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  • af Carsten Olsen
    412,95 kr.

    Midt om natten den 26. april 1986 eksploderede reaktor 4 på atomkraftværket Tjernobyl, der ligger lidt uden for byen Pripjat i Ukraine. Det blev begyndelsen på den værste atomkraftulykke nogensinde .Ulykken fandt sted på Tjernobyl-atomkraftværket, da værkets reaktor 4 eksploderede. Ulykken anses for at være den hidtil værste på et atomkraftværk i verden. Eksplosionen sendte en radioaktiv sky ud i atmosfæren, som især ramte det vestlige Sovjetunionen (nu Ukraine, Hviderusland og Rusland), men også Europa, Skandinavien og det østlige USA .Carsten Olsen har som fotograf været på flere besøg i Tjernobyl, og resultatet kan ses i denne fotobog om emnet med mange fortællinger fra Tjernobyl-zonen. Fotobogen er en fortælling om den stilhed, der hersker overalt i Tjernobyl-zonen og byen Pripjat, som i dag står forladt som en spøgelsesby. Billederne i bogen viser, hvordan der ser ud 35 år efter eksplosionen. Tjernobyl er alt andet end det dødsrige, man forestiller sig. I de forgangne 35 år har naturen ikke stået stille. Der er vokset træer op overalt, så det hele nærmest er én stor skov, hvor der lige pludselig dukker et forfaldent højhus eller en fodboldtribune op mellem stammerne. Lige så tomt og uhyggeligt der er indenfor i bygningerne, lige så levende og lyst er der udenfor. Billederne viser også, hvor stærkt det gik med at forlade området. Ting er blevet efterladt, legetøj i børnehaver står stadigvæk fremme og venter på børnene, og man kan se bygninger med senge uden madrasser. Det meste har fået lov at stå uberørt siden katastrofen. Alle fotos i bogen er taget i spærrezonen omkring Tjernobyl- atomkraftværket. Spærrezonen har været et lukket og forbudt område siden katastrofen i 1986.

  • af Gaurav Verma
    752,95 - 1.057,95 kr.

  • af Bill Hammack
    205,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Discover the secret method used to build the world...For millennia, humans have used one simple method to solve problems. Whether it's planting crops, building skyscrapers, developing photographs, or designing the first microchip, all creators follow the same steps to engineer progress. But this powerful method, the "engineering method", is an all but hidden process that few of us have heard of-let alone understand-but that influences every aspect of our lives.Bill Hammack, a Carl Sagan award-winning professor of engineering and viral "The Engineer Guy" on Youtube, has a lifelong passion for the things we make, and how we make them. Now, for the first time, he reveals the invisible method behind every invention and takes us on a whirlwind tour of how humans built the world we know today. From the grand stone arches of medieval cathedrals to the mundane modern soda can, Hammack explains the golden rule of thumb that underlies every new building technique, every technological advancement, and every creative solution that leads us one step closer to a better, more functional world. Spanning centuries and cultures, Hammack offers a fascinating perspective on how humans engineer solutions in a world full of problems.A book unlike any other, The Things We Make is a captivating examination of the method that keeps pushing humanity forward, a spotlight on the achievements of the past, and a celebration of the potential of our future that will change the way we see the world around us.

  • af Marie Le Conte
    106,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • af Mehmet Kanoglu, Yunus Cengel & Michael Boles
    718,95 kr.

  • af John Tinnell
    241,95 kr.

    "As a pioneer of ubiquitous computing-the embedding of technology in everyday objects from thermostats to doorbells-computer scientist Mark Weiser's descriptions of smart homes, now thirty years later, might seem to approach our reality. Weiser's views certainly influenced our technology's developers-his 1991 Scientific American article "The Computer for the 21st Century" was flagged a must-read by Microsoft's Bill Gates and then circulated among the day's digirati, including those Silicon Valley insiders who crowded his beer garden-based "office hours". Unlike many of his contemporaries, Weiser's vision was motivated by the philosophies of Michael Polanyi and Martin Heidegger, collaboration with anthropologists such as Lucy Suchman, and insights from artists including Natalie Jeremijenko. He hoped to realize "tacit computing" as an escape from a single attention-grabbing screen as a portal to work, entertainment, and education. When rivals such as Nicholas Negroponte at MIT's Media Lab championed the development of smart agents (the ancestors of Siri and Alexa) or pervasive sensing in wearable technologies (proto-Fitbits or Apple Watches), Weiser balked. Weiser wanted computers to be something closer to the white cane a person with low vision might use to navigate the world. Good technology, he argued, should not mine our experiences for data to sell or demand our attention. Technology should not rob its users of the hardships that establish their expertise, but instead give them the ability to conceive of the world in new ways. In this compelling biography of a person and idea, digital studies scholar John Tinnell shows Weiser, who died of cancer at 46, would be heartbroken if he had lived to see the ways we use technology today. Informed by deep archival research and interviews with Weiser's family and Xerox PARC colleagues, this book uses Weiser's life to offer a new history of today's technological reality, an inside view of Xerox PARC during its heyday, and a compelling vision of what computers failed to be"--

  • af David Gwyn
    245,95 kr.

  • af Frances Haugen
    165,95 kr.

  • af Paolo Gargiulo
    1.579,95 kr.

    Handbook of Surgical Planning and 3D Printing: Applications, Integration, and New Directions?covers 3D printing and surgical planning from clinical, technical and economic points-of-view. This book fills knowledge gaps by addressing: (1) What type of medical images are needed for 3D printing, and for which specific application? (2) What software should be used to process the images, should the software be considered a medical device? (3) Data protection? (4) What are the possible clinical applications and differences in imaging, segmentation, and 3D printing? And finally, (5) What skills, resources, and organization are needed? Sections cover technologies involved in 3D printing in health: data structure, medical images and segmentation, printing materials and 3d printing, 3D printing and Clinical Applications: orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, maxillofacial, orthodontistry, surgical guides, integrating 3D printing Service in Hospitals: infrastructures, competences, organization and cost/benefits, and more.

  • af Orit Halpern
    341,95 kr.

    "This book describes the decades-long genealogy and governing logic of what we call the smartness mandate. While "smart" devices and infrastructures such as smart electrical grids, smart cities, and smart phones proliferated in the 1990s and early 2000s, the smartness mandate, which aims to link these individual instances of smart technologies into a coherent project of governance, was first explicitly articulated in the early 2000s"--

  • af Scott La Counte
    227,95 kr.

    Capture your next adventureThe GoPro Hero is arguably the best action camera that money can buy. If you have dreams of recording your journeys, action shots, or more, then you will be dazzled by the quality of video that it produces. On paper, the spec sheet looks impressive. In practice, there's a lot to learn to get the most out of those features.This book will walk you through all the features that you need to know and get you on your way to a cinematic adventure! It is based on the Hero10, but if you have a Hero9 or Hero8, most of the features will still apply.It covers: - Recording Videos and Photos- Gestures- Power Tools- Protune- Looping- HiLight- Transferring Media- Custom Presets- Mounting- Software- Mods- And MoreThis book is not endorsed by GoPro, Inc. and should be considered unofficial.

  • af Federal Aviation Administration (Faa)
    617,95 kr.

    The Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook-General (FAA-H-8083-30A)(released in 2018) is the latest revision developed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as one of a series of three handbooks for persons preparing for the certification exams required for obtaining an Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) certificate with Airframe or Powerplant rating or both (FAA A&P license). It is intended that this handbook will provide basic information on principles, fundamentals, and technical procedures in the subject matter areas common to both the airframe and powerplant ratings. Emphasis in this volume is on theory and methods of application.The handbook is designed to aid students enrolled in a formal course of instruction preparing for FAA certification as a maintenance technician as well as for current technicians who wish to improve their knowledge. This volume contains information on mathematics, aircraft drawings, weight and balance, aircraft materials, processes and tools, physics, electricity, inspection, ground operations, and FAA regulations governing the certification and work of maintenance technicians. New to this volume is a section addressing how successful aviation maintenance technicians incorporate knowledge and awareness of ethics, professionalism and human factors in the field.The companion handbooks to Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook-General (FAA-H-8083-30A) are the Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook-Airframe (FAA-H-8083-31A, Vol 1 and Vol 2), and the Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook-Powerplant (FAA-H-8083-32A, Vol 1 and Vol 2).The handbook content is available for download, in pdf format, from Handbook Features: Size: 8.5 x 11 inches, 698 pages. Cover: paperback, glossy.Full Color Printing.

  • af Dava Sobel
    182,95 kr.

    The dramatic human story of an epic scientific quest and of one man's forty-year obsession to find a solution to the thorniest scientific dilemma of the day--"the longitude problem."Anyone alive in the eighteenth century would have known that "the longitude problem" was the thorniest scientific dilemma of the day-and had been for centuries. Lacking the ability to measure their longitude, sailors throughout the great ages of exploration had been literally lost at sea as soon as they lost sight of land. Thousands of lives and the increasing fortunes of nations hung on a resolution. One man, John Harrison, in complete opposition to the scientific community, dared to imagine a mechanical solution-a clock that would keep precise time at sea, something no clock had ever been able to do on land. Longitude is the dramatic human story of an epic scientific quest and of Harrison's forty-year obsession with building his perfect timekeeper, known today as the chronometer. Full of heroism and chicanery, it is also a fascinating brief history of astronomy, navigation, and clockmaking, and opens a new window on our world.

  • af James P Womack
    307,95 kr.

    Revised, updated, and more relevant than ever, the bestselling business classic by two internationally renowned management theorists shows how companies of all sizes can become the most efficient organizations possible. 20 charts.

  • af William Strunk
    182,95 kr.

    "You know the authors' names. You recognize the title. You've probably used this book yourself. This is The Elements of Style, the classic style manual, now in a fourth edition. A new Foreword by Roger Angell reminds readers that the advice of Strunk & White is as valuable today as when it was first offered.This book's unique tone, wit and charm have conveyed the principles of English style to millions of readers. Use the fourth edition of "the little book" to make a big impact with writing. "

  • af Carmine Gallo
    127,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Amit Katwala
    117,95 - 195,95 kr.

    Truth, murder and the birth of the lie detector

  • af Peter Weibel, Sharon Kanach, ZKM / Hertz-Labor & mfl.
    475,95 kr.

  • - 3. Udgave
    af Kim Kjærsgaard
    217,95 kr.

    Kan det holde? Hvis din nye og dyre kontorstol går i stykker efter, at du har siddet i den få gange, ville du så købe den samme stol igen, og endda anbefale den til andre? Ved at anvende statik, styrke- og materialelære, når man konstruerer eller ombygger en konstruktion, kan man dimensionere den, så den kan holde til de forventede belastninger, der opstår når produktet anvendes.Denne bog er den første af tre lærebøger indenfor faget konstruktion. Trilogien er tiltænkt ingeniører, maskinmestre, produktudviklere, arkitekter, konstruktører, designere, håndværkere, HTX-studerende og andre, der beskæftiger sig med konstruktioner.Bogen gennemgår teorien for den grundlæggende statik som kræfter, lasttyper, understøtninger, momenter, simple bjælkekonstruktioner og ligevægt. I afsnittet om simple bjælkekonstruktioner beregnes de ydre kræfter først med den klassiske metode, og afsluttes med to nye hurtigmetoder, der på få sekunder kan bestemme reaktionerne.I slutningen af bogen vil der være øvelser i at omsætte fysiske produkter til statiske modeller, samt en case, hvor reaktionerne skal bestemmes.Om forfatterenKim Kjærsgaard er uddannet håndværker i Flyvevåbnet og ingeniør fra Aalborg Universitet i Esbjerg.Har siden 2015 arbejdet som underviser på Produktionsteknologuddannelsen på KEA - Københavns Erhvervsakademi.Samt er CEO hos VAXA Consulting.Læs mere om statikbogen påæs mere om trilogien påøger

  • - En praktisk guide i forbedringsarbejdet
    af Lars Tegl Rasmussen
    77,95 - 222,95 kr.

    Denne håndbog er skrevet som en hjælp til de, der arbejder med at skabe forbedringer gennem tavlemøder. Tavler er det mest anvendte værktøj til procesforbedringer i Danmark. Tavlen er let at tage i brug og taler til vores kultur med inddragelse og diskussion. Desværre har det vist sig, at man mange steder har måtte stoppe, fordi det ikke gav resultater.Denne håndbog indeholder råd om, hvorledes man får tavlemøder i gang og holder dem i gang. Det overordnede budskab er enkelt: Koncentrer jer om at optimere jeres egne arbejdsprocesser og skab kontinuerlige resultater. Det skal gøre en forskel, at man står ved tavlen!Bogen indledes med, at scenen sættes for tavlemøder: Hvad vil det sige at arbejde med kontinuerlige forbedringer? Derefter præsenteres nogle hovedtyper af tavler, således at man vil være i stand til at designe en tavle, som rammer i solar plexus på det aktuelle behov. Videre drøftes, hvilke regler der skal være omkring tavlemøder, hvem styrer, hvilke forventninger osv. Når man således har fået tavlemøderne i gang, vil der typisk komme nogle bump på vejen. De typiske udfordringer omtales, og der gives forslag til, hvorledes man kan tackle dem.Nogle tror at arbejdet med tavlemøder kun foregår omkring tavlen. Det er imidlertid ikke her resultaterne skabes, det sker nemlig i arbejdet mellem tavlemøderne. Håndbogen omtaler de organisatoriske- og processuelle rammer for dette samt ledelses- og medarbejderrollerne.Tavlemøder kan foregå i forskellige udviklingsstadier. I håndbogen opstilles en udviklingsmodel, som kan anvendes til at vælge fokuspunkter for forbedringer, så man videreudvikler eget tavlemøde.Endelig til slut sammenfattes håndbogen i 10 bud for tavlemøder.

  • - Landscape, Environments and Historical Archaeology
    297,95 kr.

    In presenting 25 industrial sites of national significance in the context of changing techno-economic paradigms, this book considers the development of Danish industrial landscapes and built-up environments in the period 1840-1970.Three case studies of ports, sugar mills, and cement plants are also presented. The book concludes with two chapters that discuss perceptions and strategies for the conversion of industrial sites, and an overview is given covering the preservation of industrial heritage in Denmark, historically."Although Denmark is often perceived as an agricultural country, industry is a very important sector in the Danish economy, employing a large number of people and having considerable influence on Danish society and culture in general. The appreciation of industrial history, as well as the tangible and intangible remains of industry, is an important heritage."Anne Mette RahbækGeneral Director of the Danish Agency of Culture

  • af Christian Helms Jørgensen
    97,95 kr.

    Op mod halvdelen af alle de unge, der starter på en erhvervsuddannelse, gennem­fører den ikke. De afbryder uddannelsen, falder fra eller skifter mellem forskellige uddannelser. Mange af dem er blevet en erfaring rigere og starter på en ny uddan­nelse, som de gennemfører. Men en alt for stor del af de unge forlader uddannel­sessystemet uden nogen uddannelse ud over folkeskolen. Den problemstilling sætter denne bog fokus på. Bogens artikler er skrevet af forskere på området fra forskellige forskningsinstitutioner. De formidler her ny viden om årsager til frafaldet i erhvervsuddannelserne og giver vurderinger af en række tiltag, som skolerne har iværksat for at begrænse frafaldet. Der tegnes et nuanceret billede af den gruppe af unge, som varigt forlader uddannelsessystemet uden anden uddannelse end folkeskolen. En række artikler lader eleverne komme til orde som bidrag til nye måder at forstå frafaldsproble­merne på, mens andre artikler belyser dilemmaer for lærerne i forhold til frafald. Frafald i erhvervsuddannelserne giver en kvalificeret og nuanceret forståelse af et omfattende samfunds­mæssigt problem – og dermed også bidrag til at finde nye løsninger.

  • - Fra idé til færdigt produkt og salg
    af Helle Bonne Stylow
    197,95 kr.

    HVIS DANMARK VIL VÆRE ET LAND, DER UDVIKLER MANGE OPFINDELSER, SÅ SKAL DER VÆRE FLERE STEDER, HVOR OGSÅ DEN IKKE–AKADEMISKE OPFINDER KAN FÅ HJÆLP OG INSPIRATION. Om du er håndværker, landmand, ufaglært, erhvervsuddannet, et ungt eller et ældre menneske … du kan også blive opfinder. Alle får idéer, og i Opfindermanualen kan du blandt andet læse og lære om: – At få idéer – At tro på dig selv – Prototyper – Patenter – Hemmeligholdelsesaftale – Præsentationsmateriale – Design– Salg – Opfinderrådgivningen Teknologisk Institut – Patent- og Varemærkestyrelsen – Hvordan jeg gjorde med min idé fra idé til salg – Om min opvækst og baggrund for at blive opfinder – Fortællinger om min kontakt med internationale virksomheder – og meget mere.… Opfindermanualen er en letlæst brugsbog med blanke sider, hvor du kan skrive dine egne idéer og opfindelser ned.FORORD AF LENE TANGGAARD, rektor for Designskolen Kolding og professor i pædagogisk psykologi ved Aalborg Universitet: Den er direkte, uhøjtidelig, sjov og handlingsanvisende. Uddrag af bogen Med denne bog har du allerede langt bedre kort på hånden, end jeg havde, da jeg begyndte som opfinder i 2007. Når jeg tænker på, hvor lidt jeg vidste om det at opfinde og hele processen, så kan jeg godt nu tænke, uha, det var faktisk en lang, sej rejse fra idé til prototype til kontraktaftale. Til at finde ud af et egnet design, en egnet virksomhed, til salget, frem til produktet endelig kom ud på markedet. Men dengang havde jeg heller ikke denne bog! Om forfatteren Helle Bonne Stylow er opfinder, kunstner og uddannet bygningsmaler og fitnessinstruktør. Hun har opfundet en speciel hundeskål, der sælges i 25 lande siden år 2010. Andre otte idéer ligger ude hos internationale virksomheder til mulig produktmodning. Helle Bonne Stylow ønsker at hjælpe og inspirere andre til at blive opfindere.

  • af Erik Oberg
    1.782,95 kr.

    Note: This is the toolbox print edition, which measures a handy 4.6" x 7". You also may be interested in Machinery's Handbook, 32nd Edition, Large Print Edition, which is identical in content but measures 7" x 10", with larger text (the size of standard reference materials). Machinery's Handbook is acknowledged as an exceptionally authoritative and comprehensive, yet highly practical, and easy-to-use tool. The 32nd edition of the "Bible of the Mechanical Industries" continues in this tradition, providing users with fundamental and essential aspects of manufacturing practices, including hundreds of ASME and ANSI standards updates and thousands of revisions to text, tables, equations, and figures. The Machinery's Handbook Guide: A Guide to Using Tables, Formulas, & More in the 32nd Edition, is designed to maximize the enormous practical value of the latest, greatest edition of this invaluable engineering resource, offering useful information on how to make full use of the Machinery's Handbook in solving problems on the job. New to the 32nd Edition Additive Manufacturing: Expert discussions, exploring 3D printing materials, techniques, and workflow, have been updated. Dimensioning and Measuring: Reworked explanations and instructions cover calibrating, applying, and reading inch and metric verniers, dial and digital calipers, and inside, outside, and screw thread micrometers. Fasteners, Threads, and Threading: Definitive standard specifications for numerous screw threads, bolts, other fasteners, nuts and washers, tap and clearance drills, and more, have been verified and updated across the board. Machine Elements: Expanded sections detail drive couplings, shaft alignment methods, and friction and lubrication challenges, and rolling element bearings, with a new section on regulated food grade machine lubricants. Metalworking and Manufacturing: New expert coverage with detailed illustrations addresses commonly used metalworking dies, design, and selection, along with related processes and applications for sheet metalworking. Part Design and Production: Updates encompass the latest in CNC programming, CAD/CAM operations, and other design and production processes. Properties and Selection of Materials: Legacy elements and modern-day plastics data have been revised, with new information on embodied energy of materials, carbon footprint, recycling and reclamation, and polymer composites. The Guide Features This new edition of the Guide reflects the updated content of the new Machinery's Handbook, 32nd Edition. Specific cross references help quickly locate information in the "parent" book, enabling Guide users to become familiar with navigating and utilizing the Handbook's vast range of vital content. Offers more than 150 worked-out examples and nearly 500 practice exercise and review questions (with answers), specially selected for engineers, apprentices, and students, addressing problems commonly encountered in manufacturing and metalworking. Explains practical techniques, enhancing the user's ability to access needed information and formulate solutions more quickly and easily.

  • af Julia Richter
    310,95 kr.

    Die additive Fertigung mit ihrem schichtweisen Aufbau bietet eine Vielzahl attraktiver Eigenschaften wie eine noch nie dagewesene Gestaltungsfreiheit und maßgeschneiderte mechanische Eigenschaften. Unter anderem erlaubt das pulverbettbasierte Laserstrahlschmelzen von Metallen (PBF-LB/M) die Herstellung hochkomplexer Teile mit einem Minimum an Nachbearbeitungsaufwand. Da die additiven Fertigungsverfahren jedoch vergleichsweise neu sind, gibt es noch einige offene Fragen bezüglich der Prozess-Mikrostruktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehung zu klären. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss verschiedener Prozessabweichungen, die einen nicht-idealen Prozesszustand darstellen, auf die Mikrostruktur und die mechanischen Eigenschaften von Eisen- und Aluminiumbasislegierungen untersucht. Aufgrund der großen Anzahl unterschiedlicher Prozessabweichungen konzentrierte sich diese Arbeit auf drei exemplarische, nicht-ideale Prozesse, d.h. Prozessunterbrechungen, die Verwendung von nicht-sphärischen Pulvern und einen variierenden Prozessgasstrom. Durch den Einsatz hochauflösender elektronenmikroskopischer Analysemethoden sowie der Röntgentomographie konnten tiefe Einblicke in die Mikrostruktur und die Defektbildungsmechanismen gewonnen werden. Der Einfluss von Mikrostruktur und Defekten auf die Schädigungsentwicklung unter mechanischer Belastung wurde analysiert und eine Modellidee für eine robuste Produktion abgeleitet und mit bestehenden Konzepten diskutiert.

    652,95 kr.

    Point clouds are deemed to be one of the foundational pillars in representing the 3D digital world, despite irregular topologies among discrete points. Recently, advancements in sensor technologies that acquire point cloud data for flexible and scalable geometric representation have paved the way for the development of new ideas, methodologies, and solutions in countless remote sensing applications. State-of-the-art sensors are capable of capturing and describing objects in a scene by using dense point clouds from various platforms (satellites, aerial, UAVs, vehicle-borne, backpacks, handheld, and static terrestrial), perspectives (nadir, oblique, and side view), spectra (multispectral), and granularity (point density and completeness). Meanwhile, the ever-expanding application areas of point cloud processing have already covered not only conventional domains in geospatial analysis but also manufacturing, civil engineering, construction, transportation, ecology, forestry, mechanical engineering, etc. Readers can learn about the latest innovative technologies for generating, processing, and analyzing point cloud data from these contributions, which helps to understand the challenges faced by point cloud data and develop new 3D applications.

  • af Hemanta Kumar Sahu
    585,95 kr.

    Diving into the cutting-edge realm of wireless communication, "Harvesting Signals" offers a meticulous exploration of the synergistic potential between cooperative communication, Space Shift Keying (SSK) modulation, and Radio Frequency (RF) energy harvesting. In a landscape where the demand for efficient wireless networks is ever-growing, this book presents a groundbreaking investigation into the fusion of cooperative strategies with advanced modulation techniques, promising not only enhanced spectral efficiency but also sustainable energy utilization through RF energy harvesting. Authored by leading experts in the field, this comprehensive analysis delves into the theoretical foundations, practical implementations, and performance evaluations of cooperative communication systems employing SSK modulation and RF energy harvesting. Through a blend of rigorous mathematical frameworks and practical insights, readers are guided through the intricacies of system design, resource allocation, and optimization strategies. From theoretical derivations to real-world experimentation, "Harvesting Signals" offers a roadmap for researchers, engineers, and students alike to navigate the complexities of next-generation wireless networks. Whether seeking to optimize spectral efficiency, extend network lifetime, or minimize energy consumption, this book serves as an indispensable resource in unlocking the full potential of cooperative communication combined with SSK modulation and RF energy harvesting. Prepare to embark on a journey into the forefront of wireless communication research, where innovation meets sustainability, and where the pursuit of performance leads to the harvesting of signals.

  • af Wenchao Liu
    1.967,95 kr.

    This book investigates in detail the mathematical methods and computation methods in efficient solution of some open nonlinear seepage flow problems involved in engineering problems. Developed engineering technologies and some relevant practical field applications are also provided. The introduced open nonlinear problems include nonlinear quadratic pressure gradient term problem, compressible gas seepage flow problem and low-velocity non-Darcy seepage flow problem. Studies on these nonlinear seepage flow problems have attracted engineers and scientists from various disciplines, such as geo-energy engineering, civil and environmental engineering, fluid mechanics, applied mathematics and computation. In particular, the book systematically establishes a fundamental theory for a strongly nonlinear problem of low-velocity non-Darcy seepage flow from a new perspective of moving boundary, while emphasizing the usage of mathematical linearization transformation methods and computational methods into the analytical and numerical solution of the strongly nonlinear partial differential equations. Sufficient knowledge of mathematics is always introduced ahead of model solution to assist readers. And the procedure of strict formula deduction in the model solution process is provided in detail. High-solution figures and tables from model solution are rich in the book. Therefore, it is very helpful for the readers to master the nonlinear model solution methods and engineering technologies. The book is intended for upper undergraduate students and graduate students who are interested in engineering technology, fluid mechanics and applied mathematics, researchers and engineers working on geo-energy science and engineering and field applications.

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