rolf Pendall: Esteemed professors from the Department of Community Planning and Area Development (CPAD) at the University of Rhode Island.Marilyn Nicholls: Planner with the Planning and Zoning Department, Town of Greenwich, CT.Land Preservation AdvocatesThe author expresses deep appreciation for the invaluable insights provided by individuals dedicated to land preservation:Ms. Dawn Darbey-Dugan: Nantucket Land BankMr. James Lengyel: Martha's Vineyard Land BankMr. Stetson Eddy: Little Compton Agricultural Conservancy TrustMs. Heidi Tarbox: Block Island Land TrustFamily SupportA special mention goes to the author's parents, John and Mary Young, whose passion for preserving open space inspired the exploration of this critical topic.A Personal TouchThe author's parents, residents of Greenwich, Connecticut, have been instrumental in the cause of preserving open space. This study aims to contribute to their efforts and aligns with the shared goals of communities passionate about safeguarding natural landscapes.Emotional SupportThe author extends heartfelt thanks to George Elam for his unwavering patience and emotional support throughout the research process. His selfless acts, including transforming a vacation into an opportunity for field research, underscore the dedication behind this work.Why "Harnessing Technology for Inclusive Governance"?Cutting-edge Perspective: Gain a cutting-edge perspective on the intersection of technology and governance, exploring how it fosters inclusivity in decision-making processes.Real-world Insights: Backed by interviews with key figures in land preservation organizations, the book offers real-world insights and practical strategies.Personal Connection: The author's personal connection to the cause adds a genuine and relatable dimension to the exploration of open space preservation.Emotional Resonance: From gratitude-filled acknowledgments to personal stories, the book weaves an emotionally resonant narrative that engages readers on a profound level.Embark on a journey into the world of inclusive governance and open space preservation. "Harnessing Technology for Inclusive Governance" is not just a book; it's a testament to the power of collaboration, technology, and personal dedication in shaping the future of our communities.

  • af Heli Herrera Hernández
    738,95 kr.

    Für diejenigen, die nicht das Glück hatten, José Luis Lobato Campos zu kennen und mit ihm zu tun zu haben, ist dieses Buch eine gute Gelegenheit, in das Leben eines außergewöhnlichen, edlen und großzügigen Menschen einzutreten, der materielle und wirtschaftliche Ressourcen verschenkte, wenn er erfuhr, dass jemand, der ihm nahe stand, ein Problem hatte. Von dem außergewöhnlichen Politiker, der zum öffentlichen Leben von Veracruz und Mexiko beigetragen hat; von dem Beamten, der, so unglaublich es in diesem Land auch erscheinen mag, wo Männer und Frauen, die für öffentliche Unternehmen verantwortlich waren, diese immer gestohlen oder in den Bankrott getrieben haben, das von ihm geleitete staatliche Renteninstitut zu Wohlstand und Profit gebracht hat. Er war ein erfolgreicher Mann in seinem persönlichen Geschäft, ein Multiplikator von Arbeitsplätzen, aber vor allem war er ein Mensch, der in seinem Leben gab, ohne eine Gegenleistung zu verlangen; der seine Hand ausstreckte, ohne eine Belohnung zu erwarten, der loyal war, ohne zu verlangen, verraten zu werden. Ich lade Sie ein, in eine leidenschaftliche Lektüre eines Mannes einzutauchen, der seinen Weg durch dieses Leben gerechtfertigt hat.

  • af Heli Herrera Hernández
    738,95 kr.

    Per chi non ha avuto la fortuna di conoscere e di avere a che fare con José Luis Lobato Campos, questo libro è una buona occasione per entrare nella vita di un essere umano straordinario, nobile e generoso, che ha donato risorse materiali ed economiche quando ha scoperto che qualcuno a lui vicino aveva un problema. Di un politico eccezionale che ha contribuito alla vita pubblica di Veracruz e del Messico; di un funzionario pubblico che, per quanto possa sembrare incredibile in questo Paese, dove gli uomini e le donne che si occupavano di aziende pubbliche le rubavano sempre o le portavano al fallimento, lui, quello che dirigeva, l'Istituto Pensionistico Statale, lo rese prospero e redditizio. Era un uomo di successo nella sua attività personale, un moltiplicatore di posti di lavoro, ma soprattutto era un essere umano che nella sua vita ha dato senza chiedere nulla in cambio; che ha teso la mano senza aspettarsi una ricompensa, che è stato leale senza pretendere di essere tradito. Vi invito ad addentrarvi nella lettura appassionata di un uomo che ha giustificato il suo passaggio in questa vita.

  • af Heli Herrera Hernández
    738,95 kr.

    Pour ceux qui n'ont pas eu la chance de connaître et de côtoyer José Luis Lobato Campos, ce livre est une bonne occasion d'entrer dans la vie d'un être humain extraordinaire, noble et généreux, qui a fait don de ressources matérielles et économiques lorsqu'il s'est rendu compte qu'un de ses proches avait un problème. De l'homme politique exceptionnel qui a contribué à la vie publique de Veracruz et du Mexique ; du fonctionnaire qui, aussi incroyable que cela puisse paraître dans ce pays, où les hommes et les femmes responsables d'entreprises publiques les volent toujours ou les conduisent à la faillite, a rendu prospère et rentable celle qu'il dirigeait, l'Institut des pensions de l'État. C'était un homme à succès dans ses affaires personnelles, un multiplicateur d'emplois, mais surtout un être humain qui, dans sa vie, a donné sans rien demander en retour, qui a tendu la main sans attendre de récompense, qui a été loyal sans exiger d'être trahi. Je vous invite à pénétrer dans une lecture passionnée d'un homme qui a justifié son passage dans cette vie.

  • af Heli Herrera Hernández
    738,95 kr.

    Para aqueles que não tiveram a sorte de conhecer e conviver com José Luis Lobato Campos, este livro é uma boa oportunidade para entrar na vida de um ser humano extraordinário, nobre, generoso, que doou recursos materiais e económicos quando soube que alguém próximo tinha um problema. Do político excecional que contribuiu para a vida pública de Veracruz e do México; do funcionário público que, por incrível que pareça neste país, onde os homens e mulheres que estavam à frente das empresas públicas sempre as roubavam ou as levavam à falência, ele, na empresa que dirigia, o Instituto de Pensões do Estado, tornou-a próspera e rentável. Foi um homem de sucesso nos seus negócios pessoais, um multiplicador de empregos, mas, sobretudo, foi um ser humano que na sua vida deu sem pedir nada em troca; que estendeu a mão sem esperar recompensa, que foi leal sem exigir ser traído. Convido-vos a penetrar numa leitura apaixonada de um homem que justificou a sua passagem por esta vida.

  • af Heli Herrera Hernández
    668,95 kr.

    For those who were not fortunate enough to have known and dealt with José Luis Lobato Campos, this book is a good opportunity to enter into the life of an extraordinary, noble, generous human being, who gave away material and economic resources when he found out that someone close to him had a problem. Of the exceptional politician who contributed to the public life of Veracruz and Mexico; of the official who, as incredible as it may seem in this country, where men and women who were responsible for public companies always stole them or took them to bankruptcy, he, the one he managed, the State Pension Institute, made it prosperous and profitable. He was a successful man in his personal business, a multiplier of jobs, but most importantly, he was a human being who in his life gave without asking for anything in return; who extended his hand without expecting a reward, who was loyal without demanding to be betrayed. I invite you to penetrate into a passionate reading of a man who justified his passage through this life.

  • af Heli Jerrera Jernandes
    738,95 kr.

    Dlq teh, komu ne poschastliwilos' znat' i imet' delo s Hose Luisom Lobato Kamposom, äta kniga - horoshaq wozmozhnost' proniknut' w zhizn' neobychnogo, blagorodnogo, schedrogo cheloweka, kotoryj otdawal material'nye i äkonomicheskie resursy, kogda uznawal, chto u kogo-to iz ego blizkih woznikli problemy. Isklüchitel'nogo politika, wnesshego swoj wklad w obschestwennuü zhizn' Verakrusa i Mexiki; gosudarstwennogo sluzhaschego, kotoryj, kak äto ni neweroqtno w nashej strane, gde muzhchiny i zhenschiny, wozglawlqüschie gosudarstwennye kompanii, wsegda razworowywali ih ili dowodili do bankrotstwa, sdelal procwetaüschim i pribyl'nym tot, kotorym on uprawlql, - Gosudarstwennyj pensionnyj institut. On byl uspeshnym chelowekom w swoem lichnom biznese, mnozhil rabochie mesta, no samoe glawnoe - on byl chelowekom, kotoryj w swoej zhizni otdawal, ne prosq nichego wzamen, kotoryj protqgiwal ruku, ne ozhidaq nagrady, kotoryj byl predan, ne trebuq, chtoby ego predali. Ya priglashaü was pogruzit'sq w strastnoe chtenie knigi o cheloweke, kotoryj oprawdal swoe prohozhdenie cherez ätu zhizn'.

  • af Jan Friso Groote
    293,95 kr.

  • af Mohd Mustafa Ali Sarwari
    348,95 kr.

    Journalism is the process of gathering and distributing news. Additionally, the practice as a whole is referred to as health journalism when the news collection issue has to do with health. Furthermore, mainstream journalism regards this subject as crucial. Health journalism incorporates awareness and theme elements pertaining to health in addition to news coverage. Dr. Mohd Mustafa Ali Sarwari's book "Health Journalism" is a study and critical examination of health-related news, narratives, reporting, health campaigns, and other materials.

  • af Ernie Pyle
    208,95 kr.

    Ernie Pyle in England, first published in 1941, is the account of the journalist's stay in England, Scotland and Wales during the height of the German bombing blitz on London and other cities of the United Kingdom. Pyle, one of the most famous correspondents of the Second World War, had an easy-going, 'folksy'-style of writing, making the book an enjoyable yet informative read about the conditions he encountered. His descriptions of the effects of the bombing, nights spent in air raid shelters, food- and gas-rationing, and daily life in London remain classic pieces of war-time reporting. Pyle would later report from Europe, Africa, and the Pacific, with his accounts appearing in some 300 American newspapers. Sadly, near the end of the war (on April 18, 1945), Pyle was hit by Japanese machine-gun fire on the island of Ieshima (northwest of Okinawa). He was 44 at the time of his death.

  • af Eternia Publishing
    183,95 kr.

    THE KOBE MENTALITY: BECOME AS RELENTLESS AS A BLACK MAMBA BY DECODING THE PSYCHOLOGY OF A LEGENDARY LAKER: KOBE BRYANT Kobe Bryant was a legend both on and off the court. He was a fierce competitor, a brilliant strategist, and a master of his craft. His work ethic, dedication, and mindset were unmatched, and he left an indelible mark on the world of basketball.Learn his thoughts and insightsOn themes like: - TEAM LEADERSHIP- TRAINING YOURSELF, TRAINING YOUR TEAM - HOW TO GIVE YOUR ALL TO YOUR DREAMS- MAMBA MENTALITY Based on KOBE BRYANT'S own experiences You will also learn the following: - How to become a more compassionate, effective and wiser sports leader.- Set your priorities straight, be consistent, and reach your peak performance.- Discover the benefits of honesty, excellence, and relentless training. You will discover his answers to all these questions: MENTAL TOUGHNESS FOR PRODUCTIVITYWhy You Should Meditate Everyday?How To Have The Most Productive Day?How To Train More During The Day?Does Effort Ever Stop?What Is The Zone Of Deep Concentration?Why Sleeping Well Is Essential For Performance?Why Should You Be Forever A Student? FAILUREWhat Is Failure?How To Recover From Failure? MENTAL TOUGHNESS FOR OVERCOMING STRUGGLEHow To Use Your Struggles To Shape Your Goals?How To Use Your Suffering To Create Your Killer Instinct?How To Have Your Head In The Game?How To Keep Going?Can Loneliness Be A Good Thing?How To Change Your Perspective When You Suffer Because Things Don't Go Your Way? MENTAL TOUGHNESS FOR LEADERSHIPHow Can A Basketball Team Be Good?How To Handle A Team's Stubbornness?Why Let Others Use Their Strengths Even When You're Good Enough?Why Must A Leader Be Compassionate And Empathetic?How Can A Team Be Good Year After Year?Why Must You Be Honest With People?How Must A Leader Train Their Team? PASSIONWhy Must You Do What You Love To Do?What To Do When You Retire?How To Make Your Dreams Come True?How To Stick To Your Dreams?How To Choose Your Future Wisely Based On Your Passion? TRANSCENDENCEDo You Need Compliments To Know That You're Doing Something Worthy?How To Do Something Transcendental?Why Thinking About Your Mortality Makes You Wiser? MOTIVATIONHow To Give Your All?Why Are Dreams So Important?Should Your Opponents Be Great Too?Why Can Stories Change Our Lives? LIFESTYLEShould You Prioritize Your Personal Life Over Your Profession?Why Must You Save A Lot Of Money At The Peak Of Your Career? CHILDRENWhy Sports Are So Important For Children?How To Engage Children In Sports?How To Teach Kids Excellence? So, get started right now. Add this book to your cart and get ready to UNLEASH YOUR OWN MAMBA MENTALITY!

  • af Eternia Publishing
    168,95 kr.

    UNVELING THE WORLD OF ONE PIECE:DECODING THE CHARACTERS, THEMES, AND WORLD OF THE ANIME Introducing "Unveling The World Of One Piece" - the ultimate handbook for fans of one of the most beloved anime series of all time. This comprehensive guide is a must-have for anyone who wants to dive deeper into the world of One Piece, with insights and analysis that will enrich the viewing experience and help you appreciate the series even more. In summary, the 5 main themes of "One Piece Decoded" are: 1. The History and Evolution of One Piece2. The Significance of Names and Symbols in One Piece3. The Role of Devil Fruits and Haki in One Piece4. The Importance of Friendship and Loyalty in One Piece5. The Legacy of One Piece: Looking Back and Looking Forward If you're a fan of One Piece and want to learn more about the world of Luffy and his crew, this guide is an essential purchase. Packed with fascinating insights and analysis, it will help you understand and appreciate the series even more. Get your copy of "Unveling The World Of One Piece" today and embark on a new journey through the world of One Piece! CONTENT (40 CHAPTERS)The World Of One Piece: An Introduction To The SeriesThe History And Evolution Of One PieceThe Cultural References In One Piece: A Deep DiveThe Creation And Development Of One Piece's CharactersThe Significance Of Names And Symbols In One PieceThe Role Of Devil Fruits And Haki In One PieceThe Importance Of Friendship And Loyalty In One PieceThe Evolution Of Luffy And His Crew's RelationshipsThe Significance Of The Pirate King And The One Piece TreasureThe Legacy Of Gol D. Roger And The Roger PiratesThe Different Types Of Devil Fruits In One Piece: Paramecia, Zoan, And LogiaThe Role Of The World Government And The Marines In One PieceThe History And Significance Of The Ancient WeaponsThe Role Of Shichibukai And Yonko In One PieceThe Significance Of The Grand Line And The New WorldThe Significance Of The Summit War Saga And The Dressrosa ArcThe Importance Of Dreams And Aspirations In One PieceThe Significance Of The Straw Hat Pirates And Their AlliesThe Importance Of One Piece's Themes: Freedom, Justice, And AdventureThe Legacy Of One Piece: Looking Back And Looking ForwardThe Role Of Sea Kings And Sea Monsters In One PieceThe Significance Of The Marineford War And Its AftermathThe Evolution Of One Piece's Villains: From Arlong To BlackbeardThe Different Types Of Haki: Observation, Armament, And Conqueror'sThe Significance Of The World Nobles And The Sabaody ArchipelagoThe Role Of The Revolutionary Army And Its LeadersThe Significance Of The Void Century And The Ancient KingdomThe Evolution Of One Piece's Female Characters: From Nami To Boa HancockThe Role Of The Supernovas And Their Contributions To One PieceThe Significance Of Raftel And The One Piece TreasureThe Evolution Of The Straw Hat Pirates' Bounties And NotorietyThe Different Types Of Weapons And Their Significance In One PieceThe Role Of The Log Pose And The New World NavigationThe Significance Of The Poneglyphs And Their TranslationThe Evolution Of One Piece's Comedy: From Gags To Running JokesThe Role Of Fishman Island And Its Relationship To The Surface WorldThe Significance Of The Yonko's Territories And Their Power StrugglesThe Different Types Of Crews And Their Unique QualitiesThe Role Of Impel Down And The World Government's Prison SystemThe Significance Of The Time-Skip And The Straw Hat Pirates' Growth

  • af Patrick Cockburn
    343,95 kr.

    The Extraordinary Life of a Revolutionary Journalist

  • af Huihui Song
    2.453,95 kr.

    This book includes original, peer-reviewed research papers from the 14th China Academic Conference on Printing and Packaging (CACPP 2023), held in Beijing, China on November 24-26, 2023. The proceedings cover the latest findings in color science and technology, image processing technology, digital media technology, mechanical and electronic engineering and numerical control, materials and detection, printing and packaging technology, and so on. As such, the book is of interest to university researchers, R&D engineers and graduate students in the fields of color science, image science, materials science, computer science, digital media, network technology, smart manufacturing technology and printing and packaging.

  • af Margaret Renn
    368,95 kr.

    A portrait of a brilliant journalist and tireless campaigner for justice

  • af Steve Wasserman
    174,95 - 232,95 kr.

  • af Alyssa Curtayne
    278,95 kr.

    This workbook is not like your average planner, it is designed by a writer, with writers in mind. Sometimes a project can seem overwhelming and by using the scheduling tools in this book, you will make progress towards your goals in no time. With both macro and micro-planning and space to add those 'shiny' ideas as they come up, this is a book designed to keep you on track with your writing projects, both large and small. It is a perpetual calendar, which means you can start any time of the year and fill in the dates to help you achieve success.

  • af Tjeerd Hunnekens
    166,95 kr.

    Innovation From Within will empower you to master innovation, tap into your organization's hidden potential, and take a leading role in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

  • af Matthew Whiteside
    208,95 kr.

    The Guidebook to Self-Releasing Your Music is a must-have resource for anyone looking to release their music-equally valuable for first timers as well as for seasoned experts who want the latest information on technology and industry developments. Matthew Whiteside focuses on the areas that musicians can manage themselves, and highlights-with humour and encouragement-the potential benefits and pitfalls along the way.

  • af Tina L Koenig
    305,95 kr.

    How to Self-Publish Like A Pro is one of the most comprehensive books on publishing and promotion for writers who don't want to get ripped off trying to publish a book. Exceptional A to Z resources and tips.

  • af C. P. Kumar
    143,95 kr.

    "Challenges in IT and Digital Marketing" is an insightful exploration of the rapidly evolving landscapes of technology and marketing in the digital age. In this comprehensive volume, the book delves into the multifaceted hurdles faced by IT professionals and digital marketers alike, addressing critical issues that shape the industry. From the breakneck pace of technological change to the perpetual battle against cyber threats, each chapter examines a distinct challenge. Topics range from the intricacies of regulatory compliance and communication gaps between technical and non-technical stakeholders to the pressures of tight project timelines and the constant quest for real-time engagement in the digital marketing sphere. With a keen eye on the future, the book also explores the ongoing challenges of talent acquisition and retention in the dynamic digital marketplace. Whether you are an IT professional seeking to navigate the ever-changing tech terrain or a digital marketer aiming to maximize ROI in a budget-conscious environment, this book provides valuable insights and strategies to overcome the hurdles and thrive in the challenging realms of IT and digital marketing.

  • af Matti Charlton
    223,95 kr.

    In 'The End of Music,' author Matti Charlton explores the transformative impact of digital platforms and the democratization of music production, distribution, and the music services sector. With an unflinching examination of the challenges faced by musicians and artists today, this eye-opening book delves into the overwhelming oversupply of music content, the negligible revenue streams from streaming platforms, and the industry's relentless pursuit of meaningful return on investment (ROI).Charlton navigates the landscape of market saturation, deftly examining the struggles of emerging artists amidst the COVID-19 pandemic's detrimental impact on live performances. Shedding light on the DIY culture and the emerging trends in musician consumer behavior, the book uncovers the unrealistic expectations surrounding ROI in the music industry.Drawing from expert opinions and concrete proof, 'The End of Music' uncovers the stark reality of market saturation and the dwindling viability of traditional revenue streams. It explores innovative strategies and the urgent need for diversified revenue streams as musicians navigate this ever-evolving industry.With a laser focus on revenue, streaming, and the evolving music industry, this essential read compels musicians, industry professionals, and music enthusiasts to confront the industry's challenges head-on. 'The End of Music' offers a thought-provoking call to action for musicians, underscored by emerging trends, market saturation, and the urgent need for adaptation. Brace yourself for a captivating journey through the music services sector, where the quest for meaningful return on investment confronts the undeniable reality of industry transformation.

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