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Marketinghåndbogen er for dig, der arbejder med markedsføring. Du får et unikt overblik over hele marketingprocessen og et uvurderligt værktøj til dit samarbejde med reklame-, analyse- og mediebureauer. Desuden giver bogen et overblik over den nyligt reviderede markedsføringslovgivning.Fra du lægger strategien til du skal evaluere den færdige kampagne, giver bogen enkle og gennemprøvede redskaber til at skabe overblik over proces og resultat. Et væld af tidssvarende eksempler gør bogen både lærerig og læseværdig.Hans-Henrik Søndersted-Olsen er adm. direktør for reklamebureauet Klausen & Partners A/S. Med erfaring fra begge sider af bordet i marketingarbejdet, bestyrelsesarbejde i Dansk Marketing Forum og som ekstern lektor på Copenhagen Business School er han en rutineret formidler af marketing- og kommunikationsstoffet.
PR-fagets multidisciplinære tilgang er i høj grad afspejlet i denne håndbog, hvor førende forskere og praktikere går i dybden med forskellige aspekter af public relations. Bogen behandler blandt andet stakeholder management, corporate social responsibility og corporate communication. Det er alle discipliner, som har det strategiske arbejde med virksomheders legitimitet og omdømme som omdrejningspunkt. Desuden giver den overblik over specialdiscipliner som issues management, krisekommunikation, public affairs og investor relations, der fokuserer på enkelte stakeholdere eller særlige problemstillinger.
Marketing - kort og godt er for alle, der søger et hurtigt, letlæst og effektivt overblik over grundlæggende marketing/afsætningsøkonomi. Bogen er bygget op om fagets hovedemner, som de er behandlet i Philip Kotlers Marketing Management og andre grundbøger.Ud over alle de klassiske hovedemner indeholder bogen afsnit om marketingplaner, marketingmål, semiotik, medieplanlægning og mærkevarer/brands. Den kan fungere som introduktion til marketing, som resumé før eksamen og som håndbog, også for praktikere.Bogen retter sig mod HA´ere, HD´ere, markedsføringsøkonomer, merkonomer, eksportingeniører og kursister på diverse efteruddannelser - men kan læses af alle med interesse for afsætning og marketing. Forfatteren er uddannet erhversanalytiker og cand.merc. og har 16 års erfaring med praktisk markedsføring og undervisning i emnet.
Hvis du ikke sælger, så har du ikke en forretning. I Hemmeligheden bag det succesfulde salg kombinerer iværksættereksperten Alison Edgar psykologi og salg for at hjælpe dig med at udvikle en succesfuld strategi, der kan øge salget i din virksomhed og få den til at vækste. Bogen, der er centreret omkring Alison Edgars begreb om de fire nøglesøjler, sætter dig i stand til at forstå kundeadfærd, giver dig en idiotsikker proces og forklarer, hvordan du skaber en effektiv strategi.
SoMe-eksperten Camilla Stemann guider læseren gennem de essentielle elementer til at skabe større synlighed, salg og trafik på en virksomheds sociale medier – alt sammen på letforståelig og pædagogisk vis. Læseren bliver udstyret med de nødvendige redskaber til at skabe stærke forbindelser til og indflydelse blandt sine følgere: Det drejer sig i høj grad om, hvor personlig man tør være – for jo mere personlig og autentisk profilerne fremstår, jo flere følgere resulterer det i.Camilla trækker på sin solidt forankrede viden, erfaring og data og præsenterer læseren for både teori og strategier og hands on-værktøjer, der er afgørende for at skabe overbevisende og konsekvent indhold. Vigtigst af alt lærer Camilla læseren kunsten at finde den perfekte balance mellem professionalisme og autenticitet. Bogen henvender sig til alle lige fra indehaveren af et personligt brand og den nyuddannede social media-manager til den ambitiøse virksomhedsleder. CAMILLA STEMANN er cand.comm. med speciale i autentisk brug af sociale medier og har mere end 12 års erfaring på området. Hun har hjulpet over 3000 personlige brands og virksomheder med at få succes på de sociale medier og er fast underviser på Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole med "Det ultimative SoMe-kursus". Camilla har 45.500 følgere på Instagram og flere end 10.000 abonnenter på sit nyhedsbrev.
Der er vanvittigt mange gode historier at fortælle inden for turisme- og oplevelsesbranchen i Danmark.Men hvordan får du hul igennem til medierne? Hvilke historier er værd at satse på?Og hvordan kan du bruge pressearbejde i din turismevirksomhed til at få omtale og opmærksomhed fra medierne?Denne bog er en meget konkret guide til at fortælle dine historier på den rigtige måde, så journalisterne lytter. Det er ikke nogen videnskab - alle kan lære det.Pressearbejde i en verden af turisme og oplevelser henvender sig til alle iværksættere og aktører, der arbejder med at skabe fantastiske oplevelser for danske og udenlandske turister.Undertitlen på bogen er Få succes med omtale i medierne selvom du har travlt med tusind andre ting og kun har et budget på 0,- kr.Det koster nemlig ikke noget af lave pressearbejde udover din tid, energi og ihærdighed.Når det lykkes at opnå gode presseresultater, kan det gøre en kæmpe forskel for dig og din virksomhed.I bogen kommer du til at møde nogle af landets førende eksperter inden for PR i turismebranchen. Du kan også møde en række turismeiværksættere, der har forstået værdien af at prioritere pressearbejde, selvom der som turismeaktør altid er travlt med tusind andre ting.
STYRK DIT BRAND – SKRIV EN BOG er en guide til at skrive, udgive og brande dig og din virksomhed med en fagbog, når du aldrig har prøvet det før.Bogen er en hjælp til dig, som har en viden, du gerne vil formidle til din målgruppe; til dig, der gerne vil brande dig som en autoritet på dit fagområde; dig, som er velskrivende, men som ikke nødvendigvis har populær eller professionel formidling som din kernekompetence.Trin for trin får du beskrevet processen fra første brainstorm over skrivning og revision til udgivelse, markedsføring og PR.
Bogen “Succes i oplevelsesøkonomi - fem guidelines” henvender sig til alle der arbejder med turisme, kultur, handel, gastronomi, events og oplevelsesøkonomi.Bliv skarpere på dine indsatser. Og skab en klar sammenhæng mellem dine mål og målgrupper - og din markedsføring, nye produkter og fysiske indretning.For iværksætteren, der skal etablere sig og har begrænsede ressourcer, og den store oplevelsesudbyder der vil trimme og optimere forretningen.Bogen er krydret med konkrete cases fra ind - og udland.
An immature young man from the streets of New Orleans wisecracks his way out of a job, and into sales-a career for which he is completely unprepared. Join Thaddeus Tucker on his amazing journey, alongside a colorful ensemble of characters, as he grows into a top performing sales professional and acquires invaluable life lessons along the way.
What is the secret to success? Expressing your unique, individual value with fearless authenticity.
Your digital marketing approach should be built around inbound marketing. Attract them in, show them that you take them seriously, close the transaction, and impress the delighted client. The activity of "inbound marketing" may fall under the more general heading of "digital marketing." To put it briefly, digital marketing refers to all of your company's online advertising campaigns. When executed correctly, inbound marketing has the potential to generate a consistent flow of qualified leads and eventually yield recurring business. We promise the best possible visitors to your website with a blend of digital advertising and search engine optimisation (SEO). Providing exclusive content aids in converting website visitors into possible clients.
A practical review of actionable insights and guidance around common social media marketing business issues, to boost both profile and engagement.While 'social media' seems to be a simple concept to understand, the implications of using it strategically to enhance and complement marketing initiatives at work can be more of a challenge. Written by a recognised trainer for both LinkedIn and Meta (the parent company of Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp), Smart Social Media is grounded in the insights gained from hands-on consultancy work, plus hours of personal research, observations and in-depth reviews of the platforms themselves. It's both practical and informative, while remaining closely connected to marketing fundamentals (which, however fast the social media landscape is changing, continue to underpin the concept of social media marketing) - including social media and changing consumer behaviour; getting to know your customers; planning for business growth; and the importance of branding. Whether you're studying marketing, are at the start of your marketing career, or are an established marketer tackling a new business challenge, Smart Social Media will help you to understand how social media marketing can drive growth for your business, how to build a strong brand presence on relevant social media platforms, how to use social media to guide buyers through their journey from awareness to advocacy, and how to recognise the benefits of collaborations, partnerships and online communities to support business growth.
Embark on a Journey to Social Media Riches!In the digital age where online connections are currency, a treasure map lies within your grasp, leading to a realm of untold riches. "Hashtag Hustle: Your Guide to Social Media Wealth" is your personal codex, packed with the secrets of transforming your online presence into a substantial income.Those initial steps into the world of social media monetization can be daunting. Yet, fear not. This comprehensive guide begins with the bedrock of building your social wealth, escorting you through various platforms bustling with earning opportunities. Discover how each virtual space-Facebook, Instagram, and the underexploited Threads-provides unique avenues to fill your coffers.Ever pondered over crafting a Facebook empire that yields more than just 'Likes'? Delve into strategies that convert your followers into a profitable audience. Be captivated by how Instagram's visual splendor can unlock streams of revenue. Join the frantic pace of TikTok, where mere seconds can lead to sizeable bank deposits. Furthermore, traverse the less chartered waters where Threads can weave you a golden tapestry of potential earnings.Perhaps the viral allure evades you? This guide lays out the blueprint for launching your content across the social seas, ensuring it catches the sails of viral winds. Equip yourself with the tools and know-how to create video clips that captivate and convert, mastering the art of engagement.As an added bonus, "Hashtag Hustle" delves into the nitty-gritty of doing it yourself versus the strategic move of outsourcing-an invaluable dichotomy for the solo entrepreneur. Explore the automation tools that let you reclaim precious time, as you earn passively. Lastly, prepare yourself with knowledge of legalities and brand-building, to establish not just income, but a legacy in the online world.With a resource directory in tow and a glossary to make you fluent in the lingo of likes and clicks, this is your definitive guide. Make "Hashtag Hustle" your companion, and transform your digital outreach into a personal gold mine. The era of social media wealth awaits you.
Don't get left behind in the past-embrace the future of business networking and unlock the $150,000 method for success!
In recent years, the concept of customer engagement has evolved as a powerful tool in the managerial toolkit of firms to incorporate a profitable approach to customer management. There is a pressing need for an authoritative book that communicates the fundamentals of profitable customer engagement by proposing a customer engagement value framework. This book, Valuing Customer Engagement, is first of its kind on customer engagement that outlines the theory and methods of engaging customers profitably in business-to-consumer and business-to-business settings.Written by world-renowned scholar and thought leader V. Kumar, this seminal work book explains the definitions of the metrics within the CEV framework and analyzes ways to measure and maximize these metrics that can help in engaging customers profitably. Dr. Kumar also reveals the interrelationships between these metrics, i.e. how each metric impacts the other, with examples from all over the world.This updated edition introduces of Customer Valuation Theory as a way of quantifying direct and indirect engagement value while presenting newer applications and case studies. With practical examples of companies that have benefited by implementing these strategies, this guide is a must have for business executives who want to maximize companies profitability as well as students wanting to learn how to engage customers and build loyalty.
Hvordan imødekommer og fastholder man B2B-kunder i en tid, hvor forbrugeren har adgang til uendelige informationskilder og kan vælge og vrage mellem hundredvis af løsninger og produkter? Det kan du blive klogere på i denne bog, som indfører dig i strategierne bag B2B-inbound marketing og salg. Metodikken skaber autentisk dialog, langvarige kunderelationer og vil løfte både marketing og salg i din virksomhed til nye niveauer.Bogen behandler alle aspekter af arbejdet med B2B-inbound, herunder:Principperne bag metodikkenDen digitale kunderejse, automatisering og skaleringHvordan du sætter content marketing i systemUdvikling og implementering af en inbound-vækststrategiHvordan du bygger bro mellem salg- og marketingafdelingenTeori, koncepter og guides til de nødvendige processer for at lykkes med inbound.Forstå din digitale kunde er skrevet til kommende og nuværende salgs- og marketingansvarlige i B2B-virksomheder. Forfatterne er erfarne specialister på området, og bogen er den første, som giver en sammenhængende behandling af B2B-inbound marketing og salg på dansk.
You will learn how to professionally setup a Facebook page for your business, product or service, how to operate it and how to plan your content marketing campaign the right way. You will find out how to maximize your exposure using Facebook groups, how to select and use them to attract potential buyers to your Facebook page or even website. One of the best ways to reach the right audience for what you have to offer, is undoubtedly Facebook's ad campaigns. Using Facebook advertising campaigns, you can choose to display your ads on specific segmented target groups of your choice. That way, you are getting the best ROI for your marketing campaign, as your ads will be only offered to people that have already displayed an interest for what you are offering, dramatically increasing your chances of getting a lot of potential customers. What other advantages do I offer you with this book?You do not need any previous knowledge!You don't need thousands of dollars in advertising budget!You will learn how to "spy" on your competition and get better results than them!The knowledge is suitable for everyone! No matter whether you are a financial service provider, an affiliate marketer, online shop operator or a private person!The power of advertising on Facebook to launch or grow your business is truly incredible. And the great thing is you don't need a huge ad budget. You can start small and then scale what works. And with Val's advice on best practices for setting up your campaigns you'll be way ahead of your competitors! I loved doing this interview because it really brought home to me the power of Face book Marketing to bring in brand new customers and big profits quickly!
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the ability to connect with consumers through personalized and programmatic advertising has become a vital skill for global companies. As the market undergoes a paradigm shift towards consumer-centric approaches, the need for comprehensive knowledge in this domain is escalating every day. Connecting With Consumers Through Effective Personalization and Programmatic Advertising addresses a timely and pivotal theme that is crucial for companies and the academic community. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, this book equips readers with the tools and strategies necessary to make informed decisions and navigate the dynamic landscape of digital marketing. The book's invaluable content serves as a reliable resource for decision-makers in companies seeking to optimize their digital marketing strategies. It also delves into the depths of knowledge, skills, and processes behind effective personalization and programmatic advertising, offering valuable insights for researchers, teachers, students, and professionals alike.
Understand the importance of brand recognition and brand recall with this comprehensive guide. Get examples of both as well as strategies to increase brand recognition and recall. Also, find out the difference between the two and how to measure them. This easy-to-follow guide can be used either as a study aid or to help create a successful brand strategy for your business.
Learn the importance of brand research and analysis and the steps you need to follow to get the most out of it. Discover how to develop key questions and find the answers to better understand your brand along with the methods of research you should use to make your brand stand out. Get the most out of your brand research and analysis with this easy-to-follow guide.
"Get Sales Faster" is your roadmap to success in the world of sales. Building on the principles of persistence, strategy, and understanding, this book takes you on a journey from traditional wisdom to modern sales strategies.This book examines the intricacies of the complex sale. It highlights the crucial role of relationship-building and the art of crafting compelling business cases that truly resonate with your target customers. You'll learn how to tailor solutions to address specific problems, ensuring your product adds genuine value.In the fast-paced world of sales, the allure of quick fixes can be tempting. However, "Get Sales Faster" invites you to embrace a counterintuitive philosophy: slowing down to accelerate your success. It serves as your guide, emphasizing meticulous preparation, strategic planning, and a profound understanding of your customers as the keys to real progress, especially in complex sales environments.This book is firmly rooted in the 'slight edge philosophy,' reminding you that the path to becoming an overnight success is, paradoxically, a gradual and steady one. Each chapter is carefully crafted to navigate the nuances of a sophisticated sales process. From mastering the fundamentals to gaining a deep understanding of your customers, from securing better meetings to becoming a market maker, "Get Sales Faster" covers all the essential components of your sales journey.If you're ready to take your sales game to the next level and achieve lasting success, this book is your indispensable guide. Join us on this journey to accelerate your sales career and get results that truly matter. Get your copy today and get ready to "Get Sales Faster."
Decoding Global Growth is your comprehensive guidebook, offering a roadmap to navigate the intricate landscape of global expansion.
Dieses Buch ist eine umfassende Anleitung, wie Sie Ihr Marketing auf eine effiziente und gewinnbringende Weise optimieren können. Das Buch konzentriert sich auf drei Schlüsselaspekte des Wachstumsmarketings. Erstens, Abwanderung verringern: Hier erfahren die Leser:innen, wie sie Kundenabwanderung minimieren können, indem sie die richtige Unternehmensstrategie entwickeln, Produkte und Angebote anpassen, sich vor Wettbewerbern schützen und vom Kunden ausgehende Abwanderung verhindern. Zweitens, Empfehlungen erhöhen: Das Buch zeigt auf, wie wichtig Empfehlungen für das Unternehmenswachstum sind und wie man sie durch Empfehlungsmarketing, Netzwerkmarketing, Referenzverkauf, Affiliate Marketing und Co-Creation gezielt steigern kann. Drittens, Wachstum beschleunigen: Hierbei geht es darum, die Markenbekanntheit zu steigern, zusätzliche Kunden zu gewinnen, die Konversionsrate zu erhöhen und effiziente Strategien für das Unternehmen zu entwickeln. Das Buch basiert auf fundierten Analysen, Experimenten und iterativen Schritten, um eine nachhaltige Wachstumsstrategie zu entwickeln, die selbst mit halbem Budget maximale Wirkung erzielt. Es bietet konkrete Beispiele und wertvolle Ratschläge, die in jeder Branche umsetzbar sind.
Durch den teils massiven Publikumsschwund nach der Pandemie stellt sich die Frage, ob diese als Brandbeschleuniger gewirkt hat für bereits vorhandene Trends. Der Autor geht dem nach anhand der Besuchszahlen bis zur letzten vollständigen vorpandemischen Spielzeit 2018/19. Er zeigt historische Zeitreihen zu Sparten- und Personalentwicklung, Vertriebskanälen und den Einnahmen. Die Theaterstatistik des Bühnenvereins dient vielen Entscheidungsträgern als Grundlage für z.B. kulturpolitische Steuerungen, obwohl sie nicht die komplette deutsche Theaterlandschaft abbildet. Deshalb beleuchtet der Autor weitere Anbieter. Da die Theaterstatistik große kulturpolitische Bedeutung hat, gibt es zum Schluss einige Vorschläge für die Zukunft.
Boeing Max 737's twin crashes, Volkswagen's Dieselgate scandal, worms in Cadbury's chocolates, cyanide in Tylenol, the #MeToo movement... In the past 24-48 hours, chances are you have read about a brand believed to have transgressed in some part of the world. These and other transgressions - real or perceived - plague company brands and, as in the case of the #MeToo movement, human brands, routinely and globally. And they often come with serious consequences: consumer injury, billions of dollars in recovery and restitution, legal nightmares, bankruptcy, and damage to the brand. Despite their universal prevalence, negative outcomes, and the justified media frenzy around their occurrence, in-depth, thorough, and critical reflections on brand transgressions are scarce. Consequently, barring the lens of some quick-fix solution, managers lack a precise understanding of how to handle such potentially explosive situations. Managing Brand Transgressions: 8 Principles to Transform Your Brand presents over 25 case studies of brands like Boeing, Cadbury, Dolce & Gabbana, Fox News, Maggi, Starbucks, Stoli Vodka, and Tylenol in countries such as USA, China, India, UK, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Latvia. Through these real-life stories, the book captures a snapshot of approximately 50 years of company responses to crises - some successful, some not - caused by brand transgressions. Most importantly, it provides managers with a roadmap of eight principles that companies must use to turn transgressions into opportunities and transform their brands from inside out. Thoroughly researched, gripping, and provocative, this book can guide a brand not only through its crisis but prevent it from becoming a dinosaur.
This is an instructor's manual for the popular textbook 'H2H Marketing: Case Studies on Human-to-Human Marketing' (Springer, 2023). The authors have provided a perfect companion that enables teachers to adopt a case-by-case approach when using the material in the classroom.'H2H Marketing' focuses on redefining the role of marketing by reshaping the mindset of decision-makers and integrating concepts such as Design Thinking, Service-Dominant Logic, and Digitalization. By following this carefully designed manual, teachers can assist their students in gaining a deeper understanding of the case studies that illustrate various aspects of the concept, its fundamental elements, and its implementation.
Snap chat has over 100 million daily app users, and has become the hottest place for millennial to send pictures to their friends. It also happens to be the newest place for businesses to win over new customers. These Snap chatters watch over 10 Billion videos a day, making this a HUGE opportunity for marketing a product, service, or business via advertisements and digital marketing. With this kind of growth, using Snap chat to broadcast and share video is something EVERYONE must consider the most powerful current place to broadcast one's life.You're about to discover how to...Get started using Snap chatUse filters to bring attention to your businessIdentify a target audienceCreate Unique ContentStream live videosMuch, much More!At the time of writing almost 3 billion people worldwide are using the main networks Using social media as a marketing tool is nothing new and has been a preferred method for some time, but in this new book you may discover something different Snap chat is the New Black: The Unrivalled Guide to Snap chat Marketing looks at the way in which this growing Social Media outlet can work for your business.
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