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Specialiseringer inden for sygepleje

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  • Spar 11%
    - Æstetik, eksistens og omsorg
    af Karen Marie Dalgaard, Finn Thorbjørn Hansen, Regner Birkelund, mfl.
    339,50 kr.

    Hospice – æstetik, eksistens og omsorg præsenterer den mangfoldighed af empiriske undersøgelser, som de seneste år er foretaget på danske hospicer. Bogen er forskningsbaseret og giver indblik i den nyeste viden på området. Den er skrevet af forfattere med baggrund i vidt forskellige fagområder såsom sygepleje, teologi, filosofi og antropologi, men alle med en særlig indsigt i hospice som fagligt område.Bogen henvender sig til alle, der arbejder med eller på anden måde interesserer sig for hospicefeltet. Den er relevant i både professionsbacheloruddannelser, diplom-, master- og kandidatuddannelser. Det samme gælder efteruddannelser inden for fag, der har berøring med palliation. Den vil ligeledes være relevant for politikere og andre beslutningstagere med interesse for sundhedsområdet og for den, der blot ønsker indsigt i, hvad der kendetegner hospicefeltet i Danmark.Hospice – æstetik, eksistens og omsorg er opbygget om fire grundtemaer. Først er der tre introducerende kapitler om hospice som institution i Danmark. Herefter er der fokus på æstetik, fordi der generelt gøres meget ud af, at patienter og pårørende kan opleve at være i smukke omgivelser. Eksistens er et tredje vigtigt tema, og her giver bogen forskellige billeder på både livet og døden.  Det fjerde tema er omsorg, der belyses ud fra flere perspektiver.

  • af Kristian Alexander Jul Paaske, Frederik Alkier Gildberg, Louise Ahrendt & mfl.
    518,95 kr.

    Psykiatrisk sygepleje er et omfattende fagområde, der kan anskues på flere måder, og i denne bog præsenteres mange af de vigtigste perspektiver. Samtidig er den kliniske anvendelighed prioriteret gennem cases og forfattere med tæt tilknytning til klinikken. Bogen er opdelt i tre dele, der indledende fokuserer på, hvad psykiatrier, dernæst tager fat på psykiatrisk sygepleje og slutteligt uddyberet bredt udvalg af psykiatriske sygeplejeteorier, der kan bruges i praksis. Dermed føres den studerende gennem alle de væsentligste emner såsom psykopatologi, dobbeltdiagnoser, lovgivning, tvang og supervision samt vigtige teoretiske værktøjer som bl.a. empowerment, Safewards, sanseintegration, MBT, GEB og TBT. Bogen har pædagogiske tiltag i form af startresumeer, fakta- og casebokse samt studiespørgsmål, som den studerende kan støtte sig til gennem læringen af psykiatrisk sygepleje. Bogen henvender sig til sygeplejestuderende, nyuddannede sygeplejersker og andre sundhedsfaggrupper, der ønsker at tilegne sig den nyeste viden inden for psykiatrisk sygepleje.

  • af Steen Kåre Fagerberg, Olav Lilleholt Schjørring, Lars Wiuff Andersen & mfl.
    758,95 kr.

    NY DANSK LÆREBOGINTENSIVTERAPIBogen giver en evidensbaseret, praktisk anvendelig og sammenhængende indføring i observation, diagnostik, behandling og pleje af patienter i alle aldersgrupper med potentielt reversible svigt af et eller flere vitale organsystemer.Over 55 kapitler dækker bogen bredt det komplekse arbejdsfelt, og indholdet er organiseret efter fem temaer:DEL 1: Organisation, indlæggelse og kommunikationDEL 2: Vurdering og understøttende behandlingDEL 3: Tilstande på intensivafdelingDEL 4: Palliation, organdonation og følger efter intensivterapiDEL 5: Sygepleje og genoptræningBogen henvender sig primært til læger under speciallægeuddannelse i anæstesiologi, men læger fra andre specialer med interesse for intensivterapi, speciallæger på intensiv og anæstesiologiske afdelinger samt sygeplejersker under specialuddannelse i intensivsygepleje vil også finde indholdet relevant. Derudover kan den interesserede medicinstuderende også være med.Bogens 85 forfattere kombinerer høj faglighed og forsknings- og formidlingserfaring og inkluderer intensivlæger, anæstesiologer, intensivsygeplejersker, fysioterapeuter og ergoterapeuter såvel som speciallæger fra andre specialer i berøring med intensivterapi.

  • Spar 10%
    - En håndbog
    af Allan Hedegaard Fohlmann, Merete Nordentoft, Marianne Melau, mfl.
    314,50 kr.

    En omfattende guide til alle, der arbejder med unge med debuterende psykoser samt studerende på professions- og universitetsuddannelser. Bogen kan også bruges som supplement til psykoedukation for brugere og pårørende, da den giver et bredt billede af psykoser og behandlingsmuligheder.  Bogen klæder dig på i forhold til vigtige aspekter af en helhedsorienteret indsats i forhold til behandling af psykose, såsom symptomer på psykose, recovery-orientering, traume-informeret tilgang, kognitiv adfærdsterapeutiske samtaleteknikker samt opmærksomhed på sociale aspekter, pårørendesamarbejde og misbrugsproblematikker.  Specialiseret behandling af unge med psykoser er skrevet af specialister og faglige eksperter inden for feltet, og indeholder også perspektiver fra brugere og pårørende. Bogen er skrevet på en praktisk og lettilgængelig måde, og hvert kapitel giver værdifulde værktøjer og strategier til sygeplejersker, læger, psykologer, socialrådgivere og andre professionelle, der arbejder med unge i denne meget vanskelige periode af deres liv.

  • af Sensei Paul David
    94,95 - 103,95 kr.

  • af Sensei Paul David
    113,95 kr.

    What Resilience Is Resilience is a coping skill. It is the practical ability to recover quickly from difficulties. It's like having a mental and emotional toolkit that helps you bounce back from setbacks. For instance, if you lose your job, resilience helps you cope with the initial shock and stress and then motivates you to update your resume and start applying for new positions, rather than getting stuck in despair. It's about facing life's problems head-on, rather than avoiding them. Imagine you leak in your roof. Resilience is grabbing a bucket to catch the water, calling a repair service, and perhaps figuring out a temporary fix, instead of just hoping the leak will stop on its own.

  • af Colin A Espie
    510,95 kr.

    "A comprehensive guide to assessing and treating insomnia using evidence-based cognitive and behavioural therapeutics (CBTx). With detailed instructions on treatment formulation and delivery, alongside practical examples, the book equips clinicians to select the most appropriate CBTx for each patient and implement treatment in everyday practice"--

  • af Harris Phillip
    358,95 kr.

    "Reclaim Your Health: Cancer" is a valuable handbook on this important medical topic award-winning author, Dr. Harris Phillip. Cancer occurs when our body mechanisms to take care of our cells fail on a number of levels. Loss of control over cell growth leads to different types of cancer. In this book, Dr. Phillip describes how our bodies can develop tumours and what preventive measures are possible to reduce the onset of this deadly disease. It offers excellent advice for both medical and non-medical readers.

  • af Mary Davoren
    510,95 kr.

    This updated edition of Seminars in Forensic Psychiatry is an invaluable guide for consultants and specialist trainees working in forensic psychiatry. Written by leading international contributors, topics include models of care, the management of in-patient violence, forensic psychotherapy, and psychological treatments. The evolution of policy and mental health law is discussed, demonstrating how it has shaped the provision of forensic psychiatry services. Legal aspects include considerations of mentalistic defences in criminal law, mental health law, as well as the law on negligence. The book also includes sections on specialist areas of need, including cultural and gender specific needs, terrorism, stalkers, and sex offenders. Woven into the chapters are practical approaches, and 'how to' guides. The volume ends with advice for each of the transitions in the career of a forensic psychiatrist. A truly practical guide, this is a must-read for psychiatrists and mental health professionals working within a forensic setting.

  • af David M L Branford
    510,95 kr.

    "This book provides comprehensive guidance on prescribing for people with intellectual disability, as well as general information on the clinical care of this population. It is a key reference for anyone involved in the clinical care of patients, including psychiatrists, other professionals, patients, family members and carers"--

  • af Emily Roberts
    741,95 - 1.046,95 kr.

  • af Shawn Blake
    268,95 - 423,95 kr.

  • af Rina Arya
    650,95 kr.

    This book explores the lived experiences of South Asian psychiatrists in the UK through reflective accounts. Discussion covers the negotiation of distinctive cultural identities in their bearing on belonging, identity and marginalisation. It will appeal to readers interested in the unique insights into mental health that these psychiatrists bring.

  • af Terry Morgan
    213,95 kr.

    Specially crafted with a warm, heartfelt, and friendly tone, this practical book explores the proven benefits of Dialectal Behavior Therapy, along with how we can best equip today's young people with the emotional tools they need to achieve balance, stability, and wellness in their lives. Drawing on a powerful mix of psychological insights, user-friendly advice, and fun worksheets to help young readers on their journey to a happier life, the DBT Workbook for Teens seeks to dispel the mysteries around DBT and provide parents and teens alike with an invaluable tool for personal and emotional growth. The workbook is divided into four sections:Mindfulness skills help you to focus on the present moment and accept your thoughts and feelings without judgment.Interpersonal effectiveness skills help you to communicate your needs and wants in a clear and assertive way.Emotion regulation skills help you to manage your emotions in a healthy way.Distress tolerance skills help you to cope with difficult emotions and situations without resorting to destructive behaviors.The aim of this workbook is to teach young people different ways to cope with stress, whether it be through calming their minds, regulating their emotions, or learning how to express their thoughts and feelings effectively. After going through these DBT skills and exercises, teens will walk away feeling more equipped to handle the pressures of school, home life, and friendships.

  • af U. S. Public Health Service
    98,95 kr.

    A Surgeon General's Advisory is a public statement that calls the American people's attention to an urgent public health issue and provides recommendations for how it should be addressed. Advisories are reserved for significant public health challenges that require the nation's immediate awareness and action. This Advisory calls attention to the growing concerns about the effects of social media on youth mental health. It explores and describes the current evidence on the positive and negative impacts of social media on children and adolescents, some of the primary areas for mental health and well-being concerns, and opportunities for additional research to help understand the full scope and scale of social media's impact. This document is not an exhaustive review of the literature. Rather, it was developed through a substantial review of the available evidence, primarily found via electronic searches of research articles published in English and resources suggested by a wide range of subject matter experts, with priority given to, but not limited to, meta-analyses and systematic literature reviews. It also offers actionable recommendations for the institutions that can shape online environments-policymakers and technology companies-as well as for what parents and caregivers, young people, and researchers can do.

  • af Jasmin M. Prüß
    829,95 kr.

    Durch die demografische Entwicklung steigt die Anzahl älterer und kognitiv beeinträchtigter Menschen, die in einem Akutkrankenhaus behandelt werden. Dabei sind insbesondere Menschen mit einer Demenz mit ihren spezifischen Bedürfnissen auf der einen Seite und das ablauforiertierte System des Akutkrankenhauses auf der anderen Seite inkompatibel ¿ mit entsprechend negativen Auswirkungen für alle Beteiligten. Im Rahmen eines qualitativen Studiendesigns mit gruppenübergreifender Betrachtung wurde untersucht, ob Angehörige als Bindeglied zwischen der Person mit Demenz und den medizinisch-pflegerischen Fachpersonen des Krankenhauses agieren können. Das Ergebnis der Studie ist ein Modell der Beteiligung der Angehörigen von Menschen mit Demenz im Akutkrankenhaus: Angehörige leisten als Bindeglied einen besonderen Beitrag zur Verminderung oder gar Vermeidung von Problemen und Eskalationen auf beiden Seiten. Hierbei übernehmen sie bestimmte Rollen mit entsprechenden Funktionen und Aufgaben. Das Wissen um diese Rollen, die jeweiligen Zeitpunkte und auch um die Grenzen des Einbezugs von Angehörigen unterstützt Fachpersonen und Praktiker bei einem planvollen Umgang mit der Situation.

  • af Allan Young
    789,95 kr.

    "This practical handbook provides a comprehensive overview of mood disorders, including diagnostic and therapeutic features as well as recent research findings on their causes. It will be invaluable to psychiatrists and psychologists, clinicians, general practitioners, and specialist mental health nurses dealing with mood disorders"--

  • af Lynn Soles
    138,95 - 238,95 kr.

  • af Frank M Ligons
    158,95 kr.

    Are you suffering from depression, anxiety, or PTSD? Are you facing a crippling pain condition while trying to avoid opiate dependency? Are you relapsing during attempts to break your addiction?What if there was a new, safe, and effective treatment that really worked?There is. It's called Ketamine Therapy, and it may be the breakthrough you need.**Contains behind-the-scenes treatment videos and incredible revelations about at-home ketamine therapy!**The author, a medical research scientist and ketamine patient, tells the unbelievable story of how these treatments stopped his 25 years of suicidal thoughts in their tracks!Don't waste one more day suffering unnecessarily. Prepare to be inspired and empowered!Hear from patients enjoying life-changing results.Avoid the myths and misinformation about this so-called "club drug."Build confidence by learning the truth about "k holes" and "bad trips."You need this book if:You are suffering from a mental health, pain, dementia, or addiction disorderYou're being robbed of a higher quality of life, a career, and relationshipsYour current treatments do not provide the relief you needYou are FED UP with the lack of options for relieving your conditionThe side effects of your treatments are undesirable, unhealthy, or dangerousYou are a physician seeking to understand ketamine therapy from the patient's perspectiveYour organization needs an easy-to-understand ketamine therapy handbookWhat will this book do for you?Diminish your anxieties about ketamine therapyAnswer your questions about ketamine's safety and legalityExplain how to get treatmentGive you access to interviews with ketamine physicians and patients Ketamine saved my life. Could it improve yours?

  • - De pårørendes stemme
    af Anita Justesen
    258,95 kr.

    ”Det er en hård dag i dag! Kan jeg virkelig være den eneste pårørende til en kræftramt, der i perioder bliver fyldt med afmagt, træthed og en stor følelse af ensomhed? Sygdommen har taget kontrollen over vores fælles liv."Pårørende til kræftpatienter er en overset gruppe i sundhedsvæsnet og på arbejdsmarkedet. Gennem en spørgeundersøgelse og otte interviews dokumenterer forfatter Anita Justesen, hvor vigtige de pårørende er for den kræftsyge, og hvor stor en byrde, der bæres af denne gruppe.I bogen fortælles om tabubelagte følelser, om et sundhedsvæsen, der har spillet fallit, om arbejdspladsers manglende forståelse og om venner og familie, der trækker sig.Endelig samles trådene i bogen til en række anbefalinger, der kan støtte op om de pårørende.Om forfatterenAnita Justesen (f. 1959), cand.mag. i historie og erhvervsøkonomi, stoppede med at arbejde, da hendes mand blev ramt af kræft. Denne bog er hendes personlige og kærlige opråb til omverdenen om, at man som pårørende har behov for at blive hørt, set og anerkendt for den indsats, man gør.

  • af Hilde Schädle-Deininger
    473,95 kr.

    Pflgerisch-psychiatrisches Handeln orientiert sich an Bedürfnissen und Bedarfen psychisch erkrankter Menschen und ihrem sozialen Umfeld. Genuss spielt im alltäglichen Miteinander in der psychiatrisch/psychosozialen Begleitung und Betreuung in der Regel eine untergeordnete Rolle, ist jedoch elementare Grundlage für individuelles Wohlbefinden.

  • af Ariana
    238,95 kr.

    Pediatric Oncology is a specialized branch of medical science that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in children and adolescents. This subchapter aims to introduce students to the world of pediatric oncology, shedding light on the unique challenges faced by young cancer patients and the incredible advancements in medical science that offer hope and healing.Cancer is a disease that affects people of all ages, but when it strikes children, it poses a different set of challenges. The emotional toll on both the child and their family is immense, and the physical impact of the disease and its treatment can be particularly devastating for young bodies. Pediatric oncologists are specially trained to provide compassionate care and support tailored to the specific needs of these young patients.The field of pediatric oncology has made remarkable progress in recent years, resulting in significantly improved survival rates. Thanks to groundbreaking research and innovative treatments, children diagnosed with cancer now have a much higher chance of overcoming the disease and leading fulfilling lives. Students interested in oncology will be fascinated to learn about the various treatment options available, ranging from surgery and radiation therapy to chemotherapy and targeted therapies.Furthermore, this subchapter will shed light on the collaborative nature of pediatric oncology. Students will discover how a multidisciplinary team, including pediatric oncologists, nurses, psychologists, and social workers, work together to provide comprehensive care to young patients and their families. They will gain insights into the importance of psychosocial support to help children cope with the emotional and psychological impact of cancer.Additionally, this subchapter will touch upon the importance of pediatric oncology research. Students will learn about the ongoing efforts to discover new treatment modalities, improve existing therapies, and ultimately find a cure for childhood cancer. They will be inspired by the stories of young patients who have triumphed over cancer and the dedicated healthcare professionals who have devoted their lives to saving young lives.

  • af Ahmed Lasfar
    1.508,95 kr.

    This book offers outstanding approaches to understanding the role of the tumor microenvironment (TME) in cancer development and metastasis. The TME, with its multifaced role, is fundamental in the control and exacerbation of almost all cancer types. The outcome of many solid tumors is dependent on the modulation of the TME. Local tumor immunity, which is crucial in the control of cancer promotion, is one of the leading compounds of the TME. This book presents new insights and provides detailed and updated descriptions of the role of the TME in the control and the development of almost all cancer types. This book is an authentic source of knowledge, useful for researchers, medical doctors, students, and all individuals interested in understanding the mechanisms of cancer control and development.

  • af Karen M Wright
    636,95 kr.

    The book is a one-stop-shop for mental health nursing, providing students with a carefully developed collection of key information.

  • af Daniel Cooper
    223,95 kr.

    Discover your path to empowerment through this groundbreaking workbook, where you'll harness the combined strength of dialectical behavior therapy (dbt) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (cbt).In these pages, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, understanding, and action. Explore the dynamic combination of two proven therapies as they guide you towards mastering adhd. In this life-changing workbook, you will:Never ignore your feelings ever againLearn healthy coping mechanisms to help you through difficult situationsHandle anything life throws at you with a smile on your face and happily live your life even with borderline personality disorderCommunicate more assertively and get your thoughts across in a healthy mannerOvercome negative thoughts and silence the darkness inside youLearn how to control your emotions instead of letting them control youBalance your emotions and achieve your goals with dbtDialectical behavioral therapy (dbt) helps you shift the thoughts and feelings that cause destructive behaviors and replace them with healthier and more productive habits. This dbt workbook walks you through simple ways to use dbt every day, so you can stay present in the moment, manage challenges with grace, and live without feeling controlled by your emotions.

  • af Jette Thomsen
    341,95 kr.

    UUNDVÆRLIG GUIDE TIL PSYKIATRI I PRAKSIS – FOR FADL-VAGTER! PSYKIATRI I PRAKSIS ruster dig med både praktisk og specialiseret viden, som gør dig i stand til at levere høj kvalitet i din rolle som sygepleje- eller lægevikar under din studietid. Bogen dækker essentielle emner inden for praktisk psykiatri, og den vil give dig en solid ballast, som du kan drage nytte af og bygge videre på, når du som kommende læge står overfor patienter med psykiatriske lidelser eller emotionelle udfordringer. PSYKIATRI I PRAKSIS indfører dig i psykiatriens komplekse verden og giver dig mulighed for at udforske forskellige psykiatriske tilstande, deres symptomer og de tilgængelige håndterings- og behandlingsmuligheder. Bogen er forfattet af førende specialister inden for det psykiatriske speciale, herunder den objektive psykiatriske vurdering, behandling af akutte agiterede patienter, misbrug, mentalisering, spiseforstyrrelser, selvskade, vurdering af selvmordsrisiko samt den dobbeltindlagte patient. Gennem denne viden opnår du en dybere forståelse af, hvordan du kan bidrage til præcis diagnosticering og udvikling af individuelle behandlingsplaner. PSYKIATRI I PRAKSIS er særligt udviklet til deltagere på FADL’s Vagtbureaus kursus med samme navn, men bogen kan med stor gavn læses af alle, som ønsker en omfattende indføring i emnet.Overskud fra salget af denne bog går til ”Det Sociale Netværk”.

  • af Alice Weld Tallant
    248,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af James Hobson Aveling
    218,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af Palle Bager & Heidi Papp Neumann
    229,50 kr.

  • af David Berg
    108,95 kr.

    -Extraordinary encounters. Unexpected humor. Endless challenges. Life-threatening diseases. Unthinkable trauma.- Welcome to STAT: Crazy Medical Stories as told by the healthcare professionals themselves. From peculiar conditions and mysterious ailments to remarkable recoveries and perplexing medical mysteries, Stat: Crazy Medical Stories, draws from real-life accounts. Each chapter unveils crazy medical cases as narrated by the healthcare professionals themselves. The stories take you on a captivating journey across various disciplines, including general medicine, surgery, psychiatry, and more. Prepare for a rollercoaster of emotions; you'll laugh, cry, and be shocked as you delve into the bizarre and unconventional experiences encountered by our extraordinary healthcare professionals.

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