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Filosofihistorie, filosofiske traditioner

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    168,95 kr.

    As with the previous volumes of this series, this, too, is a compilation of talks given in Amma's physical presence. To discourse on the Truth while sitting next to its embodiment can be daunting.It is akin to man telling God the secrets of His creation. It seems presumptuous but it's not so. Being in Amma's sacred presence or even anticipating it is affecting in ways the conscious mind can never quite understand. As Amma puts it, the mind is 'in satsang'-in the presence of the Truth-even while preparing for a talk. The speaker knows that the talk is not the place for self-glorification, because he or she is going to speak in the presence of a Guru, whose very presence spells doom for the ego. But more than being intimidating, being in Amma's presence is a joyful experience. It is deeply intimate, because it is nothing less than a baring of one's soul to the knower of all souls.Sharing one's insights with other children of the Divine Mother is also a form of fellowship with kindred souls who share similar spiritual aspirations. We hope this volume will also bring you, dear reader, closer to Amma-closer to the Truth.Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • af Charles H. Manekin
    419,50 - 582,95 kr.

    This book surveys Hebrew manuscripts of Aristotelian philosophy and logic. It presents a translation and revision of part of Moritz Steinschneider's monumental Die Hebraeischen Ubersetzungen des Mittelalters und die Juden als Dolmetscher (The Hebrew Translations of the Middle Ages and the Jews as Interpreters). This resource was first published in 1893. It remains to this day the authoritative account of the transmission and development of Arabic and Latin, and, by way of those languages, Greek culture to medieval and renaissance Jews.The editors have updated Steinschneider's bibliography. They have also judiciously revised some of his scholarly judgments. In addition, the volume provides an exhaustive listing of pertinent Hebrew manuscripts and their whereabouts. The section on logic, including texts hitherto unknown, represents the latest research in the history of medieval logic in Hebrew. This publication is the second in a series of volumes that translates, updates, and, where necessary, revises parts of Steinschneider's bio-bibliographical classic work on Hebrew manuscripts of philosophical encyclopedias, manuals, and logical writings. Historians of medieval culture and philosophy, and also scholars of the transmission of classical culture to Muslims, Christians, and Jews, will find this volume indispensable.

  • af Antonio Donato
    1.109,95 kr.

    This book offers the first English translation and comprehensive analysis (inclusive of introductory study and endnotes to the translation) of the longest and most complex Italian Renaissance utopia, Ludovico Agostini¿s Imaginary Republic. It not only reveals the significance of a text that has been mostly forgotten; it also shows how an investigation of Imaginary Republic uncovers neglected and surprising facets of Renaissance utopianism. The current scholarly image of Renaissance utopianism is based, predominantly, on English texts. Other European utopian traditions are considered only tangentially and do not substantially inform the overall picture of the nature of Renaissance utopias. This book¿s study of Imaginary Republic, within the context of Italian sixteenth- and seventeenth-century utopias, contributes to filling this gap in the critical literature by expanding the current understanding of Renaissance utopianism.

  • af Su Santidad El Dalai Lama
    358,95 kr.

    En ¿Dónde está el yo?, el Dalai Lama nos lleva aprofundizar en el tema de la naturaleza últimade la realidad, presentándolo desde diversas perspectivas,al tiempo que se centra en identificar nuestrasvisiones erróneas y nos orienta hacia el verdadero modode existencia de la persona y los fenómenos.Situando nuestro estudio de la realidad en el auspiciosocontexto de una motivación compasiva para beneficiara todos los seres conscientes, el Dalai Lamaexplica por qué es importante comprender la vacuidady qué cualidades se necesitan para ello, y evalúalas perspectivas de diversos sistemas de principios filosóficossobre este vasto tema. A continuación, nosayuda a comprender nuestras percepciones y los estadosmentales implicados, tanto en nuestras cognicionesignorantes como en las correctas. Examinala existencia inherente y otras formas fantasiosas deexistencia que intentamos refutar mediante el análisisrazonado y presenta la visión del camino medioque elimina todos los extremos. En los capítulos finales,que aborda con rigor Thubten Chodron, se exponenlas tres características de la impermanencia, lainsatisfacción y la ausencia de una identidad personalsólida (anatman) tal y como se explican en la tradiciónpali, demostrando cómo la meditación en ellas puedeconducir al logro del Nirvana.Adentrarnos en esta investigación con Su Santidaddesafiará nuestras creencias más arraigadas y erradicaráformas falsas de vernos a nosotros mismos y al mundoque son tan habituales que ni siquiera las percibimos.Prepárate para el desafío y la intriga, porque comprenderla naturaleza de la realidad tiene el poder de cortarde raíz nuestros engaños y liberarnos para siempre de laexistencia cíclica.

  • af Chelsea Burston
    328,95 kr.

    This book is a thought-provoking and meticulously researched dissertation that delves into the multifaceted origins of human knowledge. It skillfully navigates the classical, scientific, and Abrahamic narratives that have shaped our understanding of the cosmos and the relationship between the mind, body, and spirit. The author, through a rigorous analysis of these narratives, uncovers a recurring theme of isolation intertwined with materialistic cosmology. The core argument revolves around the depiction of the psyche, mind, soul, or spirit's entrapment within the physical body. Drawing parallels between the symbolic constraints used by both classical and Abrahamic traditions and Aristotle's foundational theory of materialism, the dissertation provides compelling evidence for its central thesis.

  • af Georges Bataille
    138,95 - 168,95 kr.

    Den forbandede del er Georges Batailles politiske økonomiske teori, hvori han indvarsler en kopernikansk vending: en omvending af, hvordan vi tænker økonomi, vores materielle grundlag, livets overflod og den energi, vi har til rådighed. En begrænset økonomisk tænkning tager afsæt i knaphed og mangel, i produktion, rationalitet og nytte, uden blik for den uomsættelige rest, der er en del af enhver produktion. Den forbandede del er netop den uproduktive rest, der ikke kan omsættes rationelt eller nyttigt, men som må ødsles bort, på strålende vis, ellers katastrofalt. Udgangspunktet for Batailles generelle økonomi er med andre ord livets overflod, hvis kilde er solens ødsle udskænkning af energi. Spørgsmålet er så, hvordan vi udløser vores rigdomme, den overskydende forbandede del af energien, om det sker gennem festivaler, gavegivning, erotik, rus, kunst eller sågar ødelæggelseskrige.Det er første gang, at bogens første del foreligger i dansk oversættelse.Den forbandede del (et uddrag) og Himmelske legemer er en del af bogserien AFTRYK, der samler korte og vedkommende filosofiske tekster med væsentlig virkningshistorie. Jon Auring Grimm har skrevet introduktionen til teksten, der gør den relevant for studerende såvel som andre læsere med interesse for soløkonomi, kosmisk filosofi og det unyttige.

  • af Paul Strathern
    146,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • af Alexandre Levy
    468,95 kr.

    La montée en puissance du numérique s¿est opérée très rapidement dans le monde, qüelle modifie radicalement. Communiquer, travailler, s¿informer, se cultiver, jouer, s¿orienter¿; tout cela se fait à présent de façon «¿virtuelle¿». On voit ce qüon y gagne, en facilités nombreuses, et il est difficile de s¿en passer¿; mais on commence aussi à s¿apercevoir de ce qüon peut y perdre.Cet ouvrage, fruit d¿échanges et de dialogues inter ou transdisciplinaires, vise à appréhender les déclinaisons du numérique, entendu comme appareillage quel qu'il soit, physique ou symbolique, venant suppléer aux limites de l'humain. Il traite notamment de la question sensible de la place du corps à l¿heure de¿la virtualisation. Il aborde aussi le problème des territoires et des frontières face à une technologie «¿sans limites¿». Il pose enfin la question de la qualité de nos liens et de notre faculté de penser en contexte numérique

  • af Claudio César Calabrese
    283,95 kr.

    ConchesEl siglo xii constituye uno de los puntos de inflexión en la historia de la cultu-ra, pues, por un lado, vemos prolongarse los logros de la época carolingia y, por otro, asistimos a la ampliación de la imagen del mundo que conllevan las cruzadas, que ponen en contacto asiduo a Europa con las culturas bizantina y árabe. Se expanden los centros de traductores, especialmente en España (To-ledo y Barcelona) y en Italia (Sicilia, Nápoles y Bolonia). En conjunción con esta nueva realidad, continúan con vigor las escuelas fundadas en el siglo anterior, junto con las nuevas como Chartres, Notre-Dame, San Víctor y Santa Genoveva. En esta época se concentra una generación de intelectuales que articularán la producción de nuevos conocimientos: Guillermo de Conches, Honorio, Pedro Abelardo, Santa Hildegarda, Thierry de Chartres, Bernardo Silvestre, Juan de Salisbury, Alan de Lille, Gilberto Porretano y Pedro Lombardo, por solo nombrar algunos de los más significativos. Fue una época vivaz, efervescente, contra-dictoria y, consecuentemente, muy poco monótona.En este escenario, asistimos, entonces, a un nuevo florecimiento de la cultura: se desarrolló una muy importante actividad de índole propiamente fi-losófica, especialmente en el marco de las escuelas de París, Chartres y Saint-Victor; en efecto, el encuentro de maestros y discípulos se da en este nuevo contexto institucional, suscitado también por el auge demográfico y la consecuente urbanización, que comenzó a consolidarse desde la segunda mi-tad del siglo anterior; buena parte de los conocimientos, que esta nueva época requería, se obtenían en las mencionadas escuelas. La afluencia de traduccio-nes del griego y del árabe conmocionó los estrechos márgenes en que se había desenvuelto la cultura latina hasta ese momento;1 fueron necesarios, por ello, nuevos modelos de aprendizaje, es decir, un paulatino perfeccionamiento de los instrumentos intelectuales, bajo la forma de reunión de sentencias de los Santo Padres,2 y de temas que eran objeto de discusión académica (las famo-sas quaestiones), cuyo tratamiento se hizo sistemático, al ordenarse aquellos textos según una continuidad temática (de Deo, de mundo, de homine) y comentarios de textos sagrados y profanos.3 Esto condujo al redescubrimiento de la lógica, la cosmología, la antropología y la hermenéutica. En este marco de novedad institucional y metodológica resultó natural que los pensadores de la época se sintieran inclinados a interrogarse por la naturaleza de su actividad; ello implicó el esfuerzo por hacer propia la finalidad de su obrar, es decir, res-ponder a las preguntas ¿qué es la filosofía? y ¿cuál es el lugar del filósofo en este nuevo tiempo? Según Agustín de Hipona, quien seguía el Hortensius de Cicerón, la filosofía es el conocimiento de las cosas divinas y humanas y de sus causas; los filósofos medievales, siguiendo este camino, la consideraron un saber puesto al servicio del vivir bien, es decir, de la sabiduría. La comprensión de esta sapientia, sin embargo, ha cambiado respecto de la concepción greco-latina, pues se la considera tanto desde la perspectiva trascendente de Dios como de los hombres, hechos a imagen de su creador. La condena de san Pa-blo a la forma mundana de sabiduría continuaba repitiéndose, pero más como un tópico literario y erudito que como una convicción de orden espiritual; la lectura de los intelectuales del siglo xii deja el convencimiento, en todo caso, de que se trata de una polémica del pasado, nítidamente perteneciente al orbe de la patrística, que nada decía o sugería a su presente. De este modo, siguieron la senda agustiniana, construida en la época de Casiciaco, que consi-dera a Platón y al Génesis en un mismo nivel.

  • af Antony Fredriksson
    1.102,95 - 1.109,95 kr.

  • af Seneca
    128,95 kr.

    Seneca: Von der Kürze des LebensLesefreundlicher Großdruck in 16-pt-SchriftGroßformat, 210 x 297 mmBerliner Ausgabe, 2023Durchgesehener Neusatz bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Theodor Borken»De brevitate vitae«, verfasst um 49 n. Chr. Hier in der Übersetzung von Otto Apelt, »Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, Philosophus: Philosophische Schriften. 2: Der Dialoge zweiter Teil«, Leipzig, Meiner, 1923.Der Text dieser Ausgabe wurde behutsam an die neue deutsche Rechtschreibung angepasst.Umschlaggestaltung von Thomas Schultz-Overhage unter Verwendung des Bildes: Peter Paul Rubens, Der sterbende Seneca (Ausschnitt), 1613.Gesetzt aus der Minion Pro, 16 pt.Henricus - Edition Deutsche Klassik GmbH

  • - Bruddet i dansk filosofi i det 19. århundredes sidste tredjedel belyst ved udviklingsgangen i Sophus Heegaards filosofske forfatterskab
    af Carl Henrik Koch
    198,95 kr.

    Poul Sophus Vilhelm Heegaard (1835-84), i samtiden kun kaldt Sophus Heegaard var professor i filosofi ved Københavns Universitet fra 1875 til sin død. Han indledte sit faglige virke som elev af Rasmus Nielsen (1809-84) og som tilhænger af en Hegel-inspireret tænkning, som dominerede dansk filosofi fra omkring 1830 og en menneskealder frem. Men Heegaard brød siden broerne bag sig og blev en interessant overgangsskikkelse mellem den danske hegelianisme og det nybrud i dansk filosofi, der fandt sted i århundredes slutning som en del af, hvad der traditionelt kaldes det moderne gennembrud; men i modsætning til dette gennembruds hovedskikkelser, litteraten Georg Brandes (1842-1927) og filosoffen Harald Høffding (1843-1931) var det ikke Søren Kierkegaards kritik af den danske hegelianisme, men udviklingen i engelsk filosofi, som lå bag Heegaards brud med den hegelske tænkning.

    368,95 kr.

    This book builds the foundation of a methodology for the quantitativeanalysis of the folk narrative system. Just as anthropology uses analyses ofdifferent cultures to examine the human past; researchers could use analyses of ouroldest form of literature, the folk narrative, to examine aspects of worldwideculture and changes in culture over time. This bookdevelops a quantitative methodology based in part on small, grammaticallydefined units. For this type of analysis to be viable, careful consideration of manyaspects of the folk narrative system is required.Chapter One presents the qualities of the folk narrative that make it anapposite choice for investigations of worldwide cultures and cultural changes overtime. These qualities include: the fundamental importance and cross-cultural natureof the folk narrative; the reliable development of narrative ability in all humans;the ability of the folk narrative to convey information; and the large number ofcollected folk narratives as a resource.Chapter Two explores different styles of literary analysis with a focus onstructural content analysis and the types of information that have resulted from theuse of these different styles. Multiple types of structural analysis by both folkloristsand linguists are considered. The grammatical unit chosen for the methodologypresented in this paper - nominative case - is a specifically and externally defined,countable unit that is able to operate cross-culturally and that has connection tomeaning on a larger scale.Chapter Three is a paper in which nominative case in a random set of taleswas counted. This paper operates as a test of the unit and also serves to corroboratethe idea that the difference between the predominant gender in tales told by males and females is large enough to impact on a data set which does not control forgender.Chapter Four lays the groundwork for the expansion of the methodologyfrom a random set of tales in a large, academic library to a worldwiderepresentative data set using Murdock's compilation of cultural divisions(Murdock). In addition, the presented methodology is expanded to include themany interactive parts of what is termed the folk narrative system. Certain parts ofthe folk narrative system which should be considered are outlined but it is notedthat there are probably many more parts of the system which can be studied. Theexpansion of the methodology to an investigation of the folk narrative as a systemenables the quantitative analysis to remain connected to the matrix of culture, text,storyteller, environment and other factors. The result of any specific study is seenin the context of other influences that change as the investigated parts change. Thischapter concludes with a discussion of the way in which this methodology enablesone to access a wide range of information.

  • af Nadia Dario
    1.111,95 - 1.120,95 kr.

    In the last decade, a great variety and volume of scholarly work has appeared on mind-wandering, a mental process involving a vast range of human life, connected with "e;first-person perspective"e; and "e;personhood"e;, submental thinking, mental autonomy, etc. While different and emerging features that flow into and out of one another (second field, mental travel, visual imagery, inner speech, unspecific memory, autobiographical memory, fantasies, introspection, etc.) and negative and positive approaches seem to describe mind-wandering, we offer an interdisciplinary theoretical and empirically informed and informative overview on mind-wandering studies and methodologies oriented toward the educational field. The aim is to transform and enrich the debate on mind-wandering but also to show how theoretical arguments and research findings could inform the teaching-learning context.This groundbreaking book, moves along three representations of developed scientific knowledge: imaginary lines, circles and spirals. The first section, "e;The Lines"e;, develops new lines of inquiry on attention (selective and sustained) and mind-wandering, the influence of age and mind-wandering, embodiment, consciousness and experience and mind-wandering. In the second section, the "e;Circles"e;, groups of Chapters on the same topic, methodology (tasks and measurement), intervention (auditory beat stimulation and mindfulness practices) and creativity, recreate a dance of interacting parts in which there are always profitable, decisive and retroactive exchanges between the information that each group or author activates. The last section, "e;The Spirals"e;, critically discusses the absence of a unified theoretical perspective, in the pedagogical field, attentive both to the processes of emergence and the interactions between parts. 

  • af Eugene Korn
    392,95 - 1.470,95 kr.

    Israel and the Nations: The Bible, The Rabbis, and Jewish-Gentile Relations explores the theological and legal (halakhic) aspects of Jewish thought relating to non-Jews. It analyzes biblical, rabbinic, medieval, and contemporary Jewish writings about gentiles and their religions. The book will interest both Jewish laypersons familiar with Jewish tradition as well as scholars of theology and interfaith relations

  • af James Siemens
    1.112,95 - 1.118,95 kr.

    With few exceptions, the field of Eastern Christian studies has primarily been concerned with historical-critical analysis, hermeneutics, and sociology. For the most part it has not attempted to bring Eastern Christian philosophy into serious engagement with contemporary thought. This volume seeks to redress the matter by bringing the Eastern Christian tradition into a meaningful dialogue with contemporary philosophy. It boasts a diverse group of scholars-specialists in ancient philosophy, analytic philosophy, and continental philosophy-who engage with a wide range of pressing issues. Among other things, it addresses such topics as contemporary atheism, the metaphysics of action, religious epistemology, the philosophy of language, bioethics, the philosophy of race, and human rights. In so doing, it aims to introduce contemporary readers to unique perspectives and novel arguments often overlooked by mainstream anglophone philosophy.      

  • af Eddie Glaude
    215,95 kr.

    Eddie S. Glaude Jr. weaves personal anecdotes and meditations to offer a positive vision for Black politics: the importance of ordinary people assuming the mantle of leaders and heroes our democracy desperately needs. To build a better world, we must cultivate our best selves, not rely on the professional politicians who purportedly represent us.

  • af Kay Herrmann
    726,95 kr.

    Philosophie als Wissenschaft, als Grundlagendisziplin und als interdisziplinäre Forschung: Ansätze, die sich eine zu Unrecht fast vergessene philosophische Schule zu eigen gemacht hat, nämlich die 1903 neu gegründete Fries¿sche Schule um den Göttinger Philosophen Leonard Nelson (1882-1927). Sie steht in der Tradition der Philosophie Immanuel Kants (1724-1804) und Jakob Friedrich Fries' (1773-1843). Der Nelsonkreis hält dem Vergleich mit dem Wiener Kreis stand. Die Anhänger des Nelsonkreises kamen u.a. aus der Mathematik, Physik, Philosophie, Psychologie, Theologie und den Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Über sie wirkte die kantisch-friessche Philosophie teilweise in andere Disziplinen hinein. Zu nennen sind beispielsweise der Psychiater und Psychologe Arthur Kronfeld (1846-1941), der Biochemiker und Nobelpreisträger Otto Meyerhof (1884-1951), der Mathematiker Gerhard Hessenberg (1874-1925), die Philosophin und Physikerin Grete Henry-Hermann (1901-1984), die Pädagogin MinnaSpecht (1879-1961), der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Alexander Rüstow (1885-1963), der Theologe Rudolf Otto (1869-1937), der Soziologe Franz Oppenheimer (1864-1943) und der Sozialwissenschaftler Gerhard Weisser (1898-1989).Die Ausstrahlung des Nelsonkreises auf verschiedene Disziplinen sowie dessen Geschichte sind bislang noch nicht umfassend untersucht worden. Diese Forschungslücke soll mit dem vorliegenden Band geschlossen werden. Der systematische Forschungsband bietet zudem eine Einführung und einen Überblick zur Philosophie Leonard Nelsons.

  • af Marina Silenzi
    1.823,95 kr.

    Die Hauptthese dieses Buches ist es, Krankheit und Gesundheit mit Nietzsche auf zwei verschiedenen Ebenen zu denken, nämlich als Ereignisse des Willens zur Macht in einem zirkulär-relationalen Modell, in dem sie sich gegenseitig behaupten, sowie die Metaebene der Konzeptualisierung anzuerkennen. Es behandelt die Schwierigkeit des begrifflichen Denkens, diese Ereignisse einzuholen, und diskutiert kritisch Modellbildungen, die darauf hinauslaufen, dass Krankheit zu überwinden und als lineares singuläres Ereignis zu verstehen sei. In Nietzsches Spätwerk wird die Figur des "dionysischen Künstlers" als Idealisierung der Gesundheit gemäß seiner interpretierenden Sichtweise der Welt dargestellt. Die Relevanz des Buches liegt darin, eine Analyse der Begriffe von Gesundheit und Krankheit (tragischer und schlechter Pessimismus) in direkter Beziehung zu leiblichen Vorgängen vorzulegen, die sich von metaphysisch-dialektischen Voraussetzungen befreit. Zu diesem Zweck widmet die Untersuchung sich einer intertextuellen Lektüre der fünf Vorreden, die Nietzsche 1886/87 zu seinen früheren Schriften verfasste, und verknüpft sie mit der Interpretation des Nachlasses und weiterer Veröffentlichungen aus seiner letzten Schaffensphase.

  • af Jan Kerkmann
    1.273,95 kr.

    Die leitende These der Untersuchung lautet, dass der von Berkeley inaugurierte und uneingeschränkt verteidigte Idealismus bei Kant und Schopenhauer eine spannungsreiche Bewegung der Problematisierung und Kritik freisetzt. In der bisherigen Forschung wurden die Positionen George Berkeleys, Immanuel Kants und Arthur Schopenhauers noch nicht systematisch miteinander verglichen. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Idealismus erstmals anhand dieser drei Referenzautoren zu dokumentieren, bildet das zentrale Thema der Untersuchung, das die detaillierten Einzeluntersuchungen organisch verbindet. Darüber hinaus ist es ein eminentes Beweisziel der vorliegenden Monographie, Berkeley als einen beeindruckend konsequenten Denker zu erschließen, dessen Immaterialismus sowohl argumentationstheoretisch wie historisch rekonstruiert wird. Insgesamt möchte die Monographie dazu beitragen, die gängige Oppositionsbildung zwischen dem britischen Empirismus auf der einen Seite und der deutschsprachigen Transzendentalphilosophie auf der anderen Seite zu hinterfragen. Die Relevanz und Originalität des Buches beruht dabei nicht nur in der Zusammenführung dieser bislang separat behandelten Traditionslinien, sondern zugleich in der Profilierung einer idealistischen Metaphysik.

  • af Tanja C. Kleinwächter
    1.211,95 kr.

    This book describes the international effort to give order to colours and thus facilitate communication about it, two topics deemed essential to a modernising world that were also recognizably complex. Expert essays will enhance readers' understanding of the struggle to coordinate nature with art at a time when approaches to both were undergoing rapid change. Ordering Colours shows how such seemingly trivial concerns as identifying the basic colours and disseminating appropriate colour diagrams had to meet philosophical, scientific and professional needs across Europe. Contributors detail the many schemes for colour systematization and their real-world applications; questions of concern to both academic- and manufacturing-focused investigators throughout the long 18th century. They bring together original research and new thinking about landmark early modern studies to address important developments as well as neglected historical contributions of European arts, sciences, andeconomies. This collection is an important addition to the libraries of all who are interested in public culture and manufacturing developments in the early modern period and is aimed at historians of art, technology, philosophy and physics.

  • af Hanne Mouritsen
    148,95 kr.

    Yoga memory spil 3+Det aktive og sjove huskespil for både børn, unge og voksne. Bruge det hjemme, i skolen og daginstitutionen/ dagplejenDette sjove yoga memory spil – huskespil – kan spilles af både børn, unge og voksne. Spillet indeholder 44 kort i kraftig kvalitet med yoga illustrationer, der passer sammen to og to pakket i en kraftig og holdbar æske.Forslag til, hvordan der kan leges med vendespillet:-spil det som almindelig vendespil, hvor man vender kort, til man får et par – og til alle parrene er fundet. Spil det en, to eller mange personer.-yoga leg, hvor man laver yogastillingen, når man får et par-yoga stop dans, hvor der vendes et kort, når musikken stopper – og yogastillingen laves-træk et kort – brug kortene til en kort eller længere bevægelsespause-menneske-vendespil, hvor man i en stor gruppe kan lege med korteneDer er kort med yogastillinger, der laves på gulvet, men også kort, der kan laves ved bord og stol. Det gør det sjovt at lave bevægelse lige der, hvor man sidder – men også skal op og ned på gulvet.Dette spil fremmer bevægelse, smidighed og styrke. Det giver også ro i nervesystemet, fremmer fokus og koncentration – og kan bruges både derhjemme, i daginstitutionen/dagplejen og skolen.Dette memory spil findes med både dansk, tysk og engelsk information.Dieses Memory-Spiel ist mit Informationen in Dänisch, Deutsch und Englisch erhältlich.This memory game is available with information in Danish, German, and English.

  • af Hanne Mouritsen
    148,95 kr.

    Yoga play 3+Det aktive og sjove kortsæt er for både børn, unge og voksne. Bruge det hjemme, i skolen og daginstitutionen/ dagplejenMan kan anvende et enkelt kort eller lave kortere/længere forløb med flere yogakort. Kortene kan bruges som et pædagogisk værktøj til at skabe en roligere og mere balanceret hverdag.Ved at anvende kortene får både børn og voksne en forståelse for, hvilken effekt yoga har på kroppen. Og gennem leg med kortene udvikles børnenes evne til at selvregulere op og ned i energi niveau.Æsken indeholder 39 kort i kraftig kvalitet med yoga illustrationer, åndedrætskort, samarbejdskort og afspændingskort i en holdbar æske i kraftig kvalitet.Kortsættet består af:-22 yogastillinger med en illustration på forsiden f.eks. et træ/ bagsiden Træets stilling-8 åndedrætskort-5 yogalege kort-1 afspændingskort.-3 informationskort på henholdsvis dansk, engelsk og tysk.Der er brugt symboler til at illustrere effekten af yoga kortene, der findes:-dæmpende kort-energigivende kort-kort, der fremmer fokus og koncentration.Der er kort med yogastillinger, der laves på gulvet, men også kort, der kan laves ved bord og stol. Det gør det sjovt at lave bevægelse lige der, hvor man sidder – men også skal op og ned på gulvet.Kortene fremmer bevægelse, smidighed og styrke. Det giver også ro i nervesystemet, fremmer fokus og koncentration – og kan bruges både derhjemme, i daginstitutionen/dagplejen og skolen.Dette Yoga play findes med både dansk, tysk og engelsk information.Dieses Yoga play ist mit Informationen in Dänisch, Deutsch und Englisch erhältlich.This Yoga play is available with information in Danish, German, and English.

  • af Waldemar Zacharasiewicz
    228,95 kr.

    The technological innovations that have made "learning" computers possible are being met with utopian hopes as well as apocalyptic apprehensions. Will AI research eventually lead to software systems that have consciousness and are capable of autonomous decision making? The essays challenge "strong AI" from the perspective of human agency and moral judgment, explain the categorical difference between vulnerable humans and AI devices, and discuss diverse forms of applied AI, such as prograns of natural language processing, computional creativity, neuroenhancement, and the use of AI in international healthcare. These theoretical issues are illustrated in essays that focus on the encounter with artificial beings in film, literature and theater. Examining science fiction that blurs the borderline between humans and deep-learning androids, the essays explore, and challenge, ways of questioning human exceptionalism, for instance by visualizing non-conscious cognition and sentience. The book suggests a sober distinction between well-argued achievements of digital technology and excessive, unfounded expectations.

  • af Dieter Schonecker
    228,95 kr.

    How are artificial intelligence (AI) and the strong claims made by their philosophical representatives to be understood and evaluated from a Kantian perspective? Conversely, what can we learn from AI and its functions about Kantian philosophy¿s claims to validity? This volume focuses on various aspects, such as the self, the spirit, self-consciousness, ethics, law, and aesthetics to answer these questions.

  • af Elisa Magrì
    338,95 kr.

    The volume gathers together over twenty contributions that emerged from a conference held in in honour of Dermot Moran on the occasion of his retirement from University College Dublin. The book explores the contribution of phenomenology to empathy, intersubjectivity, affectivity, and the constitution of the cultural and social world, from both a historical and an applied philosophical perspective. Theoretical and methodological differences in approach notwithstanding, phenomenologists have converged in the recognition that self and others are fundamentally related, and have provided fine-grained accounts of the origin, forms, and implications of such relationship. The volume critically reconstructs and further develops central aspects of this body of research within a pluralistic framework. It offers a renewed investigation of the work of classical phenomenologists like Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, and Merleau-Ponty, as well as an original application of phenomenological concepts and theories to contemporary discussions on intentionality, culture, emotions, and morality. The book provides insights for scholars in phenomenological philosophy as well as in philosophy of mind and interpersonal and social experience.

  • af Mitra Bishop
    273,95 kr.

    FROM THE FOREWORD by Hozan Alan Senauke, abbot, Berkeley Zen CenterWhen our Japanese teachers came to the West, they brought us an immeasurable gift-Zen as continuous, lifelong practice. This is what Roshi Mitra Bishop means by "the long maturation" in this wonderful book. There are several dimensions to this book, Deepening Zen, that call forth my appreciation.First is the skillful way Roshi Mitra weaves together psychology, neuroscience, history, and dharma. Like it or not, we live in a psychologizing age. But the teachings here keep returning to Buddhadharma. That is our refuge-Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. Roshi Mitra insists that we can rely on dharma, which is not other than our own enlightened nature.Second, this is a book full of stories. Savour the stories. Observe how some of them weave through the book to deliver their cargo of wisdom. Maybe this is the defining characteristic of being human- the ability to create stories from our experience. Of course, we can be misled by stories, but all the great perennial wisdom is found in stories. This is true for the Buddha's Pali Sutras, for the Bible, for the collections of challenging and enigmatic Zen koans, and for the pages of this book. May these insightful stories come home to you, and help you in the work of saving all sentient beings

  • af Diana Lobel
    1.277,95 kr.

    This broad-ranging study, the first full-length investigation of conceptions of faith and trust in the Judeo-Arabic tradition, explores a family of related concepts?faith (iman, emunah), conviction (i'tiqād), and trust/reliance (tawakkul/ittikal)?in Saadya, Ba?ya, Halevi, Maimonides, Abraham Maimonides, and the Egyptian pietist circle of Abraham he-?asid. The work points to a rich spectrum of conceptions of faith and trust?from the purely cognitive to the experiential and affective. What emerges are themes of faithfulness, loyalty, experiential certainty, and trustworthiness, expressed in devotion to a way of life that embodies these ideals. The virtue of trust expresses steadfast commitment to the truth.This study vividly illustrates the ?Jewish-Arab symbiosis,? highlighting the shared spiritual language and rich, intertwined worlds of Islamic and Jewish philosophy, theology, and mysticism.

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