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  • af Michael A. Genovese
    1.030,95 kr.

    This book examines the Nixon presidency, reviews the events surrounding Watergate and the President¿ resignation, and unpacks the effects of Watergate on our politics and public attitudes about the political process. Genovese, a prolific scholar of the American presidency who has published three previous books on Nixon and Watergate, argues that the roots of modern political dysfunction and slash-and-burn politics can be traced to the impact of the Vietnam War, the Watergate Crisis, the policies and activities of the Nixon presidency, and the hyper-partisanship they spawned. Now, 50 years on from the scandal, it is time for a reappraisal of Nixon¿s impact and a review of the impact he has had on our political system and political culture.

  • af Benjamin Linder
    1.318,95 - 1.697,95 kr.

  • af Mattes Schmerdtmann
    850,95 kr.

    Der Kulturverein "Deutsches Kulturwerk Europäischen Geistes" war zeitweise die zweitgrößte rechtsextreme Gruppierung der Bundesrepublik nach der NPD. Die 1950 vom ehemaligen NS-Kulturfunktionär Herbert Böhme gegründete Organisation diente mit dem Türmer-Verlag und ihren Zeitschriften als Plattform für frühere NS-Schriftsteller und völkische Autoren. In über 120 Ortsvereinen organisierte sie bis zur Auflösung 1996 Dichterlesungen, Vorträge und "Brauchtumsabende". Die Studie untersucht die Strukturen des Vereins, die Verbindungen zu rechten Gruppen und politischen Parteien sowie dessen Einflussversuche. Außerdem analysiert sie über 500 literarische Texte hinsichtlich des ideologischen Gehalts. Ein umfangreicher Anhang enthält u. a. biografische Informationen zu den wichtigsten Mitgliedern sowie Übersichten zu Akteuren, Publikationsorganen, Pflegstätten und Preisen. Somit bietet der Band einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Erschließung rechtsextremer Netzwerke im westdeutschen bürgerlichen Milieu.

  • af Leszek Zasztowt
    1.408,95 kr.

    What was life like in the territories annexed by Russia in the 19th century? What were the views and attitudes of the Poles living in landsbelonging to the Russian Empire? How did people arrange their lives when they did not take up revolutionary action and foreswore an openstruggle with the Tsarist regime? Could one be a Polish patriot without fighting gun in hand for independence? The Russians believed that Poleswere genetically preordained to be anti-Russian. Even in the west of Europe this charge of morbid Russophobia was taken to be the rule. Itseems that this was one of the greatest falsehoods that Russian imperial propaganda managed to implement in the West. Leszek Zasztowtunfolds in this fascinating biography a much more complex reality through the life story of the medical scientist, academic and politicalactivist Józef Mianowski (1804-1879), a man who served Russia and loved Poland.

  • af Beth Jenkins
    1.203,95 kr.

    This book traces the social backgrounds, educational experiences and subsequent lives of women who attended the university colleges in Wales from their inception to the outbreak of the Second World War. Using a sample of 2,000 graduates, the book foregrounds the experience of working-class women and critically assesses the claim of social inclusivity built around education in Wales. It charts changes and continuities in women¿s career prospects; explores graduates¿ relationship with the communities in which they studied, lived, and worked; and, finally, examines the extensive networks which underpinned their personal and professional lives.

  • af Andreas Greiner
    1.399,95 kr.

    ¿This book explores the role of caravan transport and human porterage in the colony of German East Africa (present-day mainland Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi). With caravan mobility being of pivotal importance to colonial rule during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the exploration of vernacular transport and its governance during this period sheds new light on the trajectories of colonial statehood. The author addresses key questions such as the African resilience to colonial interventions, the issue of labor recruitment, and the volatility of colonial infrastructure. This book unveils a fundamental contradiction in the way that German administrators dealt with precolonial modes of transport in East Africa. While colonizers championed for the abolishment of caravan transport, they strongly depended on porters in the absence of pack animals or railways. To bring this contradiction to the fore, the author studies the shifting role of caravans in East Africa during the era of ¿high imperialism.¿ Uncovering the extent to which porters and caravan entrepreneurs challenged and shaped colonial policymaking, this book provides an insightful read for historians studying German Empire and African history, as well as those interested in the history of transport and infrastructure.

    1.353,95 kr.

    The volume offers the collection of essays penned by eighteen luminous minds of the 20th century humanities and social sciences in Poland: Stefan Amsterdamski, Nina Assorodobraj-Kula, Bronislaw Baczko, Jan Blonski, Jolanta Brach-Czaina, Michal Glowinski, Oskar Hansen, Maria Janion, Jerzy Jedlicki, Antonii Kepinski, Anna Pawelczynska, Krzysztof Pomian, Mieczyslaw Porebski, Jan Strzelecki, Wladyslaw Strzeminski, Jerzy Szacki, Jerzy Topolski, and Andrzej Turowski. Celebrated as canonical within their respective fields, these works resonate profoundly in academic as well as social environment today.What lies at the centre of this collection is political and historical turbulence - the experience of the horror of war and destruction, always a point of reference for any form of political, intellectual or existential engagement. From the bold manifesto-like essays to groundbreaking theoretical writings that shift paradigms, each piece is a testament to intellectual revolution and courage. These are not just writings; they are beacons of transformative thought and conceptual reinvention.This book can be treated as evidence of the intergenerational dialogue, where scholars whose work and worldview have been to a large extent shaped by the experience of the 1989 political transition, visit their predecessors whose attitudes and ideas emerged in the aftermath of World War II. This is an acknowledgement of genealogy, heritage and influence.

  • af Arnd Götzelmann
    393,95 kr.

    Gelebter Protestantismus in der und für die Pfalz sowie darüber hinaus: Dieses Thema verbindet das Lebenswerk von Kirchenpräsident i.R. Eberhard Cherdron mit dem Anliegen dieses Buches. 18 Beiträge zu Person und Werk Eberhard Cherdrons, zu Theologie und Kirchengeschichte, zu Diakonie und Seelsorge sowie zu Literatur und Musik sind E. Cherdron als Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet. Als Autorinnen und Autoren wirkten mit Reinhold Ahr, Albrecht Bähr, Klaus Bümlein, Claudia und Hartmut Metzger, Karin Feldner-Westphal, Rolf Freudenberg, Günter Geisthardt, Arnd Götzelmann, Friedhelm Hans, Bernd Höppner, Karin Kessel, Wolfgang Müller, Marita Rödszus-Hecker, Wolfgang Roth, Friedhelm Schneider, Martin Schuck, Gerhard Vidal und Dieter Wittmann.

  • af Helen Andelin
    308,95 kr.

    Être aimée et chérie est un désir ressenti dans le c¿ur d'une femme face au mariage. Ce livre est écrit pour rétablir votre espoir de voir se réaliser ce désir et pour suggérer des principes que vous pouvez appliquer pour gagner l'amour sincère d'un homme.Jamais dans l'Histoire avons-nous connu une génération de femmes aussi désillusionnées, déçues et malheureuses en mariage que la génération actuelle. Beaucoup de femmes sentent que la vie ne leur offre pas ce qu'elles avaient espéré et rêvé. Certaines se sentent négligées, non appréciées et non aimées. Lorsqu'elles cherchent des réponses, elles se retrouvent perdues dans une mer de ténèbres. Certaines se résignent à cette situation mais d'autres gardent encore espoir et cherchent toujours des réponses.Toute vie est gouvernée par une loi. Il n'est pas question de hasard ou de chance. Une femme réussit en mariage parce qu'elle respecte la loi¿; une autre échoue parce qu'elle y désobéit. Il se peut que ni l'une ni l'autre ne comprennent la loi. L'obéissance ne repose pas toujours sur la compréhension. Mais elle conduit inévitablement au succès, tandis que l'irrespect mène toujours à l'échec.Parce qu'on ignore le fonctionnement si simple de ces lois élémentaires, on se retrouve devant un malheur qui pourrait être facilement évité. On trouve des femmes heureuses, honorées et aimées et d'autres, non moins attrayantes ni fondamentalement moins admirables et dignes d'amour, qui sont négligées, malheureuses et déçues. Pourquoi¿? Ce livre répond à la question car il explique les lois auxquelles une femme doit obéir si elle veut être honorée, aimée et appréciée.Mon but est de lui montrer comment devenir La Femme Idéale, ce type de femme pour lequel elle est désignée, ce type de femme qu'un homme veut. N'oubliez pas, une femme tient entre ses mains les possibilités d'avoir un mariage merveilleux. Elle peut y parvenir indépendamment de toute action délibérée de la part de son mari. Ainsi, une femme possède les clés de son propre bonheur.En accomplissant ceci, une femme ne perd aucunement sa dignité, son influence ou sa liberté¿; au contraire, elle les gagne. Et ce n'est qu'à ce moment qu'elle peut jouer la partie vitale de son rôle dans ce monde. Le rôle d'une femme, lorsque correctement rempli, est un accomplissement fascinant, comblant et même intrigant. Ce rôle ne présente jamais de moments ennuyants. La pratique de l'art d'être une femme est tout à fait agréable et est remplie de grandes récompenses, de nombreuses surprises et de bonheur intense.

  • af Marta Smoli¿ska
    568,95 kr.

    This book sets out to analyse for the very first time a selection of works by international contemporary artists that reference the German-Polish border, and to draw attention to artworks created between 1990 and the early 2020s. The projects explored reference narratives of expulsion and the fluid, spectral and aesthetic nature of borders through sensory and somaesthetic perception. They examine the historical shifts of that border from the angle of changing political and societal contexts, lost homelands, expulsion of people and new political orders.The book is the product of research in the field at the German-Polish border, interviews with artists, visits to their studios, and archival work. It employs a transdisciplinary toolbox, combining methods from art history, border (art) studies, migration studies, memory studies, geopoetics, limotrophy and more. The volume questions the double figure of dividing and sharing that finds expression in the German word "eine (Grenze) teilen", which means either to divide or to share a border: separation by a shared border and shared historical experience, regarded from two, often dissimilar perspectives. The study focuses on artistic projects ranging from photography to installation art and artistic methods from mapping to re-enacting, which address the issue of the borderland as a dynamic transition space.

  • af Swen Steinberg
    958,95 kr.

    Forced Migration always takes place within specific cultural, social, political, and spatial environments. This volumes focuses on the interaction between those forced to migrate and their environments in the contexts of escape and exile from Nazi-occupied Europe. Forced emigration from Nazi Germany was a global phenomenon that took refugees primarily from Central Europe to continents and countries they often knew very little about. Not only did they have to adapt to foreign cultures but also to unfamiliar natural environments that often exposed them to severe temperature conditions, droughts, rainy seasons and diseases. While some refugees prepared for the natural conditions of their exile destination others acquired environmental knowledge at their host countries or were able to adapt prior knowledge-about cultivation methods, for example, or species, products, and sales markets-to the new environment. Consequently, specific knowledge about the environment had a large influence on the success of the migration experience. Moreover, just as the migrants shaped their new environments, they were shaped by them.

  • af Giuseppina Cersosimo
    574,95 kr.

    This volume explores the enduring influence of Introduction to the Science ofSociology, published a century ago by Robert Park and Ernest Burgess. It bringstogether scholars from the United States, Canada, and Italy, who collectivelydemonstrate the work¿s enduring relevance and its important role in the dialoguebetween European and American sociology. The contributors examine topics raisedin the original text that remain as relevant as ever, including segregation, the conceptof assimilation and the marginal man, subcultures, constructive isolation, collectivebehavior, the German roots of the Chicago School, socio-spatial evolution overtime, fashion and metropolis, and social creativity from the ecological school to thedigital challenge.

  • af Søren Anton Nyegaard
    238,95 kr.

    Havnen i gamle dage af Søren Nyegaard er femte bind i serien Glemte Danskere. Bogen indeholder 7 interviews om livet som havnearbejder. Erindringerne strækker sig fra Christians, der startede i havnen før 2. verdenskrig og til Eriks, der først sluttede sit arbejdsliv i 2010.Jobbet som havnearbejder har i løbet af årene forandret sig radikalt. Der er stor forskel på gårsdagens løsarbejdere, der med deres “rødspætter” sjakvis gik løs på sækkene og vore dages fastansatte maskin- og kranførere, der i ”ensom majestæt” kører rundt med 30 tons container. Gårsdagens havnearbejde skabte et enestående miljø, sin helt egen verden. I havnen endte folk fra mange andre erhverv og her var plads til særlinge, som ikke kunne finde sig til rette andre steder.De største forandringer inkluderer Af-industrialiseringen af København, overgangen fra at løfte og bæretungt til container og kran, oprustning af maskiner og nedrustning af arbejdere fra en havn på flere tusinder arbejdere til under 100 i dag, og overenskomst fra løsarbejder til fastansat.Bogen er støttet af Vellux Fonden.

  • af Ke Xue
    1.401,95 - 1.410,95 kr.

    This book is the first on the history of Chinese public relations, and has been selected as one of the ¿40 representative books for 40 years of public relations in Chinä by the Public Relations Society of China. In four chapters, it systematically reviews and analyzes the trajectory and evolution of public relations in China from the very start ¿ when the ¿reform and opening¿ policy was adopted in 1978 ¿ to the present.The book will help both established and new scholars and practitioners in the field to understand the changing nature of public relations in China. It offers a unique perspective by placing the discussion of the development of public relations in the general context of the changes and development of China as a whole, and in relation to the changing status of public relations around the world. Accordingly, readers will not only gain a more in-depth understanding of the history of the field, but also of the political, economic, societal, cultural and scientific development of China in modern times.

  • af Gale W Bamman
    228,95 kr.

    This book contains abstracts from legislative petitions (requesting a divorce) and acts of Tennessee (granting a divorce if approved.).

  • af Michael Burger
    455,95 kr.

    This collection of diverse primary sources introduces students to the essential skill of reading historical sources.

  • af George William Speth
    168,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Antoine Marie D' Hozier De Serigny
    338,95 - 498,95 kr.

  • af Manuel Marià Ribera
    293,95 - 428,95 kr.

  • af L'Araldo
    313,95 - 463,95 kr.

  • af Heinrich Graetz
    568,95 kr.

    Découvrez l'histoire fascinante du peuple juif, de l'Antiquité à l'époque moderne, dans cet ouvrage incontournable écrit par Heinrich Graetz, l'un des plus grands historiens juifs du XIXe siècle.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af George Copway
    353,95 kr.

    A fascinating account of the life of Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh, or G. Copway, the Chief of the Ojibway Nation. This book offers insights into the history, culture and traditions of the Ojibway people, as well as Copway's personal struggles and achievements.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Brander Matthews
    283,95 - 378,95 kr.

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