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Specialiseringer inden for sygepleje

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  • af Tiffani Jean Freckleton
    148,95 - 223,95 kr.

  • af Roman Kaspar
    644,95 kr.

    Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.Trotz des schnellen Wachstums des Anteils der Bevölkerung in einem Alter ab 80 Jahren an der Gesamtbevölkerung ist das Wissen über diese Bevölkerungsgruppe bislang gering. Zwar gibt es thematisch, methodisch und regional spezifische Studien, jedoch keine repräsentative Erfassung der Lebenssituation und Lebensqualität dieser Altersgruppe für den gesamtdeutschen Raum. Eine gute Datenlage ist jedoch notwendig: Zum einen, um den besonderen Unterstützungsbedarfen im hohen Alter zukünftig besser gerecht werden zu können. Zum anderen, um Lösungsansätze für sozialpolitische Herausforderungen wie der sozialen Sicherung im Alter sowie im Hinblick auf eine Generationengerechtigkeit entwickeln zu können. Schließlich, um negativen Altersbildern und Vorurteilen über die Lebensqualität im hohen Alter empirisch fundiert entgegenwirken zu können. Die Studie "Hohes Alter in Deutschland¿ (D80+) ist eine bundesweit repräsentative Querschnittsbefragung der hochaltrigen Menschen in Privathaushalten und in Heimen. Sie wird vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) gefördert und gemeinsam vom Cologne Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics, and Social Sciences of Health (ceres) und dem Deutschen Zentrum für Altersfragen (DZA) durchgeführt. Die Studie vereint Perspektiven der an den beteiligten Institutionen verorteten Disziplinen wie Soziologie, Psychologie, Versorgungswissenschaften, Gerontologie und Medizin. Im vorliegenden Band werden zentrale Befunde u.a. zu den Themenbereichen Soziale und Digitale Teilhabe, Gesundheit und Versorgung, sowie Werte und subjektives Wohlbefinden vorgestellt.

  • - Grundbog til sundhedsplejersker og sygeplejersker
    af Gitte Kaarina Jørgensen & Anne Mette Skovgaard
    398,95 kr.

    Oprustning af fagpersonale! - her er bogen til dig, der arbejder med mentale helbredsproblemer og psykisk sygdom hos børn og ungeMere end hvert 7. barn eller ung rammes af psykisk sygdom. Det betyder, at alle sundhedsplejersker og sygeplejersker i deres daglige arbejde kommer til at møde et barn eller en ung med mentale helbredsproblemer og symptomer på psykisk sygdom.Denne bog imødekommer behovet for en grundbog, som kan udgøre det basale grundlag for sygeplejersker og sundhedsplejerskers arbejde i forhold til børn og unge med mentale helbredsproblemer og psykiske sygdomme. Samtidig opfylder bogen et hidtil udækket behov for en grundbog til uddannelserne til sygeplejerske og sundhedsplejerske, som lever op til de to uddannelsesordningers krav om forsknings- og udviklingsbaseret viden. Bogen tager udgangspunkt i de udviklingsrelaterede aspekter ved mentale helbredsproblemer hos børn og unge og beskriver fremtrædelsesformer og konkrete problemstillinger ved de hyppigste former for psykiske sygdomme.Målgruppen er sundhedsplejersker og sygeplejeplejersker, men andre faggrupper, der beskæftiger sig med børn og unge, f.eks. pædagoger, skolelærere, psykologer, socialrådgivere og praktiserende læger, kan også have gavn af bogens indhold.

  • Spar 10%
    af Susanne Friis Søndergaard, Kirsten Beedholm Poulsen, Astrid Bay, mfl.
    341,95 kr.

    Sygeplejersker i den primære sundhedssektor skal i stigende grad kunne håndtere, pleje og behandle borgere med vanskelige sundhedsfaglige problemstillinger. Det sker fordi flere og flere borgere behandles i eget hjem eller på institutioner uden for sygehusene. Samtidig er sygeplejen inden for den primære sundhedssektor kendetegnet ved, at samarbejdet mellem sektorer og institutioner er under konstant forandring. På den måde opstår nye samarbejdsflader mellem institutioner og andre aktører, hvilket stiller store krav til sygeplejerskernes forståelse af de rammer, de arbejder indenfor. I bogen får du en indføring i de rammer, vilkår og udfordringer, som knytter sig til feltet vedrørende sygepleje i den primære sundhedssektor. Bogen bidrager med perspektiver til at opnå dybere forståelse og refleksion over den komplekse virkelighed, som sygeplejersker i det nære sundhedsvæsen må agere i. Gennem de 18 kapitler i bogen diskuteres, problematiseres og udfordres forståelser af, hvilken viden og hvilke kompetencer og færdigheder der er behov for hos sygeplejersker i det primære sundhedsvæsen.Borgernær sygepleje. Viden og kompetencer i det nære sundhedsvæsen er især målrettet til sygeplejersker, der tager specialuddannelse i borgernær sygepleje, men henvender sig også til sygeplejestuderende og andre sundhedsprofessionelle med interesse for den borgernære sygepleje.

  • af Kallol Kumar Bhattacharyya
    675,95 kr.

  • af Mala Kapur Shankardass
    1.432,95 kr.

  • af Jill R. Beavers-Kirby & Freddi I. Segal-Gidan
    962,95 kr.

    **Selected for Doody's Core Titles® 2024 in Geriatrics**Written by NPs and PAs who have a wealth of experience in the care of older adults across all practice settings, Gerontology and Geriatrics for NPs and PAs takes an evidence-based approach to both gerontology and geriatrics, incorporating the latest national and international guidelines and standards of care. This first-of-its-kind text takes an interprofessional, teamwork-based approach that reflects Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) core competencies, as well as the unique perspectives that NPs and PAs each bring to the collaborative care of older adults. Covers both primary care and acute care of older adults and fully addresses both graduate-level and practitioner core competencies necessary for optimal care of older adults.  Places a strong emphasis on wellness (including nutrition and the Healthy People 2030 targets), normal aging, common syndromes of aging, disease management, patient safety (particularly in acute care settings), and a patient-centered care approach.  Features vibrant, full-color illustrations, a full-color design for ease of navigation, and graduate-level learning features that include Key Points at the end of each chapter for quick reference and exam preparation.  Addresses a wide range of topics specifically focused on the common medical problems of older adults, with chapters logically organized for efficient study and quick clinical reference.  An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.  Evolve Instructor site with an image collection and test bank is available to instructors through their Elsevier sales rep or via request at

  • af Julia Petty
    268,95 kr.

    A practical guide for the nursing care of neonates within hospital and home settings for the first year of life.

  • af Belinda Black
    133,95 - 166,95 kr.

  • af Annette Leibing & Silke Schicktanz
    247,95 kr.

  • af Gregory R. Ciottone
    1.497,95 kr.

    While medical specialists in disaster mitigation, preparedness, and response are needed worldwide, the initial phase of disaster response is almost entirely dependent upon local resources-making it essential that all healthcare personnel have a working knowledge of the field and stand ready to integrate into the response system. Ciottone's Disaster Medicine, 3rd Edition, is the most comprehensive reference available to help accomplish these goals in every community. It thoroughly covers isolated domestic events as well as global disasters and humanitarian crises. Dr. Gregory Ciottone and more than 200 worldwide authorities share their knowledge and expertise on the preparation, assessment, and management of both natural and man-made disasters, including lessons learned by the responders to contemporary disasters such as the COVID-19 pandemic, Australian and western U.S. wildfires, European heatwaves, the Beirut explosion, recent hurricanes and typhoons, and the global refugee crisis. Part 1 offers an A-to-Z resource for every aspect of disaster medicine and management, while Part 2 features an exhaustive compilation of every conceivable disaster event, organized to facilitate quick reference in a real-time setting. Covers basic concepts such as identification of risks, organizational preparedness, equipment planning, disaster education and training, and more advanced concepts such as disaster risk reduction, health in complex emergencies, building local disaster resiliency, psychological impact of disasters on children, and more. Contains new decision trees throughout that help guide you through the decision-making process in difficult situations. Uses an easy-to-follow, templated approach to historical perspectives, overviews of current practice including pre-incident and post-incident actions, medical treatment of casualties, and potential pitfalls. Includes updated sections on man-made disasters, including mass casualties, active shooter situations, integrated response to terrorist attacks, and chemical/biological/radiological/nuclear/high-yield explosives disasters. Discusses the latest technologies, such as the use of mobile disaster applications, drone response systems, and virtual reality simulation training. Features thoroughly updated information on crisis leadership, practical applications of disaster epidemiology, disaster and climate change, and the integration of non-government agencies (NGOs) in disaster response-a critical topic for those responding to humanitarian needs overseas. Includes new chapters on Pandemic Preparedness and Response, Disaster Medicine in a Changing Climate, Disaster Response in Asia, Building Local Capacity and Disaster Resiliency, Civilian-Military Coordination in Disaster Response, Medical Simulation in Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Nursing, Crisis Meta-Leadership, Palliative Care in Disasters, Counter-Terrorism Medicine, SARS CoV (COVID-19 and SARS), and Disasters in Space Travel. An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.

  • af Carol Rose
    308,95 kr.

    This book represents the cutting edge in evidence-based aromatherapy for palliative care. By integrating the appropriate use of essential oils with conventional pharmacological treatments, Rose highlights the efficacy of a patient-centred approach to end-of-life care.

  • af Victoria Shepherd
    106,95 - 166,95 kr.

    The extraordinary ways the brain can misfire'Fascinating and compassionate' Horatio Clare The King of France ? thinking he was made of glass ? was terrified he might shatter…and he wasn't alone. After the Emperor met his end at Waterloo, an epidemic of Napoleons piled into France's asylums. Throughout the nineteenth century, dozens of middle-aged women tried to convince their physicians that they were, in fact, dead. For centuries we've dismissed delusions as something for doctors to sort out behind locked doors. But delusions are more than just bizarre quirks ? they hold the key to collective anxieties and traumas. In this groundbreaking history, Victoria Shepherd uncovers stories of delusions from medieval times to the present day and implores us to identify reason in apparent madness.

  • af Linda L. French
    1.050,95 kr.

    Develop 21st-century professional skills with ADMINISTRATIVE MEDICAL ASSISTING, Ninth Edition! This streamlined learning package provides step-by-step guidance to help you master front-office medical assisting and office management, while honing the critical-thinking and job skills you'll need for success as an allied health professional. The text features detailed coverage of fundamental administrative competencies, including professional responsibilities, interpersonal and written communications, records management, financial administration and office management. Simulated test questions, mapped competencies and updated certification standards add depth to every chapter and help you prepare for certification exams. New and revised content keeps you up-to-date on key developments in the field, including the newest requirements for electronic technology, insurance regulations, coding, health care reform, legal compliance and much more. Robust and reader-friendly, this trusted guide is essential reading for medical assistants who want to succeed in today's allied health careers.

  • af Sarah Huline-Dickens
    486,95 kr.

    Clinical Topics in Teaching Psychiatry draws on classic papers previously published in BJPsych Advances, alongside newly commissioned chapters, to provide a rich overview of teaching and learning as applied to psychiatry. Written by clinicians, professors and lecturers, the book covers the direct teaching of the specialty through to educational management, coaching and mentoring. It examines diverse methods of teaching and learning, from journal clubs to simulation, and gives an updated overview of psychiatry in the foundation programme. It covers the challenges faced by trainers in recent times in delivering training virtually through webinars and remote placements. Newly commissioned chapters include how to conduct an online literature search, writing for learning and publication, delivering a good lecture and supporting trainees. Accessible throughout, the book provides much-needed guidance for busy clinicians, primarily psychiatrists, who are acting as trainers. It will also be an invaluable guide for trainees and other mental health professionals.

  • af Anette Højer Mikkelsen & Birgitte Schantz Laursen
    213,95 kr.

    SYGEPLEJERSKEN SOM HVERDAGSSEXOLOG Med et indledende kapitel af Christian GraugaardSom sygeplejerske har man ansvar for at favne alle relevante aspekter af patienternes sundhed, også seksualitet. At kunne tale åbent, professionelt og fordomsfrit om seksualitet med patienter er derfor en vigtig opgave, der kræver, at man som sygeplejerske har viden og kompetencer og føler sig komfortabel med at tage initiativ til samtalen. Et velfungerende intimliv medvirker til livskvalitet og sygdomsmestring. Med HÅNDBOG I SYGEPLEJE: SEXOLOGI har du altid den erfarne sygeplejerskes ekspertise i kittellommen, når det handler om fx:Seksualitet, sundhed og sygdomSeksualitetens mangfoldighedTovejstabuet og samtalen med patientenSeksualitet livet igennemSeksuelle dysfunktioner og deres behandlingerSeksuelle hjælpemidlerHåndbogen henvender sig til alle sygeplejersker med patientkontakt, både studerende, nyuddannede og erfarne, på tværs af alle specialer.

  • af Debra Kostiw
    333,95 kr.

    Drawing from the latest developments and approaches in Alzheimer's and dementia care, Forget Me Not has all the answers.

  • af Suresh I. S. Rattan
    2.045,95 kr.

    This edited volume is a compilation of 30 articles discussing what constitutes food for health and longevity. The aim is to provide up-to-date information, insights, and future tendencies in the ongoing scientific research about nutritional components, food habits and dietary patterns in different cultures. The health-sustaining and health-promoting effects of food are certainly founded in its overall composition of macronutrients and micronutrients. However, the consumption of these nutrients is normally in the form of raw or prepared food from the animal and plant sources. The book is divided into four parts and a conclusion, and successfully convenes the well-established information and knowledge, along with the personal views of a diversified group of researchers and academicians on the multifaceted aspects of nutrition, food and diet. The first part reviews the scientific information about proteins, carbohydrates, fats and oils, micronutrients, pro- and pre-biotics, and hormetins, along with a discussion of the evolutionary principles and constraints about what is optimal food, if any. The second part discusses various kinds of foods and food supplements with respect to their claimed benefits for general health and prevention of some diseases. The third part brings in the cultural aspects, such as what are the principles of healthy eating according to the traditional Chinese and Indian systems, what is the importance of mealing times and daily rhythms, and how different cultures have developed  different folk wisdoms for eating for health, longevity and immortality. In the part four, various approaches which are either already in practice or are still in the testing and research phases are discussed and evaluated critically, for example intermittent fasting and calorie restriction, food-based short peptides, senolytics, Ayurvedic compounds, optimal food for old people, and food for the prevention of obesity and other metabolic disorders.The overreaching aim of this book is to inform, inspire and encourage students, researchers, educators and medical health professionals thinking about food and food habits in a holistic context of our habits, cultures and patterns. Food cannot be reduced to a pill of nutritional components. Eating food is a complex human behavior culturally evolved over thousands of years. Perhaps the old adage "e;we are what we eat"e; needs to be modified to "e;we eat what we are"e;.

    1.663,95 kr.

  • af Céline Faidherbe & Dominique van der Kaa
    188,95 kr.

  • af Joshua Rueda
    1.160,95 kr.

  • af Hadley Vlahos
    298,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Passionate advocate for end-of-life care and TikTok star Hadley Vlahos shares moving stories of joy, wisdom, and redemption from her patients’ final moments in this “brilliant” (Zibby Owens, Good Morning America) memoir. “This extraordinary book helps dispel fear around death and dying—revealing it to be a natural part of our soul’s evolution.”—Laura Lynne Jackson, New York Times bestselling author of Signs and The Light Between UsTalking about death and dying is considered taboo in polite company, and even in the medical field. Our ideas about dying are confusing at best: Will our memories flash before our eyes? Regrets consume our thoughts? Does a bright light appear at the end of a tunnel? For most people, it will be a slower process, one eased with preparedness, good humor, and a bit of faith. At the forefront of changing attitudes around palliative care is hospice nurse Hadley Vlahos, who shows that end-of-life care can teach us just as much about how to live as it does about how we die. Vlahos was raised in a strict religious household, but began questioning her beliefs in high school after the sudden death of a friend. When she got pregnant at nineteen, she was shunned by her community and enrolled herself in nursing school to be able to support herself and her baby. But nursing soon became more than a job: when she focused on palliative care and hospice work, it became a calling.  In The In-Between, Vlahos recounts the most impactful experiences she’s had with the people she’s worked with—from the woman who never once questioned her faith until she was close to death, to the older man seeing visions of his late daughter, to the young patient who laments that she spent too much of her short life worrying about what others thought of her—while also sharing her own fascinating journey. Written with profound insight, humility, and respect, The In-Between is a heartrending memoir that shows how caring for others can transform a life while also offering wisdom and comfort for those dealing with loss and providing inspiration for how to live now.

  • af Sue MacDonald
    617,95 kr.

    Mayes' Midwifery is a core text for students in the UK, known and loved for its in-depth approach and its close alignment with curricula and practice in this country. The sixteenth edition has been fully updated by leading midwifery educators Sue Macdonald and Gail Johnson, and input from several new expert contributors ensures this book remains at the cutting edge. The text covers all the main aspects of midwifery in detail, including the various stages of pregnancy, possible complexities around childbirth, and psychological and social considerations related to women's health. It provides the most recent evidence along with detailed anatomy and physiology information, and how these translate into practice. Packed full of case studies, reflective activities and images, and accompanied by an ancillary website with 600 multiple choice questions and downloadable images, Mayes' Midwifery makes learning easy for nursing students entering the profession as well as midwives returning to practice and qualified midwives working in different settings in the UK and overseas. Expert contributors include midwifery academics and clinicians, researchers, physiotherapists, neonatal nurse specialists, social scientists and legal experts Learning outcomes and key points to support structured study Reflective activities to apply theory to practice Figures, tables and breakout boxes help navigation and revision Associated online resources with over 600 MCQs, reflective activities, case studies, downloadable image bank to help with essay and assignment preparation Further reading to deepen knowledge and understanding New chapters addressing the issues around being a student midwife and entering the profession More detail about FGM and its legal implications, as well as transgender/binary individuals in pregnancy and childbirth New information on infection and control following from the COVID-19 pandemic Enhanced artwork program

  • af Ronald Deckert
    199,95 kr.

    Die Digitalisierung durchzieht als Megatrend auch die Dienstleistungsbranchen Gesundheit und Pflege. Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien setzen vermehrt Impulse, Gesundheits- und Pflegeleistungen zu unterstutzen: z.B. Televisite - Telekonsultation, Monitoring - KI - Entscheidungsunterstutzungssysteme, Medical Apps, digitale Patientenakte. Haufig wird die Notwendigkeit der technischen Unterstutzung mit dem Fachkraftemangel begrundet. Die Digitalisierung hat zudem das Potenzial, das Versorgungsgeschehen von der Arbeit am Klienten bis hin zu den Verwaltungsstrukturen grundlegend zu verandern. Wie der Einsatz von digital unterlegten Technologien insbesondere im sensiblen Bereich der Altenpflege erfolgreich umgesetzt werden kann und dabei auch stets den Menschen im Blick behalt, erlautern die Autoren dieses essentials anhand von Beispielen aus den Bereichen Augmented Reality, Robotik, Sturzsensorik und Pflegedokumentation. Dabei werden sie von dem Konzept Strategische Mensch-Maschine-Partnerschaft geleitet. Die neuen Anforderungen an die Qualifikation der handelnden Akteure werden ebenso diskutiert wie Fragen technologischer Voraussetzungen.  

  • Spar 10%
    - Grundlæggende sygepleje
    af Ben Farid Røjgaard Nielsen
    315,50 kr.

    Hvordan ydes sygepleje af høj kvalitet til immobile patienter?At være immobil er ikke en sygdom i sig selv, men immobile patienter er i øget risiko for en lang række af sygdomme, og konsekvenserne for manglende bevægelse påvirker bl.a. hjerte, kredsløb, knogler, hud, fordøjelse og muskler. Med denne grundbog indføres læseren i den komplekse sygepleje, der skal ydes til immobile patienter, hvad enten disse er bevidstløs (total immobilitet) eller har funkionsnedsættelse (delvis immobilitet).Bogen indeholder 12 fundamentale kapitler svarende til Sundhedsstyrelsens 12 sygeplejefaglige områder. Dette betyder, at immobilitet – som et gennemgående vandmærke – bliver holdt op mod lyset af følgende hovedemner: funktionsniveau, bevægeapparat, ernæring, hud og slimhinder, kommunikation, psykosociale forhold, respiration og cirkulation, seksualitet, smerter og sanseindtryk, søvn og hvile, viden og udvikling samt udskillelser. Tilsammen danner bogens kapitler en helhedsfremstilling af immobile patienters mange udfordringer gennem konsekvent brug af cases og refleksionsspørgsmål og velvalgte illustrationer.Bogen er målrettet sygeplejestuderende, som klædes på til at kunne varetage grundlæggende sygepleje af høj kvalitet til immobile patienter, men også uddannede sygeplejersker, kliniske undervisere i primær og sekundær sektor samt andre sundhedsprofessionelle kan med fordel læse med.Fagredaktør er Ben Farid Røjgaard Nielsen

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