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Fem unge Venstrefolk – dem som kommer til at tegne fremtidens Venstre – præsenterer deres bud på et borgerligt-liberalt samfund. De tager et opgør med fortidens politik – både de socialdemokratiske og de borgerlige regeringer – og fortæller, hvor det efter deres mening er gået galt for det borgerlige projekt. Deres hovedtese er, at politikerne har gjort folk til klienter i et system. Frie individer har deponeret deres selvstændighed hos staten. De problemer, som vores land står overfor, bliver ofte besvaret med mere stat, flere regler, mere indgriben. Den tankegang skaber ifølge forfatterne en såkaldt systemstat, der gør borgere til klienter, ødelægger fællesskabet, udvander folkestyret og svækker ansvarligheden. I bogen går de tilbage til Venstres rødder og finder der historiske eksempler på, hvordan man skaber stærkere borgere og et friere og mere ansvarsfuldt samfund.Med udgangspunkt i historien og i en kritik af denne systemstat tager de fat på de væsentligste nutidige samfundsudfordringer, der vedrører:sundhedden manglende sociale mobilitetklimaejendomsretuddannelsefællesskab og åndslivvelfærd For hvert af disse områder præsenterer de status på området og giver deres bud på visioner og konkrete løsninger. Samlet danner disse svar et bud på en fremtid for Danmark.
Hvem får taletid, og hvem har lov til at forme tidens fortællinger? #MeToo er en kamp om netop den grundlæggende magt. "Hvis historie er det?" samler feminist og forfatter Rebecca Solnits bedste essays om et af de største skred i feminismens historie siden 1970’erne.Rebecca Solnit (f. 1961) er historiker, aktivist og forfatter. Hun har skrevet nogle af de mest indflydelsesrige feministiske essays i nyere tid, heriblandt "Alle spørgsmåls moder" og "Mænd forklarer mig ting", som har dannet grundlag for begrebet ‘mansplaining’.Bogen er en del af den serien Feministisk bibliotek, der samler fire af de mest markante feministiske stemmer fra de sidste 100 år og introducerer de vigtigste diskussioner om forholdet mellem køn, magt og historie.
"Alle stater, alle herredømmer, hvorved menneskene hidtil er blevet styrede eller endnu styres, var eller er enten republikker eller fyrstendømmer. Fyrstendømmerne er enten arvelige, i hvilke herskerens slægt i lang tid har regeret, eller også nyskabte. De nyskabte er enten ganske nydannede, som f.eks. Mailand af Francesco Sforza, eller de er dele som fyrsten, der erhverver dem, føjer til den arvelige stat, som f.eks. kongen af Spanien med kongeriget Neapel."Intet litterært værk har haft så stor betydning for udviklingen af europæisk politik fra renæssancen og op til vor tid som italienske Niccolò Machiavellis bog "Fyrsten" fra 1513. Bogen beskriver, hvordan en politisk leder har ret til at styre sit land med selv de mest brutale midler, når det tjener nationens interesser, blot aldrig i hans egne. Bogen er dedikeret til Lorenzo de’ Medici, som Niccolò Machiavelli var rådgiver for ved det florentinske hof. Denne oversættelse stammer tilbage fra 1876.Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) var en italiensk filosof, samfundsteoretiker og forfatter, der er særligt kendt for bogen "Fyrsten" om den perfekte politiske leder. Machiavelli spillede en central rolle for magthaverne i Firenze og udgav en lang række bøger om politik, samfundsvidenskab og historie samt flere oversættelser af latinske værker.
"The inside story of Biden's foreign policy team and their struggle to restore America's global influence in the aftermath of Trump. When Joe Biden assumed the United States presidency, he brought with him a team of all-star talent, perhaps the most experienced ensemble of policy experts in modern U.S. history. Their mission: repair America's damaged reputation abroad and decide the course of its global future. The challenges and risks could not have been greater. Around the world, adversaries were consolidating power, allies were drifting away, wars were raging, and climate change was accelerating, all while Russia was disrupting democracies and China was seeking to replace the U.S. as the world's preeminent power. Now for the first time since World War II, the United States risked falling from its unrivaled position. If Biden and his team failed, it would likely mark the end of an American era and the rise of a fractured and autocratic world order. In The Internationalists, acclaimed national security reporter Alexander Ward takes us behind the scenes to reveal the struggle to enact a coherent and effective set of policies in a time of global crisis. Against the failure of Afghanistan and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Biden's all-star team-of-rivals must band together against incredible odds. Their successes, and their failures, will decide not just Biden's presidency. They will decide the very course of America's global future. As The Best and The Brightest chronicled the smoke-filled rooms of the Kennedy Administration, and The Rise of The Vulcans detailed the inner workings of George Bush's war machine, The Internationalists takes readers behind the scenes as Joe Biden and his cabinet embark on some of the most ambitious foreign policy initiatives of any president since Richard M. Nixon. Thanks to rigorous reporting and sources in the rooms where it happened, Ward delivers the first draft of history, the first definitive, unvarnished account of the Biden Doctrine, from the Fall of Kabul to the Rise of Kiev"--
"What would you do if you grew up repeatedly seeing your home raided? Your parents arrested? Your mother shot? Your uncle killed? Try, if just for a moment, to imagine this was your life. How would you want the world to react?" Ahed Tamimi's father was born in 1967, the year that the Israeli occupation of the West Bank began, and every aspect of their family's life has been touched by it. One of Ahed's earliest memories is visiting her father in prison, poking her three-year-old fingers through the fence to touch his hand. The ubiquitous security checkpoints and armed guards even found their way into her childhood fairytales and playdates. Her grandmother regaled her not with nursery rhymes, but with the sage of her family and its tragedies. Instead of cops and robbers, there was Jaysh o 'Arab, or "Army and Arabs," where children roleplayed as Israeli soldiers opposing a community of Palestinians. She recounts all of this and more in her vivid and riveting memoir, one of the first to deal directly with what life in occupation actually means for the people in it, beyond geography or policy. It brings readers into the daily life of the young woman seen as a freedom-fighting hero by some and a naèive agitator by others. Beyond recounting her well-publicized interactions with Israeli soldiers, there is her unwavering commitment to family and her fearless command of her own voice, despite threats, intimidation, and even incarceration"--
From the outside, logotherapy and Red Bull seem to have little in common. Yet both worlds are based on the same principles: freedom, self-responsibility, and an unwavering creative drive. Volker Viechtbauer, long-time confidant of Dietrich Mateschitz, shows us how Frankl's humanism aligns with the Red Bull founder's philosophy of life. With this, he not only provides insight into the culture of Red Bull, but also highlights how Frankl laid the foundation for purpose- and talent-oriented entrepreneurship and a modern working world defined by self-responsibility.
In a characteristically explosive barrage, Ljubljana's most famous philosopher takes a passionate stance on the war in Ukraine, surveys the latest Hollywood blockbusters, and delivers detonations into a range of contemporary issues, from sexual politics in India to the prospects for a new Cold War. Ever attentive to moments where the bizarre and the epic join forces, among the questions iek considers here are: Is the giant orgy, planned to take place in Ukraine in the event of a Russian nuclear attack, really all that morbid? And what should society do, whether on the big screen or the battlefield, in preparation for the end of the world?Agree with him or not, iek rarely fails to provoke in a productive fashion. By examining matters through a lens that is bold and original, and often joyfully outlandish, iek helps us to better grasp a world in which, increasingly, the dominant motif is one of madness.
As US-Russian relations scrape the depths of cold-war antagonism, the promise of partnership that beguiled American administrations during the first post-Soviet decades increasingly appears to have been false from the start. Why did American leaders persist in pursuing it? Was there another path that would have produced more constructive relations or better prepared Washington to face the challenge Russia poses today?With a practitioner's eye honed during decades of work on Russian affairs, Thomas Graham deftly traces the evolution of opposing ideas of national purpose that created an inherent tension in relations. Getting Russia Right identifies the blind spots that prevented Washington from seeing Russia as it really is and crafting a policy to advance American interests without provoking an aggressive Russian response. Distilling the Putin factor to reveal the contours of the Russia challenge facing the United States whenever he departs the scene, Graham lays out a compelling way to deal with it so that the United States can continue to advance its interests in a rapidly changing world.
"The award-winning journalist and staff writer for The Atlantic follows up his New York Times bestseller American Carnage with this timely, rigorously reported, and deeply personal examination of the divisions that threaten to destroy the American evangelical movement."--Publisher's description.
DEN GRØNNE OMSTILLING KRÆVER NYE MÅDER AT ARBEJDE PÅKommunerne har ambitiøse klimaplaner på dagsordenen i disse år. Med dem følger øgede krav til offentlige medarbejdere og ledere om et nyt mindset, nye roller og samarbejder på tværs.Fokus i denne bog er den grønne omstilling, som den tager sig ud i et demokratisk og styringsmæssigt lys. Bogen giver et overblik over forskning, erfaringer og cases fra både indland og udland med det formål at vise vejen til, hvordan vi kan lykkes bedre med grønne tiltag i et samarbejde mellem kommuner og engagerede borgere og virksomheder.Med udgangspunkt i konkrete eksempler kortlægger forfatterne de udfordringer, den grønne omstilling stiller kommunerne overfor, og giver inspiration til, hvordan de kan nytænke beslutningsprocesser og samarbejde med borgere og lokalsamfund.Bogen henvender sig til beslutningstagere og medarbejdere i den offentlige sektor, til klimainteresserede borgere eller græs- rødder og til studerende inden for forvaltning, planlægning, miljø og klima."Bogens solide analyser, teoretiske perspektiver og konkrete eksempler er et oplagt og inspirerende afsæt for vores aktuelle samarbejde med Gate 21’s partnere om at bevæge sig fra plan til handling og kaste sig ud i rollen som handlingsorienteret katalysator af lokal omstilling.”- Dorte Fænø Mondrup, seniorprojektleder, Gate 21
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum
Da Karsten Lauritzen efter knap 15 år, heraf fire som minister for det udskældte skatteområde, forlod politik, stod han tilbage med en afgørende erkendelse: Der er noget helt galt i det danske folkestyre. Det er ikke bare enkeltstående politikere, der i stadigt større omfang får stress, det er selve systemet, som er stressramt. Politikernes iver efter at vise handlekraft trumfer alt for ofte eftertænksomhed og langsigtet tænkning. Resultatet er hovsaløsninger, sjusket lovgivning og en voksende tillidskrise i befolkningen.Men der findes en vej frem. Vi har brug for en reform af folkestyret. Tempoet skal sættes ned, så der er tid til, at dem der lovgives om og for, kan tages med på råd. Vi skal desuden gentænke alt fra samspillet mellem medier og Christiansborg til rekrutteringen af politikere – og vi skal se på en modernisering af grundloven."Lad det gå langsomt" er en debatbog. Den handler nok om alt det, der ifølge forfatteren er galt, men i lige så høj grad om alt det, vi sammen kan gøre bedre.
'An incredible and stirring story . . . a mix of competition, camaraderie as well as a larky sense of adventure . . . Down goes the flag. Smash goes the bottle. Shards of emerald glass and champagne spume catch the light. The race from Peking to Paris has begun' Spectator'And it's Go, Go, Go . . . A captivating history of a seemingly impossible journey and one of the most challenging endurance trials in the history of motoring . . . Skillful researcher and fine storyteller, St Clair's narrative is full of surprises . . . Fabulous . . . she hopes to follow Prince Borghese on his heroic journey and - if you share my absorbed interest in her adventurous narrative you may want to emulate her. See you there?' Miranda Seymour, Literary Review10 June 1907, Peking. Five cars set off in a desperate race across two continents on the verge of revolution.An Italian prince and his chauffeur, a French racing driver, a conman and various journalists battle over steep mountain ranges and across the arid vastness of the Gobi Desert. The contestants need teams of helpers to drag their primitive cars up narrow gorges, lift them over rough terrain and float them across rivers. Petrol is almost impossible to find, there are barely any roads, armed bandits and wolves lurk in the forests. Updates on their progress, sent by telegram, are eagerly devoured by millions in one of the first ever global news stories. Their destination: Paris. More than its many adventures, the Peking-to-Paris provided the impetus for profound change. The world of 1907 is poised between the old and the new: communist regimes will replace imperial ones in China and Russia; the telegraph is transforming modern communication and the car will soon displace the horse. In this book bestselling author Kassia St Clair traces the fascinating stories of two interlocking races - setting the derring-do (and sometimes cheating) of one of the world's first car races against the backdrop of a larger geopolitical and technological rush to the future, as the rivalry grows between countries and empires, building up to the cataclysmic event that changed everything - the First World War. The Race to the Future is the incredible true story of the quest against the odds that shaped the world we live in today.
"By weaving his experiences with information on the rise of anti-science sentiment, how it was funneled into a movement, and how it has become a tool of far-right political figures around the world, the author opens readers' eyes to the dangerous world it creates. Even as he paints a picture of the world under a shadow of aggressive ignorance, he demonstrates his innate optimism, offering suggestions for how science denial can be met by other active scientists"--
Menneskerettighederne er kommet i stigende modvind som følge af en række nye samfundsmæssige megatrends, både globalt og i Danmark: Grænseoverskridende trusler fra terror over klima til pandemier. Teknologi og techgiganter, der ændrer radikalt på forholdet mellem det offentlige og det private rum. Voksende individualisering med nye forståelse af forholdene mellem køn, familie og den enkelte. Menneskerettighederne insisterer på, at alle er beskyttet – også de mennesker, vi ikke bryder os om eller er enige med. Menneskerettighederne kan støde sammen med legitime overordnede samfundshensyn og økonomiske prioriteter. Men menneskerettighederne er også selv præget af indre spændinger – f.eks. mellem frihed og beskyttelse. Denne bog analyserer nogle af de menneskeretlige konflikter og dilemmaer, der præger debatten i Danmark – med internationale udblik. Hvordan udfordres, tilpasses, afvejes og fortolkes menneskerettighederne i helt aktuelle konflikter – om efterretningstjenester, overvågning, flygtningestrømme, kunstig intelligens, religionsfrihed, køn og kunstig befrugtning? Bogen kvalificerer, hvordan vi forstår disse emner, og den diskuterer, hvordan vi kan håndtere problemstillingerne.
HVORDAN VESTEN BRAGTE KRIGEN TIL UKRAINE - og hvorledes USA og NATO har ført verden ud på kanten af en atom-katastrofe er titlen på den amerikanske forfatter, foredragsholder og lobbyist Benjamin Abelows lille, koncentrerede bog om baggrunden for krigen i Ukraine.Bogen er blevet stærkt rost af så forskellige røster som Noam Chomsky, John Mearsheimer og oberst Douglas Macgregor.I betragtning af at vi siges at leve i et demokrati, er det overordnet set besynderligt, at ingen politikere, ingen medlemmer af regeringen, ingen medlemmer af den 4. Statsmagt, pressen har afvigende meninger om krigen og i særdeleshed, hvem der har ansvaret for krigen. Den udøvende, den lovgivende og den 4. Statsmagt, pressen har fuldstændig synkrone holdninger til krigen.Den helt overvejende vurdering og hvem der bærer ansvaret for krigen, er induceret af vores øverste NATO-partner, USA. Ingen, bortset fra én tidligere politiker, Marie Krarup, har vovet at give udtryk for afvigende meninger...Pens. oberststløjtnant af Hæren Jens Kristian Bech Pedersen har oversat bogen, og Marie Krarup, har skrevet et dansk forord til bogen, hvori hun bl.a. skriver: ”Forfatterens skræmmende rigtige tese er, at Vesten har misforstået, hvorfor Rusland invaderede Ukraine. Hvilket betyder, at Vesten træffer vigtige afgørelser på falske præmisser.”
"Before President Donald J. Trump created the most significant political movement in American history, he had already achieved tremendous success as one of America's most prominent real estate moguls and acclaimed media personalities. LETTERS TO TRUMP reveals part of the incredible private collection of correspondence between President Trump and the countless world leaders, celebrities, athletes and business leaders who shaped the United States, and the world!"--
Alle snakker om det. Men hvad er det, vi taler om, når vi taler om folket?I Folket præsenterer filosofferne Kristoffer Bayer og Silas Marker, gennem tænkere som Platon, Hobbes og Rousseau, læseren for, hvordan der fra antikken og frem til i dag er blevet udkæmpet en voldsom kamp om fortællingen om folket. Bogens to forfatterne viser, hvordan der forsat kæmpes om begrebet og hvordan politikere og politiske bevægelser som Inger Støjberg, Men in black og nutidens højre- og venstrepopulisme bruger begrebet i dag til at skabe nye fortællinger om, hvem folket er – og hvem der ikke er en del af det.Folket henvender sig til alle, der godt kunne tænke sig, at få skærpet sit blik for de fælles træk i nutidens populistiske bevægelser og det liberale repræsentative demokrati. Og den demonstrerer hvordan spørgsmålene fra den politiske filosofiske tradition stadig kan være nøgle til at forstå vores samtid: Fra den antikke filosofi til traktor-demonstrationer og mink-sag, fra oplysningstidens politiske tænkere til Kaare Dybvad Beks og Alex Vanopslaghs facebookopslag.Mikkel Thorup, professor i idéhistorie ved Aarhus Universitet, skriver om bogen:"Folket er et dunkelt og magisk begreb, der får ting til at ske og andet til at forsvinde. Dette er den første bog, der går i dybt ned i begrebet, dets historie og logik, og forklarer, hvordan magien virker. I en tid fyldt med referencer til 'folket' er denne bog uomgængelig."
In a world shaken by ecological, economic and political crises, the forces of authoritarianism and reaction seem to have the upper hand. How should we name, map and respond to this state of affairs?
"This book tells the story, in both English and Arabic, of a land full of people--people with families, hopes, dreams, and a deep connection to their home--before Israel's establishment in 1948, known to Palestinians as the Nakba, or "catastrophe." Denying Palestinian existence has been a fundamental premise of Zionism, which has sought not only to hide this existence but also to erase its memory. But existence leaves traces, and the imprint of the Palestine that was remains, even in the absence of those expelled from their lands. It appears in the ruins of a village whose name no longer appears in the maps, in the drawing of a lost landscape, in the lyrics of a song, or in the photographs from a family album." --
"Step back inside the world of President Jed Bartlet's Oval Office with Fitzgerald and McCormack as they reunite the West Wing cast and crew in a lively and colorful 'backstage pass' to the ... series. This intimate, in-depth reflection reveals how The West Wing was conceived, and spotlights the army of people it took to produce it, the lifelong friendships it forged, and the service it inspired. From cast member origin stories to the collective cathartic farewell on the show's final night of filming, What's Next [provides] on-set and off-camera anecdotes that even West Wing superfans have never heard. Meanwhile, a deeper analysis of the show's legacy through American culture, service, government, and civic life underscores how the series envisaged an American politics of decency and honor, creating an aspirational White House beyond the bounds of fictional television"--
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'Unapologetically optimistic and bracingly realistic, this is the most inspiring book on ';ethical living' I've ever read.' Oliver Burkeman, Guardian ';A monumental event.' Rutger Bregman, author of Humankind ';A book of great daring, clarity, insight and imagination. To be simultaneously so realistic and so optimistic, and always so damn readable well that is a miracle for which he should be greatly applauded.' Stephen Fry Humanity is in its infancy. Our future could last for millions of years or it could end tomorrow. Astonishing numbers of people could lead lives of great happiness or unimaginable suffering, or never live at all, depending on what we choose to do today. As we approach a critical juncture in our history, we can make profound moral decisions about how humanity's course plays out. We can create positive change on behalf of future generations, to prevent the use of catastrophic weapons and maintain peace between the world's great powers. We can improve our moral values, navigating the rise of AI and climate change more fairly for generations to come. The challenges we face are enormous. But so is the influence we have. If we choose wisely, our distant descendants will look back on us fondly, knowing we did everything we could to give them a world that is beautiful and just.
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