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  • af Olaf Mörk
    527,95 kr.

    ¿Dieses Buch für Marketing- und Vertriebs-Entscheider entwirrt die komplexen Veränderungen, die auf Unternehmen zurollen. Der Autor zeigt, welche technischen und kommunikativen Herausforderungen für B2B- und B2C-Unternehmen anstehen, wie Strategien für die Zukunft aufgestellt und wie sie umgesetzt werden können.Die großen Trends der letzten Jahre stoßen an ihre Wachstumsgrenzen und die Explosion der Angebote im MarTech-Bereich hat vielfach zur Verwirrung geführt. Jetzt klopfen weitere, neue Trends aus der digitalen Welt an (Generative AI, Avatare, Composability, ...).Wie gewinnen Marketingabteilungen in diesem Technologie- und Content-Dschungel die Aufmerksamkeit ihrer Kunden und behalten selber den Überblick? Olaf Mörk analysiert dafür die relevanten Trends. Dieses Buch ¿ mit zahlreichen Praxisbeispielen (z. B. 1.000 % mehr Leads), Abbildungen und Tipps ¿ ist eine wertvolle Inspirationsquelle für alle, die sich für die Herausforderungen in Marketing und Vertrieb der kommenden Jahre rüsten wollen.Aus dem InhaltDas geänderte Informationsverhalten von Gen Y und Gen Z fordern Marketing und Vertrieb herausNeueste Trends verstehen und nutzen: Virtuelle-Influencer, ChatGPT, KI-Agents, Internet of Think (IoTK), Avatare, Web3, Composability, Cognitive Computing, Super-Apps und Social MediaSituatives-Content-Marketing (SCM), Social Selling und New Sales LeadershipGemeinsam zum Erfolg: das Erfolgstrio Marketing + Vertrieb + CDO Marketing Automation, Big Data und Data Governance ¿ Chancen und Herausforderungen LinkedIn als effektives B2B-Social-Media-Netzwerk: Praktische Tipps und TricksMit einem Geleitwort René Kühn, Initiator von CMCX/Content-Marketing.Com

  • af Stefan Muller
    468,95 kr.

    Religionen durchdringen alle Lebensbereiche, auch den Konsum. Die religionsvergleichende Konsumentenforschung zeigt, wie Konfession und Religiosität von Verbrauchern deren Konsumverhalten systematisch beeinflusst. So ist Buddhisten der Ruf einer Einkaufsstätte noch wichtiger als deren Preiswürdigkeit. Und in religiösen Familien treffen hauptsächlich Männer wichtige Kaufentscheidungen. Interreligiöses Marketing trägt derartigen Besonderheiten Rechnung.Die Autoren schildern erstmalig, umfassend und verständlich den aktuellen Erkenntnisstand. Zunächst stellen sie die grundlegenden Begriffe und Denkansätze dieser fächerübergreifenden Disziplin vor und beschreiben sodann zentrale religionswissenschaftliche Konzepte (z.B. intrinsische Religiosität) und die Besonderheiten der Weltreligionen.Es folgen sieben weitere Kapitel zum aktuellen Erkenntnisstand dieser im deutschsprachigen Raum noch weitgehend unbekannten Disziplin: Verhaltensgrundlagen, Strategisches Marketing sowie Produkt-, Dienstleistungs-, Preis-, Distributions- und Kommunikationspolitik.

  • af Philipp Brüggemann
    764,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch beinhaltet methodische Grundlagen sowie mehrere empirische Anwendungen der vom Autor entwickelten neuartigen Methode zur Dekomposition von Marktanteilen. Philipp Brüggemann zeigt am Beispiel der Marktanteile von Hersteller- und Handelsmarken sowie von Vertriebslinien, wie bisherige Marktanteilsanalysen durch eine Dekomposition nach Normal- und Sonderpreisen verbessert werden können. Die Methode zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Übertragbarkeit auf unterschiedliche Fragestellungen für Wissenschaft und Praxis aus. Diese neuartige Methode kann ¿ über die Marktanteilsanalyse hinaus ¿ auf zahlreiche weitere relative und absolute Kennzahlen übertragen werden. Mit Hilfe der Regressionsanalyse bzw. der Strukturgleichungsanalyse kann diese Methode genutzt werden, um Wirkungsbeziehungen zwischen unabhängigen und abhängigen Variablen in Komponenten zu zerlegen.

  • af Andreas Sawall
    123,95 kr.

  • af Andreas Peter
    415,95 kr.

    Den Stromverbrauch senken, den Abfall recyclen, den «Jetzt kaufen»-Button drücken ¿ menschliches Verhalten wird beinahe überall beeinflusst. Die Frage stellt sich deshalb, wie Mechanismen zur Beeinflussung von Verhalten erkannt und verantwortungsvoll gestaltet werden können. Vorliegendes Buch bietet einen strukturierenden Werkzeugkasten, das Persuasive Design Toolkit, der durch die Anwendung zentraler Verhaltensänderungs-Mechanismen bei digitalen oder analogen Lösungen führt. Die angewandten Design-Muster werden theoriebasiert strukturiert und in Bezug zum Botschaftssender, dem Nutzenden und der User-Journey gesetzt.Die persuasiven Design-Muster sind so konkret wie möglich und so abstrakt wie nötig gehalten, um auf breit gefächerte Kontexte wie E-Commerce, Marketing, Gesundheit oder ökologische Nachhaltigkeit anwendbar zu sein. Der Prozess bringt interdisziplinäre Teams von Produkt- und (Customer-)Experience-Designerinnen und -Designern, Marketingfachleuten, Software-Entwicklerinnen und -Entwicklern sowie Fachexpertinnen und -experten zusammen und hilft ein Produkt so zu entwickeln oder zu optimieren, dass es sowohl Nutzende als auch Unternehmen bereichert und Verhaltensziele fokussiert erreicht werden können.Der InhaltVerhalten verstehenVerhaltensänderung verstehen und gestaltenPersuasive Design ToolkitEthische Aspekte

  • af Paul Steiner
    317,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist eine kompakte Einführung in das Thema Haptisches Marketing. Paul Steiner untersucht die marketingspezifische Relevanz von haptischen Reizen in der Kommunikation und bietet zahlreiche pragmatische Hilfestellungen für die Umsetzung. Für die Unternehmenspraxis werden wichtige Ansatzpunkte zur haptischen Gestaltung von Marken geliefert, um so Konsumenten langfristig und idealerweise mit allen fünf Sinnen an eine Marke zu binden und damit Markeninhalte tiefgreifend zu verankern. Dies wird durch konkrete Beispiele von Singapore Airlines und MINI illustriert. Zwei Interviews mit renommierten Experten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis runden das Buch ab.

  • af Andrew Fitzgerald
    208,95 kr.

    HOW DID I GET HERE?As he woke up after dying for the second time, Andrew Fitzgerald asked himself, "How did I get here?"As he and his wife left Ireland and stepped foot on American soil to begin their lives in the US, he asked himself, "How did I get here?"As his wife delivered their baby after four miscarriages, he asked himself, "How did I get here?"As he sat in a customer sales meeting and negotiated the new listing, authorizations, and launch for what is now the no.1 Hard Seltzer in the USA, he asked himself, "How did I get here?"As he stood on the first tee about to play golf with one of his sporting heroes and a three-time major champion, he asked himself, "How did I get here?"As he sat in a board room meeting, asserted himself, and rebuked some negative assertions about him, he asked himself, "How did I get here?"In this poignant memoir about resilience, Andrew Fitzgerald shares his story of emigrating from Ireland to America, only to return to Ireland, and then back to America for good. He explores his struggles with health crises, corporate culture, miscarriage grief, and adapting to his new country.You'll follow Andrew's story as he shares his key learnings from the highs and lows of his journey, such as:Talk about your challenging experiences; find someone to help you process your feelingsFollow your dreams; know they're right for you no matter how they sound to othersGive yourself time to adjust; when making big life changes avoid running back to what was comfortableBe true to your values; define what your values are and stick to themLearn to trust; trust yourself, have confidence, and don't forget your purpose in everything you doNegotiate in partnership; practice techniques that are customer-centric and deliver a win/win for your customer and companyCelebrate success; you deserve itAndrew will affirm and demonstrate in his book that the journey is just as important as the destination, with the stark realization that the journey filled with highs and lows is sometimes more fulfilling than the destination.So come with Andrew on this journey to learn how he overcame the various obstacles in his life, flourished, and ultimately traveled the road to resilience a key trait you too can develop in your personal and business life.Resilience if for Everyone.......Are You Ready?Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

  • af Nick Nanton
    328,95 kr.

    Simply put, the word 'authentic' is synonymous with genuine. The world craves authenticity and we all gravitate to that ideal. Interestingly, the achievement of an authentic personality is affected by environmental and cultural experiences. Like success, authenticity is subjective, and each of us moves towards that goal in different ways.Even though we develop and mature in a myriad of ways, most people aspire to be genuine. This desire generates the trust that powers society, and accomplishing authenticity is an ongoing process. There have been numerous thoughts expressed lauding authenticity. In the same manner, the authors in this book have developed their own approach that worked for them and which they advocate to help you.As the title "Keys to Authenticity" suggests, the Celebrity Experts herein write on the subject from different angles, any of which we can add to our repertoire in pursuing success in our field of choice. Flashes of understanding, satisfaction and light come over us in moments of success, but lasting success will invariably follow authenticity.

  • af M. L. Miller
    358,95 kr.

    You'll also learn how to stand out from other candidates and what to avoid that could cause you to fail in the interview process.

  • af Ben Vorspan
    298,95 kr.

    What do Disney Imagineering and nonprofit organizations have in common? More than you think!Although nonprofits are rarely known as creative powerhouses, we'll explore how to use the same principles that make Disney Imagineering the gold standard of imaginative thinking to transform your organization into an equally inventive and creative environment.The Nonprofit Imagineers explores how more innovation can happen at nonprofits, no matter how small the budget, how meager the staff, how tight the board oversight or how limited the time commitment. Using more than 100 real-life examples from theme parks, movies, and Walt Disney's life, you will come away inspired to experiment with Disney Imagineering principles such as blue-sky meetings, storytelling, creative intent, kinetics, plussing, and weenies. Yes, weenies.This book is perfect for employees, managers, board members and volunteers at schools, faith-based organizations, community centers and assorted other organizations of all sizes looking to use creativity to improve their programming, fundraising and relationship with their families, members, and donors.

  • af Mayowa Ajisafe
    278,95 kr.

    What is the best way to make money from your podcast?You have a podcast, and you have always dreamed of using your podcast to land more clients for your high-ticket offer, but you have tried a lot of strategies with none working, or you don't even know what to do to achieve that.There are just three problems you need to solve to have many high-paying clients coming your way through your podcast.1. Your most qualified and ideal clients don't know you or your podcast exist.2. Your most qualified and ideal clients have a busy life with no time to click listen to your podcast.3. You have been using your podcast (if you already have one) or planning to use your podcast (if you plan to start one soon) to focus on the audience side of podcasting that offers only big audience podcasters the chance to make big money.And to solve these problems, you need a viable, scalable, measurable system that will turn your podcast into a consistent pool that fills your sales pipeline with high-ticket clients.Yes!You should use systems - the right systems.Your podcast "gurus" will tell you to start a podcast and then try to get a lot of downloads to make money from your podcast.That will work - if you have a big email list and audience.But that's a dead-end strategy to bank on when you are selling high-ticket offers and when you don't have a big audience that can drive the sales you want.Podcasting to make it to the famed "New and Noteworthy", getting tons of downloads, and even having popular influencers as guests to get more downloads do not work for selling high-ticket and high-value products or services.In this book, you will learn one simple but powerful and easy 30 to 40-minute podcast interview system you can start tomorrow to fill up your sales pipeline with tons of conversations with your ideal clients.And the best part?You don't even need an audience. You also don't need to care about getting tons of downloads for your podcast.Get a copy now!

  • af &1086, &1091 & &&& 1051
    162,95 kr.

  • af Gregg Lederman
    148,95 kr.

    Customers love it when employees are ENGAGED to deliver an experience. However, it doesn't come easy for most companies. The level to which your workforce is ENGAGED also has a significant impact every day on employees' happiness and productivity, the customer experience, and your company's profitability.Your company can be one that customers love to do business with ... one that turns customers into loyal followers who buy more and more often. The journey through ENGAGED!, will teach you what leading companies do to create "customer love."In this book, you'll discover the Eight Principles that every manager needs to create a workforce that "lives the company brand" in ways that leads to an experience that helps you create customers for life. With the tools and techniques outlined in this book, your company can: Get all employees "on stage" to deliver a more consistent customer experience.Increase employees' happiness so they make your customers happier.Go beyond announcing your culture to getting every employee consistently living it.Quantify your culture and customer experience to create unheard of visibility that gets everyone focused on results.Create an environment of appreciation that empowers employees and helps them to become more motivated and committed to your company's success.Fill every manager's toolbox with practical and proven techniques for making your company's values and desired customer experience a part of the conversation ... every day!Gregg Lederman taps into his vast experience of helping many "best companies to work for" to share his proven principles for defining the work culture and customer experience, reminding the workforce to live the brand daily, and-most importantly-quantifying the experience and holding the workforce accountable for financial results.This book dispels popular myths about employee rewards (they don't work the way you think they do) and employee and customer satisfaction efforts (which, for most companies, are more of a distraction than useful data linked to tangible results). The author introduces the ENGAGED Index (a tool you can use to find out how ENGAGED your company is). This book will help you put your plan together so that rather than imagining what could be, you'll actually design what should be.

  • af Monique Richardson
    208,95 kr.

    Monique Richardson draws on decades of experience and examples of exceptional service-driven leaders and organisations across all sectors to show that caring for your people is at the heart of all service leadership.

  • af B. Vincent
    198,95 - 343,95 kr.

  • af Mark Green, Linda Hoffman & Maria Gomez Albrecht
    518,95 - 843,95 kr.

  • af Matthew Shelby
    133,95 kr.

    Why Facebook is a useful tool for online marketers, how to make more money with Facebook, how easy it is to earn on Facebook, how it can help you grow your business, and how to get 500 friends in 30 days! Why do people use Facebook? This book discusses these and other subjects linked to introductions. How to make a Facebook account, construct an attractive profile, add friends and expand your network, get 500 friends in 30 days, use Facebook ads to identify suitable prospects, and much more! Get your copy today!

  • af Mike Snyder
    158,95 kr.

    This book is a must read for business owners, leadership teams and marketers who want to stop acting tactically and start making big strategic moves to create unfair advantages in their businesses.Marketing is one of the most misunderstood but crucial areas of business. Most of us are drowning in the ever-expanding lists of marketing tactics and do not understand that acting strategic is the solution to gain business breakthrough, simplification, efficiency and effectiveness. So, many undertake expensive and misguided efforts that yield little-to-no ROI, reducing strategic growth and increasing strategic risks, as well as squandering profits.To better assess your options, this "manual" demystifies marketing and presents six key truths that will equip you and your team to enact deliberate, advantage-creating changes in your business. From introducing standardized "mental models" to challenging thinking patterns to creating a multi-year business road map, Mike and Bruce team up to help you dismantle the Great Marketing Lie and replace it with actionable, competitive strategies.This is not just a book you're going to "read." You'll want a pen in hand to take notes that you'll want to apply to your business and team. This is not a book you finish saying, "that was nice." No. The foundational and easily applied strategic marketing principles come with tools to work through them. Get your white board ready for the team. Your goal is to get your company "from here to there," and The Great Marketing Lie was written for just that purpose: To create a competitive moat around your business. To be a team of "sharks with laser beams." To think like a raptor while your competitors are asleep. To go from red ocean to blue.The Great Marketing Lie is a book you'll want to return to over time as your business and markets continue to change.

  • af LAW
    178,95 kr.

    Stai cercando di far crescere la tua piccola impresa? Se è così, non c'è mai stato un momento migliore per farlo.Social media è scoppiata sulla scena globale come l'ormai dominante medio di connessione e collaborazione. Mentre sono emerse nuove sfide, le piccole imprese hanno più di un'occasione che mai ad esplodere su di un panorama competitivo attivata dai social media marketing e il più grande spazio di digital marketing.La maggior parte di social media marketing libri predicare obsolete strategie che si fermano a Facebook annunci e consigli sul social media crescita che si riduce a "essere se stessi".Ho deciso di creare una guida aggiornata che mostra esattamente come navigare nel social media marketing dello spazio attraverso le esperienze che ho avuto nella costruzione dell'influenza sociale e la redditività di decine di piccole imprese. Ho focalizzarsi su tre aspetti chiave di social media marketing:Come Stabilire una Strategia Digitale e la Presenza SocialeNella prima parte dell'audiolibro, mi mostra esattamente come trovare e raggiungere il tuo target di riferimento. Ci sono molte piattaforme di social networking là fuori, come Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, LinkedIn e così via. Ogni piattaforma ha i suoi punti di forza e di debolezza-picking il giusto quelli per mettere a fuoco è essenziale in modo da poter identificare rapidamente e connettersi con il proprio target di riferimento.Come Costruire un PubblicoUna volta che hai capito dove trovare il pubblico e ha stabilito una digitale ottimale e la strategia di social media, è importante mantenere costantemente attraverso la creazione di contenuti di valore. Questo richiede molto tempo, quindi dovremo esplorare come automatizzare il processo e ad esternalizzare la creazione di contenuti. Questo consentirà di liberare tempo e quindi si può lavorare sul vostro business, non per il vostro business.Come Pubblicizzare e OttimizzareUna volta che avete trovato il vostro pubblico e avere qualche grande contenuto pubblicato, è il momento di fare un po ' di soldi. Non c'è modo più facile per crescere e scala di un business di social media ads. Il Social media marketing è il pay-to-win, e io vi mostrerò come vincere.In somma, il Social Media Marketing per le Piccole Imprese, stabilisce un collaudato percorso verso il successo misurabile per l'imprenditorialità e imprenditori. Il mondo è andato digitale, si soccombere per l'entropia, la confusione e la concorrenza, o sfruttare il fatto di costruire un solido business?Se si desidera prendere il vostro business al livello successivo, scorrere verso l'alto e clicca su "aggiungi al carrello"!

  • af Emilie Johnson
    138,95 kr.

    Why Facebook is a good tool for online marketers, how to make more money using Facebook, how easy it is to earn on Facebook, how it can expand your business, and how to amass 500 friends in 30 days! Why use Facebook? and other introduction-related topics are covered in this book. How to create a Facebook account, develop a compelling profile, add friends and expand your network, obtain more than 500 friends in 30 days, use Facebook ads to find qualified prospects, and much more! Get your copy today!

  • af Charlotte Geiger
    143,95 kr.

    Businesses that focus on the value-rather than the cost-to the customer can command nearly any price they choose. Pricing for Profit teaches business owners how to break free from industry pricing and obtain pay that reflects the genuine worth of the product or service being delivered.Readers will discover how to quantify the worth of their products or services, differentiate between price and value purchasers, bundle their offers for competitive advantage and enhanced customer value, and create a powerful marketing strategy that communicates value.The low prices that small firms feel obligated to offer limit their potential to earn profits, slowing their reaction to changing client needs. This accessible and practical guide is a must-read for anyone who wants to create more unit sales, close more transactions overall at higher prices, and make more money with less unneeded effort. It is filled with easy-to-use formulas, sample scripts, clear examples, instructive exercises, and more.

  • af Aaron C. St Hilaire
    453,95 kr.

    This book is for anyone who has a product or service to push. Whether it be a start-up entrepreneur, or a $1 Billion/month fully-developed CEO. One of the key aspects of a surviving and thriving business is KNOWING your core customer. Facebook for Business grants you the ability to find your target audience, and market to them on top of that. This book is a guide to doing just that. Adding big, juicy, ROI to your bottom line. This book in the hands of a dedicated learner can easily generate 10X the price of this book in revenue. Imagine how much time you'll save, money you'll make, and more freedom you'll have, when your Faceboook campaigns are producing a steady stream of elevated income for your business. How great would that be? Facebook for Business: How to Use Facebook Ads to Find Your Target Audience and Increase Revenue is a cost-effective, ROI producing asset, that you can utilize in your business NOW! View the Table of Contents for topics covered.

  • af E-Finanz Verlag
    283,95 kr.

    In der heutigen digitalen Welt ist Social Media Marketing unerlässlich für den Erfolg eines Unternehmens oder einer Marke. Dieses essenzielle Handbuch ist für alle, die ihre Online-Präsenz ausbauen und optimieren möchten. Dieses Buch bietet fundiertes Wissen, praktische Strategien und bewährte Methoden, um in der Welt des Social Media Marketings erfolgreich zu agieren.Der Autor beginnt mit einer Einführung in die Grundlagen des Social Media Marketings und dessen Bedeutung in der modernen Geschäftswelt. Er erklärt die verschiedenen Plattformen, wie Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn und Pinterest, und wie man sie effektiv nutzen kann, um die gewünschten Ergebnisse zu erzielen.Anschließend werden die Leser in die fortschrittlichen Techniken und Strategien des Social Media Marketings eingeführt, einschließlich der Anwendung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI), um ihre Marketingkampagnen zu automatisieren und zu optimieren. Das Buch zeigt auch, wie man zielgerichtete Inhalte erstellt, die Nutzerbindung erhöht und die Reichweite vergrößert.Darüber hinaus werden Fallstudien und Beispiele erfolgreicher Social Media Marketing-Kampagnen vorgestellt, um den Lesern eine Vorstellung davon zu geben, wie sie ihre eigenen Strategien entwickeln und umsetzen können. Schließlich enthält das Buch nützliche Tipps und Ressourcen, um die Leser bei der Umsetzung ihrer Social Media Marketing-Pläne zu unterstützen.Egal, ob Sie ein Anfänger oder ein erfahrener Social Media Marketing-Experte sind, dieses Buch bietet wertvolle Einblicke und praktische Ratschläge, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Online-Präsenz zu verbessern und Ihr Geschäft zu erweitern.

  • af Takanori Adachi, Ryo Hashizume, Takeshi Ikeda, mfl.
    512,95 kr.

    ¿This book provides an updated overview of the recent progress in the theoretical study of third-degree price discrimination. It is a marketing tactic and is said to be present if the unit price is different across different groups of buyers. Its welfare evaluation is often difficult because it entails two countervailing effects: on one hand, it exploits surplus from consumers who have high willingness-to-pay, but on the other hand, it generates gains from trade from consumers who otherwise would not purchase the good. Recognizing this difficulty, we provide new insights on evaluation of third-degree price discrimination in consideration of network effects and vertical product differentiation. Our analysis is particularly useful for the industries related to information and communication technologies (ICT) because these two elements characterize them. Furthermore, we also study the welfare effects of third-degree price discrimination under imperfect competition other than monopoly.At first, it seems that it may complicate the analysis under monopoly. However, we argue that the main thrusts of analysis under monopoly carry over to the case of oligopoly. We also take into account behavioral aspects and their implications for studying third-degree price discrimination. Overall, this book is designed to provide implications for contemporary management and policy issues by advancing theoretical issues in industrial organization.

  • af Mark Hunter LaVigne
    158,95 kr.

    With contributions by Kim Blanchette and Colleen KillingsworthIntroduction by Daniel GrangerThis book was created to assist entry-level communicators in learning how to develop successful campaigns, as well as to provide more seasoned practitioners with a refresher on the elements of an effective communication plan. It covers:the creation of executive summaries using the RACE formula; research and analysis;the setting of goals and objectives;identification of target audiences and key messages;development of strategies, tactics, timelines, and budgets;effective use of human resources in a campaign; andevaluation of a campaign's outcome.Case studies of real-life campaigns round out this invaluable guidebook.

  • af B. Alan Bourgeois
    88,95 kr.

    Are you an author struggling to make a name for yourself in the crowded world of book marketing? Do you want to avoid the most common mistakes that authors make when promoting their books? Then look no further than "Top 10 Mistakes Authors Make Marketing Their Books" by B Alan Bourgeois. As an award-winning author and author advocate with years of experience in the publishing industry, Bourgeois has seen it all when it comes to book marketing. In this insightful guide, he shares the top 10 mistakes that authors make and provides practical advice on how to avoid them. Whether you're a first-time author or a seasoned pro, "Top 10 Mistakes Authors Make Marketing Their Books" is the essential guide for taking your book marketing to the next level. With Bourgeois's expert guidance, you'll learn how to identify your target audience, build a strong online presence, engage with readers, and leverage book reviews to increase sales. Don't let common marketing mistakes hold you back from the success you deserve. Get your copy of "Top 10 Mistakes Authors Make Marketing Their Books" today and start marketing your book like a pro!

  • af Kristian A. Alomá
    178,95 - 288,95 kr.

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