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  • af Jørgen Skovsted
    182,95 kr.

    Ny bog afslører den sandsynlige gerningsmand til Højbjerg-mordet i november 1967.Den sandsynlige morder rummer et voldsomt angreb imod både politiet i århus og Rejseholdet for enten at have arbejdet som amatører eller direkte dækket over morderen. Vigtige og afgørende spor lå lige for næsen på kriminalfolkene umiddelbart efter mordet, men disse spor blev overset, og man tog de nærmest involveredes ord for gode varer. Politiet i århus har i alle årene tilbagevist oplysninger, der afveg fra deres ´falske´ version af begivenhederne. Hverken politi eller statsadvokat vil have mordsagen genoptaget, for sker det, vil en ny retssag afsløre en korrupt efterforskning.I 2006 udkom bogen Den usandsynlige morder (af Lars Rørbæk og Jørgen Skovsted). Det var en gennemresearchet dokumentarisk bog om mordet på Marie Lock-Hansen. Den indeholdt en række spor og detaljer, som aldrig havde været i offentligheden tidligere. Udgivelsen satte gang i en lavine, som resulterede i en mængde avisartikler, TV-indslag og en TV-serie om mordet. Den nu mere end 41-årige forbrydelse blev aktuel igen.Den nye bog tager afsæt i den første, men rummer de afgørende afsløringer af, hvorfor Marie skulle myrdes den formiddag i november, hvem der skød hende, og hvad der gik forud for mordet. Bogen hviler på ny gennemarbejdet research samt på kilder, der også har arbejdet udenfor politiets regi med privat efterforskning. Hovedparten af disse kilder, der citeres livligt i bogen, har alle det til fælles, at de isoleret er kommet frem til samme resultat og samme morder.Bogen ventes at give genlyd blandt de mange iagttagere, der har fulgt den meget specielle mordsag – ikke mindst de ca. 20.000 personer, der siden 1967 forgæves har været afhørt af politiet. - Formodentlig vækker den også et ramaskrig hos politiet, der vil forsøge at tilbagevise den skandaløst ringe efterforskning.Jørgen Skovsted er født på østfyn i 1950. Exam. art i Filmvidenskab og uddannet journalist. Har arbejdet i DR og på TV2 Syd og tidligere udgivet Moderret og faderløs? (Hovedland 1997) samt Den usandsynlige morder (Clemens Forlag 2006).

  • - Hele sandheden efter et halvt århundrede
    af Jens Mohr Thygesen
    246,95 kr.

    Jens Mohr Thygesen debuterer som forfatter med denne skelsættende bog i 50-året for mordet på præsident Kennedy. Forfatteren har fra første dag vedvarende interesseret sig for mordet på præsidenten og jævnligt opdateret sin viden på området gennem 45 år. Især i de seneste 10 år er forfatteren kommet i besiddelse af så meget ny og sensationel viden, herunder originalt, billedmæssigt bevismateriale fra Dealey Plaza på dagen for attentatet, at kendsgerningerne taler deres tydelige sprog, gengivet i denne bog. Forfatteren har haft særlig tilgang til det fotografiske billedmateriale gennem sit daglige virke med billed-diagnosticering af nethindeforandringer, herunder brug af patenteret software til automatisk detektering af forandringer på nethinden. Denne software bragte ham på sporet af de sensationelle fund, der offentliggøres for første gang i denne publikation. Disse fund afslører en meget mere nuanceret og fantastisk historie, end verden hidtil har fået øjnene op for. For første gang i 50 år konfronteres offentligheden med den reelle baggrund for mordet på de Forenede Staters Præsident.

  • af Koray Ufuktan
    222,95 kr.

    Dette kompendium i Kriminologi henvender sig primært til jurastuderende, der skal til eksamen i faget. Kompendiet gennemgår nøje og pædagogisk de relevante tekster. De centrale pointer bliver beskrevet og forklaret, således at den studerende er bedre rustet til at læse teksterne og gå til eksamen. Kompendiet søger på systematisk vis at gengive de vigtigste pointer fra pensum. Således vil alle teksterne være grundigt gennemgået samtidig med, at de vigtigste positioner og begreber forklares. Kompendiet forsøger at gengive teksterne i deres oprindelige form. Det er op til den enkelte elev at foretage en kritisk stillingtagen til teorierne, da dette ligger uden for kompendiets formål. Dette kompendium kan med fordel anvendes på andre fakulteter end det juridiske, da dele af det anvendte pensum er ens. Kompendiet kan endvidere med læses af andre med interesse for faget.

  • af Morten Andersen
    267,95 kr.

    En dag i april er en inspirerende historie af Morten Andersen. Det er en stærk fortælling om, hvad der sker når en ung mand fra det ene øjeblik til det andet bliver kørestolsbruger. Man får indblik i de fysiske og følelsesmæssige udfordringer en ulykkesramt mødes af. Men der er stadigvæk plads til smil, grin og kærlighed. Med et arbejde som medhjælper på en kvæggård, en plan om et ophold på Gymnastikhøjskolen i Ollerup og en karriere ved militæret for at ende med en uddannelse til politibetjent ligger livet lige foran Morten. Men en dag i april går det galt, og alle planer må vendes 180 grader.Den unge mand er i gang med at fejre sin 18-årsfødselsdag, da han lettere påvirket, sammen med to venner, sætter sig bag rattet i en bil og begiver sig ud på vejen. Det ender helt galt. Ved et voldsomt uheld, hvor bilen smadres til ukendelighed, brækker Morten ryggen og bliver kørestolsbruger fra den ene dag til den anden. Et liv, som han slet ikke kunne se sig selv i, før det sker.Men før Morten kan vende tilbage til livet uden for hospitalsverdenen, skal alt læres på ny.Da han ankommer til Fysiurgisk Hospital i Hornbæk, kan han intet andet end at spise selv. Alt skal læres igen. Og da alle muskler i den del af kroppen, der ikke er lammet, stort set er forsvundet, men kan genvindes, bliver det mange måneder med blod, sved, tårer og sex.Som læser får du et indblik i en verden, som de færreste oplever på egen krop. Samtidig får du den autentiske historie om Morten og hans kamp for at overleve og vende tilbage til et normalt liv. En livsbekræftende og stærk fortælling fra et virkeligt liv.

  • af Uwe Max Jensen
    577,95 kr.

    Azad Sadon Fadil Habib fra Holstebro blev onsdag 3. april 2024 idømt syv dages betinget fængsel i Retten i Holstebro for at overtræde straffelovens §266b – bedre kendt som racismeparagraffen. Azad Habib nægtede sig skyldig, og han ankede byrettens dom med krav om frifindelse på stedet."Jeg accepterer det absolut ikke (dommen, red.). Jeg kæmper til det sidste, for det har ikke noget med racisme at gøre. Det er to forskellige ting," sagde Azad Habib til TV MIDTVEST efter dommen.Azad Habib blev dømt for at have ejet, drevet og administreret to hjemmesider, hvor han fremsatte udsagn i form af vittigheder, der var hånende eller nedværdigende over for visse befolkningsgrupper baseret på race, hudfarve, etnisk oprindelse eller tro.I de 129 eksempler, der indgår i anklageskriftet, er det særligt jøder og folk med afrikansk oprindelse, udsagnene er rettet mod.Du kan læse de 129 vittigheder i denne bog, så du ved, hvad, der er forbudt at lave sjov med, så du ikke uforvarende risikerer at blive dømt for racisme som Azad Habib.

  • af Amanda Lamb
    97,95 kr.

  • af María Isabel Ramos Parra
    425,95 kr.

    A work that provides insight into the process of pacification oriented towards prisons, with the aim of ensuring better levels of governance in public spheres. By analysing the biopsychosocial stimuli that produce aggression, it is implemented so that prisoners build a bridge of trust between themselves and prison officials. Through this study, to determine the spaces prone to situations of violence and thus to carry out a diagnosis that will lead to treatment for inmates in prison. An experience aimed at improving the mental health of its members. Pursue systems towards an orderly systematisation that characterise these phenomena of violence - aggression that occur in these spaces, through instruments that give value to the inmate and adapt to the imposed forms of government, where the individual must adjust to his or her world. With the transformation of human rights in the penitentiary environment, it is possible to transmit to society, a social reencounter of the failed man to his legitimate state through a system of government that invokes to guarantee the orders of the Rule of Law.

  • af María Isabel Ramos Parra
    627,95 kr.

    Un ouvrage qui donne un aperçu du processus de pacification orienté vers les prisons, dans le but d'assurer de meilleurs niveaux de gouvernance dans les sphères publiques. En analysant les stimuli biopsychosociaux qui produisent l'agression, il est mis en ¿uvre pour que les détenus construisent un pont de confiance entre eux et les fonctionnaires pénitentiaires. Grâce à cette étude, il est possible de déterminer les espaces propices aux situations de violence et de réaliser ainsi un diagnostic qui débouchera sur un traitement pour les détenus en prison. Une expérience visant à améliorer la santé mentale de ses membres. Poursuivre les systèmes vers une systématisation ordonnée qui caractérise ces phénomènes de violence - agression qui se produisent dans ces espaces, à travers des instruments qui valorisent le détenu et s'adaptent aux formes de gouvernement imposées, où l'individu doit s'adapter à son monde. Avec la transformation des droits de l'homme dans l'environnement pénitentiaire, il est possible de transmettre à la société un retour social de l'homme en échec à son état légitime par le biais d'un système de gouvernement qui invoque la garantie des ordres de l'État de droit.

  • af Selwyn Stanley
    424,95 - 1.466,95 kr.

    Explores a wide range of social problems in the UK using a range of psychosocial theories to generate an understanding of various causal factors and to examine the linkages between different social problems. Government policy and legislation, remedial measures, preventive approaches, and strategies of intervention are also considered.

  • af Noel Otu
    2.717,95 - 2.927,95 kr.

    Criminal Justice Policy Issues provides students with information that helps them better understand the complexities of American criminal justice system and its agencies. The text features timely and thought-provoking readings that deal with the philosophical, historical, functional, developmental, current, and future issues that influence the criminal justice system. Section I provides readers with an introduction to key policies and practices within the criminal justice system. In Section II, students learn about challenges related to law enforcement, including police service and liability insurance, the use of body cameras, nonverbal communication in law enforcement, the militarization of the police, and more. Section III speaks to the courts and judicial system, featuring articles that examine judges, litigants, and the design of the courts; Stand Your Ground laws; the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010; the death penalty; and bio-criminology. The final section features readings about corrections with discussion of mass incarceration and its relationship with the War on Drugs, the effects of mass incarceration on communities of color, border security, punishment, corrections in sustainable communities, and career paths in criminal justice. Criminal Justice Policy Issues is an ideal collection for undergraduate and graduate-level courses in criminal justice.Noel Out is an associate professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. He holds a Ph.D. in criminology from Florida State University and M.A. from Texas Woman's University. Dr. Otu's criminology and criminal justice research has been published in Law Enforcement Executive Forum, Salus Journal, Journal of Social Sciences Research, and The Police Journal, among others. He has published numerous book chapters and encyclopedia entries in the field of criminal justice and criminology.

  • af Pete Earley
    225,95 kr.

    Pete Earley's The Hot House gave America a riveting, uncompromising look at the nation's most notorious prison--the federal penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas--a book that Kirkus Reviews called a "fascinating white-knuckle tour of hell, brilliantly reported." Now Earley shows us a different, even more intimate view of justice--and injustice--American-style.In Monroeville, Alabama, in the fall of 1986, a pretty junior college student was found murdered in the back of the dry cleaning shop where she worked. Several months later, Walter "Johnny D." McMillian, a black man with no criminal record, was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death for the crime. As McMillian sat in his cell on Alabama's death row, a young black lawyer named Bryan Stevenson took up his own investigation into the murder of Ronda Morrison. Finding a trial tainted by procedural mistakes, conflicting eyewitness accounts, and outright perjury, he was determined to see McMillian go free--even if it took the most unconventional means...

  • af Gui Huang
    1.266,95 kr.

    This book presents a study of alternative penalties to the death penalty in China, aiming to promote theoretical exploration of death penalty reform in China as well as long-term penal reform. Currently, China is endeavouring to control the use of the death penalty and is gradually moving towards its abolition. The factors influencing the choice of the punishment option to replace the death penalty are complex and varied and include the traditional punishment culture, penalty concepts, the political system, the punishment system, public opinion and human rights, etc. Given the differences between China and developed Western democratic states, when we examine these influencing factors, we cannot ignore the culture of the punishment and the special political and legislation system in China. In this light, this work examined and analysed the factors that influence the choice of punishment option to replace the death penalty in this special political system with its clearly Chinese characteristics. Criminal policy and public opinion are two significant and typical factors involving obvious political considerations in China. The former normally reflects and carries out the will of the Government as expressed to the national management; the latter responds to the majority of citizens¿ view on the current legal system and it is, to a great extent, the basis for national leadership¿s running of the country. Even though life imprisonment without release (hereinafter, LWOR) has been stipulated by the Ninth Amendment for the crime of corruption, it should not be the preferable option as the alternative sanction to the death penalty because it is a kind of cruel torture and violates the constitutional principle of human rights protection. On the contrary, life imprisonment with possibility of release (hereinafter, LWPR) would be an option, but the termination mechanisms for inmates should be set out in accordance with the principle of proportional justice; aggravatedlife imprisonment can be chosen to replace the death penalty in China. In addition, there needs to be improvements made to the relevant criminal systems. By examining China's death penalty reform and long-term imprisonment reform, this book not only explains the methodology of the reform theoretically, but also pays attention to the issues of legislation and judicial practice. This book is of interest to scholars and researchers in the fields of criminal justice, penal reform issues, and crime control in China.

  • af Nadine Haandrikman-Lampen
    454,95 kr.

    Das vorliegende Buch veranschaulicht die Problematiken, welche dann auftreten können, wenn uneinbringliche Geldstrafen im Wege der Ersatzfreiheitsstrafe vollstreckt werden. Das Aufzeigen von Sanktionsalternativen zur Ersatzfreiheitsstrafe, wie die Geldverwaltung und die gemeinnützige Arbeit verdeutlichen, dass es bereits in einigen Bundesländern erprobte Handlungsalternativen bei uneinbringlichen Geldstrafen gibt. Den Schwerpunkt des Buches bildet eine umfangreiche Rückfalluntersuchung, welche sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, die Legalbewährung von Personen, die Ersatzfreiheitsstrafen verbüßt haben, mit derjenigen nach den o. g. Haftvermeidungsmaßnahmen zu vergleichen und daraus Folgerungen für die Wirksamkeit dieser Maßnahmen zu ziehen. Zuvor wird die Gruppe der Geldstrafenschuldner, die ihre Geldstrafe trotz Mahnung nicht gezahlt haben und die die Androhung einer Ersatzfreiheitsstrafe erhalten haben, die sie später entweder antreten mussten oder aber durch eine der oben genannten Maßnahmen abwenden konnten, u. a. differenziert nach den demographischen Variablen wie Geschlecht, Alter, Nationalität etc. dargestellt. Abschließend wird unter Berücksichtigung der Reform des Sanktionenrechts aus dem Jahr 2023 der für die Verfasserin weiterhin bestehende Reformbedarf verdeutlicht und ein kriminologischer und kriminalpolitischer Ausblick geboten. Die Verfasserin betont dabei eine notwendige flächendeckende Etablierung von Haftvermeidungsmaßnahmen, um Menschen, die in prekären finanziellen Verhältnissen leben, eine gerechtere und auch unter spezialpräventiven Aspekten überzeugendere Möglichkeit zur Tilgung bzw. Erledigung der Geldstrafe anzubieten.

  • af Tommie Shelby
    187,95 - 256,95 kr.

  • af Margaux Hery-Isler
    317,95 kr.

    "Prison in France must cease to be what it is: a humiliation for the nation and punishment added to punishment. Prison is not designed to destroy human beings, but to prepare them for the future by bringing them back into the body of our national community. Prisoners are part of that community, even if we can't see them. Robert Badinter 4th Parliamentary Meeting on Prisons 13 December 2007.

  • af David Richarth Serpa Quispe
    469,95 kr.

    The present research addressed the deficiencies in the judicial response in cases of gender violence, To this end, it is defined as a theoretical study with a qualitative approach, since violence against women is understood as a violation of human rights and as a form of discrimination against women and will be understood as any act of gender violence. To this end, it is necessary to study the judicial criteria for determining the appropriate treatment that victims should receive, effective preventive protection by the State, as well as structural issues. in the justice system and the deficiencies, irregularities and omissions in the investigation, prosecution and punishment of cases of gender violence and the actions of the judicial authorities. Consequently, there are still gaps in the judicial response to cases of gender violence, in terms of effective prevention, protection, prosecution and punishment of cases, access to the justice system, inadequate processing is based on the performance of the judicial authorities to process cases, and inadequate processing based on the actions of the judicial authorities.

  • af David Richarth Serpa Quispe
    676,95 kr.

    La présente recherche s'est penchée sur les déficiences de la réponse judiciaire dans les cas de violence fondée sur le genre, à cette fin, elle est définie comme une étude théorique avec une approche qualitative, puisque la violence à l'égard des femmes est considérée comme une violation des droits de l'homme et une forme de discrimination à l'égard des femmes, et sera comprise comme tout acte de violence fondée sur le genre. À cette fin, il est nécessaire d'étudier les critères judiciaires pour déterminer le traitement approprié que les victimes doivent recevoir, la protection préventive efficace par l'État, ainsi que les questions structurelles dans le système judiciaire et les déficiences, irrégularités et omissions dans l'enquête, la poursuite et la sanction des cas de violence fondée sur le genre et les actions des autorités judiciaires. En conséquence, la réponse judiciaire aux cas de violence fondée sur le genre présente encore des lacunes en termes de prévention, de protection, de poursuites et de sanctions efficaces, d'accès au système judiciaire, de traitement inadéquat des cas, et de traitement inadéquat des cas, en fonction des performances des autorités judiciaires.

  • af Janine Fielitz
    1.402,95 kr.

    Bei medial begleiteten Strafverfahren geht es nicht mehr nur um die Wahrheitsfindung; die Verfahrensbeteiligten streben zunehmend danach, die Deutungshoheit über die mediale und öffentliche Meinung zu gewinnen. Neben der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Ermittlungs- und Justizbehörden und der damit einhergehenden, durch die internetbedingten Entwicklungen erhöhten Risiken und Gefahren für die Rechte und Interessen des Beschuldigten, befasst sich die Autorin insbes. mit den (als Verbindungsglied zwischen Strafjustiz und Öffentlichkeit fungierenden) Medien, der medialen (Verdachts-)Berichterstattung sowie der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (Litigation-PR) der Verteidigung und Nebenklage. Sie zeichnet ein umfassendes Bild von dem Zusammenspiel und den Wechselwirkungen zwischen der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Beteiligten im Strafverfahren und der Medienberichterstattung, von den unterschiedlichen Rollen, den jeweiligen (z.T. konträren) Interessen, Rechten und Pflichten der Akteure, deren Handlungs- und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und den sich in diesem Zusammenhang für den Beschuldigten, die sonstigen Verfahrensbeteiligten, das Verfahren und damit auch für die Strafrechtspflege ergebenden Auswirkungen und Risiken. Die AutorinDie Autorin studierte Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität in Göttingen. Nach Bestehen des 2. Staatsexamens absolvierte sie berufsbegleitend ein Weiterbildungsstudium "Steuerstrafrecht" und verfasste ihre Dissertation während ihrer Tätigkeit in einer Anwalts- und Notarkanzlei.

  • af Mireille Esther Batjom
    701,95 kr.

    The accountability of United Nations personnel in peacekeeping operations is a topical issue in view of the many human rights violations and other reprehensible acts perpetrated by peacekeeping personnel against the civilian population, including acts of sexual exploitation and abuse, organised prostitution, murder, disappearances of persons, arms trafficking, and so on. Several measures have been taken in addition to the legal regime already in place to prevent these offences, which tarnish the image and reputation of the UN, and to ensure that the perpetrators are punished. Nevertheless, enforcing the responsibility of UN personnel is difficult because the legal regime in place is hamstrung by the immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by these personnel, and by agreements between the UN and host states, and those with troop-contributing states. This is at the root of the infringements that persist within PKOs and the ineffectiveness of the fight against impunity. There is room for improvement in the legal regime governing this responsibility, and solutions need to be found.

  • af Julian Solowjeff
    839,95 kr.

    Die Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung ist seit 1972 eine bekannte Maßnahme des nationalen Steuerrechts, um die rein künstliche Gewinnverlagerung ins Ausland zu vermeiden. Trotz ihres stolzen Alters hat die Diskussion um die Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung infolge der Reform der nationalen Regelungen durch das ATADUmsG jüngst wieder an Fahrt aufgenommen. Der Autor befasst sich umfassend mit den Änderungen der nationalen Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung infolge des ATADUmsG. Der Fokus liegt auf den Änderungen, die sich bei Unternehmensakquisitionen ergeben. Der Arbeit liegt damit eine vergleichende Betrachtung zwischen alter und neuer Rechtslage zugrunde. Die eintretenden Änderungen werden durch diverse Handlungsalternativen anschaulich herausgearbeitet. Zudem legt der Autor dar, ob und inwiefern die nationalen Regelungen den sekundärrechtlichen Vorgaben der ATAD genügen oder gar über diese hinausgehen.

  • af J. T. Jones
    271,95 - 422,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Megan Dennis
    702,95 kr.

    "Queer Criminology: Exploring LGBTQ+ Experiences in the Criminal Justice System" delves into the historical and contemporary issues faced by LGBTQ+ individuals within the criminal justice system, providing a comprehensive analysis of their experiences, the intersectionality at play, and strategies for achieving justice and liberation. This groundbreaking textbook explores key concepts, theoretical frameworks, and research methods in queer criminology, shedding light on the criminalization of LGBTQ+ behaviors, the challenges they face in the court system and correctional settings, and the resistance and social justice movements advocating for change. With a keen focus on intersectionality, this book offers invaluable insights into the complexities of LGBTQ+ criminalization and provides researchers and activists with the tools to make a difference.

  • af Samuel Robinson Clarke
    363,95 - 547,95 kr.

    If you are interested in Canadian law, you cannot miss this treatise, which offers a comprehensive and authoritative analysis of criminal law in Canada. Written by a distinguished lawyer and judge, this book covers topics such as the definition of crime, the roles of judges and juries, and the different types of criminal offenses and their punishments. The book also includes many examples, cases, and references to other legal sources. Whether you are a law student, a lawyer, or a curious citizen, this book will enlighten you about Canada's legal system.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • - A Legal And Literary Study (1905)
    af Louis Proal
    442,95 - 508,95 kr.

    ""Passion And Criminality: A Legal And Literary Study"" is a book written by Louis Proal in 1905. This book is a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between passion and criminality, exploring how the two concepts intersect and how they are represented in both legal and literary contexts. Proal delves into the legal definition of passion and how it is used as a defense in criminal cases, as well as examining how passion is portrayed in literature and how it can shape our understanding of crime and justice. The book also explores the role of gender and class in the perception and treatment of passion and criminality. Overall, ""Passion And Criminality"" is a thought-provoking and insightful study that offers a unique perspective on the complex relationship between emotions and the law.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Juan Martinez
    107,95 kr.

    When the nude photo of a teenage runaway shows up on a website, the girl's father turns to Detective Chief Inspector Alan Banks for help. But these aren't unusual circumstances, for the runaway is the daughter of a man who's determined to destroy the dedicated Yorkshire policeman's career and good name.Still, it's a case that Banks?a father himself?dares not ignore as he follows its trail into teeming London. But when a series of gruesome murders follows soon after, Banks finds himself pulled into the past and private world of his most powerful enemy, Chief Constable Jimmy Riddle.Peter Robinson is at the height of his storytelling skills in this twisting novel of suspense that proves you can never escape their pasts?especially when there are sordid secrets waiting to be revealed.

  • af Ricardo Tavares Da Silva
    734,95 - 1.097,95 kr.

  • af Edward Beal
    277,95 - 321,95 kr.

    ""The Trial of Adelaide Bartlett for Murder, Held at the Central Criminal Court (1886)"" is a non-fiction book written by Edward Beal. The book is a detailed account of the famous trial of Adelaide Bartlett, who was accused of poisoning her husband with chloroform. The trial took place in London in 1886, and it was one of the most sensational murder trials of the time.The book provides a comprehensive overview of the trial, including the evidence presented by the prosecution and the defense, the testimony of witnesses, and the arguments made by both sides. It also includes a detailed description of the events leading up to the trial, as well as the aftermath of the verdict.Throughout the book, Beal provides a balanced and objective account of the trial, presenting the facts without bias. He also provides insights into the legal system of the time, including the procedures followed in criminal trials and the role of the judge and jury.Overall, ""The Trial of Adelaide Bartlett for Murder, Held at the Central Criminal Court (1886)"" is a fascinating read for anyone interested in true crime, legal history, or Victorian society. It offers a unique glimpse into a high-profile murder trial from the late 19th century and provides valuable insights into the workings of the criminal justice system of the time.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

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