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  • af Lisa Porisch
    223,95 kr.

    This book is helpful for individuals with an acoustic neuroma brain tumor, people that support them, and anyone going through a stressful life changing event.In 2022, after Lisa was diagnosed with Covid, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. This captivating story begins with ringing of the inner ear that did not stop after Covid. Lisa went on to learn that she had a rare brain tumor called an acoustic neuroma.What started as an exceedingly difficult journey brought out the best in friends, family, acquaintances, and an entire community. This major life event helps highlight the good in the world and human connection.

  • af Elle Richardson
    168,95 kr.

    Bipolar disorder is not like black and white. You may ask yourself why. The reason is that the differences in the scale of each color or shade can be so subtle with full of intensity in its expression. Black can be made by mixing the primary colors in equal amounts--red, yellow, and blue. While white is a combination of all colors in the color spectrum mixed in equal amounts. In both combinations, the colors mixed have to be exact, or you end up with a different color or shade. What makes them unique is that black is the absence of light, and white is the presence of light, making them opposites and effortless. So why black and white? Because they are far from each other like the North Pole and the South Pole.Bipolar disorder has extensive alterations called mood swings that are also opposites of each other named depression and manic episodes, but still do not have specific manifestations or range in their state, no one is alike. There is no method, prescription, or procedure for any of us with bipolar disorder, and should never be categorized as one and never stereotyped. It is not easy to define it as if it is the colors or shades of black and white because every person who suffers from bipolar disorder should be treated as an individual case, not as a whole. Each case is different which makes this disorder extremely difficult to manage by the medical department and the patient.Medication is given, for the most part at first wrongly. What works for someone might not work for me, so it becomes a trial-and-error method. Not knowing if the medication is going to work creates uncertainties, and I fear for my life and my well-being. It is part of the process until I get the correct medication, and I am feeling well. When this happens, I need you to be with me, even if you are not physically here. I need to know that I can count on you, and mostly I need to hear you say that you love me. My prayers are that by the time you finish reading this book, you will have a conceptual understanding of what bipolar disorder is, and there are no misconceptions.

  • af Inke Jochims
    213,95 - 241,95 kr.

  • af B&V Healthy Living
    202,95 - 203,95 kr.

  • - Praksisfortællinger fra forældreskabet til et barn med en paranoid skizofreni
    af Isabella Fussing Hansen
    116,95 - 158,95 kr.

    Skizofreniens gidsel er en autentisk fortælling om hverdagslivet i familien med et barn med en paranoid skizofreni-diagnose. Bogen er skrevet af en mor med bidrag fra hendes teenagedatter med en paranoid skizofreni. På usentimental og ærlig vis beskrives det, hvordan man som familie kan gå sammen om psykosen, og hvordan man kan planlægge med psykosen. Med en faglig og hjertevarm tilgang indføres læseren i skizofreniens mange indtryk og udtryk. Med selvindsigt og åbenhed beskriver datteren, hvordan virkeligheden kan opløses, om hallucinationer, stemmer og tanker, der ikke er hendes egne. Det er en indvielse i forældrerollens ansvar, etiske dilemmaer, udfordringer. Den er om kunsten at bevare parforholdet og forankringen i sig selv. Det er fortællingen om mødet med velmene fjolser i vores sundheds- og velfærdssystem, og hvordan man som forældre pålægges en behandlerrolle. Det er historien om en helt almindelig teenagerfamilie og skizofrenien.

  • af Birte Viermann
    258,95 kr.

    Silja is a joyful person and has her own special ways of making life magical. She has wonderful friends, a successful career and diverse interests and hobbies.She falls ill with ME/CFS* and bit by bit has to give up on all of of the above. In the end, she decides that the only wholesome step she can take next is to end her life.This is the story of how her sister Birte and her family and friends deal with Silja's last weeks and her death. It is a story of care-taking, grief and pain, but also one of community, deep connection and - in the end - love for life.*Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is a severe multisystemic disease that is quite common, but poorly understood.Keywords: ME/CFS, LongCovid, PostCovid, caregiving, assisted suicide, death with dignity, grief, death, mourning, personal development, relationships

  • af Wyvonia Harris
    195,95 kr.

    This book is being written so that my descendants may know how God's grace brought me in times of joy and sorrow. This is your personal invitation to journey with all of the contributors, allowing you to peek into our lives. Together, let's get to a place called healed- Dr. Wyvonia Woods Harris

  • af Centers for Disease Control
    83,95 kr.

    Printed in Color.CDC has a fun new way of teaching the importance of emergency preparedness. Our new graphic novel, "Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic" demonstrates the importance of being prepared in an entertaining way that people of all ages will enjoy. Readers follow Todd, Julie, and their dog Max as a strange new disease begins spreading, turning ordinary people into zombies. Stick around to the end for a surprising twist that will drive home the importance of being prepared for any emergency. Included in the novel is a Preparedness Checklist so that readers can get their family, workplace, or school ready before disaster strikes.

  • - På vers
    af Charissa Coulthard
    338,95 kr.

    Rørende billedbog på vers om kærlighed og tabHistorien følger en pige, der besøger sin mormor gennem årstiderne og husker alle de store oplevelser, de har delt, og de erindringer, de har sammen.Den dag pigens mormor ikke længere er der, kan pigen fejre de minder, de har skabt.Bogen lægger nænsomt op til samtaler om alvorlig sygdom og sorg.

  • - En lægegerning med puls-ur og øjenkontakt
    af Andreas Pihl & Michael Hejmadi
    162,95 - 188,95 kr.

    Louise Hansen er bogens praktiserende læge, hun har mange patienter, men ikke tid nok.Danskerne er efterhånden gode til at blive gamle, high five, men det øger presset på sundhedsvæsenet. Derfor skal vi blive bedre til at udnytte teknologi til at løfte opgaver fra lægen over på patienten selv.Hvad hvis vi bad fremtidens patient om selv at undersøge sin urin for bakterier, pode for halsbetændelse, måle blodtryk, hjerterytme og iltning af blodet? Ville det betyde dårligere behandling? Nej, tværtimod.Smartphones, apps, puls-ure og kunstig intelligens er fremtidens nyttige værktøjer i lægetasken – og de kan forbedre behandlingen, befolkningssundheden og lægens arbejdsvilkår. De to læger Andreas Pihl og Michael Hejmadi giver et underholdende kig ind i den almene lægepraksis, hvor både sundhedsvæsenet og den praktiserende læge er sat skakmat af dumme systemer og forældede organisationer.

  • - Digtsamling af
    af Thomas ”Guffi” Vestergaard
    201,95 kr.

    Denne gang har Thomas ”Guffi” Vestergaard valgt at fortælle sin livshistorie i digtform. Dels som prosadigte, dels som lyriske digte. Det er digte om egne erfaringer med misbrug, PTSD, tortur, vold, traumer, desperation, angst, selvmordstanker, selvskade og frygten for at blive forladt. Men det er også digte om recovery, selvudvikling, håb, ønsker, parforhold og drømme. Der er sat tanker, følelser og ord på fortidens traumer for bedre at kunne forstå, hvorfor han tænkte og reagerede, som han gjorde. For Thomas er det vigtigt at forstå sig selv og sin fortid, for lærer man ikke af sine fejl, er man dømt til at gentage dem.”Mange har takket mig for at sætte ord på tanker og følelser, som de har gået rundt med i årevis, efter at have læst mine digte på sociale medier. Jeg er taknemmelig for, at mine dårlige erfaringer og personlige udvikling kan hjælpe andre mennesker i en positiv retning.”– Thomas ”Guffi” VestergaardUddrag af bogenJeg ligger i min seng, helt stille. Jeg kan ikke bevæge mig, jeg kan ikke sove. Tårerne triller ned ad min næseryg på min allerede våde pude. Jeg græder, men der er ingen lyd, kun smerte.Jeg er træt af at kæmpe, træt af at blive misforstået, træt af at føle mig forkert. Hvor blev livsglæden af? Det gik lige så godt, og så puf. Så var vi tilbage igen. Tilbage i drama, problemer og stress. Hvor blev glæden af? Hvorfor ligger jeg her igen? For jeg har jo ikke lyst til at være her. Men her er trygt og godt, jeg kender fortvivlelsen og afmagten. Tristheden er min ven, den gør mig tryg.Om forfatterenThomas ”Guffi” Vestergaard er tidligere misbruger, nazist og bandemedlem. I dag er han international præsident for KOSA NATION, Europas største stoffrie motorcykelfællesskab. Han har også over 10 års erfaring med selvudvikling, ligesom han er mentor og foredragsholder med over 300 foredrag i bagagen. Han har tidligere udgivet Mit liv til skræk og advarsel og Spørgsmål til en mønsterbryder.

  • - Ramt i brystet
    af Sanne Gram Fadel, Cathrine Güntelberg, Christina Gerner Kristensen & mfl.
    175,95 - 208,95 kr.

    Fire kvinder, syv bryster, en klub Kemoklubben er et heppekor. Kemoklubben er et helle og et ståsted, når alt andet sejler. Sanne, Cathrine, Christina og Louise mødes tilfældigt på Herlev Hospital i et rum med drop i armene for at få kemobehandling for brystkræft – og ender med at blive hinandens fortrolige.I KEMOKLUBBEN deler de alt, hvad de må stå igennem som kræftramte, og rækker samtidig kærligt ud til alle kvinder i samme situation. Og til kvindernes familier og omgivelser.Røde prikker, håndfulde af hår, kvalmepiller, sårbarhed, ensomhed og trøst. Intet emne er for stort eller lille, og en ting er de fire enige om: Det giver mening at lette hinandens og andres vej igennem brystkræftens vildnis af bekymringer og hospitalspjecer, når man ved, at man kommer rask ud på den anden side.Kemoklubben er en klub, ingen rigtig har lyst til at være medlem af. Men når nu det skal være, er den ikke det allerværste sted at mødes. Velkommen i klubben.

  • af Johanne S. Refseth
    1.043,95 kr.

    Tag ud i naturen, og få det bedre. Dette er historien om, hvordan psykologen kurerede sin kærestesorg ved at blive en udesovende friluftselsker med hang til bål og mosgroede skove. Med humor og eftertænksomhed fortæller psykolog Johanne Refseth om sin udvikling fra bymenneske til friluftsentusiast og om, hvordan naturen giver hende større selvindsigt og ro. Og hun viser, hvordan det at opholde sig i naturen kan hjælpe dig med at lære dine følelser bedre at kende, så du oplever både fysisk og psykisk balance. Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.

  • af Pamela Wartian Smith
    183,95 kr.

    "This book provides you with an overall understanding of the function of the thyroid gland, the important role the thyroid hormones play in keeping your body functions in tune, and the influence the thyroid gland has on your other body systems. It also offers a close look at the various problems that arise when the thyroid malfunctions or is not operating optimally"--

  • af Sacha Mardou
    222,95 kr.

    A brave and captivating graphic memoir about the power of therapy to heal anxiety and generational traumaWhen Sacha Mardou turned forty-years-old, she was leading a life that looked perfect on the outside: happily married to the love of her life, enjoying motherhood and her six-year-old daughter, and her first book had just been published. But for reasons she couldn’t explain, the anxiety that had always plagued her only seemed to be getting worse and then, without warning, she began breaking out in terrible acne.The product of a stoic, working-class British family, Sacha had a deeply seeded distrust of mental health treatment, but now, living the life she’d built in the US and desperate for relief, she finds herself in a therapist’s office for the first time. There she begins the real work of growing up: learning to understand her family of origin and the childhood trauma she thought she’d left hidden in the past but is still entangled in her present life.Past Tense takes us inside Sacha’s therapy sessions, which over time become life-changing: She begins to come to terms with her turbulent and complicated upbringing, which centered around her now estranged father, who had a violent relationship with her mother and would later go to prison for sexually abusing her stepsister. With her therapist’s guidance, she sees how these wounds and other generational trauma has been passed through her family as far back as her grandmother’s experiences during The Blitz of World War Two. And she discovers modalities that powerfully shape her healing along the way, including the work of Bessel Van der Kolk and Richard Schwartz (Internal Family Systems).As Sacha’s emotional life begins to unfreeze and she lets go of the shame she’s long held, she realizes that the work she’s doing and her love for her family can ripple outward too, changing her relationships now, and creating a new legacy for her daughter.Bravely told, visceral, and profoundly moving, Past Tense is a story about our power to break free of the past--once and for all--and find hope.

  • af Shunmyo Masuno
    278,95 kr.

    "Feeling overwhelmed? Step away from life's mounting demands and free yourself up for what matters with this succinct and sensible guide by the Zen Buddhist author of the international bestsellers The Art of Simple Living and Don't Worry. Amid the relentless cycle of news, social media, emails, and texts, it can be hard to know when, if ever, we can step away from everything clamoring for our attention. Renowned monk Shunmyo Masuno offers us a radical message: We can leave it all be, and indeed sometimes the best thing we can learn is how to do nothing. A few of the things How to Let Things Go teaches us: Lesson #2: Give people space-being caring and being nosy are not the same thing. Lesson #13: Follow your goen to good opportunities. Lesson #15: Remember that social media is a tool and nothing more. Lesson #19: Let farewells be, and leave your relationships to nature. Lesson #40: Think of letting things go not as throwing them away, but setting them free. Lesson #75: Make decisions in the light of the morning-don't rush into them. Lesson #90: Take more breaks the busier you become. With these and ninety-two other practical tips, we can abandon the futile pursuit of controlling everything in our lives and unlock the key to a fulfilling social life, individual well-being, and a calmer, more focused mind"--

  • af Ea Korsborg
    223,95 kr.

    Jeg har aldrig været stærkere er en biografisk selvhjælpsbog skrevet af Ea Korsborg. Om at vænne sig til et liv med kronisk sygdom og kæmpe for at bevare livskvalitet, familieliv og job.Der kan være mange spørgsmål og forandringer i kroppen før, under og efter, at du får kroniske sygdomme.• Hvordan kommer du i gang med at få en diagnose, som er adgangsbilletten til rette behandling?• Hvilke reaktioner er forventelige, og hvordan accepterer du forandringerne, der sker undervejs i sygdomsforløbet?• Hvor søger du mere information?• Hvorfor kan du ikke bare få det liv tilbage, som du havde, før du fik din kroniske sygdom, og ikke mindst: hvem kan og skal hjælpe dig?Disse spørgsmål kredser sygeplejerske Ea Korsborg om i Jeg har aldrig været stærkere. Bogen er hendes personlige og autentiske beretning om, hvordan hun efter lang tid med smerter i kroppen, musklerne og leddene, udslæt på huden og voldsom træthed og mange møder med sundhedsvæsenet, får stillet en diagnose på en kronisk sygdom. Senere følger flere diagnoser på andre kroniske sygdomme.Bogen er skrevet som inspiration og hjælp til dig, som ligeledes døjer med en eller flere kroniske sygdomme, eller til pårørende til en kronisk syg. Ea Korsborg deler ud af sine erfaringer med at tackle sygdomsforløbet, sin kamp for at bevare fodfæste på arbejdsmarkedet, relationer til familie og venner samt håndtering af diverse oplysninger og mødet med sundhedsvæsenet.

  • af Brendan Conboy
    136,95 kr.

    Should this book have been written? Should it be read? Why is there still so much stigma, shame and taboo associated with mental health? Why do men struggle so much to talk about their problems? Are we adequately equipped? In the workplace, in your home, in the church, in society?The introduction in this book briefly explains how our brains work, it is a powerful organ. Are you trapped in a negative mindset? This book will change the way that you think.A survey of 1,000 men carried out by the Priory Group revealed the following:77% of men polled suffered from common mental health symptoms such as anxiety, stress and depression.40% of men have never talked to anyone about their mental health.29% of those who haven't talked say that they are "too embarrassed" to speak about it, while 20% say that there is a "negative stigma" about the issue.The biggest causes of mental health issues in men's lives are work (32%), their finances (31%) and their health (23%).40% of men polled said that it would take thoughts of suicide or self-harm to compel them to seek professional help.This book is dedicated to the brave men,who found the courage to talk abouttheir mental health.Asking for help and sharing the pain that you live with is the most courageous thing you can do.Also, to all men, especially:The silent onesThe lonely onesThe still suffering onesThe recovering onesThe shameful onesThe painful onesThe unspoken onesThe broken onesThe rejected onesThe disrespected onesThe ones who want to dieThe ones who never cryThe ones who believe the lieThe ones who would denyThatBig Boys DO CRY

  • af Hermann Belingham
    101,95 kr.

    Does our traditional education provide all the knowledge and skills need to lead a contented and fulfilling life? Most people do not lead the life they would like to live. Instead, in order to survive, they are fighting for their lives, enduring hardship, misery, and drug addiction. Their troubles with money, health, and family are too much to handle.Life turns from a joyful experience into a never-ending cycle of despair and annoyance. This book aims to shed light on issues and themes including value systems, awareness, quantum physics, mental and physical health, financial literacy, economics, and more that are critical to locating and leading a happy and fulfilling life.The author effectively imparts these lessons and provides recommendations for additional reading to help readers improve the quality of their lives and overall happiness.

  • af Gary M. Douglas
    258,95 kr.

    U¿ILI BYSTE RYBU LÉZT NA STROM? JINÝ POHLED NA D¿TI S ADD, ADHD, OCD A AUTISMEM Lidé mají tendenci vycházet z toho, ¿e s t¿mito d¿tmi není n¿co v pöádku, protöe se neüí tak jako my ostatní. Skute¿nost je taková, ¿e si osvojují v¿ci úpln¿ jiným zp¿sobem. Musíme poodstoupit a zjistit, jak se üí, a ne se je snäit üit metodami, které möná fungovaly pro nás, ale rozhodn¿ nefungují pro n¿. Co kdybychom je mohli vnímat takové, jaké jsou, a ne takové, jaké nejsou?

  • af Tracey Terry
    243,95 kr.

    IT'S TIME TO TAKE BACK YOUR POWER ..... The Secret To Transforming Depression Is To Discover And Know That The Answers Lie Within YOUFind Out How To Ignite Your Inner Spark, Find the Brilliance Of You And Emerge Transformed - A New You!The problem today is that when it comes to depression, everyone thinks medication istheir only solution. The consequence is people are being medicated when they don'tneed to be! This often leads to other problems with the individual never looking at orsolving the real root cause. As a result, people are suffering unnecessarily.The truth is - change is possible, without medication.The reality is YOU can turn YOUR life around by taking responsibility for YOURSELF.This book is filled with practical, hands-on ways you can transform your life.In this book, you'll discover the 3 key ideas to turn your life around. You will learn how to:¿ Take back your power¿ Believe in yourself again¿ Transform depression into self-love and happinessImplement the ideas in this book, and your life will never be the same again."Make a conscious decision to heal yourself. Set the intention, know you are worth it and never give up. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You can transform depression into gold just as I have! I know you can do this!"Tracey is an energy alchemist and therapist who has transformed her own life. Her passion is to assist people of all walks of life and ages to learn to reconnect, reclaim and remember to love themselves, to become empowered so they are able to transform themselves and their lives. She especially loves to empower young adults to live their best lives.To claim your free gift go to

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    133,95 - 138,95 kr.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    98,95 - 113,95 kr.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    103,95 - 113,95 kr.

    Esta es una lectura indispensable para todos aquellos que han perdido a un ser querido. La pérdida de alguien importante puede ser una de las experiencias más difíciles de la vida. El duelo es una respuesta natural y saludable a esta pérdida, pero puede ser un proceso muy doloroso y desafiante. En "Sobreviviendo al Duelo", exploraremos juntos los diferentes aspectos del proceso de duelo y cómo afrontarlo de manera saludable y constructiva. También encontrarás información valiosa sobre las fases del duelo, cómo afrontar la pérdida, el impacto del duelo en la salud mental, la importancia del apoyo social en el proceso de duelo y mucho más. Espero que este libro pueda traer consuelo, esperanza y paz a aquellos que están atravesando el proceso del duelo. Que pueda recordarles que no están solos y que es posible encontrar la luz incluso en las situaciones más sombrías. Recuerda siempre que el amor es más fuerte que la muerte, y que el amor nunca muere.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    133,95 kr.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    103,95 - 128,95 kr.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    133,95 - 138,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Hauser
    158,95 - 258,95 kr.

  • af Sweta Vikram
    168,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Dieter Packheiser
    218,95 kr.

    Selbsterkenntnisse, kleine Schritte und Geduld führen zu Wunschgewicht und dauerhaftem Erfolg. - Sie haben am Ende dieses geduldigen Weges Ihr Gewicht für immer im Griff,- Sie spüren durch die Leitsätze wohltuende Zuwendung,- Sie starten mit den aktiven Ich-Sätzen direkt in Ihre Persönlichkeitsentwicklung,- Sie gewinnen Sicherheit für Ihre Entscheidungen von innen heraus.Wer profitiert davon?- Menschen, die abnehmen wollen,- die schon alles versucht haben,- besonders die Menschen, die unter ihrem Körpergewicht leiden.Wie komme ich zum Erfolg?- durch völlig andere Herangehensweise, durch sofort anwendbares Wissen,- durch Leitsätze, die aktiv zum inneren Kern des Menschen führen,- durch Anleitungen zu selbstbewusster Lebensgestaltung.

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