Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025
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  • af Jonathan Robinson
    182,95 kr.

    Create lasting harmony, healthy communication, and everlasting love with Jonathan Robinson's powerful couple communication book.Develop effective communication skills for a lasting relationship.

  • af Miyamoto Musashi
    142,95 - 212,95 kr.

    This luxurious hardback presents The Book of Five Rings, a classic Japanese text by the undefeated swordsman Miyamoto Musashi, with gold embossing and gilded page edges. Shortly before his death in 1645, Musashi retreated to a cave to live as a hermit. There he wrote five scrolls describing the "true principles" required for victory in the martial arts and on the battlefield. Instead of relying on religion or theory, Musashi based his writings on his own experience, observation, and reason. The scrolls, published as The Book of Five Rings, have recently gained an international reputation in the business world as a means of resolving differences and achieving success. But their delineation of the psychological strength, rigorous self-control, and practical application necessary for dealing with physical and mental conflict also has a wider relevance and can be usefully applied to all our lives. This compact luxury edition with gold-foil embossing is perfect as a gift. ABOUT THE SERIES: Arcturus Ornate Classics are beautifully bound gifts editions of iconic literary works across history. These compact, foil-embossed hardbacks are richly illustrated and printed using deluxe ivory paper.

  • af Jamie Beck
    342,95 kr.

    Be transported to the south of France with this beautiful tome of photographs from Provence for art lovers and armchair travelers alike.

  • af Christopher Hitchens
    107,95 kr.

    In this frank and damning exposé of the Teresa cult, Hitchens details the nature and limits of one woman's mission to help the world's poor. He probes the source of the heroic status bestowed upon an Albanian nun whose only declared wish was to serve God. He asks whether Mother Teresa's good works answered any higher purpose than the need of the world's privileged to see someone, somewhere, doing something for the Third World. He unmasks pseudo-miracles, questions Mother Teresa's fitness to adjudicate on matters of sex and reproduction, and reports on a version of saintly ubiquity which affords genial relations with dictators, corrupt tycoons and convicted frauds. Is Mother Teresa merely an essential salve to the conscience of the rich West, or an expert PR machine for the Catholic Church? In its caustic iconoclasm and unsparing wit, The Missionary Position showcases the devastating effect of Hitchens' writing at its polemical best.

  • af Christopher Hitchens
    105,95 kr.

    The provocative bestseller from Britain's foremost controversial thinker is now in paperback: 'If Hitchens didn't exist, we wouldn't be able to invent him.' Ian McEwan

  • af Ezio Manzini
    187,95 kr.

    Each of us develops and enacts strategies for living our everyday lives. These may confirm the general tendency towards new forms of connected solitude, in which we work, travel and live alone, yet feel sociable mainly by means of technology. Alternatively, they may help to create flexible communities that are open and inclusive, and therefore resilient and socially sustainable. In Politics of the Everyday, Ezio Manzini discusses examples of social innovation that show how, even in these difficult times, a better kind of society is possible. By bringing autonomy and collaboration together, it is possible to develop new forms of design intelligence, for our own good, for the good of the communities we are part of, and for society as a whole.

  • af Giorgio Parisi
    137,95 - 151,95 kr.

    Nobelpristager Giorgio Parisi fortæller personligt og passioneret om et liv i naturvidenskabens fascinerende verden og sin livslange interesse for komplekse systemer, fra faseovergange og spinglasser til stæreflokke. Han reflekterer over, hvordan idéer fødes og ændrer kurs og form, over videnskabens rolle i nutidens samfund, og hvordan matematisk intuition kan lede til svar på spørgsmål, ingen endnu har stillet.Om forfatteren:Giorgio Parisi (f. 1948) er professor i teoretisk fysik ved universitetet i Rom. Han er medlem af American National Academy of Sciences, Académie des sciences og American Philosophical Society og fungerede indtil 1921 som vicepræsident for Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, verdens ældste videnskabelige akademi. I oktober 2021 blev Parisi tildelt Nobelprisen i fysik for sine studier i komplekse fysiske systemer.

  • af Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
    217,95 kr.

    ‘Hverdagsmad fra River Cottage’ er den ultimative grundkogebog for alle, der har en holdning til den mad, de spiser til daglig. Heri er samlet Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstalls bedste bud på økonomisk, sund og velsmagende hverdagsmad – og alle kan være med. Den frygtløse kok Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall er kendt fra DR2’s programserie ‘River Cottage’, hvor han har lært danskerne om bedre madvaner, bæredygtighed og vigtigheden af gode råvarer. Ifølge Hugh er det nemlig sådan, at ændrer man menneskers holdning til mad, ændrer man deres holdning til livet! Og det er netop udgangspunktet for denne kogebog fra River Cottage, der med massevis af lækre opskrifter og tips til hverdagen giver et bud på en sundere hverdagskost for alle. Det er mad med holdning og velsmag.

  • af Henry Nielsen
    151,95 kr.

  • - Kom igang
    af Poul Rythov-Andersen
    187,95 kr.

    Her er en bog som giver dig et indblik i de gamle malemetoder, hvordan man fremstillede farver og andre produkter og hvilke teknikker man brugte.Samtidig er det en beskrivelse af forskellige farvesystemer og nogle teknikker som kan bruges i forbindelse med de nye maleprodukter til kunstnere.

  • af Peter Høeg
    137,95 kr.

    Peter Høeg er tilbage med en charmerende og begavet spændingsroman om fysikeren Susan Svendsen og hendes højst usædvanlige talent.Susan er 43 år, lektor i eksperimentalfysik, veltrimmet vinterbader, gift med Laban og mor til teenage-tvillingerne Harald og Thit. Hun finder ro i det periodiske system og ser naturlovene som en garanti for orden og regelmæssighed. Men Susan er selv et særtilfælde: Hun har en helt forbløffende evne til at fremkalde oprigtighed. Mennesker betror sig ganske spontant til hende.Dette talent har hun misbrugt, og nu truer en lang fængselstraf. En tidligere embedsmand tilbyder hende en sidste udvej, men kun på én betingelse: Hun skal opspore det sidste overlevende medlem i den såkaldte Fremtidskommision fra 1970’erne og afsløre, hvad der stod i referatet af deres sidste møde. Det er hemmeligheder med vidtrækkende konsekvenser, og nogen kommer Susan brutalt i forkøbet.Effekten af Susan er en eventyrlig og hæsblæsende roman om oprigtighed – i familien, i videnskaben og i samfundslivet.Pressen skriver: »… først og sidst er Peter Høeg sin egen og i topform. Susan Svendsen […] er skabt af sprog, som funkler. Netop den sproglige virtuositet udgør halvdelen af nydelsen i denne toptunende og ferme femi- og klimathriller.«***** - Jes Stein Pedersen, Politiken »Hvis De kun skal læse én apokalyptisk videnskabs-thriller i år, så lad det blive ”Effekten af Susan.«***** - David Jacobsen Turner, Jyllands-Posten »En glimrende tur i Høeget … Han er ikke for fin til at bruge lavkomik eller filmiske thrillergreb, når han fortæller historien om Susan - og det virker.«***** - Line Rasmussen, Børsen »Peter Høeg er aktuel med romanen "Effekten af Susan", hvis hovedperson bringer tankerne hen på en vis frøken Smilla. Det er ikke tit, Høeg barsler med en ny roman, men denne har været værd at vente på.«***** - Kultunaut»Hvorfor nøjes med litterære gråspurve, der pikker lidt i borgernes tagrender, når der findes en frit flyvende høg, for hvem ingen regler blokerer for en regulær lemlæstelse af byttet! Nej, vel, så her får man muligheden. Peter Høeg er på banen igen, mere oplagt end længe, og med en roman, der både er thriller, samfundsrevser og eksistentielt provokerende; og så er den vidunderligt morsom.«****** - Preben Rasmussen, Dagbladenes Bureau »Peter Høeg er tilbage med en thriller om kvantefysik, og hvordan elitens svigt af masserne allerede er virkelighed … Romanen er et centrifugalaccelereret cirkelspark i borgerskabets moderne pudderparyk. Og det kan de så hygge sig med oppe på Business Class. I mellemtiden kan vi andre læsebogens dybere litterære kvaliteter frem.«– Kristian Ditlev Jensen, Weekendavisen»Peter Høeg er tilbage på toppen … Man er simpelthen skamløst godt underholdt fra første til sidste side.«- Nils Gunder Hansen, Kristeligt Dagblad »Høeg er en gudbenådet fortæller, der her igen har skrevet en bog, man sluger råt fra start til slut. «***** - Alt for damerne

  • af Salvadore Poe
    177,95 kr.

    In this remarkable book, Salvadore Poe guides you step by step to awakening. There are numerous books that talk about spiritual awakening and enlightenment. And while reading any of them, you may be inspired, and you may be impressed with the wisdom of the author, but you don't awaken. You just add more concepts and beliefs to your mind about what enlightenment is, and this keeps you seeking for answers and resolution.Liberation IS, The End of the Spiritual Path is different. It is intended as a final push for those who are ready to be finished seeking. Through inquiries and experiments, you are guided to recognize your free essential being, and what is revealed in that recognition is that you are whole and complete, lacking nothing, exactly as you are now. When this is clearly seen and becomes doubtless, seeking ends naturally, by itself.

  • af Ricardo Labougle
    516,95 kr.

    Celebrated photographer and author Ricardo Labougle invites us on an exploration of the most innovative and superbly decorated homes in Paris. Labougle's beautiful photography displays the rich variety of Paris interiors?from classical, lush rococo visions to more modern, bright interpretations of decor. Whatever the inspiration, Paris never does things by half

  • af Lelia Wanick Salgado
    787,95 kr.

    Sebastião Salgados Fotobuch-Klassiker Arbeiter. Zur Archäologie des Industriezeitalters (Erstausgabe 1993) würdigt die traditionellen handwerklichen Arbeitsweisen, während zu Beginn des neuen Jahrtausends überall in der Welt Maschinen und Computer die Arbeit der Menschen übernehmen. Mit Bildern von beeindruckender Schönheit hat Salgado eine visuelle Elegie komponiert, mit der er jene Männer und Frauen ehrt, die sich ihren unbeugsamen Geist und ihre Würde selbst unter härtesten Arbeitsbedingungen bewahren. Mehr als bei jedem anderen lebenden Fotografen sind bei Sebastião Salgado die Bilder von den Vergessenen, den Elenden und den Ausgegrenzten der Welt eine Hommage an die conditio humana. Salgado definiert seine Arbeit als "kämpferische Fotografie", die dem "besseren Verständnis des Menschseins" gewidmet ist. Über Jahrzehnte hinweg hat er in seinen Fotografien den Armen und Entrechteten etwas von der Menschenwürde zurückgegeben, die sie zu verlieren drohten - von den Hungernden in der Sahelzone bis zu den indigenen Völkern Südamerikas. Mit dem Band Arbeiter legt Salgado ein globales Bildepos vor, das über das bloße Abbilden hinausgeht und zu einer Hymne auf den Widerstandsgeist arbeitender Männer und Frauen wird. 350 Duoton-Fotografien eröffnen eine archäologische Perspektive auf diejenigen Tätigkeiten, die von der Steinzeit über die industrielle Revolution bis in unsere Gegenwart als Inbegriff harter Arbeit gelten. Mit Bildern aus dem Inferno einer indonesischen Schwefelmine, von der Dramatik des traditionellen sizilianischen Thunfischfangs und der schwindelerregenden Ausdauer brasilianischer Goldgräber legt Salgado Schichten visueller Informationen frei, um die unermüdliche menschliche Arbeit als Kern der modernen Zivilisation zu enthüllen. Arbeiter präsentiert sein Thema auf mehreren sich gegenseitig durchdringenden Ebenen: Salgados einleitender Text, entstanden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem brasilianischen Schriftsteller Eric Nepomuceno, erläutert seine leidenschaftliche fotografische Ikonografie. Ausführliche Bildunterschriften, die ebenfalls von Salgado stammen, liefern den historischen und faktischen Hintergrund. Das Buch ist eine von Offenheit und Respekt getragene Hommage an diejenigen Menschen, die mit ihren eigenen Händen, mit der Kraft ihres eigenen Körpers arbeiten.

  • af Gray Malin
    289,95 kr.

    Photographer Gray Malin captures the world's chicest canines in a delightfully playful series of photographs. He captures the adorable, the pampered, the well-dressed, and the glamorous pooches of the world from Beverly Hills to Aspen to New York City to Paris. With dalmatians sunbathing at the Beverly Hills Hotel, Saint Bernards perfectly perched on Aspen chairlifts, and poodles taking a joyride in a vintage Corvette, this iconic book is filled with joy and puppy love.

  • af Thich Nhat Hanh
    107,95 kr.

    "In How to Listen, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh demonstrates how deep listening is a fundamental building block of good communication. But perhaps more fundamentally, listening is central to our practice, a basic ingredient to strengthen our capacity for mindfulness, concentration, insight, and compassion. Learning how to listen with equanimity to life itself, we generate insight into the true nature of our deep connection to all things. And from this place of understanding -- when we know that we aren't separate -- our capacity to listen deepens even further. With clear and gentle guidance from Thich Nhat Hanh, we learn how truly listening -- to ourselves, to each other, to Mother Earth, and to the many 'bells of mindfulness' that are available to us in each moment -- is the foundation of our practice, an expression of love, and a solution to our deepest and most urgent large-scale conflicts"--

  • af Stephen Mitchell
    157,95 kr.

    An elegant, two-color, pocket-size edition of the bestselling spiritual classic in its finest translation.

  • - The Japanese Phenomenon That Shows You How to Change Your Life and Achieve Real Happiness
    af Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga
    172,95 - 242,95 kr.

    ';Marie Kondo, but for your brain.' HelloGiggles ';Compelling from front to back. Highly recommend.' Marc Andreessen Reading this book could change your life. The Courage to Be Disliked, already an enormous bestseller in Asia with more than 3.5 million copies sold, demonstrates how to unlock the power within yourself to be the person you truly want to be.Is happiness something you choose for yourself? The Courage to Be Disliked presents a simple and straightforward answer. Using the theories of Alfred Adler, one of the three giants of nineteenth-century psychology alongside Freud and Jung, this book follows an illuminating dialogue between a philosopher and a young man. Over the course of five conversations, the philosopher helps his student to understand how each of us is able to determine the direction of our own life, free from the shackles of past traumas and the expectations of others. Rich in wisdom, The Courage to Be Disliked will guide you through the concepts of self-forgiveness, self-care, and mind decluttering. It is a deeply liberating way of thinking, allowing you to develop the courage to change and ignore the limitations that you might be placing on yourself. This plainspoken and profoundly moving book unlocks the power within you to find lasting happiness and be the person you truly want to be. Millions have already benefited from its teachings, now you can too.

  • af Nikolaj Bichel
    351,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

    This book gets to the heart of trophy hunting, unpacking and explaining its multiple facets and controversies, and exploring why it divides environmentalists, the hunting community, and the public. Bichel and Hart provide the first interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach to the study of trophy hunting, investigating the history of trophy hunting, and delving into the background, identity and motivation of trophy hunters. They also explore the role of social media and anthropomorphism in shaping trophy hunting discourse, as well as the viability of trophy hunting as a wildlife management tool, the ideals of fair chase and sportsmanship, and what hunting trophies are, both literally and in terms of their symbolic value to hunters and non-hunters. The analyses and discussions are underpinned by a consideration of the complex moral and practical conflicts between animal rights and conservation paradigms. This book appeals to scholars in environmental philosophy, conservation and environmental studies, as well as hunters, hunting opponents, wildlife management practitioners, and policymakers, and anyone with a broad interest in human¿wildlife relations.

  • af Walt Whitman
    152,95 kr.

    ONE OF THE CENTRAL WORKS OF AMERICAN POETRY First published in 1855, this poetry collection by American poet, Walt Whitman is a celebration of his philosophy of life and humanity, and spans the human element from the perspective of both the mind and the body. Instead of focusing on religion or spirituality, Leaves of Grass focuses mainly on celebrating the body, exalting nature, praising the senses, and the material world. He was greatly influenced by Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Transcendentalist movement. The writing, which was highly controversial and condemned as immoral due to its explicit sexual imagery, is with the exception of one poem, an innovative free style verse which does not rhyme or follow the standard rules for meter and line length. This collection of loosely-connected poems was a work in progress through over four decades. When Whitman published the first edition of Leaves of Grass at his own expense, it was a volume of only twelve poems. He spent most of his life writing and rewriting the book until at the end, after four decades, he published the final version containing over 400 poems only weeks before he died in 1892. In what is regarded by many scholars, to be a completely "do-it-yourself" project, the collection has infiltrated popular culture and is recognized today as one of the central works of American poetry. Many movements have used Whitman's work throughout the years as a means to further social and political change.

  • af Epictetus
    106,95 kr.

    Simple and spiritual, the reflections of the Stoic philosopher Epictetus are among the most influential of antiquity, while at the same time fit perfectly as important teachings for overcoming the adversities of contemporary life. This edition, prefaced by the brilliant philosophy professor, lecturer, and poet Lúcia Helena Galvão Maya, takes an even deeper look at some of the wisest precepts of good living.

  • af Tony Kelly
    512,95 kr.

    Sprachen: Englisch - Format: 24,5 x 31,4 cm Eine besondere Stadt und ihr Treiben werden in moderner und humorvoller Fotografie präsentiert Bunt und etwas schrill, niemals langweilig - die Bilder von der Kunstmetropole stecken voller Geschichten Ob Ocean Drive, Miami Beach oder Art Miami, nach New York ist Miami die international am meisten besuchte Metropole in den USA Es gibt eine Stadt in den USA, die ist wahrlich von der Sonne geküsst: Miami! Gewachsen als Künstlermetropole am Meer, ist die Sunshine-City heute ein Konglomerat aus unterschiedlichsten Kulturen, zudem drittreichste Stadt der USA und bietet eine der drei größten Skylines Nordamerikas. Hier treffen Südamerikaner auf Osteuropäer, Künstler auf Sportler und Models auf Pop-Stars. Diesen bunten Mix der diese Stadt zu etwas ganz Besonderem macht, fängt Tony Kelly auf eine beeindruckend authentische Art und Weise in dem gleichnamigen Bildband "Miami" ein. Die Fotografien Kellys erzählen eine Geschichte von Glamour, Sonne und schillernder Lebenslust. Er zeigt seinen Leser:innen in einer bunten Bildersprache ungeschminkte Eindrücke der Sonnenmetropole Floridas. Schönheit, Konsum und Luxus springen einem aus diesem Bildband förmlich entgegen und als Betrachter:in bekommt man sofort Lust, in ein Flugzeug zu steigen, um die Magic City zu besuchen. "Miami" ist aber nicht nur ein Coffee Table Buch voll mitreißender Fotografien, der Autor hat bei der Auswahl der Bilder nicht an Humor gespart. Oftmals baut Kelly seinen Leser:innen ironische Szenen und scheut nicht davor zurück, Klischees über die Vice City auf die Rolle zu nehmen. Zwischen Staunen und Sehnen entlockt Kelly der Betrachter:in beim Durchblättern des unterhaltsamen Bildbandes auch das eine oder andere verschmitzte Lächeln. Wer das von Schönheit und High-Society geprägte Luxusgefühl von Miami inhalieren will, der findet in den Fotografien von Kelly die perfekte Vorlage.

  • af Gad Saad
    172,95 kr.

    The Quest for Happiness Is a Universal Fact.

  • af Ryan Holiday
    197,95 kr.

    "In his New York Times bestselling book, Discipline Is Destiny, Ryan Holiday made the Stoic case for a life of self-discipline. In this much-anticipated third installment in the Stoic Virtues series, he argues for the necessity of doing what's right - even when it isn't easy For the ancients, everything worth pursuing in life flowed from a strong sense of justice-or one's commitment to doing the right thing, no matter how difficult. In order to be courageous, wise, and self-disciplined, one must begin with justice. The influence of the modern world often tells us that acting justly is optional. Holiday argues that that's simply untrue-and the fact that so few people today have the strength to stand by their convictions explains much about why we're so unhappy. In Right Thing. Right Now., Holiday draws on fascinating stories of historical figures such as Marcus Aurelius, Florence Nightingale, Jimmy Carter, Gandhi, and Frederick Douglass, whose examples of kindness, honesty, integrity, and loyalty we can emulate as pillars of upright living. Through the lives of these role models, readers learn the transformational power of living by a moral code and, through the cautionary tales of unjust leaders, the consequences of an ill-formed conscience. The Stoics never claimed that living justly was easy, only that it was necessary. And that the alternative-sacrificing our principles for something lesser-was considered only by cowards and fools. Right Thing. Right Now. is a powerful antidote to the moral failures of our modern age, and a manual for living virtuously"--

  • af Katherine Ware
    162,95 kr.

  • af Charles Taylor
    299,95 kr.

    Charles Taylor delves into the poetry of the Romantics and their heirs, a foundation of his distinctive philosophy of language. Taylor holds that Romantic poetry responded to disenchantment: with old cosmic orders depleted, artists groped to articulate new meanings by bringing connections to life rather than merely reasoning abstractly about life.

  • af Rocky Nook
    152,95 kr.

    Designed for photographers who haven't memorized every button, dial, setting, and feature on their Nikon Z8, Rocky Nook's handy and ultra-portable quick reference Pocket Guide helps you get the shot when you're out and about.- Confirm that your camera is set up properly with the pre-shoot checklist- Identify every button and dial on your camera- Learn the essential modes and settings you need to know- Dive deeper with additional features of your camera- Execute step-by-step instructions for shooting multiple exposures, in-camera HDR, time-lapse movies, and more- Follow tips and techniques for getting great shots in typical scenarios (portrait, landscape, freezing action, low light, etc.)

  • af Sarah Bakewell
    105,95 kr.

  • af Claire Dederer
    105,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Thandiwe Muriu
    327,95 kr.

    "Camo, by photographer Thandiwe Muriu, is the first publication to chronicle the work of this international artist, celebrating the vibrant portraits she creates that combine cultural textiles and beauty ideologies. Muriu takes us on a colorful, reflective journey through her world as a woman living in modern Kenya as she reinterprets contemporary African portraiture." --

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