Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025
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  • af Birgit Kirkebæk
    93,95 - 347,95 kr.

    I slutningen af 1800-tallet begyndte forskere at udvikle en række forskellige teorier om “det abnorme menneske”. Gennem alt fra Darwins evolutionsteori til den franske sindssygelæge Morels degenerationsteori om sindssyge og idioti forsøgte samfundet at kontrollere “de abnorme” ved på forskellige måder at indespærre dem og begrænse deres muligheder for ægteskab og reproduktion. “Da de åndssvage blev farlige” er en afhandling om den danske åndssvageforsorgs historiske udvikling. Gennem en undersøgelse af De Kellerske Anstalter i perioden 1884-1902 ser forfatteren på, hvilken betydning de forskellige teorier om “de åndssvage” har haft i samfundet.Birgit Kirkebæk (f. 1938) er en dansk forsker og debattør. Hun er oprindeligt uddannet folkeskolelærer, men blev efter en årrække ansat som lektor på Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet. I 1993 forsvarede hun sin afhandling “Da de åndssvage blev farlige" om den historiske udvikling af åndssvageforsorgen i Danmark. Siden har hun udgivet en lang række bøger og artikler om samme emne.

  • af Gregory J. Durston
    501,95 kr.

    The aim of this book is to provide a clear, succinct, and readable exposition of the law of contract in England and Wales, covering all aspects of the subject from the formation of a binding agreement to remedies for its breach. As such, it will be of value to both law students and those studying for business degrees and non-legal professional exams. It is hoped that the book will fill the (often neglected) middle ground between brief introductions and the major but lengthy works on the subject. As well as discussing historic but still important cases, the book considers a wealth of recent decisions to give a firmly contemporary feel to its analysis.

  • af Severin Sarfert
    357,95 kr.

    Start-ups in Deutschland beteiligen ihre Mitarbeiter vermehrt über sog. virtuelle Anteile (auch bekannt als Phantom Stocks oder Virtual Shares). Die Arbeit beleuchtet die rechtlichen Voraussetzungen und Folgen einer Einführung solcher virtueller Beteiligungsprogramme. Außerdem werden prozessrechtliche Zusammenhänge erörtert und steuer- und sozialversicherungsrechtliche Gesichtspunkte aufgezeigt. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei neben der AGB- und AGG-rechtlichen Zulässigkeit der Regelungen, deren Tatbestandsvoraussetzungen und Rechtsfolgen. Analysiert werden sog. Vesting- bzw. Leaver-Klauseln und Voraussetzungen und Höhe von Zahlungsansprüchen aus virtuellen Beteiligungen.

  • af Pauline Mantell
    1.486,95 kr.

    Psychische Erkrankungen sind eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Herausforderung mit vielen Facetten und müssen als solche auch interdisziplinär betrachtet werden. Der vorliegende Sammelband setzt genau hier an und hat das Ziel, ein differenziertes Bild über die Bedeutung psychischer Erkrankungen und den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit ihnen zu zeichnen. Die vielfältigen Fragen, die sich dabei stellen, werden durch Vertreter*innen aus den Gesundheits-, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften erörtert. Dies beinhaltet theoretische sowie praktische Perspektiven mit historischen, aktuellen und zukunftsperspektivischen Schwerpunkten, die sich insgesamt dem Ziel widmen, aktuelle Herausforderungen aufzuzeigen und einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der psychischen Gesundheitsversorgung in den Bereichen der Krankheitsbehandlung, Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung zu leisten.

  • af Alain Servantie
    702,95 kr.

    Dans ce petit ouvrage, Michel Carpentier (1930-2022) raconte ses trentesix ans de vie dans les institutions européennes et sa contribution de visionnaire au lancement de plusieurs politiques. Michel Carpentier a intégré la Commission d¿EURATOM le 14 juillet 1959 à Bruxelles, où il fut désigné responsable du service des achats et des marchés. En 1967, lors de la fusion des Commissions, il a rejoint la Direction Générale desAffaires Industrielles, Technologiques et Scientifiques (DG III) où, en 1971, à l¿initiative d¿Altiero Spinelli, alors commissaire responsable de l¿Industrie, il rédigea la première communication de la Commission Européenne sur l¿environnement, « une donnée indissociable de l¿organisation et de la promotion du progrès humain ». Le Service de l¿environnement et de la protection des consommateurs qüil a dirigé jusqüen 1981 a préparé soixante directives visant à la prévention et diminution des pollutions de l¿eau, de l¿air et du bruit, récupération des déchets, protection du milieu naturel, notamment de la faune sauvage, la protection des mers et des fleuves, etc.

  • af Adam Buick
    1.684,95 kr.

    This book considers the intellectual property protection of clinical test data that has been submitted to governments, in particular through test data exclusivity rights. It focuses on how these intellectual property rights first emerged in the early 1980s, how they have globalised over the past four decades, and what impact they have had upon access to medicine. This book makes a number of significant and original contributions to the literature around the protection of submitted test data. First, the book draws upon the theory of regulatory globalisation to provide an explanation of how intellectual property rights in submitted pharmaceutical test data have become nearly ubiquitous in the legal systems of most major economies. Second, through a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of provisions on the protection of submitted test data in free trade agreements, as well as a comparison of a range of national approaches to the protection of submitted test data, it reveals the broader global regulatory pattern that has given rise to these intellectual property rights. Third, by analysing data on drug approvals in the US, it provides an empirical insight into the impact of test data exclusivity in national pharmaceutical markets. Fourth, the book covers a number of developments regarding test data exclusivity that have occurred as a result of responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, both at the national level as well as at the World Trade Organisation (WTO). This book will appeal to academics researching the intersection of intellectual property and the life sciences, civil society activists working to promote access to medicines, and students (particularly those at the post-graduate level) studying the relationship between intellectual property and medicine.

  • af Bulger J Roger
    157,95 kr.

    As a lifelong participant in American health care, Dr. Bulger discusses the importance of connecting the highest human values and ethics to the healthcare system, to both provide improved care as well as greater justice and compassion. Bulger shares how his experiences shaped his perspective on healing others and the system as a whole. He addresses topics including the need for more diversity, equality, and health equity; the importance of mercy; the need to understand suffering; and harnessing the power of the spoken word and the arts in healing.

  • af Cynthia Pereira de Araújo
    1.385,95 kr.

    This book presents an important reflection on the concept and limits of the Fundamental Right to Health as opposed to a supposed ¿Right to Hope¿ in the context of the treatment of patients with advanced cancer. The central idea of the work is the question of whether and to what extent patients with advanced cancer have the right to legally demand a palliative treatment whose efficacy has not been proven from the point of view of the desired objectives. The book demonstrates how hope cannot be subject to legal protection and, also, that, even if theoretical-legal reasons were not sufficient for the absence of an abstract right to hope, ethical reasons would be. The work concludes that the best palliative care, rather than palliative treatment, guarantees the best right to health for advanced cancer patients, especially in terminal cases.In addition to this theoretical discussion, the book also presents the results of a qualitative research the author conducted with 48 advancedcancer patients in Brazil and Germany to investigate their expectations towards chemotherapy. This study has confirmed that many patients decide to undergo often toxic and exhausting treatments, unrealistically believing that their cancer is curable or that, as long as they continue with a course of chemotherapy, cancer may be beaten. Palliative Treatment for Advanced Cancer Patients: Can Hope Be a Right? will be of interest to health professionals and social workers working with advanced cancer patients, as well as to researchers in the fields of public health, bioethics, medical ethics and health law, especially those interested in the growing interdisciplinary field of end-of-life decision-making.

  • af Kate Hingston
    222,95 kr.

    Do you wish that you could do more to build an inclusive community and have a greater understanding and acceptance of what it's like for a person to live with a disability?Will there ever be a day where this becomes fully integral to our attitude and culture? In this book, 'Talk to ME', find out how.Find out what made Tom become so insightful and why he and Harry became such good friends. Read how a few young children found a way to help others to understand and accept their disability and develop their confidence and friendships along the way. "The only disability in life is a bad attitude."Scott Hamilton

  • - En antologi om betydningen af forskning og innovation
    af Søren Barlebo Rasmussen, Per Jørgensen & Mickael Bech
    307,95 kr.

    Når forskning og innovation både er udfordringen og løsningenDet danske sundhedsvæsen er ramt af udfordringer. Med den demografiske udvikling forventes flere ældre og multisygdomsramte patienter, og hertil føjer sig et stigende problem med at sikre et godt arbejdsmiljø med kvalificeret personale.I denne antologi tager en række eksperter afsæt i sundhedsvæsenets udfordringer, når de undersøger, hvordan vi kan afhjælpe problemerne og skabe fremtidens sundhedsvæsen. Potentialet ved strategisk at inkorporere forskning og innovation i forskellige udviklingstendenser udfoldes, og flere vinkler på, hvordan man kan sammentænke drift, forskning, innovation og uddannelse i praksis, præsenteres:- Missionsorienteret forskning og innovation- Udvikling af forskningskultur på tværs af en stor organisation- Det offentlig-private samarbejde- Det digitaliserede sundhedsvæsen- Forsknings- og innovationsbroen- Klinisk kvalitet som outcome- Brugerinddragelse.Det danske sundhedsvæsen har behov for ledere, der kan lede i en kompleks organisatorisk virkelighed og forstår at lede udvikling og innovation ind i driften, så det får reel impact for både personale og patienter. Bogen kan læses som inspiration og debatoplæg af alle i sundhedssektoren med lederambitioner og -ansvar.

  • af Klaus Mathis & Avishalom Tor
    1.786,95 kr.

  • af Karlheinz Muscheler
    696,95 kr.

    Der Verein ¿Fundare e.V., Gemeinnütziger Verein zur Förderung des Stiftungswesens¿ hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, zu einer aufblühenden Stiftungskultur in Deutschland beizutragen. Dazu sollen insbesondere die wissenschaftlichen und praktischen Grundlagen des Stiftens erforscht werden. Der Erfüllung dieser Aufgabe dient die Zeitschrift Die Stiftung ¿ Jahreshefte zum Stiftungswesen. Sie beinhaltet in ihrer neuesten Ausgabe die Vorträge, die auf dem 15. Stiftungsrechtstag unter dem Globalthema ¿Stiftung und Verantwortung¿ sowie auf dem 16. Stiftungsrechtstag unter dem Globalthema ¿Stiftungsrecht ¿ neue Chancen und Risiken¿, jeweils veranstaltet von Fundare e.V., gehalten wurden. Darüber hinaus haben noch weitere Beiträge Aufnahme gefunden. Es werden nicht nur eingehend zivilrechtliche, sondern auch verwaltungs- und steuerrechtliche Problematiken des Stiftungsrechts beleuchtet, wobei die aktuellen Themen im Stiftungs- und Stiftungssteuerrecht nicht vernachlässigt werden.

  • af Katherine Anderson
    997,95 kr.

    Special educational needs ('SEN') has been a developing legal area since 1993. Just under 1.5 million pupils in England have special educational needs ('SEN') and the number of children and young people with Education Health and Care ('EHC') plans increased to 473,300, as at January 2022. Apart from a decrease in 2020, requests for EHC plans have increased each year since EHC plans were introduced. In the academic year 2021/22, HMCTS tribunals recorded 11,000 registered SEN appeals, an increase of 29% when compared to the prior year.These appeals, which deal with disputes in England between a Local Authority and parents or young people relating to EHC needs assessments and plans, can now be "extended" to include health and social care issues too. They are heard in private, by independent panels consisting of a judge and 1 or 2 specialist members who have relevant specialism and experience. Examination of expert evidence is a common feature of these appeals.This is a detailed practitioner's guide to this fast-growing area. It addresses in detail the relevant statutory and case law as well as the rules and procedure of the First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal which govern these appeals.ABOUT THE AUTHORKatherine Anderson is a very experienced barrister and education law specialist ranked as a Leading Junior in Chambers and Partners and Legal 500 rankings since 2021. She regularly acts in proceedings before the First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal on behalf of parents, young people, local authorities, and responsible bodies for schools. Her own education was at Cambridge University, United Kingdom, and Harvard University, United States. She is a member of 3PB Barristers, described by The Legal 500 2021 as a set that is "increasingly becoming a powerhouse in education law".CONTENTSChapter One - OverviewChapter Two - 'Refusal to Assess' or 'Reassess' AppealsChapter Three - 'Refusal to Issue' AppealsChapter Four - Special Educational Needs and 'Section B' AppealsChapter Five - Special Educational Provision and 'Section F' AppealsChapter Six - 'Section I' AppealsChapter Seven - Education Otherwise Than at School ('EOTAS')Chapter Eight - Ceasing to Maintain EHC Plans and 'Ceasing to Maintain' AppealsChapter Nine - Health and Social Care Needs and Provision and 'Extended Appeals'Chapter Ten - The First-Tier Tribunal in Special Educational Needs Cases - Practice and ProcedureChapter Eleven - Correcting, Setting Aside, Reviewing and Appealing First-Tier Tribunal Decisions

  • af Nick Brindle
    351,95 kr.

    A readable and practical guide to how the law applies to people with dementia, from diagnosis to end-of-life. This book will appeal to clinicians and practitioners that work with patients with dementia, including psychiatrists, primary care physicians, nurses, social workers and advocates.

  • af Louis A Penner
    306,95 kr.

    "Unequal Health provides a comprehensive and broadly accessible overview of persistent and substantial racial health disparities in American. Using research, first-person narratives, and historical events, this volume documents the scope of the problem, its roots in anti-Black racism, and consequences for the health and healthcare of all Americans"--

  • af Thomas O. Rice
    157,95 kr.

    This opinion is annotated by Nimble Books AI and includes a Foreword by Cincinattus [AI] ; a variety of pithy, opinionated abstracts including scientific style, tldr, tldr one word, Explain It to Me Like I'm Five Years Old, and Action Items; tools for viewpoint diversity such as Dissents, Red Team Critiques, and MAGA Perspectives; a recursive summary with synopsis; and a virtual context summary. Cover art by Nimble Books AI.AI summary:This document is a court order granting in part a preliminary injunction sought by plaintiffs against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding the regulation of mifepristone, a medication used for medication abortion. The court order was issued by United States District Judge Thomas O. Rice in the Eastern District of the United States on April 7, 2023. The plaintiffs argue that the FDA's current Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) for mifepristone, which includes restrictions on distribution and administration, is unnecessary and imposes undue burdens on patients and healthcare providers, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The court finds that there are serious issues going to the merits of the plaintiffs' claims under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and that the alleged unrecoverable economic costs in this case are sufficient to demonstrate irreparable harm. The court grants the preliminary injunction in part, enjoining the FDA from enforcing the in-person dispensing requirement for mifepristone during the COVID-19 pandemic and maintaining the status quo of the current REMS program until a determination on the merits.The court order also denied a third party's unopposed motion for leave to file an amicus curiae brief, noting that the proposed brief offered no additional legal or substantive information that was particularly helpful to the court's findings on the present motion. The court stated that the brief may be more useful during a trial on the merits. The court directed the District Court Executive to enter the order and furnish copies to counsel. No bond shall be required pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65(c).Overall, this document represents a legal decision in a case involving access to medication abortions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The court order grants a preliminary injunction in part against the FDA's current REMS program for mifepristone and denies a third party's motion for leave to file an amicus curiae brief.

  • af Tulasi Acharya
    132,95 kr.

    This book explores gender, disability and literature in the Global South concentrating on Nepal in particular. Religious and cultural values disable women's autonomy in general, and create even greater disadvantages for women who are physically disabled. This study examines two Nepali women writers Bishnu Kumari Waiwa and Jhamak Ghimire who challenge stigmas of the disabled body by deconstructing the "ideology of ability" through their autobiographical narratives. They do this by celebrating sexuality and disability as sources of creativity, agency, and identity in narratives that deconstruct cultural or social models of sexuality, motherhood, and beauty. In this thesis feminist disability and feminist theory guide an analysis of Waiwa and Ghimire's writing to advance our understanding of gender, culture, disability and literature in the Global South.

  • af Laurence B. McCullough
    1.407,95 kr.

    This book provides the first comprehensive, historically based, philosophical interpretations of two texts of Thomas Percival¿s professional ethics in medicine set in the context of his intellectual biography. Preceded by his privately published and circulated Medical Jurisprudence of 1794, Thomas Percival (1740-1804) published Medical Ethics in 1803, the first book thus titled in the global histories of medicine and medical ethics. From his days as a student at the Warrington Academy and the medical schools of the universities of Edinburgh and Leyden, Percival steeped himself in the scientific method of Francis Bacon (1561-1626). McCullough shows how Percival became a Baconian moral scientist committed to Baconian deism and Dissent. Percival also drew on and significantly expanded the work of his predecessor in professional ethics in medicine, John Gregory (1724-1773). The result is that Percival should be credited with co-inventing professionalism in medicine with Gregory. To aid and encourage future scholarship, this book brings together the first time three essential Percival texts, Medical Jurisprudence, Medical Ethics, and Extracts from the Medical Ethics of Dr. Percival of 1823, the bridge from Medical Ethics to the 1847 Code of Medical Ethics on the American Medical Association. To support comparative reading, this book provides concordances of Medical Jurisprudence to Medical Ethics and of Medical Ethics to Extracts. Finally, this book includes the first Chronology of Percival¿s life and works.

  • af Ismael Aguillón León
    927,95 kr.

    The recognition of indigenous peoples in Mexico is of utmost importance, given the situation in which they prevailed for centuries to be absent in our Constitution of 1824, 1857 and even in 1917, finally giving this recognition in 2001, date on which indigenous peoples are entered in Article 2do of our magna carta, This recognition was achieved with the acquisition of rights and obligations by the State from the three orders of government in the sense of carrying out the development for these groups, however with a great lack of legal instruments to claim this development.

  • af Sule Karatas Görücü
    649,95 kr.

    Im Jahr 2020 erklärte das Bundesverfassungsgericht den § 217 StGB für nichtig. Die Autorin setzt sich mit diesem Urteil auseinander und geht der Frage nach, ob neue Gesetzesentwürfe zur Suizidbeihilfe als intensiver Eingriff des Staates in die Grundrechte mit den verfassungsrechtlichen Grundsätzen und dem Urteil in Einklang stehen. Dabei geht sie sowohl auf die Grundlagen der Straftheorie als auch auf allgemeine verfassungsrechtliche Anforderungen ein. Um dogmatische Fragen zufriedenstellend zu klären, bedient sich die Autorin interdisziplinärer Ansätze wie Rechtsgeschichte, Psychologie und Soziologie.Sie analysiert, ob die Strafbestimmungen der neuen Gesetzentwürfe ein legitimes Ziel verfolgen und ob die Maßnahme zur Erreichung dieses Ziels als Strafe besonders geeignet, erforderlich und angemessen ist.

  • af Veronique N. Valliere & Bridget H. Ryan
    365,95 - 1.777,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Roberts
    1.882,95 kr.

    This collection considers the implications for privacy of the utilisation of new technologies in the criminal process. The threat that technology poses to privacy interests demands critical re-evaluation of current law, policy, and practice. This is provided by the contributions to this volume.

  • af Satyajit Mohanty
    1.779,95 kr.

    This book is the first empirical study of police discretion in India. Going beyond anecdotal accounts, it addresses the issues and concerns of arrest discretion behaviour of police with analysis of available literature internationally, testing the validity in the context of police in India.

  • af André R Giamberardino
    1.774,95 kr.

    Penal Abolitionism and Transformative Justice in Brazil discusses how penal abolitionism provides fundamental theoretical bases and practical references for the construction of a transformative justice in Brazil, supporting the claim that justice is a socially constructed conception and that victims do not unanimously stand for punishment.The book explores how the active participation of the protagonists of a conflict in a face-to-face negotiation of symbolic reparation, can produce a sense of justice without the need to punish or impose suffering on anyone. Mapping the ways that restorative justice in Brazil has distanced itself from the potential of transformative justice, to the extent that it fails to politicize the conflict and give voice to victims, the book shows how it has resulted in becoming just a new version of penal alternatives with correctionalist content. Moving away from traditional criminal justice language and also from conservative approaches to restorative justice, the author argues that the communicative potential of the transformative kind of redress can be dissociated from the unproved assumption that legal punishment is essential or even likely to achieve justice or deterrence. The arguments are grounded in the Brazilian reality, where life is marked by deep social inequalities and a high level of police violence. By providing a review of the literature on restorative justice, transformative justice, and abolitionism, the book contextualizes the abolitionist debate in Brazil and its history in the 19th century.Penal Abolitionism and Transformative Justice in Brazil is important reading for students and scholars who study punishment and penal abolitionism, to think about what it is possible to do in societies so deeply marked by social injustice and a history of oppression.

  • af Hiep Xuan Nguyen
    1.995,95 kr.

    The microneedle field has been expanding exponentially with innovative designs and various applications, thus capturing the interest of academic industry and regulatory sectors.Microneedles: The Future of Drug Delivery equips readers with a comprehensive understanding of microneedles: from percutaneous absorption to microneedles production, characterization, applications in drug delivery and diagnosis, to practical perspectives on the development, manufacturing, regulatory issues, and commercialization of microneedles. This book is written by a single author and thus provides complex information in a simple, elegant, and cohesive style.The book is intended for graduate students, researchers, scientists, and engineers working in the pharmaceutical, medical, cosmeceutical, and biotechnology industry.

  • af Sara Fovargue
    1.783,95 kr.

    Health and healthcare are vitally important to all of us, and academic interest in the law regulating health has, over the last 50 years, become an important field of academic study. An analysis of the development of, changes in, and scope of health law and ethics to date, is both timely and of interest to students and scholars alike, along with an exploration of its likely future development. This work brings together contributions from leading and emerging scholars in the field. Each contributor has been invited to select and analyse a 'leading work', which has for them shed light on the way that health law and ethics has developed. The chapters are both autobiographical, reflecting upon the works that have proved significant to contributors, and also critical analyses of the current state of the field. This collection also includes a specially written Introduction and Conclusion, which critically reflect upon the development of health law and ethics and its likely future developments in the light of the reflections by contributors on their chosen leading works. The book will be of interest to students, teachers, and researchers in health law and ethics, as it provides critical discussions and assessments of some of the leading scholarship in the field.

  • af Agata Fijalkowski
    1.776,95 kr.

    Addressing the relationship between law and the visual, this book examines the importance of photography in Central, East, and Southeast European show trials.The dispensation of justice during communist rule in Albania, East Germany, and Poland was reliant on legal propaganda, making the visual a fundamental part of the legitimacy of the law. Analysing photographs of trials, this book examines how this message was conveyed to audiences watching and participating in the spectacle of show trials. The book traces how this use of the visual was exported from the Soviet Union and imposed upon its satellite states in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. It shows how the legal actors and political authorities embraced new photographic technologies to advance their legal propaganda and legal photography. Drawing on contemporary theoretical work in the area, the book then challenges straightforward accounts of the relationship between law and the visual, critically engaging entrenched legal historical narratives, in relation to three different protagonists, to offer the possibility of reclaiming and rewriting past accounts. As its analysis demonstrates, the power of images can also be subversive; and, as such, the cases it addresses contribute to the discourse on visual epistemology and open onto contemporary questions about law and its inherent performativity.This original and insightful engagement with the relationship between law and the visual will appeal to legal and cultural theorists, as well as those with more specific interests in Stalinism, and in Central, East, and Southeast European history.

  • af Kate Dent
    1.782,95 kr.

    This book explains how judicialisation of politics leads to the politicisation of adjudication and further weaponisation of the law. Exploring the judicial-political dynamics of South Africa from 2009 onwards, the work traces the consequences of the judicialisation of politics for institutional resilience and broader constitutional stability.

  • af Jess Smith
    1.771,95 kr.

    This book provides an original and compelling analysis of registration as a dynamic process which makes and unmakes legal identities.

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