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Salg og marketing

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  • af George J. Doublin
    132,95 kr.

    How to Maintain the Dream!Network marketing is one of the most rapidly increasing job fields in the United States. Millions of people, just like you, have left dead-end employment to pursue their ambition of starting their own businesses. However, many of them discover that the first year in network marketing is often the most difficult-and, for some, the most demoralising.Mark Yarnell and Rene Reid Yarnell, two of the industry's most renowned and accomplished experts, present ideas for overcoming first-year challenges and positioning yourself for lasting success. The Yarnells offer a wealth of savvy guidance on everything you need to know to thrive in network marketing, including proven strategies for recruiting, training, and compensation. In an easy, step-by-step approach, you will learn how to: ·Deal with rejection ·Recruit and train ·Avoid overmanaging your downline ·Remain focused ·Stay enthusiastic ·Avoid unrealistic expectations ·Conduct those in-home meetings ·Ease out of another profession You owe it to yourself to read this inspiring book! "This will be the Bible of Network Marketing." - Doug Wead, former special assistant to the president, the Bush Administration

  • af Dirk Lippold
    287,95 kr.

    Vor dem Hintergrund des digitalen Wandels haben sich auch die Markt- und Wettbewerbsbedingungen der Beratungsunternehmen verändert. Eine Branche, deren Wurzeln zumeist bei Technikern und Tüftlern zu suchen sind, steht vor der Herausforderung, unter den veränderten Rahmenbedingungen erfolgversprechende und schlüssige Marketing-Konzepte zu entwickeln. Das Buch verfolgt das Ziel, ein Vorgehensmodell für den Vermarktungsprozess von Beratungsleistungen zu entwerfen. Es liefert eine phasenbezogene Darstellung der Vermarktung, die dem Management von Unternehmensberatungen Ansatzpunkte bietet, um die einzelnen Elemente der Marketing-Gleichung zu optimieren.

  • af J. D. Rick Gould CPA
    597,95 - 862,95 kr.

  • af Marlene Kahla
    837,95 - 1.432,95 kr.

  • af Marco Perner
    227,95 kr.

    If you trade your time for money, you will always put a limit on yourself. In this book are 100 ideas and strategies to make the factors of time and money independent of each other - as well as to be financially free. The described methods for passive income thereby range from low to high starting capital, from easy to difficult realization and from slow to fast implementation time. So be warned - the pages inside this book could possibly change your life forever. Provided that you desire a positive change and are willing to start on a journey far away from the comfort zone. Now it all comes down to one question: When does your adventure begin?When does your adventure begin?¿ 100 inventive and proven business ideas¿ Each idea with graphic illustration of the structure¿ Including templates for notes and own ideas¿ Total book length 248 pages

  • af Marco Perner
    227,95 kr.

    What people knew in the past, today's companies know even better in the face of increasing competition - advertising is essential, to survive in the market. Even if it may often sound like it - good marketing is not witchcraft. It's like darts.Every company in this world has the opportunity to reach the center of the market through targeted advertising efforts.The 50 marketing strategies presented in this book are probably the most widely used and significant in modern business - together we embark on an expedition through the marketing jungle that will finally bring some clarity to all the methods and practices out there. Are you ready to go?¿ 50 profitable and efficient marketing strategies¿ Each idea with graphic illustration of the structure¿ Includes templates for notes and your own tactics¿ Total book length 250 pages

  • af Marco Perner
    227,95 kr.

    Even if your own products or services are as good as they may be, in most cases they do not sell themselves. To do this, it needs salespeople who can attract prospects and lead through the sales process to the purchase decision.In this book, we go through 25 important stages that guarantee lucrative sales and distribution in both the business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) sectors. Together, we look at the fundamental attitudes and useful skills of top salespeople and how to acquire them yourself to lead even difficult sales conversations and indecisive prospects with ease to the closure of the deal.Are you ready for your own personal sales success?¿ 25 important phases in distribution and sales¿ Each phase with graphic illustration of the structure¿ Includes templates for notes and your own tactics¿ Total book length 216 pages

  • af Peter Szyszka
    766,95 kr.

    Mit seinen Beiträgen wendet sich der Band bewusst gegen Mainstream-Positionen in Wissenschaft und Praxis rund um Public Relations. Die teilweise essayistische Form der Beiträge wurde bewusst gewählt, um einen kreativeren Umgang der Mitwirkenden mit ihren jeweils ausgewählten Gegenständen zu erleichtern. Die Auswahl orientiert sich an Themenfeldern, die in enger Verbindung mit dem Wirken von Klaus Kocks zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis stehen.Herausgekommen sind zwölf theoretische Reflexionen von Praxis, die der Provokation des Einleitungsbeitrages folgend bekannte Themen neu oder anders denken und deren Durchdringung in weiterführenden Diskussionen herausfordern.

  • af Erwin Lammenett
    718,95 kr.

    Wie gelingt profitables Online-Marketing? Erwin Lammenett, seit über 25 Jahren Experte für digitales Marketing, erläutert praxisnah und theoretisch fundiert die gesamte Palette der Online-Marketing-Instrumente. Sie erfahren, wie Sie diese Instrumente erfolgreich nutzen, welche Sie sinnvoll miteinander kombinieren können und wie Sie ein effizientes Controlling aufbauen. Angesprochen werden Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter aus Marketing und PR, Produktmanager, Unternehmensberater, aber auch Dozierende und Studierende mit dem Schwerpunkt Marketing. Alle Kapitel enthalten dynamische Servicelinks, über die Inhalte jederzeit und kurzfristig angepasst werden können. In der 9. Auflage wurden alle Kapitel überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Viele wurden um neue Entwicklungen ergänzt, insbesondere wurde auf neue Entwicklungen eingegangen, die auf künstlicher Intelligenz basieren.

  • af Manuel Stegemann
    622,95 kr.

    Wie entscheiden wir, was wir kaufen? Dieses Buch präsentiert faszinierende und wissenschaftlich fundierte Erkenntnisse zum Konsumverhalten und vermittelt anschaulich deren Anwendbarkeit im Marketingalltag von Unternehmen. Jahrzehntelange psychologische Forschung hat zu einem tiefgehenden Verständnis geführt, wie Menschen in Konsumsituationen wahrnehmen und handeln. Die oft verblüffenden Ergebnisse zeigen, wie wir systematisch irrationale Kaufentscheidungen treffen. Denn wir alle folgen bestimmten Wahrnehmungs- und Verhaltensmustern, die uns empfänglich für Beeinflussungen machen.Mit einer anschaulich-bildhaften Darstellung und einem klaren Blick für die Praxis offenbart dieses Buch, wie Forschungserkenntnisse im Marketingalltag Anwendung finden. Manuel Stegemann liefert dabei ein spannendes Leseerlebnis voller Aha-Momente und Empfehlungen für Fachkräfte im Marketing, Handel und Vertrieb, für Studierende und alle, die das eigene Konsumverhalten besser verstehen möchten.Neben den Möglichkeiten zur gezielten Beeinflussung zeigt dieses Buch auch auf, wie der Erfolg messbar gemacht werden kann. Dazu sind empirische Methoden nötig, die im Buch anhand spannender Fallstudien erläutert und angewendet werden.Aus dem InhaltEinführung in die Konsumentenpsychologie und in methodische GrundlagenZahlreiche psychologische Phänomene und Beeinflussungsmöglichkeiten entlang der Wahrnehmungs-, Entscheidungsfindungs- und nachträglichen Bewertungsphase15 inspirierende Fallstudien zur Anwendung der Techniken und empirischen Überprüfung der EffekteÜber 180 Abbildungen und noch mehr lebensnahe PraxisbeispieleEthische Grenzen der Beeinflussung sowie Hinweise zum Schutz vor Beeinflussungsversuchen

  • af Gustavo Gilbert
    212,95 kr.

    This book is dedicated to teaching you all of the information you need to know to develop a successful network marketing business that will earn major money for you while you sleep. Ideally, you will be able to use the skills you learn within' this book to help you build the best network marketing business you could possibly build. You will learn how to pick the perfect business for you, how to promote your products successfully both online and offline, and how to build an amazing team that will put you on top - while you put them on top, too! Not only will you learn how to start and expand your company, but you will also learn how to effectively manage your company so that it can truly transform into a successful source of passive income for you. Here is a preview of what you'll learn...Why use facebook over other social media sites?How to set up your profile for successHow to connect with 20 people in 20 minutesMy personal daily success action guideEssential tools for build onlineMuch, much more!Network marketing is one of the most profitable and fastest growing business opportunities available today. Countless individuals such as yourself have left unfulfilling jobs to pursue the dream of building a business and a lifestyle they love. Some find success right away, and make it look easy to build a large downline that creates a successful network marketing business. Most however, aren't so lucky and start their business the wrong way. The first year produces challenges they weren't expecting so they quickly get discouraged and give up network marketing for good.

  • af Marina Lozano
    132,95 kr.

    Regarding the podcastHi there! We are Carlo and Roberto from Substract, a creative and marketing firm that specialises in developing distinctive and memorable brand identities. Get ready to embark on a journey to discover the mysteries of branding. In this series, we'll share success stories, conduct in-depth interviews with industry experts, and offer practical advice on breaking through the latest branding frontiers.

  • af Stefan Clausing
    523,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist ein wertvoller Leitfaden für Online-Händler, die in einer sich ständig verändernden Branche langfristiges Wachstum erreichen wollen. Stefan Clausing bietet dafür pragmatische Strategien an, ohne dabei zu ¿fancy¿ zu werden. Die Welt des E-Commerce hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten eine rasante Entwicklung erlebt, die durch die SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie ihren vorläufigen Höhepunkt fand. Doch im Jahr 2022 trübte sich die Stimmung ein. Der Online-Handel wurde erstmals mit negativem Wachstum konfrontiert. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, sich als Online-Shopbetreiber neu aufzustellen. Dieses Buch bietet eine Bestandsaufnahme und zeigt, wie Sie die Chancen nutzen und den Risiken begegnen können.Aus dem InhaltVeränderung ist die Norm: Wie Wachstum im dynamischen Umfeld des E-Commerce gelingt.Positionierung ist der Schlüssel: Vom tiefen Verständnis von Ihrer Zielgruppe zu einer überzeugenden Positionierung.Traffic und Kundenakquise: Kundengewinnung als dauerhafte Herausforderung ¿ Übersicht der wichtigsten Instrumente, um Kunden durch den Kaufentscheidungsprozess zu führen und zu Wiederholungskäufern zu machen.Datenschutz und Marketing: Hand in Hand mit einer klugen Datenstrategie und einer ausgewogenen Budgetierung über den gesamten Conversion Funnel. Customer Relationship Management: Wie Sie anhand des Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) und Kohortenanalysen die Kundenbindung steigern.Ethik im E-Commerce: Wie das Streben nach Gewinnmaximierung nicht auf Kosten des Kundenmehrwerts geht. ¿An die Spitze im E-Commerce¿ bietet eine ganzheitliche Perspektive auf die Herausforderungen und Chancen im digitalen Handel ¿ sowohl für große Online-Shops als auch für KMUs und Selbständige. Die ausgewogenen Ansätze und praktischen Erkenntnisse machen dieses Buch zu einem klugen Ratgeber für Online-Verkäufer, die nachhaltig wachsen und langfristig erfolgreich sein möchten.

  • af Alice Benham
    252,95 kr.

    . Podcast der Autorin umfasst über 170 Folgen mit über 100.000 Downloads. Unterhaltsam, praktisch und ohne Geschwätz geschrieben. In der Theorie verwurzelt, aber mit Erfahrungen aus der PraxisEs gibt so viel Marketing-Expertise da draußen, aber woher soll man wissen, worauf man hören soll? Wie setzt man dieses Wissen um? Wo soll man anfangen? Hier werden die Grundlagen des Marketings behandelt - ehrlich, praktisch, fesselnd und umsetzbar.

  • af Lucinda Rae
    207,95 kr.

    Step fully into the light and share your sacred gifts with the world. Holy Hot Visibility is the comprehensive guide for creative, spiritual entrepreneurs to craft an empowered personal brand and overcome limitations holding you back from being seen. Blending profound spiritual insights with practical branding guidance, Lucinda Rae leads you through the 7 Gateways mirroring the chakras for self-healing and soulful self-discovery. This book takes you on a journey to:¿ Release fears and trauma imprints that cause you to hide your talents and truth¿ Integrate the spiritual and sensual parts of yourself without shame¿ Craft an authentic personal brand aligned with your essence¿ Heal your relationship with visibility to make your unique impact¿ Embrace your voice, creativity, intuition, and confident leadership¿ Transcend societal conditioning and limiting beliefs¿ Connect to your divine wholeness and purpose Filled with relatable stories, journal prompts and actionable steps, Holy Hot Visibility is your guide to becoming empowered, visible and sharing your cherished gifts as the creative change-maker you are. If you desire to fully step into your potential and visibility, this book is your awakening call and roadmap for the journey ahead.

  • af Italo Leggo
    367,95 - 427,95 kr.

  • af Logan
    407,95 kr.

    This is not a book about telling your company's story. A book like that would be a waste of time. Customers don't generally care about your story; they care about their own. Your customer should be the hero of the story, not your brand. This is the secret every phenomenally successful business understands.What follows is a seven-part framework that will change the way you talk about your business and perhaps the way you do business.Each year we help more than three thousand businesses stop wasting money on marketing and get their companygrowing by helping them clarify their message. This framework will work for you, regardless of your industry.To get the most out of this book, I encourage you to do three things:1. Read the book and understand the SB7Framework.2. Filter your message through the framework.3. Clarify your message so more customers listen.Marketing has changed. Businesses that invite their customers into a heroic story grow. Businesses that don't are forgotten.May we all be richly rewarded for putting our customers' stories above our own.

  • af Anpar Insights
    137,95 kr.

    Gain insights into how consumers see your brand and discover how to maximize your brand image. Understand the importance of brand perception and association and learn how to use brand attributes and touchpoints to make an impact in creating a strong brand identity. Get advice and insights on brand perception and association here!

  • af Ke Xue
    1.387,95 - 1.396,95 kr.

    This book is the first on the history of Chinese public relations, and has been selected as one of the ¿40 representative books for 40 years of public relations in Chinä by the Public Relations Society of China. In four chapters, it systematically reviews and analyzes the trajectory and evolution of public relations in China from the very start ¿ when the ¿reform and opening¿ policy was adopted in 1978 ¿ to the present.The book will help both established and new scholars and practitioners in the field to understand the changing nature of public relations in China. It offers a unique perspective by placing the discussion of the development of public relations in the general context of the changes and development of China as a whole, and in relation to the changing status of public relations around the world. Accordingly, readers will not only gain a more in-depth understanding of the history of the field, but also of the political, economic, societal, cultural and scientific development of China in modern times.

  • af Gyles Lingwood
    294,95 kr.

    The internationally renowned design agency Turner Duckworth presents stories and advice gathered from 30 years of working with the world's biggest brands No other design company has worked with as many significant brands as Turner Duckworth, the company behind the visual identities of Amazon, McDonald's, Coca-Cola, and even Metallica. Published on the occasion of their 30th anniversary, I love it. What is it? showcases Turner Duckworth's philosophies, learnings, and adventures from three decades of working with major brands and presents the firm's unique and optimistic outlook, along with hints, tips, and the inside scoop on what makes successful brands tick. The book, a fascinating anthology of essays, think pieces, and 150 color illustrations that explore the power of instinct in brand design, includes a selection of their familiar but captivating work alongside 20 contributions from leading voices of the design, business, and marketing worlds that explore creativity, instinct, failure, and more. Features texts from leaders in the fascinating but often-hidden worlds of design and branding, including: Moira Cullen (Former Design Director, Coca-Cola North America); Morgan Flatley (Executive Vice President, Global Chief Marketing Officer and New Business Ventures, McDonald's); Linda Lee (Chief Marketing Officer, Campbell Meals & Beverages); Stefan Sagmeister (Designer, Sagmeister Inc.); Jessica Spence (President of North America, Beam Suntory); and more. |The internationally renowned design agency Turner Duckworth presents stories and advice gathered from 30 years of working with the world's biggest brands| Turner Duckworth is a design agency that creates unmistakable identities for the world's leading brands. They have won countless top awards, including the inaugural Cannes Grand Prix for Design, the D&AD Collaboration Award, and induction into the Clio Hall of Fame. Gyles Lingwood is Professor of Business Creativity at the University of Lincoln, UK. Lingwood's creative client work has been awarded by D&AD, British Interactive Media Association, and the US Creativity Awards.

  • af S. Roland Hall
    362,95 kr.

    This book offers a detailed examination of the strategies and thought processes that go into creating effective advertisements.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Yong Jing
    297,95 kr.

    Unleashing success in the Chinese market! This is a comprehensive guidebook that takes readers on an enlightening journey into the intricacies of doing business in China. Drawing on his vast experience and expertise in sales and marketing, author Yong Jing shares invaluable insights and strategies for tapping into the vast potential of the Chinese market.

  • af Gerard Assey
    197,95 kr.

    In 'Complaints to Cheers, Feedback to Gold: Mastering Complaints Management,' you'll embark on a journey to unlock the potential of complaints. This comprehensive guide explores the critical role of effective complaints management and the profound benefits it offers to organizations and individuals. It delves into the far-reaching consequences of unresolved complaints, emphasizing their impact on reputation, customer loyalty, and workforce morale.From understanding the psychology of complaints to equipping you with vital skills like active listening and empathy, each chapter provides actionable insights. Real-world examples, interactive training games, and practical templates empower readers to transform complaints into opportunities for growth. The book underscores the importance of fostering a complaint-friendly culture and the pivotal role of leadership in complaints management.It's certainly an essential resource for instilling trust, excellence, and continuous improvement within organizations.

  • af Tanja Bernsau
    410,95 kr.

    ¿Dieses Buch richtet sich an introvertierte Selbstständige, Solopreneure und Unternehmer und zeigt auf, wie sie Social Media auf die eigene, leise Art für Vertrieb und Marketing zu ihrem Vorteil nutzen können. Denn: Introvertierte Menschen haben zahlreiche verborgene Stärken, die ihnen besonders im Verkauf zugute kommen können. Diese gilt es zu entfalten!Die Autorin, selbst ein ¿leiser¿ Mensch, räumt mit Mythen und Vorurteilen auf, präsentiert eine Vielzahl von praktischen Orientierungshilfen und Strategien für eine wirksame Positionierung auf Social Media. Am Beispiel der für Unternehmer wichtigsten Plattform LinkedIn zeigt sie auf, wie u. a. Social Selling, Social Listening, Content Marketing oder Personal Branding funktionieren ¿ und mit welchen Kniffen sich introvertierte Menschen selbst aus dem Schneckenhaus locken.

  • af Misty Santos
    162,95 kr.

    HOW TO BE A THICK-SKINNED EMAIL MARKETERI sold my soul to email marketing around 2013 and never looked back. It's made me a ton of money-here's how I grew a thick enough skin to do it.

  • af Lean Network Academy
    207,95 kr.

    Are you ready to transform your passion for books and storytelling into a lucrative venture? "Earn Money Creating Audiobooks" by Lean Network Academy is your essential guide to mastering the art of audiobook production and turning your love for literature into a profitable business.This comprehensive book takes you on a journey through the booming audiobook industry, offering a step-by-step roadmap to success. Whether you're an aspiring narrator, an author looking to expand your audience, or an entrepreneur seeking a new stream of income, this guide equips you with the knowledge and tools to excel in the world of audiobook creation.Discover the secrets to producing professional audiobooks, from selecting the right texts to collaborating with talented narrators and optimizing audio quality. Uncover effective marketing strategies to promote your creations and reach a global audience through major platforms like Audible, Amazon, and more. With insights on crafting compelling cover art and engaging listeners, you'll learn how to captivate audiences with your storytelling prowess.Elevate your entrepreneurial spirit with "Earn Money Creating Audiobooks" and embark on a rewarding journey that combines your love for literature with substantial financial gains. This book empowers you to unlock the full potential of the booming audiobook market, turning your passion into profit and ensuring your success in the world of audiobook production. Don't miss out on this opportunity to embark on a transformative audiobook adventure.

  • af John Lok
    262,95 - 417,95 kr.

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